Newspaper Page Text
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K - PubUsuer*.
«t rsss==r.----
Sumach Dots.
The Timks:—T his morniog,
June 15th, it con tin ups to rain.
It has showered, ilotil the far¬
mers are ready like one of old,
if they bad faith enough, to
pray for the rams to cease.
Though crops are conrng Aut
fast, and so is the grasa
Mrs. Matilda M< Camy, wife
of River Bill McCamy, died on
the 13th inst., a*ter along con¬
tinued illness. She was loved
and esteemed by all who knew
her. Funeral services were
held at Sumach church, Rev.
8 II Henry officiating. Her
remains were interred in Su
mach Cemetery.
The congregation attending
the McCamy Chapel quarterly
meeting on last Sunday was
unusually small; though quite
. an interesting sermon was
preached by I Ider Lowrey.
School will close at this place
next Friday. The boys and
girls are expecting a nice time
next week. Some of the boys,
we fear, will leave their hearts
with the Sumach girls when
school is out and they return
to their homes.
We have no mines to boast
of in this vicinity, but’ what is
better, p» i ace and harmony
re'gns, and we have plenty ot
Irish potatoes, beets gardens
frying ehickpns and pretty
girls. Lector Ben kvole.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles; and eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before pm chasing else¬
where. 8. J. McKnights New
Drug Snore. Pgljgfl t'j&f.
, . - m
P^uestea to meet in convention
at the court house in Atlanta
at 12 o’clock, m,, July 10th,
L. P. Thomas, ShfF. Fulton Co.
N H McGinniss, “ Gordon “
Jno. W Weir, “ Clarke ‘
J A Hurst, Thomas “
J A Hillstnao, “ Morgan
"W II Phillipps, “ Jasper “
J O Beauchamp “ Butts “
State papers please copy.
All who have had trouble in
getting Glaseea to exactly suit the
eye, Hre invited to call a*, E E
Browns Dalton Ga. and have Mr,
Brandon, the Optician, to tent their
eyes free of charge.
Near Washington, in Wilkes
county, there lives a man of 75
years by the name of Isaac
Dickson, who last year raisec
100 bushels of Irish potatoes
ami 3('0 bushel ot sweet pota¬
toes off the the same acre ot
ground. He is a haul worker
and did all the labor himself
The way he did was to put in
sweet potato slips between the
hills of Irish potatoes when lat¬
ter were about matured and
then as he dug the Irish potji
toes lie would lull tip the svm t
potato Vines.
Tlie voice of t.hi people from
Rabuu Gap to Ty bee Lights is
tor better educational facilities
for the rising generation. It is
nigh time for Georgia to put
a higher premium on braitis
nyri manhood.
$700,000’ has been giveh (o
the Johnstown flood ku fl'eivis
Mild yet they need much more.
TW *1.* -
of tin survi ;<vr* <<f
iment will W h- Id at Conyers
Pa. oh the 24th and 25th of'
July npxt. Application has
been made for a reduction of
rates lor members, their fam¬
ilies and guests. We hope for
a full turnout as the prospects
for a jolly good time is very
flattering. Write me if you
intend to -be with us.
Gko. W. Maddox, Sec.
Emerson Ga.
There is one matrimonial rule
which can be dependedon as of
universal application. A hus¬
band will nevsr find any diffi¬
culty in footing his wife’s bills,
provided t]b« wi + e is so put to
gether that she is not ashamed
to foot her t usband’s stockings.
1 he Daiton District Confer¬
ence of the M. E. church, South,
will meet at Summerville Ga.,
July 24th and tod till the 28tb.
The delegates will do well to
remember the date
A Dakota paper contains the
following notice: “If John
Jones, who deserted his wife
and babe twenty yeais ago,
will return, said babe will
knock the stuffin out of him.”
Go, John.
A millner made a fortune in
that business by placing a par*
rot at th«*door- which was
taught to say of eyry lady
passing “oh, how sweet she
President Harrison is being as
freely cursed by officeseeke s as
he was freely praised last tall
by the same ekes. It was thus.
