Newspaper Page Text
* NorthGeorgiaTimes.
' ... ............. .
. THe official Paper «r the County.
•n4 eaUred in the Poet Offlcs at Spring Plaea
«** M ^ aAa, “‘
Subscription Rates:
«, 0 Q * V«M, $t •• SU moatha, SOeenta ;Three
moatha, J5Santa. Payabla la advaaoa.
. Address all communications t) Tfii Tixas,
SnriagPlare, Oa.
•—■ --------..... - •
Foe Th* Sis an.
We are authorized to announce W. H.
Tun, of Whitfleld County, as a Candida *e
for the Senate, from the 43rd District, to fill
out the unexpired term ef S E Field. Flec¬
tion 3th of July, next
Crop prospects are fins all over
the county.
Use Pise’s remedy f >r Catarrh—for sale by
Anderson A Coffey.
The county jail is now withouc
an occupant.
We regret to note the serious
illness of Oapt. W C Tilton.
Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses at
J Trottfr & Sons, Dalton Ga.
O 0 Hallman has applied for a
patent ou his wagon bed lifter.
The jail will soon undergo some
much seeded repairs,
Mrs. J R Speck, and little Pauline,
are visiting relatives in Marietta.
Cohutta Springs has opened up
with prospects for a good season.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
; rjr
James A Bryant has bought the
Waterhouse mill place from Willie
% Call on J Trotter & Sons, Dal
ton Ga. lor your lime—90c. per
The cows are using the Spring
Place Seminary grounds for graz¬
ing purp > 068 .
Tennessee Bran and shorts
for sale at J. Trotter & Sons,
Dalton, G;a.
Mr. Webster Coffey of Woodlawn
has been quite sick, but is now on
’ CheTOad to
Call at the Drug Store of Dr.
John F Hams* for fresh drugs pat¬
ent medicine Ac.
Rev. Tbad Pickett, preached at
the Baptist church in the village,
8unday and Sunday night
The deer, (dear) crop at Cohutta
Springs makes a fine display nearly
every Saturday and Sunday.
Two car loads of wagons on hand
at T A & S E Berry’s—Low for cash
or on time with 8 per cent interest.
All the gills unite in the opinion
that Hill Anderson is much more
handsome than his brother Herbert
Connasanea was considerably
out of banks last week, but no
great damage was done to crops.
A magnificent lot of Buggies
for sale at T A & 8 E Berrv|s, for
cash or on time till fall at 8 per cent.
Cholera morbus is making rav¬
ages in several sections of the coun¬
ty. Beware of too much green fruit.
Mr. Polk Hawkins will exhibit
his hay press to the people of Mur
ray in town on the first Tuesday
In July
W D Gregory makes beautiful
batter, though he uses batter color.
The color is made from the best
of clover.
If tbe Times during the past two
weeks has been better than nsnal,
it is Owing to the absence‘of| the
editor in chief.
If you want to get a good appe¬
tite and feel young again, spend a
few davs at Cohutta Springs—the
efiect ia wonderful.
Tom T-e ad well’s girl went back
on him lari week, and he “didn’t
want to stay here any longer,” and
$o he left out for Atlanta.
If the advantages of Muiray as a
summer resoft were kept before
the public our county would be
filled with health seekers from a
distance. Onr county can easily
lead the state in healthful springs,
whose waters cure .the many disor
ders to which flesh is heti^^
church in town will bo protracted
from ilie firet Snnday J in J„W J
Those who complained at the
dry weather are now grumbling at
so much rain. The Almighty
don't run things to suit them.
T A & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Miss Lizzie Oruto, who has been
visiting in Alabama for several
months, has returned and is spend¬
ing the week at F Yonberg s,
A son of Mr. A P Duncan whi le
c&releBsly handling a gun had bis
arm badly lacerated by an accident¬
al discharge of a gun on Wednesday
of last week.
All Darties who have open accounts
with us lor Guano, or accounts pri¬
or to 1889, will please call and
give notes for same.
T. A- & S. E. Beery.
The county commissioners con¬
template DUtting a new coat of
paint on the roof of the court
house. A good idea—it was a
botch from tho beginning.
A considerable party from Spring
Place contemplate attending the
convocation of the Masonic Lodges
of the 7th congressional Dist. to be
held in Rome on the 24th inst.
The friends of Mr. J W Mackey,
of Snm ich, are condoling with him.
! Fte lost every hog on his place by
cholera this spring. We have
band out that he only had one lit
tie shote to lose.
Our thanks are due Miss May
Johnson for timely typograpioal
assistance rendered the Times.
She would soon be as much ot an
expert with the types as she is
graceful at the organ.
The champion liar now ooines to
town, and, seeking a cool place to
sit, tells about having the best
com the most forward cotton. It
is observed by all that his hands
and face are not very much tanned.
