Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Paver or the County.
so a entered ia the Post Office at Spring Place
Qa., aa seosnd olass matter/
Subscription Rates:
Ooe year, $1 00 Six months, 50eenta;Three
months, 25 cents. Payable in advance.
Address all communications to Tss Timsb,
Soring Plies, Q*.
HOME :news.
Let the farmers act upon the
good advice received Tuesday.
U«e Pisa’s remedy f »r Catarrh—for sale by
Anderson A Coffey.
Miss Lizzie, sister to JoBeph Mor¬
ris, near town is dangerously iil,
Mr. Hyden Tyler is putting up a
cotton giu on his farm near town.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber»
Mrs. Fannie Johnson has been
very sick daring the past few Jays.
Editor Wrench of the Argns was
in attendance at the piome Tuesday.
Call on J Trotter & Sons. Dal¬
ton Ga. lor your lime—90c. per
The farmers of Murray are be¬
ginning to brag on the re crops.
At this writing Dr. Free Harris
is very low and’his case is quite
Call at the Drug Store oT Dr.
John F Harris 1 for fresh (bugs pat¬
ent medicine &o.
Mies Ida Yenrwood has beeu vis
itingifriends in this county for the
past few days.
Prof. Jack Cole, who is teaching
in Ala. spent a few days with rela¬
tives in town last week.
Call on Dr. Hill Harris at the
Cole corner and get your dental
work done during court week.
Mr. E II Dickson of Tidings Ga.
has been visiting his relatives in
town for the past tew days
Mr. Morgan Peeplec, Secty, of
the Gordon county Farmers’ Alii
«nco was up to hear the speaking
A magnificent lot of Biugies
for sale at T A & S E Berrv's, for
cash or on time till fall at 8 per cent.
A party of young Daltnniane
are partaking ot the hospitality of
Mrs. S M Carter, at Rock Spring
this week.
Two car loads of wagons on hand
»t T A & S E Berry’s—Dow for cash
or on time with 8 per cent interest,
The roads are getting an extra¬
ordinary working in this county
this week—Guess the boys are ex¬
pecting Judge Milner to travel.
Col. S M Carter and family have
moved to their country home at
Rock Spring, this county, where
they will spend the summer.
Mobo Holland says that Mrs. A
J Leonard had a swarm of bees t,o
settle in a chicken coop, and now,
the coop is most half lull of honey.
Fou Sale
A Fine 2 year old, Snow Ball,
horse colt 13 hands high, well
broke, apply to Hill Anderson.
Judge Ramsey issued license for
the marriage of Wm E Bandy of
Whitfield county, to Miss Laura fVi
Cochran of this county on last
- ■ . - - *«« O " — ---- -
Murray Campmeeeting opens on
tomorrow, Friday, earlier than it
has opened for a number of years,
but being a leisure time, will per-*
haps be largely attended.
All uartiee who have open accounts
■with us for Guano, or accounts pri¬
or to 1889, will please call and
give notes for same.
T. A & S. E. Brrby.
C’apt. W W Gibbs, who resided
for many years in this comity, died
at his home in Knoxville Tennessee
on July the 29lh. Mr. Gibbs'
many friends of this county will
regret to hear of his death.
Mies Milma Hassler. ofHnsslor
Mills, visited Mrs. 8 B Carter in
town this week—Tbe 8 P. girh
would have to keep their beet tool
forward if Mies Milt,a staid in town
T A & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Oall and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Col. W Luff man has about com¬
pleted his new residence on his
farm in the country, and when
completed the Colonel will have a
nice home.
Hon. P McGhee claims to be in
the lead on Irish potatoes, in both
yield and size. On one fourth of
an acre he dug 75 bushels, and they
range iu weight, from one to two
and one fourth lbs. :
John II King, has accepted the
agency for Hempstreet & Burns 1
Monumental Work, and any one
wishing to purchase, call on or ad¬
dress him at 15 W. Montgomery
Ave. ChaLtancoga Term.
Prof. Stewart and sons of Florida
gave the people of Spring Place a
splendid entertainment on last
Monday night. All cf his pieces
we;e chaste and n ; oo and no ob¬
jection could be raised !o any- part
of his performance.
All parties indebted to us will
please come forward and settle
their accounts, by cash or note, at
once, otherwise they will find them
in the hands of an officer for col¬
lection. Coffey, Moore & Co.
