Newspaper Page Text
C. N. KINO. s. r.
North Georgia Times
.: "vd s r: ::.t :
VLISU& CARTER, Publishers.
THIBSIUY, APKIl, 10 . I88*.
The Third P uty business, if
successful, will make the e mn>
try unfit for free men to live in.
When the federal government
is turned into a vast prohibi¬
tion machine, with an army of
deputy marshals swarming all
over the land to hunt up viola*
tions of the law, the worst of
the revenue system will be m
creased and multiplied beyond
endurance. National prohibi¬
tion would swell the number of
place-holders, and make tins
the must spy and office-cursed
nation on the face, of the earth,
Fortunately a large number of
p.olnliitioimt do not favor a
third party movement. They
are satisfied with the progress
they have made thiougb local
option methods and state laws,
They do not propose to turn
over the control of a moral
question to the gene’ al govern
ment, and in this tliey are sen¬
Congressman Clements is the
right sort of a Democrat.
He said rec ntly to the Wash¬
ington corespondent ot the Car
tertersville Courant-American
that personally ‘ he would be
glad to seethe internal revenue
system abolished, if such action
could be bed without interfer¬
ing with the reduction of tar¬
iff on the necessaries of life;
but to abolish the revenue laws
would be to cut off about $120
000,000 from the treasury,
thus practically preventing
a/iy leduction of duties on
such necess ities ns every man is
compelled to have in order to
] ve. He thought it would be
a mistake to reduce the tax on
whiskey, while coal, iron, steel,
rice, sugar and woolen clothing
were taxed from 20 to 60 per
cent. Mr. delimits 1 1 -inks it
probable that the tax on tobac¬
co, which has come to be re¬
garded as a practical necessity,
will be abolished, and very
probably the tax on wine and
brandy raised; but whiskey
will, be made to continue to the
support of the government”—
Macon Telegraph.
Augusta N ational Lxposi- .
lion, which opens October the
lOtii, . mid i cl i is‘‘s at Aovcruiici i i i -
t ,
1888, is assuming grand pro
*. portions, h vom all the
tions, ..... bids liur to
it etpuu any
similar event ever held ill the
South. But unlike any of the
past, it has no government or
state aid. The citizens of Au
gusla have pluckily put their
money into the enterprise and
there is no doubt but that they J
Will make it a success.
L'apt. W . C. Tilton has been
appointed the Commissioner
the Exposition for this, Murray j
county, and any of our citizens
who feel interested and desire
any information as to exhibits
etc., a e reqested to apply to
Conventions have been called
■dmost tlnoughout thc state,
for the purpose of selecting del
egates to meet the State Dem¬
ocratic Executive Committee
in Atlanta, on May tin* 9th, to
gelect delegates to St. Louis,
which will in turn nominate a
Pieeident and Vice President.
Nobe*, the mvtut,.r of dyna¬
mite is dead.
Samuel Fleming, a blind man, j
arrested in Atlanta altwj ;
days ap> for haring two wii/ts.
lie waived preliminary tiial
and on failure to give bond,was
stored away for safe keeping.
Fleming,s reason for leaving
wife no. 1. was that she deceiv¬
ed him, by not telling him be¬
fore they were married, that
she had no nose.
The State Tempo ran3 con ¬
vention, which we announced
in a previous issue, would
meet on the 25th, has by an or¬
der of the executive committee
been p stponed uutil May the
8tl>. This change w«s made
on account of this meeting con¬
flicting with other conventions
that meet m Atlanta on the
same date.
— ...... .... ........... ■■■■ —
George M. Napier, Editor of
the Walton County News and
Miss Moss Harris, ot Chatta
nooga, were to he mat l ied on
last Tuesday. vV r e guess ere
this, they are one, and “Two
minds are but a single thought,
Two hearts that heat as one.”
Electric Bitters.
This . remedy 11 is becoming so wel 11
known and so popular as to need
no special mention. Ail who have
used Electric Bitters sing the same
song Ot praise—A purer medicine
does not exist and it is gnarrailteed
to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all (tlseas 8 Ot Liv
er and Kidneys, will renmvo pim¬
ples, boils, salt rheum and other af¬
fections caused bv impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as weli as cure all ma¬
larial levers— For cure indigestion of Headache,
constipation anti try
Electric Bitters—Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.—
Price 50c and $1, pel bottle at Rob¬
inson and Anderson's drug store.
Elheit Ware, who wbsekarg
ed with tlie murder of Char^
neli Hightower, on the night of
the prohibition election in Ai
lanta, was round guilty of man¬
An Old Friend Dangerously 111.
