Newspaper Page Text
<2 N. L
North Go or via Times
5 sr. .. .
k ixati r ah i kb, P " ti>U>, frr **
Tium*i»AY, novum'. tint is.
Cotton oods
The county aiii'nce, of R>»ck
dale, has struck the key note.
They declare they will not use
corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley,
or any other commodity unless
it is contained in cotton cloth.
By so doing they hope to ere*
ate a demand f or cottm goods
aud thus enhance the piice ol
cotton. It is an example that
should be fallowed by all the
alliances in the South, aud in
fact, i veiy one who raises cot
ten. Tbe increased yield ol
cotton is greater than the de¬
mand for cotton goods, and
while this istlm case we may
expect tho price of cotton to
rule low. Let tho farmet s of
tie South, whether alliaucemen
or not, boycott the jute man¬
ufactures and they will create a
market for cotton bagging for
grain.—Henry County Weekly.
Good coffee at A B Vining's,
Gibs for $1. Dalton, Ga.
I3ots from Loug idge.
Loughndge now .boast of an
enterprising reliable black
smith, it is Heimy Gravley., late
of Hassler Mills.
A little daughter of Daly
Gregory fell, ou the sixth iust.
aud,broke an arm. Dr. Tones
set Jit, and she is doing well.
There is considerable cotton
About here unpicked. 1 line
Wallace girls lately picked
twenty five hundred pounds of
cotton in lour day®, The
mountain boys are havin'* great
fun lately in'killing and eating
squirrels. 1st coons and huge
John Cookerly, a mining en¬
gineer, of Chattanooga, was
here a few days ago to make
payment on land lately bought
in our neighborhood. Here
ports miuning progress in
Do the people of No til
Georgia want to help in the de
velopment of them wonderfully
rich county? Then let them bet¬
ter patronize their home news
p&pei. Hun ah tor Nosth
Georgia and its newspapers!
There are now demands for
Murray county timber. W ho
will first serve true democracy
by furnishing a supply?
A;e vou doubting who will
insure the construction of the
Dalton aud Spring Place rail¬
road? well you may unless you
enlist yourself in the enterprise
aud influence your neighbors to
do so.
We advise all men women
and boys, to lead the
speech lately parted in the At¬
lanta Consitution, deliveied by
Editor Grady, in Texas, re¬
garding the South. Too much
cannot be said of it unltss it be
said; the picture is ove. drawn.
Co to— with the doubtful
Btoriea about the development,
of North Georgia? Bury them
with the John Sherman lies.
Vignette Victor.
David B Hill ot New Yo’k
for * President in 1892.
____________ _
David B Hill, democrat, is
M«ted govern..i' M
York by 22,000 major!*;’.
Grant, Tataminy dcmccat, is
elected Mayor of New York
pity by agood majority.
I V i*iv> L C iiLU;
j All teachers of Mutiny or j \
r.djoin eounlh * holding |
i school claims ogausi Fay school
ol .Murray county will
phase present them on or be
lore the 29th of Nov. 1888.
Teachers will receive their mon.
ey on Friday the 30th.
S xi Henry, C. S. 0.
Is consumption Incurable?
Head the following: Mr 0 H Mor
ris, Newark, Ar c. says' ‘Was down
with abfecc-8 of lungs and friends and
physicians pronounced mo an incara
bta consumptive. Began taking
Dr King's New Discovery thirdbot for con
sumption, am nowon my
tJe and able to oversee the work on my
fann. It. is the finest medieino ever
JescO Middle wart, Decater Ohio,
says: ‘Had it not been for Dr Kmg'sj
New Discovery for consumption I
would U. vh died of Lung Troubles,
''-as given up by doctors. Am now
in beat ot health.' Try it. Sample
botl’es free at Robinson and An*
derson‘8 drug store,
S A Mclvor, f Liberty
county is the; culy colored iepre
semative iu the Georgia legis*
latnre- The last session bad
three colored members.
Col. S C Kellogg, ol the
United States army, has been
detailed by the secretary of
war to complete the location ol
troops for a map of the battle
lot Cbicamauga, and is now en
j gaged in the work
An exchange asks: “ Wliat
is home without a newspaper,”
to which a brother editor re
plies: “It is a place where old
hats are stuffed into the w n
dow panes, where the children
are liice pigs, the house wile
like an aboriginal savage, and
the husband with a panorama
of the Dismal Swamp painted
on his shiil bosom with tobac
co juicr
Allen D Candler was elected
to congess from the 9th, de¬
feating Rev. Thud Pickette, in
a majority of about 1.380.
