Newspaper Page Text
n» Currant Barer.
There aro two insects which bore Into
currant bushes; one is a moth and an¬
other is a small beetle. These insects
deposit their eggs on the stems of the
currant bushes in June; the eggs change
to grubs, which boro through the pith,
eatiag it out, and causing tha loaves to
turn yollow and wither. Thoy romain
all winter in the wood and cmergo in
May. To destroy ths insect tha injured
items should be cut off close to the
ground now and burno 1, or thoy may
bo cut off whoa the leavos turn yollow
in the summer, Unloss the prunings
aro burned the insects will escape,—
[New York Times.
Foundering Horses.
Many farmers know the dangers of
foundering horses by allowing horses to
drink unrestrainedly after being
warmed by working or fast driving.
Tho danger is greater whan the water is
coldest. It is tho sudden chill of cold
water on a hccted stomach that does the
mischief. Water in spriug is chiliad
from melting ica long after tha air has
boon warmed up to the freezing point.
All through the summor and until quite
late in fall, w.itor is c rider than tho air.
If the water is warmed to near tho tem¬
perature of the animal it may be drank
without injury. Horses at work have
little time at noon to cool off and will
eat better after a drink of water
warmed to take tho chill off. This can
be given without danger of injury if
mado warm enough.—[Courior Jour¬
Wore Pea. for Pee<1.
The increasing kuowlcdgo among
farmer! of tho value of album!nout
foods naturally dirocts attention to
peas. They aro better for growing pigs
and for early fattening than corn, and
this yoar, when corn is scarce, a crop of
early peas will come very handy. The
poa shades tho ground and undoubtedly
exhausts tho soil loss than mist other
grains. In wheat-growing sections n
crop of peas fed down by hogs was
regarded formerly as an excellent
preparation for whoat. It tha land
was free from thistles it was
considered nearly as good for the wheat
crop togrow peas on it,as it was tohave
a naked fallow. But as weeds come
in, peas have gone out of fashion. It is
hard to keep pea land clean, even
when tho peas aro in rows wide enough
to admit cultivation. The pca-via;s
grow unevenly, so that ono is apt in
hoeing to cut them off before seeing
them. For this reaion, when grown in
field culture, poai are gone rally sown
or drilled in thickly enough to cover
the entire surface. This will keep the
weeds down early in tho season, and
until the poa-vinoi begin to shrivel and
dry up, but the ground can bo cleared
of its crops aid plough id before the
latter weeds ripou their seeds.--[Ameri¬
can Cultivator.
laime nml Churtinil for Foul*.
It should bo h tt:r known than it is
that lime and charcnal are important in
in the care of poultry, and none tho less
so with the brooder for eggs and chick¬
ens than with with the amateur or fan¬
cier who broods pure fowls. In regard
to this matter American Poultry Yard
Charcoal should be broken in small
lumps aud put where the fowls can got
at it, and thoy will cat it with great
relish. We havo seen it fed to pigs
with tho very best result?, and those
which wore treated to it were never
troubled xvith disease or sickness, while
neighb >ring ones were. This helps to
prove its value, not only for swine, but
lor fowls. When tho birds aro kept in
confinement it is a very good plan to
keep a small trough in a sheltered
place, full or small bits of fresh char¬
coal, and the fowls will soon learn to
help themselves.
Tho value of lime in the form of
whitewash is well known, and those
who use it liberally are -ho ones who
keep their flocks healthy and cleanly.
To reader whitewash more effective in
dislodging, driving away or destroying
lice and parasitic pests, the addition of
a little carbolic acid is invaluable, for
scarcely anything clso soems to bo so
distasteful to vermin. Air slacked lime
should be occasionally scattered over
the floor of tha chicken house, to rc
move unplcasant and uuhealthy odors,
while a little of it should be scattered
around the yards and rutis for egg shell
matter.—[Farm, Field and Stockmau.
“Skim Milk" lh-r,«.
The dealers in El,'in (11!.) Board of
Trade say that only four grades of
cheese are known in that vicinity.
