Newspaper Page Text
Subject: “A Mediterranean Voyage.”
(Preached at Brindisi, Italy.)
Text; "And no it came to past that they
escaped all safe to land.” Acts xxvii., 41.
Having visitetl your historical city, which
we desired to see because it was tho terminus
of the most famous road of the ages, tho
Roman Appian Way, and for its mighty
fortress overshadowing a city which even
Hannibal’s hosts could not thunder down,
J™. nte!nt^ lfie Mediterranin^ and*^Cor"
n^r^'/lln^ to
Alexandna, P.gyi • 1 have 'rwnmontwV liw
Mediterranean '"-oyogo^n ^“ndrian a
the confidence iSXbUn™ of of flw^ the rwl?? Owtun. h d Meed, i ga i‘SS 1
much about tlu sen did the Cap
tain. h l/r k ^
tunes, already; i ho had i dwelt , much of his
life amidst capstans, and yardarms, and
h^^Sas taltw“ S; about w...A™. sZe
nggaaj™ ~ =
^nXiff^ dD ^ t toke h0 the 1 ad e vi“ y of this hi
landsman, and he a minister. He may
able to preach very well, but I don’t believe
£££?(L ^^boari' m t’a'^Shift th^laf^ifr u,°J ,0,in
Thoy had JLo'i^iu?, gone only a little way Mediterranean/’ out when y< a
te™^^hl!ho torn sail its turban, shook r Me tho n ’ mast m t ade as you th “
ZthS™ "()v,''ri a !ar .i°Srt Hh 10 hulk
go! It is all washed with w salt water, , and
th< ™i!!f‘ n0 “j
snranie companies. All \H hands ahoy, and
out with the anchors
Great consternation comes on crew and
passengers. I he sea monsters snort in the
glee ioatu, of and destruction the (allows In clap the lull their of the hands storm in
1 hear n chain clank. It is the chain of tho
greatapostloashow-alks tho deck, or holds
rast to the ligglng amidst the lurching of the
shm-the he spray dripping from his long beard
as cries out to the crew Now I exhort
loss vou of to lie of good cheer; tor there shall 1* no
any man s life among you, but of tho
ship. angel I of or God, there whose stood by I mo this night the
am, and whom I
serve, saying, F<»r not, I mil; thou must lie
brought before Caesar; and, lo, God hath
given thee all them that sail with thee.”
Eourteen days have passed, anil thero is no
abatement of the storm. It is midnight,
btandmg on the lookout, the man peers Into
the darkness and, b.ya (lash of lightning, sees
the long white line of the breakers,and knows
will bo shivi*r.'»<l 1 on tho rocks M'ho shin
flies like chaff in a tornado. They drop the
torn'the'v tWv JS*
Of tho lantern They ice it is fifteen fatlio&s.
over the siiln of the ship and undorgird it,get
tho'death'of .UnlT snrinLi aV* Th >v ''-"iT? iwk! 7* t! e
fn Tho fata The
vessel parts the thundering surge! Ob,
what wild struggling for life! Hero they
leap from plank thev to would plank. Here they go
under as if never floating'and rise lmt
catching hold of it t imber come
panting on it to the beach. II,.re, strong
swimmers spread their arms through the
waves until their chins plow the sand, and
thev rise up and wring out their wet locks
nil the beach. When the roll of the ship is
I learn from this subject
First, that those who got us into trouble
will not stay to l-'air help us Havens out. These shipmen
gotl’aul out of the tempest into dropped the storm;
but as soon as upon
them, they wanted to go off in the small
boat, caring nothing for what became of
Paul and tho passengers. Ah me! human
nature is the same in all ages. Thev who
get tts into trouble novel’stop to help us out.
They who tempt that young man into a lifo
of his dissipation imlieciUty, will anil be to the drop first him to laugh at of
1 out
ilecent society. Gamblers always make
fan of the losses of gamblers. I'liey who
Look over all the predicaments of your life,
anil count the names of those who have got
vou into those predicaments, who helped and tell me the
name of one ever you out.
