Newspaper Page Text
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TMUKSUAV APHlI ia, i©»o.
A Mixture.
Having had occasion to go
to Ellijay on a little business
—what I saw—what They said
and what I snrmised, got
me to thinking, and at last to
writing. I saw for the first
time a good looking young la¬
dy acting as depot, express
and ticket agent. They said
she was the depot agent and
of course I only know what
they said, and I thought that
it might bo well, for those
who can to give their girls a
business education for there
are many positions and places
that|hey hoo<Hn could fill for a lively
case they get left, and
I thr that there are a great
manyyoung men who could
and might be ornaments in
church and society instead are
not fit for buzzards bait.
They said Jule Picket, sold
three tidtes as much liquor to
the Murray people, as he did
to Gilmer; and I thought that
if everybo<^ thought as much
of parson Picket and his liquor
as I, he Would mighty
lonesome th<flnan ovm: there. They
said that who keeps
the Poplar Log grocery, don't
drink a drop, and I thought,
sensible man, in that particular
he knows it isn't will®ill fit tor a hog
and that it a horse
when drenched with if. They
said some would hitch u^ and
walk through the toll gate and
I thought that the J| Devil ought
to have his dues. the road is
rough and hard tosskeep up and
the gate keeper a $ .....I
saw only one drun fellow
while on 3aid trip JED d he
looked like he was from ,ur
ary, and I thought tha ‘be
he had got mighty dr . Then
I thought about; Some of the
clever young men of my own
neighborhood—how they wil
go or send—worll than to
throw their money away with
the ruau who can do without
drinking the stuff he sefis.
Gorge themselves, run people
off from around
like so many jerseys and keep
decent people awake. “Men
and brethren what shall we
to be saved?” One poet broke
loose and saict: This world is
what we make it.” I tear away
and say Murray county will be
what the people make it.
Young ladies you may do much
in iuppressing these great evils
and need I say, keep a skinned
eye tor yourselves. Gray¬
headed, bald-headed, sensible
men, old and young, where do
you stand on the liquor qifi®
tion? let all good people £do
what they can against it and
may the good Lord help us out
with a cyclone or an earth¬
quake or something else, where
it will do the most good. Now
who says I din't see what I
saw, heard what I heard and
thought what I thought.
Gosh Rakins.
Items from Alaculsa.
Wash Ledford the 31st of
last month At Bone Yard Tenn.
and was buried in AJaculsa cem¬
etery Wednesday the 2nd inst.
He leaves a wife and three
small children. The assassin
Joe Harton, is in the Polk Co
jail awaiting the action of the
Grand Jury. *
we .
a ri i 4 iron' C*.
to Ch B N
Aii, quiet. , ,#• ■'• •
J. Jolly.
April 1, ‘90:—
Everything seems to indi
cate that Spring-time has coma
Birds are singing their spring
songs; buds and blooms are
bursting foTtb; Easter has come -
and gone, and the children have
eaten their Easter egg a Peach*
es are not all killed. Farmers
are preparing for planting their
cropa Rev. R B Brooks, of
Oostanaullie Association^ is
visiting at Rev. J A Phillips’
and preached at New Prospest
yesterday. He will remain in
the neighborhood yet a few
days, and probably have other
appointments for preaching.
Following is a fair sample of
calf sense: last night, while rub¬
bing, a calf of the writer got
the bell collar hung over a small
stubby hickory bush and kept
winding around until the bush
twisted almost to a kink and
fifially choked the calf to death.
Mr. Charley Ridley and wife,
who were married last Christ¬
mas are
Mr. Mm. H Trollinger and
Miss Elizabeth Helton, were
married last Thursday at 6:30
p m at the residence of Mr. A
B Trollinger by Rev. B F
Bright. So you see, while
some “part'’ others “marry.”
Parties to the “marriage con¬
tract” ought to “premeditate’
more “seriously.”
Singing a + Caseys yesterday
a week ago. The time is here
to reorganize Sunday schools
and singing societies. Eff.
Gyphum Texas, Apr. 7th. 1890.
Mms. Editors: I seat myself
once more to write your paper,
and hope you will Rive this article
space, and I will fell yon something
about the “far west“ as we use to
call it.
We have been having some dry
windy weather for the past six
months. On the 27th of March we
had a big sand storm.the worst one
ever known. I tell you it made
folks hustle to "their dug-outs. I
think a dug out is the whole idea
anyway. One could write his name
on the pillows or anything white,
so you see it was dusty. The game
was, eves and mouth shut, or see
and eat no more.
Wheat is hurting for rain.
W'heat, melons and sorghum can
do well here when it rains. Sorg<
hum is raised for feed; corn dosn't
grow well here.
