Newspaper Page Text
! ! » ■■■■—■
C. N. KING. 8 . B. carter.
North Georgia Times
KING <fc CAR » Kit
i, _n - i iu-frr
Grand Picnic.
On last Tuesday morning,
early, the people began to gat it¬
er in towu and on the picnic
ground and before ten o clock
had arrived a tremendious
crowd was waiting to heat the
Hon. Ben Terrel and Ex-Press
ideut Jackson, of the state AL
liar.ce, on the great questions
of the Farmers’ Alliance
Shortly after ten’ the alliance
was formed into line and march
ed to the place of speaking, and
it was a grand spectacle to see
this united band of brothers
in line. But now we are cljS'
tered around the giaml stand,
each one trying to get the near¬
est to the speakers. The exer
cisecs were opened by singing
coronation, led by Col. T. Starr,
followed by prayer, and a web
come address by Rev. J R
Speck after which, Mr. Speck
introduced the great lecturer,
Mr. Terrel. And light here
we stop to say, that we are
proud that the represen¬
tative people of the county
w’ere here to wituess this
speech, for our lack of words
and limited space, render us
wholely unable to do the gentle¬
man justice. ITc spoke ior a
bout one hour and a halt, on
the vital questions that are be¬
ing agitated by the farmers,
and answering the many petty
excuses that are raised against
the Alliance by its enemies.
Hefavoied the cotton bagging,
the jute conqueror, and urged
the farmer to use it at all buz¬
zards, even if the Jute can be
bought at 2 A cents per yard.
Mr, Terrell intermingled some
lunuy are dotes in his address
which were well applied, and
much enjoyed by his aud : tjnce.
Now and then he urged the
people to take the motto “E
quid lights to all and special
privileges to none.'’
Mr. Jackson was introduced
and opened his speech by say¬
ing that Georgia, has the hu ¬
gest watermelon patch iu the
world, > which he said embraced
750 acres. This created much
laughter. Mr. Jackson is an
abie and forcible speaker and
entertained his audience well,
touching on the various quee
tions ol importance to the far
m *i* and particularly, on 1 -gi.s
lation ueccsary lor the tanner
of Georgia, mentioning the <
b.ll among otlwre. He is a
aUvocatu ci inoro educetioa in the
common sehcola and Jess ir the
col ! c * cs
#\n elegant , amnor , w spread ,
nuii all invited to participate.
Ater dinner was over, Mr Jack
son addressee Die people for a half
hour on (he issues tbai the people
are most interest' ‘ in, after which
tlio „ alliance ... repaire<i . , to the court .
house where M . Terrell addressed
the alliance, giving them impor
taal ideas on the government oi
t.ho Alliance.
The bam] music tarnished bv
r> 1 ref. . Stewart c . an a sons ot , iuonau y
rdded »treal!f to the programme
of die picnic.
From Mt. Zion.
Cn the morning of the 27th
of July, notwithstanding the
heavy fog Pi that was pending
o’er head, of. DC Trimmier
students, ac.ompnnied by several of other his
J T Mogan and
<tends g't out to meet Mr J L
Keith, Nelson' Harris, Jarues
Giego y and thei d/iugliteis,
with other irDuds from B.unach
Valley, fora stroll over Fort
MountTn All read> weyu ,
to march with Eli Stan
ford acting as pilot. After
walking a distance of two
miles, we halted ai a beautiful
place, known a? the Russel
farm. The fust object to
greet our eyes, was the spark
ling water from the crystal
spring which never ceases to
boil and bubble amid the shade
of the hundreds of oaks and
chestnut, which has witnessed
perhaps the stately march of
the Red man a century ago;
while the eye was feasting on
the on the beauties of nature
to our delight, the red Jays brilliant of
of the sun shot forth a
light, that hut g upon the shat'
tered boughs and mossy trunks
of the trees which dispells the
gloom of the morning. All
rested and refreshed, we moved
onward and upward stopping
now and then to take a view
of the scenery around and a
bout us. One by one in an
hour and a half, we followed
on after our pilot up the rug¬
ged mountain side, now and
then coming to a cliff we could
hardly surmount, but anxiety
moved us on, for our hearts’
desire was to reach the moun
tain’s summit, and then and
then and the eto take a view
of the surrounding country.
