Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Tin Official Paper oT the County,
e«4 *» th« Post Office at Spring Pfroe
ft., ti toooa4 plan matter.'____
Rakwrlptiou Rates:
Ou ;ni|$1 *• Si* months, 50aent«[Throe
mantha, IS cents. Payable i a atlvuace.
Address all eammnnloations t > Tas Tills a,
Snrlflf.Plecs, Ga.
Col* H H Anderson iB dancing in
Ike pig-trough.
0»# Pica’s raxedy f>r Catarrh—for sa'o by
Andtrcan A Coffey.
Miss Aggie Ramsoy visited in
Atlanta last week.
Moses Holland claims to have
the finest garden i-\ Doolittle.
Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses at
J Trotter & Sons, Dalton Ga.
The recent wet weather hafrde
layed the farmers with their crops.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S K Bar*.
Several of the public schools of
the county began on last Monday.
Call on J Trotter & Sons. Dal¬
ton Ga. ior your lime—90c. per
_ _
Johnnie Linn ot the Walker
County Messenger office is speed
lag this week in town.
t Call at the Drug Store of Dr.
John F Harris' for fresh drugs pat
it medicine &c
There has been a wonderful im¬
provement in the oat crop since the
beevy rains began.
Tennessee Bran and shorts
lor sale at J. Trotter & Sons,
Dalton, Ga.
Ask Frank Heury who got
shut up in the storm pit; also
who eat the raw beans.
Two car loads of wagons on hand
at T A & SE Berry’s—Low for cash
or on time with 8 per cent interest,
Jim Campbell and R. R,
Bates come up with cotton
blooms on the first day of July.
A. magnificent lot of Buggies
for sale at T A & S E Berrv’s, for
oath or on time till fall at 8 per cent.
The article in this issue
from A. L. W. winds up the
racket between him and Dannis.
Mrs. Betsey Mauldin a widow
lady of Woodlawn, died of eon
•umption on last Tuesday.
Several from town attended the
pkraicat Rocky Face in Whitfield
Oft last Saturday.
|| M . W D Harris and her two
children of Fort Worth Texas are
visiting relatives* and fii-mds in
Those desiring good pasture tor
their stock can be accommodated
by applying at this office. Rates,
reasonable. Running water in
A company composed of A K
Ramsey, J W Red and Michael
Leonard has purchased d new
_ _
T A A S E Berry have on hand,
•ad will keep in stock, a first class
line ©f stoves. Call and sea them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Spring Place is stilt without a
school bouse. What do the peo¬
ple «ay about building a new one,
■ad when? We oertainily cant af
ford to do without house of loam •
lag, when th9 town is full of cbil
dren who we growing up iu ignor .
All parties who have open accounts
with us for Guano, or accounts pri¬
or to 1889, will please call.and
give notes for same.
. 7 L A. & S. E. Buans.
Those who ftre indebted To the
Trass office, for subscription or
gijierwise for the year 1888, with
ont payment or satisfactory ar¬
rangement by Angust court, will
find their accounts in the bends of
a Justice for collection. Justice
w© want and Justice we must have
When the OhibeS© are .
ted by the Americans for pairing
bandages around their lltffo e;.
ieet, to prevent them from grow¬
ing. they s&y it ie not as minibus
to their health as it is to American
giria by wearing a b and age (oerE^i)
arotmd their waist.
• -0
The four year old b&by- boy
ex sheriff Terry, got ii« thigh brol
ken one day last week by folding
the fence. Dr. James F Harris re.
placed the fractered parts, and the
child is getting alms as well as
could be expected.
The Cisco correspondent mast
remember that the cena of the
writer tndet accompauv the arti
cfs before it will bs published.
The name will not be given the
public. We will glad’y. publish
when the came of writer is linden';
. .. ...... - w' W» » *.sa. -- —
W A Caauon'g, Dalton. Ga.,
and w headquarters gents futuishing tor cloth.yg [sochis
Next door north of
bank. Don t tail to
purchasing elsewhere.
The Sunday School Convention
‘or the North Georgia Association,
wili moot w.:th Grove Level eiiruch
four miles above .Dalton, ou Friday
bal we the second Sunday in July
at 10 o’clock A. H Schoole
throughout jtbe Association are re
quested to send delegates.
Spring Place, Ga., July 2nd 1:89.
