Newspaper Page Text
r*V** x
ITU!"ill vvvl 11,1
"mS S S Si
Sumsc.i „ , Grt, ,, Ji. s , im ;
many reader* «i4 ■eintinper
the seme in which ' .:tt!e Em~
ory” was used in my as <• «
rminicnUolt. imnnc^uun. it w as used in .Le
vurirmof mnou oi the *■ c ludicrous idea of
back-robbing against . toe , walls ,,
ot . some mo co „ n ll l, nu kninn ft 1 *
« ■ e>
»«“ to soccomW
acUhoto describe U.« ™>
knowledge received by
uia” while practicingbis
ite It was no ■?neai”
or “attack” upon the character
of Elq ry College—an institu¬
tion deservedly popular, and
which l honor second to none
in the State of. Georgia. But]
like all other Colleges it f* a *
tnvued out some small potatoes!
as well as a great- many large
ones, but the former kind
generally w/^/crgrsiuateH,—
such, for instance as “Dannis,
concerning whom the epithet
]y appropriate 29th needs
of his letter of May
no refutat on. It could have pi
o«M only from » vkuous
mind, wonderfully .1 wto
will, dignity of lung,; cor
rect muartteni comf: ucllon
and elementary rules ol orthog
h»ii rophy, all of which, wlthSiif
rnf tenotCBoe “Ikined,”
[akinned] 1 recommend M «
“proscription’ 1 [prescription] t
cure biin ol his malady, and to
equip for a safer voyage he
next- time be embarks upon th :•
stormy -sea of jouirialistic opr-
1 espoiKP-nee A. J, w.
To the Voters of the I 8 d
Senatorial District.
Having been named b , i ‘; p
Democratic i-:. ,ss meeting Ot ■
Whitfield county, bcl;i at Pal
ton on the 22d hist, pursi -vk
to a call by the county Demo
cratic Executive Qomniitioe a- !
the nominee to fill the vacancy
caused by the death .of I or S,
E. Field in the Georgia Senate.
1 feel that circum&fancei prol.e.
bly render a statement of my
position relative to certain
questions which are expe< red
to come before the Geucral A»*
sembly. 1 am and have always
been opposed to tlic 1* ; tue
State road or the li « of
betterments to the present
ses; and stand full} ae--! .... i
oughiy with the
gainst all monopolistic tend -m!
cies, or unlawful
for the mqunmsion of
and hoalthlul compelitu- u.
I am decidedly ia favor of
such educational legis'uti n as .
will only have the j p
establishing a common ci
system betore 1: vesting tiw
State fund to higher * ’Loois
and colleges.
Hoping to meet tno ;•'«
number of j m before .
day (Friday July 5th.) !
I am Reg - 'ctiuliy,
Paul B, 'L’kxmmkll.
Tilton Ga.
Murrjy County and Mining. j [
]t no do’.jbt seems a purpiex •;
mg p-oblem to many ot
ray’s citizens, why the rep. .ited
jichness of its mine-a’ dep “dts
bave not before t. si.r ■ r«>
suited m the openirq of paying
To those who think' ration
ally upon, the subject )*-t n ■■
say: the leading minerals oi‘
L .
1 a
1>y common engineers.!
deposits form a union resolved
to ao. im^tially, seeking «.; and thereby
hagt , u ,, d
^ j^ral- ri cfat* ft ( Mur*
ray chanty are vurry g. eat Aid
eonaisMoff & of many J elements; , ,
nod distribute^ ,
over a
, .
J < > - * - *
too. in lime minerals,
( ^ B .„ rl , k tbat CTer
Ui spirited msn should
phid tohoifijbnng J * to mam 6r*
K. K. Oles.
We soil the Bpeneer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses They are ve
glasses and you- should try
t 'i iern lH d'ore pu*chasing else
where. S. J. Mcknights IN A j
Snpr«, Dalton. G*.
