Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Ik* ofltelnl Paper «T the Ceeety,
and watered la th. F*st Ofltoa at Spring Plate
«*„ a* noted ei«M matter.;
Subaerlptl.a Rate.:
Sea ;ter, $1 N 8ix H.uthe, Me«nte;Thra«
h» a tbs, 25 eaat*. Payable ia adranea.
Addiw*. all eoataeaiaataae* ti Tee Trees,
Bering ;P(m«, Ga.
The corn crop in Murray is re¬
ported to be very fine.
Oea Ptoa’e rased; fir Catarrh—tor sale b;
A Coffey.
Col. M B Harris was in Chatta¬
nooga on business last week.
Fruit Jan and Jelly Glasses at
J Trotter A Sons, Dalton Ga.
Tbe 30th of this month is return
day for Murray Superior Coart.
Dont forget tbe Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A A S K Ber
Mia. James Shinholser oi Atlan¬
ta is visiting relatives near town.
"The whortleberry crop, in the
mountains, is said to be very fine*
Wheat threshing is going on in
the various sections of the county.
m The English sparrows are becom¬
ing very numerous in Spring Place.
Mrs. O C Goins h«s been visiting
in Chattanooga dnring the past
Gall on J Trotter & Sons. Dal¬
ton Ga. tor your lime—90c. per
The ran is hot. but the farmers
e»v; “Let ber shine." it makes the
cotton grow,
New Crop Onion* and Early
Rose Potatoes. DeJournette & do.
Dalton Ga.
Tennessee Bran and shorts
for sale at -T. Trotter & Sons,
Dalton, Ga.
The various 8ub Alliances of
Murray county are taking stock in
the State Exchange.
Call at the Drug Store of Dr.
John F Harris* for fresh dings pat¬
ent medicine &c.
The grape crop about town is
rottening, supposed to be caused
from the recent wet weather
Two car loads of wagons on hand
at T A A S E Berry’s—Low for cash
or on time with 8 per cent interest.
Hon. M M Bates, has taken hie
seat in the Legislature, with his
eyes opeu in the interest 0 1 his
The infant of Dr. W W Ander¬
son, which has been ill for several
weeks, we are glad to note is im¬
Mr. RT Beck of Woodlawn got
bit on the lip by a spider one night
recently, which caused him a great
deal of pain, t
A little child ot Jones Luffman
died on last Friday night and was
buried at the village cemetery on
Saturday evening.
A magnificent lot of Bncgies
for sale at T A & S E Berrv's, for
cash or on time till fall at 8 per cent.
Mrs. G N King, who has been
visiting relatives at Fair Play
8. 0., for the past month, returned
on last Thursday.
Mrs. Vick Osborn and her
lmsbatd are visiting at her
father’s Mr. Gid Jackson near
T A A S E Barry bave on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
lies of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
A certain young Attorney of
Spring Place is negotiating for
a short hand reporter of the
feminine gender.
The public road jest beyond Mr.
Vornberg*s. is in a bad
and it would be well for the City
Fathers to look after it.
Oapt. W B Davis of
has been spending a go«d portion
of his time, recently. In
looking after tome important bus¬
James Crsigo, who lived in Doo¬
little district, died of long disease.
c.n last Saturday night after an ill¬
ness of several weeks. He was
buried at Mt Zion g-ave yard on
Sunday evening.
Ail oar ties who have open accounts
with ns for Guano, or accounts pri¬
or to 1889, will please call and
give notes for same.
T. A. A S. B. Bkbbt,
The man who lives in this world
fer self aggrandizement, and never
gets out of himself to assist his
neighbor on the way, takes his de¬
parture, leaving bat few to lament
the loss.
■ ...... 1
W A Cannon’s, Dalton, Ga.,
is headquarters for clothing
and gents furnishing goods.
Next door north of Hardwicks
bank. Doirt fail to call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Several school teachers went ts
their appointments on last Mon¬
day and found that their schools
had not gathered. Too much grass
yet to give no the little ones.
All persons owing E A Earnest
A Co., up to Feb. 4th 1889, will
please come and settle at once, by
note or cash. After the 1st of An
gust the accounts will be placed in
the hands of an Atty. for collection,
as they have fallen tn A T Logan
in the settlement. Respectfully,
E A Easiest A Co.
Hauler Mills 4th of Jnly *89.
A little child of C H Maitland,
was playing on the track of the E
T V A G rail toad ten miles above
Dalton on Monday of last week,
when the locomotive came dash
ing along a id crushed the infant's
life ont almost instantly.
Rev. J R Speck is assisted by
Capt. Mosley of Rome in bis series
of meeting at the Methodist cbnrcb
this week. Mr. Mosley is an elo¬
quent speaker and his sermons are
very impressive on his hearers.
Rev. Walton is also assisting in the
meeting, and we feel that good re
suits will be the wages for their
hire, ere ths week closes.
TAKE* No ncE.
