North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, April 19, 1888, Image 4
A CUP OF COFFEE Origin of the Aromatic Berry that Grants Solace. Ethiopia its Birthplace; Brazil its Present Home. ’•In searching for the origin of cof¬ fee,’’ said the professor, “authors have agreed to assign its birthplace to Ethi¬ opia. When it was carried to Arabia it sooa became naturalized. In a search for the earliest mention of it, one writer, inspired with that reverence which has sought to find out all things in the sacred book, assures us that coffee is mentioned in the history of King David where it is stated that this was the po¬ tion which was offered by the hand of fair Abigail to calm the oxcited mon¬ arch. The proof urged in favor of this Biblical claim is that the drink offered was prepared from something roasted. “While visiting Paris,’* continued tho professor, “I was agreeably surprised to find in a museum a portion of tho original coffee shrub which was brought to France. Probably no moro precious sample of this berry exists iu the world. Coffee, at tho timo of its introduction into use, was very expensive, selling for from $20 to $25 a pound. Such a price led to its general cultivation, and soon, instead of it being the monopoly of Arabia, whence it was first derive!, it was grown in tho East and West Indies, Bengal and South America, and now large amounts of it are grown in Java, Ceylon, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Brazil Tho production of tho lat¬ ter country is tho largest, being about 4,500,000 quintals annually, one sack gen¬ erally holding about one quintal. While coffee can only be cultivated in a warm climate yot it cannot bear great boat. Tho seed is first plantod in a cool, shad¬ ed nursery, the infant plant being scrupulously screened from the rays of the sun. It is noxt transplanted to tho fields destined for its growth, and there it is carefully cultivated for nearly ii vo years boforo the product is sufficiently remunerative. The shrub usually reaclic s a height of from twelve to fiftoen feet, and is well covered by leaves of a dark, glossy green. Small flowers of snow white color spring from the stem at tho foot of the leaf. When in full bloom tho appearance is exceedingly charm¬ ing. The flowers are soon transformed into round, green berries, which, ripen ing, present tho appearance of red cher¬ ries. From two to threo crops of ma¬ ture berries may be gathered annually. The work of preparing tho berries for market is done partly by hand and partly by machinery. Each berry should have two groins on it, yet some¬ times but one is found, and this one i 3 especially prized and commands tho highest price. The pulp of tho berry is uweet to tho taste. “A chemical analysis of coffee, after being burned, shows that it contains twenty per cent, of water and about fifty per cent, of cellulose—a substance resembling starch—and grapo sugar. Tho agents which especially distinguish it are caffeino and coflcone. Tho for¬ mer belongs to that group of chemical agents called alkaloids. Coffeone is a volatile oil, tho result of an essential chango in the coffoe produced by roast¬ ing. To this subtle and fugitivo prin¬ ciple tho aroma of coffee is due, and in roasting this oil permcatos the entire grain, but if tho heat bo too great, or continued too long, it is dissipated and lost. Experiments show that caffeine and coffeono havo different effects on the animal body, the caffeine acting as a stringent stimulant, while the coffeono is more prolonged in its effects and exorcises a sedative or tranquilizing action. But in drinking an ordinary cup of coffee these two actions nro obtained, stimulation preceding for 15 minutes tho stato of sedation or repose. —(Sacramento Bee. To Ventilate a Itooni. Tho best way to ventilate a room that I know of is to put a board, long enough to fit exactly in the window frame, and about six inches high, under the lower sash. If you remember the construction of window sashes you will know that this consequent raising of tho lower one will leave spaces between the glass nud the woodwork, through which fresh air can obtuin a gradual cutranco into the room. Its course is made somewhat tortuous and all draught thereby prevented. When it reaches the insido it has an upward direction, too, and is not likely to come ia contact with tender cramums. It is important, in usi"g this kind of ventilation, that tho bc’srd fit accurately under the window, so that no iittlo spaces be left for tho air to blow through. —[New York World. Two Views. Friend (to plaintiff): “Well, I see you won your suit. I congratulate you.” Plaintiff: “Thanks. Yes, I beat tho aco Andrei." Same friend (to defendant) “I’m sorry to hear you lost your suit, old man?” Defendant: “Yes, tha scoundrel btst mo,”—[Epoch. “Nasal Voieea, Catarrh and False Teeth.'