To the Spring Place Ft' lU'EQl
I the richd ( of ,
am person til
coi.w hT ibts...aifi
conferred on me the right
' selected between Jol,
the Tilton convention t hat uoui
rcated Cel. James A McKaftiy,
of-Mm-ray, »nd m:tLor, Z »J for
thc *««»«• tli,a t!,e
tilted -F-ytor :1,-» |«
*r,i tlwr candidate and tne
otl.-r coundee -. -eve nm e.rahly
OSupport She oomlww
county to the
****■ we «“> D ""
ociatio party of Murray county
are honerably bound to . np
ield’s nohiinei
I am yours, W
•8 gg ‘B»' g " | g!a i!»j g ’ gr*- ’g
Ah' who have Lau srouble tu
. tt:ug Uhset^ tp exactly
ej 3, are 1 invited to call at b
Biowa-J Uaitou tia. and Slavs
Bniu-lon, the Oftioitir, to te
■yes free of cinsrgo.
e * t •c.. — —>•
L’liere has be a a consideva
Oil! xcite.meat near E *.v idiAfi
lit :i colored IV,..U w'ho pro
msses to be Christ, on his
o): 1 tour in this' world He
has hundreds of colored people
believing or, lnm, wh u
g» v en up £h«.r crops
hd?.-*.v : »'!g him.osmr the country,
j r prophesied that be won] ’ i
be arrested, and Lis
proposed to .see ihat In
not mistreated j and ci udiied.
• {« old them that' he 1(1
_ ol lt „ put U) <wu .
...- Ui back to I ueaven
:i chariot of an early day,
x \ t , ghows scars in his
which , hepj . y8 Wl . rfi made . ,
calvely< ; gure eil0lJ ^, lu*
hw , r . UTest cd. but \rW
more likely be co:. v ieuxi, not
by Pilot, the Roman gov err or.
t by a Kin2, who has
uicUoi ucl , idiot
The confederate survivors of
0>.oixpa will h • n conveuti-'u
at, the confederate hall. »: lH/"
August i ;'rh. this y ear.
A Cali has been issued, each
association in the .state can send
as many (J'.‘legates a« 'it wants,
and all counties that have no
Ksaodat-ipjph are requested t<
have ropi est uUti ves the . -. -
The purj^ of tin
t j ou ; H g,;.','- ■.
llltc il; ^i AUon .
-- -------------------------------------
v ,-q -' /qH;. ;•;/*'VN :«1
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t .rr.nn:
•; \ y.- i ’.•.tjli JiT5.Vj%3
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m. m, s« c,r««*v.
w. n. gob^, corea-t/
’" '
u “' 1 1 . . , m •r.*.
'*• y -•••
IfC.S, S. A. OaKSOBT, A. fc V/haVKI:, 4.8,
jucktv-, osmnAsf&etoi ..
t): II v. ■;> ~l >!(. I (3. ^ Js A- 'M
i sar* D. K.. iiv^rasi W. HAU-itik.
JUSTICE 001 tat;.
To*n- Disi.rim.3n-! Mrr-i/i;’.'
slaU b 4 Sa'. u’aj.
Bight! it 2r.d . «'
BoAJtU til
!b •if
iV ;.hJ t , (S *
Shlck P-j,
B’.i! :: i cl
' 10:35: 1st
Mur re y.CbUn t H i an ce.
n. v.-. iW ’ IK W f. CM
w n n.t -.' V? K Of.-. ,0.1 T ; •. OS A ’
l i' 4 -.k, i»sk
,-Fi r; J t ; ,
Vjn», *8*'t £>•■ “vt
Ii-tfi'l c r .rg’t Ft Fiili ■
trade Cunnnitt»e— A K W T
Moo*«, Jph- bo.<i;j, T H Stei-lo*, A" y. 4
Leqal A>kr- '
= r a a = g
S?.,”8 vp*P«0*3M. ftlntr s-v -0Sau:y.
.ToL : Mo'oiirf'hierj-.,- 1st >u f U W'
Miik'ey -1^1 !,'?ce| • TO. • , .
M« p a♦ itio'n, iWtt U-s li »# fa!■)&HdTo U'i?letod
Bail cs ftiki.-fi.U i',or- ;
........... >J.S tr
««.. .a•
and ?:«o<Si 70 Itliom <u 3wbxi' / gt‘l'ft 6u *,’C"
j Mp:-4s? .itt ii;.i('!»rndcf E ISfik. _SbL fill
jaea. ' .*' v y.