1. Cream cheese. This is manufact¬
ured from the full milk.
2. Half skim?. 0.ic-half tho cream
is taken from the milk. This article
Is designed to meet the wants of the
laboring and middle classes, who can -
cot afford to pay the prico for the first
variety. It is hinted in some quarters
that tho half skims are ia many cases
better than thirds—that i-- ( Isvo-third-*
of tho cream has been removed from
the milk and placed ia tho churn, and
the deficiency has been “mado good,’’
is the sayin" is, by the substitution of
c'.arifijd butter of uacartain age or neu¬
tral lard.
S JEsriched or filled skims. This is
a compound article that ii openly manu¬
factured all over tho Idinois and Wis¬
consin dairy country. It is manufact*
urolofskim milk and noutral lard.
Formerly clarifud butter of last year’s
make, or even older, was used, but the
neutral lard, which is also tho basis of
butt.'iiao, being odorlo3* and tasteless,
u now given the preference.
4. Centrifugal skims. This is made
of milk from which every vestige of
cream has been removed by a separator.
To help along tho coagulation of thi$
watered solution of casiiae a little but¬
termilk b added. Tha acids thoreiu
aro not wholly removod during tho
pressing of tho cheese in tho hoop, and
in warm weather cause a chemical
transformation of the caseine, ThU is
accompanied by tho formation of a
rather noxious gas, which causos the
cheese to “huff’ in the summertime,
and a warehouse full off “huffy” cheese
can only be compared to tho city of
Cologne 03 described by Coleridge.
Tho process of manufacturing the “en¬
riched” or “filled ’ sxims is interesting
in its simplicity. Into a tub or “sot
tier” aro put about eighty pounds of
neutral lard and twenty gallons of milk.
An open jet of steam is turaod in upon
tho mixture until the lard is melted and
with tho milk forms an emulsion. This
is done at a temperature of about 130
degrees. Mnntimo about 4,010 gal¬
lons of skimmed milk from which the
last particle of cream has bean remoVod
have been placed ia a vat. The emul¬
sion is poured in and tho whole mass is
sufficiently agitated to create a porfcct
b.ending. Tho rennet is next addod,
and in about an hour tho coagulation is
completed. Tho curd is separated from
the whey and pressed in hoops. Tho
best grade of thb ccmpound cheese
sells in Elgin at 5 3-4 to 0 couts por
pound. Nesv York and Pennsylvania
prohibit tho manufacture of “fidod
The “centrifugal skims” in cold
woather aro tho “whito oaks” of thirty
years ago, only more so. This grado of
choescha? boon ruined by tho “separ¬
ator,” as ia one ton of it there cannot
'bo found as much fat as would grease
tho point of a cambric needle. The
Pennsylvania article soils in New York
at wholesale at 1 1-4 to 112 cents
per pound. Tho Elgin dairymen say
there is no money in tho “contrifu
gal skimV’ and it is a fair proposition
that they aro right, otherwise some ol
them would essay tho manufacture on a
large scale.
The production of tho “filled” or
“enriched skims” is about five hundred
boxes a week, and this inclules all
grades of the article,some of which is so
poor as to sell for only fliroo or four
cents per pound, Tho factory men
claim that it is only in tho manufacture
ol this compound article there is any
profit for tho farmer in the winter time;
nearly all his cattle feed has to be im¬
ported. Tho bran comes from Minne¬
apolis and tho corn from Iowa, In the
summer time tho skim milk is fed to
the young pigs and tho cattle find plenty
of pas!urage on the rolling prairies.—
[Chicago Tribune.
Farm uml Cardan Yolo*.
Don’t fail to havo a good garden.
Plant scrub seed, reap a scrub crop.
Will-rotted manure for early vege¬
If whole potatoes are planted, your
crop will be a week or feu days earlier.
There can be no fi sf-class or paying
animals without good feed and care.
“No man practices economy who
does not uso light, sharp, bright toots.”