Pursuant to a cai! from the chair¬
man a meeting of the Ex. commit¬
tee of Murray county was this day
held in Spring Place with the fol¬
lowing | members present; C. 0,
Howell. E. W Reiribert, J. Q. Mc
Entire, K. M. Killgme, S, L. Trim
micr, T J. Rtyrnt. Trammell Starr,
A- K. Rcum-ey and John W, Fincher.
0. 0. Howell was requested to
preside over the meeting, and Hon.
S. E. Berry, Glum, of the Ex. t om
0 f Whitfield Ob., wa» itmwd tea
seat with the committee*
Tire following resolution offo ed
by A. K, Rammdey was unanimous¬
Whereas, official notice lias boon
received by the Ex. committee of
Whitfiaid Go., of thenommati m of
paui B. T rammeil us the choice of
said county for Senator from t ic
43rd Diat-, to fill the unexpired
terra of Hou.'S. E. 'Field, deceesed.
Resolved, That we tlie Executive
committee of Murray county do
aereby endorse said action on the
part of the democracy of Wliis field
Do., and request the votern of Mur¬
ray Co., to ratify said nomination
at the polls on July 5th.
0. 0 BowelX:, Cbim.
K. W- R^mbsst, 8ec
Saleday was enlivened by speed
es from the two Candidates for the
State Senate. The friends of eadh
seemed to be oonudenl of victory,
and cheered their man vigorously.
Rome's Masonic Canvocsfion.
The M&scaic convocation of 1 he | i
Sodgea of the 7th District held at
Rome on the 24th of hme web the
finest success cf the kind ever held
in the state. A barbecue vas gi,
©u in the Hxpt sition budding which
■perhaps fifteen huBdred persons, in
eluding masons raid their famil’ea
attended. The barbecue was simp¬
ly perfect, the arrangement was
complete and the abundance of
barbecued beef mutton and pork
served to the crowd was delicious
boyond diseripaon. Addresses wore
delivered by Judge Max Moycrhart ninny
Diet,. Deputy. Hoa. BA
W 31 of mkwuU Lodge. Col. J
F Sbankling ot •Lome, Dr. OI
Gordon of Dalton rmd Dr England
At alghf the third digres was
exemplified by District;. Deputy
Meyeriiarl, and its peri’, otaon and
beauty was a reveiati n to the 500
masons present. The Home Ala
sonic Temple is the Taoist elegant
in the State and the emtfif inifcic&l
frescoing cad paintings'in the lodge
room, excite the admiration oi »i.
who sec them. ■
The porplo of Rome are proverb
ial for their hospitality, <md: or
UviB occasion they mero than sue
pained their oheseemqfl »lrcady Wg|repu - fttion
Saeh tow
the roil in giving-attention
pleasure to*the viBitvrs, The oc
casion will long be remembered
present aau , \vui .... .
overv mason
an epoch m Gt>org)A'u
Ilia to -y
Fob Ths S®lti>§E.
j hereby sumo-imi-t myself uncou
ilitioonhy T candidate for -Sot;- jL or
fO*-. 1-aI&' •!* Senate i i id 1 * Djstr i 3v
t tv the vacancy •fee &y
t p Jllin 0 j Hon. S B 1 d
ord % democrat is
My only occupation ft. • '• fieri. a*
mer - If elected 1 win do my
tapromote troiii-Moe r t$ of ins
^ hb f K «
“5 ^tuonte. r v.n an^..
opposed to th© «w m Dr i ,u.
road and «« Mm w
all monopoly A w«>« t*. >
Jsiy 5th, EpspecttOi.y,
Vv ii Tjsns.
AH the criizane of f : array cot;n
ty who are da -’tone of going, cr
shipping their freight to Atian!;.
Gu.,or points sooth, or to Gnstta*
l ouga and p /its :n Torn oases,
Arks 11 » as, Texas and ncrthwp'Y.
*** is - * ;o rhair interset k» write
Ag wwn & AtbuUc
Rai i rtv . ? . tidton,- Bsggagb
ib iam*k to »H points
Lli>: n*i!i *<•« Dev
neas reinvuy if y* ran,’' Dyer
dtidHeyu f- Hu* f o?m?ra r -*>0 -f v bui? Bar.ati^os.
Ur. J. n. .Mat , «»?&
will stlfflill>;t« v this» ; W hwltbfalactios. $1 0»
p*r bottle. *
ftSfinj' Persons
Are broket, flown from overw ork or fcouKholfl
fftrese prowu’s Iron Bitten
rebuild! the eystm, £i melem. i:. dl^aetion, Oct wo teinover Kcsuiiio. ox
mm of uie. eaa cutes
For Spec tart ©a and K /o-Ci'.tsses
ior the young ami old, who have
defective eyes, call on i>r. J V
Harris 'at dun 1%-sw Die Store
North cf '-th'*. f-msl 1 u a. No
charge for testing ryaH.