Thev were glad enough to get damaged you out from
Fair Havens, but when, with rig
ging. vou tried to get into harbor, did they
hold for you a plank or throw you a rope?
Not one. Satan has got thousands of men
into trouble, but ho never got one out, He
led them into tk ift. but he would not hida
tb* spider goods or bail out the defendant, lho
shows the flv tho way over tho gossa
mer raer bridge Dnage into imo tuo tue cobweb, rouweu, but out it it never i
shows the flv the way out of the cobweb over
flu- gossamer briffge. I think that there
pririigal’l'pend were plenty of lflsmoneyf fast young men "when'lie to help the
lmt hud
waited his substance in riotous living, they
let him go to the swine pastures, while they
Iwdook themselves to some other now comer,
They who tako l J aul out of Fair Havens will
asKSiar *■•»“>*"*
I remark again, ns a lesson learned from
the text, that it is dangerous to refuse tho
counsel of competent advisers. Paul told
them not to go out with that ship. They
thought ho knew nothing about it. They
said: “He is only a minister!” They went,
and the ship was who destroyed. There are a
great many people nothing about now the say of ministers: They
‘‘They know world.
cannot talk to ust” Ah, my friends, it is not
necessary to have the Asiatic cholera be
fore you can give it medical treatment in
others. It is not. necessary to have
your own arm broken before you can
know how to splinter a fracture. And
we who stand in the pulpit, ami in tho office
of a Christian teacher, know that there ar«
certain styles of belief and certain kinds of
behavior tlmt will lend to destruction as cer
tainly as Paul knew that if that ship went
out of Fair Havens it would go to destine
tion. “Rejoice, 0 young man, in thy youth;
and let thy heart cheer thee in thy days of
thy youth ; but know thou that for all these
things God will bring much, thee but into judgment.” that,
Wo may not know wo know
Young people refuse tha advice of parents,
They mother say: is getting “Father old.” is over-suspicious and
But those parents
iinvo been on tho sea of life. They know
where the Rtoruis sleep, aud during their
voyage have seen a thousand battered hulks
making tho place whoro beauty burned, and
intellect foundered, and morality sank. They
ore old sailors, having answoreil many a
signal of weather, of distress, nnd and endnreil scudding great under stress
Viaro ]ioles; they and talking the old folks know
what aro about. Look at
that man—in Ids cheek tho glow of
infernal tires. His eyo flashes not as
once with thought, but with low passion.
His brain is a sower heart tha through trough which imparity
floats, nnd his in which lust
wallows and drinks. Men shudder as the
leper passes, nnd parents cry: “Wolf!
jvolf P Yet be oDce sold the Lord’s Prayer
at his mother's knee, and against, that iuiquit
ous brow onoe her pressed counsel. a pure He mother’s where lips,
But be refused went
euroclydons have their lair. He foundered
on the sea, while all hell echoed at the roar of
the wreck: Lost Pacifies! Lost Pacifies!
Another lesson from the subject is that
Christians are always safe.
