North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, March 28, 1889, Image 2
C. N. KINO. S. B CARTER North Georgia Times KINO A CARTER, Publisher*. THURSDAY MARCH ,88 °* Dots from Lough idge There in an unusual demand for farm laboieis ui cur neigh borbood. much Daly Gregory is doing for the improvement of his farm this spring—go thou and do likewise. Sam Trimmier is getting out a large amount oi lumber stock this season. William Stafford is with US again, at the Valley. The doctois have not been busy lately, part of the cause, North Georgia is one of the healthiest region of the world. We wentonatrip with Min eialogists lately, and a retros¬ pective view ot all we saw, and herd proves to us, that the greatest reason why North Georgia is not by art, and science, what it is by na¬ ture, oue of the richest mining region of the world, is that its people have failed to advertise the facts, and tell only the truth. Vignette Victor. We sell the Spencer Optical Companie’s Spectacles and eye glasses. They ate very fine glass and you should try them before purchasing elsewhere. S. J. McKnights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. Most all the towns in North Geoigia are making rap’d strides to keep up w'th this fast age. It Spring Place dos~ nt begin to hustle, she will have to secedeTrom the union and move. Spring Place is located in’one ot the finest counties in the State, with fine streams, beautiful valleys, rich soil, adapted to the growth of the of , the various agricultural prod lets, and there is no rea¬ son, why wt should not have a flourishing town. It 13 tiue we are without railroad facilities, but this should not keep luick the eDtei prise of our town. What we need, is more men witli money. If merchants with large cap¬ ital can afford to sell goods in Dalton, why not in Spring P’ace? Here rents are cheap> taxes low, firewood handy and a large population to deal with whhh would support a large town in first class style. The ouly thing we need to build up a goed, prosperous towu, is more men with grit and green back. Let us wake up and throw out some inducements to the capital that is hunting a fine locality. Prof. F S Winkley was in town Tuesday, wearing a long smile. He had with him ore which he says assays sixty per cent lead, and seventy-one oun¬ ces of silver per ton- He had with him four or five pounds of the lead, iu ba s, which does away with the idea that Mur ray county mineral is all on pa¬ per. Mr. W. is in fine spirit and says that he will go to turning out lead in la ge quantities in a short time. Sam Magness, a young man twenty years old. of Nimble wili District, died of overheat ou Snnday, last. He was try iug to extinguish fire which was of near approach to his premises.— D liioncga Signal. Sumach Seminary. The Summer Terra of this S Institution will April the 1st. rpen and close June the 21st. The Term is esj ecinlv adapted to the wauls of those who expect to te?ich. Quite a number of teachers are already here, and we look for a considera¬ ble increase daring the Summer months. Be sure to attend Sumach during the summer vacation of your school. For further oarticulars address Prof. C H Humphreys, Sumach Ga. Dalton will have a modern high class hotel to take the place of the old National, the stock company having already been made up. Tom Felker will build an el¬ egant two story, iron front, on the lot between Loveman (and Smith, to be occupied by Cher¬ okee Manufacturing Co. Mack Cannon has plans in the hands ol an r architect for a beautiful residence. Col. S P Maddox is pushing forward a beautiful residence, one of the prettiest in town, on Selvedge St. The city council has author - ized the purchase of a $500 fountain for the city pa’k. Hamilton Street will be ma¬ cadamized.