Newspaper Page Text
A Noted Spot in New York De¬
voted to Horse Trading.
About Fifty Thousand Animals
Handled Yearly.
The great horse mart of New York is
callod Bull’s Head, not on tho lacas a
non lucendo principle, but because it
used to be the market for tho beef cattle
supplied to the city. For thirty years
at least it has been devoted to horse
trading, and its old name stuck to it
chiefly because the Bull's Hoad hotel
still stands there, although enjoying
sadly diminished patronage. In out¬
ward appearance tho place looks just
what it Is, a string of about a dozen
stables, belonging to as many owners,
who havo contrived to monopolize tha
supplying of medium grade horses to
the street car companies and business
men of tho metropolis.
The supply of animals is drawn
largely from Indiana and Illinois, al¬
though a considerable percentage are
bred iu New York state. Each of tha
duzsn dealers keeps buyers constantly
on the lookout. All the animals aro
bought with the utmost euro and regard
for certain qualifications. They luu-t
bo between fifteen aud sixteen hands
high, of about 1000 pounds in weight,
and between five and seve.n years old.
The purchasers are busiest :piing and
fail and keep registers which onablo
them to tell pretty well where desirnblo
animals arc to be bought. The breed¬
ing of such horses is the most profita¬
ble part of the business of tho farmers
in the di.tricts laid under contribution.
They have gradually worked into a
stock of brood mares the produce of
which is neither too fine nor too
coarso, and run with groat uniformity
in tho matter of size and quality.
About fifty thousand liorsos aro han¬
dled each year by tho monopolists of
the Bull’s Hoad mart. Tho street car
compauios send down a man with an or¬
der for so many horses. Tho examin¬
ation by the buyer is of tho most super¬
ficial sort. Both buyer and seller havo
found that absolute fairness is tho best
basis to trade on, and no difficulty is
experienced in rectifying improvidently
made bargains. If a horso proves to
have been suffering from somo incurablo
disease when sold, tho dealer takos him
back and sends another in his place.
This, however, happens very seldom.
The systematic way of purchasing leaves
rery little room for mischance.
The horses sold to the car companies
generally fall back into tho traders’
hands alter from throo to livo
years’ use between the tracks. They bo
como tender iu tlio joints and jammed
in tho logs, so that they aro of no use to
the car companies, who taka anything
they can get, generally - leas than $-10,
The horse soon finds his way to tho fur¬
rows of Long Island aud Jersey farmers,
who often manage to get manv years
plough service out of tho broken-down
Bull’s Head, since it became a horse
marlcof, has contributed at least one
Alderman to the City Fathers, and the
members of the guild who trade there
have generally escaped the imputation
of over-shrowd dealing which most
horse traders are obnoxious to.
The hotel has come to be chiefly re¬
markable as the place where Daniel
Drew scraped together tin beginnings
of the groat fortune which he accumu
lated but failed to hang on to. Not a
few of tbo older men Identified with
the place recall with interest anecdotes
of Drew when ho was a young man and
of his shrewdness as a bargainor even
among the very shrewd men who
crowded the horse market ut that time.
—[New York Graphic.
A Cure for Insomnia.
It has been recommended for sleep¬
less persons to produce the essential
condition of good sleep—a lessened ac¬
tivity of blood circulation in tho brain—
by breathing slowly, deeply and with
precise uniformity. This, it is said, will
gradually divert from tho brain the ex¬
cess of circulatory activity that hinders
sleep. It will, at least, serve the pur¬
pose of any of those monotonous ine
chanical processes of mind, that havo
been suggested for reducing the sleep¬
less throbbing of tlie brain.
Her Futher’s Hope.
“Father,” she said, burying her face
upon the old man's shoulder, “if lean
■win the pure, oarncst love of an honest,
upright mar, my life will bo full in¬
deed. I ask not for mere wealth. I
would love and honor such a man, dear
father, if even one hundred thousand
dollars were aii he could rightly call his
“Noble girl,” responded the old man,
deeply affected, ‘ I hope you may find
Blue at the House.
“It is pretty blue up at the home,”
said Mr. Twiasy, mournfully. “I've
got a cold, my wife’s got a cold, baby’s
got the measles, and my oldest daugh¬
ter’s got a piano. Which is the warmest
park to sleep in ? ’ — [Puck.
