Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times •
The Official Paper of the County,
■ad aafared to the Post Office at Spring Place
8a., as second class matter.
Subscription Rates:
Oae year, $1 6C Six months, 50senti;Three
months, S5cents. Payable in advance.
Address all communications to Tbs Truss,
Soring Place, Ga.
Take the Times.
Keep out of debt.
Pay your preacher. •
Attend Sunday school.
Attend your alliance meetings.
“The way of the transgressor is
Legal ads. must appear in next
Dont forget to treat the old with
Moal is selling at 60 cts per bush¬
el in town.
Capt. E W Rerabert lost a colt
with distemper last week.
Lettuce find mustard have found
their way to the dinner table.
If you can't* keep good company
stay at home with your mother.
Prof Oarlock will", sing in town
on the 3rd Suuday evening in May.
Oouncilmea, listen at" the croak¬
ing of those fiogs in yonders swamp.
Miss Flora Stansberry is visiting
her sister Mrs W H Staples of
Spring Place.
Rev. B F Foster preached an in¬
teresting sermon’ at the Baptist
church Sunday.
' The County board has had the
tenoe repaired, around the jail
premises. ________
Conductor T J Peeples of the W
& A railroad s pen ^Sunday at hie
homo at Dennis.
Rev. Smith filled his appoint
Tnen£s p4 Hassler nod Harrison
chapel Sunday.
Remember that L M/Bncholz of
Dali on is always ready to wait on
the Murray boys.
The Alliaucemen of the county
should have an alliance picnic
some time during the Summer.
Shoe* 1 , Shoes, Shoes, at
Henry Weathedys Dal¬
For sale, a good little farm two
miles north of Spring Place. Ad¬
dress dr call on S W Gipson.
The Baptist church at Spring
Place will hold a communion
service on the 3rd Sunday in May.
Indies and Mans fine
Shdes at Henry Weath¬
erly’ s Dalton.
Mr. L W D*dy who ban been in
tde employ of the E T V & G road
for several months was at home
Guanois cheaper tLis year than
ever before. This should be placed
to the credit of tho Farmers
.Carry your Chiekens
Eggs, Butter &c. to
Heft'ry Weatherly Dal¬
T A & S E' Berry have on hand,
and will keep ia stock, a first class
line ef stoves. Call.nnd see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Esq, L M Jones has monopolized
Parson Linn’s poke pallet patch.
We think the Esq might have di¬
vided with some of us fond lovers
of tho dish.
One of Mr. J Q Steed's little
boys got badlv bitten by a Jog on
last Friday Vicious docs should
not be allowed to run at large.
Mrs. Willis, who lives on tho
premises of Mr W 13 Steed, gave
btoth to twin children on Tuesday
of last week. Wa regret lo learn
that they wero both dead.
Dr. Quinn, who lived just across
the mer in Whitfield/comity, and
who was well known as a success*
fu’ phystof in in the norths-n por-
tion of our county died on Wednes
day of last week. His death is one
of much regret.
Ladies Solid Glove
Grain Button Shoes, on¬
ly 85 cts, at Henry
Weatherly‘s Dalton.
We are glad to state that there
is a considerable change for the bet¬
ter, in Grandma Heartsill, since
last Snnday,however she is not out
of danger yet.
Don’t fail to see Gholston &
Baily ‘8 line of Dress Goods, Em
droidery Suits. We have every¬
thing in the line of Summer goods
Mr. S R Harper, of Ramsey had
for sale in town last week, some
irish potatoes, of this season's
growth. They were planted around
an old straw stack and the winter
was not severe enough to kill
Mr. W A Anderson, formerly of
this county, but who had been in
the west several years, died at his
home at Childress Te&as, on the
14th of this month.
Dr. W A HeartsilFof Morrisons
Bluff Ark., and Dr. O M Heartsill
of Marshall Texas came in this
week to see their mother who has
been quite sick for several days.
Any one wishing to buy Piano
or Organ, will save 15 or 100 dol¬
lars by calling on or writing to E
A Earnest, at Hassler Mill Qa.. as
he is agt. for largest factory in U 8
—Every one guaranteed.
Mr. Ruff Harris, of the tenth dis¬
trict aged about 70 years died on
last Eriday- His wife preceeded
him to the grave several years.
Mr Harris was 9 highly respected
citizen and his death is mourned
throughout the northern portion 0 !
the county.
Mrs. O 0 Goins has sold 50 doz¬
en of eggs during th-'s winter, be
« des has raised quite a number of
chickens end has consumed a
number of dozen id cooking. If
our women would devote more time
to their poultry they could' almost
Bupplyltheir home necessities.
