Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
KIXG& CARTBII, Publt.hers.
T11URHIUV, AVCU'T it . tfV*<
To My Fri nds.
No doubt many of my friends
willfbe surprised at my reti. ing
this race with ihe bright pros
pect that I have of success. I
never have sc>ught this race,
owing to my health and busi
Bess at home. When I gave
1^consent to run it was would »t ti*e
BLtiiiii it any one run
^^“feuld Als I) * acceptable to
that 1 would f< tire
r t crest. Now as M; M
1 h:tw cousf uted to take
the request ot my
others. I t er**fore
ibis inteie.'it and will
Lm heaitily. I named
i the matter to se ver
lieiids and alter satis
n that I did not want
■> were willing to ae
W Bates, Know ng him
[true man and chiistian
B^unn, and I hope my
generally, will give him
n hearty support, 1 must say
tuy piospect < t success was nev
er better but a lew of my warm
lriendsnot undeistanding me,
were ^somewhat will be hu t; now In f
hope they content,
conclusion, I tender my sincere
thanks to those who have su J >
ported me in the past and who
have solicited and petitioned
me to make this race.
T, uly Yonrs,
P.Mcf rlioe.
According to the census ta¬
ken hi June, of the children
coming under the free school
age in Murray we give the fol¬
lowing report by district:
Spring Dace, 358, col, 4^; Ball
ground, white, 202, col, 129;
Tenth,, 331‘ cd, 10; Doo
little, white 311, Eighth, white
271; Alaculsn, white, 214, col
15; 1013th, white, 303, col 10;
Wood lawn, white 373, col 50
Bull Pen, white 181, col 1; to¬
tal, white 2604; total, col 299;
g aud total. 2903.
The following names were
drawn to serve as Giand Ju¬
rors at the August Term o’
Murray Superior Court:
W 11 Roberts, W L Lens
bower, W P> Dunn, J DC
Louglu idge, O K Bates, V A
Stuart, W W Adair, L F Pee¬
ples, T J Hall, J II Ridley, C
<J Hallman, \V G Blassingame,
W 1) Petty, S M Carter, John
R Harris J (! McEcntire, W J
Wlnte, J AV Fincimr, A ,J Mar¬
tin, S A Gregory, J C Mathis,
F M .Moduli, W M Cash and
T J liainsev.
Tho Verdict Unanimous.
W D Suit, j'.ippus, lud., ((‘fnilios:
‘T can recmmnoiul fileetrio nitters
hh the very boil, remedy. Every
b*>Ule sold gives relief in < very ease.
One man took six bottles, and was
cured of Rheumatism of 10 years
Rti'.ndinjT.' Abraham Hare,druggist, in'sl
aellville, Ohio, allirma. ‘J'he
selling medscine ) have bandied in
very 20 years experience, is Electric
U'lters.' Thou ands of others ha-v<*
added their test nnony. so that the !
verdict is miani ,,mis 'lut. Klee nr
sitters do euro all diseases ol the
jLivor. Kidneys or stood. (inly half
dollar a • bottle at Robinson uml
Anders me s drug store
The leu jion of the Eleventh
Ga. Ii ut., of the Army ol Nor¬
thern V*. will lake place in the
citj' of Atlanta, {September the
7th 1888; aud 1 hope all the
survivors of said liegt. will re ¬
port promptly at the time and
place designated.
Yours in the lost cause,
1> VV \v i< im, i j.
ami '1 icket <>f the.;
East TeuiasM-i' road ini-* issued!
fancy j> sters, caijiug at
ion to the inaugural of the
luxurious Pullman Palace
Vestibule Sleeping cur
tile Shenandoah Valley
between Memphis and
New York without change.
Mitchell County voted < nj
the prohibition question two
years ago and earned it by 43
votes. Last week ttiey voted
again on the question and the
county went dry by 110’ nearly
three times Us first majority.
A Worn n‘s Discovery
A noth r wonderful discovery has
beer, made and that too by a lady in
this county. Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and lor seven years
.she withstood its severest tests, but
her Vital 01 guns were undertniuded j
and death seemed itnuiinenl. l’or ;
three mourns she coughed incesently
and could not s!eo’>- She bough) of ;
us ;t hoi lie of lir. King’s New J)is
cowry lor cotisumniion and was so
much relieved on taking hrs 1 dose
tSial slio slept all night and with cured. one
hotlle hlln hi) Hi Dliracnioualy
H< r uaiue is MI'S bather I tliZ. Thus
write W (J Hamrick and Co., of Shoi
by, N (J.—Gt-t a free but tin ut Hob
ineoa and A nleison’s drug store.
