Newspaper Page Text
Two servauti employed in adjoining
houses were talking recently, says an
exchange, about their methods of clean¬
ing windows. The one whose win¬
dows always looked the brightest said
she selected a dull day for the work,
or a day when the sun was not shining
on them, because wheu the suu shines
it causes them to be dry-streaked, no
matter how much one rubs. The
painter’s brush is the best article for
this purpose, then wash all the wood¬
work before the glass is touched. To
cleanse the glare, simply use warm
water diluted with ammonia; don’t use
soap. A small stick will get the dust
out of the corners, then wipe dry with
a piece of cloth—do not use linen, as
the lint sticks to the glass. The best
way to polish is with tissue paper or
newspaper. To clean windows in this
way takes much less time than when
soap is used .—Mechanical New.
There are many ways of preparing
onions, and perhaps there Is none supe¬
rior to “plain boiled.” If the water is
changed ones or twice while cooking,
they will be more delicate, and they
must be thoroughly tender all through.
Drain all water from them and season
with salt, pepper and ’ plenty of sweet
butter. As a change, a cream sauce
may be poured over them just before
serving, but one would tire of this
method if repeated too often. After
being boiled until tender, they may be
put in a buttered baking dish, sprin¬
kled with pepper, salt, a teaspoonful
of butter in the centre of each
onion, covered with bread crumbs
and baked slowly one hour.
They may then be served plain or with
cream sauce. The large Spanish onions
are particularly nice for slicing raw, and
if served with a little oil and vinegar,
make a good salad. Onions are an in¬
dispensable seasoning for most soups,
and in many cases if they are sliced and
fried brown in butter, before adding
them to the soup stock, the flavor is
greatly improved. A potato salad
would be very tame indeed without a
slight flavor, and there is no dou bt that
in time this valuable vegetable, so rich
in nitrogenous food, will take a higher
rank than is at present accorded to it
upon our tables. But one word of ad -
vice, don’t fry it
SICK-ROOM slippers.
These are intonded for tho use of
those who are nursing or watching the
sick, 'but they will be found to give
great comfort to anyone who has tired
or lame feet.
Rip the soles from a pair of old slip¬
pers, knock the heels off and cover the
soles on both sides with thick woolen
cloth. Excellent material for this, as
well as for the uppers, may be found in
the skirts of old coats.
With tho old slippers for a guide, cut
a paper pattern of the uppers; or better
still, have a pattern of the right size
cut for you by a shoemaker. The pat¬
tern will be in two pieces, the vamp
and the quarter pattern.
Cut two cloth pieces by the vamp
pattern and four by the quarter pattern,
taking care to have two of the latter
right side out and two wrong side cut.
From dark silesia cut linings to all
those pieces. £iose and press the
seams of the cloth pieces, then the lin¬
ings; then baste the two smoothly to¬
gether—seams inside—and bind the
upper edge with galloon. Now slip
the heel stiffening (saved from the old
slippers) up between the lining and the
outside, and catch it there with two or
three basting stitches. Then sew upper
and sole together, holding both wrong
side out, and your slipper is finished.
Turn it and put it on; and if your
feet are lame or tired you will not be in
a burry to take it off.
Beef Sausage—Take two-thirds beef
to one-third pork, chop fine and season
with herbs to the taste. Make into
•mall cakes and fry brown.
Sweet Sauce for Puddings—One
tableapoonful of butter, two of sugar,
two of flour; season with nutmeg; mix
well and pour over it boiling water
until as thick as gravy.
Oyster Fritters—Make a thick batter
of milk, eggs and flour, with some
baking-powder worked in it; dip each
oyster in the batter and fry brown in
hot butter and lard—half and half.
Hot Slaw—Molt in your frying pan a
piece of butter the size of au egg.
Put in your cabbage and add a little
water, salt and pepper. Cover closely
and cook until quite tender, then add
half a cup of vinegar.
Simple Dessert—Put eight crackers
Into a doep dish and pour on enough
boiling water to cover, Let them
stand till soaked; then grate over them
nutmeg and white sugar, with sweet
cream enough to make a nice cream.
Pkmiokkt Harrison plays billiards very
JSgggJSafi aaa » : ^+
Hvartb, Depew and Ingeraoll are said to
take scarcely any exercise at all.
Benjamin F. Bitlkr says that he win
have nothing to do in future with political
late Edgar Allan Poe.
