North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, August 02, 1888, Image 3

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    North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper or the County,
and entered in the Post Office at Spring Place
<}»., as seernd class matter.;
Subscription Rates:
One ye»r,$l <10 Six months, 50«ente;Three
months, 25 cents. Payable in advance.
Address all communications t> The Times,
Spring Plaoe, Ga.
For Congress.
Wo are authorized to announce the name
of Col. C. D. Phillipps, of Marietta, as a
candidate for Congress from the 7th con
gressional District, Bubject to tho action of
the Democrats party.
Mr. S E Berry oi Dalton was in
town Monday.
Jack, son of A L Keith, is, attend
ing school in town.
Charles W Cole has our thanks
for a nice water-melon.
Remember tho miss meeting at
Wm Court House on next Tuesday.
W A party from Calhoun are msti
eating at Cohuttah Springs.
Mrs. J P Kelly is visiting in At¬
A beautiful and tasty line of la
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey‘a.
Mi John Williamson is erecting
anew shop on his premises.
There are six names recorded on
the bulletin board for Tax Collector
in Murray.
There will be a picnic on the
creek near the pauper farm on the
2nd Saturday,
---- -- > — -
T j Ovbey will buy all the but¬
ter ne can get on Mondays and
Tuesdays—No other days.
The protracted meeting closed at
Harrison’s Chapel on last Sunday
night with good results.
A pear weighing 15 ounces was
handed us by Marion Elrod this
week—many thanks tor same.
«■ «• -
Mr Marion Moreland has been
quite sick for a lew days but we
are glad to learn, lie is improving.
Maj. Nat Tilton, his wife and
daughter, Mrs Helper, of Savannah
.are visiting at Capt. W C Tilton s
The attract iv posters of the Noith
Georgia and Alabama Exposition,
will bo seen in public places about
We are requested to announce
that there will be a general picnic
at Cohuttah Springs on next Sari
urdav, August the 4th.
A boy 14 or 15 years of age, of
good habits, who can read and
write, can get imployment in the
Times office.
__— •—— ..... ..
Those interested in the growth
and development of North Georgia
should attend ]he maSB meeting in
town Tuesday, next
Col L F Peeples, of town is as—
sisting Proi Trimmier in his school
at Mt. Zion. This school numbered
121 last week.
Sunday School celebration at Su
macb on last Saturday was a deci¬
ded success. Sumach iB noted iar
collecting a large croud and pre¬
paring a good dinner.
Mrs Amelia Green and her niece
Miss Emly Vaughn, of Denison Tex
as, are visiting their relatives, Mrs
T J Ramsey aud Mrs Maggie Stuart
i# town.
Cal Smith of Dalton, Ticket
Agent of the E T V & Ga. railroad
Wis in town on Monday. Cal says
the East Tennessee is tho leading
road in union.
$45 will buy a first, class Mow¬
ing Machine at T A & S E Berrys,
do not fail to see it before you buy.
They will save you money.
Go to Me Knight’s New Drug Pure
Store, Dalton Ga., for
fresh Drugs, Paints, Oil, Gar¬
nishes, Glass &c.
Whan nature falters and requires help re
orirfc her enfeebled energies with Dr J H Mc¬
Lean's Strengthening Cardial and Klood
Purifier. $1.00 per bottlo.
Exposure to rough weather, getting wet,
living in damp localities, are favorable to the
cont*action of diseases of the kidneys and
bladder. Aa a preventive, and for tho cure
of all kidney and liver troubles, uso that val¬
uable remedy, Dr J H McLean's Liver and
Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle.
Snow Ball.
Those desiring the service of
the Fine Snow-ball horse owned
by C W Cole of Spring Place, wili
take notice that this season will be
the" last opportunity to secure his
Floyd County held her pii
raary election for Congress on
last Saturday, and Hon. J C
Clements carried the county
without opposition in the con
vention on Monday
For Sale.
I have for sale a good farm
140 acres 4 mile from Spring Place.
80 acres cleared; 35 in bottom, good
house and barn; nine good sprint s;
one well; good young orchard; well
located on the Spring Place and
Dalton road. Terms made known
on application. Those wishing to
purchase will address me at Spring
Place Ga. 0. VV. Cole.
A first class farm in Columbia
county. E’lorida, well watered, con
veinently situated with superior
advantages, for sale or exchange
for farming lands m Murray county
or elsewhere ia North Georgia.
For further inhumation, address
J. M. Crim, Spring Place Ga.
To the voters of Murray county
and others whom it may please:
I have announced myself in this
issue as a candidate for re-election
to the office ol Superior Com t Clerk.
I feel very great:ul to ray friends
lor their generous support in the
past, and will appreciate in a ten
fold manner, their sufferage if it is
decided in January next that I
shall be their servant again.
