Newspaper Page Text
vfifO. S. B. CARTER
orth Georgia Times
ivINU & CARTER - PublUncre.
In reply iug to the last article
of J H Black, the ax shall hew
to the line.
Whatever “nest” may have
been referred to, it must have
been very warm, as the gentle
man tried very Laid to extri
cate himself when he realized
the fact that he was in it.
Talk about stauding behind
the Constitution of the United
States! He says I stand on
sectiou 5220, and he claims
section 5239! There are no such
sections in the U S Constitu
tioa Pei haps the gentleman
meaut the “fifteenth amend¬
ment,” and is standing on that.
Both sections which he named
are in the constitution of Ga—
and the section 5220 on which
he says I stand, reads thus:
“The General Assembly shall
have power to authorize the
formation of volunteer compan¬
ies, and to provide for their
organization into battalions,
regiments, brigades, divisions
and corps, with such restric¬
tions as may be presersbed by
law. and shall have authority
to arm and equip the same.”
And section 5237, which he
claims, reads thus: “The ordi¬
nances of this convention shall
have the force of laws until
otherwise provided by the
General Assembly, except the
ordinances in reference to sub¬
mitting the homestead and
capital question to a vote of
the people, which ordinances,
after being voted on, shall have
the effect of constitutional
My dear sir, can't you read
english, or is it, you don't know
a thing when you see it, or did
you take some one's word for
it? “When ignonanee is bliss,
‘tis folly to be wise.”
Section 5300 was the one
quoted, which you can find in
the U S Constitution, under
the head of “Amendments.”
Glad to know the gentleman
has at las r, awakened to the
knowledge ol his own ignorance.
It has been very apparent to
the readers of the “Times” for
a long while. Many of them
arc, no doubt, rejoicing over
the tact that he has so awak¬
ened. lie also hit the nail on
the bead, when lie said be was
not corn}»eteut tor tbe leeislat
ure. Never fear ray friend, the
people know this fact, and will
cast their votes accordingly.
If “Jumping behind the great
constitution,” reminds you so
very foicihly of that long eared
animal, whose most noticable
quality is Ins braying, why
did you jump behind it? But
il 1 had gone behind the sec
tiou you did, would have called
my sell a ‘,’at.k” too. I com¬
mend you for ct.Hing your name
rightly for once.
If “Jumping behind the con
stitufcion, on section 5237,” re¬
minds you that you area ‘-big
old penned up j ok,” your
jumping behind the “Times”
with your puny art idea, rather
i ban gi ve them lo the people
by word of mouth as you have
i dosed to do, reminds me that
you are afraid lor your senti
no nt* to go before the people
, .i j • .« •
« iot fit <1 lit Mmll' Oli . Tl g.innents, 3 ,
but ih'Ii , or they , must go out
UlA ft r the watchful eyes of
‘Times.” 'Tis well they do so.
You should beg the ’’Times”
par don in 1 Sac-cloth and ashes”
when your articles are pub>
liehed arn't they “precipitated
before the sharp scrutinizing
eyes of Murray Co,” and the
eyes of the outside world, more
foiciblyand more vividly than
if you were to “precipitate”
viva voce?
‘*0 wad !om« power the giftie giro ua
To see, what by thU you meant to ,-ive us
Waa it this,—it must have been—
Yourartieles ore folly, and always have
In your quotation there ia wit,
But the case it doe; not fit.
With this, replying to the
gentleman's articles will hence¬
forth end. H. H, Anderson.
In answer to many inquiries as to
how the government loans money
to the banks, it is proper to state
there are five different methods by
which this object is accomplished,
but neither one is called a loan ei¬
ther by banks or government. In
each case some other term is used
for the purpose of deceiving the peo¬
ple as to the real facts- The meth¬
ods referred to are—
1, Upon deposit of $100,000 in
bonds with the government the
depositor is loaned $90,000, or 90
per cent, on which is paid 1-2 of 1
per cent every six months, or 1
per cen per annum.
