North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, September 12, 1889, Image 2

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a *.«*«. s. a. carter.
Norik Georgia Times
KINO A CAlfBR Petal-aero.
tmvudav D.
MT-~Z- sst
Sept. 9th, *89.—'The p otrac
ted meeting Closed at New
Hope yesterday, with good re¬
sults. Nine additions to the
church by baptism, three by
enrollment and one restored—
14 in all The church greatly
revived, mid they have agreed
to go to Work in earnest to¬
wards bonding a new church
house, which is greatly needed;
for the congregation was had so
large yesterday that wc
to hold, serv i c e s in -the grove.
Also at several night services
duriog the week, the people
could not aril get in the house.
Kev W. R. Lackey assisted the
writer during the week, except
one service, at which time he
was called away, on account of
the death of Jakey Brown, oi
Tilion. Rev B. R Foster also
assisted part of the time. The
bretherea both have our thanks
for valuable services rendered.
The protracted meeting at
Ballground is postponed until
next w*ek; but services will
begin there Sunday night, Sept
The North Georgia Associa¬
tion will meet with the church
at Tilton, next Thursday.
Work on the new house at
New Prospect is progressing
finely, as is the case also at
Casey Springs.
We are glad to s%v that
Henry is up again.
Being confined so closely in
protracted meetings for the
last /bur, weeks, I have not
able gather .
■been to much gen¬
eral news.
That lit tle girl of Mr Hall's
refered to lost week, was not
so badly hurt as was teared;
but is up and going to school,
so we have heard.
The bretberen at New Pros
pect have organized a weekly
prayer meeting which they
hold every Wednesday night.
Peaches and chickens «re
getting scarcejust A
It being fodder time, the re¬
cent raiot have been u on the
B F. Bright.
All who have bad trouble in
getting Glasses to exactly suit the
eye, are invited to call at £ E
Browns Dalton (jja. and have Mr.
Brandon, the Optician, to tebt their
eyes free of charge.
From An Old Vet.
Editor. Times:- -I see in
your valuable columns an ac¬
count of reunion of several
North Ga. Regt&, but -newer
4wrv« beeu able to hear of a
survivor of nay old Regt.; al¬
though I hrit several in .Murray
when I left there in 1*70.
When I retrospect the past, I
often think of old Tig, Toombs
and Penning, my Brigadiers.
Then ! can recall the scenes of
Bull Run, Malvin Hill, Bottoms
Bridge, GuinuieSt&tioo, Cbick
ahomna, Appomattox, Culpep¬
per and the moat memorial
Sunday, the 80th of July *63, at
Manassas where tbe ranks oi
the old 1st Ga. Regulars were
Utterly exhausted, 1 receiving
a ruinnie ball wound of which
I have suffered from until this
day. The few survivors of
that battle were sent back to
Ga to recruit their exhausted
ranks. The scribe then attach*
ed himself to the Bid Confeder¬
ate I’av., at Atlanta Ga., and
served the remainder of the
wai. By reading the Times,
occasionally I can see the
name of some of the boys who
are yet tramping around my
old birthplace io Murray, to*
wit, old Pleasant Valley. I
here say to the boys of Co. C.
I have ever preserved the roll
and often in my trunk I unfold
it and call it over, but no re¬
sponse over here in Texas.
J. M. Bates.
Comanche Te.t,
Dont Sell Your Cotton
The nat’onal viotton commit
tee of the Alliance held an im¬
portant meeting in Atlanta on
the 28th of Aug. and addopted
the following reaolutios:
"Resolved, That the national
cotton committee recommend
that the farmers of the south
shall sell no cotton during the
month of September except
wbat may be absolutely necea
saiy to meet the obligations
which are past due.
Besolvcd, That the national
cotton oommittee instruct the
president oi each primary alli¬
ance, wheel or union, or some
person appointed by him <0
meet the president and secreta¬
ry of faia county alliance, wheel
or union, on Saturday the 2Sth
oi September, at the couu y
site, for the purpose of receiv¬
ing further instructions from
the national cotton committee.
Resolved, That every news¬
paper in the south in sympa¬
thy with the Intel est of the far¬
mers, is requested to publish
these resolutions.
R J Sledge, chairman, Kyle
Texas; A T Hatcher, Grand
Cane, La., W R Lacy, Winona
Miss., S B Alexander, Charlotte
N (L l B Featberson, Forest
City.. Ark., M L Dohafecn.
Greenville, S C., W J Northern
Sparta, Ga., R F Kolb, Mont
gomerv, Ala., B M Hord, Nash
ville Tenn.
