North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, June 28, 1888, Image 2
""" .. C. N. KING. S. B. CARTKK. ! ! North Georgia ] Times . r;:"- - : KING.X CAHTEB, Fulillsliers. TltlJKS l)AV, JUNE -iM. *r A meeting ^ of tie* <b moeratic executive ^rnnot-e.u tee , 7th , District met in IJ.ot.n on ,.',ttun . 1 } 11 ,h ■ » ()n a cull the following counties Responded: Cold*, T II Shoclc v: Catoosa, 11 B Morns; Chat Km, It T Kouche, poxv; VKd, ll o McCamy, prosy; A .1 Little; Murray, 11.1 HJflbamy, proxy; Polk, 0 .3 ■tanes; Paulding, A L Halt,left; C B Willingham, d i s-. • • .; . . fevill be hek li on pt ' ML race js H, ^m h, ^^^Etncl ■ - ■ W W Hr W *' ' K':l. At di'l'.ailt to joretell the i ■,nWB.i .iirrMs»*awi«fvBiBH©A;-r~ :*!*« The Chicago Republican con¬ vention adjourned on last Mon¬ day after a stopmy session of six days. The nominee for President is Gen. 1’enj. Harri¬ son of Indiana, and for Vice President, Levi P Molten of New York. The ticket is con¬ sidered a good one for tin- Re¬ publicans, but there is but lit¬ tle doubt that Cleveland and Thurman will be triumphantly elected in November. flBBMMIMBIBMnaRBHnnWMBI» Solisuor Watt Harris of Car tersville lias been nominated by an overwhelming majority for the Senate from Floyd, Chat¬ tooga and Bartow. We are glad to hear of the Col's, victo He has made an efficient BH'kir and 1 he Di- -diould j u] --'i ■BM Hi cxj. >31 ■ k. Bl m® w lunpaimi doc- j | icmtic r 1 XT, atlOUcU . -. ml, ami copies | ,1 - ‘ ViH , l; 1 M.ti* •— i " by the thou- ! JecCunty, Wf £(> advorti-e the product of and bring into uotice BKvaiuabio min .rale hat. 1; .• bid » Bile men to your own in t end send in your exhibits. dWVm E Gladst nhas an.- vver HBob Ingcrsoll on Religion so inclusively that the tiiinking world advises Bob to get up another subject upon which to expend his natural gas. B (t McMillan, of Atlanta was killed near Chattanooga on the 20th. He was knocked from the top of'the train by biidge and only liidi about two lion us. 7irrB»«HW4fc Cat* - r':' Fix' Democrat ie natty ba R'COveinl ovtv 80 (-Ofi/HJO acres of !M('<1 frm moit^poli.-ds who had .secured it In iiaud during the supremacy ol’t he Repub¬ lican party — '■i- I wii——M—^ wm The oppressed South 'will get opportunity , for - again an the blooa thirsty Norlh- w „ shipping early watermelons. The wealthiest preacher iu Atlanta is Dr. LL II Tucker whose home is assessed at 812, r>00. His other property in the city is assessed at $32,200 It seems that the Congress¬ ional race iu the old JNmfch is getting pretty warm with the chances in favor of little Allen Candler. Notice. ■ of i’hu la^ the doaaoeraiic ; Excoulivo r.ouimitteo of Murray county ai« rec.ncc* eel to meev at my otiiio ;n Spring Pi ace, on the first Tuesday in July 1358, at 12 o'clock in. A full attendance i“ specially rcijtiested; HR. matters of ic "> - " f .-O will b considered, Thi. i© 1888. Teammell S (JliRinnan. Col Rufus E Lestm of En - vannab will lead the Deirocrat ic hosts of the first Congress ¬ ional District to victory. Governor Gordon and the on tire corps of State house ofli cers will be re-elected without! opposition. ..... So r , far ... apposition . to the I uo H on. John D Stewart of the Fifth Distiict has been devel¬ oped. President Cleveland will formally accept the nomination for reektion the 2nd of July. Their Bu iness c I Probably no OHO thing bus canoed suen it general revival of trade at Robinson and Anderson's Drug Store their giving to their 1 as away customers of so many free trial bot tics cf Dr King's New Discovery for consumption. Their frade is simp ly enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures ami never disappoint s. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and al! throat and lung diseases (prickly cured. You can tost, it before buy¬ ing bv getting a trial bottlo free, large sue $i Every bottle warranted The Kepubiican party plat¬ form is squally iu favor of pro¬ tection. Brace Up. ’Son are feeling depi'esaed. your appetite ib poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous and generally out of sorts and want to brace up. 'trace up. j b.U, not with Stimulants spring mod | icmea. or bitters wbeu nave tor their basis verry cheaj., bad whisky , and which stir...... you for an hour at d Ihen leaves you in worse coil b.’tion than before. VVliat you want G an allOrati\<. that will purify your biOi-d. iitart healthy reistore action of Liv r m& Kidneys, your Vlial ity givo renewed health and strength, Su h l Uiodicint YOU will , 1 . 1 . » , vrs and cmiy aOc \ " 4b0tt 0ftt 3 -- ‘ £:0J1 and And01 ' son's urug store. The cotton crop in the is the most promising foi > ears. ■, ,-, or , 188B KITHN8 Premium Art Gallery. 33’> WliUeUaU St., Allaatu, Ga. When you visit the city call and sae my State Fair Exhibit, which was awarded the only medal offer¬ ed , aud live diplomas. I shall continue to make my fin est Cabinets at £•+ p< r dozen, W T KUHNS. rf*f- nra>rrat 1888 . The 0 eat . Political Year Subscribe For Tin TIMES, ! 1 ! and keep posted on the news ot the day. DouLread ycur neigh¬ bors paper, !■' costs him money. ADMS N18TKATOR‘8 SOTICII. Georgia, Murray nountv. T * all vho'.n it -mj coiisierrit James A Mc Ixf my ha? in Cue i :rm ar; liod to tbo un.lcr lntlors of adminUtratioa Nftn ,r utoofs,lid CoKtity, slMU-a-’j-d, and I will pass upon said ;.:ii . 1.. ' i ; ■! Monday iuduly ;888. Tlsif t’sc 30th day i May lxd8. V.'. H. .am -Y, Oidiaary. •10LV S;'Uitll'F'Jj SAlfcS. Statp or G,. uou Mi sr»y County. be soil before the court house door in the town of Spring Lace, to the highest bidder at pub¬ lic out ciy between the legal hours of sale on (he 1st Tuesday in July mxt, the feint wing described prop rty t j wit: . { la n ;T . .> 1 in Die 27th district and ilcd Section of said Levied on by virtueol , ;MomU .y t .r ttPt ice S «ourt a a issued from the lOll District G M of said county iu favor of John Moore for use of W J Copciand vs. \V A Collins. Levied on as the property of W A Collins. Levy made and returned to mo by W N Barclay, L C. Thi j May the 30th 1888. C. L. TERRY, Sheriff. Georgia Murray County. Cbarcty A Ilartly wife of L D iiarlly, d«:cJ, has made application for a years support from tl’.e Cftatn nf her said husband and ap praisprs having loan appointed o,rd made their return as- required by W. This is to cite all persons cancerncd to show cause at my Office on tho 14th of July next, why tha return of tbo said appraisers should not bo mada tho judgment of this Court. This .June 1H th 1888. W. It. Ramsey, Ordinary. NOTICE TO PERFECT SERVICE. Georgia Murray County. Lihol for Divorc j in Murray Superior Couit August Term 1888. Georgia V. Johnson ys. George Johnson, It appeAring to too Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does