Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
KING & CABIE1! Vnbllfcucrs.
TMUB8UAV JOKE 5, 1890.
Tut Political Aspect.
"What ia the matter with the as
j irants for political glory? The
u«ual forwardness of Murray‘8 can¬
didates, seems to have turned into
backwardness. Come out gentle¬
men, And ltt your colors be seen.
The first queriion which this
backwardness suggests is, why is
i-? Is it because no one wishes to
be the first to announce himself a
candidate, or that the people are
looking to their interest, before
naming tho man to represent them?
The latter should be tho answer,
i, it h not. And why should it
be? The people have been hum
bugged and bamboozled long e
nough by v/hat might be callod
political‘‘quacks,“ and it is high
time they were awakening to a
knowledge of what they need} and
electing men, not alone for State,
but National .officers, who era alive
with and to their intcrcpt.
Under the present aspect of
things, the people should look well
to the quality of the men they put
in offeo, and above all things, elect
the men who ate qualified. And
again, bo caudal lost you sell your
birth right for a “races of poitago."
A great many do this, and let ua see
of v, hat their “pottage" 1 is com*
posed; policy, personal choice,
party friends, and previous prom¬
ises. A greater conglomeration
could not be supposed. Vote for no
man for the sake ol policy, no mat
ter how great a party friend, or
how mat'y previous promises have
boon made him, if you do, you a;e
laying your head upon tho political
block of corruption, and it is liable
to be cutoff at my time with hank
ing monopolies, high tariff and
railroad schemes. Baton the oth
or hand, vote 1 or men of principle
and thus protect your interests,
save, (what under politics as car¬
ried on to day is fast slipping
away) your right as an American
citizen to froo suffraga
your homes, your wife and
maintain y >ur liberty’, and
light cf suffrage.
It may sound absurd to sonny
but the iro dom of tha. ballot box.
is slowly but surely departing
from every v ter, in the land and
finaliy will have departed if not
arrested, by electing men of prin
cip’s, Sriano.ts arff integrity, to fill
onr offices. Elect no man, from
President down to Bailiff, who is
not a sympathizer, and a staunch
triend of the farming class, who is
not a friend to struggling, op
p ; -. od. down trodden, working
humanity. Fleet no man uho be¬
lieves jn the policy, “Care lor the
rich and they will care for the
poor.’* for if you do, the poor will
iso for ever Hbcared for, forgottoa
and loft to “root cr uia. 1 ’
E eel rnen, and you can do it,
whoso r. »u!i- oro on fire, with tha
interest of their fellow men, and
who will raise their voices in bo
half of the oppressed; men who will
pull down the monster, burden
some taxation, and ruinous high
tariff. To those wh > lieiievo we
are not io a political crisis in tois
country, w’£i would say. “Let him thinketh be ataudetli, tnIce
Heed left b.o fail. 11. H. A,
The n Southern Baptist con
vf-niicr: will hold its meeting in
Birmingham; Ala., on tho first
Hoturduv before second Monday in
May, 1S91.
Mi ft 4 Winnie Davis, the
daughter m the CoutVderacy,
upon her return from Europe,
will be united ii> nianiuge to
Mr. Alfred "Wilkinson of Syra¬
cuse, N. V. on June 18th.
v* .yiftwwaa a c’naicwj.n aya aaaawacrraE*
r.-n-ti of 1 .mict Wood.
Mr j lines Wood, who has been
ffS’Hed for ninny inontha with
dr< psy, Lis home nc-ir the
city <m Timad-fy nigia last, Idavb; :
a wife and sever;.! c Iren to
mourn hi 3 h.F3. Hr. Wood was oi 0
of tho uubslupfial c.tir.on? of
Huty.: :ac;nn»-r , of , . rrcsby'e ,
rian church of* this edv, and
writ liked atw & teemed t>7 the
<?ntir*.' cvKUDUoity -Dai on Cilia .n
May 28, ‘90.
Good rains third Sunday night
and Monday following.
Lightning struck a shade tree
in the yard at A B Trollingers last
night a week ago, but the report
failed to wake Mr A O Axley, who
was sleeping iu a room within
thirty feet of tho tree upon which
the lightning played.
