Newspaper Page Text
f County,
rin; Place
tnn Tims,
wen mg.
:s at hand
3 scarce this
f quiet in the
we have a pic
■ call for the prima
p this issue.
ere but tew people
yd ay.
I Williams has cot
me squares.
^3 are bragging on
■ prospect for a
school is in ses
Int Valley this
learn the sen
L W H Tibbs
2S, Sltj
I have
an 4on,s fine
at Hecry Weath
p^ly’s Dalton.
TWill the Sunday schools of
■ s the comity have a celebration,
»nd when?
who measured the v> a
the Shelton foot Dg
W W.’.-db <■:■ to
Hkvnrinei', Jtr.d ike fat man
the shad*-.
■ «e» «♦« •#!*■
Carry your Chickens
Eggs, Butter &c. to
Henry Weatherly Dal¬
A little child of Mr. and Mrs
Charles McKinney of town
died on last Saturday and was
buried on Sunday afternoon.
Goto Robinson & Fincher's
to buy your Lemons Dried
beef, Canned beef. Pickles and
all kinds of Canned,'Goods.
The cabin i at Cohutta
Springs have all been engaged
for the season and others are
■ wanted.
Ladies Solid G ove
Grain Button Sliced, on*
ly ,85 cts, at Henry
Weatherly^ Dalton.
■ ■ -
4 $ev. F R 8rhith and family
moted to Cohutta Springs on
Tuesday, where they will re¬
main during the summer
Robinson & Fincher will
give you a nice piece of China
Ware with every pound of
1 Orescent Coffee you buy from
A lady in town was acci¬
dentally fastened up in the
barn while milking one day
this week, and alarmed the
settlement before she got out.
The contract has been let
for erecting a belfry for the
chumh bell, recently purchased
^or Pleasant Y>U"y church.
Dnn’t. fail t) see Gholston &
Baily‘8 line of Dress Goods, Em¬
broidery Suit-*. Wo have every¬
thing in the lino of Summer goods
Rev. M M Bates preached an
interesting sermon to a large
audience at Pleasant Valley on
last Sunday.
---:—> »« -4- *
T A & S E Berry have va hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Cell and seo^them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Miss Avie Cowan of Dutur,
has several bushels of silk
worms which will begin to
spin in a short time. This is
quite a curiosity in Murray.
Well say Mr. what is that
you are carrying? Wy it is a
piece ot China ware I got at
Robinson & Fincher's.
We have replenished our stock ol
of Tidies hate trimmings fee in the
latest designes and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to call and examine for them¬
selves. Our prices aro reasonable.
Now York Store
The many friends ot Mr. J \
Heiqphill will regret to learn
that he is still in a critical con¬
dition at his home on Rock
—-———♦ —♦*— ♦ -
Mr F Spears, of Hassler Mills
is 86 years of *ge and can
walk several miles in a day.
He has lived 12 years and 104
days of his life on Sunday
This would be a long rest if it
had all been together.
The census enumerator;* be¬
gan to count the people on last
Monday morning. Look out for
them and be ready to answer
any question they may ask
We are requested to an¬
nounce that Prof. C. II. .tiitni
phreys has been elected as
piinoipal of the Sumach school,
and will ojieu school on the 2nd
Monday of July and solicits a
liberal patronage by the peo¬
J. F. Trovitt, dealer in all
kinds of Furniture, Coffins Cas¬
kets, and Marble work, Car¬
pets, Rugs, Matting, Shades
and Cornice poles. All or auy
ot the above goods will be sold
as cheap as the same g.ades
sold at any Retail House in 100
miles of Dalton Ga.
Corn is very scarce through¬
out the countv, the scarcity
due to the'facfc, that the people
had to keep their* fattening
hogs up till late in the winter
to get cola weather to kill.
Millinery! Millinery! .
We have just received
the handsomest line ever brought
!o Dalton. Having secured the
services of Miss Woodward,
Louisville Ky., a milliner of eleven
years experience, of the firm of P
G (Jeakor, We are now prepared
to offer (be Ladies of Mm ray, Hats
and Bonnets trimmed in elegant
taste. Give us a call when m Dal¬
ton and see for yourself.
Gholston & Baily.
