Newspaper Page Text
..' 1
Position • f the M. E.
The following resolution was
unanimously adopted by the
' Georgia annual Conference:
In as much as some misap¬
prehension has existed and still
exists in reference to our posi¬
tion as a church of the South,
Resolved, That the Method¬
ist Episcopal Church, while
mainly supporting the great
Government of the United
' States, is in no sense allied to
any political party, nor will al¬
low its policy to be dictated by
the views and interests of polit¬
ical parties or leaders; that ©ur
work in the South is simply to
p: each the law of God and the
Gospel Christ clearly, fully and
simplv, with an aim at the con
! version and salvation of men,
leaving our members and friends
to determine upon the political
lelations and course ot action
which they ought to choose
and hold.
Little Nannie C Tucker,
(laughter of John F and Sallie
A Tucker, was born in Murray
County Ga., Jan. the 15th 1880
and died in Navarro county Tex
as Feby. 6th 1888, at four
o’ clock a. iu., and hence was
eight years old. Nautne was
lovely, pleasant and loving
girl, but she. has gone from
beckon them to folio v her. As
David said: "She cannot return
to us but we can a;o to hei”.
May tlist Holy Spirit lead the
parents, brothers and sis e e to
live so as to meet ^ nnnie, in
heaven. N. W. Kuhn.
ShenhaVs nomination for
the piesitlency, which appears
to be made more probable by
the withdrawal of Blaine, will
make more certain a square
fight between the two political
parties on the tail: question,
Sherman was the first man in
congress to take issue with the
president’s message in a speech
ot widely dilteient views, and
his party regard him as their
lender and exponent on revenue
and financial quesli 11 s, The
opposition of Clevel ml and
Sherman would make the issue
’pa amount and well defined.
So be it.—Atlanta Journal.
Any ot onr readers who will s r>d
ten o« nts to tlm American Pnlilish
ing Oomphny. 3860 F. irniovmt Av
enuh,'Bhilfldc!|ihiu, Pa., that Com
m*nv will send them, postage paid.
“The Weird ami Won dev In 1 Story of
8HF; or Adventures in the Caves of
Kor,” by H R Haggard. Published
iu four volumes, r zo of Seeide L.
brnrv. We hb io all of our readers
will improve this npportmdty tn^i t
this lascn ftling stmv. Which is «<>
much pnised by all Die leading pm
pera and magazinoa.
Hon. W 11 Ivankin i-i spo¬
ken of as n pro-pi-ctive candi
diiVt* for tlie House front <io -
don co ntv
Nckt Saturday the llc^ultl^
u.’iii StrtU; ('enl in I Committee
in eel si in Athintn to sol ct a
date to hold the .State DullYe!,
I ion, V\ uicll . is . to Select.doit i-ntes
to th,’ KhUoiulI li-pubiicali 1
Lcu'.cnuon. .
A . • v't ». 1 , , i ‘M
! y ( '‘ '1
til I XCi) Villey lice (. T 1 e
It 3 n»a-*iia >f
, . * , V .
1 three feel io IfA The
IU Iromwop to tip ot nose i.
file ff feet and is three feet be
t\*|***l) tn6 fyes o, Scientists - 4 - . , have
fried to find an appropriate r * r
name lot this immense aniri&l. .
Iblve yon cot Consumption, As
f limit, Here fhrost, Bror.chiul Tronb
psia, Nervous Pwafrahei* i
or •hroiue Troubim? if ao,
een 1 f postal to Drs.{Markey and
Pft!eniJL527 and 1529 Arcll Street,
Phila&bitia, ^a Pa., and. they will
send 200 pa^t book f ree.
At M jrsiwi'iiii. -meeting of the stock
holders the W, & A. R. R
;n Atlanta recently, the passen
and STti7i* a h«lf cents r tr«' tor fifty ff to miles t
or les^wo and a qu^ter tor
mo: e that fifty and leas than
ont bundled, and two and one
obnto for more than one
Un<lwa '
Mr. Tfairie said nothing a
bout “fitvn this.” Can it be
posible tbe tetter was “bogus?’ 1
J.ental Advertisements.
8TJCVI of Grosois, Murray County
Where ns W J> Gregory Administrator of
Jathan Gregory, represents io .he court iu
hia pet tioduly filed aini e otered on ecurd,
that ho has fully administered Jsthun Greg¬
ory’s ostattt. This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Admr.
should not fee discharged from Mb Adminis¬
tration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in May 1888. Feb. 2. 1888.
W H Rsusbv, Ordinary.