Coi. Joe Shoior of Waihaila S. 0
and Mr. Tom Harbin of Gordon
county, spent Saturday night in
town. The former visiting Mrs. 0
N King, the latter Miss — well it
dosnt make any difference who, but
come again Tom.
Sam Peeples, who was badly
mashed up on the W & A * railroad
some time ago, says that while he
was suffering from his wounds, he
decided that he would railroad no
more, but as the pain leaves him,
his desire grows,stronger to return
to his old job.
Rev. Fletcher Walton, the ta'en
t9d young minister of the Oohutta
circuit on his way to Conference
could not pass his I aFayetta friends
by. A goad congregation was out
to hear him preach. After leaving
here he Bpent a night with worthy
Squire Duncan who had been so
kind to him during his illness.-
Walker County (Messenger.
Married at tbe residence of Rev.
J R Speck, on la-t Thursday morn¬
ing James J Gregory and Miss Ju¬
lia V Loughridge, both of Hassler
Mills this county, Jimmie is one of
our most promising young men,
while his bride is one of the spark¬
ling bel’s of Murray and we pict¬
ure for them a bright future. Rev.
J R Speck tied the connubial knot.
Col. Starrs beautiful residence
was completed last week, and is
one of the prettiest buildings in
North Ga. It is constructed after
the modern plans, ia tastily arrang
ed, and not only Col. Starr and la¬
dy, should be proud of their lovely
borne, but Spring Place should
feel honored to have such an ele¬
gant structure within her limits.
The Colonel moved in this week.
The people of Spring FJaee have
been agitating bhe question of build
ir.g a new house of learning ior the
advantage cf the town and the
county, some little of late, but
owing to the expense of tlv.' one lost
the first of the year, a complaint o*
not being able, is heard f-om many
of those interested, and it does look
like a hardship on the people, but
while this i« true, it is a much
greater hardship ou the young gen¬
eration who are growing up in ig
uoranee. Now we appeal to tvery
one who has countv pride and who
feels an interest m his children and
an interest in the young cf the
county, whose bright minds are
reaching out to grasp the advan¬
tages of au education, to feel that
a part of this work is incumbent
upon you, snd give a little of your
money and time to this work so
much needed, in aiding the ad¬
vancement and enterprise of the
county. A good school is essential
in the growth of any country, and
now, while all are at leisure let s go
to work. Spring Place has always
aided, when called or, from a!!
sections of the c unty and now if
our people make a move in the di¬
rection of building a good house
we hope the people at largo will
take ah intern-i with us and
to establish A good school.
] ’JAKE NorrcE.
Those w ho are indebted to the
Times office, for subscription or
otherwise for the year 18SS, with
outpayment or satisfactory ar
rangement by August court, will
find their accounts in t.he hands of
a Justice for collection. Justice
we want and Justice we must have.
shipping their freight, to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Ohatta*
noega and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest.
will find it to their interact to write
to or call on M 1 '. John F lteynoids,
Agent of the Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
Lifk will acquire new zost, and clteorful
nonreturn, if you wi.Umpcl your liver and
Kidneys to the performance of their functions,
T I)r. . J. r K. tr McLean wr r , 3 Liver , • and , Ikicnoy T -. _ Balm
will stimulate them to healthful action. $1.00
per bottle.
Many Persons
Are broken down from overwork or household
cares Brown’s Iron Bitters
rebuilt^ the system, aids malaria- digestion, Get the removes ex¬
cess of bile, and cures genuine.
For Spectacles and Eya-Glasse?
for the young and old, who have
defective eyes, call on Dr. J F
Harris at bis New Drug Store
North of tbe court house. No
cherga ior testing eyes.
M ail Lines.
I am now prepared to haul pas¬
sengers from Spring place to Dal¬
ton, with c unfort, sunnier or win¬
ter, Hack leaves Spring Place at
7 a ru, and leaves Dalton at 1 n m.
Round trip, only 50 cents.
Will also carry passensers from
Spring Place ta Ellijay■ Leave
Spring Place. Monday. .Wedaes
day and Friday. ia,.fciaj; 3 round
trips earn week.