As the watches climbed the
» Ot . heruu if
IIOIU Oit3VCli V\ 6 80CiC
of the boys exclaim, here at
, last! , t Ill a very few „ lUluUt,■■■» .
we found ourselves on the
mountain , top , and tired . ,
and our first thought, w as wa¬
ter, but our guide soon ha’ted
us at a spring. To uur sur
piiae who should we meet,
there but our friend Mr B A
Gregory arid children, when
last seen in tin morning was on
a stiaw stack, was asked
to . • the ,r party , , bur .
he was too busy, but after a
short . , consultation hie , • mind . .
he decided to follow on. Af
ter taking our second rest and
quenching our t irst from
pure sparkling mounffLn spriuu
lying just south of the ruins of
an ancient defense, consisting
originally of a sock wall, about
one mile m length of a zigzag
form supposed to have ’ . i.
built as a protection by some
unknown tube to us as ui c fcory
gives no account ot its stnictiU ’.
-T proceeded onward. t‘> the
nigged cliffs of the norths
where we viewtd the tmmmnd
^' 3 eouu M thiouuh .v telescope,
As the situ liegun to b'w' m
the western horizon we thought
’t best to direct cur footsteps
hojiuwai d. t-ust as v.-e began
descend the lugged old is Mr
Thomas Keith came iu contact
with an enemy in the form oi
a monster rattle-snake. Jfe
bti,!) . S a brave ]fid conquered tac
samp, secured the rattles and
we hastened oh down the
mountain slope, for ouv tborghls
directed . , to , the ., spimg
were now
somctiniig more aubstaa
tial than mountain scenery a
waited our return, which was
.. repast that wa« enjoyed by
all. ,, ] aKin.r one nior draught
- - J
b'om the t buKuig lount.o, we
hid adieu to tlui towering
heights, which has been stand
mu for ages and vvi'.l stan ' 1 for
time eternal in all its grandeur
ami beauty. We then v a v h:d
for onr re.-pecti ve places of a
bode every one delighted with
their mountain ramble for the
mind now hau something grand
a ud noble to least upon
days to com- iron, eight
D 0 . i.
Wq sell the Spence Optra •
Company’s Spectaclet- ami «‘\e :
glasses They are vWy fine
glasses and you should try.
them before purchasing else
where. S. J. McKmghts Now
Drug Snort, Daltou Ga.
County Dir. oto.y •
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday inFoby
and August.
Hon. T. W. Milmir, Judge.
Hon. A. W. Fjtk, Solicitor General.
C. N. Kiso, Clerk Superior Court.
Court of ordinary meets 1st Monday in
each mo^th.
V. II. Rahsuy, Ordinary.
J. C. McEktirk, Sheriff.
M. H. B8.AMBi.nrre, Tax Receiver,
11. M., TaxTolIootor.
S. M. Walls, Treasurer.
M. M. Leonard, Surveyor.
W. I>. Gotr.s, Coroner.
Court of County Commissioners moots on
Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in oaeb month.
W. Luf nun, Chairman—W. E. Covino
ton, S. A. Gregory, A. B. Weaver, Jas,
W, Mackey, Commissioners.
County Sehool Board—S. H. XIsnry.C S C.
C. C. Howei.l. J, (1. Sj-kuilx., W. H. Rau
SKY, L'. E. iit'MRBREYa and W. G. IlMiUia.
Town District 2nd Monday.
Hall GrouUigDist, 3rd Saturuay.
Eighth 2 ml
Do Jlittlo 4th
Tenth *I 3rd
Aicoulsn 2 nd !*
Shuck Pea *sti
Bull Pen 3 at
1013th Vt
Murray County Alliance,
E . v .-. h muon. p, w a Covington, v-p.
w u n»»Bcy,s<.o'yj u a oha*taio, tr*u>ur«»
J II Phillips, chnpiainj J Ii Bp^ok, lecturer;
0 Oilbort, as.-’t leotur^rj J S Adingtoo,
do«j-K«oparj CN-Vnncc, asMt door-kor-rc,-;
Dnu’l Willis, eerg’t at arms.
Traflr Committoo-A K Bam.ey, W T
Moore, Joha Horry, W lISUj)les,A T Wofc
vor, businaas An-olit—A K I anwey,
LeqaJy Advertisements.
STATJ5 OF (3KG!U!rA, StUPTiijf .
