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North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper of the County,
and entered in the Post Office at Spring Place
G*., as second class matter.*
Subscription Kates:
One year, $1 01 ) Six months, 50conts;Three
months, 25 cents. Payable in advance.
Address all oommunicatiocs t > The Times,
Spring Place', (la.
Rev 3 R Speck, preached iu town
Sunday night.
Mrs J D Temple, has been quite
sick since Sunday.
Work ou the Spring Place Acad¬
emy, will begin soon.
Jiunos W Peck, of near town, is
convalescing, but slowly.
The singing at Free Hope on last
Sunday was well attended.
The family of Mr Marion More¬
land of town, are very sick.
A singing school is now being
conducted by Prof. R B Mauldin
in town.
Col. J J Bates has a new apart
jtnent to his premises, in the form of
;a cyclone pit,
We acknowledge receipt of a
beautiful calendar from the E T V
& G Railway Co.
Gus Keister, of this place has a
position in the office of the Fannin
County Gazette.
Miss Mamie Dwight of Spring
Place has been visiting in Dalton
for the past weok.
Rev B F Foster filled his usual
appointment, at the Baptist church
Saturday and Sunday
Collector Tatum, was over Tues¬
day looking alter the government’s
interest and relieving the boys
of their cash.
Miss Minnie Daly, of town bid
her friends good-by on last Tues¬
day, and wib visit Daisy Tenu. for
a few months.
D It Dunn, of the tenth district,
made us a pleasant call last week.
Mr. Dunn says he cant aflord to do
without the Times.
The time fer spring picnics (and
spring chickens) is at hand—all in
favor of having one soon, make it
known by saying I.
Polk, son ot W C D Gordon, Esq.
of Fort Mountain, who has been in
.Chattanooga for several months, is
again with the boys at home.
The boys abou* town are talking
much about the fine 'trout in the
river this season—we take notice
that not many of them are being
J O and James McEnlire and J
H Mackey, of the Sumach Masonic
Lodge, attended the call meeting of
the Spring Place Lodge, on last
Friday night
The tea-paitv, given by Miss
Onie Kelly on Wednesday night of
last week was one of rare enjoy¬
ment-many thanks Miss Onie for
the kind invitation. O.
Judge Ramsey issued license
last week for the Marriage of Rob¬
ert S Knox to Mary Emaline John¬
son, both of the Eighth district,
and J W Holliway to Donga Smith.
The Baptist church at this place
yrill hold their communion service
on the 3rd Sabbath in May, and re¬
spectfully invite all sister churches
of the same faith and order to be
Mrs. S J Jackson, happened to
the misfortune, one day last week
of getting her Phaeton demolished
by a fright of her pony while stand¬
ing tied to the rear end of the
Farnsworth & Wetherly are now
prepared with their new Soda
Fount, in Dalton to furnish the
most delicious drink of tho season.
When you are in Dalton don’t fail
to give them a call.
--- - -- -
Col. W O Martin, of Spiing Place,
has been elected to address the
young ladie’s literary society of
The North Ga. Agricultural College,
{it Datdonega, in June. Col. M —
has accepted, and will give his
many friends in Dahlonega a liter¬
ary treat on that occasion.
j Two wagon loads of Hydraulic
piping passed through town last
week going to Alaculsa, this coun¬
ty, to be used in opening the gold
mine of the Walker Bros. This
begins to look like business in
Quite a number of the farmers
of this county, contracted for their
guano with a Mr Florida, of Gordon
county, and lrom some caube Mr
F— failed to supply them, and they
are fouud wanting, and the Dalton
market cannot supply the demand.
Mrs. Ann Beck at Woodlawn was
born the year George Washington
died. She is now 89 years old.
She can still see to read, and reads
a couple of chapters in the Bible
every day. She has many grand,
great, and great great grand children.
For several years Mrs. Fannie
Johnson, has been selling JLadie’s
hats and trimmings of all kinds.
This Spring she has replenished
her stock and is now better pre¬
pared with her handsome new
styles to accommodate the ladies
than ever before—Call at once la¬
dies and get your hats for the season.
The Baptist church at this place
gave a small donation, on last Sun
ady, to aid in rebuilding the Bap¬
tist church at Calhoun.
There has also been a small con¬
tribution from the Methodist church
at this place, for the purpose of as¬
sisting in the rebuilding the Meth¬
odist church at Calhoun, Our peo¬
ple would have contributed more
liberally, but for having so much
work of like character at home.