R*v. Mb. Spurgeon, the famous Baptist,
is crippled with tbe sciatica and is unable te
leave Mentone, France,
A fabkwsll dinner was given to Henry
George, departure in for New Australia. York cityj previous to bb
Thu little King of Spain is described by
those who have seen turn as a nervous,
irritable child and very homely.
Archbishop Corhigan has sailed en his
journey about American to Rome church to consult with the Pope
Atlanta has decided to build a city boa
pitel which to be $45,000 named after H. W. Grady, for
over is now on hand.
Applmton Longfellow, son of the poet,
is at Nice, France, the guest of Aimes
Gordon Bennett, of the New Ybrk Herald.
Rev. John Jasper, the Richmond colored
preacher, has repeated his “De Ban Do Move”
sermon one hundred and seventy-five times.
The Duko of Veragua, who has beanap
pointed Spanish Minister of Commerce, is a
lineal descendant of Christopher Columbus.
Mr. Gladstone says he i* opposed to
nationalisation of land. He does not see ho w
toe State conld be a good and capable land¬
It is reported that the Czar’s doctors have
observed in him symptoms of cutaneous
poisoning after wearing bis German uai
It is related that when Calvin Brice, toe
next Ohio Senator, went to college he often
found it bard work to pay* bit necessary ex¬
John M. Clark, toe new Collector of tot
port and of estimated Chicago, is be fifty-three half years of million age,
to worth a
Secret art Proctor has a fortune of near¬
ly $800,000 that bring and some him in valuable $10,000a marble con¬
tracts year besides
his official salary.
One of toe hale old men of Great Britain ie
Professor Blackie, the famous Greek scholar,
Edinburgh who at eighty students. is still able to lecture to the
Thomas Cook, the founder of toe Cook’s
ing tourist journey industry, was that said to be contemplat
a to country whence no
traveler ever returns.
With the exception of the time be was in
toe continuously Cabinet, in Senator Congress Sherman has served
since the assem¬
blage of toe Thirty-fourth.
Mark Twain works only three months in
the year, and then does his writing on alarm
near onal Elmira, N. in Y., which where he has an octag¬
glass room he works.
Andrew Carnegie, Pittsburg the iron man, says he
intends library, to give a larger public
art gallery he has and given music hall building
than the one Allegheny City.
Professor David Swing, the famous
Chicago first preacher, he tried says that toe fate qf toe
sermon to preach would have
discouraged most men from continuingin the
John RtJSKiN, the great leader in English
critical literature, has become hopelessly m
sane. His health lias been lailnig for years.
He is growing it steadily weaker and it ii
doubtful be ever leaves his bed again.
Joseph Jefferson has received $13,000 for
his autobiography.
Mary Anderson is thirty years of age,
and has been on the stags fourteen years.
M. Paulus, the Frenoh originator of toe
“Boulanger March,” is coming to this coua
Johann Strauss denies the report witiraig t that
he is to come to this country or¬
Victoria Vokks has closed hear season.
Bad business, bad plays and ill health are
the cause.
Clara Morris is going .on a tour of toe
Northwest next season under the direation of
Klaw & Erianger.
Stragglers from stranded theatrical com¬
panic* York, ics are bees as in frequent hive. on Broadway,..New
as a
Max O’Rell, the French writer, has be¬
gun his American lecture tour. Trpmqnt
Temple, Boston, gave him an audience of
They disapproved in Chicago'becanse of Tamagno, he of received Pastils
$3000 opera troupe, night and tipped the'hotel waiter with
one-cent pieces.
Dion Boucicault has completed a new
play for Sol. flrabtime Smith Russell, Daly’sTheatre, wffleh willtbe New
Bern for the at
York, next fail.
Miss Van Zandt, the American ' prime
donna, says she never- enjoyed 80
muoh anywhere as inBt.PetersDui
the climate tried her voioe very n
has Saint-Saens’s been in preparation new opera, for “Aseaniq^’which montos .at the
Paris Grand contralto Opera House,, fill was hsUPfeaok chief for
want of a to one of toe
hr was announced that Henry. E. House
would bring Clemens a suit for damages against
Samuel E. (Mark Twainkin connec¬ Prince
tion with the dramatization of “The
and toe Pauper.”
Signor Salvinl toe Itelian tragedian,
has a most wonderful appetite, and 'it is re¬
ported of him that once when toe cholera was
raging he preserved his health by fasting on
three beefsteaks a day.
