North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, February 09, 1888, Image 2
O. N. KING. S. B CARTER. North Georgia Times KING ti CARTER, Publishers. -——— THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, O. 1888 To the Times: This is my last article ori Cue unwise and expensive Legisla¬ tion of the General Assembly of the State of Georg 5 -’ Now fellov citizens, let us refit ft for one moment in our own interest, and see if we are not in a large extent, to blame for pll these long and wanton extravagant, sessions of our State legislation. Go back to the constitutional convention of 1877, and lead paragraph 15 Section ssven ot the constitution and you will see that the constitution of 1877 done all they could do to check ]oc«»l legislation and make it less burthensomt to the people, as you can not fail to see by a care III1 , v t tiki constitutions! j*. Ol i >a; agraph al »ove refered to, aud numbered in the Code, as sec-1 tion • »0 4. xr \ oil will Ml see that 1 the 1 1 Speaker ol the House ot repre sentatives shall within live days J appoint aioramittee ot one from each congressional district on local legislation and bills must go to that committee withui fifteen days after the organiza¬ tion of the General Assembly, and that no local or special bill shall be introduced thereafter except by a two thirds vote. Now, how do you account for an adjourned te. m of the Gen¬ eral Assembly, from November t»July. the next year a''ter, who received and passed mi¬ me- ohm local bill when the jour¬ nals fail to show that two thirds of the House of Repre¬ sentatives voted to receive said bills. And especially so, when biennial and not annual sessions ns provided for in the Consti¬ tution. So mote it be. W. Luffman. Traverse Jurors for Murray Superior Couit. I eb. Term 1888 . L T Moore, J L Edmondson Jr YY J Duncan, W M Morgan, J B Cavlor, J W Stroud, J W Hulsey, W R Dunn, U C Fin¬ cher Jr, W R Davis, R P Hem, E E Daniel, R H Naylor, B C McEntire, A B Wall--, R A Pierce, I II O'Neil, John Gamblin, G W Swanson, R O Johnson, C C Cox, J W Chil ders, Noali Bagley, Green dree son, J W, C C Grove®, It N Weuv r, J W Langston, J H Beaver, vVyatt Wool*. II L Henry, S M Haggard, J N Wooten, C N Alto; d. J II Whittle, Any ot our readers who will s« nd ten cents tc the American I ublisli jug Company. -*8M) I* <iimount Av eiiuc, I hiiadclphiii, 1 a., that Loin Daily will send them, portage paid, ‘•The \\ eiid and Wondeiful Story Sllfci or Adventures in the Caves of Kor,” by H R Haggard. Published in four volumes, s;z * of Seside L - brary. We hone all of our readers will improve this opportunity to get this fascinating story, which is so much praised by all the leading pa pers and magaz ; nes. Augusta l'hi iinicle; II.m (Vo. N Lester, who once <*)» posed D . Feluui f* >r Coiigicss, Jias , , tile , , **Ult . | move* u:> 1 into 1 dlslli I ami It IS said U'iii fi'hl “> Allen All UUIKI ,,11 1*1 *'!, ,1 1 Ins , tl . Is • * a gallant,, btainy. one ?iiined soldier, but lie might as well I tin into a tlire-liing inaelun-’ im toopposH Col. ( nmllii in iln-| |ii«umtains.” Mr. Carl sic. on nconiit of :li* ccmlition ol iim lua.ili will not visit Gm lgia, at Iiio present—May pe some other day It is reliably ‘•tated Floyd COUty Will have tlllV*' Congressional aspirants; lion. J. C. Clements. lion. Joel Branham and Hon. John H. Reece. Friends of all these gen¬ tlemen are all ready at work in their interest. Mr. J II Campbell, manager of the. Macon Telegraph died on last Sunday night. The Telegraph has our heart felt sympathies in the loss of their esteemed manager. Have yon got Consumption, As¬ thma. Sore Throat, Bronchial Troub¬ le, Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration or any Chronic Troubles? If so, send a postal to Drs. Starkey and Palen, 1527 and 1529 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa., and they will send you a 200 page book free. MUNN tc? f ;i h O0S [m] H2Id experience Af t„ Forty,«*• in the ■ f preparation Hundred of more « lift SUSS&tt’SS than One fj&l Mfti.Ni.»