Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper or the County,
•ad entered la the Peat Offioe at Spring Plaoe
6a., U lecantl class matter.
•; Subscription Rates:
Oft year, $1 00 Six months, 50eents;Three
■oaths, Ssosnts. Payable in advano*.
Address all comannioatioas t > Tas Tikis,
Spring Place, Qa.
Tunnel Hill is still booming.
Whitfield county is going to
build a Dew court house.
Mr.Gr G Adams caught a
turtle a few days ago that
weighed 17 lbs.
No use to go to an auction
for-bargains—just go to S T
It you know anything of
interest, let the Timfs know it
by postal card.
V..': ■ • ---
Ladies and Mens fine
Shoes at Henry Weath¬
erly’s Dalton.
Mr. Ross Bates is working
his cotton and corn the 2nd
Mr. J Y Hemphill has been
critically i’l at bis home at
Ramsey for the past few days.
------- -- ---- ♦ ♦ »--
Shoe , Shoes, Shoes, at
Henry WeatBe ly s, Dal¬
ton. ... •
If we knew how, we would
insist on the town council to
have some ditching done at
Mis. James Beaver Sr. ot
Hassler Mills, has been veiy
sick but we are glad to an¬
nounce that she is better.
S. T. Fincher‘8 5 and 10c
Counters are attracting the at¬
tention ot every boy coming to
. V •£. ---——”
Mrs. Belle King and her son.
Charlie, of Knoxville Tenn., are
visitinjr at Col and Mrs. Heart
sill's in town.
Carry your Chickens
Eggs, Butter &c. to
Henry Weatherly Dal¬
V* * ♦ m •• - •
^ Col. T Starr has been select¬
ed, and will address tbe school
at Sumach on next Friday.
; T A, & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasingeleewhere.
Mrs A T Logan and chilaten
of Ellijay, returned to their
home on last Monday after a
visit ot several days in this
Tbe old soldiers are all in¬
vited’ to call at S. T. Fincher's
store and see the beautitul
I lctures of the Battles of the
ate war.
Mr. Andereon Beaver of Gass¬
ier Mashas,
olq colt in the county. If there
is any one' who doubts this
statement, Mr. B— is ready to
compare alt any time.
1890 Mihinery. 1890
We have now in stock tbe iar»
gest most complete line of
that has ever been
brought to North Georgia: Lice,
TfuBC^u and Neopolitan, Hats, from
the cheapest to Ihe most expensive
braids; blowers of every color, Bib
bon^ of all widths, color and price;
Stew Lucca, white, black and col
oted; Child ten's Lace Gaps; Silk
• QhrfBfendMitis; fancy Combs;
and a’J
f goods kept in a fu fit class
: y establishment. Come
_ stock
f our immense of
J. & J. B. Grams Co.
w D Petty of Cisco
was dangerously ill when we
last heard from her. We hope
to hear, of her recovery soon.
J. F. Trovitt, dealer in all
kinds of Furniture. Coffins Cas¬
kets, and Marble work, Car¬
pets, Rugs, Matting, Shades
and Cornice poles. All or any
ot the above goods will be sold
as cheap as the same grades
sold at any Retail House in 100
miles of Dalton Ga.
E W Bond Esq. of Wood
lawn has almost lost the sight
of one of his eyes, caused by a
hurt received several years ago.
It would surprise you to see
what a quantity of nice things
you can buy at S T Fincher's
Bargain Store with a little
There will be a meeting at
the court house on Friday night
to discuss the feasibility of or¬
ganizing a military company in
Spring Place. Let all interest¬
ed attend.
Ladies Solid Glove
(.Train Sutton Shoest, on
ly 85 Cts at Henry
Weatherly*s Dalton.
Rev. W W Brimm the Evan
gelist ot Cherokee Presbytery,
will preach at the Piesbyteri
an church next Saturday night,
and Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Messrs. John Shumate and
— Baker of Dalton, have been
over stopping at the Temple
house tor the past few days.
They were on a recuperating
expedition, and th-.y displayed
good judgment in their selec
tion of a boarding house.
