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^ U..g.....
arth G oorgia Times.
Th* Official Paper of the County.
entered in the Post Office at Spring Place
«*., a* »eo )»l el»»» matter.
agsssi ' i . ■ ■ ------ -
Subscription Rates:
One year, $100 Six months, 50oents;Three
snaths, 25 cents. Payable ia advance.
Address all communications t > Tint Tntss,
Bwing PUee, 8a, •
Use Plan’s remedy f ir Cat.irrh—for sale by
Aaderson Sc Ooffey.
Dr. J F Harris has been sick f r
a few days but is improving.
Peach Blow Potatoes for «eed.
DeJournette & Co., Dalton Ga.
/ Mis Simon Daly has return¬
ed from a visit to Daisey Tenn
Peach Blew Potatoes for seed.
DeJournette & Co., Dalton Ga
peritj beware of the
fenounced upon thee.
aS§£ Jelly Glnsses at
jTrottf r & Sons, Dalton Ga.
If you want to be h>ppy and
gj-ow rich, be industrious and en~
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber¬
Hon, John Cobb and Mr. John
Alford of Ellijay, were in town
Call on J Trotter & Sons. Dal¬
ton Ga. tor your lime—90c. per
Dr. EHL Keister was verv sick
last week, but we are glad to
state that he is better.
Gall at the Drug Store of Dr.
John F Harris' for fresh dings pat¬
ent medicine &e.
Mi-8 Mamie Patric is gradually
growing weaker and cant possibly
last but a few days.
Tennessee Bran and shorts
for sale at T. Trotter & Sons,
Dalton, Ga.
A picnic was enjoyed by a num¬
ber of tho young folks at Tread ¬
well’s J.iH on last Saturday,
Two car loads of wagons on hand
T A & SI Berry’s —Low for cash
or on time with 8 per cent interest.
Mrs. William McKaroy of Sumach*
was just at the poiot of death when
we heard from her Tuesday.
We are glad to state lhat Mrs - T
J Ramsey, who has been very lick
' for some time, is convalescing.
A Tnagnificeiit lot of Buegies
for sale at T A & S E Berrv's, for
cash or on time till fall at 8 p6r cent.
—♦ • *
The last days of Pompeii, can be
seen in Atlanta on the 6th, 10th
and 13th. It is said to be very fine.
, ■ ■ -
iy|r. Claud F. Cochrane, of At
lanta, was in town on Tuesday, in
the interest of the Atlanta Evening
We would like to see the little
girl of May Johnson’s age, that can
beat her singing, and playing on
the organ.
Rev. J R Speck was called to
the bedside of his sister at Colom
bos Ga,, who is dangerously ill, on
laet Friday.
* s i -.......
Mr. — Moors, father-in law of
Newt Bennet. of Woodlawn, died
eoddently at. the letters home on
last Saturday night.
- . .. --i
The handsome residence of Col.
T Starr is going up rapidly, and
when completed will be, by l’ar, the
orett’est in town.
We have received two com mu
nlcations which are too late for pub
liostion this week, but will appear
next, issue.
Mr. Jeff-Archer, of Atlanta, was
visiting his best girl in town this
week. Come again Jeff, boys are
in demand in Spring Place,
It is the little mites that furnish
bread for the ptint.e>s, and they
are always made happy on receiv
ing them.
The chills had a hard
time on last Sunday, on the persons
of J D Temple and J T Henry, but
gave them a good shake before
tnroiagvfhem lo ee.
John H King, of Chattanooga
in town, and will remain until he
recovers from a crippkd leg. caused
by the falling of a marble Blab on it.
Those concerned will remember
that the County Board of Roads
and Revenues, meets on Wednes¬
day after the first Tuesday in each
When you go down to Atlanta,
don’t forget !o stop at the Metro¬
politan hotel. You will be treated
right, at reasonable rates.
T A & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
Hr,e ef stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
S H Boykin is now located at the
Cole corner, in town, lor the par.
pose of cleansing feathers Mr.
Boykin is a clever genial gentleman.
We are requested to an¬
nounce that Rev, W. L. Brown
Jr. will preach at the Baptist
church on next Sunday.
Last Friday night was a whizzer
for the 31st of Mav. ''ire and more
“kiver” were in order, and Jack
Frost, made a casual visit, without
serious damage.
Col. L. F. flenry’ has made
an addition to his house
which aads largely to the ap¬
pearance and convenience of his
The yctmg man who lounges
around home doing nothing, letting
his old mother support him, ought
to have a nice tittle dressing by
the White Caps, and be made go
to werk. %
The wheat in Murray is thought
to be a good average crop. Oats
are improving since the rain. Cot¬
ton much better than was expected
a few days ago. Corn is looking
The moon does not only give
light to the pathway, but lurnishes
an object of much speculation of
thought, especially, for the young
lovers when strolling in her soft
W A Car.non’s, Dalton, Ga.,
is headquarters for clothing
and gents furnishing goods.