—Argus. E E Brown the Dalton Jew. eler has engaged Mr. G H Bran¬ don a skillfull optician to take charge of the optical depart¬ ment of his store, and would be pleased to have his Murray Co. friends in need of Spectacles and Eye Glasses call and con¬ sult Mr. BrandoDj and have their eyes tested free ot charge. A Prize Worth Winning. The Georgia State Agricultural Society offers a prize of $760 in gold coin for the largest yield of corn on one measured acre during 1)?89 It seems that the. American Agriculturist, an old and widely known agricultural monthly, pub¬ lished at 761 Broad waj. New York, offers Jour prizes-^of $500 each of the largest yield per acre respect¬ ively of corn, wheat, oats and pota toes. If the American Agricultur ist first prize of $500 for Ibe best acre of corn is taken by a Georgia farmer, our State, Agricultural So¬ ciety;; will duplicate that amount, giving an equal sum in addition to it, making the total cash obtaina¬ ble foi the bestj acre of [corn, if grown in Georgia, $750 If tbis premium is not taken, the State Agricultural Society will give $100 for tte hrgest yield of corn ob¬ tained in this competition by a Georgia farmer. •Everj progressive farmer in this section should pul forth his best offorts to secure this grand prize, and thus assist in t-dve Using Geor gia as a corn producing state. Full particulars of the prize contest con be obtained of the American Agricultnrist, or by addressing Col. W J Northen, president of the Slate Agricultural Society, at Sparta. Ga.—Alliance Advocate. The State Baptist Conven tion convenes at Marietta April 25. Over 350 delegates will be in .attendance, Committees have been appointed to secure homes foi- them during the ses¬ sion. Remember that you can have Spectacles aud Eye Glass¬ es correctlly fitted by a compe¬ tent Optician at E E Brown's Dalton Gif. Associate Justice, Stanley Mathews, of the Supreme eou f of the United States died in Washington city ou the 22nd. Jim Williams, (col) has been arrested in Birmingham, as the suspected murderer ot Mr«. Hargrove of Cobb county. He is also thought to be the guilty one, of shotting Patrolman J W Veal. Georgia, Murray Countv j Will be let to the lowest bolder j before the court house dorr, in Spun® Place Ca.* ou the 1st Tues day in April 18^9; The building of & new jailor’s house for said county in said town, on the old foundation of the old bouse, 36 by 18 teet, or same size ot old house, 10 feet high, with shed room on the east eide, the whole length of building 10 feet wide with 6 foot varanda on front, stack chimney in center main bnildmg, with one brick flue to Bhed room. Covered with good heart shingles, all eld material in old building to be used that is good. Contractor to move old building, and furnish all material, and to bo completed by 1, October text, according to plans and sptcifications on file in the ordinary’s office to bo paid for Jan. 1, ’90. reserve the right to reject any and all bids. This M&rch 11,1889. ff Luffman CbarmaD, Co. Boaid. ORDER TO PERFECT SERVICE. Libel for divorce in Murray Superior Court Fcby. Term 1889. Thomab G Fain vs. Cabbie Fatk. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff in the above stated case, that the defe ndant doe' not reside in said county, and it futher appearing that abe does not reside intheStitr. It is there ore ordered by the Ccurt, that service be perfected on the de¬ le dant by the publication of tbis order once a mouth for four months before the next Term of tbis Court in the North Georgia Times, a newspaper published at Spring Plaoe Murray County Georgia. Granted T. W. Milner J. 8. C.C. C. T. S. Gourdihe, Petitoners, atty. Gei rgia Murray County. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy from the V mutes of the Court. This Maroh 13th. 1889, C. N. Kino, C. S. C. County Dir cto y. Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby. and August. Hon. T. W. Milner, Judge. Hon. A. W. Fite Solicitor General. C. N. Kino, Clerk Superior Court. Court of ordinary meets 1st Monday in each month. W. II. Rams y, Ordinary. J. C. McEntirk, Sheriff. M. H. Bkamulkttk, Tax Receiver, M. M. Welch, Tax Collector. S. M. Walls, Treasurer. M. M. Leonard, Surveyor. W. D. Goble, Corener. Court of Countv Commissioners moots on Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month. W. Luffman, Chairman—W. E. Coviko ton, S. A. Grkoory, A. B. Weaver, Jab, W. Mackey, Commissioners. County School B.'ard—S. H. Henry, CSC. C. C. Howell. J, G. Spruill, W. H. Ram scy, D. E. Humphreys and V?. G. IIarRib. JUSTICES COUR T. Town District 2nd Monday. Hall Gruulld,Dist. 3 d Saturday. Eighth 2nd Do dittle 4th tt Tenth 3rd tt Alaculsa 2nd a Sh ick Pea 2nd Bull Pm 1st tt 1013th tt 1st tt Murray County Alliance. E. W. Rembert. P; IV E Covington, V-P. W 11 Ramsey, sec’v; M R Chastain, treasurer; J H Phillips, chaplain,- J R Speck, lecturer; C D Gilbort, ass’t lecturrr; J S Adington, door-keeper; C N Vance, ass’t door-keeper; Dan’l Willis, serg’t at arms. Trade Committee—A K Ramsey, W T Moore, John Berry, W II Staples, A T Wea¬ ver, business Agelit—A K Ramsey. "»C0UGHS,CROUP - A HD - CONSUMPTION « am Id yi 1 itfe i ' 11 ■ m E A \\S \ V -SWEET CVJS3 raULLEIkk The pwcot ;rnm. as giuhcrod iftsr troplof tin ■atm* iihiuo. grtiwi:-tz - Ro. g tttt simh: jtii.juni.-- 5 ^ the Southern Stuiea, fv-ii*.iup i n.lfn/ poctorant ducing the principle early u*r>r':in that Lvomuj* t n- uLd.*<- sLutriiiAtei *- pr-t vt t ou^n- wu ’ iho child to throw f nb-e menri•;•*.««.* ii ,;’i i>t.:i nnd Whooping^irngh. niuclluctnoiiF Wlu-« tMiiMiucd lx with pjulleir tb > \ earing of old tick.a, prlnciplo the plant the presents iv tavi.oh' 3 ClIEROKUD 1VUMKDY /4 F SWEKTGlLU AND MU!.* I.KIN the Uncut known remedy forCoutrhs. Croup, tiii** AVhoopIng-eonuhanrtconivunipT.iim; uoie. child is pfeurtr.( j;nd Aik po p any to take ft. your 4ruc:gli*t for it, Price ? f and *1 .<M>. WALTK tt A . T/ 4 LOii.At a ut.v,Ofw Money At 0 per cent TOJBEJ StCDRED'BY FIRST MORTGAGE ON PLANTATIONS and FARMS. APPLY TO Trammell Starr, Spring Place Gn. Leqalj Advert!semenis. APHIL SHERIFF!* «A1,R*. State op Gkothm Murray i’.m-sty Will be «oIJ be'fire the court ht#t»*e door ifl the town of Spring Place to the highest bid¬ der at public outcry between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in APril next, the following described property to wit: Lot 'flnnd No. one hundred and thirty two (132) except fifty acres on the South side of aaid lot. Also one hundred and ten aeres of land lot Number one hundred ard sixty Nine(169, Known as the Gid Jackson home p ace, all in the 9th Dist. a nd 3rd seeti o of said county. Levied on as the property o G. Jackson, Joseph E Jackson and W. L. Osbern,by vir ne of a fi fa, from Mur ray’Su¬ perior court in favor of K W Bo .id against said G. Jackson, Joseph E. Jackson aud W. L. Osbern. This Feb’y, 22nd 1889. Also at the same time and plaee twenty acres of lot of land No. 67 in the 9th District and 3rd section'of said county and bounded as follows: On North by landsof James Smith, West by land of Frank Smith, South by land ef Bob Palmer and East .byfGeorge Bond, Levied on as the property of R A Lotspeich, by virtue of and to satiBfy a Supe¬ rior court fi fa in favor if J. R. Feck va said Lotspeich. Also at the tame time and place lots land No 22 aud 23ill the 13th Diet, and 3rd Section of aaid county, Leviod on as^the prop¬ erty of, Elisabeth Holland, by virtue of and to satisfy a Tax fi fa issued by the Tax col¬ lector of said c.