L. C, Joses.
u a muss
Neodlug o tonic, or children that want buildln
up, should take
It ta pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indigos. it.
tion, and Biliousnees. All dealers keep
rrrrrLLD-::rzL.rr. •rrr.rrfi^r.rsja’
Local 1 *aragrap hs
If you want a Tig bargain m
ready-made clothing, now is your
time silica T J Ovbny bits just open¬
ed out his elegant line of spring and
summer goods—Try him, he guar¬
antees bargains and will save you
money by dealing with him.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at I J Ovboy’s
Baddies, Harness and Bridles
can bo bought nt T j Ovbey’e cheap¬
er than you can' get them an} where.
Ladies and Gents bc;-t hand made
with a largo assortment of tho best
shoes oo tho market aro kept on
hand at T J Ovbey‘s. We only
ask you to price them, and we
know you will buy them.
F © IU Keitis,
Dealer In y
Whiskies, Brandies t r.d
Vv'TN’Kb, for Sacramental
103 East EigUth Street.
Chat tanooga Te r.n.
When warn parb vlmJtioe,
iall on or send to me. 1 will'
rrde<« tny goods U» bo as repu^-uH'd.
.Vf v S’/,00 corn whiskey ia V-e- best
ir Uns marker, l invito my. old
?./ mty county iriende to caii ami
mjo me. Gel cash accompany or
tier. 4 1: Jy
Edition of Scientific American. Q)
A ffreat success. Sack J6sue contains coloreti
Uthogr&phio public plates buildings. of country Numerous and city engravlnRS residen¬
ces or
lad lull plans and specifications foT the use oi
26 such cts. as contemplate MUNN bnllding. & CO., Price Publishbus. $ 2.50 a year,
a copy.
I PaI bh yoars’ fixporienco 1__MTSmm and nave made over 100,
j ! Sm n OOO patents. applications Bond for for Handbook. American and Corrospond- Foreign
ence i strictly confidential.
In case your mark is not registered In the Pat¬
ent Olflco, apply to Musx A Co., and procure
immediate protection. Send for Handbook.
COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps,
etc. quickly procured. Address
RUns-N Si CO., Patent Solicitors,
OsNituAL omen: 361 Broadway. N. Y.
C»e Brown's Iron llijcto.T8e nd it.
j j AU (1 s'iilpt* I’hvsit'.itins k^j> ;iud it. •§! ret* ;iv;: ora pov ctl m« \Gsnuine lilies
D£ifc Ifiiviu-Uiurk CJ’Oai'Od t oil wrapper.
Faok Lina.
j SiD10n ^ has P nrcha8( d r ‘ m,w
j covered bach and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton. in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
Pj*M at 1 p. sl m. 7 daily. A - m - Leaves Dalton
Sorses and buggys for hire at
all times.
life make hat little impassion on thDse whoso
digestion is gociL'iou can regniato,our iiv
" Kidnly Bai®. *'$uooVrbotM«- S Ij ' V "
r »»,oHT,«» results from a partial paralysis
0 f the stomach#nd i? the primary cause <-f a
rrry large majority of the ids that humanity
i8h<sirt ?- The “ 0,t *gr««»t>te and effective
#8y Pillot9< a6cents a viul .
Advice to Nolherflv
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syuup should always
quiet button.” sleep, and the It is* little cherub awakes as “bright It
as othea a child, very pleasant to taste. all pain,
ao the softens the gums, allays
regulates the bowels, and ia the best known remedy
for diarrhoea, whether Twenty-live arising from teething or
other caused. cents a bottle.
1>b . J. H. McLkan's Strengthening C 'rdia-1
and Blood Purifier, by ns vitalizing properties
will brighten pale cheeks, and transform n
pa o, huggard, dispirited woman into one of
sparkling health a:.d beauty. $1,00 per bettto.
Pains in tbe small of the back indicate a
diseased o nditinn of the Liver cr Kidneys,
which may bo easily removed by the use of
Dr. J. II. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm.
$1.00 por bottle.
A fkkk and easy espootoratiau is produced
by a few doses of Dr. J. £1, McLean's Tar
Wine Lung Balm, in all cases of hoarseness,
sore throat Or difficulty of breathing.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when in Dalton.
Sick bcarfacbo is th > bane of many lives.
To euTo and prevent this annoying oompbunt
uso Dr.J. II, McLean's Little Liver and Kid¬
ney PiUets. They are agrooablo to take and
gent’e in *uoir action. 25 cents a vial.