We had the pleasure of convers¬
ing with Eng Bunker, the youngest
son ot Fr.g, one of the Simese Twins,
in town last week. The Simese
Twins, were one of the greatest
monstrosities of the ninetenlh cen¬
tury, and were extensively known
throughout the world. Eng and
Chang were their names. They
married sisters, who were daughters
of a Mr. Yates of North Carolina.
Eng was the father of Beven boys
and four girls; Chang, five boys and
three girls, making a total of 23
children. They died about four
teen years ago, there being only
three hours difference in their
In this issue will be found the
announcement of Mr. A T Logan
as a candidate for Representative.
Mr. Logan is so well and so favor¬
ably known throughout the county
that it is scarcely necessary for us
to say a word in commendation of
him. He is a native of the county,
is thoroughly identified with the
interest of the people and should
he be elected he will make a faith¬
ful and efficient Representative
He courts inquiry and investigation
*s to his position on all public ques¬
tions that may come beiore the
General Assembly, desiring to
place himself fully in line with the
wishes of the people.
The school at Sumach will close
on Friday, April the 27th. We are
invited, and hope to have the pleas¬
ure of attending. There will be no
night exercises, but Prof. Humph¬
reys promises to make the day in¬
teresting, and a large attendance
is solicit, d,
Prof. Stansberry, principal of the
Spring Place high school, will be
present and address the school on
that day. This school has been a
blessing to the young men of
North Ga. and we should fee! proud
to have such a branch of learning
in our midst.
Give Them A Chance!
That is to say, youi lungs. Also
all your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the
thousands of little tubes and cavi¬
ties leading from them.
When these are clogeed and
choked with matter which ought not
to be there, your lungs cannot half
do tneir work And what they do,
they esnnot do well.
Gall it cold, cough, croup, pneu¬
monia, catarrh, consumption or any
of the family of throat and nose and
head and luug obstructions, all are
bad. All ought to be got rid of.
There is just one sure way to get rid
of them That is to take Boschee's
German Syrup, which any druggist
will sell you at 75 cents a bottle.
Even if everything elso has failed
you. you may depend upon this for
The Oonntv School Commissioner
and teachers of Murray county, met
last Saturday and organized a teach
er's convention. Rev S H Henry,
was elected chairman; Prof Bates
Smith secretary. The chair appoin¬
ted the following persons to discuss
the different branches taught in our
public schoos; Prof C H Humph¬
reys, on mathematics, Prof Stans¬
berry on grammar; Prof J T Mc
Entire orthography, Prof Shields,
school government; Miss Aggie
Ramsey, reading; Miss Leia Wilson,
geography. Profs, Shields. Stans¬
berry and J .T Bates, committee to
draft bylaws and constitution for
the government of the convention.
Adjourned till May the 12th 10
o’clock a. m.
Local Paragraphs
Arklucks. Arklucks. Arklucks.
Trevitt & Bryant are the most
reliable druggist in North Ga.
A car load of Buggies for sale at
T A & S E Berrys Dalton Ga.
Stop that headache by using
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s.
The Marey Bros. $3 00 Shoes
Seamless, sold by Trotter Bros, are
t he best.
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills get
there Ely— every box warranted
—try them.
For pure, leliable drugs at low¬
est prices, go to Trevitt & Bryant's
Pharmacy, Dalton Ga.
A large and elegant stock of
ready-made clothing just received
at T J Ovbey's for 18S8.
Don't forget that Cartwright Bros.
Dalton, have the Bon Ton spring
goods of the season.
Drink Soda Water at Farnsworth
& Weatherly's fine new fountain
at old P. 0. corner Dalten.
Don't forget to call on Trevitt &
Biyant, when in Dalton and see
what they have in stock
The well known Clement, Weil &
Ball's Ladies and Misses Custom
Shoes at Trotter Brothers Dalton.
The finest soda fount and the
best soda water at Farnsworth &
Wetherly's old P. O cornor Dalton.
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
cure all derangements of the stom
ache and bowels. Doctors will pre¬
scribe them.
If you want the latest, prettiest
and most stylish spring acd sum¬
mer goods, call ou Cartwright Bros.
Dalton Ga.
Trivitt & Bryant Dalton Ga., de¬
fy any and all competition in drugs,
druggist sundries perfumeries,
Paints, Oils, etc.
Money to Loan.
Those who want money, and have
first class real estate to secure it,
apply through C N King.
Oh mvj I am about to fall! what
can I do for my Liver? Take one
box of Aaklucks Indian Blood Pills
and you will have no more trouble.
A Car load ol Wagons just receiv¬
ed at T A & S E Berry's, T all on
Ga., and are for sale cheap, for
cash, or good paper at a low rate
of interest.
