North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, April 10, 1890, Image 3
North Georgia Times. The Official Paper of the PUBLISHED BVEBY THURSDAY, u4 catered is the Port Office at Spring Place Ha** •* olwc matter. r MMertptlon Rate*: Oat year, fl •• Six months, Meathl, Si eaata. Payable In advance. Addreet all oemmunioationt O Tai Tins, •nrlif Place, Ga. HOME NEWS. Call on Loveman. Whitfield Superior Court is in session this week. Henry Weatherly is headqualters for shoes. Advertise your spring goods if you don’t want to keep them. Ik is getting time for the ladies to don their spring outfits. Best stock ot Dry Goods in Dalton at Loveman's. Every AUianceman in the connty should take the Times. 0r. 0 H Harris went to Atlanta on busines last week. Ladles get your Spring and Sommer Hats at M« F T Johnson's. For Shoes, Hats and Cloth ing go to Loveman's, - Big Drive in Shoes at Loveman's. Mr JF Kelly planted the first cotton seed we have heard of being planted this season. Carpets, Lacs’JCartains &<s. at Loveman's. For ladies fine shoes, see Henry Weatherly when you visit Dalton. Messrs Wm Trimmier and John Morgan of Gordon connty were in town one day Inst week. Ladies, for new and stylish goods go to Loveman's. -- Every Lady, should see f Loveman’s new Spring goods. Judge Temple is fencing his swamp land this wefck. Attention] for Dry Goods go to Loveman's. Loveman’s] Loveman's! for Dry Goods, The fence around the 3 ail is be ing repaired this week. Go to the shoe store and get pri¬ ces from Henry Weatherly. He, keeps the beet. Grandma Heartsill has been in feble health for the past few days Give Loveman a call while In Dalton. Handsome Salines 111 cts at Loveman's. The Spring Place Sub-Alliance . will meet, only on the 1st Saturday evening in each month during the busy season. Ohallies, Challies, elegant and handsome at Loveman's. For white Goods, embroideries 4c., go to Loveman's, Dr C L Bond took his departure last week, for the distant west where he expects to find a location for the practice of medicine. We wish Lee much success in bis new field of labor. ... Henry Weatherly has the most complete line of Shoes ever in Dalton and they are’ the cheapest Dttie Winston, daughter of Dr W W Andeison has been seriously ill for several days but wd are glad to announce that she is now recov¬ ering. _ For handsome Dress Goods at low prices » go to Loveman’s. Mr John L Galt, took his de¬ parture* one day last week tor his home at Ardmore I. T., accompan¬ ied by Mr Tom McGheo who will stop in the Oklahoma, and cut him off a slice of tho new country. Loveman has the best line of Dry Goods in Dalton. Don't fail to visit Loveman. The 2»d Quarterly meeting of the M E Church south, will be held at Friendship on next Satur¬ day and Sunday. Rev. F K Smith filled his appoint¬ ment at the methodlst church Sun¬ day and Sunday night, T A & S E Berry have on hand and will keep in stock, a first class line of stoves. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. The court house has been newly ornamented with lightening rods. Let ns have an iron fence around the building next* The children of town and the surrounding community, and all good wishers of the Sunday school cause, are requested to be present at the methodist church in town next Sunday evening. T E Longest, of the firm of Aus¬ tin & Longest, livery men of Dal¬ ton, left on last Saturday for Ken¬ tucky where he will purchase a car load of fine mares. He will return the last of this week, and all who want fine mares aro requested to call on him. New goods, fresh goods, stylish goods, the goods you want at the New York Millinery 8tore, Dalton Ga. Ladies are especially invited to call and examine our spring and summer styles belore dealing else¬ where. Messrs J R Whitecotton, M L Roberts. T J Ramsey, J Q Steed and B W Gladden, weie elected as delegates to the County Alliance from the Spring Place Sab-Alliance on last Saturday, whose term of office will last during the present quarter. The ‘*Devil“ nshally gets the first bouquet of the season, but this time its ye humble servant. Its a beauty too, presented by Miss May Johnson. Many thanks May for kind remembrance, while plucking the first flowers of Spring time. The onglish sparrows are grow¬ ing numerous in Spring Place, and are proving destructive to the young vegetation. Mr. S T Finch¬ er is dosing them on poibon hoping that he may exterminate the race. We think that hej would be shout as successful, if he would try the old play of “putting »saIt kl on their tails." Bro. Kirby, Editor of the Ellijay Courier, who has been ill for the past month, we are sorry to hear, died on last Sunday. Dots from Carter’s. Farmers are pushing and some are planting corn, but most all are somewhat behind with their work. The late heavy rains prevent the mails from traveling. The Rev. T A McEntire has gone into the tie and timber bnsiness. The U S Marshals continue,* to rally the boys in Gilmer.