* A prominent English woman (art the Anxnean woman all bars high, shrill, nasal voioas and false teeth. Americans don’t like the constant twitting they fao* get about this nasal twang, and yet it is a caused by our dry stimulating atmos¬ phere, rhal difflultiee. tod the universal presence of catar¬ Bat why should so many of our women ha re false teeth) That is more of a poeer to the English. It is quite impossible to account for it except on the theory of deranged stomach action caused by imprudence in eating and by want of regular exercise. Both conditions are unnatural Catarrhal troubles everywhere prevail and end in cough and consumption, which ore deranged promoted by malnutrition induced by stomach action. The condition a a modern one, one unknown to our ancestors who prevented the catarrh, cold, cough and consumption what known by abundant Warner’s and regular use of is now as Log Cabin Cough Cabin Sarsaparilla, and Consumption Remedy and Log two old fashidned reme¬ dies banded down from our ancestors, and est now exclusively put forth under the strong¬ guarantees of purity and efficacy by the world-famed makers of Warner’s safe cure. These two remedies plentifully used as the spring positive and summer seasons advance give a assurance of freedom, both from catarrh and those dreadful and, if neglected, inevitable consequences, pneumonia, lung troubles and consumption, which so gen¬ erally Comrade and fatally prevail among our people. Eli Usher, of Salem, Henry Co.. Iowa, served four years in the late war and contracted a disease called consumption by the doctors. Ho had frequent hemorrhages. Al ter using WRrner s Log Cabiu Cough and Consumption Jan. llitn, 1888: remedy, “I do he not Bays, bleed under at the date lungs of any more, my cough does not bother me, and 1 do not have any more smothering spells." Warner's Log Cabin Rose Cream cured his wife of catarrh anil she is “sound and well.’ Of course we do not like to have our women called nose talkers and false teeth owners, but these conditions can be readily overcome in the maimer indicated. -se¬ ll ad Been Doctored. A wealthy old widower boarding at a fashionable house in the city is said to be anxious to marry again. Of course, he wishes to be loved by some young miss a third as old as himself. Recent¬ ly lady a well-dressed and fashionable young and engaged began rooms at the same house wife seeker, casting who sly invited glances at the was to oall at her parlors one evening, whioh he did, finding his youthful admirer with bon¬ net and gloves on, or as she explained it: “Just came in from the bank." He was asked to make himself comfortable while she went to tea, leaving her bank kook spread open upon the centre table. Of course it was natural that a man seeking himself a life her oompanion should satisfy suitable as bridal to ability to purchase a trossean, and he therefore peeped into the bank book, where he found a group of figures as long as hi« finger. The old man forgot his age and gave intimate a jump friend for of joy. the It ex-benedict appears that is an a cleTk in the bank where tho adventuress kept her money, and upon looking over the account at the wish of the widower he discovered that only $5 had ever been deposited, her and that tho other figures in book were fictitious. Whereupon the attachment grew cold, and the old gentleman is still in tlio matrimonial market —Albany Journal. Emperor William’s Monument. Much discussion has arisen already in Berlin as to the location of the great equestrian monument which will be erected to the late Kaiser. Public pref¬ erence is about equally divided between tho Parisien Platz, which is at the west end of the Under den Linden, and a po¬ sition in the Opernhaus Platz at the east¬ ern extremity, where Frederick the Great’s splendid memorial is already reared, or in the space further along in front of the old Scliloss. The Zeitung declares, however, that the old Kaiser long ago decided that the location should be in the Thiergaien, near tho column of Victory. The Cows Were Watered. “Mamma,” said a Connecticut avenue girl, Maryland just returning from a visit to a farm, “you are always talking about nice country milk and how much better and richer it is than the milk you get in the city, but I think you are mis tdkcQ. ,> “I don’t think I am,” replied the mother. “Well, I know you are, for they used to water the cows twice every day while I was at Aunt Ann’s.” Tho poor mother went up stairs and shed a few scalding tears.