Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The official »*aper of the County,
and cate.ed in the Post Office at Spring Place
Oa., as seo ind class matter.
Subscription Bates:
Oao year, $1 00 Six months, 50oents;Three
- months, 25oanta. Payable in advance.
Address ail commanioations t > Tn* Tihss,
Soring PUa«, da.
HOME ;news.
Use Piso’s remedy f»r Catarrh—for sale by
Anderson t Coffey,
Spring place has two flourishing
Sunday schools.
The dry weal her is beginning to
be a little monotonous.
Mr, O T Ogletree ot Allanta was
visiting in town last week.
1000 Hats at half price at the
Sample Store in Daltou
I'r. J P Fann was mixing among
his friends in town Tuesday.
Piscatorial exercise is being in
dulged tn freely the-*e days.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Bfr
The frnit crop has never been
more promising at this season of
the year.
Call on J Trotter & Sons. Dal¬
ton Ga. for your lime—1. per
barrel. . •
A slight frost was perceptible
several mornings during the recent
cool spell.
Those attending the picnic at
Cohutt* last Saturday report a
good time.
Goods Cheap°r than any
whore at the Sample Store
Dalton Ga.
Mrs. W T Rodgers and Mrs. Pi
per of Chattanooga spent Sunday
in the village.
^all at the Drug Store of Dr.
John F Harris' for fresh (hugs pat¬
ent medicine &e.
P of. Showalter will superintend
a singing convention at Oak Grove
on next Sunday.
The U S. deputv marshals have
been preaxbulating in Mn*ray a
good deal of late.
The interest is growing in the
pjgyermeeting in town. May it
continue to prosper.
Dr. Lukens and Rev. T II Trip¬
lett of Dalton paid Spring Place a
visit on last Saturday
i -----■-—- n 1 -------- - t
Mrs, Maggie Stowa t has return¬
ed from a 'engthy visit to Chatta¬
nooga and Cleveland Tenn.
The infant claugbier of Hon. J C
Clements died, at Louisville, Ky„
recently, of whooping cough.
What will be the next sensation¬
al act in Spring Plact?—not the
burning of the town wo hope.
There will be a communion ser¬
vice held at the Baptist church on
the 3:d Sunday in this month.
A magnificent lot of Bnegies
for sale at T A & S E Berrv's, for
cash or on time till fall at 8 per cent.
Pleasant Valley church held
their communion service last Sun
day. A large congregation was
.present. ^
Two car loads of wagons on hand
at T A & S E Berry’s—Low for cash
or on time with 8 per ceut interest.
Those who are so foTtunale as to
have a strawberry patch, are -boast¬
ing, ot strawberries and cream
these days
-- - - « ■ -—
The North Georgia Canning Co.
DaltoD, buv all kinds of produce
for cash Don’t sell until you see
Col. T Starr and Dr. J F Harris
purchased some real estate last
week off oi (be north west corner
of the Ogletree farm.
Take all Tour produce to (he
North Georgia Canning Co-, Dalton
Ga. and get the highest market
price in CASH for it
Nick Vance's mule changed its
mind the xther day and when Nick
became conscious of the fact ht
was standing cn his head at a dist¬
ance of several feet away from the
M. II. Brum!dotte, Tax Re¬
ceiver, is visiting the various
portions of t ! e county, taking
in the tax retars.
Samples of all kinds, Clothing
Hats, Notions and other Goods at
holt price for two weeks at the
sample Store Dalton Ga
If yon have got a farm, gold mine,
horse, cow. wheat, potatoes, or any
thing that yon want to make quick
sale of, advertise through the Times.
T A & S E Berry have oq hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
lit e of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
The controversy between ‘Dannie,’
and ‘A. L. W., will be published
just as it reaches onr office, unless
we receive authority t> make cor¬
rections,'should we find errors.
■ w “♦ - -^i i -
W J Johnson has received a full
line of Gents Ladies Misses and
Children's shoes, to whiclbhe asks
a liberal shore of the trade of Mur¬
ray county. „
-♦ — ..... -
James Ellis, near town has been
sick for several weeks, and on last
Monday the neighbors gathered in
and worked his crop out for him.
This is a practice that should be
adopted in all neighborhoods.
Wanted, 1000 Hens, will pay cash
for same; also Butter, Eggs and
Frying chickens,
North Georgia Cawhiso Co.
Dalton Ga.
We are in receipt cf an invitat ion,
inviting the Times to attend a pic
nic and public speaking, given by
the Tiger Creek Farmers Alliance*
to be held at Shield’s Mill, Catoosa
county Ga , six miles west ot Var*
nells on next Saturday, the 11th,
We are requested to invite,
thiongh the Times, all Alliance men
rf Murray to attend. Rev j R
Speck, through invitation, will at*
tend and address the assembly.
W A Cannon’s, Dalton, Ga.,
is headcpi alters for clothing
and gents furnishing goods.
Next door no: th of Hardwicks
bank. Don t fail to call before
purchasing elsewhere.