♦*.. for the United K-n“ State*. and ^^2, poejflPt ,, on , or PateutH drawings. Advice through by mail Munn free. ACo.arenotloed obtained inthe SCIENTIFIC AMKKICAN, which has tbs largest, circulation and is the most influential newspapor of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patents# understands. This largo and splendidly illustrated newspaper la published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and id admitted to bo the best paper devoted to science, mechanic*, inventions, onginoering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub¬ of lished in any country. It contains the names all each patentee# and tntlo of every invention for patented dollar. Bold by week. all newsdealers. Try it four months one If you have an invention to patent writo to Munn A Go., publishers of Scientific American, 131 Broadway, New York. mailed froo. v Handbook about patent* Legal A dvertisements. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. State ok Georgia, Murray County Where is W D Gregory Administrator of J nth an Gregory, represents to :he court in his pct'tion, duly filed and o tered on lecord, that he has fully adininistorod Jatbnn Greg¬ ory's ostate. This is therefore to cite all persons ooncerncd, kitdred and creditor., to show cause, if any they can, why said Adiur, should not be discharged from his Adminis¬ tration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May 1888. Feb. 2. 1888. W I] Ramsey, Ordmajy. Georgia, Murray c innty, Whercns II R and Phillip Bouinor Execu¬ tors of the estate of John Be.uuer <lcce<iP6(i represents to the court in their petition duly filed and entered on record, that they huve fully administered John Dimmer's estate ac¬ cording to his will. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can why snid Ex¬ ecutors should not he discharged iroui their trust, and re eive letters of dismission on tda Jst Monday in April 1888, This Jan. 5th 888. W H Ramsey, Ordinary. A DM INISTK A TOILS NOTI V E. State ok Gkohoja Murray couiity: Whereas, WmLullinan Admin istiator of John O’Gocner repre¬ sents to the court in his petition, duly filed anil entered on r.ccord that lie Las fully administered John O’Conner's estate. This is there fore to cite all perrons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Ad¬ ministrator should not bo dischar¬ ged from Ins ; dministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1SS8, This January 4th 18' 8. W. 11. Ramsey, Ordinaiy ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Murray of‘t countv. By virtue of an order he court 0 f nfinary of said county I will 8t ,j| j () ii u , j|jfKe--t bidder before th> | ^ 0 urt h< use door hi said county, on ■ y jie firs ,, Tuesday in March, mxt. w-j• Lin the legal hours of sale, all 1 the mineral interest in lot of land No 242, and an mnlivided half ol the minejal interest in lot N->. both in 2(>th dist.and 2nd seciion of siiid county, sol*l as tin; pii perty *'f Juthan Gregory deed. Teinn cash. l'cb. 2 1888 W 1) < r ‘gory, Admr. AlHIlNMIUi'imn NOTICE. j t!enrgi:i, Mnrr.'iy County. i 1* M i * a- si a- |. Adimi.islnili.r of .1 \V WiiJLtir r. jijt-yt-nt.