Newspaper Page Text
■Fattened Fork.
jl Bgltto disabuse the pop
■yed {■country everybody ha
that pork « - X'.’.u*iVf!y
§§' _ Brand B$t, because it is unduubt
firmest. But it is not
|||f|||® ■wheat, pork made by feeding barley,
for it has not as large a
Ka of lean meat. The corn-fed
not fry away aud waste as
IlfefC- V<" ^Begetables. on fruit, potato pee 1
But this firmness
Hfg&^H'tioc. Has The hog fed miscclla
■ the sweetest and tendercst
if taste is a criterion in pork,
BBcckoncd to he in everything
is eatable, the fruit-fed and
sHjHl pork is certainly best. If
v.?; Br firmness is desired, it may he
finishing off the last few weeks
8 8P8}| eninir by feeding corn meal, not
the ear.
Water for Milch Cow*.
There is something suggestive in tho
fact that excellence in breeds of mich
cows for milking purposes is never se¬
cure where there it not plenty of water.
The Dutch cattle lead the way in this,
and are bred in a lan 1 whose surface is
below the ocoan level and where canals
servo for roads. Jersey is an island,
and situated in the warm Gulf Stream,
where showers fall moro frequently and
plentifully than in England. Irish cows
are generally good milkers, though they
have not been developed as a distinct
breed. In our own country wc find that
where dairying continues long it must
be in a land abounding in springs and
running brooks, where succulont food
is given through as largo a part of the
year as possible. Without doubt the
increasing use of ensilago as Winter
feed of cows will in tlmo have an appre¬
ciable effect in breeding a raco that will
be better milkors than could have been
possible under other conditions.—[Cul¬
In-tact Keuiodlea.
The report on entomology madeby W.
B. Alwood to the Columbus Horticul¬
tural Society, last winter, states that
many remedies were employed on the
two described cabbage worms, consist¬
ing of alum wator of different degrees
of strength, tansy water, tomato water,
benzine, coal oil emulsions of difforent
strengths, Hammond’s slug shot,
Cayenne pepper, half a dozen remedies
from England, several preparatiops of
tobacco soap and pyrethrutn. The
tobacco soaps prepared with potash
were quite efficient, the value of which
was ascribed to tho potash, Pyrethrum
is recommended ns the best remedy,
being perfectly safe, easy of application,
and more deadly on the wop ms than any
remedy used. Powder of good quality,
mixed with three times its bulk of flour,
was found perfectly effective, applied
with a dusting bellows. pound,
costing fifty cents, was enough to cover
an acre if properly handled.
Profits of the Farm,
Whether farmers get their rightful
share of tho farm profits depends not
only upon their ability to work and
plan, but also upon their ability to mar¬
ket what th*y have to sell, as well as
upon the carefulness of the wife also.
For instance, tho farmer may be very
careful about feeding his cows, keeping
them clean, etc., but unless the house¬
wife supplements his close attention
with tho same care of the milk, cream
and dairy utensils, his extra work
amounts to but little. We lxave now in
our mind’s eye a farmer who receives
five cents above the market pi ice for his
butter, from the fact that his city cus¬
tomers found that the quality was the
same throughout the year, and as good
as any to be found in market. Now
this extra five cents is nil profit, and
he is entitled to it. Nor is that all tho
profit, for when once a custom;r is ob¬
tained it is usually for a whole season,
and a market thus opened for other
produce. In this way much time is
saved in marketing, and middlemen
entirely dispensed with. It brings him
in the cash and thus enables him to buy
where he can get the most for his money,
which is another profit he reaps. It is
fcffways best for a farmer to establish a
^kt.'ilion for selling a good article in
to get Ins full share of the profit
. '^Bything he lias to sell. Another
: a f irmer, in order to make ready
^^^^^^ffof ^■customer, any kind of produci direct to
should establish a repu
Kan for honest dealings, i. c., never
■Renting nu article to be a little
than it le-i'.ly is, for confidence
■ t is never legnim-d.--- Baltimore
Itemarkable Flock of Sheep,
f J. Jenkins, Dresden, Germany,
tig upon the merits of the Sax
Lo Sheep, writes, in the Arneri
the most remarkable flock of
/^^in ^Lcur the world is to be found
.Meissen, in Germany.
