Newspaper Page Text
rpfia Times
HUARY, 1«. IS**
V <- 1’ Nov. IssT thi
mad** it* up
olu ' midst, casting
||L.dr.'->' Ri ovw i h ir
taking from our
Itit- Kthcl I.coia 11 an -
Hr."d and only daiigh
Vand M E Hanna
K-adotu ^tal mmning slm was
, a }>:ij>- r, when
Biiiio caught ti c from
HTTlio teceived injuries that
I^Vd her short life, and with
all that loving t lends and aide
physicians could do, she quietly
passed away. The few hours
that she lived fter receiving the
burns which were severe, not
one gioau or manner escaped
her lips. She was born Dec.
16th 1880 and u'us only seven
years ot age. But young as she
was, her intelligence, combined
with a lovely and amisble dis¬
position ra-ely found in one so
young, had endeared her to
many, both old and young, who
will sadly miss the sweet and
cheerful face o f their little
friend. 8he was a bright in¬
telligent child, could at any
time answer all questions asked
lier in the Catechism used in Sabbath School. At eight
o’ckek ot that sad day little
Ethel was well, cheerful and
gay, and at live o’clock in the
evening, the little hands we.e
folded; the lovely eyes vveie
closed anil those precious lips
wue sealed in death and the
gentle spirit had taken its flight
and returned to the God who
gave it—she"peacef ul! and- qui¬
etly tell asleep
Sleep on, Little Ethel, sleep
on, thy troubles nnd cares are
oer. tor thou ha-t only fallen
asleep, and will awake on that
heavenly shore.
To the bereaved parents, we
would say, weep not, aud stri ve
to be resigned to the will
Jlim who doeth all for the best
J)o not think of your darling in
the silent grave, but look away
bejound the tomb, to a world
where sorrows nevei blight and
death call n< vei go there. Lit¬
tle Ethel is roaming amidst
fairest floweis, in the sweet
fields of Eden, joining the angel
band in singing those sweet
songs of praise, around the
beautiful throne, where part¬
ings will come never more; fo»
eome what will, sorrow, pain, or
death, in the loving arms of a
precious Savior, your darling is
sate for tve 1 in re.
Dear parents do not weep.
Though chastening be the rod,
Litile EiIr-Ib but, gone 10 sleep,
l'p rest ip heaven and God.
A t Hi END.
Wood lawn Ga.
XT® 5 —
■Tour readers who will s rd
Bt.L th^ AaitMii-an Publish ■
^pany, 3880 F irmouat A v
l^iadt Hscint Iphi'i, Pa., Mml <\un
ifu iu. iKi - tuge tv,iid.
■Sou! Vi i lute) In' Story ot
■ o. I llli r. II I lie *;i Vi s ot
Hk J l.i.vaai '. 1’:;!' ;■ I. .!
f;. s ■, Ij.
a li of oil! 1 " "I, ■■
;! i 1 - ■ i f 1 o 111111. i \
■Bug Sto-V, winch !-■ S"
V . I tic
■ •
i- •iwiViira
fA P'ph'the:*!
I A ' ho! and
>do (ps j ii 1 1 f lie
|ui ibis nioit
■liisajip. ar.—
H«v * von got Oonunmpti n. A a. i •
bora Throat, Broio-Msl Troub
, le, Dyspepsia, _ . Nervous „ 1’ro- tiaUon , ,
or auy Chromic TrooW* II so,
sen J a postal to Drs. Stai *ey and
1527 find 1529 Arch Street.
Pa, aed the, ail.
sen«l you a 200 page book tree.
The City J Council of Way- J
CI088 has appropriated $100
toward entertaining 3 the State
Agricultural Convention, which
meets meets there tnele this U11S week Week.
We are informed that work
on the A. & C road will be re*
sumed in the spring.
experience Alter Forty in years, the
E preparation of more
"T——than One Hundred
•file VDOuaand United applications and for patent* in
the States of Foreign the Scientifle coun¬
tries. American publishers solicitor*
continue to act as
■- —_ - *or pataofe caveats, for United trade-marks, States, oopy- and
«**., the
Ga| A alrjfttber Canada. England. Their France. experi
nlh 99 ,An countries. facilities
o end their are unsor
DravUufS aod specifications prepared and filed
in tha Patent Office on short notice. Terms very
reasonable- No charge for examination of models
pr drawing*. Advice by mail free. noticed
Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are
lathe SCIENTIFIC and AMERICAN, the influential which has
the largest circulation is most world.
newspaper of ita kind published in the
The advantages of such a notice every patentee
understands. illustrated
Is This large and splendidly newspaper and is
published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year,
admitted to be the beet paper devoted to science, and
mechanics. Inventions, engineering works,
other departments of industrial contains progress, the pub¬ of
lished in any country. It names patented
all patentees and Mtie of every invention dollar.
each week. Try it four months lor one
Sold by all newsdealers. to patent write __ to
If you bava an invention Scientific American*
Munn A Co., publishers of
rifiSffi&fiS & -MM fm.'