Georgia, Murray county,
/ jJVberoasH of the estate R ar.d of John Phillip Beatner Bcamcr deceased Eaeou
r6*°ksents te the court in their petition duly
fileV and (j^teyv^on record, that they have
fully admibfK^ed John Beamer’s estate ac¬
cording to 1|^ will. This is therefore to eite
all persons fOneornod, kindred and creditors,
to show eaH|e,if any they can why said Ex¬
ecutors sboijUl not be discharged from their
trust, and ro olve letters of dismission on tbo
if on 'Ivpi&i,* tfiH, This Jam, Mt ‘*8*1.
W H Rahmey, Ordinal ■v.
St.mb of Gniaon murhav couiity:
Whereas, Win Lntlnmn Admin
istrator of John Q’Oonner 1 vpn>.
fiente to the coml in his pc-lit inn,
duly filed and outered on r. coord
that ho Las fully administ ered John
O’Conner’s estate. This ia there
fore lore to 10 eito liiu all an t)er per. c ons oiks concerned cnneeineii,
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why raid Ad
imniiitrator should nut be dischar¬
ged from Ins administration and
receive letters of dismission on l he
first Monday in April 1888, This
January 4th 18 8.
•VI, r!. Ramsey, Oidinary.
GeorjriH, Murray uountv:
By virtue of an fiderof tho court,
ot t. uiiiiaiy of said county I will
sell to the higeat bidder before tli>
court house door in suid county, on
the first Tuesdoy in March, next,
wi hin the Iey:al hours of sale, all
the mineral interest in lot of land
No 242. and an undivided half of
li e mineral interest in lot No. 243
both in 26tb dint, and 2nd section
of said county, Bold as the property
<f Jathan (irerforv deed. Terms
cash. F< b. 2 1 888.
W D Ureg-'ry, Admr.
Georgia, Murray Countv.
D M Peilcp A^mini?fralor of J W Walker
npresents to the Court in hi? petition duly
fii*d and entered on tocci rd, that ho hav
ftDly administered J W \' f alk r’«« estate
Tbi?» if* thereftifo to cite all purgonj concern' d
kiudr. d ami creditor*, to show cause, if any
li cv w»»i, why paid Adtnfniet a tor -hould not
b« diteharged from b’s Adhii.nls»tv«. ton »uui
receive letters of ditouig*ion on the iirat Mon
day i«» Mur* Ti 1888, W, H. li. SI KY,
Deo. Id 1887. Oi diuary
Statu ok Ghohoia, Mi/rr«ji Cottnty.
W V How, II In s appii -il l«» <x
i.’Hip'.irvn oi p is naifv ;t!i i I wil
pa^ upon ihe name a) 12 oVh ck ixt
on l' h* 2-HIt tinv of Fi-by. 1?88 n '
nv r llioo. 'V II ll'irnsej' Ortly.
Georgia Mm ray Uoiirny
Tite application for aaK'-ssmci*l o
» yejirs allownu-e (or the tivu m'
nup rliivin^t, of M'r® L'venia'O Me
bain. il> c'»', ,j -ui I th-, ns « .sn eni
l'>:> <! tb t>n!i lift'-, been fiU-<1 it, mv
; flic*' uq< 1 ; wil| it),on tiio Ran,*
i h;r .*ey. Hi*b |SS (.
vv 11 IUm-ky Or 'i-ury.
«r* -*1J_.
>A»-1T,0 14SK *»£B9» ••
*•’••’-, ' ,
-. t., , r ;- ;. » r ,... % o»., i« rto Wjrhest
*pfT Merest Mpi
> * ,
*» r<1 # Vl ir ih * 10;b H?- **
*"* 10 *** u ftoNor,h Em * co aor
owwn t.y a i K«*th. The 8 *m«
*fr* n*<mi or !e*«. Lexica on by virtue of
Collsetor'a office of said connty in favor of the
Stale and county ags'im said paroel of land
for th# year. W2, 187J. 1874, 187S, 1876,
1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881 * 1882, 1883,
1884 1885 1888 and 1887. Thii P«by. 2nd
1888 . * c t TBitsf , She* ff.
i- M4RCU ~ ^ sales.
; Sri ^ ^ Mcreat cobkty
win to eotd tietons tb» ooprt fconso door in
the town of Spring Place tft the highest bid
der outcry botween the iog»i hoera
n.^n ■ T - ■--?*?
wit- 5?