Whoopi Whoop!
The most goods for the least, money
and the highest price for all kinds of
country produce at L F Clark's
Store, Fort Mountain, Ga.
W hen you go to Dalton take your
meals at Buehholz, restaurant.
He will feed ycu well and treat
you well and charge you only
twenty five cents per meal.
If you have headache ask your
merchant for a box ot Arklucks In¬
dian Blood Pills and they will sure¬
ly cure you. Don't let anybody
palm off any other kind for Arklucks
are the best.
For 1888
The largest and most complete
stock of goods that has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey.
Ladies and Gents best hand made,
with a large assortment of the best
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at T J Ovbey's. We only
ask you to price them, aqd we
know you will buy them.
Hats! Hats!! Hats!!!
Mrs. F T Johnson has just re¬
ceived the most complete line of
millinery goods that she has ever
had, ami invites the ladies to call
to see her and get their summer
hats. Cheaper than ever before.
Shop N- tice.
If yon want first class work, ei¬
ther in Bteel or iron, or want your
farming implements repared—from
a garden toe to a thresher,—call at
the ‘Shoo of King & Seabolt, in
Pleasant Valley.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
piace at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Money to Lend. lend
I am now prepared to mon¬
ey on improved lands in Murray
county at greatly reduced rates.
Either on five years time or to be
paid in annual installments for
five years. Feby. 1st 1SS8.
Trammell Starr.
Doctors and merchants will find
it is to their interest to advise the
use of Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
for there is no better remedy.
Twenty Five cents paid for them
will often save the patients life.
For Representative.
Wo are authorized to announce tho name of
A. T. Logan as a candidate for Representa¬
tive at the ensuing election to be held ou tho
first Wednesday in Ootob r next.
Professional Cards.
WjM. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to>ll
legal business.
Calhoun, Qa. Spring Place,(la
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all logp.lbusine? 8
M. B. Harris,
Spring Place, Geoigia
Prompt attention given to
all legal business.
H. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law.
Will attend punotua ly to all legal business.
W. C. Glenn,
attorney at law.
Dalton, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all
legal business.
Livery Feed and
Sale Sttble
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. The patronage of
the people emuck desired, and
especially those from Murray
Dr. J. P. Fann,
Resident Dentist
• f— - All kinds of mo
..." obanicaland Oier
'A rrYTr*85© atiT0 Dentistry l ox-
38? couto< infirst-class
-ix style, and at reas
onable rates. The
Celluloid Plato put
/■Xf P3'£aV U full P > n partial or
* ■ sotsof teeth at
f reasonable rates.
Teeth ex tra c t o d
without pain by the use of Squibb’# pureSul
phurio Ether. The patronage of the citizen
of Murray county is respectfully solicited, good
with a guarantee that I will do them as
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as cheap as they oanget itdoneby any first
lass dontistin North Georgia.
Bucklon’s A nica Salv .
The Rest Salve in the world for
Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Vleers. Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap¬
ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For Sale by Robinscn &
D. R. Loveniitii
New Goods just, received, stylish and at rock bottom prices..
When in Dalton be. sure and call, we will save you money.
We are the Dalton leaders in Diy Goods
& 1) a v •m s,
oo:oo- Georgia.
General Merchandise and Count-y Produce.
Millinery Good!*,
Just Received at the Rtilinci j Store ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinory and Straw Goo^c.eonaisting of Straw
Bonnetsand Ladies'Children’s Hats [trimmed and untriuimed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Slo. Our goods
were bought of the largest ami best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New YorK, and will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
The MURDOCH House,
Dalton, oo:og Georgia.
Newly Opened! Newly Furnished
First-Class Accommodation. BESTMFAL in the STATE
for the MONEy. Rates $2. per day.
W. H. MURDOCH, Prop'r.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Co.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to older.
W. \Y. VanNess, Dalton, (ta., Next door to Cannons
T. J. © V B E Y,
Spuing Place, Georgia.
New Opening for 1888
And the citizens of Murray County need HO lougcrj- plough
through the mud to buy goods iu Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a
gene'.al store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
If you don’t believe it come and price our goods beiore you
buy elsewhere.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Hats Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E. Brown 9
(' 5 SS ! 'n
The Jeweler.
r<on, Geo gia
Keeps reliable goods at reliable prices.
I wish to call especial attention to my line of Spectacles and
Eye Glasses.
By the aid of the Dioptric Eye Meter I can detect the cause
of defective vision and tell exactly the kind of lens required U>
correct it.
NO CHARGE for testing your eyes, whether yon buy or not*
R. V. Baker's Drug Store,, Dalton t Gst