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North tf/brgiii *'**&**.
---• — '■ ■■ " ■ *
PtlBUSH^’ The offlci/ EVT3UY Maper of THURSDW, the Coviity,
and eih ed ft the Post OSieo at Spring Place
Ga., ai see m <1 class matter.
Subscription Rate*:
Oaa y«ar,$l 0 * Si* months, SOeents,-Three
months 25 oeuts. Payable in advance.
Addren all communications t) Tbs Tutas,
Spring ?l*o^, Ga.
Shall Spring Place have a Christ¬
mas tret ?
There was a killing frost on last
Sauday n.ght.
Hon. M m Bates, has taken his seat
in the Georgia legislature.
The several in Murray
are in cteasin g rapid ly.
Miss- Onie Kelly, spent a part ol
last week in Dalton.
Ladle* Dress Goods,'extremely low at
Cartwright Bros.
Dotsjfrom “J H T";wil«§be pub¬
lished in next issue.
Qr* E O Stafford was in town on
a professional call last Monday.
Complete stock of fancy goods
at New York s tore. Dalton.
Rev Fletcher Walton was in
Chattanooga on business last week
Ladie’s bats in latest styles, at
New York store, Dalton.
Gapt. A K Ramsey, attended the
State Fair at Macon last,week.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s.
The alliance men will go to Dal¬
ton with cotton tomorrow, Friday
Cols. W O Martin and Ji 11; An
deison^andj I' J Overby .were in
Atlanta this we ek.
The democratic rooster no longer
crows in the front yard.
Remember Gholstan & Bailey are
dosing o.ut their Milmary at cost.
In 18S8, Cleveland was too late;
jn 1892 wo‘ll push him through.
Dont fail 16 see the Fall m. llinery
displayed at Gholston & Bay leys.
W* would like for our ‘.Fort
Mountain correspondent to.corue to
life again.
Beautiful Henrietta cloth and
and Dress Trimmings at Gholston
& Baileys.
Mrs. Rilla McEotTroTof Dalton,
has been visiting in the county a
few days.
A pleasant party was given at
Mrs JfttneSilVFGhee's on last Tues¬
day night._
Piof. Stanhberry has, secured a
first class high school in Bartow
county, and will move there soon.
The Ellijay mail failed to re, ch
its destination on last Friday on
account of high waters.
Mr. W A Henry who' has been
quite sick for the past month, is
improving, slowly.
W C Lester invites his friends
of Murray county to call and
see him at Cartwright Bros.
Let the people of Murray feel an
interest in their county, and talk it
up. through.their county paper.
Mrs. S'E Field, and Miss Nettie
Edmondson of Whitfield were visi
ing in town this week.
A great deal more of the cotton
crop, in Murray is maturing, than
was anticipated’’some time ago.
There is some one hold of the
bell-cord, and from all indications
the bell will jingle verry soon.
‘‘All's well that ends well’ 1 but
this is one of the times the well
t<as a Dot, before it.
The ladies of Center Valley
church pieced a fine quilt for Rev
Fletcher Walton
Mrs Fannie Olavton of Easle S C
is visiting her mother Mrs Baker
new Ramsey, this county.
Murray county has taken a grea¬
ter interest in building new church¬
es during the last two yeas than at
any time for many years.
There is being a new Baptist
chnrch erected at Mount Pisgah,
near Gapt. A K Ramsey's, which
will be a handsome church when
To he secured by lirst class
lands. Apply to
C. IS. King.
Tho vot-rs of Murray didn't man¬
ifest much interest in the Election
on die 6th only about 700. votes
polled out of a vote of 1500.
Furuituie! Furniture! Fur¬
niture!! in all styles and fash
ions'at the Cherokee Manufac¬
turing Co. Dalton Ga.
Mr. Carter, of the Times and bis
little daughter, Minnie, are visit¬
ing at Knoxville, Eockwood, and
other noints in Tennessee.
Now is the time to get your rosily
made clothing, while 'Cartwright
Bros., Dalton Ga., hive a bran new
stock, of the latest styles.
Mv 3. Dr. W A Heartsil 1, and her
three children, Ot Morrison's Bluff
Ark, are visiting ^relatives in and
near town Mrs. HeaiTsill’a many
frlnds are happy fo have her with
them again.
—->» — -—
Harness ShoP.