— Washington Critir. Lamlln? the Professor On. “Yon sketch with a free hand, Mist Backbay,” remarked the professor, whe had been critically examining her port¬ folio. “Entirely free,” said the Boston young lady, as she cast down her eyes in soft confusion and waited for the profcssoi to follow up the opening. — Chisago Tri¬ bune. tVhy I,aura I,o*t Her Brut, Laura once had an affluent beau, " no called twice a fortnight, or so, Now slio sits, Sunday eve, .All lonely to grieve, Oh, where is her recreant beau. And wily did lie leave Laura so? VS hy. he saw that Laura was a languishing, del Icato girl, subject to sick headaches, sens! tive nerves and uncertain tempers; and know¬ ing what a life-long trial is a fro fill, ftieklv wife, he transferred his attentions to her cheerful, healthy cousin, Ellen. The secret is that Laura’s health and strength are sapped by chron ,c weakness, peculiar to her sex. which Mien averts and avoids by the use of Dr. Pierc-e’a Favorite Prescription. This is the only remedy, for woman’s peculiar weak¬ nesses and ailments, sold by druggists,under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case or money will he refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. _ .Since the Independent Order of Good Tem¬ plars was started 5,000,000 persons have joined. Long’s Pearl Tooth Soap prevents decay. Try it. 25 cents a box. If afflicted with Tore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ son’s Eye*water. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle. s / cures 'niUMBA 6 £3T0“ T H* c H? KudacheSciaTICA pROMTDT^MAfiEHftY Druggists.andDealers.Everywherej ChaS’A-Vqseler Cq-Baltd-Md* The -—-— The Plan of Campaign. A Gorman correspondent at Bt Pe¬ gives his opinion thus on the movements of Priftce Moltko the Russian army in case of a war: The chief of the Prussian staff would seize Russian Poland according to the following tactics: Threatening and Kiew Wilna on his extreme left on his right; at an unforscen moment he would force the attack upon Brest Lilovski, and would shut up in Warsaw all the Russian forces in Poland. Meanwhile the Austro-Hungarian army, and already Buckowina, concentrated in Galicia having entered Lemberg, would advance by the river Bug to at¬ tack Brest Lilovski on the south. Si¬ multaneously, and still more rapidly, would be advanced the torrents of Ger¬ man troops fromKonigsberg, Danzig and Thorn, covering all northern Poland, of and crossing the now useless barriers the Tistula and Bug. Thus the Russian army corps would be completely sur¬ rounded in less than two weeks, and driven towards Germany, where they would meet fresh German troops, and finally, far from their country and the base of their stores, would find them¬ selves either forced to surrender, or be crushed and destroyed in detail at Iv&n gorod-Modlin. Bermuda grass will grow on lands too poor for other valuable grasses, and is doubtless the very best grass for pine lands. A Flat Contradiction, Some one has told you that your catarrh Is Incurable. Uis not so. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh It Remedy always will does cure its work It. It thoroughly. is pleasant to use and We have yet to hear of a cose in which it did not ac¬ complish a cure when faithfully used. Catarrh is n disoase which it iB dangerous to neglect. A certain yourself remedy before is at the your command. Avail of it complaint assumes a more serious form. All druggists. Paper dipped In camphor and alcohol be¬ comes t ransparent and Is used as window panes Itching Piles. .Symptoms—Moteture; Intense Itching and slinging; worse by form, scratching. It allowed to continue tumors which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynk’s Oint- ul¬ mest stops the itching and bleeding, heals ceration, Equally and in many cases removes the Skin tu¬ mors. efficacious in curing Philadelphia. all Diseases. DR.8WAYNK & SON, Sent by mail for fiOols. Also sold by druggists. Conauinpltnn Surely Cured. To the Editor:—Please inform your renders that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease, lly its timely use thousands of hopeless eases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to of send two readers Dottles who of my remedy fit ec lo any yotir have con¬ sumption If they will send me their Express and P. O. address Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. M. C\. 