Newspaper Page Text
■«’■ . S. B CARTER.
North Georgia Times
8000 Lives Lost.
The most lerible disaster
that has ever visited Pennsyl¬
vania is that caused by the
burstirg of an immense reser¬
voir near Johnstown on last
Week* The reservoir which
hoisted was the largest in the
United States. Itisthseeand
a halt miles long and one to one
and a half miles wide and about
100 feet deep and when its im¬
mense walls gave wav from the
heavy pressure caused by the
flood of rain, it went down the
va.ley In its mighty power,
sweeping everything in its path,
destroying from eight to ten
thousand lives. Foui miles be¬
low the dam lay the town of
South Fork where the south
lo.k itaelt empties into the Con
river. The town con¬
tained about 2,000 inhabitants.
It is thought that four fifths of
it has been swept away. Four
miles further down on the Col
pemaugh river was the town o|
ifineial Point. It had 800 in
habitants, 90 per cent of the
houses beiDg on a flat close to
the river which is thought to
be entirely swept away r . Con
nemaugh containing 2,600 in¬
habitants; Wood Vale with
2,000, Johnstown, Cambria and
Connemaugh Borough, with a
total popu’ation of 30,000, are
groaning beneath this great dis¬
aster, with the dead and dying
all over the land. The dead
are being taken from the wreck¬
ed timbers and from under the
piud and marsh by the hun¬
dred. Two thousand coffins
had been ordered, up to Sunday.
We sell ‘tbj^jpeacm Spctacleo* Optical
Company’s and eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them tiefoie pu-chasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Snort, Dalton Ga.
Eden of Georgia,
Murray county may, wisely
Lf* called the Eden of Georgia,
No one can view the beautiful
scenery of the lofty Cohutta
and drink the salutary waters
of its out-going streamlets,
without feeling that Nature
has intended Murray a lival of
the most salutary summer re¬
sorts and a paragon for her sis¬
ter counties.
I am glad that I have had
the extreme pleasune of visit¬
ing Spring Place only a few
days ago. It is a very charm¬
ing village and can boast of a
point house of the noblest
structure. Not only can Mur¬
ray boast of her eceneiy and
salubiity, but also of b-r sapi¬
ent and tlever inhabitants.
JUt with all these advantages,
Murray still lacks a link. And
the chain of her prosperity will
never be complete until tins
link has been united, until a
railroad system has given if
connection with all other coun
tries, and which, w*s hope, it
will do in the v t ry near future,
Rnd when this -has taken place.
Murray will stand n the fore¬
most rank of success and defy
any one to furnish her parallel.
But let the great panorama ol
of coming events continue to
unroll, anti before rainy years
shall have sped by, we may
joyfully say, that we we e
Wise iu saying, “For Murray,
*\ ,
AH who have ha., (rouble in
geUiug UUtsse* to exuci ty suit Uie
eye, ore invited to call a*. E E
Browns Daltou Q&. and have Mr,
Brandon, the Optician, to test their
eyes free of charge.
Navy Department.
Washington, May 7th, 1889.
Sir.—There being a vacancy
in the Naval Academy from
the district represented by you
in Congress, yon ave desired to
recommend a candidate for ap ¬
pointment. He must not be
uuder fifteen nor over twenty
years of age when examined
tor admission, and an actual
resident of your Congressional
district. The recommendation
must be made prior to the
first of July next-, as after that
date it by law becomes the du¬
ty of the Secretary of the Na¬
vy to fill the vacancy. Aeeep.
ted candidates will be required
to report for examination at
the Naval Aeadtmy on Sep¬
tember 2nd. next. Respeclul
John M. Hooo.Chf. Cik.
By direction of the Secret’i*y
of the
Hon. J. C. Clement 1 *, repre¬
sentative of the Seventh Con¬
gressional District of Georgia.
Rome Ga.. Mty 28th, 1889.
Pu:suant to the foregoing no¬
tice a competitive examination
will be held at Rome, Georgia,
on Saturday, June the 29th,
1889, for the purpose of select¬
ing a proper person to fill the
vacancy above named.
The examination will be up¬
on the following subjects:
Reading writing, spelling, En
glish grammar, arithmetic, ge w<
ograpnv. history and algeb a.