Lumpkin county is to v-- to
on the prohibition question Au
gust 8th.
State op Qkoukia Mobiiav Couktt.
Wik be sold befote tho court
house door iit tho town of Spring
L’iace, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out c;y between tho legal hours
of sale on the lstTiusday in Sept,
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit:
Thirty acres m re or less of lot of land No.
122, in the 8th Dist. and 3rd sort, ol'said
c mmy, being the land on which T T White
founcrly lived, and being all of said lot ex¬
cept these portions owned by F Yornberg, A
K Itausoy. John Arnold and C Durham.
Levied on i s < ho property of T T White by
virtue uf a fi fa from I lie Jus tic s court of the
S25 Dist. (j m. in favor of David Butler
against A J White and T T White. Levy
made and roturned to me by J M West l r.
This August ~ 1st 1888.
C. L. TERRY, Sh ’.
1 888 .
The G eat
j’oiilical Y«;ar.
tSuimribe Lor 7 'he
Tf II L$.
and keep posted on Hie news
' J the. day.
Dont read your neigh
bosr paper, i costs him
Are yen refftlo*# at nipjht, nn<l linrrnfiYed by
:t had feu'jjh? Lse Ih J H MeT,enn’s Tar
M'inr* ItnriR Hafm, ii w»«I secure y«u Round
sleep* anti effect i prompt and radical cure
When yon waul, a good
SH4VEOR ii air er r
15. F. JONES, the Barber.
Si op on Hamilton Sfc. I);i.]tou v)a |
l- r.
v: UBBEd, ST ■ vi,h V( "* r
f.i icy t . jit-, 2,1 viiiutig, and iniua
IKK to mark 1, in, n, only 25 old. (etampfO
Rook ot - ’Oi) .-M ■' 1 - lf<<- i r.tii e:iol) order ,
ab«ui» wanted. b» s Vwr.
-7 ,' . QH" v3”... $151 Qflfifl 3;:2NE-TENTHS _ of
_ ; ”.2; _.. "b 1:110 prces anti Oondxments used are adultemte‘}.
I > . , :fliy-mggfwafi » ‘11,, in: > 3 To introduce we Pure are sending Spices all over into the every counm'y home,
,' ._ framfi," “ FURITY "
,y’v 1 w v.» (“WSW Paul) ~ 0‘”
~ .~ x“: fiwgi‘? T53.“ brand. SPICE BOXES. con
. ‘3 £354? 5:95.}, 31' é??? t;.iniug each of full ground weight, Allspicu, quarter Cinnamon, pound can
. ‘ ,4,ng 325,1;“51': Cloves, Ginger, Pepper and Mustard.
\Ligég"w‘§ 4.1% fig dig: .y‘a. Sent by mm! _ (or express) to any mhh'css
‘ " ‘ in the U. S or Canada, upon receipt of
m3 (52.00). Aiken. MARKELL BRQTEER’S,
fizzac.u.1cd . ,. , 1812. BALTHflaRE, MD.
If you mi Her pridkin* pains oi moving the
eyes, «r cannot bear bright light, and find
yonr figli weak and failing, you should
promptly use Dr. J. II. JleLoan’s Strong'h
ening Kyc Salve. 25 conta a box.
Georgia, Murray cmnty,
Whereas W C Martin Administrator of R
(} MorroWj re p rBse „t s t« tho Court, in his po
tiled and cn.ered on record, that
h« bus rally ail minis t rated R 0 Morrow’* os
tatc . This is therefore to elte all all persons
coucerriecl, hu'i and creditors to show cause
if any they cm, why said Administrator
should not be discharged Lorn I»is udininis
tr;*,t' :i and receive letters of dFmi.*si< n, on
tho Monday i ; October VBSS. Tnia July
4 Mi 1888. W. H. R am sky. Ordinary.
GlMltlH \ VS NOTICE. -
State ok Georgia mcrrav covnTY
Trammell Starr, guardian for bizzie Smith,
Xee, Lizzie Wood, nppLes to me for loiters of
disudssion from raid guardianship, and 1 will
oass upon his application on tho 1st Monday
in August next, at my < fhco in Spriug Place,
said county. Given under my hand and ofli
<dal signature, this July *&, 1888.