John MoDt^omory, Dxooutor of the y ( ;tata
MU key Montgomery, rupreweets to the < r ort
in bis petition, tliat be has IuHy admini 3 tertwi
said estate. Tina is thorx r»ro i'> cite a!) per¬
sona concerned, kindred aad creditors, to
j * 1 « : *«»«»«. *f a «y bo f h «y cun, wUyAi-i ks...
j ut' r fhouid not diBOharacd from i; 8 id
„ B(1 of dJgBliwiov 0! , tb * ,. it
I Monday in Soptcmbar 1K89. Tb, Juoo 4 th
lodft. W. H. Ramsey, Ofilhisiy.
Notice—N otice is hereby given
that n bii! will be introduce 1 td
the present session of the. General
Aw-ofliljiy of Ga. <o prevent- * I-c
thchlny or soiling of intrxicadni;
uqnoro of Rjy charuuttr within three
miles < s' Summer nr.‘a Chapel
uharch in Murray county Gu. TUs
3 idv ISi.h 18".'9.
h fi'i'-rrs—Notic-u is lK.rc-by given
ib it a bill v/ili b • lutroducod »t the*
pro -out xesi-ioti of the Gono-ai Ag
oombly ot ( 14 , to ntevG-Dt r.IiD mafeiD?.r
; >r im’-iing of in toxica tiu^ liquors of
any el'in-act-c. w;i>:» three milen of
Urn » b viliih' il-.hut i i'D *_> i. ■ u . an
cherc-i>, in auu \ ibis
July 1-Tth Icjcu.
All who L; \ - i: a troidbo iri
getting K-\\p. s-o ui ezscily v-uit tt«
o are; io P.j
Brawns DTlee Xic, nnd Ay-.’ Mr,
Kra' : 'O' , < n ticjitr., la u;-,» tl.air
oyoti tree of e P n v,v.o
rOR TE<W ./a' .-Dh
Bmr.iisncw. • Wt»akiK«s, tnkc Alularhi, 'ivAU.o'u-M a&rj
'AUii lEGL TDT'riL:;IN.
It cures quickly Ft**- ■ • v by all ddblcrg in
medicine. Cel the gt-nniue.
Mada byafiarwsad .3115:
; Eom‘cw,
JSe; 5 -l 3 «t! Broken Caa®.
Anybody can atj»*.-ijr ^
No 3»i-;-:.aiUe aeoded. \V
S g s 'V \
Faroitore * j-\ • it /4 Xh
: Rq
'""LRLL'l .’L;4^ v,a
.■S ; V; . A >•.
A M'
f, •
■ i ■'
; Airs, v :
jj. WvS 5
Ohsnrist ami Miuorfu c^ist
Loughr idge Ga.
Mr. 01ns is a graduate of Michigan Uni¬
versity, and was the first Chemist to identify
t e Tin-bearing ores of North Ge rgia, a nis
eovery now acknowledged by thebeai ol Chtuh
ists,in both Amari ia end Her l Char".-*'.
„ j
FlTfcE^—-'-^ "bo CIS
to any parson who will nhc» 1: to their j
friendo and Bend tlJ orders. |
per JEosth
4 salary »p i oxpvrjEu paid e.ioi-0 V.iu) pro
. tat mOtef >o «Rp-..-.!r,-:on, aadtticir
eal.ry raies-t to
p©s* W&Kitfo
Iw third, ftiiti .
;r V|.G'3 £'*>>? rrr^ntfih
thea-atii month lin y are \ ira u.-., it Uv.-y
.-.oinivi ; a- i-Mscicu, /
RVR u wiii srai you r .-re
3 . '■ ,.-*t joii■ ;.vi Hvr! t boma,
you si'SBitna od,tlusttrill amaikaf psyyc.a
to $ui see kS (wi’, A have
, o»ni«2 ovcv iij \‘V. 1;.»c h, ali
Too cbAbCA o >.lKf vk’.:e. Ko-v is
tan time. Fa, tc :-o aco ttbsnlnVvraro/pr f
tbs ,v ::s. • I ■ y.«r Pest v.!l~ . a-.
U• idw pA-cahd<iri>Di,iii«; t';k aive.txuuaLiiu. >?srowha! Adcutsaa.. part:- y op
SiirJard Stiver Ware us.,
8(3 Washington Ct.,
33C? STCJ'T, EdXjO:£5B.