Tha experience of the most successful
farmers who have adopted the ensilage
system is that they succeed better when
Ihe fodder is allowed to become more
mature than was formerly considered
tho best practice.
An important factor in successful
farming is tho keeping of the propel
amount of stock to consume tho pro¬
ducts of tho farm, and especial y those
kinds of slock which miy be kept at a
profit with a view also of enriching the
Do not, says tho New England Far¬
mer, let butter stand to hard in cold
weather between the first and final work¬
ing and printing or packing for market.
An hour is long enough for tlu salt tc
dissolve, and long enough to wait be¬
tween tho workings.
liens cut fentkers bccauso of some
natural craving, caused by an unsatis¬
fied want of some nutritive substance.
This is probably a want of nitrogenoui
matter and sulphur, which aro both
largely contained in feathers, To sup¬
ply these food elements, give tho fowls
raw flesh, or fresh solt bones, broken
into small pieces, which will be swal¬
lowed with great avidity. A littlo sul¬
phur may be given ia some mixed food,
as bran mixed with bci’.cd potatoes,
givon slightly warm, and moistened
wills skimmed milk. (Jorn is not t
ufikiotit food alone, and unless there is
other food given there will bo troubli
Positively No Danger.
Carksr fin hotel corridor)—“Let’s got
out of here, Barker. ”
Barker—“What s tbs matter!’’
Darker—Those two men are having
such a violent discussion that I’m afraid
it will end in a tight.”
Barker (carelessly) —“No danger of
that. Free Press. They’re both pugilists,”— Detroit
The Atlauta, Ga., Evening Journal, the
only daily and weekly paper in that city
that advocate* tar iff reform, tinder the
.’•killful management of Hon. Hoke
Smith ar.d H. H. Cabaniss, is making
■wonderful strides in the direction of in¬
fluence and circulat on.
A European steamship line is
now having constructed a steamship that
will cross the water between New York
and Queenstown in five da,\9.
A Kcw llomr Trcnmifiit for the Cure of
Catarrh, CaMtiHi Fever* I ILni.eiis
«mi liny
Tile micros ope has proved that these ais
ea cs arc confagious, living pmvsites and they the are fining duet the
presence 01: in mem
bi ano of the upper air RcientUra, p iss «gt s an 1 euatachian
tubes. The Stale, eminent endorse vmian. authori¬ Hux¬
ley and be cli this llio •< h regular l tn-se hod
ties cannot put© I. me
o: t eiiting those dis asps has be*>nt» apply ily, an
irritant ngthejl remedy weekly, and even d thus
keep irnta lie ioh, to allowing ;p* mbmnri it ina.conucn; cnanc^ to
s;at6 of no
heal, ni d as a natural cansequ nee of smcIi
treatment not oi.ft It rerinanent solute c ire has ev that r
I re . r corded. is an a fact
these diseases nnuot he cured by any anplica
tion made ofteneu than ouett in fcwd wnks. for
the membrane must get n chance t > n al
before an apple.ton is repeate . It is now
seven years since Mr. l)i\on di covered the
pat nsite in catarrh and formulated his rtew
treaimcnt,and household since then his in remedy ha-be¬
come a word every country
where the English lang' a e is spoken. Cures
elf c-.edbvhims ven iio years ago tile are.cures at still,
there highly having nee ! r remedies t urn of valued cas-. that ig
noranTimita So i«ro t es©
ors have st il ted up everywhere,
pretendi g to des roy a parasite, df which t ey
know nothing, by ch romedies, the the eqttally results igrior- of the
ftppiicatidn of wh fir**
Anl. Mr. ixon‘srcmed> s applied ihreo only applica¬ once
in two weeks and from one to
tions effect a permanent cure in the most ag¬
gravate I case-.
Mr. treatment Dixon sends Did a pamphlet receipt df describing siiniptopay his
Pew on
postage The add res* sA II. Dixon & bon,
o04 King stre t Avest, Toronto, Canada.—Scien¬
tific American.
and The it “Ruroau ttilords legal of justic'B assistance ,, is ( liicflgo’s latest
to poor people.