■ I remain yours very respectfully,
C. N. King.
Election Notice.
Pursuant to a resolution of the
County Executive Committee, a
primary election will be held, for
the 824th Disk o. m,, at the court
house in Spring Place on Saturday
the 4th day of August for Governor
of the State and Congressman for
the 7th Hist. Col. H HeartsiJl, W
H Ramsey and W J Johnson are
requested to act as managers ol
said election. Trammell Stair.
Chirm. Ex. Com
Hits! Hats!! Hats!!!
Mrs. F T Johnson has just re¬
ceived the most complete line of
millinery goods that she has ever
had, and invites the ladies to call
to see her and get their summer
hats. Cheaper than ever before.
->- • -4-
The announcement of ltev MM
Bates as a candidate for the Legis¬
lature, appears in this issue of tho
paper Mr Bates needs no intro¬
duction from 11 s, as he is well
known throughout the county,as
being well qualified for member¬
ship in the Georgia Legislature
His abilaty and good character, rec
ommend him for the position. He
announces subject to a primary e
lection if the people want it.
The announcement of M M
Welch as a candidate for Tax Col¬
lector will be found in this issue,
Mr. Welch has made a lip top col¬
lector, which is substantiated by
the following letter from the Comp¬
troller General;
Atlanta Ga. Feb. 28,1888.
M M Welch, T C. Murray Co.
Dear Sir:—Your papers received
and the account is now closed sari
isfactorily, Your settlement is a
good one as is shown by the smlla
ness of the insolvent list and the
promptness with which you settled
with the State,
Very Respt.
W A Wright,
Comp. Gen
I ish Potatoes,
Dried rruifc.
Call and see us.
DeJournetie & Co.
Dalton Ga.
•OftJOCt JD& ‘SJTI30 93 -OlffiB joj
Spanrai ?soq puc pionnoiiooo qsoni 133 oqj,
,,-mojs s.mmrSmpap^BTnap .ted ‘o[yjoq lL no A
13 .I 0 UX yuop b sjiq oav£
•atrvaa ania sjums softo bi
on3e inoA o.ino uua noA jnq
:suuaa noA jbtjav .*aotot oicfo.ij q.uop i
(JiCadmOrt jaqqif onto jo3 oq\, try"
onSn u -.v3qqn jj op
op jos no.i osi i onqo awt „
..Jiaqqtqs puB sarpun xeq a\
"no piBXL no£ pjq-u. j&dcaoj
Local Paragraphs.
Arklucks. Arklucks. Arklucks.
Stop [that headache by using
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills.
Arklncks Indian Blood Pills get
there Ely—every, box warranted
—try them.
A large and elegant stock of
ready-made clothing just received
at T J Ovbey‘s for 18SS.
Sick headache, wind on the stomache, blii
ousness, nausea, aro promptly and agreeably
banished by Dr J II McLean’s Little Liver
and Kidney Piliets. 25c. a vial.
Remember that the only new
stock of drugs in Dalton is at
new Store.
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
enre all derangements of the atom
aclie and bowels. Doctors Will pte
scribe them.
Prescription and advice free
in all chronic diseases at Mc
Knight’s New Store
Children will freely take Dr J H McLean’s
Tar Wine Lug Balm; unlike cough syruys, it
no opium, will soo he and heal any
of the t roat or lungs quicker than
other remedy.
Oh my! I am about to fall! what
I do for my Liver? Take one
of Aaklucks Indian Blood Pills
you will have no more trouble.
Physicians proscribe Dr J II McLean’s Tar
W’ine Lung Balm; in it they find no traco of
opium or morphia, while its efficacy in curing
all throat or lung diseases is wonderful.
Doctors and merchants will find
it is to their interest to advise the
use of Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
for there is no better remedy.
Twenty Five cents paid for them
will often save the patients life.
Whoop! Whoop!
The most goods for the least money
and the highest price for all kinds of
country produce at L F Clark's
Store, Fort Mountain, Ga.
Por;ons who lead a life of exposure are sub
joct to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago
and will fin I a valuable remedy in Dr J H
McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment; it will ban¬
ish pain and subdue inflammation.
If you have headache ask your
merchant for a box of Arklucks In¬
dian Blood Pills and they will sure¬
ly cure you. Don't let anybody
palm off any other kind for Arklucks
are the best.
For 1888
The largest and most complete
stock of goods that has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey.
There are many aeeidonts and diseases
which affect Stock and cause sorious inconve¬
nience and loss to the farmer in his work,
which may be quichly remedied by the uso of
Dr. J. II. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment.
Ladies and Gents best hand made,
with a large assortment of the best
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at T J Ovbey's, We only
ask you to price them, and we
know you will buy them.
Shop Iv tice.