T. N. Jones of Catoosa
county. ~ made $1200 on his
strawberry patch this spiing. ^
of that city, a
daughter of the late President
Cox of LaG:ange Female Col¬
lege. Immediately after the mar¬
riage the coup 1 ©, accompanied
by the two daughters of the
groom, left tor a tour of
The Calhoun Baptist church
will be dedicated the 5th Sun¬
day in Juue by Rev. Dr, J R
Hawtho ne.
Dr. Oaygood, long known
as a Fader among Georgia
Methodists, will go to Sheffield,
Alabama to establish a female
coll ge. With Hawthorne and
Havgood Sheffield will prosper.
. —i. ..«». . ..
Toao Woolfolk has by thi^ time
been before the jury with his state¬
ment; the jury has retired, and a
vet diet probably boon readied. The
general impression is that ho will
Portable Corn Mills asd Millstones.
wynli^ thAnany feod. It cnU all broil# laattur beftcr
known stone or buhr.
-I! 3 -»•“
K. 0. MILL2T0NS CO.,
PJtMEHroor ' MOORS CO.. N.C,
y '
- •
n erst,
° Monday Jo
u v
M. M.
W.D. Oorener.
tf Oommisstoneis meet* on
Wedneeday lit Tuesday In each month.
W. Lws Chairman—W. B. Covtso
ro« # fi. A.’ onr, A. B. Wkatkb, Jas,
w, MaCKRY, CowtnUfiooers.
County School Barti—S. H. Hbxbt, CSC.
C. C. Howim.. J, 9. SrRviLL, W. H. RAM
sat, D. E. Homfbbbtb and W. 9. Barkis.
Town District *6d Monday.
Bail GronJid.Dist. 3 d Saturday.
Eighth 3 2nd **
Doolittle S 4th »- -
Tenth ■t « 3rd «
Ai&OuieA 2nd •'
Sh i«k Pen “ 2nd <*
Bull Pen 1st “
ltil3th “ 1st
Murray County A11 lance.
B. W. Rembert. P; W E Covington, V-P.
W H liamsey, sao’y; M R Chastain, treasurer;
J H Phillip*, chaplain; J R Spook, lecturer;
0 D Gilbert, aa*’t laotur ,r; J 8 Adington,
door-keeper; C N Vanoe, ass’t door-keeper;
Dan’l Willla,86ig't at arms.
Trade Cominittao—A K Ramsey, W T
Moore,JnhsBerry, W H Staples, A T‘Wea¬
ver, business Agent—A K Ramsey.
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, Murray County
Jatnos A MoKamy Adtej. of the estate of
E L Miller, dood mokes application for lotter*
of dismission from thoostaioof said deceased.
This is to cito all persons concornod, kindred
and creditors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said Admr, should not ■ be discharged
•from his Administra tion, and receive letters of
dismission on tho 1st Monday in Jniy 1880.
Thi* April the8r4l88». W H RiSSeV. Ord’y,
Stats w Groboia mgs iODTV*
T M Admr. nf^gj 10 J,
v’ ,reJ .*'
If V, . .
jp i ... r
ThU April the 3rU !S89. W U Rams6* t Ordy.
John Stat* Montgomery, o» Gsonota, Execeter Murray of tho Couury. j I
retain J
Milkey Montgomery, represents to the eourl
in said his estate. petition, This that is he thore'ore ha* fully to administered cite all j
per- j
sons eor etrned, kindred and oroiitors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Exec-1 I
utnr should not bo discharged from said trust
and reoeive letters of dismission oa tb* 1st
Monday in Soptembor 1880. This June 4th
1889. W, II. Ramsey, Ordinary. j
Statb or Groboia, Mnrruy County
Whereas C L Terry, of said county ha*
nude applieati n lor letter* of Guaidiunsbip
of tho property of the two minor ohildreo, un¬
der fourieon years of age, of James A aud
Martha Jane Tyler. This is tu sits ill oer
soos concerned to show cause, t the July
Term of this Court, to b« bold the Ht Mon¬
day in July next, why letters of Guardianship'
.hould u >t bo gran c d to said C L Ter y as
prayed for. This the !i9Ui day of May 1889,
W. 11. Rajisxy, Ordmary
— -——
Georgia Murray Comity
To ,iil whom it nu.y concern: All p*r*oux
intereated am hereby notified that, if no good
naut-v be shown to the contrary, aa e:dor will
bo granted/ on tho first Wednesday in July
1889, establishing a a» w road, as marked out
by road Cotmnissioners op oiot d (or that
purpose;^ couimonciug at Pleasant Valley
Church, in raid county, and running a duo
W Valeriy direction, by the residence of J IV
und H R Cobey aud crossing the Cioveiand
road at W T 1 place; tho. ee west to -he
l.a'.iou or ue.r Frank Smiths in tho
1039th i»i,triot o x. This June 4, .889. ’
Win. U-Kru iS , Chairman 0 , Board,
lp| r
Ooiimurelai College
Ilii&HrfS r 1
t t
es^aa nor.r.t v maaa or or
BuriaoM, Short-Hnad 4 Ttpo-WtUIub, TriearoBlw.