1SS Xg* W9iand 0 f land two Nee. hnjpdr«^and 180 181 eigfSt
lymnh m the twenty smliTlist. and
htit,r:« n 'I™ L^h. »Th
aistrict and 3rd section all of said
land in said county. t<evled on as
the property of Mary F Hill by virt
ne °f ^ satisfy a fi fa issued
^ Zt °LZ
district e m in favor ofSallie An
derson vs Mary P Hill. Levy made
and returned to me by John Cbij-
11615 LC '
Aleo at the same time aud place
70 acres of land iu south west
corner of lot of land No. 54 in the
10th district and 3rd section of said
county. Levied on as the property
of S M Walker by virtue of and to
satisfy from the a Justices 1011th uistnet court fi ia_ in issued favor
o w
ol'FM licaj tloy vs the sai<i S M
Walker, F M K udrick and E F l ea.
security on stay. Property Walker pointed
out by defendant b M
Levy made ivnd returned to mo t»y
W N Barclay u c.
This Febmavy. 2nd 1888.
C, L. TERRY, Sheriff.
fi M l
r .
mm h] jm
s A /
j j Til? Slspifl AWOHAUC & Old 72321*33 system
ery, umbrellas, neck wear, white
GOODS and for Family and Dressmakers’
KRUSE M’PG CO., 124 E. 14th SI,* N. Y.
1870 1 B 88
Premium Art Gallery.
33 U Whitehall >*»., Atlanta, tin.
v < ben you visit, the city cell and
R'e ijiv StT,)H p ; ,ir Exhibit, which
was nwurdad the ojsty irudal ollVir
ed. and li ve eiidnnius
I shali continue to make mv fin¬
est Cubincis at ?4p r dozen
Portable Corn Kills and Killstsnes.
. .
The Beat in tho World for making fine table
meal; for grinding Corn, Oats, Kye, Barley or
any mixed feed. It cuts all fibrous matter better
than any known stone or bnhr.
Samples of Meal sent on application.
Wien e w a i ., , •
8X1 ATE 0V. IIXI jf. UP
fin TO
R. r JON I'm O- I’:,-'. »• !
it V V. if i: J4 1;. in u f;!;-..
- >
e cure for sickness 500
j.’ ‘ » 0 wft8 Neglect- J 300 years J
agjp, 100 yeais ago,
?&>/,$and DrufjK 25 years ago
JMmnes; to-.lay it is Com -
P** l^icmes weaken , the h who . .
SV ' Rf em to strengthen ® one weak
point; Compound ^ Uxygbn
ctreitothenS ° both,
A doCtOl , bill .. .
S Average IS
gg<v Invest C* $15 111 OUr “Home
Treatment, ’ and will ...
you save
t heat her $35, and feel better
than you have,for five years,
/ rn ’Von ^ Nervons* Those tired ’
. .
sick headaches will vanish.
li ** t ) ou weak LXmG8? Give
'to^ftrengtben compound oxygen one chance
them. Have you
DY spepsia It will cure you!
t4«. li^nenaber always one thing!
t-yinff our treatment. It is sim
ply breathing diffemt air, not
‘‘dosing,” or ‘ drugging,” or go
hie ft |jj 0U8an( j miles away fiom
.hd friehdelt is bre.tbihg
daily hjto your lungs, At rour
own gpme, the concentrated vi¬
t ality4t f a!l the health resorts m
the Wpi Id. 200 page book
mailedf free, for particulars,
■Dks. Staekiv & Paian,
1527 a»i1 1529 a eh st., phila
driphial penn,
EBmilBS & SOI,
seys wniteliall St., Over M, Rich &
Brh’s. Dry Goods Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We give the best pictures for
the least money. Children’s picl
ures taken in one second Strangers
from the country always welcome.
Call and examine specimens and
F, R.0LES,
ALWfOAL ’.orb PR-tC
Having located at the Legal
Teiiilei* mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly ami with all the
precision that the latest revela¬
tions in chemical science pei
C. C. C. C .
D O 1) G f; s
Certain Chicken Cholera Cure
This is Iho o ly specific for chicking yet
discnvereil; nvery package guaranteed to slop
eh dera among chilkons in fifleon minutes, so
that no more will tako the ilicease. I have
(ho indorsement of tho Commissioner of Agri¬
culture of Ga. Call and get a pnckageonly
25cts. For sale by T. J. 0VBEY,
Sprang Place Ha
Metropolitan Hotel.
AHantv Georgia.
Fifty yard) lr >m XJ i in Passenger
Di p i.
Corti'H- of Ala , j..m i UVyor Streets.
------- JUit/s I let (so tinkle
R. P KEITH, Proprietor,
[t,.i« ai| i mi. uh Iiortso ]
1*11-0 I’OGUAiMlKS.
D ALTOV, ( l 15i > ill M A.