You ail know him lying there
Buffering so with that fearful case !
of dysentery oi a bloody tvpe.
Why not suggest to him to try Dr.
Biggers’ Huckleberry cordial, il will
relieve hi.n after a few doses.
A third paity is being advoca¬
ted by Sam Small and others.
We think Mr. Small would
grow huger if he would keep in |
the bounds of his gospel work.
Is consumption Incurable?
r, H d the following: Mr C H Mor
Newark, Ar ,. says- ‘Was down
with absces ot lungs and friends and
physicians pronounced me an inenra
I ble consumptive. Began taking
Dr K ‘ ,) .«' s New Discovery tor con
sumption, am now on my third hot
tie and able to oversee tho work on my
faun. It is the fiuei t medieine ever
Jcs=e Middle’,vart, Decater Ohio,
says: ‘Had it not been for Driving's
New Disco, erv for consumption I
j u ’as given Vp by doctor’s* J Si
>» best of health. Try it. Sample
l ? ottles lr f e at Robinson and An
demon's drug Store,
Secretary Bayard and Mrs
Fulsome, mother-in-law of Pres
blent Cleveland, are to be mar
ried some tune in June,
Baldwin couuty has gone
wet by & majosity of thirty oue
votes. The election will be con¬
W. W. Price, lias retired as
Editor, of tlie Dalduuega Sig¬
Ex Senat ,r Coukling, is st ill
suspended on the thread of life.
Rev. 8am Small, w<U again
make his home iu Atlanta.
Tbe Tariff bill is still the lea
ding topic of congress.
«$g§ •■ss
The Great Southern Remedy for all
There are veryfow who do not know of this
the lllile purple berry, v. hli-h so many of us
have eaten in most yvi-.-yahnpe. there in nprin- tho
ciptu In It having a wonderful en Is
bowels. Or. lliager's Huckleberry i.'ormal
theORKAT SOOTIIKKX ltKMMl/Y thai ieolores
the little one ti-citilng, ntnl cures luarrkcea
D <VhenIt y SiBodTbit at this season of
»|nTfIr&‘.tt old should provide tlirnisetvos wHli house. noino
te^»!,^ tMita’aiai 'save much anxiety"* mplCreU,eai Or* I'.iyaers’ hiCU
fW rTAYDOK, 1 *
~Taylor'* i ItcroUei* R«*n»**dy Coughs, Croup of Sweet and Gum Con¬
mill Alii Hein Will cure bottle.
sumption P rice 25 cts. nun >1 a
State of Georgia Murray County
Will be sold before the court house door in
the town of Spring Place to the highest bid
dor at public outcry \ botwcon the legal hours
&{ on thc nt Tuesday in May
D tho followl described property to
AIIof totof , and No. one hundred and
thirty two, except forty acres on the south
side of said lot, and one hundrod and ten
acres ofland it No. one hundred and sixty
nine, known as the Gid Jackson home place
whereon bo now lives. All in the »th Dirt.
and 3rd section of said county. Levied on as
tho property of Gideon Jackson, Joseph E
Jackson and Walter L Osborn, by virtue of
and to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa issued
from the Superior court of said county in fa¬
vor of k \V Bond agairst said defendants to
satisfy thc puroh ise money of said property
which is in posession o: defendants.
This March the 29th 18^8.
C. L. Terry, Shff.
Georgia Murray County.
J 11 llbillipy Admr. ofWiley Dudley,deod.
makes a[»plicatioo fi r letters of distiii* 4 l<gi
from the estate of said dcceu cd, this is to
cite all prrsona eoncetiied, to show cause if
any they can why said Admr. sliould not he
discharged and receive letters of di-missioU
on ths first Monday in June 1S88.
\V II Ramsky, Ordinary.
Gkorgia Murray County.
P McGhee Ad r. of N A Mnj;eo dcoetsed
ralke8 r pp ' ,efcti0 ? in due { 'T fo r '; tters Qf
This i.s to cite all persons, concerned, heirs
and creditors to show cause if any they can,
why said Adrniliis'rator sliould not he dis¬
charged from his administration and receive
letters of dismission on tho first Monday in
June 1SS8. W II Ramsky, Ordinary.
Ojedkoia Murray County.
E W Rond Admr. of Jas. L McEutire dewd.
makes ap|>l oatiou in duo foim for letters of
dismission from tho estato of said deceased
This is to cite all persons concerned, heirs and
creditors, T o show cause if any they can, why
said Adiur. should not bo discharged from his
Administration and receive letters of dismiss¬
ion on thc first Monday in Juno 1888.
W 11 Ramsky, Ordinary.