Nut-iinR 0 tontc, odd*:tdr«n’tbtvt #an« butMWjr
0SM»WK‘a toke, Mftlano. Inalgab
It is pleasant to AU enm* Jc.'.Ictj iwy U.
tjon, atd Bilioosnoss.
Loeal Farograjti-x
If you want A log bargirin in
roady-oit>4-'; c'-.-i'-vig.. ras i; y -or
time since I v Ovl.*?y bs: 3 -just-open
oil but-ids elegMit line >.i' wrng spu
summer go-; >d» -Try h l m , it o’ <; u ?-1 -
antee's barg6.ina-and wrii save yo.n.
money by d<tid.\iig with hitji.
A beaui ifut and tasty line of >a«
dies hats, just- received at T i Ovbey's
Saddles, Harness and Bridies
can be bought at T J Oybey’s'enwo-p-,
or than you can got them anyvAt
.Ladles and ouu Ge'ftA . be ? •
With a large assortment - • in
shoes on tue market kept
hand at T J • OVbey’s. Wo o:., y
ask you to price ihcm, -‘-' •
know yots w’H. buy them
w So g : rr\
j m&h! In Y
WbiskieL iw:
W i'NKS. for SacraiiK'ii : .fii
103 East eighth St; -
Chattanooga ) Ter.;-;..
When you want, pure wlimk,-.-.:
■:i‘U on o'r fiend to me,.! w.ii guar -
'-e ray good* Uj bi r^p. • •-.- .v
V G f- ‘,00 corn whiok-vy tfie
if; * •. jf*. mC 'fiot. £ jfivile' V
ttiiirrty o.''«.ht.v friends +•> c:.:l
soo-me. Lei. .. ... y
dor. 1 13 i v
TRAD« MAnii'
1330 Arcfi. Sstreot,. I-'i illc'cl's. SW>
••Maituru in ,*rv® r-ast ia,-»e have a great 4 a
jnSy, a won'S von“iike Aiwi n
th«i, indKj>>rtiiWr woo
acaeure'ioSt of’th. eS®g.-SCTSte^ 'SlaafttialiWu eiru-.-pinciujol dll
fa s 2 , 5 ^S 58
•' S N S . fSSV Src« Stae'tT. PwasL w
A’ jin
U ’Sie olfloet and r;ost popu’. r eeleritlEO tr.a
mocUunicul paper publtihfid &f tta add class has In the aha lattr-B* wohd.
<4nmlation Felly. Ulnstratoi. o< any paper Best olasa of Wood Engriiv
toss, i’uhliahcil *» weekly, Four send months' f«t trial, ap-K-Ttoea il.
copy. WtJNN Price ptrnustoKps, a year. an Broadway, K.V.
& co,,
hmmm&mimc CP
lt%. Edition of Scientific America.).
*«a*«owt. muhk_*oo, sw
j |||A g | Pg. jW £^ s
5 £jSg»•g^£SSJE^ fflADB b0 *** Cl ' rWiK, “' i '
ijmne-Jlate jTrotoOtlou. feud fsr HScdboos.
csrykieHVs lot haw. «««»», huw*.
I bicnn At co.. }>aum bo»cH«w,
osnkrai omc®; m buoaoway, h- v,
s u: c aua 3 yriip&rea
30U t ts
d ti a Rod i:; comfort u . J t
*>'6ath a £ •t !•
fctOij. * «• ?
T Of ■ ana boggy- for i;ir- at
3 times
' A '^ttnis Vbf} *nuck oa ihw coo
flf tfie Wv^r arid kid; ,73. liaoiliFif
i’.fii £$&kt> btti iitt!* ir.oprtiggioii on the-** wfcofft
digestion !* gfioi You oar. rc-tufato y u: iiv- j
hr aoo kid}.tfy3 Tpit?, X-r. 7 U. McL«an'i» I*iv
« .ud,, 3n» a , s-i.oo p.r bct.u.
is fl ««sT., s > .its fr, rj , paralysis
"1 e>» ft.v'.atr, ,ni . V • n.'.war» n#*» .-.t a
very iafg\ ui ;v it: v <' 4 :h« Hla ih i- hu-ntuvUv | i - .Ik: . Ukosl hTreeable an i dff*>o^|ve
rWmfrdy is X>t. 7. XI. JueL^ai^ ^iver and KYt
Ilf; fiitttt--. ^6 c-Luts a viai.