There did not seem to be much chance for
Paul getting out of that shipwreck, days, did there? with
They had not, in those rockets
which to throw lifeboats ropes over foundering of but little ves
sels. Their were
worth. And yet, notwithstanding that Paul all the
danger, land. my And text says it will always be escaped with God’s safe
to so
children. Thev may bo plunged into dark
ness and trouble, but it, by “they the throne shall of all the
eternal "*”**■• God, I assert o»
Sometimes there comes a storm of com
disaster. The cables break. The
masts fall. The cargoes are scattered over
the sea. Oil! what struggling and leaping
**rZt on kegs and hogsheads fat, and combine and store
And though they may haveit
dren shali at lasf ’ through His goodness and
viaii mercy, escape-safe used to drink land. The Scandina
warriors to wine out of the
gkulls o{ the enemies they had slain. Even
so God will help us, out of the conquered ills
Sb-eurth .ureters ourSSlf of lite to drink sweefne« sweetness and
You have, my friends, had illustrations in
JT 5" ™ SJf^S&SST S? !S
^clone, feef but the same storm. Tho steamer
n'V Mersey^at Liverp^Tlound Ivei “ter
York had on board
'‘undreil, crew and passengers. Wo camo
together 1Ls t strangers—Italians/ Sweden, Norwegians, Irishmen, Eng
imen ’ , ' °i I Arneri
rnSs—British T amf 8 <i„„ t pnm the
American ensigns. Wt
h 'modeled d 'the i thoronirhlv «*
that voyage hail around it all
the uncertainties of a trial trip. The great
steamer felt its way cautiously out into tlu
sea. Tho pilot was discharged; j and commit
ting ourselves to the care of Inn who hold¬
eth the winds in His list, wo were fairly
started on our voyage of three way—theseawiti thousand miles,
It was rough nearly all the
strong IJut buffeting’ nighti disputing our path,
the lights ono hnd been ot put it o’clock, after
de out, a cyclono—a
wiml j ust ma to tear ships to piecos
caught as in its clutches. It came down so
sails suddenly that we tho had not time You to take in tho
or to fasten hatches. may know
that the bottom of tho Atlantic is strewn
with tho ghastly work of cyclones. Oh!
they breath, aro cruel though winds. they They have hot
as camo up from
infernal furnaces. Their merriment is
the cry of affrighted passengers,
Their play is the foundering of steam
erg And, when a ship goes down, they laugh
until both continents hear them. They go
in circles, or, ns I describe them with my
hand—rolling writing on! rolling tho on! with linger of
(„ rror on white sheet of the
within this circle polish! Brigantines,
C a!S?S do T n \ Steamships,
Sto^tae, crouches to rim 'as 'the
mid^i’is * p™cf- for'
guishod furnaces! Captain, dead in tho
„ , Passengers, dead in the cabin!
the great cemetery of dead, stean,
hThSiT” trumpet Cabin to split d00r up the decks,
"" Ul6 ^“ d
c » >' omuuus
t * 10U K * 1 *' ,l a < 1 s ^ en st frms on tho sea
p bp f°™; r . but all of thorn together might have
™“ 10 “ n dor 0 “® win ? o£ that cyclone, We
vc™ only , eight . or mno hundm miles from
a " d >n high expectation of soon seeing
" ur fr ‘ onds - V’ her0 ' v ,L ? m .' board
“ l?°. r 1 ''T f Biititscemed
“ f s f' 0 ' “5®,.^
can > mid ho was a fool! oh! what a
wa ?. ! ,li K ht to ' Qaka 1,au ’ 3
haw turn white. Wo camo out . of tho berths, ,
and slood m the gangway and looked into the
steerage,and sat m the cabin. While seated
there we heard overhead something like
minute guns. ItwAstho bursting ofthe sails.
' « held on with both hands to keep our
pl aces - floor l hose who back attempted bruised to cross and
the came
BAsslied. fragments; Cups and _ of ff'assos tho were table getting dashed
1° loose, pieces the saloon. It seemed
swung across
as if tho hunucano took that great
fdu . . P °’ . thousands ,. . or , 1 tons and stood
i “Shnll I sink
d ',’^ n with such force that the billows v- tram
pled o'er it, each mounted of a tul T’ " 0
lolt that everything If depended stopped on the pro¬
polling screw. that for an m
slantwo knew the vessel would fall off into the
^ougli of the sea and sink, and so we prayed
'lmt the screw, which three times since loav
Liverpool had already stopped, might
not stop now. Oh how anxiously we
1 *‘ ened for tho ro g , ll ar thum P o£ tha ’ na :
’jhinery, upon which . , our lives seemed
depend. ’The After a is Nvhiie stopped some 1” Ko* one
sound bad only been overpowered
u y tuo u|»y»» vi iw tt uu »>o
breathed easier again when wo heard tho re
gular pulsations of the overtasked machinery o’clock
going thump, thump, tlie water thump. covered At 3 tho
in tho morning ship
from prow to stern, and the skylights gave
way! Tho deluge rushed in, and wo felt that
one or two more waves like that must swamp
wall, it sprang half way up to tho ceiling,
Rushing through tho skylights as it
camo in with such terrific roar, there
went up from the calmi a shriek of horror
which I pray Goil I may never hear again.