• • •. - -•’TTVV* •'« y*rr-f%j - • vi-
%-lf- E"v:mL AT
■ -
.. (k W
:' f .. V ■ K ;..-,
:A..y: y ''y, J
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w v f : --y
%/ r;u>
w LWklfea ; M,
: Wai;i3X: Re.aeiSy Pm all
~ Tims LIKE
bur k.U't* f Id is
ro v,: 4 «;
: b»;t L J:' .' A <* fUL t, trial
.‘■.•it-, vikk /j 'la.!.-* <.f va
! , O ft'li :u ••i v-; iw -..•viTrie 1 , ja ht.
r:; ir > >*. huvt.iu; > v ;?to>nui * E.eK -m i,,
om , i *•% 71 : r.’i •• lidcUh ”Cr'.• * •;
. ..Vi vor niK-.vj
‘ iit'i i‘J rsi *■ ?»•!.•• I;: - .-: V .*i iliH;l X.t JU'Tii
Uy ■' --d.-v r.Ni! C t
W!’, !. b bR;j L ;• • ■ ; : :• j .-\j; c:
t'H; y, ; r ■'■y.-U ,'•! !) f fA‘rcli.% aD; ■ ,.r i s
r '..-it iNvUM’ll,Mi.i ». •*-JVe..-G.t»i.i
«V- •' i U' - W rof’.-r f, . s' i;j: ■ r, |j
CJiiil'd i, l! >- i.U* 1 lr l *-T 4 ‘ JU'iSiHt
i;M o'lrrkl ]•. AormcU *.• vD'/t,
pr-rdv >■:*!;•? R e i.T v. rH .» '-i,T uLEvy i;:e
DX.U SfwcP;v :.v .-a rrwh nm>»r\ !>;*. D.v.j,* -. t*
•' ’ h:i niuiDle vciU£>tiy'.viticii
uu'. e:LUi im frc-ixu-il io Lire.
-'nvi\ 5G ct:J-D-r. boAU. 'MrUVdfacUUk'd bv
LVa L TDD A. *» A VLCR, AtRtic i, Cn.
rva x, < .-wj nwjTB*i«%icrw»w«
f a*. »>j,t ; Ij-.k'vtt:;'«ir: y Hum
: r.-i I Duftrtn -.Hi chjp t’outfis. Croup and Cot#
tv.n' .'D '.vn. Lr:r(- ms. xn-i *•'' •>
». . 1 it , bbrsbiessEgsogfc?
-'ir'’ f-'.v.^rb,
fX-‘ * 'naw-.u'r.rrd <‘oE
■ Kb . Ky,» i’l Dwirsity, Rs
• - «’>Ui
■’ j ••• ui Hr.:u»ftu tbo
.; > i .. I > ’. Ol t V
" •: R 'er.lfg M
f ;, ?
-, i- v_;, 3 khtcAiion.
,c rradr -
Hon¬ ci
''••-h.w auk fily, n.-tty an
vdVi'dnRu Lite Do. *\re».
* ^ ! ■■■'\' r rj Jf'innrrd, tuft (itoajtckt, tt'i
';>* .* jriK'* u*.vr.V‘rc*r» rviu W 1 r.Pl vhidh 'r.ppe^Vn RfR) rD-iloapt *h v."Mhet coD
• • * Jt, yew front ??>
•v!‘ in tne nr iucrq f‘h- ■WftOJ-f r ■ - ..
’.-A D : 'i i .If t/c V ’• t t f-ir. .> v?.■ - • rn.
|V ro Oi rn «i It Avia, -v r :•> |>:. r: it,: p -i..
t# t>U • in*,Zri»xi£^toa. Uy-
’ '?
1520 AroU Sr-rvat. Pl'llad'a, PflU
"Multarnin porvo t”—that Is, we have a great d*
y ray and a very sraall space in which to say ltj
jrlcfly. then, would you like some indisputable proc
j •T ieaa a«ch strcet, phila. pi
’LKL*’''' 4
Foe Sale By
ANDERSON k COFFEY, Spring Place «*., Central Agents.
A. f.Vmrso, Woodtswr. Ga, Hasjis & Mobtox, Loughridge.Gs.
Paynr Hi Spp.mi, Sumach,, E. C. Eabnbst, Hassler Mills
L. F. Ci.aRK, Fi. Mountain Ga. fsnutOI & Johnson l-cnnis On A, K.-Rambet, IUusey Ga Mai*Kfaetui*irig
We begin the new year by thanking our
friends for the 1 iberal pat ronage bestowed on us.
