Newspaper Page Text
■Cose jwr^Mry fresh gro
IT® must appear in next
Seed Data at
’ DeJournetts &> Co.
There are several oases the
“la grippe” in town and flurround
iDg community.
Eetr.etr.ber that S T Fincher's is
headquarters inr drugs. »
Mruf A Dickson hss been right
hick with the “la grippe” for the
past week,
A bervatifed and maty'line of la¬
dies bate, Just rscei.wd at T $ Ovbey’e
_ __— ■ V- »——— •* —*••
Buy your nooessarisR before the
prices advance.
. .THetmm i* n!roe<d b.c-e~vet. yoar
garden seed' from T Fincher.
Don't c«k ns who next «tep« into
The tn°i*jnagei.:ng, wo wilTtell you
later on.
For sink Chickens. Horses, Cows
Hogp. Ac. get yduv remedies froru
S T Fincher- ■ • • ■ •
There aro ftOvArai ways m
town that .ahould bo fixoft
' Judge Wluhnr^ of tbo Dalian
Cif’zen wap. over this week.
There fo be a division on
fh« fence, ov'\o farshe, question in
tin's district
Milch ccvs with young calves,
for aalc on time till fall. Apply to
Dr Jaraes-F. Harris, Dunn P, O.
Murray Count?.
The borso swapping dab is out
in full force this wo ok.
. —
T A ?x ; S E Berry hove f*n hand.
nod wiU ket>j> in stock, a first class
lino of stoves. Gall cud sceljiliom
before purchasing elsewhere.
We have had repairs rnnue ^
on our press which adds greatly
to the finish aud prist of our^raper.
Should you wish Oysters,
Sardines, Salmon Canned Mack
Meats or pickled
iOj |L rj
>e Fincbcr ana daogb
iaets beat hand ratido
kprtment ■terfcet of tlio best
are kept; m
■f BlIuc-iu. ihb*r .
S JS Pan
b convert
weak and
Png, Mr
k: h
| pnd Mrs
Inrn that
>m their
Wr ■ Jon
a ty. They tc—
V p
- -
Wday PIna Tennessee burieu 4 cn Oon- lass
afid was &t.
™ Vailoy^a F riday.
The carpet has beeniput ‘in the
court house and is to five
bai’.isL and the sheriff thrown in
to keep down noise rn the court
The council has had several racks
put up, for the \ urpose of hitching
horses, and tbo people aro re¬
quested tot to hitch to the fences
about town.
Wo hop© that'tho grand jury
this week will not forgot to reo
ommend the biuluing of a icueo
aronndjtho court' house.
— — ■- —— ■ . -A-—.
It has been suggested that a
stock company, with a capita! pi
810,000 would do a Jar,go and prof¬
itable business handling merchan¬
dise in Spring Tinea. What wo
want is to keep mm 0 money in eir
enklion at home. This is a grand
and good old county, not to have a
Sfagle large estabiiobinent
John Bar.iflit?{coi) was arresfep.
in Gordon • county one gay feat
week by Sheriff McEntjre aud A
P Duncan, on a bill of
frewethsa aa«-Bty r »4U»a- iailur.a-to
give lend was placed in the coun¬
ty jail.
Superior Court convened- at 10 A
SI Monday with Judga Thomas W.
Milner on the] throne of justice.
His charge to the Grand Jury was
explicit and forcible, fie clearly
set out our duty as citi/epB which
should be remembered and obeyed
by every oue, Who feels an interest
in the future oi his country.
We have for sale best rustproof
oats at 40 cents per bushel.
Patterson & Johnson.
Georgia Black Marble.
An ioameKsa bed of the ve:y
finost/Black f^arble-has bceut dis¬
covered on Oapt W O Tiltons
farm near town. It is the finest ws
ever saw, and take,, a fine polish.
We undi stand that Copt Tilton is
negotiating with some marble ex¬
perts hi Vermont with a view to hav¬
ing a quarry opened and operated
T'jvfasant V,!u,ar Alliance.
^Whereas it has comp to
■twledgo that, there in gang
it; -•
fc |
• ' - fi
. wf
:s. -
*'L' , V
FT pPi" X'orUiv-''
H money
■nq to John L. If nond
■P^t^n, Ga„ traveling "pas
ger Agent of the “Old
bmT W. & A, K. R.
| Arkansas travel,
jndristry and Economy
' *»
f*<>. 2.