J have dreamed the whole scene over again,
but God has mercifully kept me from hear
mg that ono cry. Jnto it seemed to be com
pressed Itseemed tho agony of shall expected shipwreck,
tosay: “I never get home
again! Mychildren shall be orphaned, and
my wife shall bo widowed! X am launching
now into eternity 1 In two minutes I sLtall
meet my God!”
Thero wero about fivo hundred and fifty
passengers in tho steerage, and as tho water
rushed in and touched tho furnaces, and be
igan the steerage violently imagined to hiss, the that poor creatures in
the boilers were
giving way. Those the passengers writhed in the
water and in mud, some praying, some
crying, the deck. nil terrified. They made a rush for
An officer stood on deck and beat
them back with blow after blow It was
necessary. instant They could not have stood an
on the deck. Oh! how they
hogged to get out of the hold of tho
rushed ship! Ono woman, and caught with hold a child of in her of arms, tho
officers up cried: ono I will
and “Do let mo out!
here!” help you! Some Do let mo out! nnd I cannot tho die
got down prayed to
Virgin Mary, saying: “O blessed mother!
keep with us! white Have mercy on us!’ Somo stood
terror. Gome lips anil fixed gaze, silent in cried their
wrung their hands and
out; “O God! what shall I do? What shall
I do?’ The time came when the crew
could no longer stay on the deck,
nnd the cry of tho officers was: ‘Below! all
hands below!” Our bravo nnd sympathetic
Captain to speak Andrews—whose whilo I live—had pruiso’l been shall not
cease by tho hurricane from liis bridge,and had swept
clone caped very narrowly with liis life. The cy
seemed to stand on the deck, waving its
wing, captured crying: Ha! ‘This ship is ihine I I have
it! ha! I will command itl
If God will permit, I will sink it here and
the now! By a thousand shipwrecks, I swear
doom of this vesselr There was a:
lull in the storm: but only that it
might the gain additional fury. Crash! went
lifeboatou one side. Crash! went the !
lifeboat on the other side. The great booms
got loose, and, as with the heft of a thunder
the holt, jib pounded the deck and beat the mast—
boom studding saU boom, and square
sail boom, with their strong arms, beating
time to the awful march and music of the
Meanwhile the ocean became phosphorcs
cent. The whole scene looked like fire. The
and there was a deck of Are. A ship of fire,
sailing on a sea of fire, through a night of
‘Tis “8“aSS
years of age got down and prayed for
“is “other, “if I should give up,” he
come of mother.” There 'were 'menwho^
I think, lmd not prayed for thirty years.
ieels that ho has come to his last time, it
makes a very busy night. All of ou.'
sins and shortcomings passed through our
SSSbJg. take I I cannot mend matters
mo as am,
now. Lord Jesus, Thou didste die for the
chief of sinners. That’s me! It seems,
Lord, ns if my work is done, and poorly
darkness commit myself and her whom I
holdby the hand to Thee, O Lord Jesus!
thabit mny be a short struggio in
water, and that at the same instant
both arrive in glory!” Oh! I tell you a
eternity so close to him that be can feel
its breath on his cheek.
The night was long. At last we saw the
looking through the port holes. Asia
olden time, in the fourth watch of the
Jesus came walking on the sea, from
wave cliff to wave cliff; and when Ho puts
His foot upon a billow, though it may bo
tossed up with might it Tlfey goes down. He cried
to tho winds, Hush! knew His voice.
Tke waves know His foot. They died away.