Of the thousand new resolutions you are ionuing let the first
be, ‘T will buy ray FURMTURE during the year 1889 fot
the CHEROKEE M’FG CO.’’ This done and we wonVinsist
on the recital of the other 999, but promise to merit your[con
fideru e by giving you the best goods for tbe'least money.
Our Undertaking Department, in charge of Mr.
T M Kirby, is kept complete, and his services
arQ at the disposal of the public at any hour,
We carry an immense stock of all mariner of BUILDING
MATERIAL, such ns lough and dressed Luinbe*, Flooring,
Ceding, Railing, Baliiistei.s b’croil Work, Shiiigbs, Laths, <fec.
tie make a specialty * > i furubliiiig eslimtit* s. Contractors sod
liuiide.t’H me soheiled t< i xamnio «.ui work ami get pur prices,
Z£7' Furn i ture Sales Room next door to De
Journette & Co. Dalton Ga.
C'feerefeee ILL.' *<v wf|* ■>' ' Csmgry. 9
Mew Maxiwtss’e Sttirel
Wv lake >.hfs »• 'RseP mint? IP- puopio of Narth (-ioorgia,
. !;. . tb.'.i W« no* op>-..i ! t" out* <■! the
lABtt fX‘V:vcdAo v.7s.?\ Lest Leleo -eil <■ f" 1 : of HARD
•V ever brougfit. to diis nut! ket.
!V *‘ h::vc Dy dkHkoKr r'nti.: Slock for bTQT GASH!
Tv/ - bfrdj ct .(.re iav np b-yyy :;e:i ti*c .•.ucurit.liuerE, and
iu car load iotsi
0«” stock tfi’ilJ b«? krpqiropU-tA s f ail gai-a B ud if wo. Ao not happen
io Rave wkat yen warn. *•« v.-bi u. ior y« u. / : v;o ai'k is a trial.
We propose giving Dalton what sh has never had—
IS “---- -.r A& , k'A ; fn V wo™ l,a,, * ,0,n an ?< 1 cheaply convealeit, Iv-nted health,, in winter. Haht, Tnlis eo*L Intcnr^p aad vJJi? ”®
j*Ewgr i 7 l.. iMifc .Jsg wbat lo do, and w/srna them -what 1
! %&£&& CL;, s . j. . ■ ■ ^ AMERICAN PUBU&lNG uot » ( « ,|>« h * I
' I *
i ' ! by oaail J Falrmoout ih&Ua,
Mew Drag Store.
Dr. Wilson Brown, a regular
giftduate of the Missouri
ical College at St, Louie Mo.,
who rank - high in the p ofes?s
ion of Medicine and
is located it) the New Faun
building at Dalton Q ... with a
Inigo stock ot Drugs and every
thing in the line of a FIRST
Dr. Brou n has been tor m.-ory
years engaged in the practice
oj Li.-dieiii.j and Pbannncy i;
Bo ilhevu Illinois, and now ten'
dm•-!iia services as DhyMciai;
and Druggist, to the people o!
Dalton mid surrounding country
Dont forget to call at
Dr. Brown’s Pharmacy in
in Tlie; new Fann build
ing, Dalton Ga.
Metropolitan Hotel.
£ Uanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Paestiuger
Cornor of Alabama A Pryor Streets.
——Bates Reasonable. -
R. P KEITH, - - Proprietor,
[ Late of Cannon House.]
Fine wo rk in all
bran ches of PHOTOGRA
-r'-'fry two doors north of
Dr Main’s d mg store.
^member we do not work
in a-tent.
Bringthis advofiVerneDt to
our galWy and get four Gem
pictvnes for S5 cents
Be sure to luiiijr thin eimR
liiun.i a Dklany,
. htlton
L.. Gu.
ILr J. p. Faun,
itfftlDTHT DiJITlaT
DALTOX................CEOR GIa,
All kiadtof di«>
- ••K.vK^SftJSs ■ • tXSSZlt
' Dlfc'-sassx#; -A. ,! P >» parrUl
'A F fall or
set.of terth at
-■ V- i* 0 !isoorfblo rates.
WlCmo.t Tooth os tr A o to -
pain fcy tho ase ot SquUihV r.ureSud
Bnirrlc hthor The patror nov nf the oitiren
ot with.-, Murray county is ro-peotfully solicited
pda ran tot that I will do thorn as go o
acrh as tUoy can get in North Oeorcia, an
w * cnt-hi'as liiBtistio they c#r, ijot it done hy any first
iass North Ooiir^ia.