■H bred for four generations
■HH'elldunts 111 tile famous
Illll^Pli ■HHuf Spanish Merinos to
and 1778. bike all
Hrijuos, these were i:i the
|gMinnll ^^1 and hardy animals,
quantity of very flue
•wool, but baying no great value as mut.
ton. Now they average in weight:
rams, two hundred and twenty to two
hundred and sixty-five pounds, and
ewes, one hundred and forty-five to one
hundred and seventy-five pounds; and
the unwashed wool: from rams, seven¬
teen to twenty-three pounds, and from
ewes, thirteen to fifteen pounds. In the
mutton, the fat is well mingled with
the muscle, and not accumulated in in¬
edible masses, and its quality is now
regarded as approaching the Southdown.
The unsurpassed fineness of the Saxon
fleeces is recognized everywhere.
“These results have been accomplished
through a firm purpose, persistently car¬
ried forward during a period of eighty
years. Although soil and climate have
favored the development of these sheep,
the chief success is due to the intelli¬
gence and persistence with which the
original plan has been followed. Neither
the present proprietors, nor tho gener¬
ations before have ever allowed
any other interest to interfere with tho
purpose which from the beginning they
had set before themselves, viz., to
breed the perfect sheep and to obtain in
every animal the largest possible quan¬
tity of wool upon a frame easily fat¬
The Length of Root),
For more than thirty years we havo
repeatedly urged the importance of cor¬
recting the common error that the roots
of tree3 extended on each side no furth¬
er from the foot of the central stem than
the spread of the branches above. The
most popular writers copied the error
from one another, and tho erroneous
practico founded on this mistaken view
was shown by the small circles of earth
often seen spaded about them or by tho
diminished rings of manure. Tho bad
advice founded on this wrong view is
still repeatedly given by different
writers, and it seems necessary to cor¬
rect it by “lino upon line.” Tho fact
that au orchard to obtain full benefit
from manuring, mulching or cultivation
must bo treated broadcast is still un¬
known to many planters.
We are glad to see, however, moro
frequent statements of interesting facts
bearing on this subject, and showing
that roots generally extend to a distance
greater than the entire height of tho
trees. In the recently published Tran¬
sactions of the Illinois Horticultural So¬
ciety, Professor T. J. Burrill mentions
a number of well-known facts, some of
them from his own personal examina¬
tion. He traced a root from a two-year
grapevine to a distance of thirteen feet.
Apple trees, twenty feet apart, were
found to have interlaced roots eight
years after planting. The roots of a
Lombarby poplar were found in abund¬
ance seventy feet away. Willows, fifty
feet from walls, occupied them with
plenty of roots. We have suckers from
a common locust forty feet high,
at a distance of sixty-five feet, and
tho roots of a peach tree eleven fees
high twenty-three feet away. E. Sat
terthwaite, the well-known cultivator of
Jenkiutown, Penn., has found the root
of a 12-year peach tree growing in rich
soil filty feet from the tree. Professor
Beal traced the root of apple trees 14
years old to a distance of 28 feet.
If such facts as these were moro gener¬
ally understood, wo should see less of
tho frequent mistake of applying mulch¬
ing and fertilizer in a small ring at the
foot of trees, while the great mass of
fibres is spread widely over the surface
far beyond reach.—[Country
The Longest. Street-Car Line.
The longest street-car line in the
world is now in process of construction
in tho Argentine Republic. It is so
much longer than any other lino that it
quito dwarfs the eight and ten-mile
roads of our cities. It is also the only
street-car line in tho world which uves
sleeping-cars. The road has 200 miles
of track, connecting a number of towns
in the vicinity of Buenos Ayres. Horses
are used there as motive power instead
of steam, because fuel is dear, horses
cheap, aud the people are slow. Two
tons of coal will buy a horse and har¬
ness. The equipment for this road has
been entirely furnished by a Philadel¬
phia car company. The sleeping cars
are a curiosity. They are four in num¬
ber, eighteen feet in length, and are
furnished with four berths each, which
are made to roll up when not in use. The
cars are furnished with water-coolers,
linen presses, aud other convenience i,
and are finished throughout with ma¬
hogany. The other cars are four double¬
decked open cars, twenty platform cars,
twenty gondola cars, six refrigerator
cars, four poultry cars, furnished with
coops, eight cattle cars, two derrick
cars for lifting heavy material, aud 200
box cars.—-[Inter-Ocean.
