Newspaper Page Text
_______ China U . _ _. ______________ 1 rr jn rr L T B1T[t W-T
larger than Europe.
A Majority of Presidents __ have blue
Twent,-8.e po «... .1 wb.
rob and steal are detected.
Plymouth __ still ... *
A (Conn.) dwelling .. oc
copied waa .retted in 1677
Ibo .range helgb. ei nl.nta
man is 08.1 inches; woman, 63.9
incuts. { „. M
Fifteen boys in the Pittsburg cooking
school have taken prises for efficiency in
The Samoan Islands are in the Soffih
ero Pacific, about a six weeks’ sail from
San Francisco.
An apple tree near Fresno, Cal., is re¬
ported to hare borne one ton of fruit the
past season.
Pantomime was first played in Eng¬
land at Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre in
the year 1716.
Afterpieces were first played in Eng¬
lish theatres in 1688, a little more than
two centuries ago.
The dark oranges grown in Florida
are known there as the “African russet.’’
They are growing in popular favor.
Four of the eight Cabinet positions go
to States whose initial letter is M—Min¬
nesota, Missouri, Michigan and Maine.
It is stated that 43,000,000 copies of
the Moody and Sanky “Gcspel Hymns”
have been sold in the United States and
The oldest tree in the world is sup¬
posed to be one of the big trees in Cala¬
veras, California. Its age is calculated
to be 2,595 years.
A manufacturer of hypodermic
needles in Portland, Me., says he has
sold 25,000 of these dangerous iustru
ments since 1886.
Lewis Minthort, of Shawano, Wis., is
the father of twelve children. Ho has
the distinction of being the fatiier of a
family composed enlircly cf triplets.
A gigantic oyster has been dredged
up oil Christchurch Head, Hants, Eng.
It weighed 3) pounds, was 7 inches
long, ami equally bread, 16 inches in
circumference, and 20J inches round the
outside edge.
A colored man in Craig county, Vir¬
ginia, has named his three children re¬
spectively, Jailey Green Bird Mayflower
Brickey, Oregon Texas Geoigianna
Brickey, nnd Molina Truxilla Eutaw Se
billa Tootatcr Brickey.
In the railway accident at Borki, Rus¬
sia, the Czarina's jewel pise was flung
out of the coach with such force that its
contents were scattered more than a
quarter of a mile, and were only recov
ered by the most assiduous search.
Justin Jones, the story writer, who
died in Connecticut recently, was accus
tomed at times, it is said, to step to his
case and set a story in type without first
writing $ out, composing the narrative
to the click of the types as they rattled
into his stick.
A paper circulated exclusively among
detectives advertises a cane that is a
novelty in its way. It is, in reality, a
complete breech-loading rifle, and has a
hidden hinge at the right distance from
the handle, which allows it to be bent
into the shape of a gun stock. It can
then be raised to the shoulder, and as
accurate aim taken as with any rifle. .
Bowed Low to the Grand Dnchcss.
This incident happened to me in Ger¬
many some years bank. Tho train for
Pottsdam to Berlin had just entered tho
staton, the coupe door was unlocked and
I was just prepared to alight, when I
felt myself roughly seized by the neck
and a rude voice shouted in my ear.
“Stand hack. Her Royal Highness,
the Grand Duchess of Baden.”
I looked up, and for the first time
noticed that a piece of Brussels carpet
had been laid from tho curb of tho pi at
form close to the car and into the wait¬
ing room. A slim, middle-aged woman
emerged from the compartment, de¬
scended the car steps and walked across
the carpet, while a big crow d of men
took off their hats and bowed almost to
the ground. When tho Grand Duchess
had disappeared, the carpet w’as sud¬
denly whisked up from the ground and
the ordinary passengers permitted to
leave the train.— -Citizen.
Shetland Ponies.
, The average size of a Shetland pony,
Bays the Mark Lane Express, is forty
four inches; if they are higher than that
they are not so valuable, but the highest
prices are obtained for those that are only
forty inches or under, those being scarce
and much sought after. A good many
yean ago Sir Arthur Nicholson, Fctlnr,
introduced an Arab stallion into Orkney,
which he crossed wJh the native marcs.