The first copy of the Nation¬
al Democrat published in
Washington City reached our
office this week. It is one of
the cleanest and neatest 5 our
nals that we have had the pleas
ute of reading and is founded
on true principals which will
win in the bands of impartial
readers. We weioome the
Democrat on our list of exchan
A convention of tlie Royal
Arch Masons of America,
which meets only once in three
years, will be held in Atlanta
Beginning Nov. 20th. About
800 delegates are expected in
attendance, coming horn every
state and territoiy and Horn
Canid a Great preparations
are being made in Atlanta for
the occasion.
It : 8 thought that tho corn
crop in Illinoise will not bold
out by a good deul Jcisnow
estimated that the crop of the
ataie will be 73,000, (KG t >; L
els Jess than that of iim- •yeu:,
Representati iroi^BBib ves^ PuUcrsou
and Huff ecu of y
have 1 for been tr ryMHpghf. alWmyFbut a da
l sever so (ai
no fight. \
Texas is the banner alliance
state, Tennessee ranks next and
Georgia third.
Fannie Bryan hiser woman
who was conntctea with tbe
Hawes tragedy has been sen
tensed has to made life imprisonment concession
and a
which made pip Hawa’s loul
We eell the Spencer Optical
Company'* Spectacles and eye
glasses. They axe very fine
glasses and you should try
them iiefore purchasing else¬
where 8. J. McKmghts New'
Drug Snore, Dalton Ga.
County Dlr ctoiy T
SvptrioT Ocatt moat* 3td Monday in ?»by.
and AngtuU
Hob. T. f. Miurtta, Jadge.
Hob. A. W. Fits, Solicitor Qoarral.
C. H. Kno, Okik Superior Ooort.
Coart of meet* 1st Monday in
each month.
W. H. Ravaar, Ordinary.
J. C. McB.hib*, Sheriff.
M. H. Brambutw, Yu Receiver,
M. M. Wj:lck, Tax Collector.
6. M. Walui, Trroaercr.
M. M. Lana asp, Surveyor.
W. D. GobL*, Coroner.
Court of County Comminlnert meet* on
Wedneaday after let Taeeday in each month,
W. Lvrrxix, Chairman—W. X. Covina
ton, 8. A. Qmwobt, A. B. Weave*, Iw
W. Mick nr, Commiuioners.
County School Board—8. H. Hurt, CSC
C. C. J, Q. Spruill, W. H. Bam
s*v, D. E. Hvhphbbvs and W. <1.
Town Diatiiet 2nd Monday.
Ball Crouiid;Diit. Ird Bator 'ay.
Eighth it 2nd ,l
Doolittle 4th “
Tooth 3rd
Alaculia 2nd “
Bb'ieh Pen “ 2nd *»
Bull Pen nt a
1013th lit
Murray County Alliance.
f. w. i*f v CiviNgto*. v-r.
W li r. ui ty,n M UC i p b, UMaprnr,
J R Piil’O. , b. .)*.•• •• j ■: & .. ok, iMtanti
CnCiloMi, e ■'. Itp.i- ; J S Adlngion,
tied -' ... t C X V «’*, . M’t docr-k.ojtetj
fij.i’i r . 11 . ,
TfBde Committeo—A K Hum.;, W T
Moore, John Borry, W H SUploi, A T Woo
vor, btulnou Agent—A K Heaney.
Legal Advertisements.
Notice—N otice is hereby given
that a bill will be introduced
at the present session oI the Gen¬
eral Assembly ofGa. to prevent
the making or selling of interior
ting liquors of any character, with¬
in three miles of Pleasant Valley,
Baptist choroh. in Murray conuly
Ga. This Aog. 14th 1889.
Take No-
ie. .
Georgia, Murray mwf ’
Bids a e invited for the coikBtruo
tion of a bridge over the Con ip
ga River at a point on sridl river
known aa Zanl's Ford, tbe\same
being on the line of Murray and
Whitfield conoties.
The contract will be let at tfublic
Ontciy on the l(5lh day of bidder SupMjm
ber 1SS9 to Lbe lowest at
the site of (he proposed bridge.