The Smart Itoy’s Hair.
Teacher—“Yes, children, tho hairs of
our head are all numbered. »>
“Smart Boy (pulling out a hair and
presenting it)—Well, what’s the number
of this hair?”
Teacher. —“Number one, Johnny; and
(pulling out several more) these are
numbers two, throe, four, five and six. [
Anything else you want to know?”
“Smart Boy--N-no, sir.’’-[Harper’*
Sensible Views.
New Ethridge York V. Gerry, president of the
Cruelty Society for the Prevention of
\ ork to Children, has sent to the New
state factory inspectors some sug¬
gestions for amending the child labor
laws. He recommends that no child un¬
der 18 years of age be employed in a fac¬
tory without previous medical examina¬
tion ; that no child under 16 shall be em
ployed in factories where there is risk of
injury where in the nature of the employment,
or there are no fire escapes.
leads Hood’s Household beauty Calendar ?or 188*38 usual,
all others In and style. The most
takingfcature Calendars, about It, beeause it ie unique hand, in
is that ft is cut-out, of as if by
and the bright, healthy face a handsome
young girl, with a wealth of brown hair, con¬
strings. trasts beautifully The head with is her blue bonnet and
the a marvel of color print¬
ing, flesh tints being as natnnl as life The
sign pad is for also printed month, in colors, there with a is special condensed de¬
every and
upon It a large amount of valuable Informa¬
tion; lence that Indeed, it it has so many points of excel¬
must be seen to be appreciated.
by Copies may be obtained at the drug stores, or
Co., sending Lowell, six cents in stamps to C.I. Hood &
Cedar chips (wetted), placed in the nest of
setting hens will drive out lice.
The Correct Time,
There are very few men who do not pride
themselves on always having the correct time;
and wonderful and delicate mechanisms are
devised to enable them lo do so. Hut the more
delicate a chronometer Is made, the more sub¬
ject it becomes to derangement, and unless it
be kept always perfec tly clean, it soon loses its
usefulness. Whs wonder, then, that the hu
man machine—much more delicate and in
trlcate than any work of Man—should require
to be kept thoroughly cleansed. The liver is
the main-spring of this complex structure.and
on the impurities left in the blood by a disor¬
dered liver, depend most of the ills that liesh
is heir to. Even consumption (which is lung
scrofulat, of this is traceable to the imperfect action
sick headache, organ. Kinney heart diseases, disease, skin diseases,
long catalogue of maladies dropsy, and a
rigin in torpid grave have their
' Golden Medical a Discovery, or sluggish liver. Dr.Pierce's
healthy, normal action of the by liver, establishing a
and of acts as a
cure preventive these diseases.
Conmi nipt ion Snr«*ly Cured.
To the Editor:—Please inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use thousand* of
shall hopelesscases be glad have send been permanently bottles cured. remedy I
to two of my
free to any of your readers who have con¬
sumption if they will send me their Express
and P. O. address Respectfully,
T, A. SLOCUM, M. C „ 181 Pear l St., N. Y.
In one week, 80,000 bushels of Scotch potatoes
were received at New York.
$500 Reward
is offered, in good faith, by the manufacturers
of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy for a case of ca¬
tarrh which they cannot cure. It is mild,
sopthing “cold in tho and healing in its effects, and cures
head,” catarrhal deafness, throat
Ailments,and many other complications of this
distressing disease. 50 cents, by druggists.
Women suffrage is re-enacted in Washington
Territory, but they are exempt from jury duty.
“ ' ' *
Cure. Send to 264 B’way, New York, for free
Purity and Strength
The former lu the blood ami the latter throughout
the system, are necessary to the enjoyment of per
feet health. The best way to secure both Is to take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which expels all imparities
front the blood, rouses tho kidneys aud liver, over
CJinoi that tired feeling, aud Imparts that freshnes
to the body, which makes one feel perfectly well.
"1 have taken not quito a buttle of Hood’s Sarsa
parilla, and must say it Is one of the best medicine^
for giving an appetite, purifying the blood and regu
lating the digestive organs, that I ever heard of. It
did me a groat deal of good."—Mas. N. A. Stanley,
Canastota, N. Y.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $j. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
The best usd surest Remedy for Core of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Billons Complaints and Malarlaof all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It Is pleasant to the taste, tones up the
system, restores and preserves health.