G N Vance, is located at the
Staples earner, and will burnish you
harness, maettino or hand made,
cheap. Will also do eli repairing,
ami do it quick, for the cash, at a
low price,
— ■ 1 ------ -
The official returns of - the
election on the 6th, are as fol¬
lows: Foi President, Cleveland
524; Harrisson 199; Fisk, 15;
for congress Clements 539;
Hargraves, 182.
The candidates will please give
us their orders for tickets for the
January election. The time is
drawing near, and wo would like to
ha ve plenty of them for pnntiDg
It you dont beleave that the
Cherokee Manufacturing Co,
will sell you' fu niture cheaper
than you can get it elsewhere,
just give them a trial and be
As the democratic rooster open¬
ed his wide mouth to crow Tuesday
evening, the Oih, a shot fired from
the pidhibition monkey’s gun hit
him between the eyes and he fell,
and was immediately carried to the
Woman's Suffrage hosbital. to be
put under meuioil treatment Ho
will ba.on hand to crow on No¬
vember 1892.
iVlouey Saved is money earned
ami to save money, jou should
call on Cheap Joe when you are
in need of anything in line of ready
made clothing, Hats, Gaps, or Gents
furnishing goods. It lias been
proved by the, community that he
is selling his goods cheaper than
was ever heard tell of. Examine
his goods and prices, and con¬
vince yourself. He will remain in
Dalton ouly a few weeks longer
and the people should take advan
tage of the great bsrgains he is
offering. Y.n will miss him when
he is gone.
-------- ■«»—-+■
Col. W D Harris, fo: marly of
Spring Place, but now offfoit
Worth Texas, was honored by the
democratic party on the Gth with
the county Judgship, by a hand¬
some majority. Gol. Harris has
been in Texas only a few years
and to be crowned with so eminent
a victory so soon is truly compli¬
mentary. His many friends join
us in congratulation and good
wishes f'r his rapid progress.
-- -
I egislatii e.
The legislature met on the
7th and proceeded to business
at once, by electing the ioloiv
ing offices: Hon. Stephens Olay
of Cobb, Spaeker of House,
Hon. F G Dubignon President
of the St nate, Hon. W ATIams
Secretary ot the Senate and
Hon. Mark A Haulin cleRk of
the House. Of course Hon,
Lem AIR* ad of Pickens coun¬
ty, was elected dooRkeeper of
the Senate.
For 1883.
The largest aud most complete
stock of goods that lias been in
Spting Place for. years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged nt the Store of T J Qybey
A good i
at 1.50
Dont buy your H its & Cape un¬
till you see J M Berrys stock,
3 M Berry will sell you (Tool Honest
goods at lowest prices possible.
A few Ladle’s cloaks left at J M
Berry's to be sold at cost and less.
Bring your Chickens Eggs &c
to 3 M Berry’s, will give top ot the
Dont fail to see J .M Berrv'e
whole stock calf shoe lor Lad es
only SI.50.
The prettiest Machine
in The. world at J M
Berry's only $35.00.
Shoes ft.r Ladies! Shoes loi
Men! Shoes for Givis! Shoes for
Boys! Slices for Dudes! Shoes
for everybody cheap at J M
Remember that the only new
stock of drugs in Dalton is at
McKnight’s new Drug Store.
Three pair ot Ladies Hoes
at Kew York store for 25cts,
at Dalton.
Cartwright Bros, will save any
person money, that will trade with
Prescription and advise tree
in all chronic diseases at Mc
K night’s Flew Store
If you want a big br.rgain jn
ready made clothing, now is youi
time since T 3 Obey lifts just open¬
ed r ut his e egant lmo of Fall and
Winter goods—Try him, lm guar¬
antees bargains and will save you
money by dealing with him.
Saddles, Harness and Bridles
can bo bought nt T J Ovbey’s cheap¬
er than you can get them anywhere.
The cheapest, best fitting and
most stylish lino of clothing in
Dalton are to be found at Trotter
Cartwright Bros invito spe¬
cial attention to their stock °f
Men's hats.
Cartwright Bros.
Have the lar¬
gest and best Stock of Ready
Made Clothing in Dalton.
When you go to Dalton call and
see the immense stock ci clothing
carried by Trotter Bros.— Decidedly
the finest and best selected stock
on the market.