181 Pearl St.. N. Y. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Medical and scientific skill haa at last solved the problem of the long needed medicine for the ner. vous, debilitated, and the aged, by combining the best nerve tonics, Celery ond Coca, with other effec. tivo remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease, Tcatore strength and renew vitality. This medicine is Ukry om It fills a place heretofore unoccupied, and marks a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles. Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and weakness, and experience has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the strain and paralysis of the nervous Bystem. Recommended by professional and business men. Bend for circulars. Price SI.00. Sold by druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietor* BURLINGTON, VT. Ilf Wfi'fliu \NTKI>—A MAN! Cun Earn n sain WW SHOO to 8200 a Month! afraid We want in a live, eneigetic man, who is not, of work, •very county in tho Southern States. Such a man can nako the above amount, handling our goods. No cRihtRl •equired. Work the year round. II. (L IHJDGINti A CO.. PuhliMliorN. ATLANTA. UA. ■ OR. KILMER’S A ,v, /; $ $ GRKAT BLESSING TO WOMEN. y B3 nnJ CdU Symptoms nud Conditions till* Sped lie will Kellevo and Cure. If II Vnil lUU 1,avo oehnche,backache,spineache,bloating, nervous or sick headache, stom internal heat or scalding urine. If II Vmi I Uu or l>ave perversions chronic weakness, incident to bearing life-change. down If II Ynil I UU *' painful avo uterine periods, catarrh, ovarian suppressed dropsy, or or If II Ynil I UU l* humor ave suspicious or cancer, growths, or hemorrhage. disposed to It l| Ritilrlc DllliUo tion up quickly and brings a run-down refreshing constitu- sleep. It It Will TV III d^pcl ings, and thoso bring dull back tired youthful looks and bloom fee! ffmthoro and beauty-restores tho nervous system, mulUCId Give it to your weak and dellcato daught ers, Not a vcptSpo ot impure Blood viu eACAjte ita he&liofir And purifying iuftu ence. If ll Vnn I UU value life, good “Female health, Remedy.” and hope for long use Can OCu Symptoms continued udth tree. certlflcntos ot euro. Iu “Guide to Health,” Also adno. tree. Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N.Y. Druggist»' f mm Ely’s Cream Balm, Is the best remedy for children suffering from Cold in Head, Snuffles OB * CATARRH. S4 Apply Balm into cacti nostril. u*AjKly Bros,.236 Greenwich St..N.Y, JONES sem Iron Lew*, St»el Bearing*, Brass Thro Beam and Beam Box for ^ Itott iise^»le. For free pr»v*« Hot t," 7 Mention JOKES this IF fianer BINGHAMTON. and address 9 BINGHAMTON. N. REVOLVERS $ 1.50 Catalogue free. P r.HCEY’g upn Hopsk. Oshkosh, Wis. PHT !/!▼••* make wore money worklaj for a* (haa tfUanJl *» anythin* *He W the worU ITther se T Costly outfit pa: kit. 'Isot,. II--6- Ao-.r, «s, lUCk I o.. Au^ilkta, Maiua P1S0S CURE.FOR CONSUMPTION PALM’S L tiona furnished. BnalneRR Life Collrcc, Scholarships Phila,, $40. Pa., Write. Sitaa- New Fodder. The properties of the “Cytians prolife rus” are fine, considered as forage. It is a shrub from the Canary islands, from four to six metres high, with long boughs spread cultivated out, and with thick foliage, which can be advantage, principally for the food of ruminating animals. The shrub must be pruned, and the boughs cut as they gro ow, so as to be consumed green. M. Lo uis Tassy also calls the at¬ tention of agriculturists to a new article for forage, “la Gesse Svlvestre,” “Lathy rus silvestris,” which has been tried with success in Germany. --——. ♦» ------ Let no farmer place sole reliance on corn, fodder and oats, but add one or more of the well-tried soiling crops. Millo meize, kaffir corn, cat-tail, sorghum, good. collurds, forage com (Indian) are all He ate green oucumbers; But They he made him quite sick: took a few “Pellets” That cured him right quick. An easier physic You never will find Than Pierce’s small “Pellets," _ . The Purgative kind. Small „ but precious, 25cents per viaL The English brewers use