Next door north of Hardwicks
bank. Don t fail to call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Hon. P McGhee and Mr. Pink
Miller, while out in a boat setting
a tr t-Iine. last week. Were cap¬
sized in wat r about ten feet deep.
They say that tbeir maneuvers aft
er the boat would have been funny
to spectators, but was anything else
but fun to them
Mrs Annie E. Carter, died at (he
residence of her son, Mr. S. B.
Carter in the village, on the 29th
of May 18:6. She was the widow
of the late William Carter whose
death preceeded her about 11
inonths. Mrs Carter was in her
651 h year aud was well known for
Her kind and generous qualities
and her tiue Christian character
She anticipated the summons
which carried her away and left as¬
surance that she was ready for the
Master’s call.
We received P 1 lette! from -
William Tuck “= formerly of
Murray county but now of
Drane Texas, in wlvch he
stater that crops are very fin
in that section. Ho also men
tious a new feature o+ the cot ¬
ton ^growers in that section,
which is to tkeep a lamp bur -
ning in their fields to collect
the millers, so they can destroy
them, and piot«ct their cotton.
The young man who' says:“I
seen my git 1 to church last
Sundry, taken her home, taken
dinner with her, went home
and written her a letter the
same night,” had better look
up on some of the simple rules
of English g.amraav before pre¬
senting any of his epistles lor
El»s*r(« aequir* new *est, *nd cheerful¬
ness return, if you wi 1 impel year liver and
Kidneys to the performance of their funelioos.
Dr. J. H. MeLean’a Liver and Kteney Balm
will stimulate them to healthful action. $1.00
per bottle. .
Many Persons
Are broken down from overwork or household
cams Brown’s Iron Bitters
For Spectacles and Eye-Glasses
lor the youug and old, who have
defective eyes, call on Dr. J F
Harris at his NiW Drug Store
North of the conrt house. No
charge far testing eyes.
uvmEs want , building „„
Needing a tonic, or children that
BROWNS S 1RONSIITTEUS. Malaria, Indiges¬
It is pleasant to take, AU cures dealers keep ft.
tion, and Biliousness.
Local Paragraphs
chitis immediately relieved by Shilo b’s Cure
Sold by Aaderson Sc Coffya.
THAT HACKING COUGH canb * so quick
ey cared by Shiloh’* Cure. We guarantee it
Sold by Anderson St Coffey.
If you want a big bargain in
reipiy made clothing, now is your
time since T J Ovbey has just open¬
ed out his e egant line of spring and
summer goods—Try him, he guar¬
antees bargains and will save you
money by dealing with him,
SLEEIILESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Curs is the Rem.
doy for you. Anderson & Coffey.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitalii rs i* guar¬
anteed to cute you. Sold by Anderson St Coffey
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s
For lame b*ck, side or chest, use Shiloh’s
Porous Plaster. Price 25 -cuts. Sold by
Anderson & Coffey.
Saddles, Harness and Bridles
can be bonglu at T J Ovbey’e cheap
er than you can get them anywhere.
CATARRH CURED, health ar.d sweet
breath seoured, by Shiloh’s Ca'arrh Remedy.
Price 50 cents. Nasal Iojeotor free. Sold
by Anderson & Coffey.
SHILOH’S VITALIZES is wllat yon need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Disiincss.
and all symptoms ofDyspopsia. Price 10 and
75 cents per bottle. Sold by Anderson & Co Boy
Ladies and Gents best hand made
with a large assortment of the best
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at, T J Ovbey’s. We only
ask you to price them, and we
know you will buy them.
SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure
issold by us on a guarantee. It c . res Cob-
8uuiptiot). Sold by Anderson At Coffey.
F. L. Keith,
-j Dealer In }
Whiskies, Brandies, i ad
WINES, for Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Tenn.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, 1 will guar¬
antee my go> >ds to be as r< presented.
My $d,G0 corn whiskey is the best
in (his market. I invile my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der/ 4lSly
\ ;i>.
1628 Aitsfi' Sfeaet PLflad’a, Pm
“Multan In parvo I”—that in, we have a great d T»
o say aud a very small space in which w say
trlefly, then, would you like some Indisputable proc
2JyKS5 -Jtgjjr^gg of'the iisagreeabfe
tortby testimonials beside. Address, '
V_ 1629 Arch Street, Pmila. P*
i" i
■■Mi L - . SIHoasn^ss; ZAtk jr*¥. ?n 4- \m
One dcso relieves Nour&Igttu Stomach Ihofcars&r 1
prov^nt Chills Pev«r, Sour 0: i
pi them onee and you wilt neves be wfthsat I*- sr.i,
Mlpoir, '
SSinufscturers ano ScIO ^tas., C’G 10UIS, DA
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and ditlton in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
Happiness deponda very much on the con¬
dition of the livnr and kidneys. The ilia of
life make but little iipprt ssion on th "se whoae
digestion is good. You can regulate your liv¬
er and kidneys with Dr. .1 H. McLean’s Liv¬
er and Kidney Baiun. $1.00 per bottle.