The product was a larger pony, very
hardy, swift and active, but too big, ex¬
cept for some purposes. The Fetlar
ponies are still quite distinguishable
from the original stock, on account of
their sjze. • '
itself ^ • pHvttBg® oiitfete, tdr WKJ twfc Tl6lN0ftkp&T if needs he, tha 10
to lor
b^n^dt ADyilits^ ® psblic is
I | tie. It ply the interested. of _ H. . R. Warner '
is custom A Oo.,pro
j gil5j^i3^4|5at?SS one tors of the renowned Kidney and liver Cate
at<xlica! pamphlet* The writer has taken the
liberty books, to examine one of these marvelous little
»nd finds food far criticism, but before
fflffTB&S 1 S5S1S."gS« T4B
bymptonw First—More Apparent,” adults we find:
are carried off in this
ether country by malady chronic kidney discaso than by any
one except consumption.—Th oruj>
Second—Deaths from suoh dbea eg are in¬
creasing Eduards. at the rate of 250 percent a decade.—
its Third—Bright’s long Disease has no symptoms of
own, and may exist without the knowl¬
edge be of felt the patient or practitioner, as no pain
win in the kidneys or their vicinity.—
Bober: s.
Fourth—In the fatal casco—and most cases
hare hitherto been fatal—the symptoms of dis
ea-od different kidneys will first appear in extremely
organs of the body as stated above.—
Thompson. Fifth—Only
when the diaea-o has reached its
final and fatal stages may the usual symptoms
of albumen and tut* casts appear in the water,
i nd will great pain rack the diseased organs.—
Thompson. Sixth—Bright’s
three stairs of development, Disease, which usually has
is a nniv real dis¬
ease in Eugland and America.—Hoberts and Ed¬
Th ompson is authority for saying that more
adults are carried off in this country by kidney
disease than any other malady except con
sumption. cle Under'Warner’s “Safe Cure” arti¬
claiming on Consumption, be quotation we find a paragraph
to a from a publicat.on
issued by Br.miptouHospital ior Consumptives,
Loudon, of England, wbioti states that 52 per
cent, the patients of that institution have
Brekmer, unsuspected kiduoy disorder. Dr. Herman
an eminent Gorman authority, alBO
g iys that Consumption is always dne to deficient
nutrition of the lungs, because o. bad blood.
Medical science can ro longer dispute the
fact that the kidneys arc the principal l)lo ;d
purifying iliey organs of the liftman system, and ir
are <li-eased end thus fail to expet the
uric acid poison or the waste matter of the
blood, as the blood pares through then; two
great organ?, tlio ‘•Site Cure” claim is correct,
and the reasoning of its proprietor holds good.
There is no doubt bir that in too many in¬
stances the medic l.fiateroity do dor for symp¬
toms, instead of striking at tho ro it of Uio d.e
ease, and that under th is form of treatment
many We pat.ents cinnot, die. how.
ver, see tho neccoity of
continually vertising modicai flooding books, tho conntry when with these ad¬
told their story once
well is enough for the time be ng. People,
information, as a rule, now-a-days, and believe go to tlioir newspaper for
we >uch truths as wo
have instanced could bo proclaimed therein
more advantageously beneficially the to the public and much
moro to [roprietors.
Beating the Jute Trust.
Dr. Panknin of Chrleston, 8. O., has
some of decorticated interesting specimens of the fibre
from which the jute and okra stalks,
gum has been removed
by his recently discovered chemical pro¬
cess. Dr. Panknin lias been conducting
a series of experiments on yucca, salt
water rush and other {Hants indigenous
to his state, and his conclusion will be
awaited with [great interest, in view of
the widespread excitement over the Jute
Trust ana the determination of the
Farmers’ Allianco in several slates to
show fight. Dr. Panknin recognizes
tout it will be no easy matter to find I
cheap and thoroughly satisfactory substi¬
tute for jute, ns the butts or refuse which
bagging are imported from India by ihe
manufacturers are exceedingly
cheap. After the comparative failure of
the late John Commins, to perfect his
scheme for utilizing the marsh grass,
Dr. Panknin is not quick to reach con¬
clusions, hut he evidently thinks there
aro very favorable possibjlites in the
common South Carolina coast.
Our Lawmakers.
A New York paper has been collecting
statistics as to the occupations of Amer¬
ican, French ami English lawmakers.