Spanish barley in preference to all others. Lung Troubles and Wasting Diseases can be cured, if properly treated in time,as shown by the following statement from D. sufferer C. Freeman, from Sydney: “Having been a great ly wasting pulmonary for the attacks, and gradual¬ af¬ away testify past two years .it fords me pleasure to thatScxyrr’s Ehul BlON of Cod Liver Oil with Lime and Soda has given mend me It to great all relief; suffering and in i cheerfully similar recom¬ to a way myself. In addition, I would soy that It is very pleasant to take. A Father's Protection, Father, it Is as essential for you to provide children, a safeguard against that their night-flend to your croup, as to hunger. Taylor" ■ Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullei a will cure croup, coughs and colds. W# want on* person In evtry village, town An3 township, to keep will in their keep homes and simply a line show of our ART sample* KAM1'J.EB; those to those who thes* to who cell, we will send, free, the very beet HewingMschine manufactured In the world, with all the attachment#. This machine is made offer tlio Singer patent*, machine, which have the expired. Before the patents nm out, this style with attachments, wan sold for it now sella for $-50. Reader, it may teem to you the most WONDERFUL THING ON EARTH, but you can securs one of these mar •hln es ABSOLUTELY FREE, provided your application comes and in first . t, from your who locality, and If you will keep and In your home •how to those call, a set of our elegant un equaled art lamp bias. We do not ask you to show these »am pie* for morn M»r two mo inths, and then they become your own property. Th, art m imple* are sent to you ABSOLUTELY FREE of cost. H low can we do all this?—easily enough! We often get as much as (2,000 or $3,000 In trade from even a small plate, after our art an mplea have remained where they could be seen for a month or tw vo. We need one person in each locality, all over the country. and take this means of securing them at once, Those who w rite to us at once, will secure, kkhk, the very best Sewing Machine manufactured, and tho finest general assort* ment of works of high art ever shown together in America. All pftriii’ulartFKKE by return mail. Write at onco; a postal card on which to write to irs will cost yon but one esut, and after yon know all, should you conclude togo no further, capital—all why no harm free. is doue. Wonderful as it seems, you need no is Ad draw at one*, TRUK A CO., AuotiaxA, Maine. I CURE FITS! When / say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then havo them return again. I mean a radical EPSY cure. FALLING I have made SICKNESS the disease life-long of FITS, EPIL¬ l or the a atudy. Beca others warrant have r.iy failed remedy to cure for worst cases. receiving U9? is no reason not now a cure. Send at once for a treatise and fc Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Givo Express and Post Office. H. G. ROOT, ftla C.. 183 Pearl tit. New York. « PATENTS lugtoiiy D. C. Send for our book of instructions. CD Bitfc E E m0 r* Z-y CO* D to* cr f p i> !eB ■ Cutting. MOODY & Cincinnati. 0. A A month. “13V itsWanttd. 3 world. 1 sample 90 beat Free. Bell* lONSoN. Detroit, Mich. USUfifrCT.-. 4 VUV< : proprietor 0r -p e> t)i: <Ws jfTf ff ( s? For a case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure. iSSlf ■ 50 CENTS. J CATARRH IN THE HEAD. SYMPTOMS OF THE OISEASE^-Dull, heavy headache. obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from tho head into tho throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at the others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; coughing eyes are weak; there is ringing in tho ears, deafness, hacking or to clear tho throat, expectoration of offensive mat¬ ter, together with scabs from ulcers; tho voice is changed and has a nasal twang”; the breath is offensive; smell and tasto Impaired; hacking there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres¬ sion, a cough and general debility. Only a lew or tbe abovo-named symptoms are likely to be present in anyone case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of tho above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in tho grave. understood, No disease is so common, unsuccessfully more deceptive treated by and physicians. dangerous, less or more Common Sense If you would remove an evil, etiike at its root. As tho predisposing or real enuse/of