Newspaper Page Text
Xorlit Georgia Ti
The off to* Cam *ty.
wwi ■nr
Mft catered laXhofmt Otoa at fodag ***»
eia,M»M»*dMea*tht.; ____
i.i fflea Rateol
Oaa year, SI *0 S'v atsih':, ISeeat-tThm
months, liMst-, r*7sU»iti4«M».
Addroes all ooamr^ioaUoa-> t» Tu Tixu,
Snriagjflaoo, 9a.
HOME :news.
TbCraeent rains have been fine
on turnips.
Vm Pise’s romady far Oatarrh—to sale by
Anderson A Coffey.
Severatheadof cattle have died
EWry Alliahcemsn in the oonu*
ty should take the Tiara.
There hi a good deal of richness
in theSumach settlement* ,
Dont forget the 014 Reliable
Hardware Store of T A A 8 K Ben
Several from town attended the
meeting at Pleasant Valjev on last
Gall on W L Tibbs, tor tbs best
cigars and tobaooo, Post Office cor¬
ner, Dalton Ga.
A little girl of Alexander Bear¬
den- about three years of age died
on Tuerd ay of last week.
Mrs. James A Dickson and Miss
Onie Curd visited in Dalton the
latter part of last week.
For anything in the Grocery lino
remember that you can get the beet
from W L Tibbs, Dalton Ga.
Whenyou come to town, if you
knori any news of interest dont
fo get to call to see ns.
We learn that Prof. Charlie
Humphreys of 8 um*ch will travel
eoj '*^oon, for his health.
Call on J Trotter A Hons,
Dalton Ga. (or yonr lime—90c.
per bnrreL
An interesting meeting is in
progress at McOamy*s Chapel,
conducted by Rev. Walton.
fttfmet&ber that O N king, is off¬
ering carts for sale, cheap, on time
till foil,-with a gdod note.
H H Berry of 8 nntach, will move
to South Carolina soon, where he
will make his future home.
The Grand Jury of Gordon coun¬
ty found 46 true* bills during their
session at the last term of court.
Hiss Lena Wofford is attending
Rev. Sam Jones’ Tabernacle meet¬
ing in Cariersville this week.
• ••
Dr J F Harris is gradually grow¬
ing,, stronger and will, before a
great while, be able for doty.
A EL Ckrter, of the Times,
and'family *rf nt the latter pari of
last, week in Cleveland Tmul
New Stock, Staple and Fancy
Groceries at Old post office corner,
Dalton Ga. W. L Tibbs.
Miss Minnie Daly and May John¬
son, Claudia and Ban’s Anderson,
entered school in Dalton this week.
tt .w U
A magnificent lot of Bnegiee
for sale at T A & 8 E Berry's, for
<ea$h or on time till fell at 8 per cant
The streams between Spring
Place and Dalton, were so awolen
last Saturday that they could
cot be crossed. :_
Try my “Sunshine,’’ Tenn.
Flour, Poet Office corner Dalton
fta. - W. L. Ttbbs.
In thi« issue will be found an ad
weriitoment for bids for manager
of the,pauper farm. A good man
should hold thiaposition.
Picnics are far between tidN snar
son. We dont know the fkna*
unless it is on aooount «the prion
of frying chickens advancing.
A boy who can read nnd
w^to, with good babiti, can
gei; employment in the Tims
office. •
Take, son ot W L Biown of Til
ion, died on Wednesday of last week
after an illness of six days, with
fetor. He wa* only 26 years old
anil hi& death wan a sad one, in the
community v- in which he
1 ■
WouMnt it U wise for tha town
intimities to expend the tasto ool
footed foe this year In ditching off
the swa mp* north west of town?
TAA 8 E Berry have on hand,
sad will keep in stock. • first class
Kao of stores. Call sad see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Bob Bates of Dana, while plow¬
ing a few days ago, turned up eight
an?kes st one time. Bob saya bo
stepped lively for a few minutes.
Mrs. Maggie Stewart left town
on Monday morning for Denizen
Texas where she will speed the
winter with her deter, Mrs. Green.
Col H 0 Perry of Gainesville Qe
and J A Walker of Oolembua fix,
were in town one day last week in¬
vestigating the titles to some wild
The travel and ireight from
Spring Place to Belton, would «er
tamly pay s isilroed company well
for building an sir line between the
two points.