.... ..... i.. - » ■ . 1 1.' -
The announcement of Col. W
1 Tibbs for the Senate is in tbis
issue. Ool. TibbB has had exper¬
ience in legislative matters, and
if elected will fill the place with
credit to himseit and the District.
W A Cannon’s, Dalton, Ga.,
is headquarters for clothing
and gents furnishing goods.
Next door north of Hardwicks
bank. Don.t fail to call before
jurchasing elsewhere.
Dr. B B Brown says he is not at
ali superstitious, but be had a heap
rather a rabbit would not run across
the load before him. Neither does
he want anybody to step over b is
fishing poles while he is fashing.
The Doctor paid Spring Place a
visit last week,
Horses are worried by fUeeat thie
season and they will thank us for a
preparation that will keep them eff
Take a lisndfull of walnut leaves
boil them, a id pour the water into
a bottle. When you start out in
the morning rub some of the prep¬
aration on the parts attacked by
the flies, end they will stay tw»y.
We take the liberty of mention
j„g tbat the black berry crop is the
most promising we have seen for
years. And at the same time we
beg editor Whitman’s pardon for
trespassing on his pet subject.
Tbis apalogy is due because the
berry crop is a subject which has
been copyrighted by our contem¬
We understand the county au¬
thorities contemplate the building
of a new bridge across Connasauga
either at what is known as Zant’s
ford or at or about Fincher’s Ferry.
It seems to us that the bridge
would be ot the greatest good to
the greatest number if built at
Fincher’s ferry. This point is on
the direct road to Dalton from
Spring Place and from all the coun¬
try east and south*of town, and
during the winter season wh*n the
waters are up this bridge wculd be
of almost incalculable benefit—the
Connasauga at that point being the
only stream to be crossed between
Spring Place and Dalton. By all
means let us have a go d iron
bridge at timbers ferry
All the citizens of Murray coun t
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their ireight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta¬
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to their interset to write
to or call on Mr* John F Reynolds,
Agent of the Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
Lim will acquire new mat, and cheerful
ness return, if yon will impel your liver and
Kidneys to the performance of their funotioos.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kioney Balm
will stimulate them tohealthlblaotion. $1.00 j
bottle. ' '
Many Persons household .
Are broken down from overwork or
cares jirown’s Iron Bitters
rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex¬
cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine.
For Spectacles and Eye-Glasses
for the young and old, who have
defective eyes, call on Dr. J F
Harris at his New Drug Store
North of the court house. No
charge for testing eyes.
Heeding a tonic, or children should take_ that want building
It is and pleasant Biliousness. to take, All cures dealers Malaria, keep Indiges¬ It.
Local Paragraphs
If you want a^hig bargain m
ready-made clothing, now is your
time since T J Ovbey has just open¬
ed out his elegant line of spring and
summer goods—Try him, he guar¬
antees bargains and will save you
money by dealing with him.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, Just received at T J Ovbey’s
Saddles, Harness and Bridles
can be bought at T J Ovbey’s cheap¬
er than you can get them anywhere.
Ladies and Gents best hand made
with a large assortment of the best
shoes on tho market are kept on
land at T J Ovbey's. Wo only
ask you to price them, and we
know you will buy them.
■{ Dealer In ^
Whiskies, Brae dies, t nd
WINES, tor Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Qhat*tanooga, .hbkba' Ten
Wb« ,0. »», r«r.
call Oil or Send to me, 1 Will gnai
antee my goods to be as represented.
Mv $-’,00 corn whiekej is th. U,t
in tbis market. I invite my old
Murray couDty friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or
der. *18 ly
■- —■ •*
N air
1 IT *
drs. starkey *”««, a palen, phiw. ' ^ ps
»* 29 A " CH
*: ft TAB L I ft ri L? ■) IB ‘‘ 5
Is the oldest ana most popular aclentlflo ana
Jnk Edition of Soientiflo American, ij
, and iS£ full Cp S.2r i SS?SS
plans and specifications for tbe nse ot
HATEMTSI BIAI fill 1 ®? v°e h r^ 5
■ ■ ygsrs' 009 appHcailons experience and ttsve made over Foreign 100,
■rnk patents. Send for Atnerican and Correspond
strictly for Handbook.
enoe confidential.
immediate protection. Send for Handbook.
etc. COPYRIGHTS quickly for books. cUarta, maps,
procured. Address
HCMM St. CO., Patent Solicitors.
fiwmui. oxx ice affl beoabnay. k.Y.
