Newspaper Page Text
;ia Times.
of the Cauaty,
ice at Spring Place
H Rates:
HRths, 5Uaeats;Thr«e
Eyable [cations in advance,
t > Tax Tims,
iuffman of Holly Creek
• get J M Barry's prices
• before buying.
• Kdian headache by using
Blood Pills.
Rfitnell Starr is attend
it at Ringgold this week.
.T B, Speck is instructing a
Voting c’ass at the Academy at night.
W H Stsp’es is building a new
*barn on his premises in the village.
A Oar load of Buggies will be for
sale at T A & S E Berry's by the 20th.
One dollar looks as big as a wag
on wheel when invested in goods
at J M Berry's.
Miss Julia Loughridge of
Pleasant Valley, bas entered
school in town.
Road working, seems to be the
pursuit of the boys throughout the
oounty this week.
Will you please tell your neigh¬
bor to e&ll in to see ns, aud sub¬
scribe for the Times.
A large and elegant stock of
ready made clothing just received
=at T J Ovbey's for 18S8.
R L Springfield and J N More¬
land. killed a wild hog last week
that weighed 211 pounds.
I sell the best grade of flour
■cheaper than any body.
W. J. Davis.
A sociable, given by Mr. and Mrs.
C N Vance, on last Thursday night
was a pleasant treat to all present.
Call and get a bargain at J M
Berry's, before all are gone, in nice
woolen dress goods, Cashmeres etc.
Come at once and settle your ac¬
counts for 1887—We mean business
T A & S E Berry, Dalton Ga
Justices Heartsill and Carter,
were two days in disposing of the
business before their court this
William Wisenant and M-’ss Sa¬
rah Fortner, married on last. Sun¬
day nigiit. V A Stuart Esq. offi¬
B F C Loughridge Esq. of Pltas
ant Valley, was bitten by a sup
posed, mad dog, last week. It is
hoped that the bite will not prove
The quiet marriage of Col W K
Moore, to Mrs. Troutwine, Thursday
evening, was one cf the pleasant
sensations of the season.—Dalton
A Car load ol Wagons just receiv¬
ed at T A & S E Berry'B, Ealton
Ga., and are for sale cheap, for
cash, or good paper at a low rate
of interest.
Call on J M Berry, Dalton Ga,
and get you a suit of clothes at
first cost—They -re going and must
go—Also a few Ladle's wraps left
at first cost.
VV J Davis has purchased the
handsome stock of groceries of O
JlLCole und is now located with
«Bfautock i^Lpsite of goods at the Hen
T J Ovbey's.
•tents best hand made,
■rortnicnt of the best
^Luuket ••bay's. are kept only on
• them, and we
W Ry them.
•on. S E Field is on
^.'•'zea, •district. for the corn
Mr. Field
' Kkier Btentive and would
(hat would do
J ho Eighth
Kavelin g on
Riar, on ac
fcid, is now
little re¬
tie state.
For 1888.
The largest aud ifcost complete
stock of goods thstt has been iu
Spring Place for years has just
been received aid elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Stofe of T J Ovbey.
1 1
Hon. P McGhee, VV H Steed And
E A Knighton of this county are
attending the State Agricultural
Convention at Waycross Qa., this
week. They Will visit the Sub
Tropical Exposition at Jacksonville
Fla., before their 4 return. /
- -. - . -
Thanks to Mrs. Joseph M Brown
for a beautiful Valentine received
on the 11th. It is a little episod e
between the Blues and the Grays
in the dark days of ‘64- We will
place it in the archives of our sanc¬
tum for future reference.
Rev. J ft, Speck says, a new Pre¬
siding Elder has arrived on the
Dalton District, without any prep¬
arations having been made for his
salary. He is a fine looking young
fellow—and his name is Henry
Martin Speck
Money to Lend.
I am now prepared to lend mon¬
ey on improved lands in Murray
county at greatly reduced rates.
Either on five years time or to be
paid in annual installments for
five years. Feby. 1st 18S8.
1'bammell Stare.
There are still some lew of dur
subscribers who have not paid their
subscription for 1887, and we are
in need of the money, and Lope
you will avail yourselves of tfl e op¬
portunity, when you are ipE Town
court week of calling on us and
squaring your account.
The growing of cattle is becom¬
ing more popular in this county,
than at any time before. We think,
hard times, would not be the cry
so often, if our people would leave
off a little cotton, and let the grass
es and small grain and raising of
stock be the stamina of the country.