Judge Milner of this circuit and
Judge Maddox of the Borne circuit,
exchanged circuits last week on ac¬
count of the latter being disquali¬
fied in several oases on hie circuit
Tax Collector, Welch, is on bis
first round collecting the tsxea of
the county. Guess he will not get
■neb change till some cotton is
pot on the market
W. L. Tibbs,
at old Post Office corner,
with a tall line Staple sod Fan
ey Groceries, Floor and Meat a
Tax levied by the state and coun¬
ty for the present year is 88 cents
on the hnudred'dolUrs. The same
being 40 cents for state and 48 for
county purpose*.
■■ — * M ....... . ..... -
We are now emoting a cotton
Gin and Goto mill in 8 piing Place,
aad earnestly solicit the patronage
of the people. W* will use the
cotton bagging. Give ns your cos*
tom—W® will treat yon right
Lanosco* A Can?.
Wo rail attention to the doable
column advertisement of Boyd A
Davis in this issue, advertising their
T imbstoees and Monumental wot k.
If yon want anything in this tins
yon-will do well to see them be¬
fore yon bay. Any information yon
desire, call on 8 B Garter, T ins
There ie now being another ef¬
fort made to rebuild the Academy
on the old site in Spring Place.
This is an enterprise worthy of the
notice of every citizen in town and
the snmranding community. Let
every body feel that it is their duty
to do something, and unite in this
important move, and wn will huve
a house of learning.
We are requested by tho Presi¬
dent of Murray county Fanners*
Alliance, to ask the presidents ot
each sub-Alhance of the county to
meet him in 8pring Place on Bator
day the 28th of September, for the
purpose of receiving farther in¬
structions, from the National cot¬
ton committee.
There will be no eampmeeting nt
Casey this year, bat on next Sat¬
urday and Sunday, there will be a
quartely conference and basket
masting, and all are invited to attend.
Rev. J H Harley and Mias Mary
B Hallnms were married at the
home of the bride, in Fenniu coun¬
ty. by Rev. W P Allen of this place,
on lust Thursday.—Eilijay Courier.
The fo’lowing marriage li¬
cense have been issued by
Judge Ramsey since Aug. 1,‘89:
W E Bandy to Laura M Coch¬
ran, Thomas t Lackey ' to Mar
gret F Lambert, Stephen Ad¬
ams to Emma Payne, Lee Ad¬
dison to Ella Thomas, Leander
Williams to Letha Parker* W
A B> amblet to Martha A Hall,
Ji R Bucknerage to Lula Gar
rin, Andy Rice to 8aiy Jane
Cloer, Alexander Ovbey to Lu¬
la Workman, James L Sloan to
Martha Haksombe, Thomas
Bruise to Elisa Walker and G
C McLain to Malvina Heartsill.
May jot be with them down
the turnpike of life.
AH the dtisens of Murray ooao*
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their ireight to Atlanta
Ua* or point* south, or to Ofantte*
noogs and points in T
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will finfi it to toair intenet to write
to or call on Mr. John F Reynold*,
Agent of the Western A Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
cheeked through to all points
Lira will aeqaira sow nest, aad ehaarfnl
aoee return, If yoa trill impel year liver aad
Kidaeys to the parfermaaoo of thoir fnaoOeas.
Dr. J. B. MeLoaa’s Liver oad Kieney Balm
will stimalate thorn to healthful action. $1.M
per bottle.
Art broken down from o verwee b erhiweo hBhi
a* Brown’s Iron Bitters
rebuilds of bile, the and system, aids malaria. digestion, Set removes the genuine. ex.
am cores
Mail Lives.
I am now prepared to haul pas¬
sengers from (Spring place to Dal¬
ton, with 0 imfoit, summer or win¬
ter. Hack leaves Sp iug Place at
7 am, and leaves Dalton at 1 p m.
Will also carry passensen from
Spring Place te Eilijay. Leave
Spring Place, Monday. Wednes¬
day and Friday, m*Ui lg 3 round
trips eash week.
L. 0. Jo: re.
LADIES chlMwatel wttttta&ttBC
Keffidlnar aUmlc, or
1 MwmKb^SSm _ .. : i
Local Paragraphs
If you wrnt z o : " or.-a'* m
rerrT'?- •'«clocbluj;, r.-JT/ >«,; nr
time -ice T J Ori-o•; ■- jr- i ft.un*
ed c.r.v ki.s cU ,'vt taz zt. jol] sed'
wj . -? sdocL —'"ry him.- ue i:uer
fuJcf'; bargains and ml' a, ?e you
money by dealing with him.