KMCyEt mtiTOW r rWjOflyHHMgtxtaa*
The new cases of yellow fe¬
ver in Jacksonville ou Sunday
were 12; total cases to same
date 4.481; deaths 385.
Ha.risou lias been elected
P esident. We will give tee
official returns next week.
Mr. Judson C Clements is
elected to congress by a ma¬
jority of 5.847 over Hargraves.
Georgia gave Cleveland GO.
000 majority, with Seven coun¬
ties to be heard from.
Georgia, Murray cmnty,
Notice is hereby given (by
the consent of my husband)
that from and after the 15th
day of December ir'xi I shall
become a public -or lveo dealer,
this the 15th day Nov. 1888.
Mrs. 0 J Spivey wife of
T S Spivey
Georgia, Murray;County..
Notico is hereby given to all concerr.od,
that Mrs Mary E Jlammoud wife cf C C
Hammond deceased has m«vdo application for
twelve months support and the nasosmest
made thereoa lias been filed in my office,
and I will anas upon the same on the 14 th
day oi Decombev 1 S 6 S, at my office, Nov. 14
1883 . \V II Uavskv, Ordinary.
Ifiiectric Bitters
Tliirf remedy is becoming so well
known and r-o popular as to need
no special mention. Ad who have
used Electric Billers mug the same
song ol praise—A exist purer is medicine
dues not ana it guaranteed
to do all that is claimed. Eleclric
Ditto is will cure all dlsees s ol Liv
cr and Kidneys, will removo pira
pies, boils, salt rheum and other af
lections caused nv impure blood.
Will driYP imilam lroiii theejs^m
coua(i(ianan and indigeslioti try
Electric Bitter.- —kiilire patisfftofion
guaranteed, or money. refunded.—
Price 50c and 31. pi bet tie af It.!
and Aailerso? a
Jjhu f vnDS, '".ii cL! kiurrav boy
loealetl in gallon, eppoiaio Kel
le-ra, and is keeping a fsr&t class
restaurant, and asks iho Murray
boys to com® around and eat with
him when in Dalton.
Goto G.irfcwiight BAs. lor
Clothing find Boots.
Those indebted to the firm of
Atidersou & Ooffey, will please
come forward and make ecttlo
ment at once. We must have the
money. Also those owing W W
Anderson for practice will please
eeltleat once. This means bu3i
ness. Andesson & Coffey
Cartwright Bros, have the
largest and best Stock of ready
made Clothing in D Jfcon.
1 wo spools of thread lor 5cts,
at the New Yo;k Millinery store,
Special bargains can be had
on Ladies Shawls, at Cart¬
wright Bros.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly lias purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dallon in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. in. ami Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. iu. daily.
Shop Ly tiC3
If jou wantlfirsfKclass work, ei
ther in steel ot i>on, or want vour
farm ! ng implements repared—from
a garden boe to a thresher,—call nt
the ‘Shop of King & Seabolt, in
Pleasant Valley.
Hot your rho^s at Cartwright
Bros., Dalton Ga if you want good
shoes aud good bargains.
A S Vicing, formerly of Wood
lawn, is now soiling a general lino
of merchandise, at corner, across
the street, near Dentou&Linn’s
lialton, Ga. Murray county trade
is solicited and go )d bargains
If you want anything in the no¬
tion line, call at Cartwright Bros
Go to McKoigilt’s Kew for Drug Pure
.Store, Dalton Ga.,
fresh Drugs, Paints, Oil, Var¬
nishes, Glass <fec.
If your kidneys arc inactive, you wi 1 feel
and look wretched, even in the most cheerful
society, and melancholy on the jolticat occa¬
sions. Dr. J, H. McLean's Liver and Kid .oy
Dalm, will set you right again. $!. jmr bottle.
When yon are in Dallon dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standaid confectionaries‘and is
always ready Ic wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 renin. Re
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trovitto & Try mil’s drug store.
Adrioe to Kotlaevi*
jits. Wihslow '8 Soothing BruumhouM al^ayo
be usod vhcu children aro cutting teeth. It re¬
lieves tholittle suH'erernfc oneen itproduceanatui awakes “bright al,
quiat sleep, und the little cherub an It
an a button.” It is very pleasant to tuste.
soothes the child, softens the gums, known allay a all remedy pain,
regulates tho bowels, and is the best
for diarrhoea, whether arising from bottle. teething or
other ccuaee. Twenty-live cents a
A" iirsl class lanu in Columbia
county, Florida, well watered, con
veniently situated with snperitr
advantages, for sale or exchange
for farming lauds in Murray county
or elsewhere iu North Georgia.