11 Then let tho moon usurp the rule Of day,
And For what winking tapere show thfrenn ceive, hi9 way;
1 my senses can pe
need no reve at on to bel ovo ”
Ladies suffering iroinany of the weaknesses
or ttilments p« culiar to their sex. and who will
use Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription accord¬
ing to directl the ns, will expuie ce a genuine
i'tvdatum in benefit they will reCeiVe» It
Is a j> sitive cure f*>r i he most complicated and
obstinate ca-es of loucorrhea, excessive flow¬
ing, ession*. painful prolapsus, m -nstruat falling <<u, unnatmai womb, sun
pi woikbacki or of the
‘fcnia.e weakness,” anteversion,
re reversion,hearin do vn sensations,clironic
con estion inflammation and ulcerat ion of the
womb,inflammation, ovaries, mied pain and “internal tenderness in
acc mp with heat.' 1
Bishop J-11. Vincent, a native of Ala., is no¬
ted for promoting religion among young people
Conventional “ Motion ” ltesoiutloiiH.
Whereas, The non Route (L. N. A. A' «\
Ry Co.) cs res to make i known to the world
at large that it forms the double connecting
link of Pullmtn tourist travel between tbe
winter citii*H of Florida a and d the summer re¬
sorts of the Northwest;
Wher€OP % Its “rapid transit” syste m is un
surpa sed, its eleg »nt Pull nan Buifot Sleeper
and Chair ca- service between Chicago and
Louisville, Indianapolis and Cincinnati un¬
equal Whereas, od; and Its rates low the lowest;
aro as as
th'*n be it
Resolved, That in the event ot smarting on a
trip it is flnsHl Gen‘1 pnlitit to t on ult wit i »•.. O. Mc
Col-m Di ok, Chicago, i'ass. Agent Tor Monon Route,
arlmr i St. full particul <rs. (In
any event send for a Tourist Guide, enclose 4c.
pi stage.)
Svpher <fe Co. of New York.the Coloni ntfquarlans. land
are purchasers, at all tim ’8, of
other relics, such ns portraits and letters of
the signers of the D**cl r.ition of Indepen
de c Presidents, Genei a\s and all celebrities
of the period of the Revolution. Also old si.ver,
china, furniture an curious >»r iclev general
lv. Parties desiring: to dispose of anyJhmg in
tne above line would do well to covr sp nd
with that firm. Tneir address U b60 Broadway,
and thoy were established in 1831.
7 resident ( .'eveland has received official no¬
tice from Brazil of the abolition oi slavery.
ThousnndRf f cures follow the use of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy. 50 ce is.
In Denver, Pol., live of tho richest saloon
men n^k that the license he increased to SL000.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
’ Medical and scientific skill hns at last solved the
problem of the long needed medicine for the ner.
voas, debilitated, and the aged, by combining the
best nerve tonics. Celery and Coca, with other effec.
tivo remedies, which, acting gently bat efficiently
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease,
restore strength and renew vitality. This medicine is
vsjs fgmbound r k y.
r Tmile a place heretofore unoccupied, and mirks
» new era in tho treatment of nervous troubles.
Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay tho foundation oi
nervous prostration and weakness, arc! experience
has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the
etrain and paralysis of tho nervous system.
Recommended by professional and business men,
Bend for circulars.
Price €1,00. Sold by druggists,
WELLS, RICHARDSON &C0., Proprietors
Do you want a aiui He ,e Inspirator?
j - S o r
II F?I \ £ “silly 3 IfIf
1¥““‘ » O r- S B ff.
Cotton and Hay
ii! PRESS.
f J Thf* best and cheapest made.
Vi Hundreds in actual use.
Baies cotton fjt-te than any
gin can nick. Address
v WOOD WORKS lor ouv Cat
> ^ Chattanooga, ton and Ilay Presacirculars. Tenu. Bt*x.6f)
COLS Live nt home nn«1 make more money working for n* than
I nt anything else In the world Either Costly outfit
rntL. Term« fit t K. Atldrcu, J HUE & Co., August*. Jda ine.