& Lecture to an Extravagant Mem
ber by the President.
[From the Detroit Free Press !
“If Jedge Pizarro Waterfall er' in de
hall dis ravenin’ I should like to hev him
Step dis way," said Brother Gardner as
adjusted his glasses and looked over the
assemblage. He
The “Jedge” was present. has
lately taken the first [limited) prize in an Amateur the best
Art Association for
specimen of an ax handle made by hand,
and ha went forward under the idea that
he -was to be complimented before the
“Brudder Waterfall,” Baid the Presi¬
dent as the member stood before him
with in d« his back weight on of his left leg, “I war’ las’
eaud a grocery 8to’
nite, beatin’ Kuruel Cahoots fa’ (straight
games of checkers, when you cum in.
Q* fust thing you inquir’d fur was white
sflgar, an’ I v,ot dar’ an’ heard you pur¬
chase mocha coflee, currant jell au’
ninety-cent tea. Ar’ I k’rect, Brudder
Waterfall ?”
“Yes, sail.”
“How’s de house rent?"
“A lectio behind, sah.”
“An’ de chill’en's shoes an’ clothes?”
“Purtybad you's in off.” debt da wood-yard an’
“An to
de grocer!”
“.Slightly, sah: but times is powerful
hard dis winter.”
“.Sartin; an' who's to blame fur it?”
“Dench, “Exa sah.” few
-tly. If it wasn’t for a rich
men in dis kentry who want to show off
deir cutters we shouldn’t iiev any winter.
If de rich didn't own houses to rent an’
refuse to rent ’em fur miffin’, we poo'
folks ocntld git ahead. De rich ar' to
blame dat you hevn’tgot a big woodpile,
a cellar full of pork an' tat.-rs, an' dat
your family am not dressed in broad¬
cloth . Isn’t dat de way you ligger, Brud¬
der Waterfall/’’
“Yes, sah.”
“ An' you doan’ argy tint white sugar
an’ ninefcy-cent tea ar’ too rich fur do
blood of a man aimin' six or sohcti dol¬
lars a week?”
“No, s«h. I ain’t rich, but I’ze just
as good aa rich Bruddor folks.”
“I see, Waterfall, pleasa
step into da ante-room. If, arter de
dat lapse brown of a few minutes, applcsass you conclude an’ llio
sugar an’
ooffeo ar’ mo’ in keepin’ wid a poo’
man’s wages, pleasa gin throo raps on
do doah.”
Tho audience waited, it wasn't a min¬
ute and a half before tha raps were
heard, and Brother Waterfall stepped
out a great deal the worse for wear. Ho
held closely resembled a man who had been
by tho ear and kicked by a No. 10
brogan. much He was breathing hard and
excited, but he managed to say:
“My opinyuns hov undergone a com¬
plete “Worry change, well," sail.” quietly replied
President, “Some folks kin bo won obor
by argyment, an’ odders need a sudden
ebook. You can sot down, Jedgo.”
The practicability pf making merchant¬
able sugar from sorghum is likely to have
a satisfactory Kansas te.-t, tho enterprising peo¬
ple of having resolved to take art
vautugo of the successful exporiments ol
the Bureau of Agriculture last Autumn.
The latest report says that arrangements
have boon completed for the erection
iu Garden City, Kansas, of a sugar mill
at a cost of $100,000. Citizens subscribed
half the stock and pay u bonus of $25,
000 .
J ust Lovely.
Gaudy waistcoats arc flaming out vio¬
lently the all over England, and especially in
House of Commons, Gen. GoUls
drawing-room, worthy was gorgeous at the Queen’s
Carmarthen, the iu youthful bright red, while Lord
son of the Duke
of Leeds, had encased Ids slim person in
attractive buff. Lots of old gentlemen
wore sealskin waistcoats.
Coknelics Vanderbilt lias just given
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Twin.,
an additional donation of $20,000 to en¬
large the school of engineering.
“Golden at morning, silver at noon, and lead
at night," is the old saying about eating
oranges. Rut there is something taken that with is right- b«
ly name 1 Goldsn, and can b«^ ji
otit at any hour of tho day. '1 his is Dr. Piorco’s
Holden Mod leal Discovery* literally worth if s
weight in gold to any one sulterinp with scrof¬
ulous affections impurities of tho blood, or
diseases <J ( (lu liver and lungs. It U unfailing.