— Whisky is a good thing in its place—But hard is the way of the transgressors. Well we don't see any body’s name in the Times, wanting of¬ fice—What are you waiting on? Well give us Judge Fiiu ior Senate next term, and who for the House from our connty? Col. Starr is a good man, what do you think of him? Also plen¬ ty of others. Well I may be too fast,but somebody must be¬ gin to blow. We mourn the loss of Bro. Keister. J. H. Black. Woodlawn Dots April 7, 1690:— Farmers busy preparing ground and planting some corn. Doctor Quinn is sick—very low. Mr A J Ingle, black smith at this place, very sick of pneumonia Miss Mollie Vxning, tbe pretty miss of Dawnville Ga. visited Woodlawn yesterday, in company with her brother Will.. - Tbe storm-house question has been revised in this locality since the recent tornadoes* The Times, that arrive at this office, are given oct as soon as called for bveest “timb." Jack Sprat predicted a squall a bout April 5th. Well now Jack i; he does well that squall will go on long after April has been buried in the forgotten past. By-the way Jack, give him our compliments, and tell him to come to see ns. When last at Spring Place I saw a mightily pretty girl on tne street, think she whs a Spring Place girl, bat I don’t know her—will the Ed¬ itor try to tell me who it was? Yours etc. W R.D. D. H. Harris Dentist’ is stopping at Spring Place, will cheerfully wait on those want¬ ing Dental work done, and at pri¬ ces to suit the times. Weakness, FOR THE Malaria, BLOOD, Indigestion and S IROST BITTERS. It cores quickly. For sale by all dealers In medicine. Get the genuine. Advice to JtoUwri. tSr s. WnfstoWs Soothino Stbuf should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, •‘bright quiet sleep, and the Uttle cherub awakes as It as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. soothes the child, softens the gums, allayi all pain, regulates the bo—els, and is the beet known remedy for diarrheas, whether arising from bottle. teething or other causes. Twenty-fire oente a MONEY TO LOAN, on real estate, in amounts not less than $300, oheaper than can be got at home. Apply through C. N. King. |f> BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cure# Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mata* rla, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physi¬ cians recommend It. XU dealers soU it. Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Georgia Murray County. Alexander Bearden has applied for exempt¬ ion of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock M. on the 5th day of Maroh 1890 at my office. W H Ramsey, Ordy F. R. Oles, Chemist and Mineralogist ! / . / -V, ;—■ Loughridge Ga. Mr. OIcs Is a graduate of Michigan Uni¬ versity, and was the first Chemiat to identify t e Tin-bearing orea of North Georgia, a dis¬ covery now acknowledged by the best ofChem late, in both America and Europe.jJ*Charges reasonable. Wit, DL AS D8HEBI FF "SALeT Statb or Gxorgia mvbbat ooomv. Will be sold before the Court .House door In the town of Sprlag Place Ga. to the highest bidder at public outcry between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July next the following property towit: The west part ot lot of land No- 302 in the 10th Distrlot end 3rd section of said County supposed to be 90 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a tax fl fa issued out of the Tax Collectors offloe for taxes due the State and County for the years 1881,1882, 1883, 1884, 1883, 1886, 1887,1888 and 1889. Levy made and returned to me by J L Robinson L. C. This Apr ;8th 1890. J C MoEntire, Sheriff. Georgia, Murray County. Lucy A. Johnson wido w ot H P. Johnson, dec. having made ap¬ plication for twelve months sup¬ port, out of the estate, said dec. and appraisers having made their return as required by law. All j ersons are hereby notified that said application will be heard the 1st Monday in May 1890, at my Office. W. H. Ramsey, Ordy. ,. " . V '5'" ,‘M’h ‘31:»: L» \wfiwm ; _. arm “'2‘? ,» $1.. .‘ u “:‘m man \ Ila I1“ J .r‘iy i 5 L k; D . y ‘1 ' 1 a . ‘ "“1 ‘ J (t V V f; I ‘I [a 2“" e: L. . » . _ fii 55¢); . > am; “er5. 9 ') * ‘ ,‘-.-:.l,,v;,.,‘,‘;‘ M1,; :, '. .' ' , , ‘ . Southern Remedy m an CHILDREQA TEETHENG. who do not know of this alongside few realize of our the mounmhm met, that berry. which so many of u: ovary wondemfi umpe there em: Is aprin- tho on Iiucklobetry my firm Cordmis ream!“ teethini ‘OIIc. and cures"1)lotrhcea consldered mm at mix seuonoc dangerous and hem- attacks ofso of the we many before a ghislcmn can be mPr‘tant \hemselves t 9 every m Imme which will w relieve some tho ‘30:??? ls anxiety. aslmple remedy Dr. Bluen' which TAYLOR, Luann». Mnnufhétumd b ’ m. may Con 1mg hs 3mm?” Ora 0! gweot d aunt C a m ‘ ‘ .he Vrs.Wissi^iris children SooTajso8Tscp.H(yaM»hr»r» cutting teeth. U Mod when aro itproduoccnctorjL Ilevoa the little cuffisrerat onoat tolghS quiet eleep, and the little ahernb avraketes * fi as a button.’’ it le very pleeeent to teete. soothes the child, bounsls, ceftena and thegums, thebestknown allays alipain, remedy regulates the is for diarrhtea, whether Tvxatar-flve arising from bottle. teething o* other reuses, cwtte a Dont forget the Old Reliable Hardware Store of T A & S K Ber« ry* NOTICE. All the citizens of Murray coun¬ ty who are desirous of going, or shipping their freight to Atlanta Ga., or points soath, or to Chatta¬ nooga and points in Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas and northwest, will find it to thefr interset to write to or call on Mr. John F Reynolds, Agent of the Western & Atlantic Railroad at Dalton. Baggage checked through to all points. Hack Line. Simon Daly has purchased a new covered hack and is prepared to haul passengers between this place and dalton in oomfort in any kind of weather. The hack leaves this place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton at 1 p. m. daily. Horses and buggys for hire at all times. Mail Links. I am now prepared to haul pas¬ sengers from Spring place to Dal¬ ton, with comfort, summer or win¬ ter. Hack leaves Spring Place at 7 am, and leaves Dalton at 1 p m. Will also carry passensers from Spring Place te Ellijay. Leave Spring Place, Monday, Wednes¬ day and Friday, making 8 round trips each week. L. 0, Joses. When you are in Dalton dont :orget that L Buoholz keeps the the standard confectionaries and is always ready to wait on the Murray boys. A good square meal will he furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬ member Mr Buck, first door below Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store. John Evans, an old Murray boy, s located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬ lers, and is keeping a first class restaurant, and asks the Murray joys to come around and eat with him when in Dalton. Will also furnish lodging in con nection with restaurant. We sell the Spencer Optical Company’s Spectacles and eye glasses. They are very fine glasses and you should try ihem before purchasing else¬ where. S. J. McKnights New Drug Snore, Dalton Ga. F. L. Keith, -{ Dealer In y Whiskies, Brandies, € nd WINES, for Sacramental jurposes. 103 Rust Eighth Street, Chattanooga t Tenn. When you want pure whiskies, call on or send to me, I will guar¬ antee my goods to be as represented. My $2,00 corn whiskey is the best io ibis market. I invite my old Murray county friends to 'Call and see me. Let cash accompany or¬ der. 4-18-ly A WISE WOMAN Bought tho Splendid HIGH ARM JUNE SINGER SEWING MACHINE BECAUSE IT .WAS THE BESTj NOW TREY ALL WANT IT for ft does inch beautiful work. Sample Nachlna at Fiofory Prica. EVERY liCIHE WARRUTEB FOB 5 YEARS. tots Wanted in Onoecmiied Territery. MS MMACTUffll} CD, BELVIOKRI, ILL. s m can bomwU in six months selling TUNISON'S MAPS & CHARTS Vot 88 page catalogue, free, »< idrese, h. a mnson, Cincinnati, a, N. Y. 8ity,' jeoksoavtlie, E!., Oa»h*, Web. gw x!! %£ m S J. F. Trcvitt ^ Dealer in All Kinds of y Furniture, Caskets, Cof¬ fins and Harble work. Also have in stock the Indestiuctible Casket—much cheap¬ er and lighter than the Metalic casket. We have on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all grades, ever brouget to this market. From Finest, to commonest, at prices from $1.75 to 25 cts, per yard. Have an EXHIBITOR, so that you can readily.see just how a carpet will look on the floor before you buy. Furniture, Coffins and Caskets, sold at Bottom prices, and dont you forget it. House under Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga. New York Store. New - Goods, latest Styles, Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings! Ladise of Murray county call and examine onr nicely selected Goode Hats, Bonnets, dec, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly Harris & Davis 9 WOODLAWN, 00:00- Georgia. 1 DEALERS JlN y Genera] Merchandise and Country Produce. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Hillinery Goods, 1 —: LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! |Just Received at the Mlllnery Store at J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Daltou, Georgia. A new and elegant assortment o f Mtlinery and Straw Goods,consisting of Straw Bonnets and Ladies' and Children’s Hats [trimmed land untrimmed] Nook and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Sntins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ae. Our goods w«re bought of the largestand best importing Houses in Bnlti more and New Yor*, and will be told at very low .pricesfor cash. 1890. 1890. T. J. O V B E Y, Spring Plac®, Georgia Colthing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have on hand, and will keep the best line <»f Gents're&dy made clothing, on the market. JST’Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,!|Sboes, Hard¬ ware,|Groceries*<fec., and will sell at low prices, for cash. W. J. JOHN SOU 5 ■{ DEALER IN }• Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc, SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA / The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar,” Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Su&mer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. E. Brown, f • [ Wwxttv* T . at. i MYOPIA, HYPERMETROPIA, PRESBYOPIA, ASTIGMTISM, 1 / or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ac¬ curately and skillfull corrected by G H Brandon the Optician at E K Brown’s Jeweller, Dalton Ga, No charge I or testing the Eye.