There were steps taken
on last Tuesday to raise a sum
for tLe Soldiers Rortie, and
it was decided that at a suita¬
ble time, later in the season
when the tarmevs have leisure
time, to call a reunion meeting
ot the ex-confederate soldiers,
aud citizens at larg^ and have
a few appropriate addresses
and other refreshments suita¬
ble occasion, aud give all an op¬
portunity to contribute some¬
thing to this worthy cause.
All persons wishing to oblain em¬
ployment in the Canning Factory
are rtqur.sted to call at the office
of the Company and give their
names to the Secty. at once. Will
want 50 to 75 women and children.
North Georgia Canning Co.
Dalton Ga.
The firm of T A & S E Berry, of
Dalton, is one of the leading firms
of North Georgia. It has stood the
storms and yet stands on a firm
foundation, growing and prospering,
with its name written high upon
the commercial bulletin.
Their honest straightforward
way of.doing business has gained
for them a large patronage from,
not only the county in which they
are looated, hut the surrounding
counties. Thty are always supplied
with a fine assortment of goods and
ready to wait on their customers
wuh promptness. They also keep
their business before the people in
the county newspapers.
For a long time the cleaning oft
of the grave-yaxd has b en neg¬
lected. Nfxt ,Fiiday, May, 10th
has been set apart for that purpose
and all who are interested are
earnestly requested to be present,
wilh suitable tools and assist in
this long neglected duty.
■ was well attended on !h,
Tuesday, and passe 1 some irnpo
tant resolutions which will appea r
in our next issue.
Hats for evrey body nt J M Ker¬
ry‘e, Dalton.
Shoes for the Multitude at
J M Berry’s, Dalton, CHEAP.
Get J M Berry’s prices on
Flour, Meat, Coffee, Sugar &c,
&g, when in Dalton.
When in D.ilton call and see J M
Berry’s new style Prints, Indigo
bines, latest style Ginghams—
Lawns both white and figured—36in
wide, Batteste—Henriettas &e &c,
the finest selection in Dalton.
Lirn will acquire new test, and cheerful¬
ness return, if you will impel your liver and
Kidneys to the performance of their functions.
Dr. J. H. MoLean’s Liver and Kicney Balm
will stimulite them to healthfu action. $1.00
per bottle.
Take jour watches to E E
Brown the Dalton Jeweler and have
them correctly adj listed by skill¬
in'. workmen. Promptness and go,"d
work at reasonable prices guar
Neuralgic JPersans
Brown’s Iron Bitters. Genuine
has trade mark and crossed red lines on Wrapper.
For Spectacles anti Eye-Glasses
for the yonng and old, who have
defective eves, call on Dr. J F
Harris at his New Drug Store
North of the court house. No
charge for testing eyes.
Or you are all worn out, really good lbr nothing
it is general IRON debility. BITTERS. Try
BROWS give good appetite, Sold _ .
It will cure you. and dealers in a medicine.
by au
Local Paragraphs
ARE YOU MADE miserable by Iudijestion.
Constipation, Diuiness, Lost of Appetite, Yel¬
low SkinT Shiloh’s Vitalii*r is a positive cure.
Sold by Anderson and Coffey.
SHILOH’S CUhE will immediatily re ieve
Croup, Wooping Caugh and Bronchitis. Sold
by Anderson and Coffey.
If you want a big bargain rn
ready made clothing, now is your
time since T J Ovb y has just open¬
ed out his e'egant line of spring and
summer goods—Try him, he guar¬
antees bargains rfnd will save you
money by dealing with him.
THE Rev. Geo. II THAYER, ot Bourbou
md., says: “Both myself and wife owe our
Sold by Anderson and Coffoy.
“HACKMETACK,”« tasting and fragrant
perfume. Price 25 aud 50 cents Sold by
Anderson and Coffey.
A beautiful and tasty line of la hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s
FOR DYSPBPSrA and Liver Complain
you have a printed guarantee on every bottje
of Shi|oh*s Vitajiicr. It never faijs to oure.
Sold .by Anderson and Coffoy.
Saddles, Harness and Bridle?
can be boughtat T J Ovbey’s cheap¬
er than you can get them anywhere.
A NASAL INJEC TOR free with oach bottle
of Sbiioh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents,
So|d by Anderon and Coffey.
WHY WILLYOU cough when Shiloh’s Cure
will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 5
ots.,and$l. Sold by Anderson and Coffey,
Ladies and Gents best hand made
with a large assortment of the best
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at T J Ovbey's. Wo only
ask you to price ihem, and we
know you will buy lhem.
tivecure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Cank
mouth. Sold by Anderson and Coffey
F. L. Keith,
Dealer In }
Whiskies, Brandies, t nd
WINES, tor Sacramental
103 Bast Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Tenn.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, I will guar¬
antee my goods to be as r< presented.
M.v # ‘,00 corn whiskey is the best
in fldl market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4 IS ly
\ m »1:
i IT Fai
1629 Arch Street. Pl.UMd’a.
-... iea» auch *t«eet, p ^. Vmila. - m
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered bask and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dallon in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. nj. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. rc. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
n*priSRSS depends very much on (he con¬
dition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of
life make but little impression on those whose
digestion is good. You can regulate your liv¬
er and kidneys with Dr. J. U. McLean’s Liv¬
er and Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle.