The Confederate Veterans as¬
sociation of Murray County meets
in regular session on Saturday
April 28th. Let every confederate
veteran attend, as important busi¬
ness will be considered by order of
Commander J D W McDonald.
J A McKamy, Adjt
Millinery! Milhueryl
We have just received
the handsomest line ever brought
to Dallon. Having secured the
services of Miss Woodward,- of
Louisville Ky., a milliner of eleven
years experience, of the firm of P
G Goaker. We are now prepared
to offer the LadieB of Murray, Hats
and Bonnets trimmed in elegant
taste. Give us a call when in Dal
ton and see for yourself.
Gbolston & Baily.
April 21, ’90.
General health good in these
Rather cool this morning.
Farmers are busy preparing land
and planting their crops.
Rust on wheat and rye down
Rev. J H Phillips is on the mend
—he oepompanied the writer to
Ploasant Hill church in Gordon
county, Saturday, where he ex¬
hibited on Sunday morning, relics
from the Holy Land (20 in number)
which he feemed some time ago
f rom u, e jj ev Henry Coleman, con
sisting of specimens of Wheat. Bar
ley. Sand-rock, Sand from I he
shore at Jappa, Earth from the
Garden of Getbsemane, Earth from
the Potters field; Bitumen, with
weich Noah's Ark and the Ark of
Bull ruhshes wherein Moses was
found, wire pitched within and
without; Gopher wood, of which
Noah's ark was built, wood of tbe
Palm tree, of the cobar of Lebanon
water from the river Nile, wafer
from the river Jordan et t he place
where traditional history savs that
Christ was baptized by John th«»
Baptist, at which, the river is 80
feel wide and 4 feet at
tide, etc. etc.
The exhibition and lec’ure
Mr. Phillips on the relics were
quite a treat and much appreciat¬
ed by the people. Mr- P* sa y s
is going to give a lecture on these
relics at New Prospect some time
in the near future.
Mr. Phillips seems to have en¬
joyed his trip to Gordon very much
—he is glad to be'able to get out
from home once more.
A Sunday school has been or¬
ganized at toe Touchstone school
house between here and Tilton.
The saw mill of Messrs. Spencers
near hero has been shut down for
a week on account of the sickness
of their father which resulted )n
his death at Tilton, Friday. Judg¬
ing from the sound of the whistie
they have began sawing again
this morning. Eef.
Dots from Carter’ s.
We are thankful to once
more breathe the sweet oclor of
Spiing-Tirce, and behold the
beautiful and good things
thrown around us by the Sub¬
lime Ruler of g ;od, while
dame nature walks out from
the curtains of Winter in all
her splendor and loveliness.
We bow in humble submifsion
Farmers are planting co*ton
seed and corn and all are rush¬
ing forward.
After all the frost we yet
have some fruit.
Mrs E M Ellis has been very
sick for a week but is conva¬
People through these parts
are loosing their hogs. I learn
Berry Freeman has lost over
30 fine hogs, and many others,
smaller lots.
The Rev T AMcEntire and
JTI Tanker,-ly are on a race
killing iviln turkeys.
I think it would be a good
idea for the Alliance of Mur¬
ray to pick out a good man for
the legishtire I don't mean an
(allianceman, but a good citi¬
zen) and then elect him. I
would like to hear from some
one ou this subject.
J. II. Black.
Biliousness, Weakness. take Malaria, Indigestion and
It cures quickly. For sale by all dealers in
medicine. Get the genuine.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Wmsnow’s Soothing Sybdp should always
be used when children are outting teeth. It re¬
lieves tho little sufferer at once; it prodnoes natural,
quiet buttoa.” sleep, and the little cherub awakes as ‘ ‘bright
as a It is very pleasant to taste. It
soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
regulates tot diarrhoea, the bowels, and is the bestknown remedy
whether arising from teething or
other onuses. Twenty-live oenta a bottle.
!®T BROWN'S iron bitters
Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala
ria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physi¬
cians recommend it. All dealers sell it. Genuine
boa trade mark aud crossed red lines on wrapper.
Georgia, Murray County.
Lucy A. Johnson widow ot H.
P. jolmson, dec. having made ap¬
plication for twelve months sup¬
port, out of the estate, said dec.
and appraisers having made their
return as required by law. All
j orsons are hereby notified that
said application will be heard the
1 st Monday in May 1890, at my
Office. W. H, Ramsey, Ordy.