1890 Mil linery. 1890
We have now in stock tho lar¬
gest find most complete line of
Millinery that has ever been
brought to North Georgia: Lice,
Tuscan and Neapolitan, Hats, from
tho cheapest to the most, expensive
braids; r lowers of every color,- Bib
bons of all widths, color and price;
New Laces, white, black and col¬
ored; Ghitdien’s Lace Gaps; Silk
Gloves and Mitts; Fancy Combs;
Ruching, Handkerchiefs and alt
kinds cf goods kept in u fast class
ftflilunery establishment. Gome
and sec our immense stock of
goods. J. & J. B. Graves Co.
Will the present crop ot
wheat convince the farmer
wheat makts cheat?
The permanent organization
of the- military company and
election of officers for same^
took place Saturday night in
town. Officers elected are as
J J Bates Gnpt., W H Bam
sey, Lieutenant, w H Steed
and ' * T M Wright, 2nd.
Lieuts., W W Anderson, Sur¬
geon. and W R Tyson Chap¬
lain; Capt. Bates ft ppointed
the following as non-commis¬
sioned officers:
H H Anderson, Orderly
Sergeant, W .T White, 2nd.
Sergt., C N King 3rd Sergfc..
M P Bates, 4th octet., A 1 t>
Duncan, 5th. Sergt; J L Rob¬
inson, 1st. Corporal, Ney Ad¬
dington, 2nd. Corporal, Joe
Welch, 3rd. Corporal, and J E
Johnson, 4th. Corporal. The
entile company are expected to
be present on next Saturday
night for instructions.
Congressional Executive
Spring Place Ga, Juno 3rd 1890
Lhe Executive Committee
of the Seventh Congressional
district a-e hereby requested
to meet at the Lewis House, m
the city of Dalton at 12 ll. on
Saturday the 14th mat.
A full attendance is desired.
Papers of the 7th.^congress¬
ional Dist. requested to copy.
J. A McICamv,
■■wWfcitWMm: crawPOTJWB
Our Coiniur.ideation from Car¬
tels was crowded out thi.i week,
coming in bte.
■ VK^ X . r\vx., 0
n 9
■0 r :
il ,1 ■ I if
j fOkSUMPf' F°P 0 J
It has permanently cured thousands
of cases pronounced by doctors liopo
less. If you have premonitory symp¬
toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of
Breathing, Arc., don’t CONSUMPTION delay, hut uso
immediately. By Druggists, £5 cents.
A & fine tto BloiSaeri*.
Mrs. Wxnbi/jw’s Soothing SxJiUi* should itfvw*
bo used when children are cutting it 1 ! testh. It .*■
Uovcs quiet the little and the little cherubaurakeans once? pro ucea n 4i ntttva!* bri^bb
button.'’ deep, It ia pleueant taste. It
na a very to
eootliea the chiM,seffanHtfceg , nirie # al}ayHaJlpaii? remedy l
regulates the bowels, and is the best known
for diarrhaa, whether Twwity-iive ariainf? troux bottle* teething 01
votber causes, cents a
g',49 YEARS.
masamfzzf mama;
sr.yrc.ff*. LijW.vS you. THE 35S.(K!H, nod
1 Weakness, malaria., Indigestion
Biliousness, take
It cures quickly. For sale by all dealers in
medicine. Cet the genuine.
m mk y»)B ©‘ul m
m ■ *.
Is tho oldest »tna most popular scientific nrd
mechanical paper published and has the lar^oft
WMtSir P K S «oS h & d :
lng8. fulilishcd weekly. Send for specimen
eopr. Price $3 a year. Four menths’ trial, II.
MUlSN Si CO-, PUBUsnr-KS, 301 Broadway, NA.
M Edition of Scientific American.
A groat r success. t P Kach OU issue contalrs^colored 0 .
cesor pub bc lmildirig8. Nuracroiis engravings the of
and full i.lan? and specifications for use
•uch »s contemplate building. Price $2.50 a year.
Blots, a copy. MUNN & Co., publisbeus.
maybe by apply¬ secur¬
ing to Munn
A Co., w U o
have had over
40 vAars’ experience and have made over
100,000 applications for American and for¬
eign patents. Send for Handbook, corres¬
pondence strictly confidential.
•gSSSlV’SSsSS 8 *
HU NX & CO., Talent Solicitor!.
Oi-. ;«S: 331 BUOADWAY, H. T,
4 mm
Iffe* fe#
h m
Bont forget the Old Ee'.iablc
Hardware Store of T A & S L Ber
All the citizens of Murray coun¬
ty who are desirous ol going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, cr to Chatta¬
nooga aad points in Tennessee,
Arkansas. Texas and northwest,
will fir.3 it to tuoir interset to write
to or call on fV»r. John F Reynolds,
Agent of tho Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Daltca. Baggage
chicked through to all points
Hack Lino.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack loaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 i\ m. daily.