2. By depositing $1,000,000 of
bonds with the government it will
deposit with such depositor $1,100
000 in lawful money wibout re¬
quiring any interest whatever.
3- By depositing large amounts
with the disbursing officers in
banks, where it can be used and
upon which no interest is paid.
4. By manipulating the 5 per
cent fund, tor the redemption of
national bank-notes so'the portion
of one bank is held by another de3
ignatedJ'bylUhe secretary of the
5. By having a postoffice account
the necessity or function of winch
cannot be clearly defined.
By the above methods there was
on the 28 day of February $202.
821,814 in possession of the banks
and‘being loaned to the people at
the'highest rate of interest. Mean¬
while the banks were paying but 1 !!
per cent interest per annum on on
ly $127,110,251- It must be under¬
stood that during all thisttirae the
banks received the entire interest
accruing on the bonds so deposit¬
ed. The precise amounts loaned
under the above methods were—
National hank currency $128,410,251. "8,304.’
Lawful money deposited as,1
Discursing officers' bolano-s 31,977,925
Redemption fend, 5 per cent 5,450,925.
Postofiico account 4,804,518.
Total $202,821,814.
For the use of this vast, sum tbe
banks pay tbe government $1,274
102 51. 'The people pay the banks
for tho!nse of the same S'per cent
or $16,225,745.12. a loss to the
people and, a profit to tbe banks
of $14,951,642.61. Is it not about
time these conditions were chang
inig and this whole system ot spec¬
ulation ceased? It can only be ac¬
complished through the medium
of tbe “inconvenient multitude.”
—Southern Alliance Farmer.
Woodlavvn Dots
Doctor LJuinn died, ot con¬
sumption on April 15th at 10
o’clock p. m.
I think there is more guano
coming to this part of Murray
this spring t han usual.
Johnny Bond is the boss
hoise ttadcr about here.
W.R. D.
P. S. No. lliauk you, Mr
Editor, I can’t afford to go to
the’’devil’’ about one pretty
Spring Place girl. W. R.
If you are potng vYest or
South west and want. Cheap
Tickets and Quick Time, ad¬
dress or culi on T. C. Smith,
general emigrant ticket, agent,
Dalton, Georgia.
qul8t.l«ep,iiitdlhclitflfi'b«!rnbaw»ke»»s Uevast'>eBtaesuflbrorutoncasitproi3u<!M<nAtm*l 'hr,*bt I
tw a buluju.” it is very pleasant to taste. It
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place, Georgia.
—Dealer In—
* .. .Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfumery &c. Keeps also a full line
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.
A choice selection of family Groceries t
cheap for cash.
Prince Albert A John
Prince Albert is a fine young
jack 4 years old, and will makTr
the present season at A. J.
John Ross,
is six years old, and will make
the present season at my sta¬
bles. All possible care will
betaken to prevent accident,
but will not be responsible if
any should occur. A liberal
patronage solicited.
Will serve mares at §7,00
by tlie insurance.
Very respectfully,
Sam A. Brown.
If you are going to the West,
SouthwesQor Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond¬
son, Dalton Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re -
liable" W.&A.E. R. Sps
cial aecommodaliousfor 'U-M*
and Arkansas travel.
Georgia „ . ,, Murray County
Whereas J A McKamy Adrnr. of. r R Miller
repropen to the Court iti Via -petition duly
filed And entered on Record tbAt to bos fully
administered J R Miiier esiato. This is
therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin¬
dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be
discharged from his administration, aud re¬
ceive lottera of dismission on the first Mon.
day in July 1890. W. II, Rttnuey,
Statu or Gkorgi* Murray Cocnty
Will bo sold before tho court house door in
the town of Spring Place to the highest bid¬
der at publiooutory betwcon the legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in May
next, the following described , 4 proporly to
Or.e steamer.gins, boilcrsqnfiinganddry house
piping now locat'd on tho <11 sow mill and
factory stand ofW li Jodcs & Coin Spring
Place. Lovied on ns the property of W II
Jones and M Roberts by virtuo of a 8 fa from
Murrav Superior Court in favor of G fit Can
non administrator of J A W Johnson de
censed, vs. said .Tones and Roberts.