By druggists.
“Guy Wilkes,” the famous trotting stallion.
Is valued at $00,000.
For Rickets, Mnraximm, nml Wanting Dis¬
order, of Children,
Scott’s Emulsion of Pure on Liver Oil with
Hypophosphite- Is unequaled. The rapidity
with which children gain flesh and strength
upon it is very wonderful. Head the billow¬
ing: ‘ I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of
Rickets and Marasmus of 1 ng standing, ami
have been more than pleased witb tbe results,
tin in every case tbe improvement w as mark¬
ed."— J. M. Main, M D., New Vork.
Xo Opium in Piso’s C ure for Consumption.
Cures where other remedies fail. ~< r »c.
^(.Rines Vtjery
For The Nervous
The Debilitated 1 ;
■ r URES Nervous The Prostrntion.Nervous Aged Head- J J
S' ^^^^^Etomach ache,Neuralgia, NervouaWeakness,
and Liver Diseases, and all
^^^^^•ffections of the Kidneys.
AS A NERVE TONIC, It Strengthen*
and Quiet* the Nerves.
Enriches tbe Blood.
AS A LAXATIVE, It acts mildly, but
rarely, on tbo Bowels.
AS A DIURETIC. It regulates the Kid
neys and Cures their Diseases.
Recommended by professional and businessmen.
Price $1.00. Sold hy druggist*. Scad for circular*.
V£LLS, filCHJWDSCtJ & CO.. Proprietors,
Cannot Be Beaten.
Edward Burges*, designer of tbs Puri¬
has tan, Mayflower, designed Volunteer and Sachem,
an 85-foot schooner of a
compromise type. She is to have ft keel
and centreboard. The latter when raised
will only come as high as the cabin floor.
With tte board down, she will point
closer, and therefore make a good show¬
ing in races. The great advantage of a
vessel of this type, if she will sail as well
as an out-and-out centetboftrder, is the
largo increase _ of accommodation in the
cibin obtained through the removal of
the unsightly and obtrusive centreboard
trunk. Such a vessel will remove about
the last objection which English cutter
men can make to American designs. Her
weights practically wifi be so low that she will be
uncapsizable, and her wind¬
ward quality ought to be better than
those of any keel boat.
If 8300 Rcwftrilv
yru suffer from (Bill, heavy headache, ob
times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others,
fciiio*, tenacious, mtlcouS, purulent,bloody and
P'ltnd: if the eyes are weak, watery, add in¬
flamed; and there is rising m the eaTs deaf
nosSqhackijiH expectoration and offensive to cldhr the throat,
vvith of matter, together
ifeabs frtita hlcers: the voice being
changed and having a nasal twang; the breath
offensive; smell anu tasteimpalrea; experience
a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres¬
sion, ihen a hacking c ugh* and general debility,
cntnrrh. you Only nro Buffering frop* ehronio nasal
a few tf the above named
symptoms are Ito be present in any one
case at ot?«* ttVne, or in one stage of the disease.
Thwf-nds of cases annually, without mani¬
festing half of the above symptoms, result in
consumption, is and end in the grave. No dis¬
ease gerous, so less common, understood more deceptive and dan¬
lj^ treated by or Thu more uuBuc.teRsful
,f physicians. Catarrh Khmedy ma.nUfh.icturers
S faith, - $rw rnwavd (\)t h catarrh offer, in which good
they etiso of
cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by drug- •
gists nt onl y 50 cents. |
British During tho last sixteen years S5.000 sailors on
ships have been lefct at sea.
( onnutnptlon Rnrrly Cored.
To tho Editor:—Please inform vour readers
that 1 have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. Dy its timely ttse thousands of
hopeless hull ho glad cases have been permanently cured remedy I
to seud two bottles of my
FJdSfc to any of your readers who have con
suinntion if* they will send me their Express
and P. O. address Respectfully,
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 181 Pearl St., N. Y.
Itching Plica.
stinging; Stfinptoms— Moisture; bv scratching. Interne If Itching allowed and
worse form, to
continue tumors which often bleed and
nlrurate, becoming very sore. Swatne’s Oint¬
ment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
i ci a' Ion, Equally atni In many cases removes the Skin tu¬
mors. DR.SWAYNli efllcacions In ouring all
Diseases. & S01A Philadelphia,
sent by mail for UOets. Also sold by druggists.
force Eveiw mom ber of the Kansas City police
is a church member.