AY ill be sold before the Court Loufc door in
tho town of Spring Place, Ga., to tho highest
bidder at public outcry between the legal
hours of rale n the 1st Tuesday in May next
the following wild land to wit: All of lot of
land No. Jilin tlie 10 tli District and 3rd
section of Murray county, except 55 acres in
tho South East corner owned by A F Alexan¬
der and 40 acres in tho North East oo tier
owned by A L Keith. Tho same being G5
acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of
“J ,0 °f* { * “ iax 6 fa issueJ . fro ‘“ tUo T “
8taU aBioowty Ilgainn 1>arcel of la0(1
f„ r the years 1872, isrj, 1874, 1875, isre,
1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883,
1884 18S5 ISSO and 1887. This Feby. 2ud
fSS8. C L TI-'.RKY, Slier ff.
State op Georgia mup.ray couuty:
Mary S Hall Guardian of John F Hall, has
due form applied to mo for leave to sell
one eighteenth undivided in ereat in one
hundred and twenty five no:es t lots of laud
No’s. 201 and 234, in 10th Dist. and 3rd Sect,
comity, belonging to my said wards es¬
and said application will bo he^rd on
the 1st Monday in May 1888. This tho 5th
1888. W 11 Ramsky, Ordinary.
Hoa . Notice.
Georgia. Murray c >unty,
All pc rfons intoreetod nre hereby notified
that if n„ go< d enure bo eho.fn to the con ra
ry an order will bo granted by tbe county
on tbe first Tuesday in May next es¬
tablish ng a new road of the third class as
out by read commissioners appointed
th it purpose. Couuueuci g at tho Pauper
rt eidenee it) said county and running
through thc la ds of Mrs. 'V ite otton
Luffmnn aud Mollans and intersecting
Cleveland rend near where Thomas Pierce
lives. By order county bosud. April tho
1888. April the 5th. 1888.
BsNSia Johnson, Cbairinutt.
Stat* or Qeohgia, Mnrray County.
AH persons interested are hereby notified
that, if no good cause he shown to the con¬
trary, an order will he granted by the coun
ty Board, en the first Tuesday in May next,
establishing * new road of the 2nd class as
marked cut by road commissioners appoin¬
ted for that purpose. Commencing on the
Spring Place road leading to the widow Jack
son’s at or near the place where John Will
bankslivod, on the landlin ibetweeo Mrs S J
Jackson’s and Isaac Davis, and running a
due Easterly direction on the line of land lots
and intersecting the Ellijay road wheTe said
land line lots cross said road, thence East
on said land liue lots to the Federal road.
This March 29th 1888. DbhHU Johnson,
Chairman Co. Board.
St<te or Georgia, Murray County
Where SB W T> Gregory Administrator of
Jathan Gregory, represents to the court in
his petition, duly fiipd ftlld e -tered on tecord,
that bo has fully administered Jathan Greg¬
ory’s ostate. This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, kit dred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Admr.
should not be discharged from his Adminis¬
tration and receive lottors of dismission on
the first Monday in May 1888. Feb. 2. 1888.
w u r AM sey, Ordinary.
notice to perfect service.
Georgia, ° Murray County,
Murray „ Superior . Court _ ,
Libel for Divorce in
February Term 1888.
Julia C. Cbye, vs. J OH* Cry*.
It appearing to the court by the return of
the Sheriff, in the above stated case, that the
defendant does not reside in said county; and
it further appearing that he does not reside in
this State: It is therefore ordered by the
court, tha t sorvi e be perfected on the defend¬
ant by the publication of this o dor once a
month, for f ur months, before the next term
of this l ourt, in the North Georgia TImes, a
news aper published in Murray County Ga.
Granted. J.C. Fain, J. S. C. C. C.
I hereby certify that the above is a true
extract from the minutes of court. T iis
April 16th 1888. C. N. King, C. S. C.
Georgia, Murray eouutv.
Elisabeth L Williamson widow of Wm Will¬
iamson deed, has made application for 12
moo 1 hs support from the estate of said deed,
and appraisers having Leon appointed for
that purpose and made return of ti e some as
required by law, This is to cite all persons
couc.rucd o show cause why tho same should
not he allowed and made the judgement of this
Court, on tho 19th day of May 1888, at my
office. April 18th 1888 W. H. RvMsky,
The Thorough-Bred
Pei'cheron Stallion,
Will make the spring season, at Gal
ton. and those having mares, and
desiring to improve their slock,
are thus offered an unusual oppor
I unity.
ELDER 1R 0113 °f the finest hors¬
es iu Georgia, and the Fercheron
family of horses, for Hi aft and all
purposes, the best, iu the world.