Ia the House of Commons there are 670
members, of whom one-fourth aro farm¬
ers, another fourth are manufacturers, a
fifth business men, and 107, or loxs than
one-tixth, professional men, principally,
of course, lawyers. Of the 680 mem¬
bers of the French Chamber of Deputies,
270, or nearly half, are lawyers, 95 are
office-holders, 81 manufacturers, 72
furmers, and 62 tradesmen. Of the 333
American Congressmen, 264, or abput
four-fifths, are professional men, of whom
220 are lawyers, while agriculture, in¬
dustry with and commerce are each credited
a little over 20. The preponder¬
ance of lawyers is as marked in the
American Senato as in the House.
Noble Charity.
Mrs. Elliott F. Shepard the wife of
the editor of the New Yord Post, is about
to build a lodging house for women,
in New York City, which when com¬
pleted aud the in running order, she will
present Association. to Young Woman’s Christian
The house now occupiod
by Ward McAllister, formerly of Savan¬
nah, Ga., on East 16'.h street and the
adjoining Carnochan property have beeu
in purchased, architecture and a and fine structure, material to similar the
Young building, Women’s Christian Association
will be put up on that site.
The house will accommodate about one
hundred women, and will also have a
restaurant of ja n< inmates. l laundry for the conveni¬
ence the It will bo very
complete in all its fitting) and appoint¬
ments. X •
Health and Strength
Soon replace weakoe sand languor. If that tollable
medicine, Hood’s FarsapariHa, i< fair!y and fsltb
fttlly tried. It la tho best medicine to keep the
blood pure anil to crpal tho gornis of gcrofula, salt
rheum, and other poison* which causa so much
suffbripe, andeooneror later undermine the general
health. By its peculiar curative power Hood's Sar¬
saparilla strengthens the system while it eradicates
dlmaMx It Is the people's favorite spring medicine
“I know that Hood's Sarsaparilla has restored my
health and prolonged my days I was feeling badly
lor.a long time, my trouble being a general nervous
pnetrstlox, accompanied with chills and fever.
After taking are bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla I
felt so well as to be able to do my house wolf. I am
as well now as any one of my age, U yearn."—Mm
M. R. Thorp, St. Albans. Vt.
*’I think Hood's Sarsaparilla la just the medicine
toy women, or anyone who her bad blood.” Jxrrtun
E. Smith, Best Broad Top. Pa
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drngg a'a *usixfor*». Prepared only
by O. I. Hood SCO., Apothecaries Lowell, Mfss.
IOO Doses One Dollar
| 1IM. r.™u
ifllit hundred miles to tbs great lakes. This
belt of timber, trending away to the
h:art of the continent, is the greatest
forest region in ttte world. A part of it
strikes south of the Congo at the great
northern bend of that river, and the
country embraced within the big curve
is covered with a compact forest, the
towering ting and wide-spreading trees shut¬
these out forests, a large part of the sunlight. In
the rest of the completely world, live shut hundreds out from of
thousands of people who are almost un¬
known to the tribes living in the Savan¬
na the region outside. Scattered through
big woods, within the Congo bend,
are little communities of Batwa dwarfs,
of whose existence the traveler has no
inkling them. until be suddenly comes upon
Here also, along the Sankum
river, are the tree habitations described
by Dr. Wolf, where the natives lived in
buts built among the branches to escape
the river floods. It was in great clear¬
ings made in these forests that Kund and
Lappenbeck discovered some of the most
notable villages yet foutd in Africa. It
was his account of these villages that
led Bishop Taylor to choose this part of
Africa as the goal he wished to reach.
Last year the commercial company which
is Congo investigating it's steamer,-the the trade resources of the
sent Roi des Bei¬
ges, up the Ikatta river into this great
timberland, nnd the explorers described
the country along the banks as covered
with an almost impenetrable virgii for
At Rondout-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., a
man $2,000. died, leaving a property valued at
This was partly mortgaged.
The mortgago and costs involved
amounted to $1,999, thus leaving bat
$1 to be divided among the widow and
fourteen heirs. The widow will, how¬
ever, have only tho use of this dollar
during the heirs her lifetime, her death. and must leave it to
Workmen at a salt shaft in Kingraqjj,
Kansas, struck rock-salt at a depth of
075 feet. The salt is as clear us glass
and seems to be absolutely pure. It is
tho only rock salt mine west of Hew
_ _
and ’’Oh, my back!" IS a common exclamation,
It is expresses a world of misery and suffering.
singular this pain arises from such vari¬
ous wasting causes. affections, Kidney colds, disease, rheumatism, liver complaint,
pepsia, overwore and debiity dys¬
chief nervous are
causos. When thus ailing seek prompt
relief. It can be found best In Br wn'slron
Bitters. It bntlds up from the foundation by
physicians making the and blood ministers rich and and pare, recommend beading
It has use
it. cured many, and if you are a suffer¬
er, try it.
formod A Portuguese with King anti-slavery Luis society has been
as honorary president.