Treatment. catnrrh is. In tho majority of cases, some condition weakness, of impurity, the system, or otherwise faulty in attempting to cure the disease our chief aim must be directed to the removal of that cause. Tho moro wo see of this odious disease, and wo treat successfully thousands of cases an¬ nually at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, the moro do we realize tho importance of combining with the use of a local, soothing and blood-cleansing healing application, and a thorough and persistent inter¬ nal use of tonlo medicines. I Chief 1 which bronchial, In curing it is and catarrh so frequently lung and diseases, all the complicated, various weak stomach, diseases as throat, with I Reliance. I tarrhal blood, scrofulous deafness, and virtues and weak syphilitic of or inflamed taints, eyes, the wonder¬ impure ca¬ ful powers Dr. Pierce's Golden Med¬ ical Discovery cannot bo too strongly extolled. It has a specific Size or pellets. ll A o o o * o o o 'MMk mm l P\PLEASA£j The L,VER orioinm - PILLS - ' * iff t Sold by Druggists. 28 Cents a Vial. BEING PURELY VEGETABLE, Purgative, they give the most perfect satisfaction. is the Time How Is the time to purify your blood and fortify jreur system against the debilitating effects of spring weather. Serious consequences often follow this lassitude,which degenerates into debility ir ost favor¬ able for (he appearance of disorders. You are run down. No specific disease has manifested Itself, but the oondltlon of your system Is low and your blood Is In a disordered state. Take Ilood’s Sarsaparilla now, before some serious disease gains a firm hold upon your system. Purify Your Blood “1 was troubled with an eruption of my skin. Which covered nearly my whole body. I doctored It for a year without help; then I began to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and two bottles completely cured me. I obeerfuUy recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla for any similar disease.” M. S. CunKt, Decatur, Ill. “For some years I have been afflicted with eczema of a very stubborn form. Three bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me. I am now well and praise this excellent remedy.” Maby L. Ow* as, Troy, Ind. Hood's gold by all druggists. *1 i six for *5. Prepared only | by C. I. HOOD a CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Haas. j IOO Doses One Dollar wmm 6*^ DOIW ? DIE IN THE HOUS Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth. Bats are smart, but “Rough on Rata” beats them. Clears out Rata, Mice, Roaches, Water Bugs, Flies, Beetles, Moths, Ants, Mosquitoes, Bugs, Bod-bugs, Hen Lice. Insects, Potato Sparrows, Skunks, Weasel, Gophers, Rabbits, Chip¬ munks, Moles, MuBk Kata, Jack Squirrel s I5c. and 25c, Druggist *__ “BOUGH ON FAIN" Plaster, PoroSed. 150. “BOUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, J25c. ALL SKIN HUMORS CURED BY ROUGEITDH “Rough on Itch” Ointment cures Skin Hu¬ mors, Pimples, Flesh Worms, RingWorm, Chilblains, Itch, Tet¬ ter, Salt Rheum, Frosted Feet, ScaldHead, Eczema. Ivy Poison, Barber’s Itch, Jersey City. 60c. Drug, or mail. E. S. Wjcmji, ROUGHiPILES Cures Pflee or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrud¬ ing, —,,, Bleeding. .deeding. Internal : and external remedy In each package e. Sure cure, Jersey 60c. City, Druggists N J. or mail E. 8. Weiab, SEND liousekeeners, FOR OUR clrcu CASHSr&V, wi'l Bend, describ¬ mote a ar we ing A I*A HA STINK, showing 34 fresco decorate designs their is Interesting, walls, Alabastine tolling is peopl appropriate liow to without borders ; wall paper Is not Alub iatJne makes permanent coats th t harden with age substitute. Sold by paint uealers. Don’t take kalso nine as a ALABAST.N CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. SINNERS border g^of Chioago Scale one-half, or more, by in the Co. 1.0B0 other useful articles, at less than wholesale prices. Catalogue fiike. Agents nnd Dealers supplied. Address CHICAGO SCALE CO., Chicago, III. Blair's Pills. c £-r“rr Oval Box* 311 round, 14 PilU. ^ M to AS n day. ^Samples worth (1.50JF*REB Hrewster Safety Ruin Holder Co.. Holly, Mich. [(Inx-Ymml‘r. 1887.] effect upon the lininrr mucous membranes of tbe nasal and other air-passages, promoting the natural secretion of their follicles and glands, and restoring thereby it softening to its natural, the diseased thin, delicate, and thickened moist, healthy membrane, con¬ dition. which