Newspaper Page Text
■C. N. KINO. S. B CAKTElt.
North Georgia Times
KINGA CARTER, Publishers.
THURSDAY, MARCH, 3*, 188*.
Leal Prayer.
How many Ch istians really
pray? How many understand
the subject of prayei? An un
told number of believers go
through life without gladness
and joy in religion because they
lack a knowledge of the real se
cret ot obtaining spiritual
strength, from above. Prayer is
the lever that moves the heart
of God, and brings the richest
blessings of heaven, but true
prayer consists in more
tition. A man might ask bod
for letup ral blessings day after
day and year after year, but it
oil that mau s heart there was
the blot of a sin which he has
not repented, which is therefore
unpardoned, that prayer would
be a solemn mockery in tin
sight ot the holy Father. Those
who desire to reap the benfits
of prayer should remember that
Cod is, above all things, holy;
and when we talk to Him and
ask tor favo a, every sin that
stands between the soul and its
Maker must be confessed be¬
fore we can expect God’s ans¬
wer to a petition outside of the
confessiou of the sin which hides
Ilis lace from us. Let me sug¬
gest to those who desi.e to en¬
joy real prayer a few questions
to put to the soul before asking
God for a special object: Am
I at peace with my neigh
bors?—For il I am not, and
am m the wrong, God is not
peace with me: Do I foigive
those who trespass against me
with the same spirit which
Christ exercised?—If I do not
neither does God forgive me:
Am I working with all my
heart’s zeal to accomplish the
object of my prayer?—For if I
am not willing to obtain my de¬
sire by my own efforts, if possi¬
ble to do so, God wili not con¬
sider my request: Am I guilty
of any known sin which I do
not strive with all my powers
to overcome?—If I •un God will
not hear me; He wants man to
do his utmost and when that is
done He will keep him with
llis power. Do I say from the
depths ot my soul, ‘‘Thy will,
not mine, be do r .t?”—If so God
is standing ready to honor and
answer that prayer. A heart
filled with firm puiposes to do
God’s will; not desires alone, is
the heart th .t God v> il flood
with Hit* light! Auden.
One of the most terrible rail
road accidents that has ever oc¬
curred in Georgia, took place at
Blacksliear on the 17th, in
which there were twenty one
persons killed and twenty four
seriously injured. The cause,
of the accident is supposed to
have been f om a defective
truck that caused tlie breaking
of 400 feet of the trestle across
the Hurric lie river, which
went down with the. train in
the depths below, resulting in a
most horrible accident.
{-join the info?mattou leceiv
ed, the Whitfield Regulator
were not vesy well skilled in
the aits of the organization.
Gentlemen il you will meet
at ‘‘Owl Hollow ’ in this count\
at the next regular meeting ot
K. K’s you will be taught iiow
to proceed in a more legitimate
way at your next call.
A hill has passed the Senate
which n ovules for the relief
of ex-soldiers and sailois, their
widows anti parents.
Al! persons who served three
months or more in the naval
seivice of the United States
duTing the late war and wbo
have been legally and honora
pjy discharged therefrom who
are noW; or who may hcreatter
p,, suffering from mental or
physical disability which ren^
j el . 9 them unable to perform
i Uanue l labor, and who have no
0 ther means of support, shall,
U p 0n fm-nishing proof of the
f HC ^ complying with the re
quirements as the Secretary of
Interior may provide, be
eD rolie«I upon the invalid list of
pensioners of the Uuited States
au( | ^ entitled to leceive $12
p er month. Also the widow,
m i nor child or childien under
e ,ighteen years of age, depend¬
ant mother 01 father are enti¬
tled under a certain provision
of the bill.
Cal Bryant, formerly of this
county and young Dr. Trevitt
have formed a copartntrship
find have entered into the drug
business in Dalton Ga., in first
class style. Their stock is of
the purest and freshest drugs
that can be had in market and
they propose to deal them out
by the wholesale, as well as by
retail, at the very lowest prices
that they can be handled at a
small profit.
Henry Pope, (col) of Chat
tooga county, was sentenced
lust week, to lie huug June the
for rape. This is the see¬
ond t: ial and second sentence of
Pope for the same offense.
A New Orleans Merchant.
Mr. A K Seago writes: Send
me a dozen bottles Huckleberry
Cordial for some afflicted children
at the orphan's home. Dave used
with 80 mncl > recess in my fam¬
ily, know what it will do.