Soldiers’ Monument
The monument committee of the Pi«k
ett Association of Richmond, Vu., have
submitted a plan Gen. for the George proposed E. Pickett mouu
ment to the late
in that city. The hexagonal design is
recommended. The entire height of the
shaft will be about eighteen feet, with
six rustic columns and six bronze plan s
for inscriptions—one for Gen. Pickett,
one for each of the four brigades and one
for the artillery.
The fonndation of all happiness digestion Is health. A
man with an imperfect may be a
millionaire, may oo the husband of an a gel
and the miserable father of half ado-.en cherubs, and
yet bh if lie be mul. ed w th dysp-p
sia.or of any of the disorders nrisiht from im
pe feet digestion or a slugal-ls liver. Dr
Pierc’s Pie. sant Puraai.o Pe lets are the
safest and sures remedy for those mo. bid
ibrfecUy conditions. harmle Be ng purely vegetable, they are
Most of us cat too much and sleep tod lif tie
we read toomuch and think too little.
For Kickcls, -Marasmus nud Wasting Dls
Orders al Children.
Scott's Emulsion of Pitre Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites Is tinetjualled. flesh The rapidity
with which chil l ren guin and the strength
upon it is very wonderful. Read follow¬
ing; ”1 have used Scott’s Emulsion in enses and of
have Rickets and Marasmus plcasti^Jith of standing,
been more than the re-uits,
ms n every case the improvement Was mark¬
ed.’’— J. XI. .Main. XL D„ New York.
Ln nr; 01
ac tor Pains
vy /\ltb flje star^acl] well wi(lt
B(-Jacobs Oil Apply flat\r\elsteeped
in !\o( wafer ana wruqg a'j fa
10,1 CHA5 A.VOGELER C9 Balto. Md.
Warranted pure
White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge, Orange Oil.
Mineral, Painters’ Colors and ridi.n Linseed iTwif,,
LYIMH’S Patent Ooir.hination GUN SIGHT.
40 1*cp Cent, Bend fr#
IIEMJCTION Catalogue of
In I*rlce. Sight*, Elflci. «te.
A.L’rcri.WM. FTMAJT, JllitlcUefleltl, Conn.
Uaprovemonfc. II Lit BRA N D CO.. Framoui, 0.
Vtf. * R0 ^ ET0 « S 0r /j T> m
L I Cr.kfs Catarrh i^medy
& I
M 1 e)
m Km 1
\ For a case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure, t.
ii v 50 CEMTX. s
SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE.-Dull, heavy headache,
obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling- from the
bead into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at
the others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid;
eyes are weak: there is rinsing: in the ears, deafness, backing 1
ter, or coughing together to with clear the throat, expectoration of offensive mat¬
scabs from ulcers; the voico is changed and
has a ‘ nasal twang”; the breath is offensive; smell aud taste
Impaired; hacking there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres¬
sion, a cough and general debility. Only a lew of tho
above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one ease.
Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the
above symptoms, result in consumption, ami end m the grave.
No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, less
understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians.
flnaaaanti Common CA-tma- Slnse > r °u would remove dl an evil, strilx at its 1
TRFATMFMT weakness, impurity, ?£ c e ^oKf otherwise r ^sS, u faulty iSm
Inbnimi. hi. condition of tho system, in attempting to
cure tho disease our chief aim must bo
directed disease, to the and removal treat of that successfully cause. The more we see of this
odious svo thousands of cases an¬
nually at tho Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, the more do
we realize the importance of combining with the use of a local,
soothing of and blood-cleansing healing application, a thormiuli and persistent inter
nal uso and tonic medicines.
Chief | In curing catarrh and all the various diseases with
which it is so frequently complicated, as throat,
Reliance. | bronchial, and lung diseases, weak stomach, ca¬
8 tarrhal deafness, weak or inflamed eves, impure
blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, tho wonder¬
ful powers and virtues of Dr. l’iereo's Golden Med¬
ical Discovery cannot be too strongly extolled. It has a speeiflo
Size op pellets.