-i In 11 .a- Cs.urt in b-.- li.-tirimi ' ilu*v i i , ‘ 1 " 1 “'" „■ l ' , „„ 0,1 r“‘‘*'" L , tli .t , 1>C , 111*-' . ' »** ly »<lmii.i*U'ri-U .1 W Y.'uik i'i* cutnie j Till. 1 hi» i. is ti. lin-relore .... to . cite . all i, |>.ta n.s ennccrnil , binjr.rt and creditors, In shew eause, if «ojr bhy ihh, wby said AtliniiMstui^i* ^ImiHil nol be UisuliMtged fr«»m hist A*lmi:u.i;ra ion and receive letlcre «if <lij»iniit ion mi the firr-t Mon <Iny in Mur It 1888, \Y. U. Ham kv, Pee. l-t ISS7. O rill »i Ary* >taT‘ iik G k«*K<; I a , Mitimv Conu’y. W V Hew* |! *- h > *!»i Ic<] fm ty: •inption oi ^ i« nuliv amt I wd p is npui* the same a! 12 o’cl**ck in „n tpc dav of Feby. 1838 a* my olhcu. VV II Kim,it-.) Only. WILD I.ASI) SALES. Will he §old before the Court house door in the fcwn Of Spring Place, On., to the highest bidder at public outcry between the legal hours of sale cn the 1st Tuesday in May next the following wild land to wit: All of lot of land No. 311 in the 10th District and 3rd section of Murray county, except 55 acres in the South East corner owned by A F Alexan¬ der and 40 acres in the North East oo ner owned by A L Keith. The same being 65 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Collector’s office of said county in favor of the S' .te and county against said parcel of land for the ye ire 1873,1871, 1874, 1875. 18.6, lb Jf.l. 18.9, 1880, 1881, 188b, 1883, 18>4 1885 1886 and 1887. This Feby. 2nd 1888. C L TERRY, Sber ff. MARCH SHERIFF’S SALES. State or Georgia Murray County Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Spriug Place to the highest bid¬ der at public outcry botwcen the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in March next, the following described propei ty to wit: Lots of land Ncs. ISO 181 187 188 199 and two hundred and eigb ty one in the twenty sixth Dist.and second section, and lot No. two hundred and sixty five in the 9th diairict and 3rd section all of said land in said county. Levied oa as the property of Mary F Hill by virt ue of and to satisfy a fi ta issued from the Justices court of the eight hundred and twenty fourth district o m in favor of Sallie An¬ derson va Mary F Hill. Levy made and returned to me by John Chil¬ ders l c. Also at the same lime and place 70 acres of land in the south v,est corner of lot of land No. 54 in the 10th district and 3rd section of said county. Levied on as the property of S M Walker by virtue of and to satisfy a Justices couit ti ta issued from t he 1011th oistiict o m in iavor of F M Heartley vs the saidS M Walker, F M K* ndrick and E F I.ea, security on stay. Property pointed out by defendant S M -Walker. Levy made and returned to me by W N Barclay r. c. This February. 2nd 1888. C. L. TERRY, Sheriff. Qi The E7SE Simple w.'ac. AOTATIC & Old Tension system •SjSTlKPJSftiuHHKSii. orufTun if a nnnfrQ ERY, UMBRELLAS, NECK WEAR, WHITE GOODS »nd lor Family and Dressmakers' Use. * MEETS WAITII. KRUSE K’F’G CO., 124 E. 14th StT*. Y. 1870 1888 KUHNS’ Prrmium Akt Gallery. 33f4 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. When you visit the city call and s?e mv State Fair Exhibit, which was awarded the only medal offer¬ ed. and five diplomas I shall continue to make ray fin¬ est Cabinets at If4 p r dozen YV T KUHNS. THEE MOORE COUNTY GRIT, Portable Corn Kills and Millstones. — - 1 The Best In ibe Worlil for making Kyc, flue Barley table mwvl . for gHndiug Com. Oats. or, *ny mixed feed. It cuts ell fibrous matter bates than any known stone or buhr. B amp Address les of Meal sent on appUo*Uon. IT. 0. MILLSTONE CO., PRRKEW00E, MOORE CO., N. C. Wle-n you >v.