-> : fjfr; the?*♦
Rm- Ws''ei'‘>W' ' • i’pik a -"Yu ;r ahiMildafiMajP 4 *
\r in ied r eLi;7”*:' *au eu-t’ng It i>
H0?i« 8fc*U* 1; imvXbJvsnv or.fxg itpwdocwiiatarfiX s
rd.-.evi, ■ ndiUoUtt;: v.t»>rab a tf&kega* '*brigh*i
fa St ^?\ss.v -**.* It .iT-v a=ir.tto t&sto* It
*cK?tIi«£» flfcfc iAiM,8oftaKH tkg-MUts, AllaysaUpato,
j .Mit '»:• ■ ' bpatkaOW?} ? viu.e3 ?
Kdrt’ .• arising froTG os
c.ttu.4 oauu
i-ft J. ij n’s .St; hr othofoiag Co; dial
iov-r. i'i, by its vitajisitg profertiet*
*-.11 • :?ifb'nv. | >G<j ^c>,r.«k s , i*nd transform a
* ba^^rd, iispint-j i womai* into oae of
p, acfith aud beauty. $i/00 p*»r bettio.
Tains i« th*} ruro*!l < ; f thy back irvdietitt •►.
diCHAped vi'' oi lie Liver <-.r Kiinoj . , may be easily r<u«ov«d by tfco use ;-t
Br- J. ii. McLean's lav >r and Kidiioy Lain;.
$1.00 pe: hottls
A FEKa had e.... oxpe»5tor<*ti«ij in produced
i'V a ic-rr d*.■•’-fri d. B. Mt-L.r.r.'s Tk.r
Wine LiG* # i Beliy, in all cases of bpayfietto.?*,
toto tkrowi or diiLculty ol breaiiiif.^
John l.v-ut', old Murray «
ic located L. .-'ton, oppuBit* tvei
lets, and . Is keeping a first oIhsb
msiaarant, and usha tin; Mima.?
boys to ocfme around and eat with
him wht-v. to. ; ;-. •..,
SICK he&vaicba : tii. i.mio- ot iusny lives
T(i cure acd’piev-. . iui< aasioysi-i; ecu.; - . t
US .-1 br. .T'. H, MeL- 's Little Livur and Kid -
n»y PilUts. .'Chi; ■ a.ngifooaWe to tciso and
g#Btie its ‘BiSit i-tj, :>• 1 JS cw.! ivui.
' When ■ you *ra i» i>ai.ton lout
‘oigirf t-ffif *7 n-uoboiai i'.'.;.'! - Uit>
the stenti-fi d ■ Ue^ionarie.s and :
always ready wait on the Murray
boys. A ;qatir-f> m-'-al wi!i be
inrush fid. j'*>t only 25 cents. R*-.
Mr Beck, first door baiow j
i >SKSOS«.* wV;« lead * Ufa t>f ..spi.m-f a j
2‘.U.V9 ■ tt rt«tt.ustw-A» svvr-'Uil-.* jm» 4 latuav > \
^ friiti" will fe. Vteiiia.Ufl rfiiG«dy u
fi. sj e u«*.'* Voieamo ou U:-x.»m.«ati. •sir
< «;• aafl 9 ewiu t iu#4u.. u »Uo...
fu uim- ft »« ik« h&v.-b tw-siar-.-..: <-r
Wu»R»> -t. — '
a , .-c-tl.-,' -hu-JOVti-;' -'f too atii-VXJb. V:
} Kabaat,'* ouj» cq.-a ty piifl j»-~
i.'**;>>. *ou- ■. win sura.; Svi-ral iO ^
Far i Si?ft
The largest ftii-u.most . e
iifoek of goods' that has been
dp-ifig Place for 'years' has jus!
received ' anti efogsix*<y ar
v.i at the Store of I J Ovbey
,'-i.;u,.'.--nv aewiants hio hou*«
: wi- ■ 9%M0 burns, •>«?-, spraiua and
h-iO--;., if-:; ; ■ *.n i):t»ss 3)7. 3, K Jle
h,a#'a V ; Oil Lih.mem h»« for mxjy
i; i tbo ,vj-;;sUt-.i tin vorila family rom»tfr
U'.luVB : - to colil wiadf, f5in, bii.-;
Ijgi.t ct cial-' : i, lxuy briog oa iuftaniiaatio-j
,v ...;-'bl 10* 3. I:- Moficun *
S5fa« ; ;-:bti5'ii)rr ialve will enbilus the in
; i -ci ■ va aeotbo tbo cerves, ivua
I a^ag-.hM- -.v -iii -.a-i mu-g By« S’-s* 1 ' rij
■ i v:;ftbiior:al Curds.
