North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, June 19, 1890, Image 2

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    ,C. N..KING. S. B CARTER
North Georgia Times
Doolittle News.
The weather is very hot—a
time to kill weeds and grass.
wheat crop is about harvested.
The showers make it bad
saving hay.
Mr. George Mulimx was very
last Satu/day and Sunday
some disease of the throat.
Mr. W. W. M- says that
honest work makes a man
wealthy and wi«e.
Weather prophet, Eev- Sam Hold
er says there will be a shower
the close of every drought thi3 year.
f?ev. Dewese preached at Holly
Creek church Saturday and Sunday
to a large audience
'flu. colton crop looks flattering
nt present—James Holland has
corn silks—who can beat that?
It is said D Johnson has ‘he
est oat crop in the country
There is a gentleman by
pa me, Cleveland, looking for a D
cation to start a vineyard near
v.mess who will be our noxt rep
resentative—don't all speak at
We have three flourishing Sun.
day schools in Doolittle.
JVJ M Leonard is going the rounds
asking the people a number of
questions. Lkatii?k Head.
June 17, ‘90.
Messrs. Editors:—
Corn and cotton are on a
Vegetables are plentiful—Health
settlement, excellent—Gronnd
made a rado on nn-le
truck patch, but Fuzz choked him
to death—Jap lias a 'leven pound
boy that plays on tho brass band,
makes music for Ike deaf and
dumb—J. P. lias sixty loads of
in barn—W. 1 ). killed six
last week—J. j killed three rat
tiers—Politics are (Had as a
nail. The man who will come
before the primary is entitled to
ehrerao—The office is hunting
a good one—Perhaps it will And
him. Thremometer 92 in shade
—Oh lor a cabin on lop of Grassy.
Jack Ppratt.
Fort Mountain News.
We have refreshing showers and
warm weather, which make the
corn and cotton grow.
The wheat crop is about gath
ered and ihe yield will be very
short. Tne oat and rye crop looks
promising and tiiero is good pros
pects for r.n abundant yield.
Rev. J K Duese preached fo a
large congregation at Dolly Creek
church last Sabbath.
The Sabbath school at Ft. Mt.
school house is in a prosperous
Mr. James McCuno of Tunnel
Hill, is on a short visit (o this place
for the purpose of taking a little
spoit and vest,.
Mrs James Hammock is sick,
and has been for several months
and not math prospects for her
Some of the boys are talking
politics here, wondering who will
be tho coming man for the legislate
ui e.
Tho Alliance of Ft. Mt- meets
nex‘ Saturday night, and all the
memhers belonging to this Alliance
re requested to meet, as there is
some very important business to
attend to
Dr- fvl 1V5 Leonard is out. on his
rounds asking t„e usual questions
that is required cl bu t as one of
tie census enumerators to ask, and
lie rays they am generally answered
correctly or near so as possible.
W. V, D.
V M •!l.TING,
ft - » TDV County Vetera: a
01 h< met nt cali m*'-- ■
o'clock a m .mm* Mtu i890.
UK Wilson w:.s culled to the
ri.. r : h ft iiiispy r quested
. ii i , . chairman
slave i i t he object, o: th f
which ' <■ lo rnitLo definite
jvngetoents iu v ';- "dto
the ' 7 1 : line 1 er ■' iiepneut of the 1 Confederal Veterans to be
- I > bi“ f n the h. 4
and 5. of July next. On motion
of Coi. Huffman, a list ol the names
of all members present were en
rolled who could accompany the
association to Chattanooga. As
many as iwenty five members
were enrolled, and all other mem
bers not present who can go, are
requisted to report their names
to the secretary. On motion T J
Ramsey and 0 0 Goins were ap
pointed to see after transportation
and lodging for the members at
Chattanooga. 5Iaj. It E Wilson
was elected temporary Capt. to
take charge of the command, S G
Treadwell was elected 1st. Lieut.,
W J White 2nd Lient. and Thos. II
Hall 3rd Lieut. A call meeting
was ordeied for tho 1st. Tuesday
in July and ail members wlio desire
to go to Chattanooga are requested
to be present. R E. Wilson,
W. II. Kamsev,
The meanest foulest and most
dangerous qualification a congi Ge
nian or legislator can have is “ex
perience.” Down with every man
who has “experience 1 * and knows
how to snake along by the caucus
lariot.!—Great West,
June 14, ‘90.
There has been groat, complaint
of bud worm; killing corn.
A crowd of about seven hands
met last Wednesday and gave Mr.