Those who are indebted to the
Times office, for subscription or
otherwise for the year 1888, with¬
out payment or satisfactory ar¬
rangement by August coart, will
find their accounts in the hands of
a Justice for collection. Justice
we want and Justice we must bave.
We would like to suggest to the
Farmers' Alliance, that they begin
t - establish some home enterprises,
that will retain the results of their
hard toil within our own borders.
There is no reason why oar people
should be dragging behind other
countiei in advancement. We
have fine streams that can be ad¬
justed to operate machinery, fine
timber, snitable for (he mechanics
use, and plenty of force waiting to
operate any kind of machinery
that might be planted. Form com
panics of your best men, erect a
cotton fsetory and manufacture
your own ootton at home, thereby
saving the expense of hauling 12 or
18 miles, and let the money be
circulated At home. Erect an oil
mill to furnish M demand tor your
cotton seed, and make your own
fertilizers; and establish other en
terprises that will place ub in line
with other counties that are
ing onward,
The Election 00 last Friday
passed off quietly in Murray,
resulting as follows by district;
Town. Trammell 76, Tibbs 89;
Ball Ground, Trammell 64.
Tibbs 19; Tenth, Trammell 7,
Tibbs 20; Doolittle, Trammell
36, Tibbs 12. Eighth, Trammell
26 Tibbs 17; Alaculsa, Tram¬
mell 3, Tibbs 11; 1013th Tram,
mell 13, Tibbs 84; Shuck Pen,
Trammell 31, Tibbs 17; Bull
Pen, Trammell 28, Tibbs 29;
total for Trammell 277; total
for Tibbs 298, majority for
Tibbs. 19. Tata! vote of the
county 577.
Gordon county gave Trammell
431 votes, Tibbs 31; Whitfield gave
Trammell 898 votes *n<i Tibbs 185
Making Trammell's total majority
in the district 1,608.
Mr. Tmmmell was sworn in and
took his seat as Senator on Mon¬
day morning.
All the citizens of Murray coun¬
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta
noogs and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to tceir interset tu write
to or call on Mr* John F Reynolds,
Agent of the Western A Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
Lire will acquire new sect, and cheerful¬
ness return, If yon will impel your liver and
Kidneys to tbe performance of their fnnotioos.
Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kicney Balm
will stimulate them to bealtbfuiaotion. $1.00
per bottle.
Many Persons household
Are broken down from overwork or
Brown's Iron Bitters
rebuilds tbe system, aids malaria. digestion, Get the removes genuine. cr¬
eese of Idle, and cures
For Spectades'and Eye-Glasses
tor the young and old, who have
defective eyes, call on Dr. J F
Harris at his New Drug Store
North of the coart house. No
charge for testing eyes.
LJIDIKS that want building
Needing a tonic, or children
imowifs mON^ITTKKS. Indigo*. I
It ia pleasant to take, cuiee Malaria, it.
Con, and Biliousness. All dealers keep
Local Paragraphs
If you want aibig bargain in
ready-made clothing, now is your
time since T J Ovbey has just open¬
ed ont his elegant line of spring and
summer goods—Try him, he guar¬
antees bargains and will save you
raouey by dealing with him.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, Just received at T J Ovbey’s
Saddles, Harness and Bridles
can be bought at T J Ovbey’s cheap¬
er than you oan get them anywhere.
Ladies and Gents best hand made
with a large assortment of the best
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at T J Ovbey’s. We only
ask yon to price them, and we
know yon will buy Ihem.
F. L. Keith,
-j Dealer In ^
Whiskies, Brandies, i nd
WINES, tor Sacramental
lOS Rut Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Tenn.
When you want pare whiskies,
call on or send to me, I will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
My $‘.{,00 corn whiskey is the best
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4 1$ ly
I J* l ™ "
, ...
tsae AroH street, snuiad’m.'wwi
^Jn^p&Tn 1 “ShU
SrteJ.'Sf’SS Mi &
^ png, starkcv a falkn. ' ^’fi *17
less Arch eratcr, Fhiuu
Aft; 1 ‘,H L' D I ti 4 ‘
^ n , mo*t popular Mientu* ana
a obT; p/nxinxRslm^ - way,
A Editios of Scientific Americas, ij
ou and or full nubile build Ion*. epeelSeattooe Numerous for engravInM tbe of
plena end nee
MONK A CO., hint tolMuni
eamnuA omca: m bboaswat, Jt.T.
Vm Brown*. Iron Bitten.
Physician, recommend it.
All denier, keep It. SUOtl per Imttle. Genuine
das trade-mark and crowed redliues on wrapper.
Cures Indigestion, Ililiousncw!, Dyspepsia, I’hysl- Mala¬
ria, Nervousness, and All General Debility. sell Genuine
clans recommend It. denlers ft.
bis trade mark auri crossed red Hue a onwruppef.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dallon in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
Happikkss depends Ter, much on th. eon¬
dition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of
Ilfs make bat little impression on those whose
digestion is good. You oan regulate you* liv¬
er end kidneys with Dr. J. H. McLean's Liv¬
er and Kidney Balm. (I.W per bottle.