G«m Woria> r«i LCm KxmlSioiP Edw-BUoi ;o? h 4| ‘ t thn
1 o la
\ «w»at)un. Fntv Jf«w OnuTnatM QuiriTniJed »<ieop«s.A
« »
1 i
Loughridge . Ga.
Mr. Ptes 1* a graduate of MieMgno Uai
verSity, and vraa the first Chemist to identify
t e Tin-bearing ore* of North Go rgia.adi
eovery now acknowledged by the best of Chem¬
ist*, iO both America and Europe. Charges
: : IT IS THE BEST. In * ji g
Ordinary's office Murray Co, Ga.
June 13ih 1889.
To the Justices of the Peace and
Notaries Public of (be various Ma
litia districts of Murray county Ua,
Whereas, by the death f Don S
E Fields h lacancy exists in the
representation of (he 43ul Senato¬
rial District in the Senatorial
Branch of the General Assembly of
this State. Bj virtue of a * wit o:
election to me directed, by his Ex¬
cellency. J B Gordon Gov. ot saic
state, ordering an election to be
hold in this county, on Friday (ho
5tli day ot Jnly next, to fill said va¬
cancy You and each of you ate
hero by ordered and required to
hold an election in your various
Malitia districts on Friday the 5th
of July next as is required by suid
order and writ of election, and
make returns of the aame as is re¬
quired by law. Witness my hand
aud official signature, day and
date above written.
W. Jj, Ramssy, Ordiu ry
Statu et ObukOia Mlkbay Coubtt
W ill bo «olJ l »foro tho coiirt house door in
tho town of Billing Place to the higher* bid
sr - “S '-is
fine house and lot It Spring Plaoo *i tinted
on street leading toward.. Mo hodi-t church
between the lus of M L Smith and;Dr. Kei«
ter, containing one tore more or less. Levied
on a* iho property of } £ Wall, by virtue ef a
8 fa from Murray Superior court in favor of
T J Ovbey against C E Wall This May 2#th
J. 0. McENTIRE, Sheriff,
V>, it
•'3P f S t| 'IS H33
CfCat SoutlfCrtl HcmeJy Sfi* all .
a«d bitlas huf vo-i'y teiv rtitUra tin? fact, that
i&hSfl /'’ Cry Ot Cordial 1 on f;i« i*
^^-1, nt',N,reasono, t hr m, L'lnii fui'A
areetly rolki a dose of %vni<-h win rolh-vo ti.e
wsts mtcsPiaSstr^ *
- t'rti':'. .«-a:th. Irtnciimi
i I * Kj., with bis
' fi': * ^: ^1 v> ■<: ;!* * ’ I v.MrihiyH it of .Honrirut for Sy% tho
-01&-M t' ' . >
0L t- ' iif .!•.!« r-i r I • WMSW grodU
-sjfc# air B .i„ lntsii)e-r,l.esl<tc„eon-.
‘ W hc*t J.'owmi, the
* V
v r? < »pp.' .;a in snothfr col*
S«H -rfrrn 2 ?* Rvlnfir^ &K£Si££af ifr! to feoli! hjph and hon-
H m mz
.; mm ICIF1C! ]
; |
MANUFACTUf^r'™^ I. *c. ,
For Sale By
ANDERSON A COFFEY, Spring Pine* Ga , Cental Agents.