His colts can be used earlier than
oilier stock, will come into market
earlier and command better prices.
Breeders will do well to call and
examine this horse.
For further particulars, address,
or call on me at niv barber shop.
Terms—Insurance 82(1; for sea
son $10 B;:n Jones, Manager,
Dalton Ga
c. c. c. c.
1) O I) G E’ S
Certain Chicken Cholera Cure
This is the o ly specific for chick )ns yet
discovered; every package guaranteed to stop
cholera among cbilkons in fifteen minutes, so
that no moro will take the disease. I have
tho indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri¬
culture of Oft. Call and get a package only
25cts. For salo by T. J. OVREY,
Spring l’laec Ga
SUBBE8 ST YMP with your
name in
Fancy Type, 25 Visiting Cards, and INDIA
INK to mark Linen, only 25 cts. (stamps.)
Book of 21)00 fityl *8 free with each order.
Agents wanted. Big Pay.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order aud
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Guari'antoes good work aod
cheap rates.
A & IS ucht; handsome,
Srafwr; The _ Best Ware Mail .»'©«• t v litchen.
Marufactureti or..y - l t’.o
35 wM? •-V StlouisStamping Co.St. Louis
& F or Sale hy all Stove, Hardware and
House Furnhddog Healers.
fjZ/S nnclTo^TTi^t
Delrre -not Fran on Application.
C ° to Mention thin Paper.
1 fa A FENCE?
Vb 7T
lilustrated Catalogue.,
Detroit. Mich
Wrought Iron Fences, Roof
Cresting, Jail Work, Wire Signs,
Bank & Office Bailing, Window
Guards, Wire Bathing and every
description of Wire Work.
BiS |»3 the iatreduae Spiers aad Pme Condiments Spi«6ll used into are adulterated. home,
-o every
•sva a; - o Bonding all over the country
’ * (charges paid) our PXTRITY ”
br-'.iri SPICE BOXES, con
s. L.inijg full weight, quarter pound can
each of ground Ail? pice, Cinnamon,
Cloves, Ginger, Popper and Mustard.
Sent by mail (os express) to any address
in tho U. S or Canada, upon receipt of
price ($2.00). Address, MARECELL BROTHERS,
Eetabli&hed 1822. BALTSSfiCaE, MO.
The following books are published In neat pamphlet form, without printed exception from good tho cheapest readable books type on good) pub;
fished paper, and many of them handsomely illustrated. They are of the people to ever the bess
in any land or language, and furnish to tho masses au opportunity would secure
literature of the day at the most trifling expense. In any other serves those great works cost manr
is in itself:
Wonders of tho World, Natural ani> Other. Con
tklns deaertption* and llluatraUou* of the most wond Crful
Works of nature and of man. Very Interesting and Instructive.
Wonders of tho Sen. A description of tho o! the many wonder¬ with
ful and beautiful things found St tho bottom ocean,
profuse Illustrations. Exerilon,” Sketches. Ry
“A 1’ieasuro and Other
“Joruh Allkn’s With." A coi'SCtton of irresistibly funny
.ketches by tbs most popular humorous writer o day.
The Aunt Kcztuh Fupcrm by Clara Aoocbta, ‘A. author i
of “ Tho Rug* Documents ” A most ridiculously funny book
—Inevery wa.r equal to “Widow BedoU.*’
Chrffttmn- Stories, »>y Charlicb Dicar INI. Contains a
number of the inostcliarming i.iu .Stntas slo rlea n ever written
by the greatest writer who overlived Each one Is.YJmpiete.
Kouitd tho Evening l.ninp. A bonk of stories,pictures,
puzzles and games, for tho little lolks at home
Popular ItoeltntlonA i*n<l Dlnhiicues, humorous, drama¬
tic and pathetic, including all the latest, beat and most popular.
TheSelf.ifiade biographies Men of famous of Modern self-made Times. Americans, Contains from por¬ the
traits and
time of Franklin to the present. .
Familiar Quotations. Containing the origin anu Junior
•hipof many' phrases frequently met in readlug and conversa¬
tion. A valuable work of reference.
Low Life In New York. A aeries of vivid pen pictures
showing the dark aide of life in tho great city. Illustrated.
The lloatl to Wealth. Not an advertising circular,
tint m thoroughly practical work, pointing out » way by
which alt may make money, eaaily, rapidly and honestly
One Hundred popular Sonjr*, sentiments!, pat hct!o
and comic, Including most of the favorites, new and old.
sir Noel's Ilelr. A Novel. By Mrs. May Aonrs Fli EKING.
A Bartered Life. A Novel. By Marion Hast. and.