And in the shining track of His feet I read
these letters on scrolls of foam and fire:
“The earth shall be filled with the knowledge
of God as the waters cover
the sea.” Tho ocean ealmixl. The
path of the steamer became more
nud more mild; until, on the last morning
out, the sun threw round about ns a glory
such as I never witnessed before. God made
a pavement of mosaic, reaching from horizon
to horizon, for all the splendors of earth anil
heaven to walk upon—a pavement bright
enough for the foot of a seraph—bright
enough for tho wheels of the archangel’s
chariot. As its a parent grief, embraces that a child, and
kisses away so over sea, that
nan been writhing In agony in the teni|>est,
the morning threw its arms of beauty and of
benediction, and tho lips of earth anti heaven
As I came on deck—it was very early, and
wo wero nearing tho shore—I saw a few sails
against tho sky. They seemed liko the spirits
Df the night walking the billows. and I leaned
aver the taffrnU of tho vessel, said: “Thy
way, O God, is in the sea, and Thy path in
the great waters.”
It grew lighter. The clouds wero hung in
purple clusters along the sky; and, as if those
purple ami poured clusters wero pressed into rod wine
out upon the sea, every wave
turned stood opposite into crimson. fire Yonder, and fire cleft
to cleft; here, a cloud,
rent anil tinged with lijflit, seemed like a
dows. palace, with The Haines whole bursting lighted from the win¬
scene up un¬
til it seemed as if the angels of
God were ascending and descending
upon stairs of lire, and the wave-crests,
changed thyst, into they jasper, flung and toward crystal, tho and ame¬
as think were of tho of heaven beach,
made me crowns cast
before the throne of tho great Jehovah. I
leaned over the taffrnil again, and said, with
more emotion than bofore: “Thy way, 0
Goil, is in the sea, and Thy path in tho great
Go, 1 thought, will be the going off of the
storm and night of tho Christian’s lifo. Tho
darkness will fold its tents and away! The
golden feet of the rising morn will come
skipping wrathful upon billows the of mountains, the world’s and all the
break into the splendor of eternal joy.
Anil so we come into the harbor. The
cyclone behind us. Our friends be
fore around us. God, And who is roll always good,
all us. if tho of the crew
and the passengers hail been called seven
hundred souls would have answered to their
nanios. “And so it came to pass that wo all
escaped safe to land.” And may God grant
that, when all our Sabbaths on earth aro
ended, wo may find that, through tho rich
mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, we all have
weathered the gale!
Into the harbor of heaven now wo glide,
Home at la^r!
Softly wo drift on the bright silver tide.
Home at last !
Glory to God ! All our dangers are o’er;
We stand secure on the glorified shore.
Glory to God ! wo will shout evermore.
Home at last 1
Home at last]
Oeohoe Kunkan is nn American leo
Inrer who kiious a tiling or two about
in ilern Russia. He says that he can¬
not uinli’istunii how it is that the C at
never makes ihe least e fort to find out
for .linself what can make men who
arc in every particular liis equal, bar¬
ling: the mere accident of pos tion, des
j ] crate enough of getting to rid have of recourse him the to bhiw- such
means as
! : UVJ injf - up (1]) of ()t the t Winter 1'a ace trains and the
i ; nn of ra Iwuy upon
i " bhouldlie lu ' 1 , 1 * 10 do ] s supposed lie uid to be lie traveling,
so w n a post
* tion to correct many evils and save
nitinv troub es to himself and great wor
‘ f and children.