Leqal Advertisements.
Statr or Groroia, Murray County
Wbereif W Gregory Administrator
Jnthan Gregory, represents to ihe court in
his pot'tios duly filed and e • tered on
that he ban fully administered Jatban Greg¬
ory's ostate. This is therefore to cite alj
persor.8 concerned, kii dretl and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Adinr
should not be discharged from his Adminis¬
tration and receive letters of dismissio t on
the first Monday in May 1888 . Feb. 2. 1888.
W II Ramsry, Ordinary.
Georgia, Murray caunty,
Whereas II K u&d Phillip Bonnier Execu¬
tors of the estate of John Bearner deceased
represents to Ihecouit in their petition duly
filed and entered on record, that they have
fully administered John Bcaroer's estate ac¬
cording to his will. This is therefore to cite
all person? concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can why said Ex¬
ecutor* should not bo discharged from their
trust, and re eive letters of dismission on t\»o
1st Monday in April 1888, This Jan. 5th 888.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
State of Georgia uoeray coubtv:
Whereas, Wm Lufiman Admin¬
istrator of John O’Conner repro
sents to the court in his petition,
July filed and entered on r ccord
that he has fully administered John
O Conner's estate. This is there
fore lo cite all perrons
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why raid Ad¬
ministrator should not be dischar¬
ged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on Ihe
first Monday in April 1888, This
January 4th 18 8.
W. H, Ramsey, Oi dinary.
Georgia, Murray county.
By virtue of on order of the
of < idiliary of said county I will
sell to the hipest bidder before tli *
court house, door in said county, on
the first. Tuesday in March, next,
wi hin the lejral hours of sale, all
the mineral interest in lot of land
No 242, and an undivided half
the mineral interest in let No. 243
both in "2Gth dint, and 2nd section
of said county, sold as the property
i f Jatban Gregory deed. Terms
cash. Feb. 2 1888.
W I) Gregory, Admr.
A DM I NfSTK A T< )R».^ (>TI C E«
Georgia, Murray Conn tv.
I> M Pcden Administrator of J W Hulker
represents to the Court in h ; s petition duly
filed and entered on rceci rd, that he has
fully administered J W Walk r’s estate
This is therefore to cite ail per^ »ns concern d
kindr d and creditors, to show cause, if any
hey cun, why said Administ a tor < 11011)11 not
he discharged from liis Administra ion and
rect'ive letters of dismission on the first Mon¬
day in Mur* h 1888. W. 11. Ham kv,
Dec. 1st 1887. OidinAry
St*t* iii.' Ukokgia, Mnnnj- Countv.
W l»■'» applicii b;i *-x
empiion <•' p rs ualfv anil will
pan up*’t> I lie same at 12 o’clock m
(’ll I lie 29tli (li> v i f Feby. 1838 ul
>1 v (iii CD. VV H Kimsf-j Only.
Gt!oi'L;Li .Vimray <'<,--.mi y.
T >' i>pp!>l- I li n fi> r ! | n! :
I > <* rs ui|iw."!I" »fie jive i».
• <>v C I ’ i I'M Ij (T'M i t l ’ A'i 7 j
1 >\ ; ri • < Mi'S • niv-Iki ;
* i» h * e - rci ja u»"- b *m»> ii’i'ii in my
ffice aui I will pass upvii l L* fDIfiM
on liir 15th day c i iiarch .838
This Kb. 18ih 188■*.
VV H IiAusK?, Or linary.
fold *"*“• the o° B 1 toa “
the town if Spring Place, fls., to the highest
bid „ r at rublio 0Btcry b. twe . n th. legal
bonr , of eale OB the 1st Tneiday in May »ext
the following wild i*nd to wit: Ail of lot of
>*» d No - 311 in the 10th Dtatriet and 3rd
der ^ 40 aereg j„ tbe North But co nor
b > A hK ' ith - Th / sa “ B be ‘ ng "
seres more or lest. Levied on by virtue of
and to satisfy a *axll fa issued from the Tax
Collector'. o«oo of »w county io favor of th.