The following named gentle
tnett are ivepeciuUy • requested
to be hei e
o’clock *-Fr ihlCt
the examination.
Bartow Co.—Albert Johnson.
Catoosa Co.- - Rev. A. I. Let t.
Chattooga 0‘>.— W. T. Irvine,
Cobb Co.—II- (-. Cory ill.
Dade Co.—Hon. M A B l atum
Floyd Co-Pruf. W. G. Dilhon,
Gordon Co.—Oapt. W M Dyer.
IIuralsou Co.-D»v Ft ank Smith.
Murray Co.—W. C. Martin.
Paulding Co.—Dr. T J Foster,
Polk Co Dr—E II Richardson
Walker Co—N, C. Napier.
Whitfield Co.—Thos. D. Bard.
Such of th« gentlemen above
named as attend and such per¬
sons as any of them who can¬
not attend shall designate as
proxies and who are p esent
will constitute a quorum.
The board ot examiners will
meet at the Armstrong hotel
and there determine whcie the
examination will be held. Ap¬
plicants will report thereto
the board at the time above
J. C. Clements.
Cemmareial College LexmoToa.K?:
U* :
LooAro.n .'* 'l(K*i*iaK*T* or
BustnoM, Miort-hnud Ac Tjf|je.W'dtloft Trkgmph'7.
If.*ami Cheapest & Best Busfn+m College in the World,
HttrldM LvimMUion. (klti M. tinl r*vcr all atkaf iHoUegW. at
(•cnyrtt! ter Kvvr.-M of It.mT' c r-lng «ik 1
Hu at Iiu<*fn(*KH fc’dacn»}«»*• I 0.00ft f.r^ttfllw hl
isus Ycsvnht-ra s-rot-lo_te<i. Uo*f nf Futl Ihirtni’M
loarat', *nclctlht« fU«tr.(, atniutftQO,
Hiort*Mtt»»d» JHo Tj Dt . Write»«jr, U^BdaJiics A- epcrteltfe*.
i uCHtiou. MiHfT'flt. Ottiiraii|%>H«i Suc«a«»*i*f
l or drrul^^idruaa KiOiraliJt W. Smith, Principal, or
wllbur K. Miuith, Lu«liifU«i Ky. papf*
Neuralflic J* ei’nonsi. .
And tliose troubled with nervousness resulting
from care or overwork will be relieved by tailing
Brown’* Iron Bitters. GenU ine
his trade mark and crossed red Unci) on wrapper.
H«n. t. w. :
it, *• w
C. N. Kix-5 V
Court of ordinary meets
each month.
W. H. Rakbit, Ordinary.
J. C. McEsrr**, Sheriff.
M. H. Bramblktte, Tax Receiver,
M. M., Tax Collector.
S. M. Wai-ub, treasurer.
M. W. M. D. Goat*, IiKOWAW>, Coroner. Survey or. i
Court of OuntT Commissioners meets on
Wednesday afier 1st Tuesday in each month.
W. ivftulXf Chairman— W. Vbm, U. Covino- JaS,
ton, S. A. Gbrooby, A. B.
W. MaCKKT, Commissioners.
County School B ard—S,ll. Henry, CSC.
C. O. notritt. J, G. Spsoill, W. H. Ram
BiT, D. E. Ul'MCHBEYS^asd W. G. llAUIlB.
Town District 2nd Monday.
Hull Grouttd.Dist. A d Satur lay.
Eighth u 2nd “
Do jlitCe 4th “
Tenth 3rd u
Alaoulsa. « 2nd if <Jh
Sb ick Pen “ 2nd «
Bull Pen »( 1st ft
1013th if nt »<
Murray County Al-1 iance.
E. W. Rcmkert. P; IV E Covington, V-P.
W H Rameey,seo’y; M RCbnstnin, .reinsurer:
J 11 Phillips, chaplain; J R Speck, lecturer;
C D Gilbert, nss’t lectur r; J 8 Adington,
door-keeper; C X Vanoe, ass’t door-keeper;
Dan’i Willis,serg’t at arms.