W LI IUmskv, Ordir ary.
Georgia Whitfield County.
Notice is hereby j iven, that oti Wednesday
the SMi day of August next, between the
liours of 10 a. in. and 4 p. m., the co iu mission
t>rs of Ronds and Revenue of the counties of
Whittled and Murray, will let out to the
lowest acceptable bidder, at t o site of Nor¬
ton’s Bridge over tho Connasjuga river, the
contract for building an Iron bridge at said
place, about 105 feet long and U feet wide
upon two sets of irf n piers or trestles, accord
iri}; to spocificatiof'S on lilc in tho olliiro *>f tlic
ordinary of each county—to ho completed by
tho 15 ‘b tiny of October noxt, to bo paid
olio half by each of said counties ou the first
day of December thereafter. Per order ot
said Boards. Juno 25th 1888.
J. P. Frccinfti , Ord’y.
A»1 vice t» Mothe®**
TVIra. Winslow’s Sootuing Sx hub should alwr.ya
bo 1180*1 when children wo cutting teeth. It re
UCTCS4 hoZittJ*' suffererfifc cherub oneef it awukes prod ucea na “bright t u r Al t
quiet sleep, nnd I he little as It
ns a button.” it is v«>ry pleasant to taste.
poothes the chilfLsoftensthogiiius.allaysttnpafn, and is the beat known remedy
regulates tho bowels, trething
lor dinrrtuua, whether nriBinK lrom or
other causes. Tweuty-llve cents u bottle.
Dalton, (Jkokoia,
We have arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fer¬
rotypes made foi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam¬
ine our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
we 1 ' as any other day.
:<uJ ! iv
11| Ilira mh a 9m wi
Natur , PUHEST^r uWater,
Prescribed by the most
eminent and Physicians of Eu¬
rope America as a rem¬
edy for Kidney Disease,
Rheumatism, Gout and Dys¬
pepsia, and as a
For sale by all first-class
t{ Grocers ar.d Druggists.
a Still water in Barrels and
fX \ with Demijohns, Natural water Carbonic charged
in bottles, put up only
at trig Springs.
^ Falmouth Foreside,
5000 Book Agents wanted to sell
. j
% ■'WS mri
LrtL, e. rj
} : *2
Grover Cleveland»tl<» fa
Full »rd eomplet* from hla boyhood to Ms *
Lccft, with pergon&J r*minheen£«a, Incidents Ena AnEOdotet.
TtoMv Uiastratod with stool portraits and wood ecfravIr.gA.
The book Also contains a superb Portrait and • roll and oo»PJ**» 1
UFK OP MBS. CLEVELAND, lo^ahar with *
biography of ALLEN G. THURMAN. other. Thh *J» Tb«% «* 'I
mairnHe Life. Don’t be induced to get any th« right **► i
probably ba on*uthori*ed Uvea, bot this is ooa. i
tarics no hinderanee, a» we pay all tranapo^uon charges. and th n«»
60 cents In lc. (tamps and be the first in the isld. Q * ™*P
SMKTttr eprlngfleld, JM'iffrifR Maes. * c8^ -
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
S. M. D. THOMAa,
Merchant Tailor;
Daltcn, Georgia,
Guarantees good work and
cheap rates.
W A N T ED!!!
KfliaLlo and Active Men to travel for
an Kata' dished llnnse during the summer
i onibs. Those who can furnish a hor 5 o and
give security pr-fered. Morey advanced
monthly to pay exoen?ca. A gi eat c5nu»t*e
Tor the right ltitli? State ago, business ex¬
perience, and to save time better send names
and address ot references. No attention paid
to postal cards. Never mind about sending
stamp* for reply. Address »*ii(JSlSI£S3*’’
Box 11, Rrcbmond, Va.
M etropol i ta n Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards trom Union Passenger
Coriior ufAlabaiua «Xt Pryor Streets*
■Jt<itc s’ Jitasoliable.