Newspaper now A book IS of
Advertising?:" # over
mation of value to adiertisers than t-ny other
publication ever issued. It gives the name of
eveery newspaper published, having a circu¬
lation rating in the American Newspaper
Directory of more than 25,000 copies eaoh
issue, with tho oost per line for advertising in
them. A list of the bestnaperB of local cir¬
culation, in every city and town of move than
5,000 population with prices by tbe inch for
one month. Special lists of daily, country,
village aud cUss 'papers. Bargain offers of
value to small advertisers or those wishing to
experiment judiciously with a small amount
of money. Shows conclusively “how to get
the most service for tbo money,” etc., etc.
Pent post paid to any address for 30 cents
Address Quo. It. Kowelj,* Co., Pub ishers
and Getionl Advertising Agsnts, 10 Spruce
Street, New York City.
on real estate, in amounts not
than $300, cheaper than can be
at home. Apply through
C. N. Kino.
I-sADiES building
Koedinga tonic, or children that want
bkowjFs "i 0
nos m*r BBS. <
It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indiges¬ it.
tion, und Biliousness. All daalers ice p
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
All the citizens of Murray conn*
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta¬
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to their interset to write
to or callon Mr. John F Reynolds,
Agent of the Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dallon in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
Mail Lines.
I am now prepared to haul pas¬
sengers from Spring place to Dal¬
ton, with comfort, summer or win¬
ter. Hack leaves Spring Place at
7 am, and leaves Dalton at 1 p m.
Will also carry paseensers from
Spring Place t® Ellijay. Leave
Spring Place, Monday, Wednes¬
day and Friday, making 3 round
trix>B each week.
L. C. Jones.
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks tho Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when in Dalton.
Will also furnish lodging in con
nection with restaurant.
We sell the Spencpr Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Snore, Dalton Ga.
F. L. Keith,
-j Dealer In )
Whiskies, Brandies, f nd
WINES, for Sacramental
lOS Eat»t Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Term.
When von want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, I will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
My $2,00 corn whiskey is the best
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 418-ly
The Giant Norman
Will make a stand on x*iy prem¬
ises during the present season.
Will use all means to prevent
accidents but will take no re¬
sponsibility if any should oc¬
cur. By the insurance at $10.
Boss Bates Jr.
D. H. Harris Dentist’
is stopping at Spring Place, and
will cheerfully writ on those want¬
ing Dental work done, and at pri¬
ces to suit the times.
Will be sold before tbo Court Ifouso dcor
in tbe town Of Spring Place G». to tho highest
bidder at public outcry between tho legal
hours of s*lo on the 6rst Tuesday in Aug
next the following n-operty towit: The west
part of lot of land No- 302 in tbe 10th District
and 3rd section of said County supposed to be
*0 acres mo-eor te«s. Levied on by virtue ef
a tax fl fa iasoe-1 out of the Tax Collectors
office for tavea dne tbo Stale and County for
the years 1B83, 1«S4, 1SFS, 18S«.
1887, 1888 and 1389. Levy made and returned
to n e by .) I, frib'iison L. C. Tola Apr ? t v
J C I'cEuLre,
S' Miff
J. F. Trevitt,«
i -{ Dealer in All Kinds cf 1- ^
Furniture, Caskets, Cof¬
fins and Marble work • .
Also have in stock the Indestiuctible Casket—much cheap¬
er and lighter than the Metalic casket.
We ha vs on exhibition the largest line of sample carpets, of all
grades, ever brouget to this market, from Finest, to commonest, at
prices irom $1.75 to 25 ets, per yard, iiave an EXHIBITOR,
so that 7011 can .readily see just how a carpet will look on the
floor before you buy.
Furniture, Coffins and Caskets,
sold at Bottom prices, and dont ycu forget it.
J3|f°Business House under Trevitt Hall, Dalton Ga.
New York Store.
New Goods, 9 Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods
Rats, Bonnets,,&o, Dalton Ga. 4-lS-ly
p pH® Wi ft * fat*
Woodlawn, 00:00 Georgia.
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Goods,
{Just Received at the Mlliuery Store ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegantassortmentof Milinery and Straw Goode,eonaiatlng of Straw
lloonetsand Ladies’ and Children’s Hats [trimmed arid untrimmed] Nook
and Sash Ribbons, Vilret Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satina,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ao. Onr good*
were bought of the largestand best importing Rousts in Balti¬
more and New Tori, and will be sold at very low
prices for oash.
1890 . 1890 .
J. ® V 1 E Y,
Spring Place, Georoia
Colthing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents're&dy
made clothiug, on the market.
IST’Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Gaps, r |Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries’&c., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar,| Coffe«
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E. E. Brown,
F*A7T N * *
mmm if
or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ac¬
curately and ikillfull corrected by GH Biandon fha Optician at i£ {$
Brown's Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge lor feEf.'nj li e Eye*