When you ure iu Dalton droit
forget that *L Bucho’z keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square moal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
Versons wfeo lead a life of expopior ore
eiibjaot to rheumatism, nounil-m and lumba.
go, and will find a valuable remedy in Dr, J.
11. McLeah’s Volcanic Oil LiJioamont; it will
banieh pain and subdu a inflammation.
Par botto • t'mn tho harsh treatment of
modioinos which horribly gripo the patient
and destroy thecoating of tho stomach. Dr.
J. McLean’s Chill and Fcvoi Cure by mild yet
effoc ivo action wi‘l cure. Sold at 50 coots a
For 1889
The largest and most complete
stock of goods that has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at tho Store of I J Ovbey
Frkquinti.v nofldonts oocar in the house¬
hold which cause burns, cuts, spr.iins and
bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. 11. Mc¬
Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, has for many
years beau thocoustanlf ivorito family remedy
Ukdur exposure to cold winds, rain, bright
light or malaria, may bring ou inflammation
ar.d soreness of tiioeyoa. Dr. J. H. McLean’s
Strengthening Eye Salvo will subdue tho in¬
flammation, cool and soothe tho uervos, and
strengthen weak and falling liyo Sight £5
cents a box.
Professional Cards.
H. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law
Spring Place, (I BORGIA,
Prompt attention given to all le
gal business and the collection oi
J. J .Bates,
SprisgiPlace, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all le
gal business and the collection of
o. K. {Sl'ABE, TAaMMBLLstark
Calhoun, Ga. Spring.Place,(Ac
ST» H 8 «t STAR It
Attorneys at Law,
'Prompt attention given to all legalbuaine 8
M. H Leonard,
Ft. Moukiain, • Georgia.
All work promptly done on
short notice.
If ^7» Jr I E® t T' T 1 4 SL
%j o • jt 3L V 9
-( Dcialer Dgl'l Kin scf ;
nr.» c d — ; v' -r /ri 1 *-/Ci
Ak. k i ii sUa *2 .1 V 9
MMiS i’i ltiisak F- '' wn ia worlt.
Abo have in «o«k the W«t.n«t» Caket-su,.* cheap
or situ3. lighter than the Atttt.ldC Cllsktlo.
\y 0 have on exhibition the largest lino of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to commonest, nt
prices tiom $1.75 to 25 ets, per yard, Gave ;ui EXHIBITOR,
so that you ' can readily see just how a carpet will look on the
door before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins ami -• Caskets,
sold at Boifconrpriecs, ::.nd do at y< u forget it
(^“Business Bouse umicr Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
iWMMJWMirw ^ia^cawswriFcsats &eaussec,*uT.:jt
N e w W © v k St©re j •
Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
New Goads, latest; Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods,
Hats, Bonnets, Dalton Ga. 4-t8~ly
II a p i* s II a v § ,
W OO DRAWN, -00.00------- Georgia,.
Generul Morcimiidisu ami Count y Frotluce.
QJ««V?iaWT^v'.t«.^Mfc«v-w.wvrM«jnt_:%«i.r»*vjr. ■ t r»3c»*enwr -a*u-.'xnntmw..-vanw M'W
M tesse si e r y ^itO© i § *
duel Received nt the Dtiilutij store u>
J. A* J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia,;
A new ami ologant assortment of Milinerv and Straw Ooo^oonstetlng of Straw
Eiinnete and Ladies’ ami Children 1 ? llats [trim mud ard trimmed] Nt*ok
and Saab Hibbonft, Viivet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Vcivatb' and Crapos, Flowrrs> Feathers,Ornaments «fcc. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best importing House? in Balti¬
more and New Yotk, and will bo sold *t very low
prices for on ah.
1889. 1889.
fin J8L « © w H E I r 9
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clotliign!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the inaiket.
SST'AltJO a full stock .of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries &c\, and will sell at low prices, for cash.
W, J. J©MS®N,
DEAL ICR in )*
Orocerias, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
Tbe best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenou’s Fact ory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latent styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
MM w • © Brown
i f VAT6 y
t n t
ASTIGMTISM, . •i :*• : Y
or any delect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ac¬
curately and skillfull corrected by (i H Brandon th3 Optician at E g
Brown' f, Jeweller, Dalton Ga, No charge lor testing tin Eye.