Oats look well—wheat almost a
Farmers are quite busy with
their crops.
liain here yesterday and 'last
night, nud by the way, it is still
raining this morning.
A "h’ld of Mr and Mrs Jack Mar
tin is very sick at this writing,
Willy, son of Mr and Mrs Joe
Ellis got a finger badly mashed
while loading a wagon with cross
tics Friday.
Preaching at Caseys third Sun¬
day ss usual. Superintendant
Weaver, is continuing ths Sunday
school at Caseys.
May Bill Alliance met
—only few members present—-peo¬
ple seem to be too busy to atUnd
church or the ailiance either.
A Novel Objection at the
Rev J II Phillips responded to a
call to marry Mr Jeff Green to Miss
Matilda Couch at tho resi¬
dence of Mr John Couch, tho
bridiG father, yesterday morning,
when tho following occurred;
Mr Phillips.—“If there is any
cause why this couple cannot law¬
fully bo joined together in holy
wedlock &c.”—*1 object” said Mr
Mr. P.—“What is your objection
Mr Couch.—r/Jr Green has not
asked me for my daughter,
Whereupon JVJr Gteen at once
asked Mr Couch permission 1o
marry bis daughter, which lie read¬
ily gave and Mr P. proceeded to
perform the marriage ceromcny and
m his usual happy style pronounced
them husband ami wife agreeably to
the lawn of God and this Stato &c.
So you see “All i-3 well that ends
well,” suitably applies in this case,
The boys will a!! do well to ask ler
their virgin iu duo time. J$r
hillips Aid “AHUoagh I have
tir.i t>- OUgfany couples-, tl i., it the
first fim.) an objection has been
declared. 1 ' The joke wits well utv
derstond betv/een Mr P. end Mr 0.
beforehand, and grew out ot Ihe
fact that Mr G. had contemplated
asking for Kiss Matilda, but Mr
Oouc-li had been aucec-saful in shtui
ning tho company of Mr Green ai
such times as ho thought that
was his business. (Vlies jVJafilda
however, had informed RK Green
that it was alright with her father.
How's the political pot? Is she
boiling yet?
Let's be certain to apply the
“yard stick' - ia coming elections.
Services were held in tho new
church at Now Prospect Saturday
and Sunday, for the first time, by
pastor Wolford befitted by Revs
Ellis and Phillips. Err.
Doo little News.
Crops of corn and cotton
look well, and are being worked
by the farmer. The oat and
hay crop look fine and promis
es a large yield o( hay and feed
|for stock-w-tbe wheat has gone
h> client, in this part of the
moral vineyard. school Mb
The Sunday at
Zion is moving along with 100
members on its loll.
Oil! school at Mt. Zion lias
closed, and the children with
glove and hoc, have gone to
woik, thinking it a long time
'til the 1st, Monday in July.
The heavy rain last-londay,
the 19tJi did considerable dam¬
age to crops ni Doolittle.
Mis. II Iff Love and daugh¬
ter of Dallas Tex , are visiting
Mrs. O A Jenkins.
The talc mining has stopped
, ' ,i ! ,t "
The Coliutta Alliance No.
1422 meets Saturday before
th8 2n( i aut j 4t |, Sundays in
\ month, L \ .
’■''' h ‘'.ttue l I31ES &BU itf»
nt.';ti\ r arh rs.
Li vi r >u Heap.
Dots From North.Corner
of Murray.
We are in a kind of reserve
corner of the county, not known
much, except by tax rnen and
candidates, hut still we are here
and doing weil But it seems
our Grand Jury remembered us
}ast fall when they raised our
taxes. We would like to sell
out or rent to those intelligent
gentlemen who know so much
about the cash or true valua¬
tion of our lands when they n9ver
saw them. Wish we could get a
grand jury, that when they arc
sworn to prosecute all crime and
violations of the law without fa¬
vor or affection that would ULe
care cf tlxeir own oaths, and tell
what they know, instead of med¬
dling with other mirds oaths that
they know nothing about. Wo
will sell out at their price or rent
out to them for 7 per cent on
their assessment.