Business is business the world
over, and we must ask our custom¬
ers to come up at once and settle
their accounts or we will be com¬
pelled to use means that we dislike
very much to use. Also the indi¬
vidual accounts of W W Anderson
must be forthcoming at once.
Robinson & Anderson,
Father!! *
Your poor wearied wife losing
sleep night after night nursing the
little one suffering from that night
fiend to children and horror to par¬
ents. croup, should have a bottle
of Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein, an un¬
doubted croup preventive and cure
for coughs, colds and consumption.
Corn and CUts for Sale.
I have for sale on my farm two
and one half miles north of Spring
Place, 100 bushels good corn and
200 bushels of those fine Texas red
rust proof oafs, the seed of which
was shipped direct from Texas one
year ago. There has been only one
emp grown in Georgia They are
genuine Texas red rust proof and
are the finest seed in all the country.
I will sell for cash or on time till
fall for note and approved security.
For further information address,
John W Green, 30^ Marietta St.
Atlanta Ga.
In Brief, And To The Point.
DyspeDsia is dreadful. Disord¬
ered liver is misery. Indigestion is
a foe to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus
is one of the most complicated and
wonderful things in existence. It
is easily put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry,
late hours, irregular habits, and many
other things which oughtnot to be,
have made the American people a
nation of dyspeptic.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remembers—No happieness with
out health. But Green's August
Flower brings health and happi
ness to the dyspeptic. Ask your
druggist for a bottle. Seventy
five cents.
Local Paragraphs.
Arklucks. Arklucks. Arklucks.
A full l mo'of ladies hats at Mrs.
Fannie Johnson's.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s.
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills get.
there Ely— every box warranted
—try them.
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
cure all derangements of the stom
ache and bowels. Doctors will pre¬
scribe them.
Money to Loan.
Those who want money, and have
first class real estate to secure it,
apply through C N King.
Oh my! I am about to fall! what
can I do for my Liver? Take one
box of Aaklucks Indian Blood Pills
and you will have no more trouble.
When you go to Dalton take your
meals at Buohholz, restaurant.
He will feed you well and treat
you well and charge you only
twenty five cents per meal.
Whoop! Whoop!
The most goods for the least money
and the highest price for all kinds of
country produce at L F Clark's
Store, Fort Mountain, Ga.
If you have headache ask your
merchant for n box ot Arklucks In¬
dian Blood Pills and they will sore¬
ly cure you. Don‘t let anybody
palm off any other kind for Arklucks
are the best.
Doctors and morchants will find
it is to their interest to advise the
use of Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
for there is no better remedy.
Twenty Five cents paid for them
will often save the patients life.
See Me First.
I ask through kindness, all who
owe me, to come up at once and
settle your account; I need the mon
ey and must have it, so please do
not leave me till the last.
W J Johnson
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and daiton in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Supplies Furnistied.
G W Oglesby, at Kenner’s
warehouse, -Dalton Ga., will
furnish farmers of Whitfield}
and Murray counties with sup¬
plies, such as BacoL, Corn,
Flour, Hay, Sugar, Coffee
Syiup, Salt, Tobacco, etc., on
time till fall if they make good
Fancy Type, 25 Visiting Cards, and INDIA
INK to mark Linsn, only 25 ots. (stamps.)
Book of 2000 stylss free with each order.
Agents wanted. Big Pay.
- AND -
rE Jassy I V i
1 s
r m: /if
The pweet gum. ns gntlier*'*! from a tree Of the
same mime, growing aioiig the ;.tiv:wt»N Ju
the Southern £tut.<;s, eontai.iy t* stimulating ex¬
pectorant principle that b«<>.-e.ia Lu phlegm pro¬
ducing ho child the totliiowoIftheUilsLiijembranfin vurly mornim. < ongh. a/nl ntijutilaicd
uu<I wuoopii.g-<;oiu?h. When combined with tho
I plant ealing of mucilaginous the old Held*, principle nreacntB in in tin* Tay mullein *i?/E
i Whooping-cough .kin the finest known and consumption; remedy for (loughs, and Croup, pala*
taole. any child is pleased to take it. Ask your
druggist for it. Price 2<5c. and $1.00.
WALTER 4.. TAYLOK, Atlanta,Go.
Professional Cards.