-naty, in favor oftbe State and county, vs sa.d Elisabeth^Uolland for state and county Taxes for the year 1888. teb 27 1889 John C. McEktibe, Sheriff. Georgia Muiray County Whereas, O b Keith Administrator of Wm Jackson represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully admimisterod Wm Jacksons estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin¬ dred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why sa d Administra or shi.u’d not be dis¬ charged from his administration, and receive letters ef dismission on the 1st Monday in May 1889, This February 6th 1SS9. W. U. Ramsey, Ordinary, Georgia Murray County. James A MoKainy Administrator of the Estate of Nancy S Stanford dec used, has in di)e form applied to the undersigned for leave th sell the land belonging to tbo (state ol said deceased, and said aoplioation will be heard en the first Monday in April next. This the 28th Feby. 1889, W 11 Ramsey, Ordinary. Georgia, Murray County Whereas Wm Luffman Executor of M. A. Oates represents to tho court in his potilion duly filed anl entered on record that ho has fully administered M A. Oates esta e. This is therefore to otto all persons coucernod, kindred and creditors, to show cause, :f any they can, why said Executor should not be discharged from his Executorship, and re¬ ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday n May 1889. This January 30 1889, W. II. Ramsby, Ordinarp. Gcobgia jVIl’bjuy Whereas, 0 N King A<1<i?tr&tor of.Jacob Mathirf rej>re*cntf» to the Court in his duly filed and entered on record, that ho fully Administered Jacob Mathis estate. This is there or» to e te all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, lo show cause, if any thev can, why said Administrator should not be dischart e I from his administration, aud receive I tiers of dismission on ttie first Mon¬ day* in May* 1889* Mhis January 30, 1889. \V. 11. Raxmcy, Ordinary F. K. Oles, Chemist ami Mineralogist Loug'hr idge Ga. Mr. Olcs is a graduate of Michigan Uni¬ versity, and was ihe (list Chemist to identify t e Tin-hearing ores of North Gc rgia, a dis¬ covert now I.eitroirledged by thebestofOlieia ista. in huib Aiueri. a nml Europe. Charges reasonable. Scientific American ESTABLISHED 1845 I* the oldest and most popular scientific and mechanical paper published and has the largest circulation of any paper of Its class In the world. ings. Fully illustrated. Published weekly. Best class Bend of Wood Engrav¬ l*rlce ta Four for specimen copy. £»., a year. months’ trial,*!. 41UN.N * publishkus, 381 Broadway, «.V. ARCHITECTS A BUILDERC A Edition of Scientific American. Ij A (Treat success. Each Issue contains colored lithographic public plates buildings. ot oountry Numerous and city residen¬ ces or engravings ana full plans and specifications tor the use ot such 2& as contemplate balldlng. Price $1.60 a year, cts. a copy. MUNN A CO., Pubushxks. pATEHTKig H 000 applications for American and Foreign p atents. Send for Handbook. Correapond ^»trlctly once confidential. TRADE MARKS. Jh ewe your mark Is not registered in the Pat¬ ent Office, apply to Mttnn ft Co., and procure Immediate protection. Send for Handbook. ,t£ W q ra?r*^fi ,0r A& CU " t ’’ MUNN Sc. CO., Psteot Solicitor., General omen set broadwat. n, T. , use Dr. SALMON’S HOG CHOLERA SPECIFICI • ft CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER. 1 I tf ATTLE POWDER.