‘4 o o o
t PKati wm'/j'y.
r # i)5 ve. o 0 o o
-2 Srr^
/> Li y JwSags*
# 7 /
Sofd by Druggists.
25 Cents a Vial.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets operate without disturbance to
the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass
vials, hermetically sealed. Always fresh and relia¬
ble. As a gentle laxative, alterative, or active
purgative, they give the most perfect satisfaction.
'** z PURE
Esta’blishe d
A Good Name
At hnie is a tower of rtrengih abroad—soys tha fit
n', lar prdverb aU It Is fully Termed by ■ he history
of Bool’s Sarsaparilla. Tha £r*t words of com¬
mendation and praise for thla medt ids wero re¬
ceived from otr friends and neighbors, and from
the time It was fairly Introduced up to tha present
there has been, and Is now, more of
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold In Lowell, Mass, where it is made, than of all
other sarsaparlllas and btoad purifiers combined.
This "good namc”atnoaar people who havo known
Hood's Sarsaparilla and lte propr etors for year i
fbnukl certainly bo stroaj evld-n e to people In
other cities and «was o: ths excellence and merits
of this medicine. Send Set book contalntai ttate
ment of cures.
Salt Rheum
“After the failure of three pfeiUful physician* to
cure my boy of salt r ieum, I tried Hood * S.i sapa
rilla and Ollvfl Ointment. I baYe now usea iwt
boxes of Olatmeut .it! dhe and a bait bottles of
t arsaparU a. and the boy is to all appearances com¬
pletely cured. He Is now four year, old And has
been afflicted sin e be w. s tlx months of age.'
Mas. B. Sasdehsom, 56 .s'ewba.1 St., Lowell, Mass.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six ft* $5. Prepared only
by C. L HOOD & CO.. Apothecaries, LotVoW; Musa.
100 Pose9 One Dollar
AVliol'y unlik«* nriificial systems.
of mi lid WiHideriuir.
Any book I mind u om; reaMlng.
iSss lfopton, urns. liirge as5e« MWXWftfSS <»f Columbia Lawntuaefitsi
at WefftsU’jr, <’ Cnlvursify of Penn., Micb-*
Y:do, Oberlin,
Jur.An P. Bi njaMiH; ^ndire Gihson, Dr. BitolVn, E.
H. Cock, Principal N. V. Normal &€.
o The S^wjrRHa’ March GUIDE is
issued Jf>d Sept.,
each year. It is an ency¬
clopedia of useful infor¬
mation for all who pur¬
chase the luxuries or tho
necessities of lifd. W.
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliitrices to ride, walk, dance, Ohcreh, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt; work, go to
or stay at homo, and int various sizes,
styles and quantities. Just, fi-ure out
what 13 required to do all these tnlflgs
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of IK* BUYERS’
GTUDE. which will bo sen. upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Cnicaqo,Ill.
SALLAS jamis (n the (if, F‘[uilnflon
of ISSOs cheap 10,3-I8f iurnnun in 188S* w< r 1v il hnvc
100.000 in inois’t r> years. KY, J!fv>es nrVvv Torrt butiding. h
traordfnary J. rijesf and inducemems progressive for nmmirnci-tt»C:»: city in , «.e* v
liwclitf ul cli.mf0&.<* DALLAS, the meat Rail
way Centre, your point to visit all por
Hour of the State, A Hires*
^ | aA 00 0 TO .** A MONTH oan for tw
I ^™e*the!frwhote1?mVw made l working t, l
"th« b| wlnew.
2%^ SSS filcMm »d. Va.