Wm. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to>ll
legal business.
Calhoun, Qa. Spring Place,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all lagalbuzioez,
M. B. Harris,
Spring Place, Geoigia,
Prompt attention given to
all legal business.
H. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law.
spring place, GEORGIA.
Will&ttend punetua ly to all legal business.
W. C. Glenn,
Dalton, Georgia.
P rompt attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Farm.
Rrsidrnt Dkktibt
All kinds of me¬
O-V t /C^L chanical and Ojer
<><>«ted at ’ ve Dentistry ex
in first-class
• - - \jf style, and atreas
' enable rates. The
Wf Coll " loid nateput
fW “ full P """" teeth "
setsof at
reasonable rates.
Tooth ex tr a c 1 0 d
without pain by the use of SquibVs pureSul
phurio Ether. The patronage of the citizens
of Murray oounty is rospectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as oheap as they oan get itdone by any first
lass dentistin North Georgia.
If you have lost your poclc
etbook, you will listen to any
one who can tell you how to get
it back. If you Lave lost your
health— which is more preci ¬
ous,—listen to us.
Medicines can do nothing but
clieck diseases; they act nega¬
tively, net positively. They can¬
not build up your health, o>
bring back your strength, or re¬
new your vitality.
Why do you hesitate to joiu
the large army who are using
when you know two things:
First, By no possibility can it
harm you. Second, In nine
cases out ot ten it must benefit
The quality of our curative
agent is proved by the success
in our busine°8 during the last
eighteen years. Investigate,
and you will not hesitate a mo¬
ment. We will send free some
of our books on the subject of
HEALTH, if you will send
your address,
Drs. Starkey & Palen,
1527 and 1529 Aicb St., Phil¬
adelphia, Penn.
Livery Feed and
Sale Stfble
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Daiton, Ga. The patronage of
the people tmuch desired, and
especially those from Murray
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton Georgia
Guarantees good work and
cheap rates.
D. R. Lo vein mi
New Goods just, received, stylish and at rock bottom pricm
When in Dalton be sure and call, we will save voiB
We are the Dalton leaders in Dry Goc<? *
P m r P ◄
WoODLAWN, 00:00 Georg
1 i
General Merchandise and Count y Produce.
1887 A U1UMX 18
Leaders of Low Priees!
Have come to the front With the most Complete and Varied
Line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods!
It has ever been tbeir pleasure ts offer the trade of this section. Their stock, consisting
of the very beat olass of goods, has been carefully bought, mostly from first hands, which in¬
sures extremely low prices, and they are now READY FOR THE FALL CAMPAIGNI
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies' and Misses’ Wiaps, Men's
and Boys’ Clothing, Shoes, Hats,&c,
Their Millinery Depart¬
Is more attractive than ever before. The Autumn styles are beautiful, and the prices lower
than the lowest. Call arid inspeot this handsome stock, and avail yourself of the extraordi¬
nary Inducements offered by this POPULAR. ESTABLISHMENT!
GHOLSTON & BAILEY, Dalton, Ga., Hamilton, St.
New Drug Store
S. J. McKnight, Druggist,
Dalton, Georgia,
Pure Dtugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, window-glass, at lowest
T. J. O V It E V,
Spring Place, Georgia.
New Opening for 1888
And the citizens of Murray County need no longer' plough
through the mud to buy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a
general store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
If you don’t believe it come and price our goods beiore you
buy elsewhere.
-( DEALER in }
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’g Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Take Notice.
You will find mo under TrevittHall, and
I will save you from 10 to 20 per cent
My stock consists of FURNITURE, CLOCKS, PICTURES,
COFFINS, CASKETS, <fee. A nice lot of Picture Mouldings,
where you can get frames nicely and cheaply made to order.
Domestic Sewing Machines at cost; 2 draws $27 50; 4 draws
$3.3 00; and 6 draws $37 50.
J. L SMITH, Daiton, Ga.
E. El* Brown,
0 f PATENT 1
j r
The Jeweler.
Dalton, Geo gia
Keeps reliable goods at reliable priees.
I wish to call especial attention to my line of Spectael- s and
Eye Glasses.
By the aid of the Dioptric Rye Meter I can detect ths
of defective vision and tell exactly the kind of lens ivquin
correct it.
NO CHARGE for testing your eye?, whether you buy oil
Pt. P. Baker’s Drug Store, Dalton G