Beautiful woman, from whence earn© thy
Thy bloom, beaming thy featuroa fair?
What kimllv ej'o, hand thee laid—
on « as
“ Endowing ’ i’Wtts tnoe thus,” withboauty the rare? replied.
not ever dame hold,
“ Once pain this face, these features
Tho ‘Favorite Prescription’ of Dr. Pierce
Wrought beliold.’* the wonderous ciianeQ which you
Rev. Dr. McGlynn emphatically denies thftt
lie iiasi asKod to have his case re-opened.
In There Any Ouiu In Itf
Is there any gum in it? is what all prudent
men ask before taking hold of any new enter¬
Oum prise. and Tavlor’s Mullein ( Las berokee in Remedy It., and the of Sweet finest
stiinulai gum
colds ing principle known. It cures coughs,
aiid consumption.
tarrh “Necessity is Is the invention, Mother but of Invention," it makes Tay¬ Ca¬
not an
lor's Hospital ('uro a necessity. Free pam¬
phlet. Address 201 Broadway, New York.
If afflicted with ‘ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp*
son’s Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle.
^tjAcobsoI^ ■yk
‘A *3* K
T he Case Stated.— Jan’y I7ih,iss3. Messrs.
George Mass., C. Osgood it undersigned Co., druggists, Lowell,
wrote to the as follows:
“Mr. Lewis Dennis, No. 136 Moody street,
wishes to recommend St. Jacobs Oil, and
desires especially to say ttmt:
hoy “Okin of ItoBiKsoN, of Grantville, Mass., a
12 years, came to his liouso in th»
summer loft being of 1 SSI bent walking on crutches, his
ie,’ at tbe knee for over two
months, and could not be bent back. Mr.
Dennis bad some St. Jacobs Oil In the house,
and gave it to him to rub on his knee. In
six days home be had no use for his crutches, and
went well without them, as be lias
been ever since.”
Corroborative and Conclusive Testimony.
—Lowell. Mass., July t), 1887.—Gentlemen:
Mr. Lewis Dennis has just called upon me,
and informs me that the boy Orin Robinson,
who was a poor cripple on crutches, and
was cured by St. Jacobs Oil in 1881; the
cure has remained permanent. Tho young
man has been and is now at work at manual
St. labor; Jacobs tbe case Oil.—Dr. certainly GVo. proves C. Osgood, the eflicacv M.'D. of
Sold by Druggists and Qealers Everywhere.
Wever|M HtirJWill <I« more in Cnrlnn
, -s s’ NM TTiii n :*oO<l in niiy
__V -o’-ShtiBI other way.
Apply Balm intoeach nostril.
l-:: ,v Bro..,Itv . (ireemvl cli St., Y,
Don’t buy until you
& Jlk find out the new
I mp rove
i ments.
Save the ^
l tSTSen.l for Catalogue.
47 Whitehall St., Atlanta., Ga.
f B ft circulates all over the United StAtea, and you will
km; hundreds of samples, circulars, books, uowsuopers
uat ujiujassim's, lots cf mail ate., matter fr m (hoso and good who want, rwadinp n^ents. tree, You and- will bft
w- -’l{)(*•• s*<l with the Hirittll iare8tment. Lists contain¬ contain¬
25c. ing names will ftenitoeweh do above perstin stated, auswoiing and iliis ed. nd. l»or l««n
wo ns tend you a i uplendid
papor t> months, and a 25c. nro^ent—somethn nniic new to
fa hurt* to TL please. t.\T WILLIAMS - Ar w CO., I*ub*
vr*. A \ HA. | .Momion thi.-j paper.
fi&f ¥ IVoui’sioM to * 261 /,re>Innli": "we'i'ont *
w Itvo, ww getio man, who is n.»t ai'raid of work, in
overytowTi in m»* Soutnorn StliteH. Such arann c«,d
mako tho -tp amount,hmullinj;our Rood*. No capital
3 ? nir**d. Work M»e year round. II. fj.
< <1 . I 1 iil*l■ Mil.* i'n, ATLANTA, ii \.