^ -
- - -
ift I f, k
■ a a w
:ayhg‘mflmfl‘matqm fiiatiaz‘twHa?w;~ae:~§:£‘f‘§.€m,’
331.33; C: 3'" , f
' A
• - Ml*
V4AHTED ihf-y‘.oy^y FAfSiLVp
1 ■ Gv;i^h, er:.
k-' ieA. ’A |
y. -s
Si’ it. ■!,;>•}v. 'l i t ■' tl
•f ITS
E f/ G.-:>rr-TAA^V‘ -•*»*- A
Z'lltr'sFj&Hg A,
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. - •;' V jv:- f
f a -v »- • -. 'i.siSt
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n;r - tsrrr- r
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fsrfcatiB Onw
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OC-l* st
' •i 'T>-;,- d - ; FTdd-A:Ti,rUi| ;:^dTE 'd ;|
;r r
>" X {w- ..w-orf-'
The- ii» t.Re Would t’err ssss^lug-HtfO.tAbtsi
mca) i tot «,riii(Hr.g Cora, Oats, Rya, Barley or
r..ny IecU. it ctu-•• r T fit rom x&UtLS bcR&te
Tuin a:;y known aton > .r > ubx,
SwDpitJS of VEefil yent oa *»pp/katii>n,
«a ii‘O0g
R. 0. JRUajfOHB MOOtS 00.,
" PRRKBW00D. CO., 11 a,
hMH 3 «
^■-* -? «£■'■ J
" yFF '
v a.
• .
m ■7
A ^
tjwisSfc i W v/. S
*££■ rfp’tfPf» Si’ttiD'I" i.‘U A b A !«.:•
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ye .f H
*sr tfrC9km'; iA.tu Hz
... zkrW'-z
p%'i !-vtl-' FS?S,W1»i;9 bole? ..:l v .; K-U Vifihl'Mfr'
In: (.tii’i-ca. n-v rqiaip: ^ s
iwiea ' FWi;
r •£
SUM.!*.; i«t ! l.olti V V. zm. ¥4-
mam ?JAz‘e-mb.
fifcomist and Mineralogist
boughtidgp Gu.
Mr. Ole* i* a grids*!* ot -KiiLignr. l-a»
TflfSKf, sad Vi* ;U.s CUcim-w to : 4iif/
V t Ttd*!»eantsig f>r«? i Tirttf 0e : ^ a> lh
<wy> ry t U-v^U'Jio.u by tWl t
isu, IU bolt arA J'aV J.U.
r«a»os»l>14< -
llPlIf* tor?'* tl £V if
- L-b *■.^rrssaa.'tsCSL:
as A 9 < RH
g^irls'THC SI BEST. |l
Ordinary's effwo Murray Co. ( h
To thu.J&rAicce of. the u»?cl
N itarieti Public Qt' hre vurioue Mo
dlRricts of array coumy .tt=i.
Whf reau, by t-he death * Hon- S
E Fields a vacancy exists in the
raureseirtnlibu of the 43rd Senato¬
rial District', in ti>t 'bunatcrial
Bran cli of the General Aaeeiubly of
this State. By virtue of h writ of
ekcf-lOB to ibe dlwcteu, by Isis Fx
ci-iH'.iicy, J B Gordon Gov. d said
erddrinf. sa electioo to be
Daid in tbie county- on Friday tha
dU. day c-f July sr-xp ic liii said Vcl*
- y. You nm c -i h of yon >ife
icr rby ordered and required to
.a ukcS'uii A* yotir -A.-oua
lira 11; cts' 051 if rid av. V.U& 5 i,h
Tf-JiV’y ayxt 5W. IBUiiq HkHU .by-^cid
• tUbf Ali-1' Writ t-f eb'.'Ckrf: ., Slid
'reUirsi." ol ti)e' ; Mae»s is re
iquired by la’Wl Wita^B icy fraud
|dftUi<.bovo wHttrn. ■
j W. 1;, lljittskif, Orui:..ij.
■WMaa V(JSS».3iT « $Yik mMM£ 1
uiiusfl Firfife
^.>A •< da
va- jt
A‘l p. A - a|alMS
- e
f Itt a; a; t ■ r d i: rBt-/y &:• av
:-t t , !v^;o.
