Newspaper Page Text
- -
North Georgia Ti mos.
tw Oflirial Paper of tl.e County,
published every
** S "" 5 P '“
Subscription Bates:
One year, $1 00 Six months, Miconts
months, 25cents. Payable in advance.
Address all eommunioations t > Tub T i m j 8,
Boring Plies, Ga.
Get married.
Subscribe for the Times.
Look out f >rjmad dogs
Spring Place needs a school.
Send us a turkey for Ghristmrs.
Send us a fat’possum for a quar
Send us a piece of the wedding
Next Wednesday week is Christ
Bay your sweet-bear,, something
nice for Ohristmrs
“Jack Johnson” is dead; also
“Mack Robinson.”
Guess who subscribed for the
Times for his beri girl
Mr. Lyle, insurance agent cf
Dalton was over lost week.
One Car fresh Lime received $1
barrel. 1. Trotter & Sons.
The pretty weather la t week
was very acceptable to tho farmers.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s
Advertise your Christmas goods,
if you want to make sale of
Shoes and Boots, all sorts
and size s at C artwright Bros- ,
Mr. Elisha Allen, caught,
one day last week 26 fine
Dont forget the Old reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber¬
The court house is without insur¬
ance, the policy having expired on
last Monday ‘week
The teachers of the public schools
•were paid off in Spring Place on
Wednesday of last week.
Get your Huts and Caps at Cart ¬
wright Bros., Dalton, r.nd you wi 1
be pleased in prices.
Subscribe for your county paj 1
and commence with the new yem -
next year is election \ ear.
W J White & Co. confemplato
starting a saw mill at the Steed
gin, in the near future.
Ladies, select vonr drees goods
irom the decant stock of Cart¬
wright Bros. Dalton.
It we are going to have a Christ¬
mas tree, it is time to begin the
preliminary arrangement—Santy
Clause, should be invited at once.
Fayett McEntire of the W & A
R R was over on a bird hunt Mon¬
day and Tuesday. Ho took 53 off
the wing while’over.
A complete line of ladies’
wraps of the latest patterns at
Cartwright Bros.’ Dalton.
Dont be surprised if tbe Times is
one day early or one day late
Christmas week, as we don‘t wish
to go to press on Wednesday.
Ladies] the finest and latest
styles of Hats can be f und at the
New York Store, Dalton Ga.
Any ono wanting a good top
buggy and harness, for cash -or
good note—apply to H H Ander
Saddles. Harness and Bridles
can be bought at, T J Ovbey’s cheap¬
er than yon can get them anywhere.
Mr. G. W. Cleveland, Mrs.
James McGhee and May
Johnson have been visiting in
Alabama, for the past few days.
Mrs. E. H. Dickson mother
fo Mrs. James T. Henry, and
her daughters of Chattooga
county, arrived too late to see
Mrs, Henry before she breath¬
ed her last. Mr. Dickson has
not jet arrived but, is on the
way moving to this county,
Mr. C. Mooney ofFairniount
was around last week supply
j hlg OUT Uiei'ckSilts W'tli furnishes tobftC.
eo —certainly a
good quality of goods.
A fox cease was enjoyed by a
bout fitly of tbe neighborhood hoys
one night last week. The race last*
ed about three hours when the
cunning animal was overtaken.
-----— —-
x* Mrs o S. t> Ij r\ OUTtGT t- ____ nftr i lltLi© i
daughter, Minnie, a birthday
per and party on last Friday night
whi h was a gay and social event
for the little folks of tha village.
ft/Srs. S E Fields and Miss Nettie
Edmondson were over this week.
Mrs. Fields has moved from he:
home in the country in Whitfield
county to Dalton, where she will
make her home for a wli le.
All persons indebted to the
firm of Anderson and Coffey are
hereby notified that if their ac¬
counts are not paid in ten days
tuey will he placed >n the hands
ot ,. olhcer ,-r. f,.r , collect,- ,•
A little son of fv*e, and Mrs, W. j
H. Jones, died on last Thursday
night after several days illness, j
We sympathize wilh the parents
and family in their loss and trust
that it may be the means of a bless¬
ing to them in the end.
The best Shoes on
earth are ‘Jam sMeans’
$8 00 and $4.00 Shoe;;.
When yon go to Dalton,
step in to see hem and
try a pair. Sold, only
by Henry Weatherly.
The town authorities have pass
ed an ordinance against dogs inn
ni^g loose in the streets. The mar¬
shal) is authorized to lake up all
canines that he finds at large and
hold thun under a penally of ono
dollar, and in default of the pay¬
ment thereof the death penalty
will be enf reed.
Special Notice.
All parties indebted to the un
either by note nr ac¬
count, Or otherwise, ere hereby no¬
tified to call and settle at once as
the old business must, and will be,
closed up This is intended fm
every one indebted to us.