PI C SiliiaSs
"Z tionH furnished. 8ch tila.. ^*•10. P«., Wrltd Situa.
the Weak
If you feel tired, weak, worn out or run down
ftom hard Work, by impoverished condition of
the blood, or low state of tbe system, you should
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The peculiar toning,
purifying and vltallilng qualities of this successful
medicine art soon felt throughout the entire sys¬
tem. expelling disease and giving quick, healthy
action to every Organ. It tones the stomach,
creates sn appetite. And rouses the Uver and
kidneys. Thousands who have taken it with
benefit, testify that Hood’s Sarsaparilla “ makes the
week strong."
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
•i taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla, and must say it Is one of the best medicines
for giving an appetite, purifying the blood and regu¬
lating tbe digestive organs, that I ever heard of. It
did me a great deal of good.”—Mas. N. A- Stanley,
Canastota, N. Y.
"I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla for loss tt appetite,
dyspepsia and general languor. It did rtb a vast
amonat cf good, and I hare no hesitancy In recoin
Ending U. rt -4. W. WiLUtroRD, Quincy, III.
Bqldby AUdmeristi. $lj»;xfar|S. Prepared only
by C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, MaSa.
100 Doses 6ne Dollar
I 2— I
dining x r U ”-5.
I7 — , q
1 25 CTSL
Do you want « good, and simple reliable Inspirator?
- S %I ft E
,i| ft _
l #1 if -«»r> p si
HI DU|p”a I I Bfe’as Great u EnoiisH M! 5 [> Gout and
UlmSl S B HIS® round, «. Bheum&tic 14 Fills. Hcnicdy, j
Ovsl U«x t ;Ui
—_— — --—■—-— -- — —
in MEXICAN dresi E II. WARlSf^Vr^ni’- tiulHtu n JfcCo.tWinbmBton .U.a
O h I> i« worth $">00 per lb. PeK.t's Eye Salve i»
\JT worth il.iKH). but ia sold at 2oo. a box by daa'.ors.
A,If* 13 YQ^J SECrlC ?
Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited,
lifeless, physically and and indescribably mentally: miserable, experience both
sense of fullness or bloating after stomach eating,
or of “goneness," or emptiness of
in tho morning, tongue coated, bitter or
bad tasto in mouth, Irregular appetite, diz¬
ziness, sight, frequont specks” headaches, before blurred tho eye¬
"floating exhaustion, irrita¬ eyes,
nervous bility prostration hot or bushes, alternating
of temper,
with chilly sensations, sharp, cold biting, feet, drow¬ tran¬
sient pains bore and there,
siness after unrefteshlug meals, wakefulness, or dis¬
turbed aud sleep, constant.
I Bilious I David 0. Lowe, Esq., of St. Aoathe, with Manitoba,
Canada, says: “Being troubled a terrible bil¬
| Attack. | ious attack, fluttering of the the heart, of poor ‘Golden rest at 1
night, etc., I commenced use your tha
Medical Discovery’ and therefrom.” ‘Pellets,’ana derived
very highest benefit
the Thoroughly cleanse health, the blood, using which Db. Is
fountain of by
Piebce’s Golden Medical Discovery, buoyant
and good digestion, a fair slun,
spirits, and bodily health and vigor will
be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all
A medicino possessing the power to cure such inveterate blood and skin diseases as the following testimonial portrays, must
certainly be credited with possessing properties capable of curing any aud all skill uud blood diceuses, for none arc more
dilficult of cure than Salt-rheum,
" Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 18tb, 1887.