A Regulator.
A few Hamburg Figs will cure the worst coses
of constipation and indigestion, and thoir occa¬
sional use will prevent the recurrence Mack of Drug these
troubles. Co., N. Y. 26 cents. Dose one Fig.
Spring T
r%5 Shattered nerves, tired
brain, Impure blood,
debilitated system, all
ore the natural out
• come in the Spring. A .
medicine must be used,
•I and nothing equals
•1 •j Paine's .Celery Com¬
pound. We let others
'praise us-you cannot
help believing a dlstu
- terested party.
Brigadier-General W. L. Greenleaf, Burling¬
ton, Vt, writes: “I have used Paine’s Celery
Compound on several occasions, and always
with benefit bast siting, being very much pun
down and debilitates, I commenced taking it.
Two bottles made me feel like a hew man. a*
a general tonic and spring medicine I do not
know of its equal.”
«I have used two bottles of your Paine’S
Celery compound, and It has given entire sat¬
isfaction as an appetizer and blood purifier.”
T. L. Bruner, Watertown, Dakota.
Celery Compound
driisrglstfi, Is presorlbed endor-ed by physicians, by ministers, rocommendea praised by' by
users, spring and guaranteed medicine which by the will manufacturers, do all that is
as a
claimed for it. Uso it this spring, and see how
quickly It tones you up.
Purifies the Blood.
Full accounts of wonderful cures made by
Paine’s Celery compound after other medicines
Tlftro’s and the nothing best physicians like it. hod failed, sent tree.
fi.eo. six tor $5.00. Dru
Weils, RicHABDSON & Co., Burlington, yt.
WES child birthm
BOOS to “Motheus” MailxdoFrek.
eauMt Nervous Impotency OwnpIUnto and kindled Brirtt*. diseases, piseaia matter Htrictnjw. of bovr
Srery reader of this paper, who erpests to buy
A WATCH, 1899,
send for new which Wuefrated eend Catafogue Free. for
J. P. STEVENS A BR0., Jewelers,
47 WhltsUll Street, ATLANTA, GA.
All kinds of Silk, Cotton or Woolen Goods
handsomely dyed or cleaned.
BTSultif a Spooialty.JH
04 Walton St.. ATLANTA, QA.
t- - The Invalid's r.
Many seemingly incurable wi .
son, eftiawh, scrofula andrhe be*
cured by B„ B. B. (Botanic 1
by the Blood Balm Oo.. Atlanta. Ga. W:
to them for book filled with convincing proof.
G. W. B. Baider, living seven mile* from
od sad pronounced incurable. A single ah bottle
of B.B. B. did me more good than the doc- m
catarrh, :sss?r D. C. which he thpught IS
resisted all treatment. It 1 him
continuing its use, he was oared sound and
It. M. Lawson, East Point, On., writes: “My
wife had scrofula 15 years. She kept growing
worse. She lost her hair and her skin broke
oat fearfully. followed. Debility, After physicians emadation add and no ap¬
petite advertised medicines failed, I tried numer¬ B. B.
A, and her recovery was rapid Md., and writes: complete.’’ “I
Oliver Secor, Baltimore,
suffered from weak back and rheumatism. A
A A has proven to he the only medicine that
gave me relief.”
Railroad Signal.
John Carter, of Baltimore, has the
model of a new invention of his. It is
a danger signal for railroad crossings, on
which several patents have been taken
out. It consists of a very novel and ef¬
from fective and tripping either device, side placed of the one mile
The device on by lever crossing. with
connects a a
system of chains and pulleys,, which
themselves are connected with an electric
apparatus in a tower by tile crossing,
When a train passes over the “trip” an
electrie bell is set ringing on top of the
tower, from which a big red flag appears
nt the same time. The bell may be heard
from a point two mites distant. At
night a red light takes the place of the
flag. placed When tho train passes over sido the
trip the crossing, one the mile flag on the light other disappears of
and the bell stops ringing. The signal
is arranged to work with double tracks
or more.