rvil i—»• of ]irilui to ] lis AV1 e
»>«■ ■»
ms to the liu garinns, are as able as
that into hgent people to take care ot
themselves. As to tlie ignorant peas
all t s thev cou d be taught more than
} J '\ ;. * " M * Kwin an save he
" ,,u be glad it ., he cou tt , follow follow m their tneir
curious rumblings a partv (iod ot tlioRus- who
wander sian Bogomoltse, thou ands or from prayers, shrine to
shrine all over Ifussia, begging their
, subsistence ’ aiul lead ‘ n" ° a wild life of
romance and adventure,
lrtF. v W .. oman , s isattona! . . Jaiiustrial , . . , . ,
League of Washington, D. 0., has sent
out a circular to women throughout in the
TTnited States (Writss askimr them to ioin a
memorial nmriil to to Longiess for tor an an annionri’V appropn.v
tion to erect a monument to tjueen Isa
bella of Spain, in Washington. Gardi
mil Gibbius is to be asked by the League
to use his influence with Catholic wo
to show .* their appreciation 1 of the
generosity and , sacrifice ot .... the gieat and
, good Catholic tjueon by acting m con
cert with the League. The latter asks
ft [ so that the women of the country
band themselves together ° for the pur
P oso „ ot , demirading ,___ „ a 1 ei.ogllition f
woman , w ork, and an equal nclu of
industry in the great Exposition.
He need so sharp a knife to cut a tart
He sliced liis finger off, with bitter cry.
Bis friends remarked, and thus they broke
his heart—
“Again he's got his finger in the pie.”
^ hcimol lor Rrg£.«rh.
Two London bovs of thirteen,the chil
dren of respectabli parents, ’ were recently i
c ® ar K et ^ wl, “ u.,. begging. 1 u tie hATB boysnllegcd n ii., (rr(
that a. woman trained them and Owner lads
as beggars, and that she used to keep
their decent clothes and supply them
wlth yj g s to S° „„ out in “ ir„ er r own own hnv D0 /l it
said, . , head _ of the ol
is was the gang ju- ,
venile beggars anil used to take the
money, which partly weut to his mother
and .' part in refreshments and visits to
music . halls. „ rr<,,_ liie mother of „„„ >ne ol r ,t .y,,. th
lads said that she had been'to this woman
and warned her that if she heard that
her -»»ldWj,,un bov’s clothes were unlawful kept a^ain she
, 0 , posses
e! °n. The defendants adhered to their
statement about being supplied with I
1 ' vaH tru « woman SBi,: realty ou 3 ni |
be prosecuted.
Lacing The Shoe.
Few people lace their shoes correctly.
to lace as tightly as possible. The cor
reet way is to put y our foot, when you
arc about tu lace your shoe, as much as
P° g ‘* • j°*» of the shoe You
can do tins best by lacing your shoes
with the heel of your shoe resting on a
chair standing in front of the one vou
aro seated in. Over the instep the lac
Ihis will hold your foot back in the
shoe, giving the toes freedom, and pre
venting their being cramped.
Trm hues of sunset .j make life "rent
»itc» cottage anil liiesule ; y populous, unpor
taut, and filling the main space in our
“’Mid pleasures and palaces, tho’ wo may
roam, humble, place like
lie it ever so there's no
homo,’’ if blessed .... with wife whose , hours ,
especially a
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tion rolieves and cures these troubles and
brings sunshine to many darkened houvs.
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The cleansing, antiseptic and healing quali
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II ow’m 'I his!
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taking Hall’s (.atarrh ure.
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West & Tbuax, Druggists, Tole¬
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Catarrh ( tire is taken internally,
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“I.ucy lliuton.”
Jl&rk ! the sound of many voices,
Jubilant in gladdest song,
And full many a heart rejoices
Ah tho chorus floats along:
“Hail the Queen of all Tobaccos!”
How the happy voices blend,
‘T iient and purest among her fellows—
Man’s staunch and true friend.”
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woman. use
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eon’s Eye-Water. Druggists sell at2oo j>er bottle
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Byes Ears Nose
Are all more or less affected by catarrh. The eyes
become Inflamed, rod and watery, with dull, heavy
pain between them; there are roaring, buzzing
’/noises in the ears, and sometimes the hearing is
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from the nose, bad breath, and ln many cases loss
of the sense of smell. All these disagreeable symp¬
toms disappear when tho disease is cured by Hood’s
Sarsaparilla, which expels from the blood the Im¬
purity from which catarrh arises, tones and restores
the diseased organs to health, and builds up the
whole system.
N. B.~Be sure to get
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THE WOR LD I Comprisinpr graphic bioRra
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