State and county against said parcel of land
for the ye»rs 1372 , 1871 , W4, 1875, i87«,
1877 > 1878 * 1879 ' 18S8 > 1881 ’ 1882 ’ 1883,
1884 1885 ISSe and 1887. This Feby. 2nd
isss. c l terry, 8her ff.
Stat* of Qxobgia Murray County
Will be told before the court house door io
the town of Spring Place to the highest bid¬
der at public outcry botwean the legal hour,
of sale on the first Tuesday in March
neat, the following described property to
Lots of land Ncs. 180 181 187
188 199 and two hundred and eigh
ty one in the twenty sixth Diet.and
second section, aud lot No. two
hundred nnd sixty five in the 9th
district and 3rd section all of said
land in said comity. Levied on as
the property of Mary F Hill by virt
ue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued
from the Justices court of the
eight hundred and twenty fourth
district o m in favor of Sallie An¬
derson vs Mary F Hill. Levy made
and returned to me by John Chil¬
ders L C.
Also at the same time and place
70 acres of land in the south west
corner of lot of land No. 54 in the
10th district and~3rd section of said
county. Levied ^n as the property
of S M Walker by virtue of and to
satisfy a Justices comt li fa issued
from the 1011 ih aistnet a m in favor
ofFM Heart ley vs the said S M
Walker, F M K ndrick and E F Lea,
security on stay. Property pointed
out by defendant 8 M Walker.
Levy made ami returned to me by
\V N Barclay i. c.
This February. 2nd 1888.
C. L. TERRY, Sheriff.
Thi Z& 7 SS Simple AUTOMATIC & Old 7 m
GOODS and for Family and Drenmaksn 1 .
KRUSES’FGCO.,124 E. ,14th SL'N-JT.
1870 1888
Premium Art Gallery.
33'a WIriteliMlI St., Atlanta, Ga,
When you visit, the city call and
aso rov Rtnie Fair Exhibit, which
was awarded the only medal olfer
ed. nnd five diplomas
I shall continue to vneke ray fiu
est Cabinets at $4 p r dozen.
Portable Com Kills and fflllstsces.
The Best in tho World for making Itye, fine Barley table
meal; for feed. grinding It Corn, Oats, better or
auy mixed cuts all fibrous matter
than any known Btone or bubr.
Samples Addross of Meal sent on application.
i.D Vi i
V. * / ' "
(■<) TO
n. v. jo ik ik-l
jShop 11 I'm. ilii i) bi. Li.'i« i: Ga
The cure for sickness 500
years ago was Neglect, 300 yea r s
ago, borceiy; 100 yea^s ago,
Herbs and Drugs; 25 years ago
Medicines:, to-day it is Com¬
Medicines weaken the whole
system to strengthen one weak
point; Compound Oxygen
strengthens both.
A doctor’s average bill is
$50. Invest $15 m our “Home
Treatment,” and you will save
the other $35, and feel better
•than you have for five years.
Are you Nervous? Those tired,
sick headaches will vanish!
Have you weak lungs? Give
compound oxygeu one chance
to strengthen them. Have you
dyspepsia It will cure you!
Remember always one thing!
You risk absolutely nothing in
tiying our treatment. It is sim¬
ply breathing diffemt air, not
‘‘dosing,” or ‘ drugging,” or go¬
ing a thousand miles away fiom
home and friendslt is breathing
daily’ into your lungs, At Your
own Home, the concentrated vi¬
tality ot all the health resorts in
the wot Id. 200 page book
mailed tree. Tor particulars,
Drs. Starkey & Palen,
1527 aud L529 a eh st., Phila¬
delphia, renn,
5<5% Whitehall St., Over M, Rich &
Bro’s. Dry Goods Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We give the best pictures for
the least money. Children’s pict*
ures taken in one second Strangers
from the country always welcome.
Call and examine specimens and
F. R. 0 LES,
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort .Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revela*
tions iu chemical science pei-
111 its.
c. c. o c .
Certain Chicken Cholera hire
This is the o ly specific for chickens yet
discovered; every packnge guaranteed to stop
eh tlera among chilkons in fifteen ni’.nutei*, so
that no inoro will take the dDease* I have
the indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri¬
culture of Ga. Call and get a package only
23cts. For sale by T. J. OVBEY,
Spring Place Ga
Metropo]itan Hotel.
* Hanfc i • 1 oorgi :■!.
if,fly yardi from U u >n Passenger
1 )n[K 1.
L'unior of A labnn i Pryor Streets.