Yours Truly,
T. A. & S- E. Bekiiy.
Old Uncle Johnnie Load ford of
Alaeulsa passed from life to eter¬
nity on the 2nd inst. Mr. Leadford
had lived to be very old, and was
highly respected by all who knew
him. Let tho young generation
take his life as an example, and
train their walk to be like his, and
when the sail summons of death,
calls them home, tiey will find in
store for them a happy waiting on
the other shore.
Tbe sad summons, death, has
called from our midst another one
of our g, od ladies. Mis. James r i
Henry after a lingering illness for
several months passed quietly
away on Tuesday morning at about
one o'clock. She bad borne her
sufferings with a g r eat deal of for
ti'ude and when she realized that
death was inevitable, and that she
must soon pass over the river, she
called u number of her relatives and
friends to her bedside and entreat¬
ed them, to prepare for the great
eternity, which they, as well as she,
must soon enter, and render an ac¬
count to the Father above, tor their
stewardship, on this temporal abid¬
ing place. She expressed a will¬
ingness to die but, was grieved to
give up her family, especially her
only daughter, Miss Gracie. We
join with the entir. community, in
an expression of profound sympa¬
thy, lor the bereaved family anl
relatives, and while this is an hour
of distress to them, may it be the
means of ft brighter future while
aW a.ting hsie and may it strengthen
their hope for immortal glory.
Her rema ns were consigned to
their last resting place in too
Spring 1'iaee cemetery, on Wednes¬
day morning. Rev. J R Speck con
mi . •■! the funeral service, in a
very appropriate and impressive
man tier.
gjgg- FOR THE BLOOD, and
Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion
Biliousness, take IRON BltTERS.
BROWN’S dealers in
It cures quickly. For stile by all
medicine. Get the genuine.
If you want a big bargain
ready-made clothing, now is
time since T J Ovbi.y has just open
ed ont hismegant hue of fail, and
winter goods—Try him, he guar¬
antees bargains and wilt save you
money by dealing with him.
Advice to Mothers. i
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should always i
used when children are cutting teeth. It re- j
regulates the bowels, and is the beet known remedy !
for diarrhoea, whether arising from bottle. teething or »
other causes. Twenty-five cents a
TAiS E Bony I..,™ ....
and will keep in stock, a first class
lire of stoves. Cal Und see them
before purchasing 1 - elsewhere.
Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala¬
ria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physi¬
cians recommend it. All dealers sell it. Genuine
has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper.
For 1SC9
The largest and most complete
stock of goods that has beta in
*P lin P for J ears ii:kS J ust
boon received and elegantly ar
„ S! „ re of T j Otbo ,
We soil the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them oefoie purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Snort , Dalton Ga.
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that : L Bucholz keeps the
the 6 land aid confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal wifi be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Pryant’s drug store.
John Kvans, an okl Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks tho Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when in Dalton.
W ill also furnish lodging in con
nectiou with restaurant.
All the citizens of Murray coun¬
ty ,vho are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta¬
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to tueir interset to write
to or call on Mr. John ? Reynolds,
Agent of the Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
Hack Lino.
Simon Daly lias purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and d all on in comfoit m any kind
of weather. Tbe hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at, 1 p. m- daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at,
all times.
I am now prepared to haul pas¬
sengers from .Spring place to Dal¬
ton, witii e unfurl,, summer or w,n
ter. Hack leaves Spring Place at
7 a in. end leaves Dalton at i n m.
Will also carry passensors from
Spring Place t •> Flkjay Leave
Spring Place, Monday Wednes¬
day and Friday, snaking 3 round
trips ec ;h week.
L. C. Jo rs.
Georgia Murray Conn'y.
Whereas Dennis Johnson Fx r o cf 11.0 estate of Tims Y Mc¬
Cone di ced, represents to the me t
in his petition du ! v filed sib en¬
tered on record <hat he has tolly ad¬
ministered said estate Tina is tl.'fjo
fore to cite all nersom conce'-i-ed
kindred and creditors, to «h'»w c-m-m
it any they can, whv said execu'or
should not be discharged from his
said trust, and receive letters of
dismission on the 1st, Mondav in
H’ebv.. 1890. W H Kamsey, 0 d’y
This Nov 5lh 1 C .S9
Statu ov Okop.ota, Mmrny County
Notice is horeby given to nil jiorsons con
cerlieil Mrs I> !. I’cttit late of Murray
County, departed this life, intestate, uni n>
person h;i3 applied for ndmir.istra'ion on I ire
estate of said Mrs. 1) L l’etiit. in sail state:
That administration ’viil bo vested in the
Cie k uf tire Superior Court, or some otiie' fit
nnd proper pors n after the uublioution Of
tilts eiration, nn'ess valid objoolions nro mud.)
to M.i appoiritnient. Witnes s my hand a",<1
off: ,i,;l signature, this the 3rd day of Deo. 1S99
W. II. ILmSky, Ordinary.
Metropolitan Hotel,
Ai lanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama A; Prj’or Streets.