SON A CO., 1010 Slain st„
tural siufl grazing land for afiio*
Afidrpss.UOnLE Y <fc 1*0RTKK.Dallas.Tex#
effect sipon the linirur mucous membranes of the nasal
air-passaues, promotihir the natural secretion of their ana
glands, and restoring thereby it softeninie its natural, the diseased thin, delicate, and thickened moist, healthy mcmbimne. cOO
ii to
dition. As blood-purifler, it is unsurpassed. As those diseasei/
which complicate catarrh are diseases of the lining mucous medicine mem¬
branes, well or of the blood, it trill readily bo seen svby this
is so calculated to euro them.
6 I 1 LGunL "'I I *’ Asalooal in the head. application Dr. Sage’s for healing Catarrh the Remedy diseased is beyond condi-
8 I on invented,
i . I ali comparison the best preparation ever
8 BlSFtlT | It is mild and pleasant to use, producing no smarting
or pain, and containing no strong, irritating, or caus
sExmmsuBmma ;j c drug, or other poison. This Remedy is a power¬
ful antiseptic, and speedily destroys all bad smell which accom¬
panies so many cases of catarrh, thus ailording great- comfort to
those who suffer from this disease.
rEKM&NENT ______ ■ The Golden Medical Discovery is the natnral
‘ I I “helpmate” not only cleanses, of Dr. purifies, Sage’s regulates, Catarrh Remedy. and builds It
| ■ Cures. ni.i.mBil when such exist, but, from its specific
............... any
effects upon the lining membrane of llio nasal passages, jt aids
materially in restoring the diseased, thickened, or ulcerated mem¬
brane to a healthy effected condition, and thus eradicates the disease,
When a cure is in this manner it is permanent.
Botli Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sage’s
Catarrh Remedy are sold by druggists the world over. Discovery
$1.00, six bottles for $2.50. $5.00. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy 50 cents;
half-dozen bottles
A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hints ns to
clothing, diet, and other matters of importance, will be mailed,
post-paid to any address, on receipt of a 2-cent postage stamp.
Address, World’* Dispensary Medical Association^
No. 6C3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
As a LIVER PILL, tl>cy ore Uncqualed I
Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Mincrafe. Always ask for
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, which are little Sugar-coated Pills,
or Anti-bilious Granules. ONE PELLET A DOSE.
Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, K
Indigestion, Billons Attacks, and all derange- A* It
ments of the stomach and bowels, are promptly rc
Pierce’s lieved and permanently cured by the use of Dr. I
Pellets. In explanation of their remedial •«
power truthfully over be so said great that a variety of diseases, it may universal, not
gland their action upon the system is a
or tissue escaping their sanative influence.
Lertura on
wuh of benzine ~
put a 15e. box BUGS?rSt« of it in a pint u
BED cannot be applied. For
Crevices where grease Roaches,
Water Bugs, Beetles, nights dfca
&c. For two or three
sprinkle RocGB on and Rats down dry the
powder, in, about 7*1
Fi"rel d m?ig , fl> BEETLES all j.
foe morning wash it away
dOWH the drain pipe, when all
the insects from garret to cellar
will disappear. The secret is in
Uik WATCH TUB nSiftQ BOSo the fact that wherever
insects are in the
house they must drink during the night. Utble- For
Potato Bugs. Insects on .3 Vtoee, ROACHES etc., a
fiSoft With sprinkliDg pot-, spray gyring©, or
applied whisk broom. Keep it well stirred tip. 15c*,
r^Vio^saaf RABBITS. Sparrows, Gophers, .»g: Chipmunks,
cleared but by Rough on Rats. See directions.
Mason &.
Highest Honors a*, all Great World’s Exhibitions slneo
1537, 100 styles, $2-2 to fW. Fur Cash, Easy Payments,
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3 TON $35.
Other Illustrated size- proportion- Catalogue
ately lo<v. Agent* well paid .
free. Mention this Paper. Y.
OSGOOD & THOMPSON. Binghamton,
Blair’s Pills. lOllflfh Great Rheumatic English J*lllk. Remedy. Gout and)
Oval ii»x» 34 J i I 1
lUoqrlnnreMasfaz-n” ^ vogr „ dJr „,„, months free L^nyol L»i ecNvy
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A, . ^ N. , U........... T ........Twenty-three, ’88.