Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
KINO & CAH1CU t'ubUsiKi>.
THOUSOAY OecEJUiiilt 12, 1H.19.
■ ILdly CT-. k, D c., ’89:— r i*S «
people at e iV: ; 1
e.i-i ton
It, is a fact that the cotton
• Clop is ’if) t' 50 per cent, short.
wheat - ;u ' is about over
in thi: • 5 tt
How Hid, soil Mr. John Bagley,
had ‘a- mi-loif uttt; to lo-'-o a
puck* t-i- i k c-;nf.-ii::n;- -s»mv
tliin ' . :■ two dollars one
night last, week someivhei
Hear Mr. Spenem’s saw-mil!,
which lit* has not. found*
Rev. .IT. Phillipps is still
improv ing.
Em !y sowiug ol wheat looks
pi oinking.
Mr, George Couch, Esq., has
•ciitctl laml from Mr. John
Townsend, Sr., near Tilton, and
G already goue to trv his new
quarters for another year.
Dont forget to inform your
Sumach correspondent that
there is a man in the 8th who
is building a barn,—leaving
off the crib.
The general health is ’ good
down here.
We an; informed that Mr.
John Shann-m i improving.
Air. A. Weaver is turning
land f r ned years crop, but
says he. dont intend to plant
any more cotton.
There, rive three penchtrees
at Mr. John Bracket’s that are
the finest w< have seen; having
borne a imp each, ot delicious
June peac-hos and now the} a t;
perfectly lined with ve y iii..
dry'beaus. The writ-i* v go¬
ing to set ure am! p!a it some
seeds tberefom and advises
otle io to do likewise.
Land to Rent.
Bai'tics having failed to take
my land as they agreed-d, 1
now desire to rent all, to good
parties for the next year.
: 0 ><1; li« ■ ‘mill crci: .
adjoining W. H. Steed’s
There is SO acres noeri land on
one place and TO acres open the
other place; upland and bottom;
n Good place tor Go d tenants.
Those desiring to rent will
please mo t me in Sprii-g Place
Ga.. on the 18t ;j <<! i)cc.
J. W. Green.
■U—Hl-11, J -gri. ’TfilU.l ,7 •/<
Jefferson I -av ; presadt nt of
the Southern confederacy, and
a gn-at ai d gf od man, passed
over the river bn h.-t Fiiday
morning at 1 2:45.
“Jeil’cison Davis was born
ir. Ghristian county, ivy., I - on
tho 3rd day ot June, 1808.!
(B-oigia m;i\ claim a kinship j
with the man a- Wei i; as U ■
share of his glory. Hi* fitTer!
Samuel Div i-, was a gcorgiu i
In the revolutionary !
planter, !
wav he was an officer in a eav-, ;
alrv regimen!, and served with.
u , mu - ret , .n- .aite'- x \ he moved
to 1 , ai»l ^>nu yeai ;
aftei'waii to »\ij>.sss.-ippi. .
Georgia • nctl of the Du .
Is now ex 1 1 ;‘cl but i, lives in
I ; i .... ;
1W ’ ' M ! _ ’ ’
, hono’ rtlile family. .. „
K ctice.
; no w have c:; ed sevuinl
barn- in of exceueni em u whi -
j for the Chi: i -as ti’.-nh
, nd me you r ortk rs.
E. P. Tay 1 •,
Fetcr-burg, Ga.
If y, u are going to the. \V est
South was! oj' Northwest-, save
tune and money by c;tiling on
or u”*hug to Jo t: L. Edmond
son, D on Ga., t ling
senger A g» nfc of flu “( )lj> Re¬
liable” W. A A. It. It. Spe¬
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel.
Dots’from Lough idge
Souk* of our farmers are se¬
riously l -nung the importance
of fa ly codon planting, by
*’<*as''rnif late and b tedious cot
ton picking.
id;. John Lead ford, of the
mountain region died sudden]}'
on the morning of’ the second
lust, of v hat is supposed, was
a relaps of milk sickness,
Mr. Henry Douglass, and
Miss Moll i; Hicks were quiet¬
ly rr.a vied on the eight inst.
Long life to (he amitable pair.
Our school tenthers are
greatly enjoying their Normal
school at the Plied.
Col. Colton, one of Chatta
noogas best business men lately
passed this way, in search ol
chances for investment m min¬
eral property.
Ouo of our most practical
business men has lately . pro¬
posed to build a good sawmill
near us; so may it be.
Vignette Victor.
triUHORJUp..:KLV-'W.V^-.r .• ..MTSKi ’iStiVt
A first class teacher is wanted,
as j rincipal of the higfi school at
tiumach, in ihis county, to take
charge at once. This is one of the
finest locations for a school in North
fia,, and is a position to ho desired
by any one wishing to teach in this
civ-a city. For further information
c11 r.n_ or address Rev. S H Henry
at Sumach (hi.