Also at tho same time and place ten aoros
more or less of let No. 245, be mg all of 15 a
cres deeded to C W Cole by L S Oats Feh 5 h
1883 exoept five or six *■ cres sold to Henry.
Ales two and one half acres, more or leas off
oflotNo. 223 sold by Ifi C and 0 C Goins to
said 0 \V Cole July 25th. 1884 which deeds
ate hereby referred t.i and made part hereoL
Ali in the 9tb. Diet, and 3rd Soot, of sai l
County Levied on as tho property of C W
Cole by virtue of a mortgage S la from Murray
Superior Couat in fever of G L Moore vs.
said Cole.
Also at the same time and pta e north
half of lot land No. 61 in the 9th Diet, and
3 rd. section in Murray County Ga. contain¬
ing eighty acres more oT less: Lovied on by
virtue of, and to satisfy four Justice Court fi
fas issued from 1039 Dist. G M in favor of M
M Bates Exetorcf O C McLain D cd. against
W A Fox.
Also at the samo time and plneoone undi¬
vided hall interest in lot of land No. 168 in
the 8 th. Dist. nod 3rd. section of Murray
County Ga.: Leviod on as the property of
Mation Elrod Ly virtue of and to satisfy a
Justice Court 8 fa issued from 825 h.Dist
G M in favor of J II Barnett against Mari,
on Elrod. Levy made and loturncd to ino
by J L Robinson L.C.
Also at the same time end place, two lota
of land Nos. 22 and 23 in 13th. Dist. and 3rd.
Boction of Murray County Ga: Levied on by
virtuo of, and to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor cf
the State andConn.y against Mrs. Elizabeth,
Holland. Levy made aud returned to me by
J L Robinson I. C.
One fifth undivided interest in lrt of land
No. 229, in the 9th and 3rd Sect, of
said county. Levied on as the properly of
Emily Springfield by virtue of a 11 ia irorn
the Juatioos Court of the 821th List. G M of
siiid county in favor of W W Anderson vs.
Emily Springfield. Levy made and returned
to me by John OhilJers L. C.
This April 2,1890. J. 0. McENTIRE.
Geo.gia filum-y Conn y.
To all whom it may ooocorn: C N King Ail
uiiiiiBtrator of D I. Pettit deed, hta ia duo
form applied to the* gned for teat o to
sell the lands belonging to the estate of said
deed, and r-eid njiplieRtion wi.l to hoard on
the fi>st Monday in Mat, cut. ThlsA/T-
2 nd U90. W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Austin A Longest,
Dalton Ca.
We desiro to call the attention of the pub.
lie and the people of Murray, especially,
that we are now wido awake in tho LIVERY
BU SIN ESS; having purchased tho entire bus¬
iness of Mr. S. D. Ponrch. Wagon yard in
connection with Stable.
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama & Pryor Streets.
- Hates lleasonable. -
R. P. KEITH, - - Proprietor.
[Late of Cannon House.]
mmm. c I
\ »i:
1629 Arch Street. Pl.Uod’a. Pai
4S,gt%fflSWS^"Jga2MBl tM
if a genuine remedy.—one that tvlll enable yon t
neasnre most of the disagreeable emergencies of dll
oec. send and carry you through and to delightful will recovery
if so, your address to us, we present full yo nil
.jth R brochure of £00 pages, containing the
^wonorteV^ou^alf^id^ tifig ^
,s is29 Arch Strcct. PNiui.^ft
Professional Cards.
H. E. Anderson
Attorney at law
Spring Place, Gkougia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and the collection of
Calhoun, 9a. 8 pring;piaoe,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention ^fven to all legalbugineg
: -
Is tUo Oiliest and most popular scientific and
mechanical paper published and bas the lamest
circulation of any pmn-r of Its class in the world.
misf 'published' v.oehiy. f R? Se°n<l months’ for trial, specimen M.