Alro on the seventeenth ot SuptefH
ber 1889, at a point on said tfVi
and on the line of said oonniei
ki rs Upper King's Brioj
wil l*t to the lowest bidder
Public Outcry, the contract fort
construction ot abridge over sa
river at that
At Znnt'i rd. bids will be
for a wrongbt iron highway
and for a woodeo lattice high
bridge ’.veathei boarded and cov
ered, seperately; each to be of out
single span, one hundred and five
feet between centres of bearing
points. Height of wooden bridge
twelve feat between centres
chord , width, twelve feet between
posts. Haighi of iron bridge seven
teen teen feet reel betweeu Between centres, centres, width width
fourteen feel clear headroom. Sub
etraeture for iion bridge to be bol
low qrliuders erf bea* borer iron or
stsel piste, tbbee feet in dismet
sad one inch tbiek, fifi
with h ssss y draQ,ic zars* concrete.
rfver. Si'betrPcrnre for woode:»
j < tJl (Lat r j,,„ . 0 piers ^ *, 8aB , e) be excepting
tho i r; t*i r. to fonr tedt
in d;«‘is«i' j r. Fv. I lie b idge at Up
j ei King's p. v* are eubstanli
a'ly ire fcn.iie «vvepting that the
spsn is ere hundred feet Iona and
the top of the piers wifi be about
sixteen leefc above low watei.
Kids wanted for both iron and
wooden bridge as at Ziut's Ford.
Bridces to be completed by tbe 20th
of December 18S9 and payment for
iho same to be made, cash, Janus
ry 1st 1890. The right to reject
any and »)1 bids reserved. Plans
and specifications on Me in the Qt
dicary‘8 otflee oi each county. M
By tbe Commissioners of IS: said
ooaativs July 9th 1889.
i 0 Nortok. Ordinary and '
China . Go. Board Whitfield Oe.G<
1 W. 1 citha*, Chrm. Oo. R MX
| Fee 11088,
’y 4
• «. F. B. Olw, ■sv,
Chemist and Minei’i-io^l^t
Loughridge Ga.
M. . Ole- I. * gMiUate of Mttos&rt Cl>
rerSUy. tod wa* the firm Chehilst to identify
t a Tia-bejsHng om of Sort!: Ca?rjl.., a 4lv
oonery bow eok lOMhilgri b.f '«• bo t ofCiiem
iata, in boA Am' ■■*en and p.i ono. Churls*
Austin & Longest,
Dalton Ca.
Wa de«!r« to'eal. the attention of Uib pub.
He, and »ho oaoptc fof Mat-ay, aapaelally,
that ire ttra now wido au..« In the LI VERT
BO JNE86: patobiustd theenttre bn#*
laeii of Mr. 8. D. Po-.reh. Wagon yard in
eoOBocUon wish Stable.
SBi y.z-i
® ip i
All parsons who hold nofee or
aoconnts against the estate oi' Elis¬
abeth Mauldin, deceased, will
please file them at once. Also those
indebted to the estate will please
make settlement by the 15th of
Nov. 1880. C. N. King, Admr.
o-^rrr. izrr^ ■
6ton a rUrrtytin >.
1 fv-isJMhp*:,*«i • mof »« ."'xe «.
Ti. cpri..«»r w i 1 i>« •< « 3 t„
w . cu. .o
U ■> a utoj hit inyacK : • ■ - '•><■
o ,* <»6upc o(i f om (no ♦„(>oi# o o •l. 11 >
Nopt, lj ,‘SW. ROwO via- i#f* o
: *joo- iity or tlk "s» Foiotmo t :o 1m siren
I, £o o/der C«>»si».o Corrd
Sopt. 4,1$69. W. LcrPMAN, B
0»i»rgin Murray County.
By virtue of Ihe luit will end tastimony of
John D laenhower, lute of n!d .jounty, dcaJ.,
I .will veil io the hlgbeit bidder, before the
Court Home door in the town of Spring Place
On. on the let Tueadey la October, next,
witMn the legal bouri of eale; oil of lot of
lnt.d k«. *07, except fer'.y acre* in the South
Xuatcdyneu Alee iev«niy five aereiaore or
leu off the weet side ef lot Mo. to. All la
Aba loth district end Ird eoetiec. hold la
beraeta, a. ho property of John D laenhower,
(wed, for divtribution. Terms, one half cub
bwanoe on time of twelve month), wite 8 per
«®nt interest par iMtnm from date of «nlt.