Tho milintry establishment of
J & J B Graves of Dalton is
prosperirg ami Ilmirislung in the
growing city. They continually
keep on baud a full stock of the
latent style goods that can be had
in market., and are always on hand
to .v .it on their customers. Tho
ladios of Murray aro iequalled
call and see (heir elegant line
hide and trimmings etc., before
dealing elsewhere.
Stone coal is worth four
ceir.a ; per bushel at New Or
],. ;U1S W J.|| H we pay 15 ceifts
pei bushel. The middle men’s
saievies must be inevasing.
Ladies ami (-Jeuts bust imnd made
with a largo assortment of the bosi
shoes on the market are kept on
hand at T J Ovbey's. We only
ark you to price them, and we
Rn°w yon will buy them.
Last year on Nov. 26th the
tax receipts of the state were
only $62,242,o9. On the same
date of this year they were $1
0, 301.68.
Clothing! Clothing!! Cloth¬
ing!!! at Cartwright Bros’ in
the latest styles.
The Methodist ehu ch Aoi th
will spend something over $], -
<100.000 in foreign missions
this yean
President Hamison.s tnts
sage is out.
'r''.;ta4y . L
cx OffilHEfSiSlLO ! 3 LSXiW
■r ■ElMM
Jim 11 ! ,-iwJrt*S*HS -V> H-j.-x, Tt b:g?;«,hy.
4 •V - • • '■ U:e WoriJ.
' ' ,q, At
•n»: g t;
;;;;; d t,Ilf huitw
r.n 'ft u i !v ■i feUO.
t- “f - *. i i f o ",
> ii. iill •»*. ‘
■ \\ i/llril, I'. 1- ip.ll- *.f
i». f .....L . -l >*( -.v''
Snrc'or Gbgbgu r Cocxr
W ; V, he sold before the court
h*use door tu the town c.f Spring
Place, to tie bigbent ladder at pub
lie out ciy between the legal hours
of sale on ‘he inf 7«;«i.dwy in Jan.
re ( tie following described prop
( ity to wit:
154 acres of land in the 9th district and 3rd
Sect# of said con ity «nd being all of I *t No.
150, exempt six acres, in South west comer.
Also 30 acres more or less off lot 139, 9th Dist.
and 3rd Sect., said 30 acres being divided by
Connasauga river, a part beiug in e :ch of the
counties of Whitfield asd Murray, and de¬
scribed as follows:—rComraei.ei? g at the S. W.
corner of lot 39, and running N. E. so as to
make 7 acres xuoro or less on west side of
Connasauga river, thence up said river to
Mill creek thence up MiU creek
to west lire of tot 138, thence
south along said line to tbo corner of said lot
thence west to beginning. Levied on as the
property oi C C Hallman by virtue of a fi fa
from Murray Superior Court in favor of G W
lli 11 against C C Hatlmau.
Also at the same tiino slid place lot j>f land
No. ol 6 hundred and forty ihreo (143) in the
8th district and 3rd section ef Murray county
containing onu bundled and sixty acres.
Levied on as the property of James L flight
by virtue of and to satisfy a cost fi fa issued
from Murray Superior Court, in favor of offi¬
cers of Court vs. said James L flight. Pri p
orty in posessioli of William A Eiiis.
Also one hundred and twenty acres oflolof
land No. 266, in the 9th Hist, and 3 section ol
saidcouuty, being al of said lot except forty
acres in the south west corner of said lot; also
thirty acrci» more or less of lot ol land No. 267,
in the 9 th Dist, and 3rd Sect, o said county
being all of said let lying on tho west side ol
Holly creek. Said lund leviod on as tho piop
erty of M .rgaret Peeples, to satisfy an execu¬
tion issued from tho Superior court of said
county,in favor of T J Ovbey against said
iV argart Pee j les.
Also at the same time and place one hun¬
dred and ten ae cs «f lot of lnnd^No. 169, iu
the JHIUlHsU .‘and 3rd‘; Scct. of said county,
known as tho (i d Jackson home plaoo, and
l.oir-g all of said lot cxnep * fifty a-ros owned
by .Mrs. Check. Levied . on as tbo property id
Oid.-n .Jackson, by virtue of a fi fa from the
county .lu-o.-cs in cour. favor of of ^^mstGMratd S M Carter vs. Gideon
Ja«*k?ou. Levy made and returned to me by
Alan tho time and placo engine’ ,
at same one
linilcr, and dry house piping, now
situated on tho yard at tho old sow mill and
factory stand of W if Jones & Co. at Spring
Placo. J. vied on as tho proparty of W II
Jouos and M Holier 1 a by virtuo of a fi fa from
tho Superior court of said county in favor of
0 M Cannon, Adnir. &c. of J A Vv r Johnson,
deed, against said Jones & Uoherts,
Also at the same time and placo 30 acres off
tho North East corner of lot of land No. 212,
in tile Uth Dist. and 3rd Soot, of said count-,.