R- P- KEITH Proprietor.
[ I. He ol Cnnnon House.]
Cs 2% A N W” E I R G E33 V " {QEA R E.
‘ Bigazmfi-xg. nazu‘sc,
» ' . 8051151.}, rzaasanlea.
; (3-1 .59 , QP-TENT 1”}n5% :69 Q mer; ??HGLBSGME. nAxnszonE, DURABLE.
; -'.' ..
‘ ‘i-‘égii- , “r“;rgr’yv) ;’],—§'&: The Best ‘Ware Made for the the Kitchen.
1 Manufactured only by
$3139 111'. . d! '. , Ma!" . 1-»; 5”»; E‘fi...5 -mi‘smrgm ('11. ' ’1 St '- '
1 - .1 -'.*»:=“‘ . ff" nuns
4351113,?” ' 1. ‘ '
z: -.1 , . Va.
“Mi”, .
‘<140~;§‘,_,i¢» 11:1: ii? 3):; 21:! :étxrz'c, Hardware and
E (‘M’fir‘z'fy 2:13-33: “.32.; .1' 7T--1\ <1.—-A-..r.'.:-«.« :,._'13th,rs. * u
‘““""“ ,
I 1‘, ‘3‘; . -._ "‘45? 4.5.1:; 0' Ccctc :‘ccf: ::-:! n ?r::: w, 1":y;-:1 1:12;: um: on Imnilcatlon.
V .1;
Be aura to mentxon this Paper.
f .E .f' ~1~ , mt "~ 73:. ~‘ w THE SMAi-i Ev ENSILAGE GUTTER 5 * F633!!! _
321' F‘ _ Farr .HAND nml PGW'ER (?SE-
5 /" ‘- ,\ is wnz'rufiira "w. cuts!
’4 {/13 .3? 15$; 1»: ‘ ‘m equal muuu green and or dxy fodder bolt”; as any pwchmg, bani; m m.» warm at
» x .. unnsinmgml 1mm
.. '4. 1,31:- 7., /.:~ ‘ \,;:""- "4“ 7;. ii; .‘_ mau‘lune gun, mm [purnculun 'l sulnlummtc avg? .yzher
‘29 ‘gr wnf‘ri-V.’ . _ »‘ ' {filed 3‘- nbnve m a:very “JDr-a’nd to nnyrnspvnmbhrparty u ”1E!
1.”. 3"“ *1 nyg'u’ 5 '- ' ', PR 3:: awnnmgev, the [J_mted Smuggme- \nr 9f cutter“. tn M unad
. 1:315; 15",“: our
2s; g-w..»:_,-~L' . jjzm, ”fi,_.‘;,5;;§7..- 5.1%! ', ~M‘ m work}, com 9051mm 1fx-‘h cn.a'ot‘hu cutter in the
.‘wf’inx',;gai .7, mu‘Inaclgmeginesmndonmreaglfi at Emu: r370. with the underfltcnd'
: 1f“. _ ‘- 3; than]
‘V wig) F - 7; 2'???” p. Iii”? ~‘:,"4“';‘5£;~.‘;"i":37‘?j ,. better work wuh Luv power and
v. , 3534'; .5 1qu ‘ ' “04>. a in strengthand wehzus m_mw m'feed
’53,) ‘10.“; “(y ,. lug: cage
:4 4 9 .3“ ‘ " and operating, pmvc more snugmr-mry
‘39., 1:, 9 > Nwéfii,’ “fit; ‘ .\‘«-, .\ .173. "’r‘ ; .- 1 2 ., “mu ac payinrl tmy l'nlyht mhvr, Inn]; 1L raw. cu.“ hp We returm-d also manufacture m «9,
"J! {'IU' fl, Ar-Vsrfigég .."‘ ,7“; " fie»? «w I‘EEJ’WM ' ' 5:.» “ r g? ,4: SWEEP OUR and convlt‘zzlluaxsxge TEEAIJ HORSE POWERS, Imgm ka.,&o.
., :11 w H Ensilage am: ‘ Fewer ' cutting. ‘ IIYI'l‘
. A w
M .. .
. ӣ94 Application. 7
. h'cnt Free on
.- m ;'.-.. SMALLEY MANUFACTURING GO.Manitcwoc,Wio
]$©FtIi Georgia isutl Ala
hama ‘Exposition.