It Is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to
prove beneficial, both to old and yonng.
s a Blood Purifier It is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
fr**/ DON’T'
Qons Where the Woodbine Twinoth.
Bats are smart, but “Rough ou Rats" beat*
them. Clears out Rata, Mice, Roaches, Water
Bugs, Files, Beetles, Moths, Ants, Mosquitix-s,
Bed-bugs, Hen Lice, Insects, Potato Bugs, Chip¬
Sparrows, munks, Moles, Skunks, Musk Weasel, Rats, Gophers, Jack Rabbits,
Squirrels 15c aud hoc. Druggists.
“BOUGH ON FAIN’’ Plaster, Forosed. 15c.
“ BOUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 25c.
“Rough mpies, on Itch” Flesh Ointment Worms, RingWorm, cures Skin Hu¬
mors, Pirn Tot¬
ter, Salt Rneura, Barber’s Froeted Itch, Feet, < ’hilhlains, Head, Eczema; Itch,
Ivy Poiffon, Scald
60c. Drug, or mail. E. S. Wells, Jersey City.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchic.r, Protrud¬
ing, Bleeding. Internal and external remedy
In each package. E. 8. Bure Wells, cure, Jersey 50c. City, Drageisls N J.
or mail.
AY'FEV[R®» Sl^CATARRHAL A Allayw Cleans*** I nil tho head VIRUS, at of ion,
4 a in in
UrMoiTi lilt- Houston of
i Run* anti ------------- Hmell.
S^qtJU^lApplyBalm SySSjiifJ 236 Greenwich into each nostril. Y.
^ Kly Bros.. St., N.
HOME frock** I* A.XT'fH)OIl! ^ke^plnjr. * 1’«nman«httt,Anttime£(f, 7^n «i a*8L,' iiffulo. *Y.
culms HK LGfi K ( 4 5 ft R.
A Memory of Early bay*.
Bane of childhood’s tender years.
Swallowed How oft with groans and tears,
it made the flesh recoil,
Loathsome, greasy castor oill
Search your early memory closSi
Till yoil find another dbse:
All At the thought shuddot'ing frame revolts
Underneath the of Epsom salts!
the pill-box lid
Was a greater horror hid.
mferrSt Climax of ail inward ills.
i «^.% U lS'i U e , .ntl. ac¬
tion coated, of Dr. Pierce’s take, Purgative cleansing, Pellets, sugar
renovating easy the to without wrenching recuperating, it
with Sold system by druggists;
for England thirty has spent about fortifications. $26,000,000 annually
years, on coast
If .Sufferer* from Conaumption,
Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility will
try Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites, lief and ttiey benefit. will find The immediate Medical re¬
permanent Pro¬
fession universally declare it a remedy of the
greatest value and very palatable. Read: "I
have used Scott’s Emulsion in several coses of
Scrofula and Debility little In Children. Results
most pleasure.’’—\V. gratifying. My patients M. D., take Salisbury, it with
A Proud Woman’s Airs.
She Why is a proud woman And if like a music box?
is fail of airs. they blow on her,
coughs and colds must follow. Do not neglect
a Sweet cold, but take Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of
Gum and Mullein.
Life is burdensome, alike to the sufferer and
all around evils him, while dyspepsia and its at¬
tending be holds speedily sway, cured complaints by taking Prickly of this
nature can
Ash Bitters regularly. Thousands once thus
afflicted now bear cheerful testimony as to its
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
' Medical and scientific skill has at lut solved the
problem of the long needed medicine for the ner.
voub. debilitated, and tho aged, by combining the
beat nerve tonice, Celery and Coca, with other cffec.
tlve remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently
on the kidneys, liver and bowel*, remove disease,
reetore etrength and renew vitality. Thi* medicine is
fey. ^(Paine’s
It filla a plxoe heretofore unoccupied, and mark*
ft new er» in the treatment of nervous trouble*.
Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of
nervous prostration and weakness, and experience
haa shown that the usual remedies do not mend the
1 strain and paralysis of the nervous system.
Recommended by professional and business man.