SALT-BHEUM Vfoni.D’s tion, tiixl Dispensauy Main Street, Medical Buffalo, N. Associa¬ V.:
AN ea Gentlemen—For several years I have felt It
to be my duty to give to you the facts In rela¬
Rheumatism. tion vatefl to Case tho of complete salt-Hicum, cure by ot tire a most use of aggra- your
___ ‘Golden Medical Discovery. An elderly lady- for
relative of mine bad been a groat sufferer from salt-rlieum
upwards of forty years. The iliseaso was most distressing In ber
hands, causing the skin to crack open on tbo Inside of the fingers
at tbo Joints and between tho flngeix. She was salves, obliged to protect
tbo raw places by means of adhesive plasters, ointments aud
bandages, and during tlio winter mouths bad to havo her hands
dressed daily. The pain was quite severe at times for other and her diseases general
health was Catarrh badly affected, rheumatism paving caused the way great deal of suffering to
creep In. and a faithfully, with
In addition to tho salt-rheum. She had used and
tho most commendable perseverance, all tho relief. remedies She afterwards prescribed
by her physicians, but without obtaining
began treating herself by drinking tens this inado several from blood-purify¬ but de¬
ing roots and herbs. Sho continued for years
rived no benefit. Finally, about ten years ago. I chanced to rend
one of Dr. Fierce’s small pamphlets setting forth tbe merits ol his
‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ aud other medicines. The name struck
by its wonderful blood-purifying, invigora- Weak
ting and nutritive properties. For
| Consumption “I Solomon Butts, of North Clanton, Miami
Co., Ohio, writes: “I have not tbe words-to
• express -tny Medical gratitude for the good your
K P KBttiaWWiMWM B ■“ ‘Golden Discovery’ has done tny
wife. She w;is taken l with consumption, and after trying one doo
tor after another 1 flnally gave up all hope of relief. Being very
poor might aud having but one dollar In the world, I prayed to God tbat
he show me something; and theu it seems ns though some¬
thing did tell mo to get your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ now.” My
wife took it na directed, and as a result she is so sho can work
Wasting 100 niseaae.—W atson F. Ct.auke. Esq.,
of (Box . Sumrner&Utt, Prime Bthmrd Island,
nr n. HflUHnS I 1 Can., ‘Golden writes: Medical ‘‘When Discovery," I commenced 1 taking able your to
tu • wunuu-.g was not
I wor ); an( j v - a9 a hurdeu to myeeif. At that time
Then I used weighed Til about pounds, meal and to-dny day, und I weigh 3-17
pounds. four to ent one a now can
eat or five if I dared to."
Best Cough in time. Syrup. Sold by Tastes druggists. good.
I believe Plso’s Curt
for Consumbtibh saved
my lifts.— A. h. Dowell,
Ealtor Enquirer, Eden
ton, N. C., April 23, 1887.
Tlie best Cough Medi¬
cine is Piso’s Cuke for
Consumption. Children
take It without objection.
By all druggists. 25c.
Best Cough Syrup. Taetes good, Use
in time. Sold by druggista.
iv# ^ Hcb
£ I ’4 a 7 ' Fri UV£FL,BLOOD 3k <IM ^>0 c N>
a Ui-.'g aU 0 p^M.EDY __ 5. o
?- : “# ; i
'- 2 5‘ c1337“;
at this season, u spring approaches, a good relia¬
ble tonic and blood purlflet Is needed b» everybody.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is peculiarly adapted for this
purpose and becomes more popular every year.
■Try It this spring. that heaviness
“When I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla
In my stomach left; the dullness in my head and the
gloomy, despoil lent feeling disappeared. I began
to get stronger, my blood gained better circulation,
the coldness In my hands and feet left me and my
kidneys do not bother me as before.’’— O. TV. ficu.
Attorney at Law, Mlllersburg, 0.
Health and Strength
•A year ago I suffered from Indigestion, had terri¬
ble headache’, vet-v little appetite,- In fact, seemed
completely broken down. On taking Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla I began to Improve, and now I have a good
appetite, and my health le excellent compared to
what It waa t sm battel- in spirits, dm not troubled
with cold feck or hands, and am entirely cured of IU
digestion.’’—Hernia iUasists, Kswburgh, Orange
County, It. Y.
N. B.—Be sure to jet only
Sold by all druggltta. : »lx for $5. Prepared only
by C. 1. HOOD & Cd, Apotbecariw, LOwell, Jlaa.
IOd hoses One Bdlld*
KfPN/ Y, LIVF n & f.
This Remedy will Believe and Onre.