“There is mors in saving than in
making,”■is n true saving. So van
see a man may
does onarn not economy htehbor, m regarc yet At ^ to
«»vm*whftt bw mduetnous b*or
has produced att is a iadue
snnoessfnl farmer. Faraiera shon.,1
net only aso economy in saving the
“pi odacts * of then- farms^ut also
their “iarms 11 as Well. Tvhy .8
there so much land -run down
and “washed p.way u in our conn tty.
jt in because the right kind of work
has not been dope at the right
time. Tow lands have not been
kept, properly draiosdprfvsrs, creek
and branches .hart* not boon kept
cleared of their many obslrat Uon?i
ttp-lands, ‘‘especially, hilt sides,
have not been properly surveyed
and ditched; and even where
ditches have orteo bean cut, they
have bifen let fill up until the
heavy Spring - and Summer raius
break over their banks, causing
destruction to the land ns well as
the growing crops. Again, sne
cesaive'cnltivaticn in cotton and
corn has lin'd a tendency to destroy
the once productive qualiny of the
lands ex our country.
Let us adopt .‘‘rotation”'b;f crops
as one ot our “mottos 4 ' in farming.
B, B.
D. H, Harris Dentist’
is stopping as Spring Place, ard
will cheerfully wait on those want¬
ing Dental work done, and at grb
ces to. suit the times.
erwwt** W&w WcAlraws. Halula, »rX*o», tn<Hg«fc<Ki . » a
BiU01K 5Sitb'!Vx-B iKOST ITTEhlS.
It cures quickly. Foi sale by all dealers ti
mcdimTiib GlI the 08$$® -
Ad!vice to 'Motifipxs* tuos?.shouw
Vfmsitiw'H HooiHtitM vuilm# is tsefcbv wwa Hto*- ya
b> n* e$ -svhen saiSb^t ave it
Stevea the U ttlfe at ctwe; Wight* .
quiet sleep, artd the ititle eheiub : It
m a button.” It is ?»ry pleasant to taste.
sooUves the r-hild, softens che-gurz.^ allay sail pain»
yegnlates the bowels, andialbebev.tknowTJ t^romy
for dUvTthfea, wb#i£Y um% f*m>\ toctiiuijj ut*
xihwe cause?* Tv&ity-ftve cont^ a bottle*
on real estate, hi amounts .not less
than $300, cheaper than, cm bo got
at home, Apply ‘ through
• 0. F. Kirrc.
ay emws im bitters
fas indisestiofl, Wtoasntw, a uii-^'F5 T>y-n,'’.'-.U, W-Us.
u! A ; -W-vT]:
hMtraae iue,vk Sad crowed red lines an ..'rap;- r .
■for 1890.
The largest and moat eomplcfo
stock of goods that: has been in.
Spring Place for years has just
been recoiyed and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of X J Ovboy
flfro^giA .Uoriny Ccr.n’ty.
■ Alexaadcr Boanlen fcaeappHoel fur«x«mpt>
Ion of |>orson»lty, and I will pass upon tho
sr.nao st .12 o’clock M. on tho .. Stli day of
March 1600 at ffiyedics, IV H ttamssy, OrJy
S • > 2
T .- %sO | s '■A 1
11 o > £•“©•&
Z l*G
g ; - s sss” ; i'Sm
r<1 01 x S H OT *V *7*>
x&O&a.UZ’VQ** .JO
' A?-' ..■T"
■ O ;■.:
JP l<boxaT>>S UR O? p,l£r AUTWAWTS ’ >i0
Btt<»!aea«, 81iort4s»a A Tytsc-.W^MAveh TelogrnphZ*
tifsapesf & Best Bust ness Veftege. id the World.
l&felgS SSi :.■‘iViL'LTSTFl
j Pout forget Store of the T A OH 3 hi
J . "^ . ..._____ .
*7 *‘^3* or
^ - & ^ , t Atls%ata
^ ^ * ohatta .
r cict5! ,• T ., nK03S6e ,
Arh J~ ToSU3 ; ' :; or invest,
win Vitk> u ^ t . . : ,.^to
fo s? ^ oa m Jehn F ^e^ids.
t ofihe WMte?u & AU aa1ie
Kaiiwa(1 at D al ;. cc . Bafeage
tWgh to joints.
Hack Una,
Simon Paly bar parchnsod a new
covered hack and is prepared to
.haul passengers between this place
and daiiou in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack loaves this
place-'8s 7 a.' m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 a\ 'daily.
Horses and buggy, for. biro at
all tapes.
tt Ij *
aii. x z a.
I 3,#tr upvy prepared to ban! . nas~.
setsgprff Acm Spring place to Dal
tani Vifeh eanifcr:., aai Asror win¬
ter. . ilf.o! loaves Spring Pluto at
? a and leaves Dalton at i f < m;
Wf 1 al .,0 carry p -.eeagera from
Sprlfep: Place t% Tnijayi .Leave
Spring Place, Monday, Wednes¬
day Snd Friday, .making 3 round
trip«f each weak.
L./iJ, -J051 P.