If you want first T c!ass work, ei¬
ther in steel or iion, or want your
farnrng implements repared—from
a garden koe to a thresher,—call at
the 'ShoD of King & Seabolt, in
Pleasant Valley.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepaved to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 r. no daily.
Far better than the harsh treitment of
medicines which horribly gripe the patient
and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr.
J. H. McLean's Chilis and Fever Cure, by
mild yet effec ive action will cute. Sold at
50 eents a buttle.
When von are in Dalton dont
forget that L Baekolz keeps the
the stand a id confectionaries and Is
always ready tc wait ou the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first cloor below
Trevitri & Bryant’s drug store.
I am jirepa ed to negotiate
loans for farmers at a total
commission ol 12 percent, with
interest at S pm- cent, payable
once a year, U-wii: on Drcem
ber 1st. C, N. King.
A nnouncements.
For Representative.
Wejare authorized to announce the name of
A. T. Logan as a candidate for Representa¬
tive at the ensuing election to be held on the
first Wednesday in October next.
We are authorised to announce tho name
ofS. L. Trimmieb as a candidate to repre¬
sent Murray County in the next General As¬
sembly of Georgia.
Wo aro authorized to announce to tho
voteri of Murray county the naTe of M. M.
Bates as a candidate for re-elcc’ion to the
Legislature from this county.
For Tax Receiver.
We are authorized to announce the came
of W R Lackey as a candidate for Tax Re¬
ceiver. Election first Wednesday in Janua¬
ry next.
For Clerk*
j am a candidate for Clerk of the Superior
and if elected, on the first Wednesday
in January, will serve tho people faithfull
and impartially. Respictfully,
For Tax Collector.
IVe are authorized to announce t e name
of M. M. Welch as a candidate for ro-eloct
ion to tho Jcffioe of Tax Collector. Election
1st Wednesday in J wuary 1889.
Professional Cards.
J. J .Bates,
Place, Geokoia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
bueiness and the collection ol
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to*all
legal business.
0. N.stake, TBAMMKI.L 8TABR
Calhoun, Ga. SpringPlacc,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Proniptattontion givon to all logalbusinos s
M. B. Harris,
Spring Place, Geoigia
Prompt attention given to
all legal business.
H. H. Anderson,
A ttorney at Law.
Willattend punctua ly to all legal business.
M. M. Leonard,
Ft. Mountain, Georgia.
All work promptly done on
short notice
Livery Feed and
Sale Stiblo
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
m Dalton, Ga. The patronage ol
the people smuch desired, and
especially those from
Dr. J. P. Fann,
Resident Dentist
All kiudsof me
chan ical and 0^or
style,and atreas
------ (.[.able rates. The
• TV- r- • Celluloid FlatcnUt
full “ P setsof -........ teoth '
reasonable rates*
Teeth ox tr a c t o d
without pain by the use of Squibb’s pureSul- citizens
phurio Ether. The patronage of the
of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as cheap as they can get it done by any
lass dentiatin North Georgia.
Bucklen’s AMiica Salv .
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Fleers. Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap
ped Hands. Chilblains Coma, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded, Price 25cents
per box. For Sale by Robinson &
]). R. ILovcinan
New Goods just received, stylish and at rock bottom prices.*
When in Dalton btgsure and call, we will save you money.
We are the Dalton leaders in Dry Goods
Harr urn* § & D a v £4Sft s»
WoODLAWN, ■00:00 Georgia
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery €ro «<1 s.
■ Just Received at the Mlliiiery Stol e of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and olegan t assortment of Milinery and Straw GooB-, consisting of Straw
Bonnetsalid Ladies’a n d Children’s lints [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods
were bought of tho largest and Lestimporting Houses in Balti¬
more and New YorK, and will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
The MURDOCH House,
Dalton, 00:00 --- Georgia.
Newly Opened! Newly Furnished
First-Class Accommodation. BEST MEAL in the STATE
lor the MONEY. Rates $2. per day.
W. II. MURDOCH, Prop’r.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost o >“>5 Manufacture.
I am selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Co.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to older.
W. W. VanNkss, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons
- 9 J. O W II E Y,
Spring Place, Georgia.
Kew Opening for 1888
And the citizens of Murray County need no longcvjj plough
through the mud to buy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a
general store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
If you don’t believe it come and price our goods before you
buy elsewhere.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will In; sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E . El . Brown,
■ V*
The Jeweler.
Lonv/Ji, PoIK-jr) Geo gift
Keeps reliable goods at reliable .prices.
I wish to call especial attention to my liue of Spectacles ami
Eye Glasses.
Bt the aid of the Dioptric Eye Meter I can detect tin cause
of defective vision and tell exactly the kind of lens required to
correct it.
NO CHARGE for testing your eyes, whether you buy or nob
R. P- Baker’s Drug Store, Dalton Ga.