The health of i3 good
—Wheat's a failure—Oats very fine
to date—Farmers badly behind: on
account of so much rain. !
The fisheimen are doing their
best, but only get the fisherman's
luck. Rats arc not good, bait for
Rev Tfcllani ofEllijay, will punch
at Oak virove church next Sunlay.
We have two fiuo Sunday schools
in our corner.
Buff worms uro great posts Ibis
spring. Little cor a look out these
cool nights. JD/.d.
trrvrcvr»r r -- «* . - a.-r^'rtrr7v. t vti*" *
If you know anytuing we don't
know, sad which the people ought
to know, if it is worth knowing,
don,t you know, that it is your
dmy to let us know, that Un¬
people may also know, that it
comes from your know but they
can't know, unless you let ue know,
Ini things vlntm , VGA ;„U0\, , teat ,
will bo good for ail our people to
know, you know.—Fannin Co (ia-
».w_> ifATTOrwa'iinKW
Spring PircoGa June 3 18-30;
The Democratic JExecuti ve
Committee met at, 10 o'clock a. m.
Members present, Trammell Starr,
chairman. J C I.icEnUie, S L Trim
mi er, F m Kilgore, 0 0 Dowell, A
X- Ramsey, T J Rryant and 13 W
On moti >n a mass meeting was
ordered to be held at 1 o'clock p.m.
on 1st in July, for the
puiprc-r- of selecting delegates to
the Staffs Convention msets
ia Atlanta on Aug. 7th to nomi¬
nate a cr .hdate tor Govenor and
l '; r.t e house o fii :■ ers- ,
On motion a primary election
was ordered hold on tho 30th day
of August l'HO Ar the purpose' of
selecting a candidate for represent¬
ative; said election to be he’d undtr
tho name rules and r-’gnlatinas LB
govern goncra! elootious. Ah’
persons who will be entitled to vo'e
in tho gen cm! election for rppro
Bentativo Shall be entitled to Vote
m said primary electing, «
mannger of said election shall
returns cf said election to the Ex
ecutive commute on tho 1st fir. cot
cmy in September. S id commit¬
tee aboil consolidate the vote and
tie pc.non ivd<-vir<- (to -v'chcst
number of votes-sbMl bo dc-olared
tbo dcViiOOrdn H’WOri'.iliCC*. for
seutativc of »im-ay Co.
It was also ordered that a prima¬
ry election for a candidate for
c*ngress from the 7t.ii Dial, bo
held at the same time j,nd under
the same regulations as govern
the primary for Representative.
Tlui committee aclkurtiecl sub¬
ject to the cull of the chairman
Tr.A3IaU-.LL Staur, ■
E. W. Bembket,
“Tho Augusta and Clihttanooga
road will yet bo built. It is a no.
cosfsity, and it will pay. These
are two sufficient reason?, and the
nows front Chattanooga is very
cheering. The line will run through
a rich section in Georgia row with¬
out railway advantages, and tie
line has alre ady been mapped out
tor a hundred miles above Augus¬
ta and ever, graded up into oicl
Columbia. A line through Rich
;wmd. ( olumfeia, Mollnffic, Lin*
coin. Wilkor-, aed on up to Gains
iff . ] ClmHnnooga. • ill bob-re
tic-g by in operation.
“Active operations have been
transferred from Augusta to Chat
lahooga, where the pushing men
cf money and the developers or
that great section feel the need of
snph a line even more than we do.
They are well backed up by ener¬
gy and money, and the scheme is
extended so as to embrace a line
from Kansas City to Charleston.
This will be a grand trunk line
from the west to the coast, bnt Au¬
gusta will be the Jairest and finest
city on the line.'*—Augusta Even
«■" im i^mmrr wmmmrmaexna mmxmmma
Eugene Beck, ttie slayer of bis
wife and sister-in-law iu Rabun
county a few years ago, died of
hlcod poison in the penitentiary
last week. >
If you are going tothe West,
Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond¬
son, Dalton. Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re ¬
liable’’ W. <fc A. R. R. Spe
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel.