An Old Man’s SacriOco. A Novel. By Airs . Ann 8.
•VtunaRU .1 AlOiaiu aiflattere: V. il. i.Ui*TOX,Fubli»ue»v No, 03 Murray street, New Yort^l
F. R. 0LES.
Having located at thc Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to us.-ny
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revela*
tions in chemical sob-nee : K'i -
Metropolitan Hotel.
A {.Junta, Georgip.
Fd’ty yard.-; irom Union Passenger
_Coriiiir ol'AlaTjcma & Erjou sn-euts.
-——Hates Reasonable. -
R P KEITH, Proprietor,
[bate of Cannon House-]
r.~—— _ ~zrzr:-~z~.
PIIO l'O G11 API 1 RS.
Dalton, Georgia,
We have ai ranged our new
to make ever style pho¬
and will guarantee to
those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fer¬
made loi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam
our work when in Dalton,
Pictures made on cloudy as
11 as any other day.
When you want a good
F. JONES, the Barber.
Shop on Hamilton St. Dalton Ga
Novel. By V. _ T. Calboe,
The Foroclllnt Rubles. A
The Old Oaken Cheat* A Novel. By Sylvanos Cobb, Jr«
The Pearl of the Ocean. A Novel. By Clara Adqobta»
Hollow Ash Hull. A Novel. By Marqaskt Bloumt*
Illustrated- m
CUffo House. A Novel. By F.tta W. Pirro*.
Under the Lilacs. A Novel. By tbs audio r of “Dor®
Thorne.” Dlnnsfthd Bracelet. Kovel. By Mrs. Huanr
Tho A
TVood. Illustrated. It.
The I,it tryer’a «^eeref. A Novel. By Mim B. Biaddoh.
The Strange Case of Or. Jcky 11 and Mr. Hyde* X
Novel. ByK. L. rfTKVBNSON.
A Lady Wicked l’al worth («ir!. *8 a Olnuiomls, Novel. Mary A Cucil Novel. Hat.__ By Tai
Dt’CERsa.*' uU th. .itbor o, "Dor.
imaccn en T l on nil. AKoret. Bj
Thorne.” Illustrated.
Tha Nine of Heart*. A Novel. By B. L. Farjbo*.
JlnrUV Fortune. AKovei. Hy Fi.oukncb Mdlook. Ward«». Q lu
JV Low Murriasre* A Novel. V.y Mist a*t
The Utility Liver. A N ivef. iiy Wilsib CollijQl If
Thr !*a!»0!S of Asps. A Novel. By Florknc* MaRRTAT.
Af nut <• run"(*. A Novel. By Mrs. Dkmrt Wood. .)
i'oi-iiluc wrlcht’s the Fellers. Vauxhicr. A Novel. A Novel. By Mra. By ALtxAKDKB. Mr*. Amhi®
Edwards. A I»Iny Illustrated. '
. of _ ,, l, m i
Fair but F»I»e. A Novel. By the author uiilS
Thorne.” fUust rated. Y. . i
l-flttfsMcr'ii Cabin. A Novel. By Mn. M. Yjotos,
Illustrated. Novel. By Kn. Milt
ficrenco Ivlncton'R Illustrated. Oath. A J,
A. Demsos'. Dr. J.H. Bodijib»*.
Th« Woman Xlutcr. A Kovel. By
Hi i straterl.
ZG'A "loMhaii ^t,. Over M, Rich
Jfito’ss. tJi'y Cioous Store,
Atlanta, Georgia a
We give i)if> bt'°! ]*ic f tires for
tluj least jiunvy, (Jlii dren’s piot
:u< t» t”k‘ n ifi *.*:»* Strangers
'I' in liie ueUi.liy ulttitya welcome.
njuA cxaiein.o spi oiiuBUB and
pi ices.
^70 1888
PiiKMiuir Art Gallery.
S.'l':. IVliiteltull M., Atlanta, Ga.
When you visit, liie city ctdl and
see my 8title Fair Exlsibit, which,
was awarded the only medal offer-*
ed, and live diphmms
I shall continue to make my fin¬
est Cabinets at $4 p r dozen.
5sy ijW
Al) v
i Prescribed by the most
^ eminent ro P e America Physicians of Eu»
edy as a rem¬
for Kidney Disease,
pepsia, Rheumatism, Gout and Dys¬
and as a
]] F° r sa *e by all first-class
(( Grocers ^'11 and Druggists.
(«) r water in Barrels and
Jh V with Demijohns, Natural water charged
VP at s the ,n bottles, Springs, put up only
gd fy THE Falmouth underwood Foreside, CO.,
~ aSsi ^ i Maine,