COPY. ilu'NN Price C0 |3 PUBt-isnEits, a year, our 8(il Broadway, N.T.
& H
Edition of Scientific American, v
A ffreat soccpss. Each Issue contains colored
lithographic plates of country and city residen¬
ces or public buildings. Numerous engravtnga of
and full plan? and **peciflcation8 for tho use
vuch as contemplate building. Price $2.60 a year,
& Us. a copy. M UNN & CO., Pvbjasuisu^
pATiiNTSsis £3 40 years* experience and have made over
iCa 100,000 applications for American and I'or
etirn patents. Send for Handbook. Corres¬
pondence strictly conddential. MARKS.
In case your mars Is rot ^d^aM: registered In the Pmt
S 3 £ CUra
COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps,
etc., quietly procured. Address
aiUSN & CO., Patent Solicitors.
Gensual Omen: SCI Broadway, N. X,
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north ot
Dp, Main's JlUg Store.
Remember we do not work
111 il tfcillt.
Bring this ad V€l t iseilieilt to
OUT galltTy fU)U get tOUP % Gem
pj » c (m gg f or 35 Cents,
Bti SUl'Q to 1)1 , iug tllis CfU’d.
Dalton Ga
Mcd/cLJ & SarflicaUnsMute
Iocs. tfitN. Spruce St., Nashville, Tena.
^rfYiMtajeases. TreatendCureall Chronic DIs
va'fttHSFCases. Deformities and Surgical
Sexual Diseases of Men,
m Women and Children tho results
I Taints ErceKxr*. of Imperfect Opium Development. and the Whiskey Evil
Habit, etc. Sanitarium and Private Lying-in Hos¬
pital in connection. - Write for circular.
Boyd & Davis, i
—Proprietors of—
Cleveland Marble <mr Granite Works,
American and Italian Marble Monuments,
Tombs and Headstones.
Foreign and Domestic Granite Monuments and Tablets fur¬
nished to order.
Cherokee Manufacturing
We; carry a full line of
all the year, and you^can always get anything you may! want
in the Furniture line, from us.
We have also added a full line of CARPETS, heretoior*
we have sold from samples; in future .you can get the
carpets when you want them.
We have a big line of Picture Molding
and will make frames on short notice.
STOCK is always complete.
We respectfully ask the people of Murray
for a continuance of their patronage.
Thanking*the trade for past favors, we are Very Respecfnlly
Cherokee M’fg. Comp’y.
New Hardware Store!
.oo : oo....
We take "this n et bed ofiefamirg the people of North 'Georgia,
goner ly, that we are cow opening one of the
Most Complete and Best Selected stock of H ARD
WARE ever brought to this market.
We have;: Bcu .ht our Entire Stock tor SPOT CASH
Two-thirds of same;having been bought Jrcm;t he! manufacturers, and
m car load lots. ‘ ’
Onr stock will be kept ropleto at all times, and if do not happen
to have what we
you want, we wl11 S et it; for you. All we ask is a trial.
... We .
propose giving Dalton what she has never had—■
Yours t uly, JOHN BLACK & CO,
fmulUTHEM 0 ^
m&gsssiisaia&sS* i
sksjwsg mu iA r !5!iS& Sw ’ £
1890 MO
... .Dealer In. ...
Groceries, Provisions, Cor fectioreries, C’gvrs, Tobaotm, Flour, Maat, L.rd Sn,.«r
Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens • R > n
and Tin ware; Also a select
Stock of NOTIONS.
... .Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, Scatter,>rn,..
Call and see my goods and get prices before you sell your produce
or buy ' our groceries &c.
S. Mem street 9
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special Prices Giviw Qy Application.
JOHN. Ii. KING, General ^\gent,
19 West Montgomery Ave.
(.’hattay ^ga, Teats.