Goo-gia Murray Couniy,
Bideai-o invit'd for the cons ruction of a
bridge over Cosnasmga River at a point on
said Iliver Known as 7,ants ford,on toe lines
betivoen Murray and Whitfield counties.
Tho contr ct will be awarded to tho Lowest
bidder on the 5J7tli day of Juno 1890 at tho
site of the proposed bridge.
Bids will he taken for both, ft wrought iron
bridge, and a wood lattice bridge weather
boarded and covered; oach to bo of one single
spaa of oue hundred and five feet Im'weeu
centre-'. Height of iron $u; erstruct.ure, sev¬
enteen feet bet'..;; on centers and twelve feet
roadway. Height of wood lattice super¬
structure, twelve feet between centre ! cf
chord?, width twelve betbeiwoott po-t*. AH
lumber or shingles vsed in > oithor bridge to
bo strictly fir:-.t cUv.-.k.
Substructure f«»r the iron brMgo dial! bo
j ? hte tbrco °r fs,lt "- s of v-Bor l!,,i iron ott or !
..... *
inch thick—uHi'd with hydi uH-i t'enrmi «■;» r
wo ;i >nn;t'i!, ;.!i k<-ty three f r . alnvo
lew v-termth* Hw.
««*>» *«*•«« ;v> r ii.» -r ni ffu-ic: h-M?- j
shall ba t o mib«, ,-x«e;-:li?g that Hie eylin- !
de-a sbaa be f .lir fo' : in j : ,'r.
Bridj-o to bo completed by 1 1:-■ lOtii d:iy
of November 1890, payment f r saino in cash
on c r before Jaruarv’lst 1891.
Flails and sjioeifications cun bo soon in tho
Ordinary's office of each county.
The'righ t t., rojact any or alb bid.) rotair.od
By tno oommissiouers of said counties.
Wm. LuffntHtl,
Ohaui Board Co nmissionorr,
Murray County.
A mi;?.’I ST R ATOU’S S A 1 , 3 ’.
Georgia, Jlarray Count}-.
Agreeably to an order of the Cour: nf Ordi¬
nary of Murray County, will be sold before
tho Court House door of said County on tho
fir Ft Tuesday in July next, within the legal
licnrs of sale, 43 acres off tha North East cor
uer oflot of land No. 45 ia Sth Ilist and 3rd
section said County, sold ns the property of
D L Petti tt la to of s .id County deed. Crop
on said land reserved—possession given Jaoy.
1st. 1891. Terms one ‘bird cash, balance on
time until Becember 1st. 1833, with note mnl
approved • u..', i-awio-. Iretit i.-tn of sale.
May 23 Uiu. c. N. Kis. 0 , Aduir.
It. b. f'ettitt Bee.!.
Ftitr or OnoRoiA Murray County
W ill h? ■u!.; he ore tho court ho«f»o dour ia
tb« town of Spring to the highest bid
l *‘ r a P* ! ' ‘ ' •• 1 '• -W •- e ‘ woo n the lop;h I bours
k sale • It tho firr.K Tuahtlfiy in July
next, the i’-llov,ir..;r Gc.-arii>e».i j>roporty to
iiOt of No, 234 in tho 26 District
and J&rul SoMion of Murray County Georgia,
containing ono hundred and sixty acres m«»ro
or less. Lev I ml on hy virtue of, and to sat¬
isfy a justice com ft fi fa issued from 824tl)
Dist. G J! iti f:i v(ir of Audersoo «& Coffer n -
gainst A-OIC8 Jiic-boi.!; Levy made and returned
In tuo by J L X-, l-.iuF-.n L '1 May ?8, 1390.
J. C. MoKktirk, Sheriff.
County Diivcto y.
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby
a r,d August.
lion. ?. W. MitNF.n, .Tudgo.
Ifon. A. W, Fitu, Solicitor General.
C. N. Kis-g, Clerk Superior Court..
Court of ordinary moots 1st Monday in
c- ch month.
W. n. Ramsit, Ordinary.
J. C. JIc'Entibe, SliorifT.
M. H. BnjMKT.KTTn, Tax Rofoiver,
M, M., Tax Collector.
S. M. Walls, Treasurer.
M. M. T.bpnard, Surveyor.
3V, P. Goblr, Coroner.