Game has been plentiful, but is
getting scarce now. We have
some of the following species yet:
antelope, deer, turkey, wolves,
wild cats and pole cats.
Before I forget, I would like to
ask the Editors it they will give
space in the Ti«es for children's let
ters (say like the Constitution) I
always like to read children's let¬
ters. It does a child a great deal of
good to see a letter of his own pro¬
duction in print. I know by myself
it makes me feel like I was doable
Another question; which is the
worst to have plenty to eat and be
sick and can't eat, or be well and
eat everything you can get hands on?
I wish you all could see the prais
rie dogs ratile snakes and tarantulas
The prairies are full of them.
There is not a great deal of farm¬
ing going on in this country.
Nothing much but stock herding.
Good wishes to all. Tom Cain.
If you are going West or
Southwest and want Cheap
Tickets and Qnick Time, ad
dress or call on T. C. Smith,
emigrant ticket, agent,
- . *
- . H ■ I r -
a a,
Spr K Tace, '■ - Georgia,
' 1 —Dealer In— m
a Chemicals,
• • * • Drugs, Medicine, • • •
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfumery <fec. Keeps also a full line
of Tobacco, Cigara Stationary, Painty Oils, Varyishes&c.
A choice selection of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
Prince Albert & John
Prince Albert is a fine young
jack 4 years old, and will make
the present season at A. J.
John Ross, ' ' ;
is six years old, and will make
the present season at my sta¬
bles. All possible care will
betaken to prevent accident,
but will not be responsible if
any should occur. A liberal
patronage solicited. .
Will serve mares at $7,00
by the insurance.
Very respectfully,
Sam A. Brown.
If you are goinglto the West,
Southwest’or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond¬
son, Dalton, Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re ¬
liable” W. <fe A. R. R. Spe¬
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel. .ft.
Whereas J A
represents to the Court in hi» petition duly
filed and entered on Reoord that he baa fully
administered J R Miller esiate. This is
therefore tooiteall persons concerned, kin¬
dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be
discharged from bis administration, and re¬
ceive letters of dismission on the first Mon¬
day in July 1890. W. H. Bsu^sey,
T" *
Stav* or Gbobgia Mobbat Cocbtv
Will be (old before the court heuce door la
the town of Spring Place to tbc bigbeit bld
der at publio outcry betwoen the legal hour*
of tale on the first Tuesday in May
next, the following described! property 1 to
Ono steamesginc, bollersqaftlcgaaddry house
piping now located on the oil saw mill and
faotory ctand of W H Jones & Oo in Spring
Flaoe. Levied on as the property of W H
Jones and M Roberts by virtue of a fl fa from
Murray Superior Court in favor of G M Can¬
non administrator of J A W Johnson do
ceased, vs. said Jones and Roberts. -
Also at tbo same time and place ten acres
more or less of lot No.245, being all of IS a
ores deeded to C W Cole by L S Oats Feb 5'h
1883 except five or six sores sold to Benry.
Alse two and one half aores, more or less off
of iatNo. «23 sold by E C and 0 C Goins to
said C W Cole July 26th. 1884 which deeds
are hereby referred ts and made part hereof.
All in the 9th. Dlst. and 3rd Soot, of said
County Levied on as the property of 0 W
Cole by virtue of a mortgage fl fa from Murray
^Superior Count in favor of G L Moore vs.
said Colo.
Also at tbo same time and pla-e north
half of lot land No. 61 in the 9th Diet, and
3rd. section in Murrar County Ga. contain¬
ing eighty acres more or loss: Levied on ;by
virtue of, and tp satisfy four Justiee Court fi
fas issued from 1039 Diat. G M in favor of M
M Bates Exetorof G C McLain B ed. against
W A Fox.
Also at tbo same time and place one nndi
vidod half interest in lot of land No. 1(>8 in
the 8th. Diet, and 3rd. taction of Mkrilaj
County Ga.s Levied on os the property of
Marion Elrod by virtue of and to satisfy a
Justice Court fi fa issued from SEStb.Dist
G M in favor of J H B&rnett against Mari,
on Elrod. Levy made and retnrnod tome
by J L Robinson L.C.
Also at tbo same time and place, two lots
of land Nos. 22 and 23 in I3th. Diet, and 3rd.
section of Murray County Ga: Levied on by
virtue of, and to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor ef
tbo State and County against Mrs. Elisabeth
Holland. Levy mads and returned to me by
J L Robinson L C.
One fifth undivided interest in lot of I&nd
No. 229, in tbo 9th Dist. and 3rd Seeti of
said oounty. Levied ett as the property of
Emily Springfield by virtue of a fi fa from
the Justices Court of the 824th Dist. G M of
said county in favor of W W Anderson vs.