nut reside in said County and it further appearing that ho does not reside in said State, it is tkce foro ordered by the Court that servioo of the abov ) libel bo perfected by publishing this notice twice a month for two months before the next Term of said Court in tho North Georgia Times, .a newspaper publeboi in said Count y, i terms of tho law. J m e ISth 1888 J. C Fain, J. S. C. C. 1 heroby certify that the above s a truo extiactfrem the minutes oi Court. This Juno ISih im. 0. N. King, C. 6’. C. notice to perfect service Ooorgia, Murray Cmintv. I(5V 1 for Divorce <n Murray Surcrior Cuurt Fr> , r ,„ rT T , rm im.uc.Cav. vr. Jo.-m c K ys. . It appearing to the court hy the ruturn of j sheriff, in the hl-jo.i case, th.- it the .lofouiianidoei not reside in said orunty; and it furthar aproaring that liedoM uotr««id« in ti,is Statt: It Is therefore ordered hy the Coart, ttat wn-i-c tie perfected on the aefead antb >’ the pubHeatioll of this deronoea month, nr i ur months, before tho nest term : ., £be Mobth U , 0MIA TMa ,. nows jper ■ .edi U rr B5 :ounty li. J, C. Fain, J. . . C. C- 0. 1 he -bv -rCiy * ’ • i tho above is a tiuf Du*e: fro: the uiinuto:. oi oourl. T id C, If, Kixo, C. C. THJRD & 1 j£ LaNY, PlIOTOGRArilRB. Dalton, . Geohoia, We have arranged our new ill *,i y . o make ever sty le pho¬ tographs and will guarantee to pleasi luise wanting pictures. Copies and Enlargements a specialty. Four Gem pictures, or Fer¬ rotypes made for fifty cents. Do not fail to call and exam¬ ine our work when in Dalton. Pictures made on cloudy as we 1 ’ as any other day. ^■jg^Bagsaasagil <s ’ m Wk-'-ixm ****** MLi \ a; over Clevsl ind yi b^VtrSe SH Ween jthorfied Uvh, but Od. l. *• rla:.t«e. Bind fctndsrn oe,as w- W { rrt !>w to rib A cHre*s, WINTER & CO. f * sprtn^fiQldf WaWi a 0. 0. 0. D O D C E’ S Certain Chicken Cholera Cure i This is thn only ppooifit'ijfor chiclions yet discovered; overy paokago guaranteed to stop .-’aolor/i amoog chilkonB in fifteen minutes, so tiiat no tnoro will take tbo disease. I have the indorsement of tbo Commissioner of Agri¬ culture of Go, Call and get a package only 2ficts. For sale by X. J. 0VBEY, Spring Place Ga EUBBEE ST AMP with your name in Fanny Type, 25 Visiting Cards, f and INDIA INK to mark Linen, only 25 ots. (stamps.) Bock of 2"H0 styles freo with each order. Aj, • - Is •■ranted. Big Pay. Til ALMA N -ilF'G CO., BALTIMORE, MD. Wanamaker & Brown, OAK HALL Pill L AT) ELPII14, P EN N. The largest custom order and retail clothing house. S. LL D. THOMAS, Merchant Tailor; Dalton, Gkougia Gnarmnteos good work and cheap rates. 3 Hjlg f&ga PS ITS* S 0) L|Bm| PoousRn^ ffS t .• nlioatlons for patents in %heUiii! <l r t a km* and Fj reign coun WV • t-n'os. tfci publishers of tho Scientific) Am.' »can -’ontinuo to net «s solicitor* a WKS&er for Jtiiantc, im v- trafle-marks. copy Uyfi***™ MtlcmA.m P v for tbo United Stntof-. and GflBf cdT.acd all othrr Han*da. England, Their France, expori coantrioK. £ e?? ‘ ^ and their facilities are ua3ur non 7Jrawintr3 acd specifications prepared and filed !n the Patent Off)ro on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination oi model* ov Pa drawings. Advice by mail free. * Co. oticed to uta obtained through Mnnn are n intho SCIENTIFIC AMEUICAW,which hue tb© largost cirriGati'H and is the most influential newspaper of t’.i kind published in tho