A be itiful and tasty line of la*
dies ha just received at T J Ovbey’fl
Baddies, Harness and Bridles
con be bonght at T J Ovbey’e cheap,
er than yon can get them anywhere.
Ladies a-'d Gents best hand made
with • large assortment of the best
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at T J Ovbay's. We only
ask yon to price them, and we
know you will boy them.
F. L Keith,
?{ Dealer tn^
Whiskies, Bzaudies^ t nd
WINES* tor Sacramental
103 Bant Eighth Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
When 'W£w(Stv> want whiskies,
you pure
call op olr Send to me, 1 will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
My 62,00 corn whiskey is the beat
fo this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4 18-ly
^ IBM tbo
i m vow
« .
WKimm b
Binnaoa. *. V.
it m Bcomwav,
vfl*wftin *i» *** -.. -i-:» !>•••' • w.-s;i>m n
‘iT.voisr i:| so,.'I
u- j’ias 1 •
j. j’jit w.i •’ Iq pros’ *-a al uoau* «a 'Z •WM Li
- ■ .!' • .uVii* »q uicp>*; iqn p: orf:.\ uisip
1 .'ef awo’Ci'"' ■ cm o; pin. sin
h Cii:,Oiu.*oja 'MiKS.S
:! 'U.ialOMi • . H 0 SUS)SJI ‘*|BiaKXMCS08;VM 1 ?S v (q*.
% o*op »«a
.i--*i p UI ohwiwoh q*»S isnsranjuis wa^/
m i
3 /to
■r §mmnmn wrrm
.fWT ’ ■I'f - j,
Simon Daly has purchased a new
and dalton in comfort in any kind
“ailSStaw. i°r hire «
all times.
Bimetal depend* very muck on the con¬
dition of the liner and kidneyi. Tbo ittl
lift make bat little Impreition oe these whoso
dl|eeUea is food. You eon regulate your liv¬
er end kidney* with Dr. J. B. MoLean’a liv¬
er and Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle.
InDtenrmn remits from a partial paralysis
ef the stomach aad is the primary oaato of a
very largo majority of tho ills that hamaaity
i« hair to. Tho most agreeable and effective
remedy is Dr. J. B. Melean’s Liveraad Kid¬
ney fillets. SO cent, a vial.
IbaWrimaoWeSoomaioSxsovihealdatwaye asrlecra Watfwra.
be need when sh ildt— are sotting tssth. It se>
UevsetheUMssoflenrat qaiet siesp, nod the littie ebsrub onee,ap»daeesB<ttornl, awakseee “height
ee a button." It Is very p leesn nt to taste. It
•nothesUw chad, Mftaaa toe g«m*,sUK?> all pels,
Ngulstss the bowels, aod la the best kno\70*mn' d<’
for dianrbcea, Twenty-fire wMhw arising turn bottle. teething or
other moss*. sente a
D*. J. H. McLnsx’a Strong'he 'og Cwdlnl
and Blood V nrtfW, by lie vitalising n-opertles
will brig 1 'tea pal. oboe he, and transform »
pa.*, iv'Sh’atd, disp'rltod W0'»f> 'e'o 0*1. of
spr bliog hoeltbood beauty. |1,0# per be To.
I*A) v- • <■ the email of tbo beck Indicate a
d* -ed conditioner tbo Liver or Kidnoye,
wh' .’ may be easily removed by tbaaseof
Dr. J. B. MoLeen’s I >ver and Kidney Balm.
$1 OS per bottle.
A ritr.n aad s:\sy «x<>eetorati,o l« ;>voduoed
■11 a ew doses ef Dr. J. H. MoT.oan’s Ter
Wine Lnag Balm, ia all oases o'* hoarseness,
ter* throat or difflonlty of breathing.
John Evan:;, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
hitn when in Dalton.
"Stoi bsodMhe is tbv hope of man, lives.