Consumption, Scrofula, General
Debility, Wasting Diseases or Children,
Chronic Coughs and Bronchitis, can be cured
by the use of Scott's Evulsion of Pure Cod
Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, testify Prominent
Physicians Please read use the It and following: to “I its used great. Scott’s Value.
Emulsion for an obstinate cough with Hem¬
orrhage, Loss of Appetite, Emaciation, Sleep¬
lessness, &o. All of these have now left, and
I believe your Emulsion has saved a case of
well M. developed D., Lone Consumption.”—T. Star, Texas. J. Find
Over the 1,000 cases of pneumonia are reported
as result of Inauguration Day; 80 deaths.
(Utarrh Cored.
th*. clergyman, after years of suffering from
prescription trying every which known completely remedy, at cured last and found saved a
aim from death. Any sufferer from this dread,
ful disease to sending Prof. J. a A. self-addressed Lawrence, 88 stamped Warren
envelope Will receive the
St. N. Y.. recipe free of charge
A Radical Care far Eplleptlo Rita.
To the Editor —Please inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for the above
earned disease which I warrant to cure the
worst, cases. So strong is my faith in Its vir
tues that I will send free a sample bottle and
valuable treatise to any sufferer who will give
me his P O. and Express pearl address. St.. Ueep’y, New York.
A tf. BOOT. M. C . 183
The Mother’s Friend, used before confine¬
ment, lessens pain and makes labof com¬
paratively easy. Sold by all druggists.
Magnificent Fee.
H. M. Flagler, the Standard oil mil¬
lionaire and owner of the Ponce DeLeon
hotel at St. Auoustine, Fla., has pre¬
sented Dr. Geo. Shelton, of New York,
with securities of the par value of $50,
000, market value about $87,000, in con¬
sideration of his faithfulness and skill
in attending the case of Mr. Flagler’s
daughter, Mrs. Benedict, who died on
her husband’s jaeht off Charleston, S. C.,
a few days ago, after a long illness.
fW bon. At I>ruml»U. AIT In Accept VT V
no other. pink pill* paste- dancer
JT board boxes, wrappers, are a
V. inJftlftfrotn F*' letter, bt return uisll. 10,000 teatL
LADIES who have used them. Name Paper,
t'hicli ester them leal Co., Madison Sq. J Phlla.*PA*
Road Carts ISHH
10 BSSTHaseias!
and cat*
Name tlx* saner. If A!
fn»anBMar> ^ d •4 [express prepaid, wmalsvl ^
* PIIUU m U. 8. aPoeinH cotm
rsit*. 2 WEIGHED 1800 L98.
■ r
fif SfflSS «r. k
&£e?#£ijsr -.•
Send aSSSSSSS,® for ciicuinrs. and be oo'ivinced that he
Medicines by mail and cures.
exore&s. G^rrehniindenca
DO ANT YOU onto SEE sensible THIS.
I W In hear tram rti«*n ami women
U ever j Coonlr. Shrewd men to set under lettniettom
in our Seoret Service. Experience not nheerury. Perticulxri free.
Graanan Detective Uareau AresdaOiscimutia
‘35. CTS
YvoaPAY*^ IWWMMt ** »'
Jirdmlybytbe We have cold Big G for
A1S1.00. Sold by Druggist*.
c u m*
r) S2 8
, '- G z
‘ I— ‘n
''i 11 i
; .
* !
Si 'i* . 1
! ’ 11 if I i — -gw msmm * 1 » ' - ii j _
iliJ mnw ;
• 3 ii
^•71 & [ S!
w z?
Si • •
*V * mi •’ <r»A? '-=■
[*• * 7
TEA. .
Said Mrs. G. to Mrs. D. Said Mrs. IX to Mrs. G.
fTwaa o’er a cup of fine Bohea): “She’s changed indeed, but then,you see,
“Our pretty hostess yonder. She pub aside objection,
Has gained In looks surprisingly; And tried that famous remedy,
She seems as well as well can he! Which did so much for you and me—
What is the cause, I wonder?” Pierce's Favorite Prescription.**
For “run-down,” debilitated and overworked women, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
those Prescription Chronic is Weaknesses the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Specific fo? all
and and Diseases peculiar to Women: a powerful tonic
nervine, it imparts vigor and strength to the whole system: It promptly
cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous
prostration, rienced and debility skillful and sleeplessness. It is carefully compounded by an expe¬
Purely vegetable and physician, perfectly and harmless adapted to woman’s delioate organization
Favorite in any condition of the system.
under positive Prescription” of is satisfaction the only medicine for women, price sold bv druggists refunded!
a guarantee 1,600 in every case, or ($1.00)
out fo?many e yeara! prlnted ou 1110 bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried
Copyrighted, 3838, by World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors.