Trade Committee—A K Rfftnsey, W T
Moore, John Berry, W H Staple*, A T Wea¬
ver, business Agellt—A K Bamsey.
Leqal Advertisements.
Georgia, Muirav CouDtv
James A MclCatny Aduu. t^the estate of
£ I, Miller, deed makes application for letters
of diBmission from tbeesiateof said deocasod.
This is to cite ail persons concemod, kindred
and creditors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said Adinr. ’ should not be discharged
from his Administration, and receive letters of
dismission on the 1st Monday iri July 1889.
This April the 3rd 1889. W U- It/MseT Ord’y,
Stat* of Gkoroia MCagsy ooi/oty.
T M McLain Adipr. of 0 lAviclnim depil,
mokes application for letteriAf ^p|is|i‘d)
iriita the estate of said d- - -
cite all pcrsoK <-jisoni]e,hji.ei
said Administrator should not' he
from his admiulstratlon, and receive letters of
dismission or. the 1st Monday J„| T tRgg,
This April the 3rd 1889. W li It«msey, Ordy.
Libel for divorce in Mu;r»y Superior,Cour
Foby. Tarm 1839.
Thomas G Faik vs. Oakwk Fits,
It appearing to the Court by the return of
tbo Sheriff in the ahovo stated ca*o* that the
defendant doe" not reside in said county, and
it fulhe- appearing,That she does not reside
in the Star. It is there ore ordered by the
Cfurt, that, service be perfected' on the de¬
le dant hy ihc publication of this IrdoT once
a mouth for four months before tho no*.
Term of this Court in the Nonta Gsobqia.
Times, a newspaper published at Spring
Place Mur ay County Georgia. Granted
T. W. Milner J. S. 0. C. C.
T S. Gourpiae, Peliioncrs, atty.
Ge- rgia Murrey County.
I hereby certify that the above is a Irtys
copy from tho A inutes of tho Court.
This March 13th. 1889, C., C.' S. G.
•» *
State of Georoia, Miirray Couhtv.
John Montgomery, Exeai. (or of the estate
Milkoy Montgomery, reprepents tft the oouu
in his petition, that he has fully administered
saiff estate. This is there ore to cite all per¬
sons cor corned, kindred anil crelitors, t«
shew cause, if any they can, why said Eioc
ut n r should not be discharged from said trust
and receivo letters of dismission on the 1st
Mond ly in September 1889. I his Juno 4lh
1889. W. II. Ramsey, Oidinary.
State of Qeosoia, Mnrray County
Whereas C L Terry, of said county his
msdc apptfenti n for letters of Gua dianship
of the proper'y of tho two minor ohildren, un¬
der fourteen years of ago, of James A and
Martlia Jane Tyier. This is to oife all oor
sons concerned to show cause, t the July
Term of this lourt, to be held the 1st Mon¬
day in July next, why letters of Guardianship
should n 4 be gran od to said C L Ter y as
prayed for. This tho 29.h day of May 1889.
W. II. Ramsey, Ordiuary.
Georgia Murray County
To ail whom it may concern: AU persons
interested are hereby notified that, if no good
cause be shown to the contrary, an order will
be grantod, on the first Wednesday in July
1889, establishing :t a w road, as marked out.
by road Commifsioncrs »p eint d for that
purpose; commencing at i’foasant Valley
Civuroh, iu taid county, and running a due
Westerly direction, by the residence of J W
and V It Ck-flsy and crossing the Cleveland
road si tv T Iysens place; thceoe west to 'he
'Dtflion road, at or near Frank Smiths iu the
i0S9th I>ls , . ' r, Jt ° M ,,,, r,U4 . 4 l8S9
' ‘ ’ -
Wm* Loffman, Ciikuuiiin Co* Buaru«
F. H. OIos, '
lemist and Mineralogist
ms ■
■ Ga
- Michigan ^ Uni¬
Mr. Olea is a graduate of
versity, and wu the; fiririCbemist lo identify
t e Tin-bearing oros.d North Go rgla, a di <
cover/ now acknowledged by .hr ties tmf Ghent
UUjinhoth America «ft.i ..a* pe. Charg.t"
IT IS THE BEST. ^ 1 *'
Scientific American
la the oldest and most popular has sclentlflo and
mechanical paper publlaheu of and the largest
ctrcuiatlon of any paper Its class In the world.
ings. Fully Illustrated. Published weekly. Bust class Send of Wood for specimen Engrav¬
copy. Price *3 a year. Four months’trial,*!.