-- Hates Reasonable. -
R P- KEITH, Proprietor.
fLate of Cannon House.]
Dr. j. p. Farm.
DAMON.... ..GE0BG1A.
All kinds of me
chanicalaud f»p or -
• atreaa
' /.XT \?v • • fnil «P xetp in p*rri»*
- ' • of teeth at
reasona Me raves#
Tooth ex trfl do -
without t>a;n by the it?o ol £quibl»'r |.tir*.tSud
phuiic Kthor The juitror nge i t t?.« ei.iven
of Murray county is rospoc‘1 solicited
with «t f'} Lvi trr ntoc that 1 wit: r- i ootn as: goo
aork as tnsy can gfltin N»rt - Georgia, an
w 8 cheap as they can > gat it Genu by any first
class pntistin North ■ l*n*rgia.
A Postal Card Gets
Six Free!
5 Of Your T Gigbbo s
And al) ei of you will get a free sample copy
of tbo
Great Southern Weekly!
You thus give your neighbor a WEEK'S
READING FREE, of the l ost printed paper
in America. “BILL ARI’,’’ ‘‘UNCLE RE¬
MUS." “BETSY HAMILTON,” write for it
TA1.MAGE aud SAM JONES preach for it.
Dr. JONES writes tho “Farmer's Page,” and
MRS. KING writes tbo “Woman’s Kingdom ’’
VENTURE,” in every issue.
of god things, you get free for Jourcclf and
five of your neighbors by writing your it it mo
anil tKeirs on a I'OS'i’ACARD and souiHns
it to lins CONST! amoN,
!>• n’t delay. Write quick. Atlanta Ga.
o 1U© Keith 5
5 - Dealer* In J
Brandies, t ncS
WINTER, tor Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chat tanooga t lean.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, i will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
My Si,00 corn whiskey is trio best
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4 18-1 y
Bought th© Splendid
For It does sacli beautiful work.
Sample Machine at Factory Pries.
Apts Wanted in UMlM Territory,
vToort -> i -r " to
IpauJMif'Jjq .•oio^Jii.ucraju.i pan i«r.ri.»ue-'“T v ip T '• *•;.
J0.I3CI .tod puop 'vir.c} v t o*: 1 •'
s - wrra oi nmmyy
tamtam not rpiq/v .won't id' •;* i
^todtno-x zarjqn q lo.ii
on8e {l ‘j 3 qqti go3 oidoiq op g .-i ,:y
ep osi i opip ■ • : r r
.Jiuqqtns pur? oifBqg nod soifcm r-'kV.
a jo pve.^ noi juq.w I todtuoj xjj } .
d. da
lj5|E (|^^3
fWAA can be made
ojkl l||III Belling in six months
For 36 page catalogue, free,
address, II. C. TINJSOX.
Cincinnati, O., N. Y. City,
JecksonvlUe, Ill.. Omaba, Neb.
J. F T r e v i 11,
-{ Dealer in All Kin s tf y
Farnittirc, daslkets, ©©$ S3
Hiis aud Marble worf 3LQ
Also have in stock the Indestiuctible Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalic casket.
We have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to conimoi^st. at
prices from $1.75 to 25 cts, per yard, Have an EXHIBITOR,
so that you can readily see just how a carpet will look on flu
floor before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins Caskets,
sold at Bottom prices, and dont y- u forget it
fJp T’Business House under Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
e w York Siere.
Grand Spring and Summer Opening!
Hew Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladiso of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods
Rats, Bonnets, &o. Dalton Ga. 4-dtMy
"ST i* SCI* m & V 19 a y § 5
Woodlawn, ■OO'.QO Georgia.
General Merchandise and Count: y Produce.
73 teas.? sas A BBS9 am Ik cs t
;Just Received at tlui Milluer> store ot
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street J ’
Dalton, Georgia.
A now and ologant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goods, consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies' a»'(l Children's Ilats [trimwed ar.d untninmod] Neyk
and Sash Ribbuns, Vilvet Ribbons, Nook Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satin*,
Velvots and Crapos, FIowoth, Feathers,Oruaments Jfec. Our goods
wore bought of the largest and host importing House? in Balti¬
more arid New Yotk, and will he sold at very low
prices for cash.
1889. ^beA
L © IV- c» dJ 9
Spring Place, Georgia
ColtMng! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best hue of Gents' ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
2i5f"Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries &o., ami will sell at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lojioii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
U © © 9
t f 1-ATSNT Y
ml) fv
i I
! or any delect in virion that can be remedied by refractive pew ( >r,
curate 1 }’ and fkilltoll corrected by G H Biotidor tb < vti.'i •• a R !•'
Brown’s, Toweller, Dalton Ga, No cliargo lor te&tibg tin.- F ;