U II Vnn IUU are threatened with, Urinary or already trouble, have,
Bright's disease) lh or like brick dttst,
If ST Vnu I DU havb sediment urine With
frequent calls of the Retention.
distress Or pressure in parts,
If ll Vmi * UU have iug, Aching lame Back, Pains Rheumatism, In side or hips, Sting’¬
If YOU hf'h ^l^ed 5 * or scanty or
If II Vmi I UU lw ''o .Valeria, Fever Torpid and Liver, Dyspepsia, Gout,
Gull Stone, Ague, or
lx y es n U have Irritation, Spasmodic Stricture,
III or Catarrh of the Bladder,
If ll VAh l httve BLOOi* lit)tnors, Pimples, Ulcers,
UU Beminal Weaknesfli Or Syphilis,
If II Vnn I UU dcr, haveStoheIn kidney,orGravelift of Dribbling, Bhrd
Stoppage urine or
If II Vrtti I UU have Poor Appetite, Bad Taste, Foul
breath, or isteiinalS limefover,
n..:u p up quickly a run-down constitution.
UllllUo Don’t neglcctearly symptoms
Knar Doss Goes Bisbt to tux Scot 1
physician.--'Invalids’ Prepared at Dispensary—Recpmmepded Guide to health’’ free. by Adi-loe renowned heo
Ril Mil Genuine have Dr. Kilmer's likeness on
outside and Inside wrappers.
Ortlrl by all BaraotoTS, and Da. Buses A Co.,
uUlU Binghamton, 3Y. Y.
$ 1 . 0 ©--Six Bottles $ 5 . 0 ©
Ma aiVsniMSStSK
Ins articles rid. 1 s&hiP
"'rue mail who luiS iuvested from Coat, three and SJk (not 'V o stylo) oiler lire a #ranwnt man who tJiat wants will fftmufl 1keep
to five dollars ill ft Kubber dry in tho it is
at Ills first half hour’s experience in mm a Kg nas IRSSO _ him hardest storm,
ft ftorm finds to Ills sorrow that It it ok lied TOW KIFd Htfii I»21A*\I>
hardly n better protection Ilian a nios- Vm ™ ® Bjjl, U ” HL1C5KE11," utl n mime land. faniihnrto Withuiena every
quito nottlnc, not only feels chagrined tgW B the Cow-boy only perfect over Wind tho and Waterproof
i at being so bad If taken in, but also fl B Bit HwB Coat Fish Bran d Slic ker,
tools if he does not look exactly like HmhbB ia u Towe r’s
; ABktoTl ho BI:Tn D*' Slic iuh Hi Scot I and tftke no other. If your Boston. Ktorckeeper Mass.
j does noth.we.the firm brand, send for descriptive catalogue. A. J.ToWKii.liO Simuions St.,
I ►][<^4 ^ Djil ►][•< ajl »%< kjfl 9^4 ►[•S ►Js ►J* ►% ^ P A f V *1^ ^ ___
’ nde? crlbab j e of dread, or of im-
1 if j ^U,
you have or any considerable
number of theses symptoms, you are
suffering from that moat common of
American maladies—Bilious Dyspepsia, or
Torpid Indigestion. Liver, associated The with complicated Dyspepsia,
or more
your disease has become, tho greater tho
number and diversity of symptoms. No
matter whut stage It has reached, Discovery Da.
Piercs’s Golden Medical
will subdue it, if taken according to di¬
rections for a reasonable length multiply of time.
Consumption Tf not cured, of complications the Lungs, Skin Diseases, and
Heart Disease, Rheumatism, maladies Kidney quite Dis¬
ease, or other gravo are
1 Mrs. I. V. WiuiBF.n, of l'orksh ,'re, Cattaraugus
1 Liver | Co., taking A'. ‘Golden F., writes: Medical “For Discovery’ five years and previous ’Pellets, to
Disease. I tvas a great continually: sufferer: had unable a c-cvere pain iu my
right work. side I well and was strong.” to do my own
ant nor/
humors, from a common (Scrofula. Blotoh, Salt-rheum, or Erup
tion, to the worst
"Fever-sores,” Scaly caused or by Rough bud blood, Skin, in
short, conquered all diseases this powerful, purifying, and are
invigorattn by medicine. Great Eating Li
sera rapldl heal under its benign inilu-
S^^oSMItS from salt-rheum. She commenced taking if ut ana
sufferer seemed once, 1 realized
took one bottle, but to be no better. However,
that it would take time for any medicine to effect v change for tho
better, aud encouraged her to continue. She then purchased she began a
half-a-dozen bottles, and before these had fill been used
to notice an improvement. Alter taking about n dozen bottles sno
was entirely cured, llor hands were pel fectlv well and G3 smooth
and healthy as a child’s. Her general health was also greatly
Improved; the rheumatism entirely lclt her, and the eatmrh wna
almost cured, so that it ceased to be much annoyance, ^ho has
enjoyed excellent health from that day to this, and mis hud no
return of either salt-rheum or rheumatism. The Discovery
seems to havo entirely eradicated the salt-rheum from her fystenj*
She is now over eighty years old, and very healthy lor one ot such
eX I which make dec you
I bav-e written rifle letter, of you can might any chance to
see lit. hoping that some sufferer from suit-rheum Medical Discovery
read it and obtain relief by using your ‘Golden much (.hove
—for ‘Golden' Jt is in its curative properties, end i»s
the multitude of nostrums and so-called ‘patent medicines, £0
zealously flaunted before the public, as (fold is above the base*
Hiatus. BespeatfUly-om^^ ^ ^ R
Severe Coughs, sovereign Asthma, and remedy, kindred while it
turns, It is a
O,. STAND MG. sia film which also 1 used lmd suffered Dr. Fierce lor s Extract a Iona
WlanU time Smai4-Woed, I have Water Pepper, m my
of or
family, with good effect.”