Don’t fail to -Bee (Jholston &
Baily‘8 line of Dress Goods, Em¬
broidery Suit*. We have every¬
thing in the line of Summer goods
We have replenished our stock of
of ladies hats trimmings &c in the
latest designes and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to call and examine for them¬
selves. Our prices are reasonable.
New York Store
Mr. T J Peeples of the W.
& A. Railroad, and who has
been a resident of this county
for many years, moved last
week to his newly purchased
residence at Dalton. He s iys
however that when he quits
railroading he will move back
to his home in the county.
Millinery! Millinery!
We have just received
the handsomest line ever brought
to Dalton. Having secured the
services of Miss Woodward,- of
Louisville Ky , a milliner of eleven
years experience, of the firm of P
G Uoaker. We are now prepared
to offer the Ladies of Murray, Hats
and Bonnets trimmed in elegant
taste. Give us a call when m Dal
ton and see for yourselt.
Gboiston & Baily.
“May meeting’' at Sumach
next Sunday.
Close of school at Sumach
next Thursday and Friday
Prof. R B Mauldin will sing
in town Saturday night and all
dav >' -Sunday. *
Prof. Oarlock , , will ... ,
Ball Ground on the 1st Sunday
in June, and at Gum Hollow
3rd. Sunday.
Tk.CHESS Examination
All theachers wih tbeir assist¬
ants who expect to teach in Mur¬
ray county during the present year,
will meet me iu Spring Place on
the 30t.h day of this month for the
purpose of st,»nding the usual ex¬
amination. The examination w;I
begin as early as 7 o'clock, as on
]j pne day will ba consumed it^
the werk. S. H Henbt C’> S. C.
The only child of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Henry, *died on
Wednesday of last week, and
was buried on Thursday. No
one but the mother and father
can realize how hard it is to
give up the precious little ones
where they have just arrived to
the age when they are the
light of the home circle. We
sympathize with the parents in
their loss.
I wish to lecture at Fullers
Chapel on Monday night, June
2nd, at Spring Place on Tues¬
day night, at Casey Springs on
Wednesday night and at Hass
lers Chapel on Thursday night!
These lectures will be in the
interest of education in general,
and of Ellijay seminary in par¬
ticular. J. II. Tallant.
Ellijay Ga.
The exercises at, the close of
♦lie school of Prof. D C Trim
mier at Mt. Zion on last Thurs¬
day and Friday did honor to
the professor and was a credit
to the entire community. The
examination was above an av
era g ean( j showed the result of
{| ne tutorage and hard study.
The speeches delivered in the
afternoon Friday by the boys
and girls, were well selected,
and delivered in Ciceronian style
Col. T Starr having been se¬
lected to address the school,
held the audience spell bound
for about thirty minutes in his
usual good style of speaking,
on the sul-ject of higher and bet¬
ter education and concluded
his speech by criticising the
present, public school system.
Prof. C II Humphreys, also
made a pointed talk to the
school. The exercises at night
were of an amusing nature, and
all present were highly enter¬
Prof. Trimmier is • building
for himself a line reputation as
a teacher. Wherever he
presides over ^ school educa¬
tion advances, and it is clearly
demonstrated that le is the
right map in the right place.
Wenkiusa. Malaria, Indigestion and
It cures quickly. For salo by all dealers In
medicine. Get the genuine. *
l improved]
Residence, Church,
Roof Cresting.
Hltohlng Posts.
Iron Verandas.
iaii Ceils AND
Saw Mills and
I FT Machinery,
Write for Prices.
manly manufacturing co. f
Be sure you mention this paper.
ou real estate, in amounts not less
than $300, cheaper than can be got
at home. Apply through
C. N. Kino.
is the oldest and most popular scientific and
mochanloal paper published.and has the Unmet
H Edition of Scientific American. W j
A great success. Each Issue contains colored j
lithographic plates ot oountry and cUy reside,,
ce» or publtc blindings. upeclflcatione Numerous for engraving* the of f
and full plan* and Price Hiti use
fuch ua contemplate MUNN building. A CO., Pubusbbhs. a year.