For further in?oi mation, address
J. M Crim, Soring Place Ga,
CaouPY eufficatious, night coughs and lU!
tho comn-.on affeot’oos ol tho hroat and lung.
quickly relieved by I)r- J. 11 . McLean's Tar
Wine Lung balm.
Go., to.. Cartwright Br)s fm
Clothing and Boots.
J & J B Graves & Co Dal¬
ton, have just received thei:
fall and winter Mbliiiery,
which is the most complete
assortment ever brought ti¬
the Daltou market. Hats, <n
the latest styles and fashions,
both in Felt and Stiaw, Fane’
'eatheia aud Tips, Ribbons,
Plushes. Ladies, Misses and
children's cloaks and Jackets,
the fined on the market. And
all other fancy goods kept in a
first class Millinery establish*
ment- Cali and see them.
Dalton. Ga, Nov. 3, 188b.
Georgia Murray County.
Notice is hereby given (by the
consent of nay It os band) lint /ruin
and niter the 24*h dev of Novem¬
ber next, I shall besoms a oubiio
oe irc-e dealer. This the 25th day
ii October 18B8.
K M ii Long, v- iff
of 'W J K Xi0%;
•or * ■. ' ? ■ ■ i ivATolkled
0 'S
Trammell Sjarr,
Spiing Pi; cv Gn.
A n nour.iX men U.
We aro authorized t» saniin!*m- the 'r.vr.e '»f
C. L. TR'RYSsn c:»«■!t !j* 11 = f».:• c-■ ‘.o for
Sl.eri£—Elocti. n i .1 WJWi, .u nm.-.ry.
Wears nn!lioriise-l to an lounce the name of
J. C. M« 15 ntibb as a candidate for Sheriff—
Eleotion 1 st Wednesday in January, next.
For Tax Receiver.
We are autlioriied'to announce the name
of W R Lacrky as a candidate for Tax Re¬
ceiver. Elootion first Wednesday in Janua¬
ry next.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for re-election to the offi^o of Tax Receiver.
I appreciate the support of iny friends in
the past, and earnes ly solicit thoir suoport
at the ensuing olooti > , io January.
M 11 Bka»i:lktts.
For Clerk
I am a candidate for Clerk of tho Superior
Court, and if elected, ou the first Wednesday
iu January, wiil servo the peopU faithfuly
and impartially. l.esp :ctiully,
0 . N. KING.
For Tax Collector.
We are authorised to announce t o name
of M. M. Wki.ob os a candidate for re-elect¬
ion to the (fiice of Tax Collector. Election
1 st Wednesday in J rnuary 1889 .
By’nuthority, wo’ anrounco tho name of
B. F. C. fjouoitatoos as a candidate for Tax
Collector—Election 1 st Wednesday in Jan.
We are requested to announce the name of
M. V. 8 a candidate for Tax Collector.
Election first W duosday ‘n Jaunury.
We aro authoriz ,d to announce the name
of William M. Cash as a andioato for Tax
Collector—Election first Wednesday iu J.-.u.
We are authorised to annouttoo the name
of W. II. [ImiiTsii.L as a candidate for Tax
Collector. Election 1 st Wednesday in Jan¬
uary, next.
Wo aro aiUhorizod to announce the n vine < f
H*nky Aykrs as ;i candidate for Tux Cnl cc.
t.r. Election is .Wednesday in J iunary.
For Treasurer.
We sro authorired to iinnounco the’ mno of
W. If. Btekd'hs a candidate* for re-eifcotion to
tho office of County Treasurer. B!ccti.*a lat
WoilLOsJay in January, noxt.
/ Professional Cards.
J. fT .Butes,
Sprino Place, Cforoia.
Proytt a< denlioo given In ol) le«
eal biiniiKf-'s and tho cJ.lecliou of
Win, €. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place. Georgia
I tv'i—U itoritieufioR given to all
1 OR:ll tos.O’•
n. Vf v ? TR 4 MM ELLST* KU
0 j•> et:, -.Li. Spring Piaeo,Ga
"i ? \ n *;« & S T V IK «
A11 o r :i ? ? y n !». t I* a w,
?*"'» r npt *ftu'jH'»» v»j« t -i .1 n i?,-■* ,
. .