—CONDITION POWDER. PREVENT DESTROY & CURE HOC CHOLERA. § 1 WEOAN .... & PREVENT HOG LICE d WORMS. - CURE CATTLE MURRAIN,TEXAS CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES, / j CURE SHEEP ROT. TAPE WORM. Ac. MANUFACTURED BV THE VETERINARY MEDICINE COMu NASHVILLE, TENN. f . \ e> Foo' Sale By ANDERSON & COFFEY, SpriogTlace Ga , Cent!el Agents. A. P.V utixc, Wcodlawn Ga. Habbis A Mortok, Lougbridgejfla, l^ATXK^&gSpRiiiu., Sumach „ E. C.f, Earnest, Hassler Mills „ L. F.lCLiHK.’Ft. Mour.tuiii Ga. FattebSon & Johnson reDuis Ga. A. K.:Raksey, Eu.rsey Ca Cherokee Manufacturing Company. We begin the new year by thanking our f r iends for the liberal patronage bestowed onus. FURNITURE! Of the thousand new resolutions you are ioiming^let the’first be, “I will huy my FURNITURE during the’year 1889 ot the CHEROKEE M’FG CO. h This done and we won’t insist on the recital ot the other 999, but promise to merit your con¬ fidence by giving ym the best goods for the least money. UNDERTAKING. Our Undertaking Department, in charge of Mr. T M Kirby, is kept complete, and his services are at the disposal of the public at any hour, LVMBEB. We carry an immense stock of all manner of BUILDING MATERIAL, such as imigii and dressed Lwrabe', Flooring, Ceiling, Railing, Bal/u.-te.s, Scroll Work, iShingb s, Laths, <fce. We make a specialty ot lui nisliing esiimales. Contractors and build, is ate solicited tog. xamiiie out woi k“aml get OUl’ puces, JET Furniture Sa.les Room next door to De Journette & Co. , ) Dalto’h Ca. Cherokee M ? fg. Comp’y. Mew Hardware Store! ,... on ; oo.... We lake t!ii« I’rp!hod PI'inf ruing the pnoplo of N rth Georgia, genei I v. trint vv Cure now npeni g one of the M :t Complete and Bast Selec edstock ofilARB VV \II 1C ever brought. t<> this market. w e iiMv Bcu htcurc, ntir Siock tor SPOT* CASH! Turn-thirds of same having been bought Irom the mnnufat lurerB. and iu cur load lots. WE WILL EOT BE UEI) ELI SOLD! Our stock will be kept replete at all times, and if we do not happen to nave what you want. *u will get it tor you. All we ask is a trial. We propose giving Dalton wliat site has never bad_ SHARP CO.,!PETITION IN THE HARDWARE LINE! You s t lily, JOHN BLACK & CO. New Drug Dr. Wilson Brown, gtadunte of tliv Miss- m i h Med¬ ical College at St. Louis Mo., who ranks high in the p ion of .Medicine and Pharmacy, is located in the New Faun btiilduig at. Dalton (J . with a huge stock ot Dings and eveiy thing in the line of a FIRST CLASS DRUG-STORE. Dr. Brown has been for many years engagt d in the practice of Metlu-iiic and Pliaimacy in Southern I limns, and now ten¬ ders 1; is set vices as Physician and D uggist, to i lie people of Da It ii and surrounding coi.ntz y Eont forget to call at Dr. Brown’s Pharmacy in in 'the, new Fann build¬ ing, Dalton Ga. Metropolitan Hotel. A1 lanta, Georgia. Fifty yards from Union Passenger Depot. Coruor of Alabama A Pryor Streets. Bates lieasonable . R- P- KEITH, - - Proprietor. 1 [Late of Cannon House ] j j HURD & DELANT, FIIO r IOGRAPIIEfS. Fine work in all branches of PHOTOGRA¬ PHY. Gallery two doors north of Dr Main's drug store. * Remember we do not work iu a tent. Bring this advertisement to ouv gallery and get four Gem piehiies for 35 cents. Be sure to b’iiitr this card. IIurd & Dklany, Dalton Ga. Dr. J. p. Fann. Resident Drktist DALTON................GEORGIA. / All kinds«f a# SKKsSSs: err- • jAAffiSSSBWl’JyO ^1,-. style, oiiable a>.d at reas if rates. The v* ■ C,lJ,leld Plate pot . f Kis V full Bp V setsof teeth at renponable rates* Teeth extrnet# Witbogf pain by the use ol Squibb'* pureSud phuric Ether The patrorape «f the *citi»en 01 Kilhfr Murray cownfA is respectfully solicited guarantee that I will do them as goo unrk a* they can get in North Georgia, an flfoeup ** they can got it done by any &T»$ deniisti» ttccrgia.