Mr. N H Frohfichstein of Mobile
Ala., writes: I lake great pleasure in
recommending Dr. King's New I'is
covery for Consumption, have used
it for a hi vere attack of Bronchitis
and Catarrh. It gave mo instatt re
lief and entirely cured me and I have
not been afflicted since. I also beg
to state that I had tried other rem¬
edies with no good results. Have
also used Electric bitters and Dr.
King's New Life Pills, both of which
I can recommend.
Dr, King's New Discovery Cofds, for
Consumption, Coughs and is
so d on a posivive guarantee. Tri¬
al bottles free at hobinsou & Aa
derson's Drug store.
- AND -
i mm
f; V.
4 jM t. P ii/
|lllr s' 7
A P*
.'V / ,.y,-- - . v - v • - • -
T- V< ^ -v *Y' ; \
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v-i V
-SWEET Wm ,TT r v -\MD
Tho sweet gum, us In: t -p.> of .he
Put ii' I'Huii', growing ......;■« uni-’ fn
t.l»* MUUllfi-li Mu'.-'S. rout o ; tiaoi .itin,. <;-x«
peel' ? •>'!* pi !n-Mph tout |).H the phlegm pro*
JucoiK th" *-:ii jv i• • r o •.'vend unit sitmulutes
,t>!> child t 1 , thrf'WO’ftbri . i.'ciuPrnno iu croon
and whtiopiii, -.M\: When Out ml'ttu’U ibo
1 tilling riiMen.ti.ii'ieis prlneiolw in th If Ta\ mullein PI
plant of tho «'M pc"’ . I 'osonm Ja i 1.01 ; s
( liKKOKi- L Jit JUl'Y W!.;5 tit M AM) Ml I.*
i.kin the finest knot odytiirCoujrhs,Croup,
»v>optng-c« ciitM .jitinM plenaed •• it.. and Ask ?*o pnln*
Ud de, anv i^ tf.'c. to take your
flnv/tst »e> ii Price and .% 1 .#N».
KaLI IU A.TA \ LGH.AUuntu.Ga.
Georgia Murray County.
J R Hhillip* Admr. of Wiley Dudley, deed,
tnukes application for letters of dismission
from the estate of said deceased, this is to
cite all persons concerned, to show cause if
any they can why said Admr. should not be
discha-ged and receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in June 1888.
W H Rakbry, Ordinary.
Groroia Murray County.
P McGhee Ad-or. of N A Magee deceased
makes application in due form for letter! of
diimlssion fToji the estate ofeaid deceased,
This is to cite ail persons, concerned, heirs
and creditors to show cause if any they can,
why said Administrator should not be dis¬
charged from hie administration and receive
letters oi dismission on the first Monday^ in
June 1888. W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Georgia Murray County.
E W Bond Admr. of Jas. L McEntire deed,
makes appi cation in due form for letters of
dismission from the estate of said deceased
This is to cite all persons concerned, heirs and
creditors, to show cause if any they can, why
said Admr. should not bo discharged from bis
Administration and receiro letters of dismiss¬
ion on the first Monday in June 18S8.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
IVill he sold before the Court house door in
the town of Spring Place,'Ga., to the highest
bidder at public outcry between the legal
hours of sale cn the 1st Tueiday in May next
the following wild land to wit: All of lot of
land No. 311 in the 10th District and 3rd
section of Murray county, except 55 acres in
the South East corner owned by A F Alexan¬
der nnd 40 acres in the North East co ner
owned by A L Keith. The same being 65
acres moro or less. Levied on by virtue of
and to satisfy a tax fl fa issued from the Tax
Collector’s office of said county in favor of the
State and county against said parcel of land
for the years 1372, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876,
1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883,
1884 1885 1886 and 1887. This Feby. 2nd
1888. C L TERRY, Sheriff.
State of Georgia Murray County.
Will be sold before the court
house door in the town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out ciy bet ween the legal hours
of sale on the 1st Tuesday in April
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit:
All tha* portion of lot of land No. 285, ly¬
ing north of Holly Creek, except the saw mill
and gin property and mill privelages includ¬
ing about threo acres of land: ulso fifty rods
off of the south side of lot of land No. 266, all
in t e 26th district and 2nd section of said
couo’y. Levied on as the property of VV J
Peoples by virtue of aud to satisfy three jus¬
tices court ti faf from the 1018th district, o M
two in favor of Pacific Guano Co. vs W J Pee¬
ples and one vs W J Painter and W J Pee¬
ples. Property in posession of VY J Peeples
and is subject to dow^r of Mrs. Lousia Hassier.