A German version of Gilbert and Sulli¬
van’s “Yeomen of the Guard" has been pre¬
sented in Berlin for the first the Ger¬
man public, under toe title of "Eonigsgar
fiist.” The characters and scene were
Get- manized, received and with on decided the whole enthusiasm. the production
A Great Bell.
Big Ben is the largest bell in Eng-,
land. It hangs in the dock-tower of the
Houses of Parliament in London. The
first bell of this name was cast in 1866,
but was cracked by being struck, for
amusement, before it was raised to its
place in the tower. Tl.-p w’eight of this
bell, which was broken up find recast,
was more than sixteen tons, its height the
7 feet 101 indies, and its diameter at
molt tli 9 feet 51 inches; the thickness
of mot il at the sound bow was 9J inches.
The present “ Big Beu was cast in
1857, and is slightly cracked.
What it Costs
Mast bo carefully considered by the great majority
of people before buying an artlola which ream*
abaolntcly noceaaary. Hood’* Sarwparllla com¬
mand! ttulf with ipeclal fore* to the great middle
clam*, because It combines positive economy with
great medicinal power. It Is the only medicine ot
whlohoaa truly be said “100 Doses On. Dollar,”
aad a bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparilla taken according
to directions win avenge to last a month, while
other medicines last but halt or quarter as long.
Try Mood’s Sarsaparilla and see tor yourself.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. »1; sir for**. Prepared only
by C. I HOOD * CXk, Apothaoarla* XmwaU, Kan.
lOOOoses One Dollar
_ -“80 you asked old Growler -
rof hi* daughter last night, did you,
Fred! And how did you come out!”
Fred—“It was a window, I believe, Har¬
ry. That was the best I could do,
The OH, Old Story.
little cough; a feeling ill;
headache slower oft; a daily chill;
walk; a quickened breath:
A frequent talk of coming death.
No strength to rise from day to day ,
From loving eyes be fades away.
Now lifts no more the weary head,
The struggle’s o’er; the man is dead.
How Buch is the fatal progress of consumption.
often is repeated the old, old story. Yet
not half so often as it was before the knowledge
came to mankind that there was a discovery in •
medical science by which the dread disease
could be arrested In Its cariy stages and the pa¬
tient restor«yo health. This wonderful rem¬
edy, is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery.
Sage’s Thousands of cures follow the use of Dr.
Catarrh Remedy. 60 cents.
“Your uncle will probably remember you
when making his will.’.’ “That’sjust what I’m
afraid of. If he remembers me, I’ll get left.”
A box wind matches free to smokers of “Tan
rill’s Punch” Sc. Cigar.
Both tha method and results when
Syrup and refreshing of Figs is taken; the it is pleasant
to taste, and acts
gently Liver and yetpromptly Dowels, cleanses bn the Kidneys, the
tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ sys¬
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. only remedy of Syrup kind of Figs is tlia
its ever pro¬
duced, ceptable pleasing to the taste ana ac¬
to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, healthy prepared only from thednost
and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com¬
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy km own.
and 111 Syrup bottles of Figt bv is all for leading sale in 50c
gist*. Any reliable druggist drug¬
Duty sot have it on hand will pro¬
cure wishes it promptly it for Do any one who
to try not accept
any substitute.
* * Of Pure Cod
v.ta •
% I
Liver Oil and I
g of Lime and
is endorsed and prescribed by leading
physicians because both the Cod Linen- OU
and HupopKotphUa In the are tho recognised
agents palatable cure ol CbnsuiujilioM. U Is
as aa milk.
t i* Scoffs wonderful Emulsion Flesh Producer* It i* the
a Remedy t
Scrofula, Bronchitic, Wasting Dia
M3M, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
Arif for bcotf’s'Emulslon and take no other.
srlycHiLD ^iminishesdah
7f /1 hasmorcthan This College, 600 though former yet student, in its infancy, occu¬
lt pylug gori position*, many of them $1.“ re¬
ceiving salaries ranging from $900 to
SOO per V annum. For circulars, address
Ely’s Cream Balm ®S!SSS?
i* worth SI ,000 to anr
Man, CATARRH. Woman Buffering from or Child m
Apply Balm into each nostril. N.Y.I
ELY BROS.,66 Warren St.,
las Addm.. A. B. FAIiULlIAU, York, Pa.
neNS /-% JONES,
P ^^’®n T #^n R fc , a^ T -
Erery '■^aagggsalr slto For free
Scaie. price list
incntion this pap*r ani\ address
!r,S* th °” n
Jrerttyssfss&s .-afeswcs.., 1.A Catarrh that
Cuke. subscribed*in
Sworn to before me , »nd my
presence, this 6th day of
■j Hall’s’Catarrh SEAL j- internally and
Cure Is taken
acts directly upon the blood and mucus sur¬
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
KW-Sold by Druggists, Ttoents.