This Sept, 4, 1889. J W Ma«kkv, Admr.
with, will annexed, of J D laenhower, deed"
. - t*
Avoh SHum. Wtt
teftev r- 4 teS te, w» h mm a
t trustworthy tastusonUls bealde. Aaareaa,
<589 AMCH tlMIT, PMIU.*^S« ^
-oiWoq 4x1 iBDfniouoaa •eraaa gj -anSr jc»
WIM isaq pun ^scta oi»y,
u'MO'ja . e ( .uutaSnip .?Ed op ‘omoq jrty. 'cir? -*•
I moot rnop « tirq
Sitvsra: acuta m mo.romo gjrxrres ob £«N;; uc.< -~ r i
Jstrcam noX a\ouj} ij.imp j
Aiodcao^ jeqq([ aj(to.c', ■pC off,,
9am oil'WqqiLOiaoii op «SI I enq-. op r .,
uimftFX pm mfuqs no! wjpoa jot.',
Jjo wwj, noX lAodraoa fii,.
STS®' 1
Bo y d & B a v i s,
—Prosf»r 4 etor 8 ° f■
Cleveland Ibride s GranUe Works,
sr.vvr.'AC^crm or
American and it Jiaa Marble Mcauments,
Tomb* :md Headstones.
Foreign and Domestic Granite Monuments and Tablets loiv
nisbed to order.
Cherokee Manufacturing V
Company. ir
Wo begin the new year by thanking our
friends for the liberal patronage bestowed onus.
Of the thou8and|new resolutions you are foi firing let the first
be, “I will buy my FURMTURE during the year 1889 ol
tbe’CHEROKEE M’FG C©.’’ This done and we won’t insist
on the *ecital k of the other 999, bnt promise to mhnt your con¬
fidence by giving ysu the best geode for the’least money.
Our Undertaking Department, in charge of Mr,
T^M Kirby, is kept complete, and his eervicek
are at the disposal of the public at any hour,
We carry an immense stock of all manner of BUILDING
MATERIAL, Such as rough and dressed Lumber, Flooring,
Ceiling, Railing, Ballustem. Scroll Work, Sbtagles, Laths, &c.
We make a specialty of furnishing esiimates. Contractors and
bulkier}* are solicited to t xamine t,ui work and get out' prices.
I^TFurniture Sales Room next door to De
Journette & Co,, Dalton -Ga.
Cherokee MTg . Coinp’y.
New Hardware Store!
.. .00 : 00 ....
■ a- \-a*v ■ ■ ■ .
We take this method of inf rmiag the people or Nojrlfi Georgia,
ge ieily. that wa erenow opening one of the
«"»%••»« ever hroitght B@>t KeleorjBApSfl*. ta» this^atkef,- #t HARD*
W*w.sal kScnrXatir: stork torsroT oasw
Two-thirds of same hating bee« bBUght from the mannfAttnrera.aad
ill Car load lota. i!
*4 i ;itt<
Our stock will kept i V . -m’
be replete nt all times, and if we do not happsa
to have what yOu want, #• will get it for you. AM we ask is a trial.
We propose giving Dalton wHat she has Dover bad-*
Ybto s t uly, JOHN BLACK 8 * CO.
-------- - j____
.TO null miii. sutgdsd&eickiw^
AT to
Army. f
Tsew Drug SLore.
D». Wilson Brown, a; eg u la r
graduate of the Missouri M*hL
icr.l College at St. Louis Mo.,
who ranks high in the
ion ol Medicine and Pharmacv,
is located in Dalton Q . with a
large stock ot Drugs and every
thing in the line of a FIRST
Dr. Brown has been for many
vean engaged in the practice
of Medicine and Phannacy in
Southern Illinois, and now ten
ders his services as Physician
and D uggisfc, to the people of
Dalton and surrounding couiti v
Dont forget to call at
Dr. Brown’s Pharmacy
first door north of McCarty's. DaJ
! od Ga.
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards trom Union Passenger
Coruor of Alabama % Pryor Streets.
■Rates Reasonable .——
” p K *™-'' Profr, • ,#, •
[Late of Gannon House.]
p '• •
. k
ln ^ WoI> ip. all
° e S ° * p HG'f©GRA
^ ^ ^
_ wo < 001 ‘ 8 north ot
*1^Main s drug store,
* emem ^ er we dp not work
• i
"ring this advertisement'to
Ul JJ*^ er y an*} get four Gear
for 36 cents.;
snre this caid,
Hurd & Del amt,
Dalton Ga
^ J- P. Faun*
Smibmv Diiriav
dalton. ..GEOSeiA,
All kiadaof m«*
ohaBioaisadOavr- aUTeDaBtietr/;;;
•anted la Ant-elan
•aablaralM. •Vli.aalil nb*.
Cellalold Thm
*P «• partial «r
fall taiaofteats at
reasonable ratal*
aork a* they ean gat la Worth Oaorgla, Ac
x.f.vs.r,:ttcr 1 "«