MUM St OO., PCBIJSHEH8, «1 Broadway, N.T.
H ARCHITECTS Edition of Scientific A BU1LDERC American, id
A great success. Each Issue contains colored
lithographic public plates buildings. of country Numerous and city residen¬
and ces or full plans and specification# for engraving* the of
DATENTSL» H ed to may by Hunn be applying secur. 108 k
■ years' MO applications experience and nave made over .
Off Send for Handbook. American and Correspond- Foreign
patents. for
euce i strictly confidential.
In cose yonr mark Is not registered In the Pat
■ En Offloe. apply to Mcnn A Co., and procure
immediate protection. Send for Handbook.
COPYRIGHTS for Address books, charts, maps,
etc. quickly procured.
MI NX & CO., Patent Solicitors,
Geneuaz. omes: 861 beoadway, N.T.
SrsTk of G so ho i a Mtf*l)Vtv ConstY
Will bo told bcTOtothe court, house duo: in
the tewg of Spring .the highest hjd
dornt pnhliooutcry hcwccn the logil hours
of sale on the liist Tpcsdsy is July
,. described property to
*rt: J
° n6 »">"*« nn<1 5 Spring 4>t.« ,i hated
on ptrecl towards .Me .bhdi«t church
">0 o! M L Smith and Or Kris¬
ter,Containing one acre more or'ess. Levied
on as the property of E VTgli, by. yir'ue ef a
ft fa from Murray Superior cou-t iu favor of
T J ' vbey against C K Wall This May 29th
pgoD. J. C. McBSTSRK, Sheriff,
fi§® 0 |g|y
The i?eni Sdutiicrn for a l\
tei^j nite-AWY f^vvvno Jo r*ot ITtuw (>? iLls
• AC-io lu-QWlitg -LbmgsitV" ( t cur n « i;;:lnUii
Uiid JuII.-j; !m.t Y.i'f'S' p}\Y v* afv b "tbv:
(fw IsW!a piirplo t«Kr>\ v. m« h Sh owvy Cl'
k!?,' navi* witon fit l,H -wnt oYgry. sbur o, h n urfti
in LL r.’i.'ir'.VhU mV.v,
If When It- 1: S’. uoiisHoro *1.T -it hum UN sTf* I nr-Vr-jY at thte ;oa, D:< scaeonot ,-ststore'i. “
- the year. ■ jdil.oi nurl attache or Die
tmwela tt» eu irequ-ja: 1 wliwr of i.o nu-uy
t.ald. slioul.- p.ovlue thense'v.-.) With 'cj?.
on VLOR. ! !u:a^fr^ dUfrtl
h ^mptiOD. pnoc ag'cts. and j\ iKitlteL
- v: pife'JBSWWW
J Ar \ '•4' •.;) b • • ■ IG'uiiiPf the
.- . A a 4 - Ji.t.f-H !«.s S5y«
J itF bin.- um
i'b- A i : ' .cjuten.
. v * ■ t L - .’J pr-UflU
• .1 • ’!t‘s *: m\t
'•Met ’>> ■■ ; • ’bitty- find
' - j- .1 "i- ’ ■> : p<}
?•’ ' < «
i- - j. ' ' M thLeei:
-Jt USE mi
^ cattle powder.
I r Sgpg PREVENT &
-*#eoAN ■LI :vi
W l CURE SHEEP RM, co*Jf. &c.
manufactured bv the VSTEI
For Sale By
AFDEFFON 4 fCFlET, Pprlfj Rice* Ga , Centiel Agents.