To «r « end prevent this nnnoyiog complaint
use Dr..I. H.MeLoar’, Llt’lo Liver end Kld
at|r'$,\ie;i. They nr# ogicesblo to toko oad
{.or Me in ooir action, ib emif a viol.
i *•
When yon are in Dalton dont
forget that L Buebo’-s keens the
the standard eonfectionavies and is
alWay: veady to wait on uie Mn- -.-ay
boys. A good square meal Kilt be
furnished for only 25 cec- . Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Tfevitte A Bryant’s drug stove.
Pkrsohs who load a life of sxposior are
subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumba.
go, a*d prill Sod a valuable remedy la Dr. J.
B. McLean's Voieaale OU Lineament; It will
trijnlth pala aad suMue leBamluation.
Tea better than the banb treatmoot cf
medicines which horribly gripe the patient
and doitroy tbo ooating of the stomach. Dr.
J. McLean's Chill and favor Cure by mitd yet
effettive aoUon will cure. Sold at to cents a
For 1889.
I^he largest and most somplete
stock of goods that has been in
Spring Place for years has just
been received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey
boM ^mEqunxTLV aeridoiits br< oeo. r in sprains lb. bouse- aud
which eouse N. r eu-J,
brulfct; for use In such Dr. J. H. Me
Lear’s Volosi lo Oil Liniment bn for many
ysa^sbeen tbeeonstantfaroriMfamily remedy
ujtDcs exposure to oold wi ids, inlamaation fain, bright
light of malaria, may bring on
andjroreneasoftbeoyea. Dr. J. H.MeLesn’*
Strengthening Bye Salve will subdue tin in*
lamination, cool and nnotba the nerves, and
strotgtben weak aad faltiug lye Sight 86
cent! n box.
Professional Card\
_ __
Sfxixo Ptscx, OsonsiA.
Prompt attention gitfe** to all 1°*
gal baatoesa and the collection of
claims. ;.r :
Jo J .Betes,
SrxixejFtAOR, OnoMts.
Pbompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
Calhoun, 0o.
• TASK * »tm
Attorney* at Law,
fofoa,j»i&t.:aa!Wgi»r»» a« loffObxtaoa
M. K Leonard,
ewm siruvEYOh.
Ft. MoBN rATN, G*owt*A
All work promptly dope GO
short notice.
• -P • T P C V i t t j
-i Dealer in|AU Kiai’Acg}
Caskets, Cof.
fins and Marble work.
Also hive in stock the Indostiuetible Casket-much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalic casket. ’
We have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brougei to this market, tram Finest, to commonest, at
prices trom $1.75 to 25 cts, per yard. Have an EXHIBITOR,
80 that 70U can readily see just how a carpet will look on the
floor before you buy.
Fnrniture$ Coffins and Caskets,
sold at BoitomfpriceS' and dont you forget it.
J^fBariDeui SWtoe^UDder Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
New York Store.
. Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
New Goods, latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Crooda! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray nsnafy toft and examine oar nicely se’acted Goods
Bats, Bonnets, &v, DaftOU- 1%. 4-18-ly
Harris & D aw is,
WoODLAWB, ----- 00:00 Gxobqia.
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Hillinery Goods,
IJwl Marrived it the Mllluery Store ef
J. A J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new »<id sis^.tu t» stortmon t o f Mllinery end Straw 9oo<ia,eonii*tlng of Straw
Bonto.; sad L-d'et’ord Children’s Hot* [trimmed end u»tr>«iu«d} Boob
end Srwh BleWiit, Vilvoi Ribbors, Bosk Ties, Bonnot Silk*, Sntinr,
me • nnd Bow Yore, and will bo sold nt very low
prices tot ensb.
Mffii •♦"■en
1889 . 1889 .
T. J. O V B E Y,
Spring Place, Gjoihua
Clothing! Clothing! ®oilil%?!
I have ou hand, and will keep the bad Hue of Gen
made clothing, ou the market
LgTAlso a full stock;of Dry-gocds, Hat% Cap^ Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries Ac., and wiH J prices, tor cash.
W. J. SB
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Bto.
r -m
s -v-’ m ••St
- V
Lard, .
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, :>nok*s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of wbrnh wil] bn nold
at Rock bottom prices for cash ot barter.
TP* rwtr *
E. E. Br|w%,
f b
/ Vv< r^'”
or aay detect in virion that ctm be remedied by refractive power.
curaiely and akillfall conected by G H Brandon the Ootic^o at B M
Brown’s, Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge lor testing the Eye*