* .> vjnVKOF I! 'Id V" an TO B. F. ,Ji>NT. \ tin- Ba b r. Shop 'i Iif*|i ilu II S. Di'il* n (la The cure for sickness 500 years ago was Neglect, 300 years ago, borcery, 100 years ago, Herbs and Drugs ; 25 years ago Medicines ; to-day it is Com¬ pound Oxygen. whole Medicines weaken the system to strengthen one weak point; Compound Oxygen strengthens both. A doctor’s average bill is $50. Invest $15 m our “Home Treatment,” and you will save the other $35, and feel better than you have for five years. Are you Nervous? Those tired, sick headaches will vanish! Have you weak lungs? Give compound oxygeu one chance to strengthen them. Have you dyspepsia It will cure you! Remember always one thing! You risk absolutely nothing in trying our treatment. It is sim¬ ply breathing diffemt air, not ‘‘dosing,” or ‘ drugging,” or go¬ ing a thousand miles away fiom home aDd friendslt is breathing daily into your lungs, At your own uonie, the concentrated vi¬ tality ot all the health resorts in the world. 200 page book mailed tree, bor particulars, address, Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1527 and 1529 a eh st., Phila¬ delphia, renn, EDWARDS & SON, GALLERY OF PHOTO¬ GRAPHIC ART, HO'/i Whitehall St., Over M, Rich & Bru’s. Dry Goods Store, Atlanta, Georgia. We give the best pictures for the least money. Children's pict¬ ures taken in one second Strangers from the country always welcome. Gall and examine specimens and prices F. R. OLES, ANALYTICAL AND PRAC TIDAL CHEMIST, Having located at the Legal Tender mines, at Fort .Moun¬ tain, is now prepare* 1 to assay ores promptly ami with all the precision that the latest revela** tiona in chemical science per¬ mits. c. c. c, c . D O D G E’ 3 Certain Chicken Cholera Cure This is the o ly specific for chickens yet discovered; every package guu run teed to stop cholera among chilkons in fifteen minutes, so that no more will take the disease* I have the indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri¬ culture of (3a. Call and get a package only J5ct«. For sale by T. J. OVBEY, Spr'ng Place (3a Mdfr n >lU.m H >tol. Al lanta, Georgia. F ft; yards tr-'m Union Passenger Depot. Cerimr of Vlabaat > .t Fryor Streets. ---- Rates 11 <i<i ho a thlo, - R- P KEITH, * Proprietor. [L ie of : ’>*n• on i louse, j HURD & DEL A NY, P! loTOG It A 1*11 RS. D a I.ToN, ( ; Ki'l.’il I A. We h ive airntige*! * Ml r in-w ■gall,-i v to make e\ *-r style jilio togiaphs ami will giiarantee to please those wanting pietuijes. * pies ami Kula I'geiin-nts a sp* cialt v. Four Gem pictures or Fer¬ rotypes niiule t**i tilt\' cents. Do not tail t** call ami exam¬ ine our work wV e 1 ,, J)alt, n. Fictuia's nmileon *-lon*l\ ns we" as ail) otlier tin) The MURDOCH HOuse, Dalton, oo:oo Georgia. Newly Opened! Newly Ftrnishel First-Class Accommodation. BESl’MEAL ia oTATK lor the MONEY. Rate8 ^ 2 - P er day ' W. H. MURDOCH, Prop’r. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goo'ds, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION I Just Received at the Mllliiery Store of J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. . .••ortment of Milinery and Straw 6oo*lo, consisting of Straw more and New Yorx, and will be sold at very low prices for oasb. Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below Cost of Manufacture. I am selling all the output of the Georgia Manufacturing Co. from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture. Parlor and Bedroom setts made to o'der. W. W. VanNkss, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons GO TO M obi ti son ; Anderson, PE AL Kits IN DRUGS, MEDICINES OILS, PAINTS, (HOARS, TO¬ BACCO, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMP', ETC. Pf i cripui ds Ca’euUy Prepa’ ed Every word we say we can stand by. Dear Sir : Do you want to see the latest WONDER of ’87. ANSWER TO¬ DAY. $25. A $36 Single Harness reduced to The finest Harness MADE for ■ " im mi the money. Handsome nickel or imitation rubber gold finish mountings. HAND ii^ ?.>tawaw made from oak stock, unsurpassed for /'T4’ K s slyl ° and dursbillty. If you will allow us " imm r£#|dK^ ma<le ‘*ng out V over 800 a setts SPECIALTY each month. and You get- 1 ^■■^deiii upfc m pBbiit c ‘ban e u ,iCC price P th , here c sam or P Ie return at ^ at ? OUR 20 > *5 EX- Ie “ 1 ’ KN ' SE - Can we make a more liberal oflcr? V, . e shall expect to hear from you I at °! 1CC saying AES send on your Harness. #W wA&M^ Folded or single strap style. fi National Harness Co., ,-Xr/ Wholesale 1 14 2A Manufacturers, A. ANDERSON, to Wells St. Buffalo,tf. T. King of Harness Manufacturers. Manager of Collar and Hames, $2 Extra. No Breaat Collar WholesaleMfrs., the Natiomol Hahmebs Oo.. Rouble Style for two horses, Pries, S5.00. Enifllr. o, '83, a: Foh.5,’fli. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! x ■ times the price at which they are here offered. Each one ii^coinplete?u it2f“ “ roat worka would colt many tain* CfiBc.r ear lptlon# am) llluatr if n S a H ATziZe. c.u* n .. nnmt>wr of tti» lnontct.ariuinjr ClwlSt*"** aturic. ever wriitei, yzsts w’*** W - ®.^ Me 01 r" f° ^ f llod * *f' , " T, «fc Coiitflo* ,k»r. «lma of Franklin W to 4 ?*. the pre»ent lk,no V* ,e IUk da Americana, from the iluotntlona. Contalntnu the origin aiiu itlthor li h "T* 1 ®-®: •O'l lien.,II. *«rt*ce. * *»•■!. Uj Un. i,« B. -.-._-..-. I “W cIl‘ll'l'lr'nl.-\ Centilluylvm.l¥.flre’lz‘: u-Wo will lend any r of tho ubove booh by Inul Cabin. 1.. Novel. n: )1. 1'. Canon. u WM cloth buck. ““3 Jo- ““3“ so (tent-4 “"9 greatest. the mum burgnlu 1m (“Rum“) books "st-Mi {nr ,1 Wm 7:; Cum; "Minor a", 0'“ "hymn . 12 “Hath (‘1.- " g” ten tor I: mtuamkmguararuua ”WM/Imam. Postman m ever offered. Do mm' m) unnlm «aunt-z. olln ”in "(or to my newumfer pu lubed In New York. 51+an hkewmn taken the for Commerclnl frncllunfi nr 3 dollar. A: to our tall-b3" mu. Address .1 lemon: I'. ll. LUP’I‘oNuPublllhfir.;Xo. m Agencies. All ardent)“ b}, 03 Mun-q Street. New 1055. BEIESEO ROAD 6 ARTI First Premium and Gold Medal at Hew Orleans Exposition. U.86. |as!saa![s,«-a Nf «>'o V, oriel’* Imposition, i his Cart rides as easy as any Eug^y, and is positively -xJJ” free from Horse Motion. — [ -fV, keeps tnmove uieLoi In nr»if«« n with 1 »«>ri/uxituilino. thehoroa** y is, a W OUR cuarantce. m ■ "'■•“■"■■■“■‘Geiipseu Days " ill Tmax.. on Bell TOO T*W ond » guarrintu a it to ride ^ ftiom TIorpr mot ns euay a i ml to bo I f not just as represented, return IOK RA to any buggy, expense. i ua at out STOOD THE TEST FOB OVER TWO YEARS. Send for Giroulars &. Testimonials. H agents Town wanted 0. F. every SARGENT not already tjken. Patentees, & SON, Ceneseo. |||. S "S' A Kovel. lj Hr*. Ham 1%.t [ i ^ fZ* 9 **** # ' T, lr /»Sh" H; v7 l-Wf,.!!^B.L.F , nvp" Kll ^‘* ,b * ro, " n ~ ‘ Z' a»J»o*. \ | uo »*»C* WA*oeir. T <.. t w U e * A By Mils Mu LOOK. XVku. 'il»nii ... a* , A Kovel, lty Tfcf ,, n r ‘ Wilkie Collin*. rbf i : h ", t ! Z'' : , T 1 K ° M| - u*® .uthor of **D*ra I n,fcM ‘Y"* Ttipf ,,ulc ®- 0 a “ Novel. h - Dr Dr. J. »x H. —• BMIIM*. «*«