Tho best and cheapest, Under
wear, can be lmd at Cartwright Bros
Remember that Gholston and
Bailey are leaders in cloaks new
markets, short wraps aud Jackets.
Whoop! Whoop!
The most goods for Ihs least money
and the highest price for aii kinds ol
country pioduce at L h Claik s
Store, Fort Mountain, Ga,
Gholston & Bailey will tell you
clothing cheap, Men‘s, Beys and
childrens suits.
Gapt. Treviite, has no competi¬
tion, in his line of business, never¬
theless, will sell you furniture
cheaper than it has been sold in
Da!ton for the last five years
Go to Now Yak store for La¬
dies and Misses fine slu es, Dalton,
Feequ/ntlv Occidents occur iu the heuse
hold which causa hurns, cuts, sprains aud
bruises; for use iu such cases Br J 11 McLean s
Volcanic Oil Lin : mout has tor many years
been the oens aut favorite family remedy.
Ladies and Gents best hand made,
w ith a largo assortment of the best
shoes oii the market are kept eu
hand at T J Ovbey'a. We only
ask you to price them, and WO
know you will buy them.
The celebrated Douglass
shoes can be bought at Cart¬
wright Bros.
Cartwright. Bros court mvestiga
tion by the people as to prices and
quality of goods generally.
In eases of Fever aDd Ague, the blood is is
effectually, iliough not so dangerously poison¬
ed the cffluvlun o! tho atmosphere as it could
bo by the do d’iost poison. Dr. J. li McLean’s
Chills aud- Fever Cure will eradicate this pois¬
on from tho system. 5U cents a bAtle.
E UK sick headache, female troubles, neural'
• gic pains iu the bead take Dr. J. 11. Mel.enn’s
Little Liver and Kidney Pilists. cents a
Biar » Show!
© S M tow
C. Browning’s
-j Dalton Georgia, j
jgr Head Quarters
for Stoves, Queens Ware.
Cutlery, Tin Ware, Lamps of
all kinds.
Dont be fooled with Ten
Cent Stores.
We sell as cheap as any body.
Have the largest assortment
this side of Atlanta.
The Patronage of the
People of Murray Coun¬
ty- is specially invi¬
Watch t/us column, as it
longs to C. BJiO WNIJVCr
■9 ■ m ■ Ai* an 9 a v a VD3 s
i C' 9
Dress Goods,
Elegant Trimmings, Shoes, and the very best and most com¬
plete line of Dry Goods, in every lire, to be
found in Dalton.
Our Line of 8h es, for School ■'children, Gents
and ladies for All Purposes, Defy Competition.
Ic^at* s <& It a v s»
W OODLAWN, •OO'.OO-- Georgia.
General,^Merchandise and Count y Produce.
.............. II r wt s-w y*e^=*3cr»tc ■ »•
Just Received at the Miliutry Store ul
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant Msortmontof Miliiiory and Straw Uoods,consisting of Straw
Bonnotssnd Ladies’and Obildrtin's Hots [trimmed 'ar.d untrimmed] Nosk
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvel Ribbons, Neolt Tics, Bonnot Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our troods
were bought ol the largest and best importing ilousi sin Balti¬
more and Now VorK, and will bo sold at very lew
prices for cash.
Dalton, oo:oo Georgia.
Newly Opened! Newly Furnished
First-Class Accommodation. BESl’ MEAL in the STATE
lor the MONEy. Rates $2. per day.
W. H. MURDOCH, Frop'r.
Spring Place, Georgia.
New Opening lor 1888
And the citizens of Murray County need no longer? plough
through the mud to buy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a
general store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
If you don’t believe it come and price our goods before you
buy elsewhere.
a 5
Oroeeries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East. Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, CoilVe
New Orleans Syrup, Leiioii ’e Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barf er.
:a & H & frown,
, 5e«KSTS»
. levsit.
TiU? Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgia.
Keeps rohablo goods at reliablo prices.
1 wish to call espotial attontton to my lino of SjiectacFs aud
E;ye Glasses
By the aid of the Dioptric Eye Meter I c«ni detect th > cau.-e
of defective vision and tell exactly the kind of lens required to
correct it.
NO CHARGE for testing your eye?, whet her you buy or Lot.
Ii. P. Baker’s Drug Store, Dalton, Ga