A. S.Vxki*o, WoodUwn Ga. Hamm Jt Moktok, Leughridge_Ga.
Payne A^SaauiLL, Pumacli ®- C. Eaknkst, Hastier Mills
„ u
L. F. CtAsa, Ft. Mountain Gs. Pattewon A Jobxeok 1 ennis Ga. A. K.iRamset, Raarsey s*
: ---:-—-
Cherokee Manufacturing
We begin the new year by the r
friends for the liberal patronage™ ■BSs
Of the thousand new it solutions you are lo' ming'let the first
he, l ‘I will buy my FURMTURE during'the^year 1889 f ot
the CHEROKEE M’FO CO.’ This done and we won’fe|ioaist
on the recital of the other 999, but promise to merit your con¬
fidence by giving, y ju the belt goods for the least rneney..
Our Undertaking Department, in charge of Mr.
T M Kirby, is kept complete, and his services
are at the disposal of the public at any hour,
We o«ny an immense stock < f all manner ol HVILDINO
jVATJRI/; I., ,-ut li ns K-ugh and dressed Lmnhe , Flooring,
.(Vilii-g, Rniliiig, Balltmte.s KciolV Work, hhingb-s, Luilis, &e.
yVv make n >jtci;dt\ of fun i.-liieg eslimates. Conti actors and
•build, is are solieifetl t<»2- .viuiiiiie < m \\<>i k^fuitl get our pi-ices.
l^Furniture Sales Room next door to De
Journetto & Co., Dalton Ca.
Cherokee M ? fg. Comp’y*
N e w SfardWare Store!
.. . . no ; no.... .
Wo u;.p th's i> pthrid c( int‘ rmi->y id - i'-’-ipU: of N ' rib Georgia,
ly tMKi wt» H«e low opt*: i ra <> <y .•/ii.*j ... ■
M**bt empiete and Best selrc cdMot-k of HARD
W ]?.E t'Vt-r brnugbt to (hisnmiks'.
nr c Imvf Bi u-Jit our Entire^ <-<k forM’OT CASH!
Tw(.-:liir4e t.f mhic having keen bough l lr»m I be ta-. nuf iciurers. and
iu car load itilB.
Out- stock will be koDf|t;p ( -)i$t#» at. all times, nud if we do not bappco
to nave what you wjnt. „o will pel d for yt n. Ail we ask is a trial.
We propose giving Da!toil what she has never had—
Y u 1 1 u!y, JOHN P.I ACKTfe CO.
3 “iiipfeS&sagsI mras 8 ssa 8 sft»
«**----"Sc** fcsarss.)
$ew I>ri? (SO • Store *
Dr. Wilson Brown, abegnbi?
graduate of the Miss .nri Metl
rcal College ar 8t. Louis- Mo.
who rank- high in the p oCess¬
ion o! Medicine, and Pharmacy,
is located in the New Fann
building at Dalton G • with a
huge stock ot Di ugs and every
thing in the hne of a MUST
Dr. Brown has been for many
tears e.ngagi tl ini lie practice
of Medicine and "Pharmacy in
Southern Llinois,. and now ten¬
ders his sei vices as Pliysician
and D uggist, to the people of
Dalt. n and surrounding country
Dont forget to call at
Dr. Brown’s Pharmacy in
in‘The. newfFann build¬
ing, Dalton Ga.
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Corttor of Alabama & Pryor sti-eota.
— —Bates Keasonable,
R. P- KEITH, * - Proprietor.
[Late of Cannon House.]
Fine work in al 1
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main’s drug store. ■
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring tins vlveitbement to
"iir gallery nnd gt t four Gem
pictmes for 35 ceiiis.
Be sure to b ing this cnu\...
Hurd & Delan y.,
Dalton U».
rf 6 Dr. J. p. FaDn*
RE«!pg?IT PrlfTIJT
DALTON................GEORGIA. '
All kindsof ma>
ohaniealand tv, *r
afive f'entistryex
B eouted in first.etses
B- w tkt, 8 *d at roas
I Celluloid rata*. Tha
t\'J XT "P «» P»r*i«> Plateput
■ f *" t9Sih »•
reasonable rataa*
Troth *x tr a e t e•
without pain by the nee of Squibb’* purest ad
phurle. Ether The patronage of the oitUets
ol Murray ooknty is respsetfully toliolfeJ
wit! a guarantee that I will do them as go*
*erk as they can get in North Georgia, s»
tvs cheap as they can get anv trtl
mss Jentistin North Georgia,
; : l ■ ' . - .'r- b' -’-"'.' -