/u/A.v 'L fviH
ft P KI!T i P-"T> ■ f' *
#Tj;;J & D'.L\XY,
Gil MMlt>
\ • - i.i'll V. ( ; Kulfi. I A.
",X ii-ivo it; r.ii! ' - 'i • 11 f IiuW
gallery t;*» tkc <*\ *••• -ty'.«• pho*
tograolis an.l m ill -jfii.'i 1 to
’ > lea,!*- those \\ ahi it ty plot tint’*.
‘UHi KilHII'LtUllii-lit.S fl
" ill
^ns-/ y.
Fo'H Goto I'uoifn-s or !-. i
:■> 1 \ |>.-• * 1 1■!.!■•! 1 >! b : ■■ is.
1 >i. nut lull tueii'l ‘soil exam
inn (Mil 'V"!'k V' ili*'; ! 1 Dillr. I'
Picttll I S u::>,ilf (*il clomh a
wo" ** any ot.ljpr 1 1 ,*y.
Dalton, 00:00
First-Class Newly Accommodation. Opened! A ewly BEST MEAL Fu in ihi |
lor the MONEY. Rates $2. per day.
W. H. MURDOCH, Prop’rT
Millinery Goo’ds
Just Received at the Mllinery Store ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant aseortmentof MUinery Hate and [trimmed Straw Goo*»,consisting and of Strew
Bonnet? and Ladies’ and Children'! ontrimmed] Nech
and Sash Ribbonj, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Tie*, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments te. Our goods
were bought of the largestand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Yore, and will be sold at veiy low
prices for cash.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Co.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to o - der.
W. W. VanNkss, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons
Mold as sen « Anderson,
P; r cripbi us Cat erully Propi ed
* Every word we Bay we can s tand by.
wmimM w ■M 1 latest Dear WONDER Sir: $35 Do of’ you 87 . want ANSWER to see TO¬ the
DAY. A Single Harness reduced to
$26. The finest Harness MADE for
the money. Handsome nickel or imitation
rubber gold finish mountings. HAND
made from oak stock, unsurpassed for
style and durability. If you will allow ns
sill*-. we will send yon a sample foryour inspec¬
tion lo show yon what progress we have
& made by making a SPECIALTY and get-
8 ....... , ting out over Soo setts each month. You
til WtMi 7 . •V^f . P aPt can f keep rice the here sample at only $ao, OUR $5 EX- less
‘' rin P or return at
i V '^ £ : C '? we mak0 » "T liberal
ofjcr ? YVe v shaH n expect to hear from you
WM ESWSk m 1 Foklcd at ollie saying sin YES le send style. on ycuxHamea.
r I I® or e strap
H m 11 National Wholesale Harness Manufacturers, Co.,
if. nr*. ’J 1A to U Wells St. Buffalo JT. T.
A. ANDERSON, Collar and Hamos, $2 Extra. No- Breast Collar
King of Harness Manufacturers. Wholesale Manager of the
National Harness Oo m Mfre., Double Stylo for two homes. Price, 35.00.
IP-Cuu. 6.’83.&Fob.§.’ll~.
Flrat Premium and tioid Medal at
Now OuieavLH Es^xjuition, 1CS6.
TUiiEaam'Sti'iIi' In Hat tjin Tvwrl.lVw 1 m( io»iVl»m,
histt 18S5, aail froiunint*<J H lie tii«l Ja (Ik. world,
Bt Ihe Eimm apaJiy cu tiOn^tririi ELpokittoni,
I*8C, and reettiveu
This Cert rides as easy es er.y Eriggy, and Is
positively IlflR free two from crvrJtp Horse Motion.
,A. ■» fowove ;niLH!n-ii with the boT»%
rVUb' Step, and a! *uet pc' Ujl* Lunly tit a In imvutai 4ntk
Dl '‘“
mm guarantee and
m frr* raoir HORS* Motion as easy to be
If not just aa represented, return as to any boggy. at
ua our
' VTTv'n expense.
Send for Circulars & Testimonials.
li every Town not already taken,
Patentees, Geneseo. III.
BOOHS,THREE r< A books published pamphlet CENTS EAC: i ■ ■
Tb* following of them are handsomely Illustrated. in neat They form, printed from good readable type eo
paper, and many land language, and the are without exception the cheapest books aver
lisnsd in any of or trifling furnish to masses In of the people an opportunity to secure the
literature the day at the most expense. Each any other series these great works would cost I
ure is
Werndera of Ike World, Natural and Othkb. Cod
lata* descriptions Uluetciktioas of tUa «KCTvd«ttu.t
Works of ostars snd of tnsn. Very Interesting srul Instructive.