world. The nd a* r,es of buoh & notice evory patentee ^o.,ra nds. , '' ' l ' T , HM«2U’too”«»S , o» {join liy ali nowsdealera. It yea h ivp an invention to patent writ© to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific AmwioAn, 9tl Handbook Broadway, New York. niftilod free. . cboet patents F. HOLES* ANALYTICAL A HD PRAC TLCAL CHEMIST. Having loentml nt tlie Legal e t ei- mines, at Fort iJoun tain, is now pitpavcu to assay vU'cs ptompily ami with all the precision that the latest, revela¬ tions in chemical Science per¬ mits. 31 etro |K>! it an Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. Fifty yards Irota Union Passenger Depot. Corner of Alabama .t Pryor Streets. ■Hates lleamnable. R. P- KEITH, Proprietor. [Lite of'Cauuon House.] GRANITE IRONWARE. pr*^ fnBEaiUW. jf^ BAKINO, g™ BOEMSC, PRESKKY1WO. E light; handsome, AmWggSi ^ Th© tW Best WHOLESOME, Ware Had© DEEIABEE. for tlie Kitchen. im \ Manufactured cr.iy by the . ""Z St.Loui sStampingCo .St.Louis ror Sale hy all Stove, Hardware and i XcS|p; S> <M i ions© Fnmlshlar I>ealerg. Application, yUy" Cock Book ar.C Price net Freo on i ^B© Sure to .Mention this Faper. JbH| u 3 : !> 3 DO ¥00 i a A FENCI J J IF SO, SEND FO Ll j ifJ MORAL BIKE & Illustrated Ca1 1 : M , 1 | ; * k " I li p § Wrought IronV It 44444 | M j j srl 1jat,i 4L:. f { 5 h . i *. fl < J j dencriytion ouar<,s ' Wiro of WI i m<mv> t a’ha,m mt . :«s will Condi ios. eii'U 'x’o introduce PcfO eendi^H Sj VfO arc V 7‘4 ,rf* X Cloves, — A G! ' Sent by n' in the J !■ pnee (§2.00). A<VJrorr, pa^M Established 18E-.2* BOOKS, THREE CEm form, printed from good readable ^ Tho following of books are handsomely published llluntrftte In neat pamphlet They without xroptioa tho cheapest booi paper, listred and many them a. aro opportunity EP^vtr the puop lu any laud or language/ and furnish to the ny asses of the j t cple an to secu ure Mat literature of the day at the most trifling expense. In ar ny other snides tlieso groat works would cost many times tho rrlce at which they are 1 re olio red. Each one i is complete m itself: Wonders of thp World, N'ti’Cal a>t> (‘tgrt.. fJon- The Forcj-mnl ItnblM. A Novel. Br U. T. CitDOV talas divicrliitiena wd llluetrati -u;- *>i tbo nuvt rful The - \. K li Jant. A Kovel. By Svlvands Co»b, Jr# work tot r.itur.. anil :>f man. V»*r. i- t r -utinr- - .-.i •:ur tlv '. V:: > I \ '.iHGU'vcu. A Novel. By Olaba AtiautTA^ Wortucis of the Sow. A tifijcrij'tlon of tl ■>. many wor.dv >r- Sfiallew Ash llall* A Kovel. By Maboabbt Bloobt* foi anJ boautirul thtoga found tt tlic ldtom of tlsa cceon, w Itb XlK.tra' ■!. '* profotfl illustratl onn. !inu*c> A Novel. By Etta W. Fttuct. » “A Piea^Qro Exert!on, w nud Other Skttche*, By i tvlKi' riik i,iIaco. A Kovel. By the author Of "DOM “Josjan’s , With." A coilactlon of li: ue u: >b-> fanny Tf.Jnr” Bracelet# Novel. -a^| .Botches by the most popular tnm-r.-ruun writer ol the day. The SMaTnohd A By Mr*. Hntff of Tho “The A nut Kczlah 'l*npors> " by Clara ridiculously Acoupt fueoy a, uatbor book W The oil. I. ith ;'fc.Sv<*ret. A Novel: By Mina if. E. Bbaddob. 1 iivjjtR I' icmac.tK A n 't ; » Jehyll and llyd% ▲ —In overy xvay rvjual to “Widow r.-./'U.” Thu ■ r.iaoof I>r. Ur. Ciuhtfisas Stortf'R| *-y ' ; - Vu-w. rontBlnv A Novel. By It 1, Stkvknrok. Dumber of the uvstcharndn ( Tf»n*« tturU sever «rr:”-a A ' R: .'