Le vied on as tho property of L C Jones by
virtue . of , a luortguge . fi ..... fft from Murray _______ Si c pe
j vior oourl in f» Tor ofu warn a 2 ainttL c
VhiaDcc. 4,185 9. J C McENTIRE, Sheriff.
Georgia, Murray County.
Ton 1 ! ’v;i m it may oonoern: T J Rryant
Adiairfi-trator of Drowry Wheat, fieciftaeil,
has in (tuo form applioJ to tlic uaJersIgueJ,
jV-r lehvo to ?«eli the lamia bo onging to the
estate of said ileeorsed, and paid application
viill bo heard on tho 6rst Monday in January
next. This Lee. 3rd 1889. W II R\msry,
State of Georgia Murray Co.
To off whom it, may concern: J A
Me,Emmy of said state having ap¬
plied to me for letters ol Adminis¬
tration, with the will annexed, on
the Estate of Nehemudi Stanford
Sato of sdii county. This is to cile
all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of said deceased to be
and appear at January Tt-rai 1890.
of the Court of Oruimi y of said
county o*ii{l show eau'e it any thev
can, why iel/.crs <■(' AdmiviirlrtiioK,
with the will annexed, should not
be granted to said J A fJcKamy on
said estate. Witiie-s my hand and
olliciul signature, this the 3rd day
of Dec. 1 SO, W it Kamtev, Only
Georgia Murray County.
By virtue (>t an order of the court,
of Ordinary of said countj, granted
at the November term 1S89, will be
sold before (he com! bouse door of
said county on the first Tuesday of
Janu iy 1890. within the legal
hours of Srile, the following proper¬
ty of tho estate c4 f. H t Miller de¬
cease,], to wit. Thirty five acres
more or less being in (he South¬
east owner of lot ot laud No. 103.
Also eighty J acres more or less, be
mg the east halt of jot .. No. T 104 aaio ,
8 «ty acres i\ the south etud cor
ncr of lot No. 188. also forty acres
more or less being the north east
corner vt lot No. 140 ah m the 9th
aud 3rd section of said
-. nly Sold for the purpose of dig
isiou among the heirfi. Terms cash
Dee. 41b : 89. .1. A. fd Kamy,
Or Ton are fill worn out, debility. really Rood T for nothing
it is treneral tttrrun/i. ry
ttpon.Y’N tnoy
it will cm i‘ you. and give a goo*! appe tite, Sold
by all dealers in r dicuie.
I-'Oi'i ?>YS* s EP^lA
Umo I'.r< vh’n Iron Ulitrrs.
i ;?is recommend it.
All dealers B e? it. 5100 p bottle. Genuine
fia ;;wJ * a ark u.i vfvs-cd icdliaesou wrapper.
F. 15 . Olcs,
Chemist and Mineralogist
Loughridgs Ga.
Mr- 0!e« is ft graduate of Michigan Uni¬
versity, an.I was the Chemist to identify
t © 7* in-hearing ores of North Ge orgia, a uis
covary uww uekito Pledged by the best ofCUem
in both America and Europe. Charge*
i eat i t. able*
Austin & Longest,
Dalton Ca.
We dee in*, to*call the attention of the pub*
lie, and the oeople of Mur ay, especially,
that we are now wide awake in tbo LI'V EUY
BU SINESS; having purchased the entire bus¬
iness of Mr. S. D. Pu.'trch. Wagon yard in
corncctiou with Stable.
Stats or Usohota mdrbav cochty.
Whereas Jks. A McKnmy Administrator of
Naucy S Stanford represents to tho Court in
his pejition duly filed and entered on record,
that he has fully administered Nancy S Stan¬
ford’* estate. This is therefore Incite nil
j p 0rH0 na coi certied, kindred and why creditor?, said A din to
P ] 10W cause, if any they can, n
jgtrator should not be discharged from his ad
ministration and receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in January 1890. This
Oct. 3, 18S9* IV H Ramsey, Ordinary.
* . RtC KT3S9,
1620 Arch l-'I Vrt,
Mcltum in parvo I”—that is, we have a great dfc
a say and a very small space in which to say
Jrlefiy, then, would remedy,—one you like some will indisputable cnablc proc t
,, a Keilu j, le that you
ncasure most of to
jjwuwritaj. b „ Inh to Saiion, usg and a goodly numbs
f truBtNvorihy tcstimoiiials Lesidc. Andreas,
' v ~«£2£J5S1.'W
Professional (unis.
M. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law
SraiNO Vlack, Geiibsu.
Prompt attention given to aiile
(’id business and the collection of
0. N. BTa!1F., TKAMUEMj stars
Oalhoun, Qa* S pring ; P»uco,Uft
s t a u a di s t \ a a
Attorneys at Law,
• l?romptattontion given to all
M* M. Leonard,
Kt. Mountain, Gkorgia.
A 13 work promptly done on
short notice
N C ;V Drug Store.
Dr. Wilson Blown, a regular
graduate of the Missouri Med¬
ical College at bt, Louis Mo.,
who-ranks high in the profess¬
ion of Medicine ami Pharmacy,
;s located in Dalton fir -. with a
huge stock ot Drugs and every
thing in the line of a FIRST
Dr, Bl own has been for many
years engaged in the practice
of Medic tuo aud Plmimacy in
Southern Lkuois, and now ten¬
der.-his sei vices as Physician
ami 1) tiggist, to t lie; people ot
Dal fin id id surrounding country
Dont forget to call at
Dr. Brown's Pharmacy
first dace north of McCarty's, Dal
j, i ;!.
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north ot
Dr. Main’s drug store.
Renumber we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pirn in es for 35 cents
Be sure to b ing this emu.
Ht’un & Pklany,
Dalt"U Ga
Boyd & V O S3. te-;© § 5
—Proprietors of—
Cleveland Marble i Granite Works,
American and It lian Marble Mccuments,
Tombs and Headstones.
Foreign and Domestic Granite Monuments and Tablets fur¬
nished to order.
CLEVELAND, : : ■; TENNESSEE. Manufacturing
We begin the new year by thanking our
friends for the 1 iberal patronage bestowed on ua
Of the thousand new resolutions you arc forming let the first
be, “I will buy my FUR 'ITURE during the year 18S9* ot
the CHEROKEE M’FG CO.” This done and we won’tyinsist
on the recital of the other 999, but promise to merit your con¬
fidence by‘giving you the best, goods for the’least money.
Our Undertaking Department, in charge of Mr.
Kirby, is kept complete, and his services
at the disposal of the public at any hour,
We carry an stock of all manner of BUILDING
MATERIAL, such as rough and dressed Lumber, Flooring,
Ceiling, Railing, Ballusteis, Scroll Work, Shiugh-s, Laths, &c.
We make c specialty of furnishing estimates. Contractors and
j DUIMKIS iu .-!( M»ii(lUU , U> < A' tillll IH A <>Ul V\iM'K , lUHl , jf»ot OUT piTCCS.
®-Furnitur. Sales Room next door to De
Journette & Co. » Dalton Ca.
Cherokee M’f§« Comp’y*
New Hardware Store!
.... <>o : no....
V.'o l/.].o I'ciin'd f I inf rming |h* people of N ,rih ’CSeorgia,
goiim ! .V that w« arc row open % onn oi the
Ms ft cmplefe find Eost. frrloo -odstork of HARD
W \RE ever brought to thismarki-t.
WehavcgBtu htourEntir Stock tor isroi CASH!
T\V( -l bird a of same.hav'ng been be ughl from the no nufaetmere, anti
iii car load iotf.
Oar stock will be kept replete at all times, and if we do not happen
to nave what ycu want, we will get it for you. All we ask is a trial.
We propose giving Dalton what she has never had_
Y“U.s t uly, JOHN BLACKNfe CO.
^ w
warm and eheuplT heated In winter. Telia Intendlna build V.
nas^jg wnul toole^. to do, and AMERICA warns Hum what not to ilo. DeaeShw. hr em
tl.00 by inati j J 3SC0 IS I’UBUSHING Fairmouut A COg
ve,. Will. 'Si*
1SS9 1S8D
spring place, GEORGIA
... .Dealer In. ...
Grcoerips, Pror'sions, Co; feotio, cries, Cigors, ToJmm*, Flour, Mm t, Lsrd. Sugar, Ooffoe,
Syrup and in fact everything in tho grocory line; Quoons and Tin ware; Also a select
Stock of NOTIONS.
... .Will buy all kinds of produce,^chickens, egw S ,»; butter.'corn..
pens and uryl dny ?,in*(he produce line, and p:>y the
C ll »nu see my goods and get prices before you sell your produce
or our groceries &c.
S. Hemstreet 9
Marble aod Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special Prices Given On Application.
JOHN. II. KING, General Agent,
19 West Montgomery Ave.
Chattanooga. Tens,