Send for circular*.
f^|lRP F i5 c DEAF ’
Hearinc,whetherOie aeaSmtianMA
by cold*,Tever« or injuriee to the naturul
/mP drum*. Invisible, comfortable, always
\ 'jk unngthem. ^K(ISdi*S^y. Write to C F. vVrrf«r?o 1IISCOX, 851 U»°**
uuwTii’b!£k FRDL'** °'
PATENTS ington* D» Cm Send for our book of instructions.
Nft Lines „ under dar . the samples horse’s worth feet. «i. Write 80, FKKB.
Ur not
W Breiveter Safetv Rein Holder Co.. Holly. Mich.
■ 1 Th£
5 0
tv\ UVERoBLOOD < m?
imuq AHP r^;a\edy*
Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited,
lifeless, and indescribubly miserable, both
physically of fullness and mentally: experience after a
sense of "goneness,” or bloating of eating,
or in tho morning, tongue or emptiness coated, stomach
bitter or
bad taste in mouth, Irregular appetite, diz¬
ziness, frequent headaches, blurred eye¬
sight, “floating specks'' before the eyes,
nervous bility of prostration temper, hot or exhaustion, irrita¬
with chilly sensutions, flushes, alternating
sient pains hero and there, sharp, cold biting, tran¬
siness after meals, wakefulness, feet, drow¬
turbed or dis¬
and unrefreshing sleep, constant,
| I Attack. Bilious I | Canada ious night, David attack, etc., , says: G. I Lowe, commenced fluttering “ Being Esq., troubled of of the the St. use heart, Aanthe, with of your a poor terrible Manitoba ‘Golden rest bil¬ at ,
Medical Discovery' and ‘Pellets,’ and derived the
very highest benefit therefrom.”
spirits, bo established. and bodily health aud vigor will
Golden Medical Discovery cures all
obstinate difficult of SJ3K thau Salt-rheum. any ’ 101 none me more
or euro
SALT-RHEUM “Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 18th, 1887.
World's Dispensary Dispensary Medical assocla
tion, 683 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.:
AND Gentlemen— For several years I have felt It
RUPIIUATKU to be my duty to give to you the fnets in rela¬
tion tion to to° the complete complete cure cure of of a a most aggra
UnLUffia I lorn, vated case ol emt-rheuin, by tho useof your
Golden been Medical Discovery.’ from An elderly Jady
relative of mine had a great sufferer salt-rheum for
upwards of forty years. Tho disease was most distressing in her
hands, causing the skin to crack open on the inside of the Ungers
at tho joints and between the lingers. She was obliged to protect
the raw places by means of adhesive plasters, salves, ointments and
bandages, and during the winter months had to have her hands
dressed daily. The The pain pain was.quito waa.quito severe severe at at times times and and her her general general
health was s badly Dttdly affected, affected, paving paving the the way way for for other other diseases diseases to to
ore ep in. Cuturrh and rheumatism caused a great deal of suffering
in a addition to the salt-rheum. Sho had used faithfully, and with
tho most commendable perseverance, all tho remedies prescribed
by her physiciuns, but without obtaining relief. Sho afterwards
began treating herbs. herself Sho by drinking teas made from blood-purify¬ but de¬
ing roots aud continued this lor several years
rived no benefit. Finally, small about ten years ago, I chanced to rend
one of Dr. Pierce's pamphlets setting forth the merits of his
* Golden Medical Discovery ’ and other medicines. The name struck
—— —
Golden Medical Discovery cures Con
sumption (which is Scrofula of the Lungs),
by its wonderful nutritivo blood-purifying, properties. For invigora- Weak
ting aud
Consumption. Co., Ohio, writes: “I have not Clayton, the words Miami to
express ’Golden my Medical gratitude for the good your
wife. She taken with consumption, Discovery and after ’ has done my
was trying one doc¬
tor after another I Anally gave up all hope of relief. Being very
poor he and having show but one dollar in the world, I prayed to God that
might tell mo something; and then it seems ns though some¬
thing wife took did it directed, me to get your ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ My
as and as a result she is so sho cau work now.’’