Sets, a copy
PATENTS WSTSphR maybeeacui*
ing to MUNN
h Co., who
have had over
ft fflBsSirsaSS over
poodenco strictly, confidential. '
COPYRIGHTS tor Address books, charts, map#,
tie., quickly prooured.
MUNN & CO., Patent Solicitors.
Geneuaj. OrricE: 301 Booauwat. S. P
Dont forget the Old Kotiable
Hardware Store of 1 A & S E Ber¬
All the citizens of Murray coun¬
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Ctmtta
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to tHeir interset to write
to or call on Mr. John F Reynolds,
Agent of the Western* Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
Mail Links.
I am now prepared to haul pas¬
sengers from Spring place to Dal¬
ton, with comfort, summer or win¬
ter. Hack leaves Spring Place at
7 am, and leaves Dalton at 1 p m.
Will also carry passensers from
Spring Place t* Ellijay. Leave
Spring Place, Monday, Wednes¬
day and Friday, making 3 round
trips each week.
L, 0. Jones.
When yon are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
tho standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is koeping a first olass
restaurant, and %sks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when in Dalton.
Will also furnish lodging in con
nection with restaurant.
We sell the Spencer Optica*
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Snore, Dalton Ga.
F. I*. Keith,
Dealer In
Whiskies, Brandies, t nd
WINES, for Sacramental
purposes. »
* 103 East Eighth Street,
Chattanooga, Term.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, I will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
My $2,00 corn whiskey is tho best
in this market. I invite my old,
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4 18-ly
The Giant Norman
Will make a stand on my prem¬
ises during the present season.
Will use all means to prevent
accidents but will take no re¬
sponsibility if any should oc¬
cur. By the insurance at $10.
Boss Bates Ji.
D. H. Harris Dentist’
is stopping at Spring Place, and
will cheerfully wait on those want¬
ing Dental w ork done, and at pri¬
ces to suit the times.
r *
Stat* or Grorgia Murray coudty.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in the town of Spring PIaoo G». to the highest
bidder at publio outcry between the legal
hours of sale oir .the first Tuesday in Aug
next the foltojrlog p-operty towlt: The west
part of lot of land No 302 in the 10th District
and 3rd section of mid County supposed to be
90 acres more or leu. Levied on by virtue of
a tax fi f» issued out of the Tax Collector*
offioe for taxes due the State and County for
tbe years 1881,1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886
1887. IR88 and 1889: Levy made and returned
to me b<> J L Rob-itson L. C* This Apr 8th
i m. J C Mct'ntire.
New York Store.
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions aud Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Gooda
Hats, Bonnets, &o, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harris & Davis,
WOODLAWN, -oo:oo Geo koi a.
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Milliner/* Goods,
(duet Received Rt the MitlMery Store ef
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and oiegant assortment of Milinery and Straw OmA.i,eonsistlngef Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’ and Children’s Hats [trimmed and untrimuied] Nook
and Sash Ribbons, YUvet Ribbons, Feathers,Ornama^taAe. Nook Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flow.rx, Our goods
were bought of the Urgestand best importing Mouses i» Balti¬
more and New Torn, and will be sold Mtivery lew
.pricesfor cash.
1890. 1890 .
t. jr. ovbeT,
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready-¬
made clothing, on the market.
!2f“Also a full syfckjpDry.goods, Hats, (Japs^Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceriesjt&c.j-^nd will sell at^low prices, for oasft,
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery,. Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The beat East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, r Coffee*
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E. E. Brown,
or any defect in vision^tbat can be remedied by refractive power, ac¬
curately and skillfull corrected by G H Brandon the Optician at Jfl E
Brown’s Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge /or testing the Eye.
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place, \ Georgia,
—Dealbh In—
.... Dr ugs, Med lake, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfuraeiy ;c. Keeps also a full line
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Pain^, Oils, Varnishes &c.
A choice selection of .mily Groceries,
cheap for cash.
H. H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
. J.
v> ‘
Srniss Placb, Giorou.
Prompt attention given to all le-|
gal bu«iu*s* and the collection of
O. «. STA«, *«AXUIM.nf4t*
Calhoun, Qa. Spring Place,tin
Attorneys at Law,
Prompl nttantion given tc tlllegalhuaiLe*
• ■