*~i iW‘ - “ •: .* f.Gv cvf>t‘iia
fGP.o i-; i tr.
tiliu t'.kr AT. \ A ■- Gi'-’.U.’it
ib9 h* d T't Of kS
€-l !ci U'-V«t ->U‘ - P *
v.. F. ; , •"'• r. -sv’-'.durJ-. f
bowels, fd'i*. il'. ;*r*4 HntbfoGbrrv oGr-yhi l-j
tft 9 >:nt. \ t . » •:.•'* •*,>-.*u- tutu m-iart-K
Hu* o • ■ > , b' : .-Ml J }:xrrl<;
% > *,iV;p f'C-i :
' ■' ' ■ • ■ *»4
Gtv _ ;-.j 'r. tips' O'*; fftls ,-k. f U-o
K>k v ;H . • *• :r -.jitoiN muv w ip zr f-iL* ■ jr-prty*
a *iitl»3 • *. .• !0 i>- . rW.h'*** vrJi’ im
r-:*.’!vo im, <• 'r»s tpfiflr n*., ti■ fwfj RuttvM**
•lid c ) ;:v'kW r - isHtt i\\- :• *v:(.rt a<i'Juy
t-P W'btvL MIR #*Tr ti-iu: 2??i.v**r» ve iiUi
r>aui Ai:-*1 s.ftvr icith Iff | -T -. r- J
'rSu£RV*Ris>2vv t’bfibl i.'or’Hij! :i i 'BiipIOi f i iiiL-dy wAich
teiiy tu' iv toki*.
rrt<Mi 50 c?»’T.tN a Gv“r. He-anfc.cttBpjjd
WALTER A. TAY PGR, u!-D: ta, (Hu
f£SliU_A:u. : '
;*■ r “-v-vriuHuii'^^a^afe
a -;! £Ti«ci«.ai
rt- f «s d'v' > i
f '^d. Sk tu *r-> ii
!>'■ yy '■-. d ; , V it '•Wd
:i «'••* ora
' h, ;>.*feUon: fur
L'L • ■ IVd. b'GntuvvM ’° ,i
d -'i- - :-dN ■ ? ‘-r jo' VC:.CW-gr> dli- on.
• !. .". . • '• :*!> •-». . bv'fdt; 3-n Con
- fcuv h»'\>r,ty. hiid
wr%iV(xF:“‘' dpi rfniS. Dia i'-xiego
• o:rrn w-d ou tbo
>.’o*->, Jifrhrj''-- Jri/ttf rettt thft
; *i*. > HT-pea*:; jo iir.i>tb**r ool
:4 f . s '. :. ) o r;t y c r. r t *> v; sf u * o rr) k from tfA
T.u s»-d 5 fr •? dorr. . LR on-i-;-r r ' t ir, T. y. -\Vrt*
fVy-5 Tin nip,*<?'■ B. I Ad fcrrtrt.tifnft;- ijon-
1 ;**.«'jrnr ro • z -■ • • ; jo- ,o;i i-H:n &* >1
or '.hie fn.Mt !-o»pi i;; ♦'•*■'• b'v* Ino^xyvArifl. f
hfbA!-' vjv*iir-ail.ttuUii»jrtix4»'gior;.5£y
tienr.iri Mnn t•_'County
.So v?K<ab U tnay cosoern: . C.-3- Khij
itet-ii.g., .in’ jiropBr torin, ajiji-n-t :o toe for
,. ,r i.noont Loiters .of , 'deiiiiigtfeiiuA to the
t:'tit•: of.KL'^ib^th Al'iudUE l%tb of*Ba?4 ar-un
* y ib' ?■ i a ■ -. L te :• H. e ;■ i H n u «1 4 e •; tb v> u i xdi t
' hl4 of kin Kfe.N AliaHki
nis • xt 4 la
to bo &od*s'ppea> m my dV-o w;:> jtha t’oee
g'No w*" t hjf Uivf » '■ b oav u a * \ i OoWj X hey -
Win ,. wby j/tiru:&ueat a'.itdit;, tr ;.i,va": jR
npi Lo Dratiti-'l C N Kia'g <>n SlL'tboth
Y.‘ fUin’. cistfit, VVUi\eS3 tny 4ud
ofiibUl - gi’atnre, ttU A.-hd dAy of Ja’y 3S$(5.
W. H. K^asgv, Otdiuwy.
m. us£ Dr. SALMON’S 1
manufactured bv the VETERINARY MEWOINB CO
For Sale By
A* TEFTOS a- CC-mi'T, Fpriug'.Pleee fl» , Ctrt'»l Agent/.
A .-.V'! . • (. Yctihfif! (*s. Hamm * MoeioS, Loagbridg».fl».