. Xu re!. Of KAarCRCiL Hat. - by thegroMtont writ er trio r -\■•r ' Knelt one Jacjuipicio. I.nv'y VaUvofU liklnrixondn. A Novel. By "Th* Round th« Evening A l;o .r; i f atorles,pictures, l! 'l puzzleaanrl rames, tor the little lulke ntborne. Iteti. oen Two N'.as, A Novel. By the »athor of “DoXW 1'opular llccltntion* and Rtulusuca. bmnorona, drama¬ Tb.'i ue.” JTlvstmf l tic aud patliotlc, includiQJf r.lI the lat«“»t, best aud moat popular The Niue, rf Heart*# A Novel. ByB.L.PAi BJBOV. TMeStaf.iaadc !Ucn of Modem Time©. Cootains p >r Worlw's F:js ' nr. A Novel. By Pi.orkbob Wa BDKN. traits hini btoKrapuiai of famoue aelf-made AtuorlcauP.froru the A Low MurriuKC. A Novel. Br Mist 1 Moloch. TUtMi time of Pranklln to the present. The Mntl’-v iflver. A Novel. By Wilki r Collins. Familiar Quotation*. Containing tlvorigin buu »TJt.u»r- Lv.* ” Of Arp*, a Novel. By Plorbkce MAaBTJrtt. ehlpof many ptiraaea frequently met in reading aud converea- M«. n? Gr A Novel By klre. IIrnry Wood. flon. A valuable work of reference. VoraluK fhc* IVtturs. A Novel. By Mm. Al EXAKDn# liO'v Lire In Now York. A series of vivid penplclnree A i'ir.j «•; igbtA Daughter. A Koval. By Mi tb. Aim showing the dark Bid- of life In the prentclty. Wnslrutrd. Euwmiub. Illustrated- author of u 9vt% THa' Hoad to Wealth. Not an advertising circular, Fair but False. A Novel. By th« but a thoroughly practical work, pointing ont a wojr hy Tliorne.” Ulrutrcted.^ which all may mak»» mor.ey. fisf.'y, rnpf Uy and honpsffy ! *in*nr,tcr A Hotel. I>y Mra. if. V. YiCTOM. One Hundred Popular Soup.**, ncntltnontal,pi atb«t!c ai-'d: iii.CJ. Novel. Mra. aud.comlc, lmSudlag nrimt of tao vita, u. w an ’ 'J i. FI n o ice Ivlnffton’* A By Mabt Sir Noel’s Heir- A Novel. By M- >. T.Uv aowks Kikmiro. A. Dk.VISON. niuelratrd., A Knrtered Life. A Novel. By N.iriomb.vbj.aro. The Wonmu lIuU:.. A Nova!. Kjr Dr. J. II. An 014 Man’s BacdOccw A Novel. By Mrs. A*u B- KotcI. »r M. T. CitroH. SrrruBas. The « .,Ufomli> Cabin. A vrith c ractlonn of dollar. Ah to reliaptnwv &MltracUonqtwrGmU*il vrinvntii ■ To -tas--». aiupB taken i cr x a our ^,.41-# r — * —— ............. ■ ’ . — - : SiMlEY ^CUTTER® £ JL/- •• '-L lFT i 1 Y" S.V/V 1 r$zk> M rJ SWAL'-SY SAM ITUS¥ Cl HEALTH WAISTS, UNION UNDERGO PENDERS, STOCKING Gil AU sorts oS ac^thlnl Carmcnis, a. Family Electric Hattcrics, VU’ntcY ot every dewriptioa. SEND FOR CtftSUUH S A M 8 T A R ¥ © U P P m bat ™: : ?.Kr ; r?aar HEALTH FOGd For all classes eS iavaSD^* €Scmti5Gtc in wmlfty, and reaj SENO FOR DESCRIPTIVE CiRGULM SANITARY FOOD FOR INF? Prevents and eturen VKc. Irw Enfaatunj. IS'lie cbcnpesC: tlie market. SANBTARlUfffl FOOD CO «1 SETTLE GREEK. KUGH. r CJji. s * JT USE Dr, SALMON'S 1 m ■ HOG CHOLERA SPECIF1 1 ^ Y.CATTLE CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP pOWDEffll POWDER.-COND1TION POWDEM A f PREVENT & CURE HOG lice&wormB CHOLERA. -33- ! DESTROY* prevent hog tt.r- WhGAH «*(,. •; CURE CATTLE MURRAIN, TEXAS FEVER, CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. M L CURE SHEEP ROT, TAPE WORM, Sic. M jys.. MANUFACTURED BY THE VETEPt MA0Y LiCDiOIKE 00.- gJjF -M NASHVILLE, I ENN. mdMff £ ~£sA 4 ' - - - For Sale Bu ANDERSON It COFFEY, Spring Place Gh , Ort al Agents. A. S. VlSTsa, Woodlawn Ga. N'. ■ v. Mortus, fioughridgo G«. Payne ,& Spruill, Sumach K. C. Haiikr«t, I! i -’.or Mills L. F. Clark, Ft. Mountain Ga. I’attkrson A ,, John con Ucimis (Ja A. K. Hammy, Ra . scyGa