IvDiacsTioK results from a partial paralysis
of the stomach and is tba primary eausa of a
very targe majority of tha Ills that humanity
is heir to. Tb. most agreeable and effective
remedy is Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kid¬
ney Fillets. 25 cents a vial.
AJvlti in lf wthaw.
be Mr*. VTnnmew'8 Soozmso Siacr ahooldalwwa
used when children ore cutting teeth. It l»
Uevee the little sufferers* one* UpndueeenataiM,
quiet button." sleep, end the it little cherub pleasant awakes as tesla. • -bright It
as a ia very to
soothes the child,softens thegums,alUytaUpain,
regulates fordiarrbaaa, the boweis, whether andis arising the beat known teething retaed;
from oc
other onuses. Ttrsaty-Cve cents a bottle.
Dr. J. H. McLiar’b Strengthening Cordiel
and Blood Purifler, by its vitalising properties
will brighten pale oheeks, and transform a
pa e, haggard, dispirited woman into ona of
tparkliag health and beauty. $1,00 per battle.
Pairs in the small of tbe beck iadieete a
diseased on edition of the Liver or Kidaeys,
which mey be eesily removed by tbe use of
Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm.
$1.00 per bottle.
A nu and easy expeotoratien is produeed
by a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar
Wine Lung Balm, in all eases of hoarseness,
sore throat or difficulty of breathing.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Hel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
Mm when in Dalton.
Sick headache is th* bane of many lives.
To cure and prevent this annoying complaint
esc Dr.J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kid¬
ney Piliets. They are agreeable to take and
gentle in their actiou. 2b cents a vial.
When yon are in Dalton dont
forget that ;L Buoholz keeps the
the standard confectioneries and is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
Pimoks who lead a life of exposier are
sabjeot to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumba.
go, and will find a valuable remedy in Dr.J.
. If. McLean’s Voloanio Oil Lineament; it will
banish pain and subdue inflammation.
Fab bettor than the harsh treatment of
medicines which horribly gripe tbe patient
and destroy the ooating of tbe stomach. Dr.
J. McLean’s Obili nnd Fever Cure by mild yet
effeo ive notion wi'l euro. Sold at 50 cents n
For 1889
m The largest and most complete
stock of goods that has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey
Fsrqdirtlt aoiidettt, ooour in th* houie
hold which cauie burn,, outs, sprains nnd
braises; for use in sueh eases Dr. J. H. Mo
Lean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment has for man;
pears been theeonstantfAVorlte family remedy
Uxdok exposure to cold wind*, rain, bright
light or malaria, me; bring on inflemmation
and loreneaa of tha e;aa. Dr. J. H» MeLean’e
Strengthening E;e Salve will subdue tha in¬
flammation, eeol and aootbe tbe nerve,; and
itrengthen weak and falling Eye Sight *i
oenU a box.
Professional Cards.
H. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law
SrsiKQ Placx, OXOROIA.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
J. J .Bates,
EfRIXO.PLACK, Gxouoia.
Pbompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
o. a.avAXB,
Calhoun, G». 8pring|PiRoe,G»
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to altUgnlbudne,
M. M. Leonard,
Ft. Moun tain, Georgia.
All work promptly done
short notice.
J. F. Trevitt,
{ Dealer inJAll Kinds cf y
Furniture, Caskets, Cof¬
fins and Marble work.
Also hive in stock the Indesti uctible Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalic casket.
We have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to commonest, at
prices from $1.75 to 25 cts, per yard. Have an EXHIBITOR,
so that you can readily k see just how a carpet will look on the
floor before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins and Caskets,
sold at Bottomfprices, and dont ycu forget it
LjgpBusiness House’under Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
New York Store.
Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimming*!
LadUe of Murray county call and examine our nioely selected Goods,
Hats, Bonnets, &c. Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harris & Davis,
WOODLAWN, -oo:oo Georgia.
-{ DEALERS Jin }
General Merchandise and Count: y Produce.
Millinery Goods.
Jwt Received at the Milliter) Store at
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new aad.1agantanonin.ntor Milinery and Straw Goo^eonaiating of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’ and Children', Hat. [trimmed and uatrimaied] Rook
and Sa>h Ribbon,, VHvel Ribbons, Nook Tie,, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapas, Flowers, Feathers,Ornain.nts Ao. Our good,
wore bought of the larg.stand beat Importing Houses in Balti¬
more and Now Tore, and will b. told at vary low
prioot for oath.
1889. 1889.
T. J. © V B E Y
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I bave ou band, and will keep the best line of Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
t2F”Also a full stocl^of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flonr, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E. E. Brown,
f * Mniy
» .
or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, as*
curately and skillfall corrected by G H Brandon the Optician at E K
Brown's, Jeweller, Dalton Ga. Ho charge lor testing the Eye.