PaWi "
rt-itifl. E. C. Bakssst, Haaeler Mills
0». ff
L. T -T.k. T Li ■ r. iii E Ge. Fi. nssos k DennU A. KABawsly, JUirsejr 6»
We begin the new year by thanking our
friends for the 1 ibejral patronage bestowed onus.
Of the thousand new resolutions you are loiaiing'let the first
be, “I will buy my PURMTURE during^the^year 1889 ot
the CHEROKEE M’Flr CO.’’ This done and we won’tjhsist
on the recital of the other 999, but promise to merit your con
fitauice by giving v:>u the best-goods for^the least money. *'*•>
Y/ «.
Cur Undertaking Department, in charge of-Mr,
T M Kirby, is kept complete, and hils servieea
are at the disposal of the public at any hour t
We cany an immense stock of all manner of BUILDING’
5‘ATp.RI.Al.. such as tough and dressed Lumber, Flooring,
Ceiling, Kuilir.g, Ballustcis BcroJl Work, Bhingh-s, Laths fc <fec.
U e make it specialty of furnishing estimates. Contractors and
l.lliidt-l'S HIT! SI; iic'.o d •<> t Ardnuie uju wotk^ind get our prices.
til' furri ituro Sale: Room next door to De
Jour nett e 4 . Co. , Dalton ba.
ClsePBkee . ®F%. Uoisip’y.
| L’t €3 W Mardwsre Store!
....Or : Ou.... • ?k
i 1 Vt’; tkivo
1 >iV.• (fih'id < 1 tint riuidg, tie* peipio of N .rth Georgia,
geuei-'y ta.u w>. are raw ope! i ig one of *1.« • id
M-rfc ..joinpletQ nd Best ISeiec ed stock of llAfi’iD
W* -- v b/ ever brouglit to f his nutikef.
We h(«Ve Bf light our L utii* Stpek for SPOT CASH!
T .vf.-lbinie of snrae hav'ng been bought fimin tho mr.nnGttnypr*, ^
iii car load lots.
Our stock wifi be kept n>plet» nf ail fimea. and if wo do not hirpyien
to nave wbftf vea .w.ou. *t- w,| l get if I or you. AH n-e a^k is Aerial.
We. pro j fuse giving Dafton what she has never —
Your* t n'y, 'JOHN BLACKS CO..
A -
pgrryp .
New Ii nig Store.
Dr, Wilson- Brown, a regular
g; ad lUtte of the Missriuri M< j u
ical College at. 8t. Louis Mo.,
who rank.-, high ip the profess¬
ion of Medicine and Pharmacy,
is located in the New Pan:;
I'uihling at Dalton (> •. with a
huge stock of Drugs and every
thing in the hue of a FIRST
I)r * niown i J:u ’ w r ,ltor engaged m the practice
0 j Mcuieiiie am! I’haiiUHCy in
Font In i n Illinois, and now i <Ti
dels hie sei vices as Physician
and D uggist, to tho people ol
Dal ten and surrounding country'
Dont forget to call at
Dr. Brown’s Pharmacy in
in Hha new Fann build
ing, I-alton Ga.
Metropolitan Hotel,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yard.-; iroua TJmon Passenger
Do pe l .
CoriidT of Alsbante A 1Prya;- streets.
-- Bates BeasonaMti.- -
R. P- KEITH * Proprietor.
f Late of Cannon House.]
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
PHY. d .. .. :
Gallery two doors nortli of
Dr. Main's drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a lent.,
4* » .
B ing this advertisement fo
gallery and get four Gtm
pictures for 35 cents - -a '•' X
Be sure to bring this$ai<L
Ilunn & Dkla-ny,
Dalton GaF.
.. '.
Dr, J. p. Fanri,
DALTON................GEORGIA. .
-ov WLfl S ocuted
>». indr«t-ela*»
9tjl«,« B d *tr««*
- '■rSe^tSiS/.VwV ,&F$wiS *lsk&3^ F'd-.- OD*bl*.r«le»: Celluloid ri»t*i>n« n*
'•' v r-' up full In - partial’er teeth
$ i:\-xF netsof *t
-- ■ reasonable tstft.
Teeth ex tjeete
iritlfOut ps.:n by the use of Squibb*! pureflni
pburlr Ether The patronage of the oitfxen
of Murray county is respectfully lolieftedi
witha guarantee that T will do themes fee
aorls as they cati get in North tSeorght. llll 'em
»* cliott). as they can get it (lone by >oy
ias« doatistin North Georgia.