The Mother's Friend, used a few weeks before
confinement, quick and comparatively lessens the pain and makes Sold by labor all
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬
son’s Eye-Water. Druggists sell at 26c per bottle.
What could be more sarcastic than the
spiteful remark made by one woman to
another of a mutual friend? “Do you
know that little Mrs. B-pretends to
l>e a collector of antiquities? You don’t
believe she really has any, do you? “Oh,
yes; her certificate of birth, to begin
with,” was the ironical remark. Ungal¬
lant comments upon the fair sex furnish
many ironicalJteins. As the majority of
humorous press-writers are, as Artemus
Ward would say, of the male persuasion,
it gives them daily opportunities of mak¬
ing sly hits of this description without
much chance of retaliation. A writerhas
noticed that nothing makes a woman
lough so much as a new set of teeth.
Six women aan talk all at once and get
along that. first-rate, and no two men can do
A woman can throw a stone
with a curve that wputd be a
fortune to any bowl-player, Wom
au’s greatest glory is her hair, and she
should bo very economical of it, says a
cynic, when she is cooking. But the wo¬
men do. not always come off second best.
A lady stood hanging on the strap of a
tram-car,- when a workman in the far cor¬
ner arose and politely offered her his seat.
“I thank you,” she said, in a very sweet
tone, ‘ ‘but I dislike to deprive the only
gentleman in the car of his seat.” The
troubles of matrimony are a never failing
subject for the fellow of infinite jest, who
exercises his wit in the following fashion:
“Joy never kills,” remarked Dobbin’s
mother-in-law to him the other morning.
please “Possibly don’t not,” he replied quietly, “but
elsewhere live.” experiment on me by going
to When you see a cou¬
ple in the street, if the man carries the
bundles, they are engaged; if the woman
carries the bundles, they are married.
Which Wins? —Sneer at plodders if
you will, but don’t forget that bright fel¬
lows have to go to them for an increase in
Inviting Attack.— People who intrude
their personality upon others, are the first
to feel offended when criticised.
|ij G 0 ING No R *™
Kansas Paul City, and St. Joseph, Minneapolis. Denver, St.
The Beet liine ami for all Pacific Taints North and
West the C oast.
CHEAP lands.
HWidismc settlement. Thes» Lands amonrtlle toft
to v>o had auywjbero in the country for A 4 rricnithr*l and
gfriDj? GraeJnv Joeatitm pnrpqses. and full J-ri pamfihfets apd ad &reti*.say other blotter,
of the iSnrltugtoii Route paitutuara, bribe uatmrsijgned. Agent
A Urpe, hatuleome Map of the United States.
showing Buitublftfor North and and South Dakota, mounted and
office house use, und issued by the
frible “Kurlirrston parties tree Route*” application wfll to be furnidUbd raspon
A ‘ en *
a. <*cn’l Burlington
Accot Atlanta, Route,
Have cuffs! thousands ot eases. Curopstle
uil symptoms removed. SenAfor freoliboirtegtlruo
nials of miraculous cures. Ten tend days’ treatment
free by mall. If you ordfcr trial, A0e.iln*tamps
to pay postage. Db. H. H. GagsiX^^oMS, Aynnta ; Q*.
Wall and Prescription Gases, Cedar Chests. Barber
Furniture, Jewelry Trays, Stools. Cabinet work of all
kinds. Complete outfits for stores. Send for Catalogue.
o.a’iiaNTA, o-a..
OP umiiii uM
out p>la. Book of par¬
Umr ticular* B. M. WOOLLEY, sent FREE. If.
Office S6M Whitehall 8L
MONEY |w| Made Easily and Rapidly.
1W ■ READ THIS and Think it Overl
We want 100 men who base which energy »nd grit.
! We will give them situation* in they can make
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ail the year rouud. best salesmen no or gr«%t bbys.
ontion. Some of our aye country
Young men or old will do. Remuneration is quick and
sure. We have need for 100 men within the tiext thirty
days. t£a Do not hesitate, but write at once for full our
Type, Cases, Stands, Presses,
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IWCnll •„ , 1 » aad SAVE MONEY! _«
34 West Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GA.
RP g llRM WIttS
M SSfiSSrSaWaSS I prescribe and fully en.