ABomE. I
bo put back where X was.
Discovery $1.00, Six Bottle a for $5.00; by Drugg-sts.
£^7 DON’T' h*QU§! '
floss Whore the WwflMn* Twiseth.
mucks, Moles, Mask KjuS, Kattbkts*
Squirrels. 15c. and ‘55c. Druggis.S. _^_
“ROUGH ON PAIN” Plaster, Porosed. 15a
« ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 25q
all sms humors cured by
gWHEITCa §mmm.
||jgg|slf&i R0UG8MLES
wjrSsfisg 1 rtf7i l.i-n'f, Mtfl
TatC Et»ru »r-«l VpaiiI .Sjt* **
^ 300. For Uft pr.<f Iff#
grrtT Mldrrstf
? ^w-rtioB «bi« ptiprr and
RIFLES! ?Stt ,h «rasi s«fi!
Jsnnsy & 6 r 8 ha»w 6 wb C o., ois«.i«a!
Painless Childbirth.
Particttlnrs of this wonderful book, nnJ other v.iluubie
iRfocmation.seut on tccrijs*, of tiro-cent .slawp to cover
initi ing. Lady Agent's wanted for this
hayfi . Ad dre ss J, i\ i! AUtf l \ 4 <Haw ft. U»
Sd |a nn\. M v t.A A \VA v l A ,With Vi
’V&S TV Flower St.uds &*> binds 1 m
auaf'w 1 f.OKAL <ii iBic, all for -fhtaiurw. Xevr
IWwc is, new on travlnKS teems with flonu hint®.
Everybody delighted. Toll nil your friends, bend
now. G.\V.Pakk, Famvettsbui's, Pa. _
^ m p A Hus been mnclo i»i un hour^ Lolling tho
and ®!lSy full iniorinstion n nil *■» mail'd « l' -!i on i' receipt uVi I* h of DID ZoecfuM. ^alntia
EU K£K A ilROOM MOLD E It Cj > , Indlann p )h?,I nd.
A. N. U- Ten, 9 8H.
ltable to sot In, and, sooner or later, in¬
duce a fatal termination.
Db. Pierce's Goijien Mrdicat. discov¬
ery acts iKjv.cvtuily upon the Liver, imd
through that groat blood-purifying of all blood-taints orpin;, and
cleanses the system arising.
Impurities, from whatever cause
It is equally efficacious hi acting upon Ibo
Kidneys, aiul other excretory organs, .their
cleansing, strengthening, and healing
diseases. M an iipjx til i:g, restorative
tonic, It promotes digestion and nutri¬
tion, thereby building up bath ticali uud
strength. derful In malarial districts, this won¬
medicine has gained great celeb¬
rity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills
and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred
once. Virulent blood-poisons are, Especially by its
use, robbed of their terrors.
has It manifested Its potency m curing
Tetter, Eczema, Scrofulous Erysipelas, Boils, and.bwelD (.arir,in¬
eles. Sore Eyes, Sores
tnga, Hip-iomt Disease, White Enlarged bwejlmgs, Glands.
Goftro, or Thick Neck, and