A. E.Viaitn, Woodinwn Ga. Haasn « Mostcu, Loughridge fl.
Pats* * Btmiu-, Pumaeli „ S. a EiBnisr, Bariler Mill*
L. F. Clabk, Ft. Mountain Ga. Pamusou A Jobnsow I enni* Ga. A. K.{&*mkt, Hk.vtj G
Cherokee Manufacturing
We begin the new year by thanking our
friends for the 1 iberal patronage bestowed on ns.
Of the thousand new resolutions you are io»ming*let the first
be, “I will huy my FURMTURE during^the'year 1889 ot
the CHEROKEE M’FG CO.’- This done and we won’t^insist
on the recital of the other 999, but promise to merit your con
fidence by giving y?u the ben goods for the least money.
Our Undertak ing Department, in charge Of Mr.
T M Kirby, is kept complete, and his service#
are at the disposal of the public at any hour,
We cany an Immense stock of all manner of BUILDING
MATERIAL, such as tough and dressed Lumbe», Flooring,
Ceiling, Railing, Ralhiete/s Scroll Work, Shingl-s, Lathe, <fce.
We make « specialty of furnishing estimates. Contiaefdra and
build* vs aie solicited to nomine our wotk*aud get our prices.
SSlTFurnitur e Sales Room next door to De
Journette & Co., Dalton Ga.
Cherokeejffl’fg. Comp’y.
New Hardware Store!
. .r .00 : oo....
Wfinkfi H^fhod *1 inf miin« (br» people of N rth Georgia,
feieily Uiat of *
we me i ow o|»c: ntf or.s* the
Moft Complete uud Best Kelrc k of IJ 4 KD
W \RE ever brought to this mat kef.
Vt7 e have Bu ui ht our & ntirc Stock SJ’OT CASHI
for I
Twr-thirds of 8»me hav ng been bought Irom the manufacturer*, and
in car load Jots.
Our stock will be keptfrepletc at all time*, and if we do not happen
to nave what yee want. will get it for you. All we ask is trial
We giving a
propose Pi| P Dalton m HI.,. what she has never l>«d—r
You h t uly, JOHN BLACKS CO.;
i sv
' ■J&J
New Drug Store.
Dr. Wilson Brown, a ’egnlar
graduate of the Missouri Med¬
ical College at St. Louis Mo.,
who rank- high in the p oCess¬
ion of Medicine and Pharmacy,
is located in the New Fann
building at Dalton Q . with a
aige stock o. Drugs aud every
thing in the line of a FIRST
Dto Brpwu has been for many
Veins engaged in the
of Medieiuc and Piiann uev m
Sout hern Llinois, nnd now ten¬
der.- his set vices as Physician
and D uggist, to the people of
Dalt n nnd surrounding country
Dont forget to call at
Dr. Brown’s Pharmacy in
in "the. new Fann build
ing, Dalton Ga.
Metropolitan Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty ’ yards irom Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama Ac Pryor Streets.
■«—-Rates Reasonable. -
1 - : -
R- P- KEITH, * ■ Proprietor,
[Late of Gannon Hawse.]
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main’s drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our girt levy and get four Gem
pictures for 35 cents
Be sure to bring this paid.
Hurd & Dklany,
Dalton Ga.
Dr. J. p. Fann,
RiaiDixr Diktiiv
DALTON. • • • eeeee•eeee* •GEORGIA.
All kisdtof a*.
izm PaSHt" ®haaieaU»dO |e r.
atira Dentistry «a
tTK rf^S eootait t y!»,*nl isfirtt-eia**
* at r«*i
Celluloid onablerate*. Tb*
Plat. p,»
mst WV/-' "P„ ,B partial •*
■ r C V-- • reaaauabte rata*.
Teeth ex tract* .
without pain by the ot Squibb’* p« r *8«d
phuric Ether The patronage of the eltiwo
of Murray county 1. raepeetfull; eolieited
with a guarantee that I will do them a* go*
aork a* they can get ia North Geergia, an
s.’i.Tsr.JKsrffisr •”