Ikixoestion results from a partial paralysis
of the stomach and is the primary cause of a
very large majority of the i la that humanity
is heir to. The most agreeable and effective
remedy is Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kid¬
ney Fillets. 25 cents a vial.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Stkkp should alwaya
ha used when children ore cutting teeth. U ew
lieves the little sufftrerat onoet it produces natural,
quiet button.” sleep, and the ft little ehersbawakesaa “bright It
as & is very pleasant to taste.
soothes regulates the the ehilu, bowels, softens and th-^ums, is the best known allays all remedy pain,
for other diarrhoea, Twenty-five whether arising cents from bottle. teething or
ouuses. a
Da. J. H McLsan’s Strengthening Cordial
and Blood Purifier, by its vitalising pro] arties
will brighten pale cheeks, and transform a
pa e, haggard, dispirited woman into one of
sparkling health a d beauty. $1,00 per battle.
Puns in the small of the baok indicate a
diseased o ndition of the Liver or Kidneys,
which may be easily removed by the use of
Dr. J. U. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm.
$1 00 per bottle.
A frke and easy expectoration is produced
by a few doses of Dr. J. II. McLean’s Tar
Wine Lung Balm, in all oases of hoarseness,
sore throat or difficulty of breathing.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dallon, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and oat with
him when in Dalton.
Sick headache is th > bane of many lives.
-To care and prevent this annoying complaint
use Dr. J. II. McLean’s Little Liver and Kid¬
ney Fillets. They are agreeable to take and
gent e in heir action. 25 cents a vial.
When you are in Dallon dont
lorget that .L Bucholz keeps the
the standaid confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the MuiTay
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug Btore.
Persons who lead a life of exporter are
subjeot to rheumatisin, neuralgia and lumba.
go, and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J.
H. MoLoan’s Volcanic Oil Lineament; it will
Danish pain and subdu 1 inflammation.
Far bette - t' an the harsh treatment of
medicines whioh horribly gripe the patient
and destroy tbs coating of the stomach. Dr.
J. McLean’s Chill and Fever Cure by mild yet
effeo ive action wi l cure. Sold at 50 cents a
bot Ij.
For 1889
The largest ami mofat complete
Btock of goods Ihat has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey
Frequently aorideitts occur in the house¬
hold which cause burns, cuts, sprains and
bruises; for use in such oases Dr. J. H. Mc¬
Lean’s Volcanic Oii Liniment has for many
years been thesonstantfavorite family remedy
Undue exposure to cold winds, rain, bright
light or malaria, may bring on inflammation
aud sorent ss of the eyes. Dr. J. H. McLean’n
Strengthening Eye Salve will subdue the in¬
flammation, cool and soothe the nerves, and
strengthen weak and falling Eye Sight )t5
cents a box.
Professional Cards.
U. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Laic
SrRttra Placb, Gioroia.
f af tention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection ot
J. J .Bates,
SFRING.Pt.ACB, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
0. N. STABR, vkammbli. STABR
Calhoun, Ga. Spring Place,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Promptattention giv.n to aUl.galhuslne,
M. M. Leonard,
t. Georgia.
done on
suoic nonce.
J. F. Trey itt,
l^ Dealer in All Kin- stf i f
Furniture, Caskets, Cof¬
fins and Marble work.
Also hive in stock the Indesti uctible Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalic casket.
We have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever fcrouget to this market, trom Finest, to commonest, at
prices iiom $1.75 to 25 cts per yard, liave an EXHIBITOR,
so that you can readily see just bow a carpet will look on the
floor before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins and Caskets,
sold at Bottom prices, and dont ycu forget it.
Business House’under Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
lew York Store.
Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
New Goods, latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goodri Notions and Trimmings!
Ladies of Murray county call and examine our nioely selected Goods,
Hats,’Bonnets, &u, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harr s & Davis,
Woodlawf, -OOiOO Georgia.
-( DEALERS ’IN ' r
General Merchandise and Count y Produce.
IAMMX -maos
Hillinery Goods.
Just Received »l the Miliiieij Store ut
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery end Straw Gocs-^onsisting of Straw
Bonnets ami Ladies’ and Children’s llatr [trimmed aid untrimined] Neck
and Ribbons, Vilvet Rlbhon", Neck Tics, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Onr goods
were bought of the Isrgestand best importing House s in Balti¬
more and New Yort, and will be sold at very taw
prices for oasb.
1889. 1889.
T. J. O Y B E Y,
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have cm hand, and will keep the best line <>f Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the maiket.
J3grAl9o a lull stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries &c., and will self at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The beet East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Suga r, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lcnoil’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats oMbe latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E. E. Brown,
HU Thy Jeweller.
ralton, Georgia.
Keeps reliable goods at reliable prices.
1 wish to call espeunl attention to my line of 8pectacl« s atid
Eye Glasses.
By the aid of the Dioptric Eye Meter I can defect th > eauso
of defective vision nnd tell exactly the kind of It ns
correct it.
our eyes, whether you buy or notf
■ R. P. Baker's Drug Stole, Dalton, 6a