Also a the Fame time and p.nco Town lot
in the towu of Soring Place Ga/^iown a a the
C E Wall house and lot and bounded as fol¬
lows: South by E H L Keiater West by pub¬
lic street, North by Marvin Smith and East
by back street between the property of G T
Ogletro© and said property, containing one
half acre more or less. Levied on to satisfy
Gireo Justice court fi fas, two in favor of G W
Oglesby and ono in favor of T J Ovb y, all
against Mr*. M A Wall, issued from the 824t \
district o m and controlled to Mrs. M A Oatis.
Levied on as the proper y of tha defendant.
This March lsl 1 88H. UL Terry.
State of Okoroia, Murray County
Wherens W I> Gregory Administrator of
Jatlian Gregory, represents to be court in
his pet tiou, duly filed and e : tered on lecord,
that he has fully administered J a than Greg¬
ory’s ostate. This is therefore to cito all
persons concerned, kitdred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they cao, why said Admr.
should not be discharged from his Adminis¬
tration and receive letters of dipmissio on
the first Monday in May 1888. Feb. 2. 1888.
W H Kamsky, Ordinary.
Georgia, Murray county,
AVhcrens II R and Phillip Hearner Execu¬
tors of the estate of John Beainer deceased
represents to the court in their petition duly
filed and entered on record, that they have
fully administered John Beatuor's estate ac¬
cording to bis will This is therefore t<* cite
all persons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can why said Ex¬
ecutors should not bo discharged from their
trust, and re eivo letters of dismission on tho
1st Monday in April 1888, This Jan. 5th 888.
W TI Ramsey, Ordinary.
Al)>i! N1STK ATOM'S NOT!11C.
State of Georgia Murray coubty:
Vv’licreas, Win Lufinmu Admin¬
istrator el John O'Oi uner repre¬
sents to the court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on r ccord
that, lie Las fully administered John
OConuel-'s estate. This is there
fore to cite all perrons concerned,
kindred :md creditors, to show
cause, ii any they can, why said Ad¬
ministrator should not be dischar¬
ged from bis rdministration and
receive letle.-s of dismission on the
first Monday in April 1SSS, This
January 4th 18 8.
W. H. Ramsey, Oidinary.
Statr ok Gkokgia, .Murray County.
James A McKamy Avlmr. ef E L Miller
dececpctl l ap in due form applied to the un
dersigned f‘»r leave to sell the lands belong¬
ing to the estate of said deceased, and said
application will be heard on the first Monday
in April next. This 1st March 1888
W H Kamsky, Ordinary
The Thorough-Bred
Peicheron Scallion,
Will make the spring season, at Dal
ton, and those having mares, and
desiring to improve their slock,
are thus offered an unusual oppor
ELDER > 8 one °f the finest hors¬
es in Georgia, aud the Percheron
family of horses, for draft and all
purposes. the best in the world.
His colts can be used earlier than
other stock, will come into market
earlier and command better prices.
Breeders will do well to call and
examine this horse.
For farther particulars, address,
or call on me at mv barber shop,.
Terms—Insurance $20; for sea
son $10. Ben Jones, Manager,
Dalton Qa
1870 1888
Premium Art Gallery.
33V£ Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.
When yon visit the city call and
see my State Fair Exhibit, which
was awarded the only medal offer¬
ed, and five diplomas
I shall continue to make my fin¬
est Cabinets at $4 p^r dozen.
When you want a good
B. F. JONES, the Barber.
Shop on Hamilton St. Dalton <5a
Passenger Fares
Western & Atlantic B. It.
Atlanta to Marietta or. $ Ml
Cartersville, Ga. 1.25
„ Dalton, Ga. 2.25
„ Chattanooga, Tern. 3.00
Chattanooga to Dalton, Ga. 1.00
,, Cartersville, Ga. 2,00
„ Marietta, Ga. 2.50
Atlanta, Ga. 8.00
„ tl
Dalton to Chattanooga, Tenn. 1.00
„ Cartersville, Ga. 1.25
<( Marietta, Ga. 1.80
„ Atlanta, Ga. 2.25
"Come thou with us and wo will do
tlie good.’’ Jos. M Ubown.
lien’l Passenger Ageni, Atlanta, Ga
C. C. C, C .
Certain Chicken Cholera Cure
This is tho o ly specific for chickens yet
discovered; every package guaranteed to stop
cholera among ohilkons in fifteen minutes, so
that no more will take the disease. I have
the indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri¬
culture of Ga. Call and get a package only
25cts. For sale by T. J. OVBEY,
Spring Place Ga
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta. Georgia.