-! \ O : O
Opens at Rome Ga,0ef.. 1st and closes Oct. 6th 1888
Ten Thousand Hollar
Cash Premium List.
First Class facilities offered for the Exhibit of Live Stock,
Agricultural Products, Minerals, Woods <fcc.
For Premium Li ts l Info rmation &c., apply to
W. M. Towers President,
or A. Vi. Walton, Secty., Rome Ga.
! | I H h u '! in r wT'CTUTT&i* SF SO, SSfJD FOR GO’S
I P s fKuolrii :■£ Ceteloguoa
Vxli i . . .-II . ■ • ■ . .y ; , - f . , n , —» V .. * .■ s I Detroit, Mich
i: I I Ij I
i • Ii !’ f { Ij ? j ij ] i j I jCrci.iitur.JaiUi'orfi, VTronjrlit Iron Fences, Roof
V 1 ? i; j i '» j ■ \ j | \ Wire Signs,
;; , t ' i-jiiJ ■< ■ I •--jLjyy J [UAnk & cmce Raillnsr, Window
Y.'ire-Fiat king'and every
ii L ' » > 6 * J J dcscrliJtiun of Who Work.
BOOKS, THREE panpUlet CENTS form, printed frcri EACH!
The and following of hooks them aro liami. puKff-kr.l illustrate in r^ot They wu'.'.i.i.; uxneptioa p-nod Uia theapest readable books type on good
paper, many . moly furnish u. ho are of !.';*» peer*lf? s . ever nub
JiBlicd in any land or language, and to t ri.'i f ses au opfu/rtuuity to secu re the best
lltoraturo of tho day at tho mo.-f .i:t offered. expei'.' ?. In any < " r s-mvs these great works would cost many
Uiuoa the price at which they aro hero Each ouo ia eouipiete m itself:
Wonders of the World, Natuhai. rj 3ftOnVf-T ! :p
tains hescriptluns r.n 1 liluatn.lioua c( t!
works of nature and of man. Very mi. 1 instructive j I I'car! c! t:u> Cteuuu. A Novel. By Claua Auoobta.
VV OIlUcFn tiV tho FO}». A dcucr tptlon of tl.e luacy willJi-r- JloiJcw Aim HaiJ. A Novel, Hy Maroajmct hLOOitr,
ful and beautiful thing* found *t tin 0 bottom ol tlio cccau, with I TlhisU-nt, <!.
profuse Illustration*. < lilfV Clause. A Novel. Tty T.ttk TV. Pibrok. ■*4
“A Pleasure I'xcctlon,** nnd Ollier Flcettdies. Ty j IimI.t the Lilacs. A Novel. Ly the author of “Dost
M JoBUtt Ani.KN’a Wick.” A cii«l;cl!on «•« iricalsltbly funuy j TL...
.Ketches by the inn t j-i.pular li-u dm v • v filer •'! toe day. I Tho J>lni3iiV»J Bracelet. A Kovel, By Mr*. Hint
The Aunt Kcaluli 1'npcrM. by Ci.&i.-. AwivaT*, nut! r ! V,'. ; -d.
of “ The Kustf Document* ” A i.. 1 1 nculoualy fuimf book The Lawyer'* Secret. A Nnref. By Mf*« W. R. Bradoo*.
—!uevery way equal to “Widow RcdoU.'’ %'l*.e ^trungo C’nkO. of Dr. Jekyll uml Mi*. Hyde. A
ChfI:t!SSS stories, *7 C.uhLfcH Dickens. Contains a Novel. I'.y 'C ; L. stkvkmson.
uumitcr Ml of the moat char n-.'mt; CkrlS!’ '' 1 * stories ever written A IVIriini i»irl. A Novel. By Mart Cncit, Ha
y the greatest writer who overlived Karh one ta complete- Lady Sal worth’s Diamond*. A Novel. Bj <‘TH»
Kotiml tho Evening Lump. A l--«< k ol storlea,pictures, Di ukfs."
pur.7.1 os and games, for the little l<>iks M honn 1 . ISctvvt cn Two Pins. A Novel. By the author of “Dor*
tic Popular Itooftntlone and I!(ulogi: oh, hnraoron?. drama¬ Thorne. - ' lUmtrattd.
and pathetic, Indn ling all Hi- latest, i t and moot popular. The Nine of Heart*. A Novel. By It. L. Parjkom.