S VGttBAWt \fcVC©*S Sugar!-conted^JPellc^' LITTLE Pure,y THE Ve08table OHIG-IKTaIj LIVER and Perfectly PILLS. Harmless.
to toko. One tiny,
■s SSS
I__ SSS am chief no ers, middle dreadfully; Jan. name. and satisfied cause IS, joint. the 1889. The of is fingers Swift’s For now his nails improvement, 8 getting eamo years came Specific John oil he Peru, well, off Deihl, his suffered! Is to and fing¬ Ind. the the I I SSS [
ulcers, tact with the a result cut finger. of the The saliva nlcers of a calf coming deep andpain- In con¬
ful and showed were
Swift's no inclination to heal. I gave him
Feb. 16, Specific, ’80. and ho John Is now F. Ucakd, well. Auburn, Ala.
Send for books on Blood Poisons & Skin Diseases
free. Swur Swschctc Co., Atlanta, do.
I teas so much troubled toil h
catarrh voice. it One seriously bottle of affected Ely'? |£gt-0 yC'ATAftB*'
my m
Cream Balm did the work. WtfR m
My voice is fully restored .—
B. F- Ltcpsner, A. M.. Pastor
of the Olivet Baptiet church,
Philadelphia. ELY BROS.,66 Warren St.,N.Y. m
$5 SrHi r l€£!x
do not be dcoriva,! thereby. DCer,
Tbutuaudi of dollars are saved annually In thMoountrr by the wearers of IV. L, OOViiLA
P-'W Wi
iHfe' :
H trit, .
11 PI I
m m
Tho reputation of this Shoo is so w«U sstablished that it jp not necessary to go into da tails
*4.00 GENUINE EAND-SpWED SHOE. A (me dross »lioo made ol tl.o fet stock.
•4.00 UAND-SKWED WELT SHOE. Tiie best shoe for the price in list market.
•3.80 POLICE AND FARMERS’ SHOE. Is made expressly tor Policemen, Letter Curriers,
Railroad men and Fenners.
•S.50 EXTRA VALVE CALX SHOE. Made purposely *»heavy wear, and should laet a year.
•a.28 WORKINGMAN'S SHOE. Is spwlslly rrcomm6w»e*fer strrico ud comfort.
91.00 GOOD-WEAR SHOE. Look at them and judge for rearedf.
•3.00 and 91 .78 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. Have been tiseMugiily tossed add «tre the best sate
taction, ' CONGRESS, v » ■ AMD tAOR. : t. • v » . - -i
tperimctlted Wiiea tho ooecUon wss
to get a go*
W.t. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mbs*.
The Jew Baxter Engine, Rope and
Twine Machinery and, Manufac¬
turer of Binder T wine, Etc,
I This engine is made with all
latest improvements' from i to 13
XI. P.and huso recordnhsarposa
fid in tho history of steam motors,
livery engine is provided with ail
economic and safety app'mgces
known, and are warranted in ev¬
Rope ery respect, Every description of
and Cordage, Twine and
Bagging Machinery. And also
manufacturer of Jute B.gging,
Hemp and Flax Binder Twine,
etc, fiend for oirenlars. Address*
Please mention this JOSEPH a TODD.
paper. 8S Dey St., Now York
UiouRAftds CQNSJISflPTlON I have a positive of remedy of for the above diaeftMi by its tut
hftre cases the worst kind and of Iona "Undine th*i
I will been cured. So Btrons? is »ny fftllh In its •fnc*n' valuable
send two bottles free, together with ft
Blair Oval , sPins«r,r »4i “ 4
round 14 Pill*.
Ill f* AT^UCO 1 w n G Catalogue Cheapest free. place Send at in
America to bay. H. M. NORTON, Oobht, Pa.
A. N. U. .... Seventeen, ’89