Cnurn MINED Wasting Disease.- Watson F. Clarke, Esq.,
of < Bo3C 10®, Summerslde, Prince Edward Island,
25 Pounds work and was a burden to mvself. At that time
■ I weighed 122 pounds, and to-day I weigh 147
pounds. Then I used to eat about one meal a day, and now can
eat four or five If I dared to.”
l umbago .
Carriage.— graceful carriage Why so many be deviate from t
there may accounted for in m
many ways Muscular os are misshapen beings
Lame Back. —The spinal column is the main
stay of the body, which stiffens up thi
straight provided man muscular or woman, supports and hold nature hai
to it erect
TWISTED out oi shape.
Distortions.—Hen and women recklessly
twist themselves out of shape, and the re¬
sult is the few standing straight and the
many bending down.
Pains. —Those which afflict the back are the
most insidious or subtile. They come at
times without warning; we rise from a sit¬
strained ting posture to find the back so crippled or
as to cause acute suffering.
Cure.—Rub the parts afflicted freely with
St. Jacobs Oil; rub hard and vigorously,
producing yielding, warmth, the and parts if in the flannel pain is steeped slow
in wrap
in hot water and wrung out.
Sold by Druggists and Dealert Everywhere.
Salary from $100 to $200 a Month!
fe want a live, energetic man, who is not afraid of
work, in every town in the Southern States. Such a
man can make the above amount, handling round. onr We goods. only
No capital required. Work the year
want to hear troin tho§8 who MEAN business. H. V
HUDMN'i vV CO., Publishers, 33 5*. Broad
Street, ATLANTA, UA.
lX&4Soifsk wysy&Es I
i>H y\siN
PHIMDELPHIA i-Send stamp for Cxtalosuk.
Di«ll ni.' S rlllSa DSIIa* Great English Gout and
Rheumatic Remedy.
Oval Box* 34 1 round, 14 Pills.
nt set diuuiu nr in nneekt KS
improvement. 1IKRBRAND CO.. Fremont, ©.
’ Genuine Solid GOLDYVATCHES and
venofatiieBibler WO will flvethe following valmabU pr•*«*&; For the fmcerrect
an*wer »Gontl«m»n’d (or L*rfy *) lluntinr Cuff Solid Gold Wetch find Chain worth
lecond.e $40; Genuine DUmoad Ring worth $50; forth#third, ftSolid for Gold each Watch (opi
fur th« fourth, a Genuine Diamond Ring 1 worth $25, nc d of the lit
fcoe, nntwerfl (lUmpi.pOitnlfiotff (If there bff ao many), an elegantly which buond voluir.o of Poema. With yotir nutvrtr «
pAcinga, Containing Ilitofour or itlrer), for low-priced we will send yon, all poit-patcl.o-jrGnuid followingCsrda Combi taatton
m 1 pork Courting Cnrdi, a (ft style*), popular pack Conversation books Card* and (Si styles), toe pack New Came .Ac.;
Acquslz lUuee
pack Cards, pack Lovff Card*, pack Nose Poking Cnrdi, pack Comic Flirtation Cards,pack Sicort Card*
Invitation Cards, peck Overtaken! (loUof fun), prick O b Cautious Card;, puck Popping
tiff* Cards, the Standard Bean Catcher, 1 ThoCameof Sheet Parlor Magic, 60 Beat Conundrums, 10 Ceotce
Gamea for Parties, Kemlcal Konversnlion, Fortune, The Game of Fox and Geese, The
Gameef Nina Men Morrie, The AIbnm Writer’s Friend, The Great Animal Puxile, The Game of
Forfeits, Telling 100 Choice Album Vareea, The Great Eureka Prize Puzale, than How to tell a lady’s aye, 1 For¬
tune will refund the Tablet, Ac. paid We for guarantee Be thie pack ago to more full satisfy and address. every purchaser or
HOWA RD money KBLI it. SHnO aure to CO rive your name W Addresa
I——ill r n,l flaaottwai . , - allingford. Conn.
itauiped with tbs above (g absolutely tbe^FISH traf^r and WmirROor, and will keep you dry If in the hardest storm.
TRA na MARK. Ask for BRAND” slicker ant! take no other. your storekeeper doe*
[ Copyright, 1887.]
indcscribablo feeling of dread, or of Im¬
pending If calamity have 7
bet- you of these all, or any considerable
suffering num from that symptoms, you are
most common of
American maladies—Bilious Dyspepsia, or
Torpid Indigestion. Liver, associated The with complicated Dyspepsia,
or more
your disease lias become, the greater the
number and diversity of symptoms. No
matter what stage it has reached. Dr.