Witbavo in i'u tub* 1 ' "in' new
.jralli-i \ to nmko ot .-r-i yh’ pho
tooraplis ali'l u ill tfini';»nt«-*• to
nlesit.” th,,st* wiinriiio pb-Hnv-*.
Qoiiio-i uu<i Knlus-oinoiitrt a
ijn-enil* v. Fu¬
Four Gem pictures ' or
!. .4
-Ot \ JM - l;!4i|e Jol fl'iV # «” IMS.
J),, iu,! *;iil lo call r'lil i-xaiti.
lit,- lop vy,,< k v. lied in |.|ftlton.
-oSs *Pu;11)r.i;,-* iMi'ie oil e!,»;ul\ as
vVle^'rt.- .i-i.y othw, ,ln'<
The M OCH h ■
Dalton, • oo:oo Georgia.
Newly Opened! Newly Furr lei g:I
First-Class Accommodation. BESi.' Mi A Ui t AAA- STATE
lor the MONEY. Rates $2. per day.
W. H. MURDOCH, Prop’r.
Millinery Goo'ds, If
Just Received at the MJIlliery Store ol
J. <fe J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Sti
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assertmentof Mllinory and Straw Goods, consisting of Straw
Bonnetsaud Ladies’ and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Nech
and Sash Ribbons, Yilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Cranes. Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments £e. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best will importing be Houses in Balti¬
more and New Yorn, and sold at very low
prices for cash.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I a m selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Co,
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Pallor and Bedroom setts made to o-der.
W. V 7 . VanNkss, Dalton, G a., N«x=fc door to Caunoua
MoMnran <: % > Anderson,
V: • cripri r>s ^aroru'.iy Fs*&j>fv ed
A;#': Every wo
Dear Sir s Do yon want to see the
■■■-‘4 latest WONDER of ’ 87 . ANSWER *FO
D-1Y. A $35 Single Harness reduced to
1 $•'25. Tlie finest Harness MADE for
the money. Handsome nickel or imifa tion
EiRlWSfflsfei'- "V^tHBrWI rubber gold finish mountings. HAND
aW'-.C madc fr ° m oak stock, unsurpassed for
btflmL s: > lc sntl durability. If you will allow us
e M ' v.e Will send vou a sample foryourinspec
r? L* m . lion made to by show making you what SPECIALTY progress we nave
. % ling out Soo a each month. andget- You
i JtefeC-Cv over setts
ii WMm 1 can kcc P thc Mm P le at only ?7o. »s less
,han P rice here return at OUR EX
MKm ^WS& -: --AAlg wasSSfSySJt NA-noNAt Harness 1 "*** CO.,
fik ■ m
A. ANDERSOM, Collar and Hames, |2 Extra. No Breast Cellar
King of Harness Manufacturers. Wholesale Manar-er Mfrs., of (ho Double Style horses.
National Harness Oo., for two Price, 35.00.
s int. '5" . ~ 7 "
lug. o. M&Pob-l‘ifis 1.
imm mm
Vlxst S?vBaalasa avA SJcld Medal at
| Tilo»-,f;,Tj*f-s losr Or’e-isj HzpoeiiLer., ISS^. ;t<>»<’(ion,
N> Sf)fSc!in5i.X»a4-&,nt r i,<- It at V KurtC'H % %
a jj ISSO, tv l.oti»vviiSe £.a ;>t>\ ■ ix’n.Ky*,
tfjti ’ii-cyoaut! »i it 1 'liff ?>< Ht »t* |j:» wvrii|
B also 8t (be"B!>»at«( O.lfas Inhisi.-fal EsitoulUo*,
B I Haiti, tine iccoivcU iLu
This Car l: : :ioo as easy as tny Sorgy, and
positjyoly free from Horse Action.
a, A ; '«’• 1 ’■’O» evrilr<- it* r.l'-vo >u I7W53 ‘rt with tb«* horsed
CgSKST.ara«i» 1“S«
gvf\ 7 ^Jf Send for AGENTS Circulars WANTED & Testimonials. }
J . In every Town not a ready taken.
Patentees, Ceneseo, III.
The following books are published Illustrated- tu neat pamphlet They form, without printed from good cheapest readable type on food
paper, naked and many of them handsomely are exception the books ever pub*
in any land or language, and furnish to the ma8ses of the people an opportunity works to secure the best
literature of the day at the most trifllnrr offered. expense. In any other scries these great would cost manjr
times tho price at which they are here Each one is complete m itself;
tains Wonder* of the World, illust.-niioua Natural tba. m*j> Orusa. wonderful Con¬
descriptions and of most Instructive.
works of nature and of man. Very lntcrpatiuK and
ful Wonders of tho Sea. found A description of the the many wonder¬
*od beautiful tilings at the bottom of ocesu, with
profuse Illustrations.