R L Foster, whose healtu has been
quite leeble all Spring, a day's
work in bis crop. Is that the Al
liance spirit?
The boys at Mr. A T Weaver's
found thirty lour eggs iu one guin
ea's nest Thursday.
Mr. John Bracket who was jailed
last March in Atlanta, cams home
Tuesday—ho is in very feeble
Master Heniy Bright found a
partridge nest containing 21 eggs
a short time back.
Peaches are tailing off the frees
in some sections at an alarming
Three more sawmills are <o be
gin work in the 8 tn soon, two by a
Mr. Quillian and one by a Mr.
Henderson. There are already two
running, one bv Mr Spencer, the
other by Mr. Wood, in the Eighth
district. Most of the lumber from
these mills is being hauled fo Til
ton and shipped to points north
and south.
Col. Sam Gourdine says he has
found on his premises near here,
very fine specimens ot Manganese,
and (Links it would pay well to
work, if he had sufficient means
upon which to operate.
Since writing mv last, rust has
struck the r ats in this section, and
they hive the appearance that the
crop will be almost a failure.,
There is also an abundance of smut
or blast in the oats.
Not long since the following bit
r.f humorous conversation occurred
between a man and his wife on re
tiring at night;
Wife to Husband -“Did yon
windup the clock?”
Husband—“No, I wound up the
Wife—“Well. 1*11 rot have to car
rv water so far then.'*
Husband—‘ Ha, ha, ha.“
There is to be a S. S. picnic at Til
ton today. Several people from
this section are gone there.
It is desired to have a fuli at
tendance at May I!ill alliance nex f
Saturday, ns the election of officers
gnd probably other importantbnsi
ness will come before tho body.
So, brethren come, one and all, pay
up back, and present dues, and
int’s have a full and harmonious
meeting—the Bisters are also re
quested to come.
With lost wishes to all I close.
Dots frora Carter’ s.
June 7tb. ‘90.
Crops are very fine, people are
in good spirits and everybody
busy; no one has time t> go to
conferrenee meeting or to town
first Tuesday, or stop to trade
with peddlers; bat j II Tankersly
and T A McEntire who turned out
on« day last week with a seine and
caught over 40 lbs- of fine
and Dr John Perry being Fome
what a fisherman, lo t a little boat
and lav night, he catr.o down and
with a line and hook, caught 10
Ift'ge cels and 0 th e bit o ca's_
Dock will be on top.
Thomas Hemphill as usual has
the best wheat in this section. Tom
makes a pood farmer, a„<i be
lieve would make some nice lady
a good husband.
J B Davis (col) is improving
and says lie has enough of the Od
H b
ThMe Ua «codde»l of sickness
in onr neighborhood just now
real ly more than usual.
Good wishes to the Txmks and
hei readers. J. H. Black.
“Gone Before”
Mrs. Petty, wife of W D Petty
on the 7th inst. passed from this
state of being, into God's more
immediate glory. She connected
with this life as many traits of
Christian character as any one. In
the absence of church records I
think in 1817, she united with the
church, in the communion of
which she spent the remainder of
her useful life. As a wife she tru
ly failed that of a ‘‘Help meet” to
her husband, ever sharing the
toils of life with meekness and
love As a mother filling this truly
responsible position with great love
tempered with a firm dec’sion that
implied what every mother should
possess, good family government.
I am ot the opinion no family ha.,
gone along with loss friction than
hers. The children abroad are an
index to home rul “By their
fruits ye shall know them.'’
As a helpful neighbor, her hands
were ever oj on to the needy, strict
ly helpful. * Not letting her right
hand know what her left hand
I am of the opinion her life in
every relation, was subject, to ns
few just criticisms as any one.
She was humble, faithful and con
stant in every relation of life. Tho
Sumach chinch has lost a precious
example ot Saturday church at
tendance, often I have seen her
pull her weary leet up the hill in
to the Lord's house with a smile
of joy on her lace.
But wo are done on earth with
this lile in its active work,
yet the wave of Christian love she
put in motion, will never cease to
bring fruit to God's honor. On
whom will this worthy mantle fa)!?
is a question of interest to the sis
terhood of the community.
Dear husband and children weep
not for her who pi the Lord has
taken from the evil to come. All
is well. “He di.elh all things well'
your precious wife and mother
sleeps in Jesns. “Blessed sleep
from which none ever wake to
\veep.“ Take comfort ftom tho
hope you will all be reunited in the
homo above. A Fbiexd.
--.-►- * -4 --
It is said lliat tho farmers’ Al
liance lias saved the farmers of
America §5,000,000 iu twine, §2.