, -'f J-i An'^erscNi,
A tftfrnty aft Law
E;**l9# i'h-ir., (Tsap.GU,
Froroyt a{ter«rm river to ail h*
g g ] bneinoss and the collection ci
j Jlaies,
Brsi sa s Fi-A«si OBOi.aiA.
Feokvt attentioo given to all L
;.j business and the ; collection oi
v-uimB.' '
. D - ft a,
Oalaotttt-j' T»- ■ : ; ,'i ’ . . , i '■
Stun «: A ..St.Ai»
;i % to T-p;^ N 3 u, .. L a w,
ef.-)toj-iwttekW»» given »« .ae,
a, M.
.T'ri'J*-i"v' StJRVEa'Hv.
All vrk p: otn-ftiy J >00- Oit
Voort fiAico.-; WP:
■%» * •) 15^ ‘.-V o TV* J* V* I ut© it,
Dealer in Ai; ;Cinos cf h
t- **• ■' Cof
LfeiL-.k'* r..... -wx. ft-1 • 1 work. have in stock the lodcsti uctible Casket—much cheap
ei aiid lighter than the Meta’i rasket.
W C) have on exhibition the larger? lint of sample carpets, of all
Krs4e«*. . ever brouget . , , to A a, th:n maiket from Finest, to commonest, at
priws lioffi $1.7a to 2d eta, per yard, nave an EXHIBITOR,
, 0 VOU can 1 nfttlily 4 See just V It CHJ pet Will look 00 the
r .
iiOOl btJiOlt' J ? OU bUy •
a'.' G?nii:ire, Coffins ami Caskets,
Sold at r it foalpricei,, ani dont ye a target it.
Business House'uuder Trevitt Hull, Dalton Ga.
J77 ,r ! Ifi ¥ © r Fa S ft o r e.
Grand Sprang and Siumnor Opening!
Low Latest Stylos,
Millinery and Fancy. Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Lauise c?Murray comity c«U and examine our nicely selected Goode,
Bats, Bonnets, &c, Daiton Ga. 4-18-ly
a r r '*-h ~ s. & II a v »SKf s,
! Woom. \kn-, ——oo.oo— Georgia..
General MeYchandiso and Count: y Produce.
Ida. S0KS» VV. ; E h bSr’*- ii € r w t*- © © <8 $,
Kiecelvtfd &i Cht IHUluti ) State ol
j. d. j, B. GRAVES, No., Bn, Hamilton Street,
Daiton, Georgia.
A a»>..-• aaMs-tmeni -f Milir.,-r> - Stiaw Qoann.aoasiatlne of Straw
llMinetsaini (.«/'»n<i Cbilflrao’;- Hats [trimur J a .d obtnm-uod] Nook
i , ]. 3 ‘u y.lV.hon? Neck Ti-ia, Sonnet Silks, Satin*,
Velvets ami-tTs-ti-- ■ U*,.rt-, ?t-a.;kei:,Or.!tt«er's Ao. Our /;oou«
l-<,ught of th. :nr t >est!ii, i burt j-.”porting Houses in Halti¬
n',.;; „ atJ i-i -- . otx, ..?. I will b» a«2u at veto lew
jxito; ior oust.
i 889 . 1889 .
¥ !"»; t *k H r #■ ¥ m m ¥,
:.;:(! Pi,ACM. Geokoia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best line i-f Gents ready
made clothing, on the lnaiket.
jjjgT'Also a full 8tock„of Dry-goods, Hats, Gaps, Shoes, Hard
•ware, Groceries &o., and will seii at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Eats, Etc.
Che beat East Tdhne^i&e Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Or bans.Syrup, Lcuoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
■of Summer Hats id the latest- styles, all of which will be sold
f,t Rock bottom prices, for cash or barter.
TI? mU ® © Ircwn,
«** ' S-ATEW! V
C 7
rr nay defect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ac*
• •ui Fifty, iiiu! skiltiull corrected by G H Btandon the Optician at E fi
Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge Ior testing the Eye.