H. lathi s w . Morris,
Mmixo Place. GkOIUIA,
Pr>>n|»b attention given to
:iil lt-jai business.
M. Bl. Leonard,
I’t. ?Jo UN I'AIN, Gkoiigia.
All work promptly done on
short notice
You will huvonouse for spectacles if you use
Or. J. II. MeLeen’s Strongtliiug Kye Saivc; it
removes the film and scum which accumulates
on the eye balls, subdues iiifiamatlon, cools
and soothes the irritated verves, strengthens
weak and failing sight. 25 o. a buttle.
Imcsufeot digestion and assimilation ['ro¬
duce disordered oondit ; ons of tfco sy stem
which grow and »ro confirmed by ncoleot. Dr
J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cord ai and
Blood Purifier, by its tanio prrperties, eiirfi;
indigestion and gives t no to tl.o stonueiie.
1.00 per bottle.
Old /
people suffer much fr'-m disorder of the
urinary org% s. » ftlw!U’« <rr*-> Cfi • 1 «t
tb<* wondelful etB a f ..
\ihf\ - Kid aey •*.' in ft;
ircoa 1 * |I .00 v-f: ..
- sK-»T*s 5 y>:'!
M P use Dr. SALMON’S
: r hog cholera specipici
«»«jsisissB®aBgfS gsa&M J*
For Sale By
ANDEB 80 N 4 CCFi Ey,g 8 piing;Vlace Ga , CenLal Agents.
A. F.Visino, Woodlswn Ca. IIaeus & MoBTOK,|Loaghridg»;G».
Paysk & Srtioir.T., guma.-h „ E. C. Easnbbt, Hatsler Mills „
L. F. Clack, Ft. Mountain Ga. Pattfrsox k Joa*sos t rennis Ga. A. K..Ean@iy, Ravtsey 6 a
sA'j /A) , /;) , /",>) /
V^St j tf--r‘;'r? L !..• -U:r bluer ft: t-o.-id.T::»* |..i Kl-j. s.;.nt’.twri'-» "»r Via Cniaioouacf
Wi.namaker & Brown,
The largest cu -lom onler ami
retail eluthing house.
S. M. i\ THO!£Ai5,
f'/lerchant Tailor;
Dalton, (1 iouui a,
< J.'idv tr.tees -rood work at..]
eiii -ve mten.
Tr y II s*\ * -pj lihL't*'.!, fiotl a-* t r *
IV i ?! ;t JiHfj-trg rough. uve Idr. J. |{. ?»f
Lr'a: ’' 'iur Wi, »• J. i .?>
,r Hr s' ’• m i,r rot], vv]t]» ]o ?5 f »inpr
t ?t«*, Fcn.Djrhtwiof,e‘T D r .], ?]. '•
lAti M- T.tvur.«k?.! They p •(,;}«
nnt \*o ts*l;r .u.u v;':! »nru 3• a 25 ; h » v ;u !
":i -—
7 1 •/. n'f.
V. v.i'l WFA'A: D* 3 ** 5 - VI. 5 - y..
.fir*- 7:* Ut (Gj: n n: v »Y» ntv
VV > n(G- ! b.'-UVe if C
h it -1 ! h (iitvit oj Sprit;
Piet 1 '.', ti» !'i jr.n-hfcr! *■ i iVlej’ :•< mil-.
de enl c y Lc-'ween r h • leg-.-l luni 1
: • j ■ ,t!o cm ilie, Irii. i'tv iny i I he
(HXt, Use folio ivillg .tviHSr.bed pit}:
i rty to wjt;
3u Hems off of flir Ni rih Mot fi..<
of i -nd No. 2; 2 , i tVov.i, i>i-t. :. ;: JS.-.I -loot,
ofvaid county, lev (4 mi by t ii Ojc of and
til SDti-fy # inortgige fi lai ru -d from tin
Supoi! ,■ t ourt of suit! cnie ty. in f vi'r of t.i
W III I v ’. the said I, C ,’oi : ct ui-d lev ci o,,
ns tiro projietty of L C -h ue?. Tfjia Oj-tohcr
31 st 18 S 8 . C. L. TER!!V, Shi'riJ.