IxmevsTiON resulta from apa'tial paralyaia
ol the stomach and is the primary cause of a
very largo majority of the Bis that humanity
is heir to. The most agreeable and effective
remedy is Dr. J, II. McLean’s Liver and Kid¬
ney Fillet*. 25 cents a vial.
Advice to mothers.
Mrs. Winblow’s SooiHiHQ Sirup should a1w«v«
be used when children are eutdng teeth. It aw
Uevast.h*Uttlu8nffererntouoe*itprodaoe*nrttural, quiet sleep, and tlie little cherub awakes 'bright
ns ■
aa a button.” it is very pleasant to taste. It
soothes the chiM.softensthegums.alluysallpain,
regu lotos the bowels, and is the best known remedy
for other diarrhoea, whether Twenty-ttoe arising from bottle. teething or
causes. cents a
I)k. J. H McLean's Strengthening Cc rdial
and Blood Purifier, by its vitalising properties
will brighten pale oheCks, and transform a
pa e, haggard, dispirited woman into one of
sparkling health a d beauty. $1,00per bett’e.
Pains in the small of the back indioate a
diseased c ndition of the Liver or Kidneys,
which may be easily removed by the use of
Dr. J. II. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm.
$1 00 per bottlf.
A FBur. and oasy expectoration is produced
by a few doses uf Dr. J. U. McLean’s Tar
Wine Imng Bairn, in a’l cases of hoarseness,
sore throat or difficulty ofbreathing.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around aqd oat with
him when in Dalton.
Sirs hcadaoho is th ■ banc of many lives.
To cure and prevent this annoying complaint
use Dr.J. li. McLean’s Little Liver and Kid
uey Fillets. They are.agreeable to take and
gent e in t beir action. 25 cents a vial.
When you are in Dalton dont
iorget that L Bucbolz keeps the
the standaid confectionaries mid is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
Persons who lead 8 life Of cxposler are
sllbjeot to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumba.
g»i and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J..
-H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Lineament; it will
banish pailf and subdu j inffamiuation.
Far b«m." t' I an the harsh treatment of
medioi*w|p!M<A (Lntrvy tftc coating horribly of tho gripe stomach# the patient Dr*
J, McLean’s Chili and Fever Cure fey mild yet
tfleo ive action wi'l cure. Sold at 60 cents a
hot le.
For 1889
The largest ami most complete
stock of goods that has been in
Spiing Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of f J Ovbey
Frequently ao;idetits occur ia the house¬
hold whioh cause .bums, outs, sprains and
bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. Mc¬
Lean’s Voloauio .Oil Liniment has for many
years been thecoastan’-f^YorUe family remedy
Undue exposure to cold winds, rain, bright
light or walatia, may bring on inflammation
and soreness of the eyes. Dr. J. II. McLean’s
Strengthening Eye Salve will subdue the in¬
flammation, cool and soothe the nervos, and
strengthen weak and fatting Eye Sight 25
cents a box.
Professional Cards.
H. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Laio
Seeing Place, Georgia
j tention to all le
Prompt al given
i& business and the collection of
J. J .Bates,
Spring ‘Piack, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business end the collection ol
o. n.btxbr, TRAM HELL BT A RR
Calhoun, Ga. 8pring!?iace,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt a ttentiou given to all legalbusine.
M* UL Leonard,
Ft, Moun cain, . Georgia.
All w’ork promptly done on
short notice
J. F. Trevitt,
{ Dealer in All Kinds cf )■
Furniture, Caskets, Cof«
fins and Marble work.
Also hive in stock the Indent luctible Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalie easket.
We have on exhibition the largest liue of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to commonest, at
prices from $1.75 to 25 cts, per yard, iiave an EXHIBITOR,
so that you can readily see just how a carpet will look on' the
floor before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins and Caskets,
sold at Bottom T prices, and dont you forget it.
g^jpBusiness House’nuder Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
If e w York Store.
Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
Kew Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods,
Hats, Bonnets, &o, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harr § & Haris,
WoODLAWN, -00.00 Georgia.
General Merchandise and Count y Produce.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received ul the Millnerj Store ol
.J, & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia,
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goe^a, consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’ and Children’s liats [trimmed and UHtrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Nock Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our gooda
were bought of the largestund best importing IIouBcsin Balti¬
more and New YorK, and will be sold at very low
■ ; ■ prices for cash. .
1889 . 1889 .
T. J. O Y B E Y,
Spring Place, Georgia.
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best liue of Gents re&dy
mude clothing, on the miiiket.
larAfeo a full stock.of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes; Hard¬
ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Le noil’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be ttld
at Rock bottom prices for cash or bailer. tlf
E. E. Brown,
i J .ATE NT •s
T (k. LEVIN.
or an y detect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ao
curately and skillfull corrected by G H Biandon tho Optician at £ IS
Brown’s, Jeweller, Dalton Ga, No charge for testing the Eye.