complicate As a blood-purifier, catarrh it diseases to unsurpassed. tho lining As those diseases are or mucous mem¬ branes, or of the blood, it will readily be seen why this medicine is so well calculated to cure them. ToSTI I Asssawa all comparison the best preparation ever invented. ARFKT . I 14 is raild and Pleasant to use, producing no smarting NULii I • I or pain, and containing no strong, irritating, or caua- 11111111 tic drug, or other poison. This Remedy is a power¬ ful antiseptic, and speedily destroys all bad smell which accom¬ panies so many cases of catarrh, thus affording great comfort to thoso who suffer from this disease. | CURES. U quers throat, bronchial, aniflung Complications, when any such exist, but, from its spe erne ” effects upon the lining membrane of tho nasal passages, it aids brane materially in healthy restoring condition, tho diseased, thickened, or ulcerated mem to a and thus eradicates the disease. When a cure is effected in this manner it is permanent. Roth Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy are sold by druggists the world over. Discovery $1.00, half-dozen six bottles bottles for $2.50. .?5.00. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy 60 cents; A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hints os to clothing, post-paid diet, and other matters of importance, will bo mailed, to any address, on receipt of a 2-eent postage stamp. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. PURELY VEGETABLE! PERFECTLY HARMLESS! Aa a LITER PILL, they are Eucqualed t SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKE. sssfisssparaBTaF* tsr r SICK. HEADACHE, Bilions Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, derange¬ Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all ments of tho stomach and bowels, are the promptly of l»r. re¬ lieved and permanently cured by their use remedial Pierce’s Pellets. In explanation of power over so great a variety of diseases. It may universal, not truthfully be said that their action upon the system 18 a gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence. Mauafactnred by WOBUPS DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, BUFFALO, “ST. Hood’s g«ra«p»rm* « prepared from SarMOartn* Dandelion, Jtandrake, Dock. Plprissewa, Juniper Berries, end other well known vegetable remedies. In such a peculiar manner as to derive the fuU jnedirtwfi value of each.* It will cure. When In the power of medicine, scrofula, salt rheum, eores, bolls, pimples, all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head¬ ache, Indigestion, general debUity. catarrh, rheu¬ matism, kidney and liver complaints. X* overcomes that extreme tired feeling. Build Up the System -Lust spring I seems 1 to be running dfm 1© health, was weak and tired all the time, t Soots Hood's Sarsaparilla and It did me a great deal of good. My little daughter, ten yeare old. haa eufrer* 1 from scrofula and catarrh, agreatdeal. Hood’s Saraa parlUa did her more good than anything else we have ever given her, and we have tried a number of medi¬ cines.” Maa. Locisa Conr, Canastota, N. Y H. B. If yea have decided to take Hood’s Sarsapa¬ rilla do not be Induced to buy any other. Sold by all druggists. *1: six for $5. Prepared ootf by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mona I DO Poses One Dollar o The BUYERS' GUIDE M issued March and Sept., each year. 1% is an ency¬ clopedia of useful infor¬ mation for all who pur¬ chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can olothe you and furnish you with* all the necessary and unnec ecapry appliances to ride, walk, dance, sle eat, fish, hunt, work, go to churci .■ or stay at home, and in various sines, styles and quantities. Just figure out what ia required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, ond you can make alaiv estimate of tho value of tho BUYERS GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. IU Don’t buy until you *.find out the new Improve¬ ments. Save the * Middleman’s Profits. CaTSeml for Catalogue. J. P. STEVENS & BR0.. 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. Do you want Inspirator 3 1 10 BOILER I nil r. 1 G O E D is worth $500 per lb. Pettit’s Eye Salve is worth 181. 000. but is sold at 2-'>c. a bo* by dealers. A. N. U. Fourteen, '88. um. mnnows aziimt; mndmumm and Dealers in Cotton. \Vooh-n and Gun ernl .vlill Suppiie-u. Wrought and Iron Brass l'inu Gomh. Fittings 64 8.330;» 81.. ATLANTA. GA.