500,000 on bagging, and it is
claimed that through the opera
tions of tho Alliance Pixchange
discounts have been secured that
will make the amount saved by
farmers $ 10 , 000 , 000 . annually.
: Residence, Church,
A f LLXJ ^ I Roof Cresting.
Hitching Pasta.
Iron Verandao.
Jail Ceils AND
___I Saw Mills and
m TT Machinery,
Writs for Frtc. 08 .
Be sure you mention this paper.
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main’s drug store.
Remember we do uot work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pictures for 93 cents.
Be sure to bring this card. ■
IIuhd & Dklany,
Dalton Ga.
Jf you are going to the West,
Sout hwest or Northwest, save
calling -
and . bj
time money on
or writing to John L. Edmond
son, Dalton Ga., traveling pas
se nger Agent of the “Old Re -
LlABLE » w. & A. R. R. Spe
cinl accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel.
Will bo 1st to the low' St bidder ill the town
of Spring Place Ga. at 1 o’clock p. m. July
158 1890, the building of a New Brick Jail
for Mujray County, on the Staples jail lot,
in said town. Two sto ies high 24 by 26 feet
Covered with iron or tin, iron and steel doors,
with proper sewerage and drainage for water
closets &c. All material to be first class, to
be completed by 1st. Jany. 1891. One half
paid when completed, and received the bal
ance Jany. lit. 1892 with 7 per cent interest.
Plans and specifications to bo found on file in
Ordinary's office. All mi .or details not men
tioned in specifications to a complete under
standing of the contract to be left to tho
Comrs. The right to rejeot all bids reserved.
Contra-tor to give bond and sccuiity for the
faithful performance of the contract. By sr
dir County Comrs. W. Ldfkman, Cham.
Juno 4th. 1S90.
Georgia Murray County*
Bide are invit?d for tho cons ructiou of a
bridge over Conuasauga River at a point on
said River Known as Zants ford,on tne lines
between Murray and Whitfield counrios.
The contr ct will be awarded to the lowest
b dder on tho 27th day of June 1890 at the
site of tho proposed bridge.
Bids will bo taken for both, a wrought iron
bridge, and a wood lattice bridge weather
boarded and covered; each to bo of one single
span of ono hundred and five feet between
centres. Height of iron superstructure, sev
enteen feet between centers and twelvo feet
roadway. Height of wood lattice super
structure, twelve feet between centres of
chords, width twelve teelbetwoct* po*t8. AH
lumber or shingles i sed in either bridge to
be strictly first class.
Substructure for the iron bridge shall be
hollow cy.indersofbest boiicr iron or steel
plate, three feet in diameter and one quarter
inch thick—filled with hydr ulic cemout con
crete, woil jammed, thirty three foot above
low water in tho river.
Subs ruoturc V.r the-wood Intlica bridge
shall bo t e same, excepting that the cylin
ders stall he four feet in iiutneter.
Bridge to bo conip’ct*d by the l&th day
of November 1890, pay r s»me in cash
on o r before Jat unrY 1st 1891.
Plans and specifications cnn'be seen in the
Ordinary's office of each *
county. ’
The]right to reject ar y or all bids retained
By the commissioners of said counties. *
Wm. mffuiKn,
Cham Board Co nmissioners,
Murray County.
Georgia, Murray County.
Agreeably to an order of tne Cour. of Ordi
nary of Murray Coi nty, will bo sold before
tho Court House door of said County cn tho
first Tuosday in July next, within the legal
hours of sale, 43 acres off tho North East cor
ner of lot of land No. 45 in 8th Dist and 3rd
sec ion Said County, sold as tho property of
D L Pettitt lato of s id County deed. Crop
on said land reserved—possession given Jany.
1st. 1891. Terms one ’ll ini cash, balance on
time until December 1st. 1890, with note and
approved security, interest fretu Jato of sale.
May 29 8 9 0. C* N. King, Adtur.
D. L. Pettitt. Deed.
.IDLY sales.
State of Georgia Murray County
Will by «o!>l before the court house door in
tho town of Spring Place to the highest bid
der nt public outcry between the !eg»l hours
of ‘sale on the first Tuesday in July
next, tho following described property to
Lot of land No, 234 in the 2f> District
and 2nd Section of Murray County Georgia,
containing one hundred and sixty acres more
or less. Levi ml on by virtue of, and t/> sat
isfy a justice court ft fa issued from 8241th
Dist. G M in favor of Anderson A Coffey a
gainsfc Amos Bishop; Levy made and returned
to mo by J L Hobinson L C May U8, 1899,
J. C. JIcExtirk, Sheriff.
County Dir eto y.