Court, of County Commissioners meets nn
Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month.
V. r . Tuffmin, Chairman—W. E. Coviso
tox, R. A. Grkoory, A. B. Wfavkr, .Jas,
W. Mackey, Commissioners.
To^rn District 2nd Monday.
Dali Oronnd'Dist. ?> i*d Saturday.
Eighth 2nd
Doolittle 4ih
A, * 0Dlsa
bhiok p?a 2-nl
Dan Pen •ith
:.01ff:a- lit
Bov i &^l
Cleveland Marble s 1
American and Italian and{Heafl
. Foreign and Domestic Granite Monu
nished to order.
Robinson & Fi
....Dealers In....
Groceries, Provisions, Cor feetiooerios, Cigars, ToUaceo, Fiour, Meal
Syrup and in fact everything in tho grocery line; Queens and Til
Stock of NOTIONS,
... .Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs,
peas and anything in the produce line. and
Call and see our goods and get prices before voi
or buy T our grccerios &c.
S. IS e m s t r a
Marble and
Coping, and General ,
( I
d Oil is. II. KING, Gcix-ra] Aqeufc,
19 West Montgomery Are.
Chattav 'OGA,
Metropolitan Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia,
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Corner of Alabama & Pryor Streets.
-- Julies Reasonable. -
R- P- KEITH, Proprietor.
[Late of Cannon House.]
E. T. v & G. K’V. TI3IIS CARD.
Corrected to May 11th, ’SO.
Trains From Dalton
80UTRW 7.3T
No. 1. 7:36 p. m. , for Home, So’ma, Mo¬
bile, N.ow Orleans* Vex as juul California
Nc 3* a. m., ft-r ff iu e <i?
No. II. 12:14 M M, f-.p R,>, n % At'-r fa,
Mn-oon, Savannah, Brun.^wi k »\\'< JurMau
No 13. m. } for panic :i«s No. 11.
No. 2. 3 m!;» p. m , for Kf oxvUfc, Bristol}
Washington, Philadelphia nnd New York.
No. 4.4:02 a. u. t for same points as
No. 2*
No. 14. 3:30 f. for Chattanooga,
Memphis, Little Rock, Ft. Worth, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago.
No. 12. 4:32 a. m., For samo points as
No 14.
Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincinnati and Memphis.
B. W. Whknn, G. P & 7. A. Knoxville,
Tenn. T. C. Smith, T. p. A. Dalton.
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north ol
Dr, Main’s drag store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent-.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pictures for 35 cents.
Be sure to bring this card.
Huijd & Delany,
Dalton Ga.
If you are going ’.Vest or
Southwest and want Cheap
Tickets and Quick Time, adl
dress or call on T. O. Smith
general emigrant ticket,
Dalton, Georgia.
Austin 4 Lon:
livery feed an
Dalton, Ga*
lie, 'Ve and desiro to call the attention of the jaiiNi
tho reople .'.’of Mut »y, especially,
that we are now wide awake in the LIVERY
BUSINESS; having the entire bu'L '
iness of Mr. S. I). Poarob. lVegon yard in
corr.ection with Stable.
Prince Albert t&JoIm.
loss. • *
Rfince Albert is
1 ;:< ‘1' J yesrs old, fu;-ff will makyi
j l]|." |>w-;.-eiit Hc-nvoa at A. .1. .
Jo f t N Ross
iff sly wars >:< ‘ 1 .'Hid Will tllflbe
the present season at my sta¬
bles. - All possible care wilt
betaken to prevent accident,
but will not be responsible if
any should occur. A liberal
patronage solicited.
Will serve mares at $7,00
by the insurance.
Very respectfully,
Sara A. Brown.
on real estate, in amounts not less
than $300, cheaper than can be got
at homo. Apply through
C. N. King.
WIT CHEAPEST Manly l^anf’g F33M MAKER Co.,
STEEL Lintels, Cast CGiumns, Sills, etc.
TRADE sWsiiii
ffcr Pictures and
Price? cr anything
yea nesd in
i-iETAL, ws can send it promptly.
C: sure you mention this paper.