Bl ___ M m
• ■ •
gTCSHSiigSftH&a Prcrerl Chills Fsvcr, 5i>ur Stnmael)»' Rn-i
fJreafh. l-Co ,, and Vigor Clear loth# the Skin, aystom. 1 snefhe Doss: Servos, OHS and liftvl. 31 ro
Prior, Try tham 26 once els per and fcoitie. yen will never‘1.; Sold by Cr’ without i 1 sro. J
pries iierfno C eafers generally. 6qnl on receip. cl
f’.. 7 a, P oflt f chMo ur. y<f d,re: S .
Uanata-U.. ,-re av.d 5oL * ■ v>*, t;, IWSS. MU
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 1 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
Harpisxss depends very much on thseoa
dition of the liver and kidneys. The ilia of
nf e make but little imprt ssion on th ->se whose
digestion is good. You can regulate yonr liv
ar and kidneys with Dr. Jf. H. MoLean’B Lir
, r » B d Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle,
Isdioistios results from a partial paralysis
of the stomach and is the primary cause of a
very large majority of tho ills that humanity
is heir to. The most agreeable and einactive
remedy is Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kid¬
ney Fillets. S3 cents a vial.
Advice to IKothcM.
he Mrs. Winslow’S Sootbi h g Bra u p should always
used when children are eutfcing teeth. It i»
Stores thellttfosuffereratoncsl it preduoee natural,
quiet button.” sleep, and the little cherub awakes as *-bright
as a ft ia very pleasant to taste. It
soothes the child, softens the gums, sllnysall pain,
regulates for diarrhoea, the bowels, whether and arising is the best known remedy
Twenty-fire from teething or
ether onuses. cents a bottle.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial
and Blood Purifier, by its vitalizing properties
will brighten pale cheeks, and transform a
pa e, haggard, dispirited woman into one of
sparkling health and beauty. $1,00 per battle.
Pains in the small of the back indicate a
diseased or ndition of the Liver or Kidneys,
which may be easily removed by the use of
Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm.
$1.08 per bottle.
A free and easy expectoration is produced
by a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar
Wine Lung Balm, in all cases of hoarseness,
sore throat or difficulty of breathing.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first olass
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when in Daltou.
Sick headache is th i bane of many lives.
To cure and prevent this annoying complaint
use Dr.3. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kid¬
ney Fillets. They are agreeable to take and
gent' e in t fifcir action. 23 cents a vial.
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte&Biyant’s drug store.
Persons who lead n life of exposier are
to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumba.
* v * h **^* # r<,me<ly in Jit. J.
■ftj^Voieanto Oil Lineament; it % ill
destroy tho coating of th" 9 stomach. "Dr:
J< Mr.Lcau’sCUUl aolFevor O ureby mild yet
For 1889
The largest and most oomplele
stock of goods that has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey
Fhkql'Sxtlt ac;ideiits occur in tho house¬
hold which osuse burns, cuts, sprains and
bruises; for use in suoh cases Dr. J. H. Mc¬
Lean’s Volcanio Oil Liniment has for man;
years been theconstantfavorite family remedy
a box.
Professional Cards.
. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law
Spring Place, Georgia,
Prompt a< tention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
J. J .Bates,
Sfring^Place, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
Calboun,Ga. Sprit) gjPiaoe,Gs
Attorneys at Law,
PromptatUotlonglsea to alllegaUMIsllias
.. '.................—...................—— - ———
M. M. Leonard,
Ft. Mountain, Georgia.
All work promptly done on
short notice.
J. F. Trevitt,
i Dealer isfAll Kinds of }■
Furniture, Caskets, Cof¬
fins and Marble work.
Also h ive in stock the Indestiuctible Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalic casket.
We have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to commonest, at
prices lrom $1.75 to 25 cts, per yard. Have an EXHIBITOR,
so that you can readily^see just how a carpet will look oil the
floor before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins and Caskets,
sold at Bottom'prices, and dont you forget it.
S^PBusiness House'll nder Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
New York Store.
Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods,
Hats, Bonnets, &o, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harris & Davis,
WOODLAWN, - 00:00 Georgia.
•{ DEALERS Jin ^
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Cvoods.
Jail Received at the Mlllttery Store M
j. & J. B . GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
. .
Daitoil, Georgia.
A n#w e | e gant assortment of Milinery and Straw (loo-la,consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’and Children’s Hats [trimmed and ontrimmedl Neok
and Sash Ribbons, Vllvat Ribbons, Keek Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
V elvets and Crapes. Flowers. Feathers.Ornaments he. Our goods
1 awvs S
- ”■ ——
■ •
T. J. O Y B E Y,
Place, Geo rgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
t^Also a full stock-of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
■{ dealer in }■
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Ete.
The best. East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
ft E.
E. Brown,
I rLbvsi*.
or any delect in vision that can be remedied by refractiM^tower, ac¬
curately and skillfull corrected by G H Brandon the C^j^tan at E fi
Brown’s, » Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge lor testing the Eye.
f w