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby
a nd August.
Hon. T. W. Mn.xnR, Judge,
lion. A. IV. Fitk, Solicitor General,
C. N. Kino, Clerk Superior Court.
Court of QrdiDary meets 1st Monday in
each month.
W. II. Raustt, Ordinary.
J. C. McExtire, Sheriff.
M. H. Bramblkttk, Tax Receiver,
M. M. Welch, Tax Collector.
S. M. Walls, Treasurer.
M. M. Leonard, Surveyor.
W. D. Gorli, Corcner.
Court of County Commissioners meets on
Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month.
W. Luffman, Chairman—W. E. Coving
ton, S. A. Gregory, A. B. Weaver, Jas,
W. Mackey, Commissioners.
Town District 2nd Monday.
Ball GrouudiDist. 3rd Saturday.
Eighth if 2nd it
Doolittle. 4th it ■» . •
Tonth 3rd a : :
Alaculsa it 2nd it
Shuck Ten “ 2nd “
Bull Pan a 4th a H
1013th 1st II a
Countyischool Board—s.u. Henry, e s c.
F. W. Rf.kbkbt, I . J. Bryant, C. D GrLRjERT,
J. A.McICaxiy, A. E. Weaver.
' Boyd & D a v i s,
-K —Proprietors of—
Cleveland Marble s Granite Works,
Marble \
American and It lian Monuments,
Tombs and (Headstones.
Foreign and Domestic Granite Monnments and Tablets fur
nished to order.
1890 1890
Robinson & Fincher,
... .Dealers In. ...
Groceries, Provisions, Cor fectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard. Sugar, Coffee,
Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Tin warty Also a select*
Stock of NOTIONS.
... .Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, com,
• ••9
peas and anything in the produce line, and pay the
Call and see onr goods and get prices before yon sell your produce
or buy r cur groceries &c.
S. Mem street,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special Prices Given On Application
JOHN. H. KING, General Agent,
19 West Montgomery Ave.
Ghattaw 'OGA,
j a
SB f/, “No, Boss—I’ll work no more, ’less
1 Wa you weigh your Cotton on aJONES
5=Ton Cotton Scale fl
Sgjjgjl Beam Box,
id Tare Beam,
IS Freight Paid.”
For terms address,
Metropolitan Hotel.
.11 lanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Comor of Alabama & Pryor Streets.
-- Hates Reasonable. -
R- P- KEITH, - - Proprietor,
[Late of Cannon House.]
li. T. V & G. R’Y. TIM!! CARD.
Corrected to May 11th, ’DO.
Trains From Dalton
No. 1. 7:36 p. a., tor Roma, Selma, Mo
bile, Now Orleans 1 Texas and California
Nc. 3.7:20 *. M., for same aa above.
No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta,
Macon, Savannah, Brunewi.k and Jackson
No. 13. 8:02 a. m., for 8awe as No. 11.
northkast and WKST
No. 2. 3:05 p. m , for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
No. 4. 4:02 A. m ., for same points ao
No. 2.
No. 14. 3:30 P. M., for Chattanooga,
Memphis, Little Rick, Ft. Worth, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago.
No. 1U.J4:32 a. is., For same points as
No 14.
Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Floi^
ida, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincinnati and Memphis.
B. W. Wrrnn, G. P & T. A. Knoxville,
Tcnn. T. C. Sana, T. P. A. Dalton,
If “you are going West or
Southwest and want Cheap
Tickets and Qnick Time, ad
dress or call on T. C. Smith,
general emigrant a ticket > “o “b t
Dalton, Oreojgia.
Austin & Longest,
D alton Ca.
We dcsiro to call the attention of the pub.
lie and the rcopte of Mur ay, especially,
that we are now wide awake in tho LIVERY
BUSINESS; having purchased thcentiro bu>
iness of Mr. S. D. Poarch. Wagen yard in
connection with Stable.
Prince Albert & John
Prince Albei t is a fine young
jack 4 years old, and will make
the present season at A. J.
John Boss,
is sis years oid, and will make
the present season at ray sta
ples. All possible care wili
betaken to pievent accident,
but will not be responsible if
should occur. A liberal
nonage solicited.
Will serve mares at $7,00
the insurance.
Very respectfully,
8arn A. Broivn.
on real estate, iu amounts not less
than 8300, cheaper than can be got
homo. Apply through
Q. N. Kisq,