Morses and buggys for hire at
all times.
When you aro in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
tho standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on tho Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below I
Trevitto & Bryant’s drug store.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Hol¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and cat with
him when in Dalton.
V; ill tbo furnish lodging in con
nectiou with restaurant.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
F © IL. Kelfla 9
-[ Dealer In ■ r
Whiskies, Brandies, j nd
WINES, for Sacramental
103 Kast Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Tenn.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, 1 will guar¬
antee my goods to bo us represented.
My £ 1,00 corn whiskey is t.t»o best
in Ihifi market. I invito ray old
Murray comity friends 1o call nud
see me. Let cash accompany or
tier. 4 18-ly
- Fasiiassg©
Tho Giant Norman
■Pill make a stand on my prem¬
ises during the present season.
Will use all means to prevent
accidents but will take no re¬
sponsibility if any should oc¬
cur. By the insurance at $10.
Boss Bates Jr.
D. H. Harris Dentist'
is stopping at Spring Place, and
will cheerfully w-dt on I hose want¬
ing Dental work done, and at pri¬
ces to suit tho times.
Stat>; op Oeohgta mitrbay oocr.TT.
Will bo solil before the Court Bouso (!■ or
in the town of Sprint* I’laoe Go-, to tbo highest
bidder at public outcry between the logoi
hours of Rh'a on the first Tuesday in Aug.
next the following p operty towit: The west,
part ol lot of laud No- ?,02in tbo 10th District
end 3rd section of said R unty supposed to be
90 acres more or loss. Levied on by virtue of
a tax fi fa issued out of tbo Tax Collectors
offico for taxos due tbo State and CoHnty for
the years , 18812, 1S83, 18S4, 1885. 188f>
1837, 1888 and 1889. Levy made and returned
to me by J L Rob'uWoh L. C. This Apr 8th
1890. J C MeEntirc,
Georgia Murray County
Whereas J A McKfLuiy Adair, of J R Miller
represents to the CouM in his- petition duly
filod atul entered on Record that ho has fully
.administered .T 11 Miller esiato This is
theroforo to cite all persons concerned, kin¬
dred and vreditorB, to show cause, if any they
can* why said hd’cints^r^tor should not he
disehrr f ed from h «8 admiuistrAti >n ? nud re
<'.i:>u.ia iou tlu Ttrst ' UU*
reive lettur? i t on
day in u'y U v Yil. W. II ID m«ey,
fork J
Hew Goods ? Latest Stylos,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our ni 'ely Fc-leriedlGcods
Hats, Bonnets, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
H a r r tiT. a § $k ID a v § ?
W OODLAWN, ■00:00 Georgia.
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Mi!!I eb e3 ‘j ©■ o ® d §.
[Just Received at the Klllucrj- Store «t
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A now and siogant assortment of Milinory and Straw Goc-dj.-jOonsistinf: of Straw
Bonuetsand Ladles’and Children's Uats [lriminod and untrinuued] Neck
and Sash llibbsns, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments &e. Our ,;oods
were bought of the largest and beet importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Yorx, ami will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
1890 . 1890 .
To tt ® Y m E V 9
Spring Place, Georgia
ClotMng! Clothing! Clothing !I
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready
made clothing, on the market.
23F“Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,"[Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries'Aic., and will sell a Plow prices, for cash.
W o TT » Mil SOW 9
Croseries i Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Co (Toe
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
E. 9 is r o w m 9
f P^'.TrtK' r ^
l ' * ' </ V' ( . *
or any defect in vision that cah bo remedied by refractive power, ac¬
curately and skillfull corrected by G H Braudon tho Optician at D E
Brown’s Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge lor testing the Eye.
Spectacles For bale By
Ur. 0 John F. M Arris.
Spring Place Georgia,
—Dealer In—
....Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy aud Toilet Articled
Spunges, Brushes, Perfume: y &c. Keeps also a full line
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.
A choice selection of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
- Anderson •
Attorney at Law
Spring 1’lace, Geoscih.
Prompt attention given lo all le
gnl business and tho collection of
claims. -
O. x.sTian, Taaifj(Ei,i,aT<ii..R
valhoun, Ga. Spring Place,Oa
Attorneys at Law »
Prompt attention gi vnn tc nlllc-*ihusinsA