ITekcb's Goi.ukn Medical Discovery
will subduo it, if taken according to di¬
rections for a reasonable length of time.
If not cured, complications multiply and
Consumption Heart Disease, of Rheumatism, tho Lungs, Skin Diseases,
ease, other maladies Kidney quite Dis¬
or grave are
I I Liver | | Co., taking Mrs. N. I. ‘Golden Y.y V. writes: Webber, Medical “For of Discovery Yorkshire five years ’ , and Cattaraugus previous ‘Pellets/ to
Disease. I right was side a great continually; sufferer; was had unubJe a severe to pain do my in own mv
work. I am now well and strong.”
conquered by medicine. this powerful, purifying, and
| invigorating rapidly heal under Great Eating Ul
eers its benign influ-
illillSBI <*» notice an improvement. Alter taking about dozen bottles
a she
improved; almost the rheumatism entirely left her, and the catarrh was
enjoyed cured, go that it ceased to be much annoyance. She has
excellent health from that day to this, and has had no
return of either salt-rheum or rheumatism. The ‘ Discovery
seems to havo entirely eradicated the salt-rheum from her systes —
extreme'* 0VCT years old, and very healthy for one of s\a
J have written this letter, of which you can mako any use j
Bee tit, hoping that some sufferer from salt-rheum might chant*
read it and obtain relief by using your ‘Golden Medical Iliscoti
—for Golden ’ it is in its curative properties, and as much y
the multitude of nostrums and so-called ‘patent medicin
zealously metals. flaunted before the public, os aold is above thi
- Respectfully
F. w. yours,
Breath, Lungs, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of
Severe Chronic Nasal Catarrh affect
tions. It Coughs, is Asthma, and kindred
a sovereign remedy. WhUe It
Cough Mrs. N. W. Bice, of Newfane, Vi
of says: I (ee* Bt liberty to acknok
_ rIVF „ iFMK’ . the the ‘Golden benefit I Medical received Discovery,’ from two biktfl
‘l? 1 ItAno cough of five wtil ad
’ a years’ standing,
ST1NI1IHG UIHnUinU. fbb fro™ which I had suffered Piei^B M
time. I have also used Dr.
“ " of Smart-Weed, or Water
family, with good effect,”
Worth $1000 — Golden Medical Discovery i
■ _ _
HftTTi r cured of consumption. I am]
H "Ul IIX. well, and have only spent tl
be put back where I I would not take three thoii
was.” ■
Discovery $1.00, Six Bottles for $5.00'
For MAN or BEA8T, Rub i
Atlanta , Ga.
Send for Catalogue*
i-i H-w a 4M.
: I £
•jKimn ifiRi
e O8foodu
Wb«B 1BAJ car* I do not mean merely to atop them
for a tuna and then havo them return i»#. I
warrant my remedy to euro the worst c«6eg. Becante
other* have failed is no reason for not now wcmvtnK a
cure. Bend at onoe for a treatue and * Free Bottle
A MONTH. AgnitsWanted. 90 beateell
Gr (Mil) » is worth $500 per lb. Pettit’s Eye Solve iv
worth $1,000. but is sold at 25c. a bn* by deiters.
A. N. Ua. ..FIv, *HHm
liable to set In, and, sooner or later, in¬
duce a fatal termination.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov¬
through ery acts that powerfully blood-purifying upon the Liver, and
cleanses the great of all blood-taints organ, and
impurities, from system whatever
It is equally efficacious in acting cause arising. the
Kidneys, and other upon
cleansing, strengthening, excretory healing organs,
and t heir
diseases. As an appetizing, restorative
tonic, thereby it promotes building digestion and nutri¬
tion, up both liesh and
strength. derful medicine In malarial districls, this won¬
has gained great celeb¬
rity and in curing Fever and Ague, Chills
Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred
cles, BSISsSi! Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Soros and Swell
tags, Goitre, Hip-Joint Thick Disease,"White Neck, Swellings”
or and Enlarged
nromrglv cures the severest Coua
strengthe ens the system and pu ril'd
Stiff Joints,
Saddle I