STATt or 'i;csSM UVAKA Y (ItHtt.TY
By virtue of a decree (Vmi u . ri'dt'id u no -
lior O 'UTt, at Oct her Term I iI! n il
to l!}# highest bidder ho ore ibe it art house
door in Spring 1 ’lace, on the lar 't'ucsd'iy iu
JJechinher next vrl bin tho legal ! ours of .uie,
lot of land No. 181 , in the IK, !-i• t ,;: d
section: a‘so !ot--flind No. I'l. -.n :!,ri Si’i l:pt.
and 3 rd si-,'|lon, hr.:!: in s:;J I'-.oiry ,.f
ray, and Uticr kftotrn as the •<G!as.” and
"Gray” formsl idongmg t., toe P.-tate el liobt.
Wood, .deceased. Sold • ; n,o purpoae of
makinc dirr.ribtt lnr. auumg :he l.oirn ofsaid
deciiisrd and p.nviu the debts of sai i estate.
Terms cash. This Oct. Slat 1888
\ . Ji, liAii, c ij:v, Receiv'd'.
Pf if mm
i miia -SS-— iM I ®U|h
/; hi
m m-AmiA
t -'<ma ' -'W
,V-a -V '-'"i
f, .
si 58 frsat SoulStgrs rlsnedv CorstB
B & m E L ¥ bl Q US .rS % 5?l-s
a>;d CH'L'fiv. thethikc.
Th-v c ‘ nre verv - Uhv v. ’■•.tj *:0 Jo-.aa'. «•:*
Act 1(7 ifrr.'.vi
*• *i??•'■’;; 'tij rv !L*- H
tho MU!.- purpii* 0 . *' '■ ' nhy of i:«
imvo <,♦.it• in 1; '-.ID n’ is *• j.f’r.
uipie bovv^i?. it k, \t ?: • .. It it i I < • | ; 'i',
Dr. fKgi;*?
UlfGUKAT vo: KL?r “•O' t s
Die litfcio one ue ■ib--, •. U i L i * ; i.
lV’.semury When {* in ml (Hi (IS
iu eo i Sri Lit *■
the year and
towel* are so frequent, ue-i w ;•
on ti he
ii zupti xmmm h, it
1 -'- 'D'-nufaet-uTed by
Dalton, Georgia,
We have arranged our new
i gallery to make ever s tyle pho.
f tographs ami will guarantee to
ph ase those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements *
Four Gem pictures or Fcin
retypes mad" toi fifty cents.
Do not fnil to e-ill and exam
'uo on: work v. hen in Dalton.
i'uviu - s n a if on cloudy as
.ii an\ jni Ina- dav.
i ? *’s n lea Sal
« - - -4 v r.
J i’-M’ n.‘M Salve in t lie world for
/I S 1 leers.
^' ore«. Salt
*TP r ;; r Tefter. CLap
‘< , «ir. 8 and all
.a:.; oi tions, and positively . enrea
' : - f no i-'iy nqeired. It iegaar
uGecd f.i eive perfect atinfactioD
or money hey refnnded. Price 25 cants
' ! Cr F 1)r Sal e by RobinSCU A
A.inl< t
Metropolitan Hotel.
-*'■ UtUlt'fl, Georgia.
-'I', \Hsdd ivi-tr) Utjjon Passenger
C rr.iu, of Uahvuia & J’ryor Streets.
Jiatcs Heaton able. -—
R- p KEITH - Proprietor,
L I ‘ of Cain. on House.]
.Dr. J P. Fann,
Rksidkxt Di itTISY
All bindsof me,
ehanical and h,
l..': AAAHXltf-- •• '’'Am at 8 p ‘P“«»tistry it<Hi lirst-clase #x
P' .y ■•tyle, and rcaP .
'. J -”--!'. D';'th:'C' enable rates. The
V l OtoMuloid Plate put
*-P !n ffitirriftl or
iui* sycJp of feetl* nt
rouriot. if»lc r iv r
Teetii us t; a r t r d
«;.»>»•: 31, byfne j »t S( . OI r.| ( r f -
‘ 't ,l : 3 *' ; <"•»»'* 1 ° p i* 3 trov«|s«- i,f t:.e either, a
*runtv. that r«.‘psutlufSolicited.
“ a % * 1 v, ill do them as good
work as they oan got i„ North Georgia, and
•'* !'" s get it done by any first
ass dootuini North Georgia. 1
Location of DspARTMiwn or
BurIdms, Sfeort-hftnd 4 c Typ*. WriUac. TtUgraphr*
Eg Cheapest j Best Business College in the World.
.V. WBl V*t4