“JoaiM* *‘A Pleasure Exertion,'* and Other Etctche*. By
Aiiss'a WlYB.” A collection of lrreflaiiWy d tue day. funny
sketches by th® most popular limaoroun writer
The Aunt Kestloh Papers, by Clara Agoosta, anfhor
of “Tb® Bug* Documents.” A most ridiculously fuuoy book
—inevery way equal to “Widow Bedott.’*
Christmas Stot’Ios, by Cbabls® C«rJs'!D*8 Dicrxns. Contains a
number of th® most charming stories ev«r written
by the greatest writtr who ever lived Bach on® In complete.
Hound tho Evcnlnar Lamp. A book of stories,pictures,
ptmlesand games, for th® little folks at home.
tic Popular and pathetic, Recitations including: and Dluloaae®, latesi. best humorons, popular. drama¬
all the nud most
TueSoIf-iifade Men of Modern Times. Contains par
traits and biographies or ramousself-mads Americans, from the
time of Franklin to th® present.
•hipof Familiar Quotations. Containing the origin and ivn'F.or
many phrases frequently met in reading and conversa¬
tion. A valuable work of reference.
Lour Life In New York. A eerie® of vivid p?n plctnres
•bowing the dark side of life In the great city. lUntlraitd.
The Hoad to Wealth. Not en advertising circular,
but * thoroughly practical work, pointing o»t a way by
which all Hundred may make money, easily, rapidly Bcntiment^l,pallietlo and honvetly •
One Popular 8ong», aod
and comic. Including most of tho favorites, new eld.
Sir JNocl'a Heir. A Novel. By Sirs. Maj aonss Flemino.
A Bartered Life. A Novel.. By MakIok Hablani*. 8.
Aa Old Man’s Sacrifice. A Novel. By Mrs. Anh
with SaUUacUoHcucranrv.d cloth back, f oral .KO, Th'sUtheeroi: ■/. bwgr.ln in books teken evervfiered. lorlrucdonR 1 oi )..n.,*im\»<lv»nn>*eoIlt, dytiar. as mwarreljswll
ur money rqfundei i. FOctake f'.tami.R a
The Tbe rem>S!!*»l Cheat. linhlea. Novel. A Novrl. By II.T. Caum>|»
014.Oaken A ByF vi.vanusCobb, Jr,
The Pearl.of the Oeean. A Novel. By Cl a a* Adobsta^
Hollov, Ash HahU A Novel. By Mahuaut Bloubt,
CUife Houae. A Novel. By Ktta W. Fikrck. * -
Ludcr the Lilacs. A Novel. By tho author 6f “DfJTl
Tboras.” Craeelet.
T?»o Plamohd A Kovel. By'Mrs. Hamm
Wood. Muttraied.
The La « J er*** Secret* A Nov-d. By MUs M. K. Bbaddoh.
The Mr:uigr Cqho of Or. alekyll and Mr. Hyde. A
Novel. By If. L. tiTKVKNSON.
A Wicked Girl. A Novel. Bv Mast Cecil Hat.
Lady Vaiworth's Hlamonds. A Novel. » I “Taa
Du cum, a.”
IJeiwcert Two Pina. A Novel. By the aatbor of “ D<NNi
Ttioru'e.’’ fUnstfuted.
The Nine of Heart*. A Novel. By B. T.. Faiuxoit.
Uorla'* F«»rtiinc. a Novel. liy Flohknck Wabokk.
A Low Murringe. A Novel. By Miss Miu.ocs. Ithlte
The tlnUty Liver. A Novel, liy WicutnCoLLtn*.
Tho of Asps. A Novel. By Florrko* MabstaT.
Mont 4> run(*e- A Novel. By Mr®. Him«hv Wood,
Fordug Piny the Fetter^. Hnuichter. A Novel. Novel. By Mrs. By Alxxasdsb. Mrs. Am*w
A tv right’s A
Bowmans. IUn*tratcd. of ^DdHi
Fair but False. A Novel. By the author
Thorne.” li’uetiatr.d. »
Lancaster's t-uhta. A Novel. By Mrs. M.V. Yioto*.
]V< titrated.
Flor*:nc.e IrlnglonV Oath. A Novel. By Mrs. Ma*T
A. Dcmao*. Must ruled.
The TV Oman Hu ter* A Novel. By Dr. J. H. Bobirm*,
JU'iitiat /'. ' Caldo*. ' -.ft 1 ••
The 4 pi:ferula Cabin. A Novel. By M. T.