When you are in -Dallon dbnt
{prgfv that L Buchpl/, keeps fie
the s 4 ar-d?.¥d'cotubciiomwies and is
ftlv/e. ready to vai;. on tbo- Ivfarray
bojs. A-x^ood square meal will ho
fur .nisUoA far only 2." cents. Bo
juc.Tnber Mr Buck, first door below
' tore!
. Jolm Evaucu 8.n old Murray boy,
is located in Da'.lou, oj,posit© Kol
and b keeping a first' class
restaurant, and aaka tho uun-. y
boys to come around and oat with
him when in Dalton.
W..ill also furnish lodging in con
iieo.tion with rearaurant.
We sell the Spencer Optical
CempahyT Sjioctocje.s ami eye
gla3?e&, They «re very fine
glasses and you .should try
them ' l>f fore p’aiehHsmg else
S l McFmighta.Nev'
Drug. Snore, Dalton Ga.
If you want a big bargain in
ready-made clothing, now'is your
time since bis T J Ovbey has-just opfn,
od‘ oat elegant .line of Tali* and
winter, goods—Try him, be guar¬
antees bargains and will save’you
money by dealing with him.
X\ ' I* y>T my
-[, Dealer in
Wlaiskies, Brandies, c nd
wmm t tor Sacrameiital
SOS Bast JElglUh Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
When yon want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, S wfil guar
aiitee my goods to bo as represented.
My @2,CO corn whiskey is' the boat
in this market. "I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Lot cash accompany or¬
der. 4 IS-ly
fc'lQUgttt HI0H tM'O ARM SpiontiStfi
dtIRL v :
a;., a
Mmum Mcmits
MiMr "SanpSSPSKWS'wKSSfc, gh
n *B
»“' h work. .
*««“ * **"* **0
mi wfflfflffi WAB8AIBB IDS 5 years.
! m S®i(JE0?® COc
> SK^ys^RS. «V,L.
J. F» i !' i r e v i t1 9
j ■{ Dealojf in All Kinds cf }■
Iftl FMlltlS f 6 Caskets, €vof»
bus ■o ant Marble work*
Also have in stock ike AA-st; nobble Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalk casket.
>Ve have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to commonest, at
pricesdjfara $1.75 to ‘25 efcs, per yard, Have an EXHIBITOR,
so that you can rcadily.seo just how a carpet will look on the
door before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins and Caskets,
sold at Bottom prises, and dont you forget it
HjT’Businefia House under Trevitt Hall, Dalton (fa.
srctQa -jA 'BVewMimusmtett
£T ' » o r k
jj >3 1- !« 9
Grand Fall anti Winter Opening!
Hew Croods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Triraminga!
Ladiae of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods
lints, Bonnots,' &c, .Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
§ 0* 1 n
W OODLAWN. OO.'OO- Gkoroia.
g DBA T.KRS ex y
General Merchandise and Coantry Produce.
e> 2 I € U
L. {. 11 F J
2—: 1
[Jasf deceived at tbe Miitaary Stcro »r
J. & J, B. GEAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
, Dalton, Georgia. .
A raw and alagant nssartracnlof Miliacry uni [lr5t;;r,\d Stfew Oarj.lSjOonsistir,,'; of Straw
iWnwAsov. andnaah \ RihbonRj'Vilvot Pr.aieo' »a4 ObUdren’t. Kitbona.. Hals Noalt Tics, Bonnet and yntrimiaod’] Ktak
Vslyata an.d .Qjr»V.®*. £ iawpraErtatkors,Qrr; As. Silks, Satias,
u-uglit he» uts Our good*
wsso of uioiArcoatana Vest importing Honsosin Ualtl
sal Kfi-sv YSrP, r.nti wf!1 Hstci' 1 srtr-Tory lew - ... •
JJjiBcsftr cash.
TTF © a
UK m b V
'CiP® y m L 9
Spxujra P.v,agJ 5, Geoiicta
CoMing!, ■GlotMagf Clothing!!
I have on hand and will keep the best line of Gent.s"ready
made clothing, on the market.
^“Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash. «
’m&SSSj&i -trxrrrsr:
o 9
Srocories, Provisions, Oonfeetionery, Ci¬
gars, V
The Test East Teunessep Flour, Bacon. Lard, Sugar,' Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Siimiuer Hats el tho latest styles, all of which Will be sold
at Hook bottom prices for cash or barter.
fi'L ** © W II ,
l., f PATENT UaVER. -V- -
I ft..
ASTIGMTISM, ■ : W‘ : h.
0r a °y **«* in can be remedied U.rcfr.HD
CUr!tt " lV a,, V’ a,; ' ruK < -' rTrct ‘ ' l,y G H Optician at £
Brown’s, Jeweller Dalton G«. No charge lot ipim S thh Ey«,