Wenders of the A description of the tnsuy wonder
fol snd basntifal things foond st the bottom of the ocesu, with
profuss H A Pleasure tllustrstlonB. Exertion,** and Other Sketches. By
** Jdsiau allin’i Wir*.” A cdP.ectioD of Irresistibly fuuny
jkstebes by tbs most popular humorous writer of tbs day.
The Ann! Keslsh Papers, by Clara Acocbta, author
of “Tbs Kuxx Docnmsots." a most ridiculously funny book
—insvery wsy squsl to “Widow Bsdott.’’
Christmas storlee* l>y Cha»l*s Dickers. Contains a
number of tbs roost ebarrainx CurlaiffiM stories ever written
by Round thegrsatesft wrtter Evening who «v«* Lamp. lived Kaclioi o« la complete.
the A book of stories, pic turee,
putties Popular snd flames, for tbs little Olalogaes, f«>tk* st home bomorons,
Kocltntions and drems
tic snd pslbetic, including all the latest, beat and mom popular.
TuoSeof-ftiade biographies Men pt famous of Modern sslf-mads Times. Americana, Online por¬ the
traits and from
Urns of Franklin to the prsssni.
Familiar Quotations. Containing tbs origin anu Author¬
ship of many phrases frequently mst In reading aud conversa¬
tion. A valnabls work of reference.
Low Life In Now York. A series of vivid pen pictures
showing the dark aide of life in the great city. Illustrated
The Ruad to Wealth. Not au advertising circular,
bat s thoroughly practical work, pointing out a way by
which ail may make money, easily, rapidly and honestly
One Hundred Popular Nons«, sentimental,pathetip
pndcomlr, Noel’s Inpindlng Hein. roost of the favorites, new and old.
Sir A Novel. By Mrs. Mat Aunks Flb&hhs.
AHartOred jttaaVi l.lfte. A Novel. By Maoion Novel. Habi.and. By 8.
An Old Sacrifice. A Mrs. ass
8®* We will send any four r>f the above books by raavlpoRt pal l u*>on receipt of only IQ C«xi
MC*nt*t*ny twenty Jive for GO Cental Ihe entire list 140 books) for 75 Cent*; the entire lisfli
with cloth back, for ^>1 .IO* This 1b the greatest bargain In books ever offered. Do not f ail tota
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Postage stamps taken forfractions of a dollar. A)
NftiB we refer uaU. to any Addreaa newspaper ailletters: published y. in M,LVrTO.\,rubIl.lie«>Ki».«4 NewYork.likewise to the Commercial Murray Agencies. St
The Fcrcclllnl Rubles. A Novel. By M. T. CalPOB.
The tffi Ijiii-i n Chest A Novel, by Stlvanub Coaa^Jjy
Hollo tv A ah Hull. A Novel. By Mamaw^BwuSB
Tllustrnt, d.
CUfTe House. A Novel. By Err* V. Pmci. ■
Under the Llluc». A Kovel. By tbs anther sf *<<■
Wood. The Diamond JUustrattd. Bracelet* A Novel. By Mrs. R
The La ivy er’a Secret. A Koval. By MlasM. B. Ba
The Ntrnnac C'uacof Dr. Jekyll aod Mr. Oy
Novel. By H-V..bTttv«a«ost.
A Wlcl:cd Girl. A Novel. By Mast C*cu, Hat.
DtJCHKSg/’ Lady Valworth’a Diamonds. A Novel. By
Beta ecn illustrated Two 81ns, A Novel. By tbs antbor of
The Nine of II carte. A Novel, JB?B.L.Fa SJEOR
l)or!v‘* Foi l.iiic. A Novel. By Pi.orkwck Wi ARDEN/
A Low Murrlugc. A Novel. Bv M'lsi s Molock.
The River, .
The Pofnon Guilty of Asps, a a Nov-l. n.*v«.». By n.v Wii.kiiColli florchc*!
Mont G run tec. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wo i
F orte!ntc the Fetter*, A Novel. By Mr
Euwari.h. A Playwright’* Illustrated. Daughter. A Novel. B
Fair but False. A Kovel. By tits ant
Thor oe.” Illustrated.
I-nncaater’a Cuhln. A Novel. By Mrs.
Florence Ivingion’s Oath. A Novel.]
4 't' 1/KNiHt‘N. illustrated .
he W oruan llutcr. A Novel. By IQ