Fifty yard; from Union Passenger
Coriior of Alabama »Ss Pryor Streets.
Bates Beaxonahle.
R P KEITH, Proprietor.
[bite of Cannon House.]
Dalton, GBORGIA.
We lmve arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs aud will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
specialty. Fer¬
Four Gem pictures or
rotypes made fot fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam
ine our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
wp” as anv other day.
oo:oo Georgia.
Newly Opened! Newly Furnished
First-Class Accommodation. BESI'MiA^. iu ihe STATE
the MONEY. Bates $2. per day.
W. H. MURDOCH, Prop’r.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at tbe Mllluery Store ot
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A now and elegant assortment of Miliner; and Straw GoO'if l eoniiattag of Straw
Bonnets and Ladiesiand Children's Hats [trimmed’and untrimmed] Reck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neok Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments to, Onr good*
were bought of tbelargestand best importing Housesin Balti¬
more and New Yorx, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Co.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to order.
W. W. VanNess, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons
Every word we say we can stand by.
Dear Sir : Do you want to sae the
latest WONDER of ’ 87 . ANSWER TO
l mill DAY. $25. A $36 Single Harness reduced to
(•’ , . SyIwIh'I The finest Harness MADE for
the money. Handsome nickel or imitation
.'-f amBlai rubber gold finish mountings. HAND
made from oak stock, unsurpassed for
^ style and durability. If you will allow ns
M; - s% :
t made by making a SPECIALTY and get
M t'»:i 0,lt ovcr s °o setts each month. You
-,_uf '»«- Vi'ivD - 1 ' J can keep the sample at only $ 20 , $5 less
- .....- " than price here or return at OUR EX
J DENSE. Can we make a more liberal
offer? We shall expect to hear from you
i: at once saying YES send on your Harness.
Folded or single strap style.
National Harness Co..
a I 14 to 24 Wholesale Wells Manufacturers, St. Buffalo,Jf. J*.
A. ANDERSON, Collar and Ilames, $2 Extra. No Breast Collar
of Harness Mnnufacturers. Manager of the -—---- —
National Harness Oo., Wholesale Mfrs„ Double Style for two horses. Price, 35.00.
Inn. ‘ V
mu. 6, ’ss.&neb.5,9u.
BOOKS, ’ The following book* THREE published neat pamphlet CENTS form, printed ft EACDI I *
1 are In om good readable type ea wood
paper, lished and many land of them language, handsomely and furnish illustrated. the They are of without exception the cheapest book* ever pab
in an/ or to masses the people an opportunity to secure the Met
literature or the dav which at the most trifling expense. In any other series these great work* would test men J
time* the at are here offered. Each one is iu itself:
Wonders of the World, Natural and Otbkr. Con
tslns dMoriptioQS RDd lllusirailona of tU moil wooderfal
work*of natarw »nd of men. Very Interesting niul luntructU*.
Wonders Of the Sea. A description of the iu»ny wonder*
fal and bwaotiru) things found at the bottom of tud Oce«n, with
profui* llluatratlooe.
“A Pleasure Exertion,** and Other Skctohe*. By
u Squab Allan’s Wir*. M A eollsctleo of Irresistibly funny
.ketch#* by the moil popoler humor on* writer of ibe day.
Tho Ann! Keslah Papers, by Clara Augusta, snthor
of ** Th* Bo* * Document*.” A moat ridiculously funny book
—Inevery wey eqoal to ” Widow Badott.”
Christmas stories, by Cbarlrs CUrJSJSM Dickrni. Contains s
number of th* most charming stories #v*r wrlltan
by tb*(re*t**t writer wbo ever lived lech one le complete.
Konnd the Evening Lamp- A book of stories,pictures,
pnsiles end semes, for tbs little folks et home.
ttesud Popular Keeitntlono and Dialogues, homorons, dreins
Two petbetlo, Self.iuftde Including all the leteet, beat sod most popular.
Men of Modern Times. Contain* por
trait* time of end Franklin biographies th# Of famon* Mlf-msde Americans,(fom th*
to present.