Emily Springfield. Levy made and returned
to me by John Childers L. C.
This April 2, 1899. J. C. McENTIRE.
Georgla Murray Conn’y,
To all whom it may ooaooru: C N King Ad
minis trator of D L Pettit deed, has in doe
form applied to the undersigned for leave to
soil the lands belonging to the estate of said
deed, and said application’ will b« beard on
tbo first Monday in May, next. This Apr.
2nd ISM. W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
■ d 5 ▼ A ■
>JP fi ym w * :
Cleveland Marble i'g ► i -y t* Omit. w„,.
manufacturers OF
American and Italian Marble Monuments
Tombs and Headstones.
Foreign and Domestic GraniteJ Monuments and Tablets fur¬
nished to order.
Austin & longest,
Dalton Ca.
Wu da tiro to’call the attention of the pnb.
11c, and the people of Murray, especially,
that we are now wide awake In the LIVERY
BUSINESS; having purchased the entire bns
ineit of Mr. S. D. Poarah. Wagon yard in
connection with Stable.
Metropolitan Hotel,
Atlanta, * Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union .Passenger
Cornor of Alabama A Pryor Street*.
- Hates Reasonable.
R. P- KEITH, - - Proprietor,
f Late of Gannon House.]
IPm l!
A r i ri wsm •nvtan'jz F»1
i *1889 Aroh Street, F-UUad’a. .
SaTnd carry you through to deUghaulHSattry
(B2S AnCH stAect,
Professional Cards.
H. H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
Snns Place, Gaoaoii.
f /■
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
O. H. STARR, toammillstabb
Calhoun, Ga. Spring!? lace,G*
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention glvon to aUlegalbnoinoo
CSTABUSHfD !»*!&•.
circulation of any pupor of lt» the world.
Edition of Scientific American. V
lithographic A Brent tfueeetA. Kwh of Irene and contain* city r*«men colored -1
publlo pinto* building*. oonntry Nomeron* engraving*
ow or
Beta.ncopy. MUMM *00- PP B UHH BB g.
IMTEMTSll ■ mndo
■ 40 years’ experlenoo and have and over for
IBa 100,000 nigh patent*. application* Bend for for Handbook. American Coma
pondeaoe strictly oonOdenttnl.H
In cut your mark 1* not registered In the p*t
COPYRIGHTS quickly procured. for Address book*, Chart* mop*,
ptc.. Selleltef*. ‘
JUUNN 4k CO., Pntent
Gbnbkal omen m Bboadwat, N. L
Fine w^rk in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main*# drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pictures for 35 cents.
Be sure to bring this card.
Hubd & Delany,
Dalton Ga
.-. ~~~ Dft PARKER’S
f I I Medical & Surgical Institute
\ IBIKN. Spruee St., NashvHle, Tenn.
i L Treat Deformities and Cure all and Chronic Suroloal DIs
■eases. "Cases.
, _ Sexual Disease* of Mao,
Women and ChHdran the results
. 0 f imperfect Development. JCvil
ITabils or Siceter*. Opium and the Whisks*
HaML etc. Sanitarium and Private Lying-in Hos¬
pital in connection. . Write for circular.
Cherokee Manufacturing
We carry a full^hne of
all the year, and you^an always get anything you may,'want
m the j urniture line, from us.
We have also added a full line of CARPETS, heretofore
# have sold from
we samples; in future you can get the
carpets when you want them.
We have a big line of Picture Molding
and will make frames on short notice.
STOCK is always complete.
We respectfully ask the people of Murray
for a continuance of their patronage,
Thanking'tbe trade for past favors, we are Very Respecfully
Uherokee , M’fg. Comp’y.
.00: oo • • • •
We take ;tb^|method of infenniug the people of North ‘(Sewsia
generly, that we are now opening one of the * ’
Most Complete and Best Selected stock of HARD
WARE ever brought to this market.
We have Bcu htour Entire Stock for SPOT CASH
Oar stockjwill be kept replete at all times, and it do hapnen
s: ss srsr we not 5
Yours t uly, JOHN BLACK & CO.
- m
• • • •
• • • •
Stoek of NOTIONS. , G»*en» nod WM . ; Ai.a *„l, et
• • • • Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, lin? effgs,rbutter aS
peas and anything Un^he produce p«y »•••*
S’ “ a «-^^f~»Ily«r
S. Hems tree t,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work I
Special Phices Given On Application;
JOHN. H. KING, General Agent,
19 West Montgomery Ave.
CHATTAjr'OGA, : £ _ T