£^3 0 g -^S^^ d y:
Mrdenly bythu We havo sold Big G for
^ many years, and it has
p^****^* 1 ' 00 - * M,s?aaa
.Six, I860.
' mmw V-v
• i 8 et
As sbe waited the answer to hear.
But startled was sbe when a hand was raised,
And a face between smiles and tears
Was A turned to her and in eager tone
little maid’s answer—all Dr. her own—
Was lisped; “Please, Miss, Pierce.”
The teacher laughed heartily as she told her friends, but wnen she discov¬
ered that the little one’s mother bad for years been a sufferer from disease
peculiar to her sex, and had been cured by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription,
she felt like hugging the* little darling whose answer thus spoke her love for
her mother.
Thousands of women bless the day when
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription was first
brought “ Favorite to their Ererefiptjpn attention. ” is the only
edy delicate for ailments, woman’s sold peculiar by druggists, weaknesses under and
a positive guarantee from the manufact¬
urers, that it will refunded. give satisfaction Certificate in every of
case, or money printed its and
i torn ae on wrapper,
for ly carried out by the proprietors
As many years. invigorating tonic, it impmts
strength to the whole system, For
overworked, debilitated teachers, “worn-out,” milliners, “run-down,”
seamstresses, “shop-girls,” housekeepers, dressmakers,
nursing erally, Dr. mothers, Pierce’s and Favorite feeble women Prescription gen¬
Smallest, Cheapest. Easiest ■........... take. One .. Dnequaled as a DIVER PILL.
Bilious to tin.v. Sugar-coated Pellet a dose.
Cures derangements Sick Headache. the Headache, Constipation. cent! Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all of Stomach and Bowels. 25 a vial, by druggists.
fM?tl txmbie act^ JSatety K*rnmerles* „ and „
wr©i»tfbtftebi>ww^ly odela. Constructed entiraly ot best q IMtl- u
m*nshlpand ty #to&, allfor inspected ter for fin! finiKh, w VOl’k
du-ro-biilty and accfuaqy. cast-froi Do not be deceive
cheap often malleable gold for the MCimin
are unreliable,
onlv V unreliable, but but danyeroiiB, danzeroire, The 'I SMITH A
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arid aria irnaraotecd iraarnntecd perfect perfect in in detail. oi patents lit*
are are ev every
dealer Blatupon c*Ttavibg annot liavibKlhe supply the gentiine zewttmo article, article, aad a 1f your
below will ca ill reoeive prompt prqmpt yOn an and and order darefinl seilt attention. attention. to address
Deicrptlveeatalovun reoeive an t nricea furnfshe oareSpl l ninn
pUcston. SMITH & WESSON, ap
|yMention this paper. Springflatfi, Mart*.
ISSSSBEW5 Bryant’s College, 43? M a i n 8t, Buffalo, N. Y.
By J. Hamilton Ayers, A. M., M. D,
This la a meat Valuable
¥ \ X. gtMnguiahei Heueelield. teaching )U a^g
598 PAG!
and is free from the tf/.fl
the is generality worded of rea^
Not only does
With this B(X)k| Doil^H Mi¬
an emergency.
but send at once for tniH
piSO’S * Cheapest. REMEDY Relief W is
Cold in the Head it has no
is the greatest earthly boon; being une¬
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“Favorite As a soothing Prescription” and strengthening nervine,
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tal and despondency.
A Book of 160 pages, on Woman: Her Dis
eases and their Self-cure, mailed (sealed in
plain stamps. envelope ) on receipt of ten cents, in
Association, Address, World’s No. 663 Dispensary Main Medical
Street, Buffalo,
FORA ipMe Breech-Loader
Brfirch.LoadTrx, fa fS'k.
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' Mtlfooeklaf BreMb-lotllaf KUIm, **.G 5 to 913-00.
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{tend 2c. $t«tmp for 80-p*rc> Catalogue »n<t «f» 2S par cent.
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S‘A» DR. North LOBB
Fifteenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa., ten
the treatment of Blood Potaons, Skin Kruntioaa
Nervoua Complaints, Bright’s Disease,
Impotency long and kindred diseases, no matter
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ter Book on SPKCIAL. Diseases.
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