Eunlitsr Quotations. CosUlnlng tbe ort*m end author
•hip of many phrases frequently met in reading sod con versa
Mod. A vslnsbls work of refersnes.
Low Life In Hew York. A series of vivid pen pletnrss
Showing the dark side of life In the great city. Illustrated.
The Rond to Wealth. Not an advertising circular,
kol a thoroughly practical work, pointing out » way by
Which all may make money, easily, rapidly ant! boneetly
One Hundred Popular Bongs, asDtlroentel,pathetic
•nd comic, locludlng moet of the favorites, new and old.
Sir Noel’s Heir. A Novel. By Ml*. Mat Aonss FLBMtxa.
A Bartered Life. A Novel. By Marion Rarlano.
8 “ r ‘ aM -
with cloth back, for ®1 .lO, Thluis the greatest bargain in book* ever offered. Do not f ail to take ad van m
Bali if action guaranteed or money refunded. Postage stamp* taken for fractions of a dollar. A* to our n
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort M 01111
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revelaw
tions in chemical science per¬
" First Proicium and Gold Medal at
Now Exposition, 1886.
TUonEanCK rntle i:» il al tins orld’a Lxpoaiilon,
1S85, t(rJoaw«i,l»h4-r,,ai 1 or.i-.vill'> i.xpo.iiiun.Ky.,
and primoiiut'd it I lie ?,'>■( m ttic tvor!«I|
also at ibo Eiiimavoil'- liulnslrlnl EtpotUlan,
lose, and rc.-eei-. eu rite liigbtst uon-.n.
Tt,i3 Cart rides as easy as any Euggy, and is
positively Hns free -.vocmnkB from to Horse in Motion.
a a 1 move unison with th* horsed
r"‘i stcqs t.ud alu a l.cepa tho body in a liuruuauti Uae,
\ k/ /ip ? OUR GUARANTEE.
Days Trial and
guaranUe and it to ride
/ Hons* a* eat*y to be
as If rrtFit from Motion as any boggy.
IV. not just as represented, return to os at our
Sent! for Circulars & Testimonials.
, Ii every Town not already taken.
Patentees, Geneseo, III.
Tho Foreelllal Knbtoo. A Koval. By K.T. CitMt,
The Old Omken Chest. A Kovwt. By Btltarss Oose, Mtm
The Pearl of thoOconn. A Novel. By Clara Aoocsta*
Hollow Ash Hall. A Moval. By HaboaOBT BloSITw
CUffe Ho louse. A Novel'. By Etta W. Pibrob.
Under the Lilacs. A Novel. By tbs author tt D8tS
Tiomc.” —.
Wood. Tho Diamond Craeoiot. A Kovel. By Mr*. Iflnt
The Lawyer’s Seeret. A Kovel. By Mis* If. 1. Bsadrob.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Bf *•. A
Kovel. By U. L. htkvrncor.
A Wicked Cirl. A Nov*!. By Mart Cbcil Hav.
body Yol worth’s DIsub on ds. A Bevel. By N Tn
Hetween Two Bln*. A Kovel. By tbs author of N Dg|
Thorne." Illustrated.
The Nine of Heart*. A Kovel. ByB.L.Ksajnon*
llorla’s Fortwne. A Kovel. By Plorknob Wards*.
The A Low Guilty Marriage. A Kovel. By Miss Mcloss. Ass,
Klver. A Kovel. By Wilbih Collm*.
Ths PelfOB «f A*M. A Kovel. By Piourcc Maubvav*
Moat Orange. A Novel. By Mrs. Bmtav Wood. .<
Forcing the Fetters. A Kovel. By Mrs. AislAIDS*.
A Playwright’s Daughter. A Novel. By Mrs. Aina
Edwaeds. Illustratem.
Fair but False. A Novel. By the author of “Sort
Thorne.” Illustrated.
Lancaster’s Cubla* A Kovel. By Mrs. M.T.Tiovea.
rloreuce Ivlngton’e # Oath. A Novel. By Mrs. Mart
A. Dbnison. Illustrated* i
The Wobbb llater. A Kovel. By I>r. J.n.»ssi*so».
^rcLfurnt. C. Wfc A Kovel. By M. T. Cal do a.
56 'A Whitehall Nt., Over M. Ulclt &
Hru’e. Dry (atuxlg Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We eive I lie l>esl pictures for
the least money, Chi dren’s pict^
in es l nki r in one secor.d Strangers
from (he country always welcome.
Cali and examine specimens aud