TuoSclf.iaftdo biographies Men pf of Modern Times. Contains fruw por¬ IhirS’e- Low Fortune. Ttitivt A Kovel. By Fi.orkmck \Varden.
traits and famous l> l)S »ell-aj»dt Aiiu:rlcaua f the A ir.iso. A Novel. By Mina Miil.ocs. Limit
Um of Franklin to the preaent nt Tl*» i lio tin t.iiUty lily River. lllvt A Novel. By Wilkie Collin*.
tmtifur Quotations. ii h. Cental oftig the origin unit SulJlor- The PcLcn of Asps. A Novel. By FtOUBHCie M A BBT AT.
•hipof many phrases freqn ently me t in reading and couversa- Mont Uruneo. A Novel. Ry Mrs. . Hsnkv IIsnrv Wood. Wood.
tlon. A valuable work o' reference. Forjtlnc the Fetter*. A Novel. By Mra. Alrxakpk*.
Lotr Life In New York. A series i of rivM pen plrtnrc* A Pluytvria ht’s Hiiu^bter. A Novel. By Mr*. Amki*
•bowing the dark side of li e iu the greut city, illustrated. Ki*wa uns. Illustrated, i *
The Kond to Wealth. Not an ndverflsing cirnular, t'nir l»u( J' ulse. A Novel. By tho *uthor of w Bori
bat n thoroughly practical Work, pointing out a way by Thorne.’ lorne.” lllus (ruled.
which all may make money, easily, rapidly so l honestly Lr.r»ca*tcr'o Cubln. A Novel. By Mr*. M.V.Yiotob,
One Hundred Popular So ng*, ? .oilmen!*!, pathetic Yt; 'us tea fed.
and Sir comic, Nod’s Including Heir. moat of the favorites, new and old. '.rcnco Ivtncton’* JUusf’ated. Oath. A Novel. By Mr». Mast
A Novel. By Mrs. ! 51 u AOMCS FLBMtKO. A. I'l.xrsoN
A Bartered Life. A Novel. By Mai mow II.Utl.AMi. The VV oiunn i ilutcr. A Novel. By Dr. J. n. Bobikiob.
A n Old Man’* Sacrifice* A Nov /el. By Mrs. Asm S. Illustrated. Thu California Cabin. A Novel. By M. T. Caldob.
ten for
Satisfaction with clotli back, for Si ,lo. Thisis thegroafost bargain in books everoff-r.-d. J)o of of not fail to take advantage reliability* reliability, of It,
guaranteed or money refunded. Postage stamps taken for fractions fractions a a dollar. dollar. Ab Ab to to our our
refer to *ny newspaper newspaper pubUihed publllhod in in^Ncw New York. likewis y)D p Agencies. A t 1^orders fiHed by,
AU sorts di IlcaliiilHA <4."..yla'seii:f, ai rctiSOLiabSa prices*
Family Electric haiteriei, Lyrisig-oai, Water aud Invalids 9 Supplies
of every description.
&. ■?.•£:% tfjS.VP.Vi omutMUTJivg
u -ot nil dasucs o£ iuvaTds* (icnuinc in fft nsoaahSc in price*
u ri-Ti-nis uud ctii-es i lESaiiima. The clieaaait ana tlio best in
•he uiuikct,
7i \
B RY A NT^ 8 S T rXt T O N^BU* 4 IN f SS °QOLLEfiE
( npf-Xi5Y POVv-DER.
L. WE CAN-' . prevent hog lice & worms- ■1
<™“»“ » ^Sffi.lSI^KSSSS Nashville, co. J
________- - IM.lm mm
For Sale ihj
ANDERSON & COFFEY, Spring l'lurc ( j., Ceufc
A. 8. Viking, Woodlawn 0 a? Agents.
a. Harms & Morten, LeujrbriflgG
Paynh & Spbttill, Sumach I
L. I*. Clark, (( V. Rarvkst, Jfasalor Mills <*
Ft. Mountain Ga •vttkusox S: Johnson p -.sey^
onT ,i g Qa A. K. lUMSEY.Ua