Newspaper Page Text
NortliGeorgra Timei
The Official Paper or the Count**,
and entered in the Post Office at Spring P|Ace
6a., as second class matter.
Subscription Rates:
One year,$l On Six months, 5Gaents;Threo
moaths, 25oents. Payable in advance.
Address all communications 1 1 las Tiusg,
Snring Place, Ga.
The farmers are mowing
Cotton and corn are growing
Chills are in town and come
to stay.
Cattle are doing well in the
range this season.
The cadets meet in' town
Saturday night.
The political wave is hard
to get in motion.
Mrs. Col. Heart sill is still
slowly improving.
The protracted meeting sea
son is almost at hand.
There is but little barter
coming to town this season.
The cheeks of the June ap
ple are beginning to blush.
House flies are numerous,
too numerous to mention.
Lime your cellars and other
places that need it.
Advertising in a judicial
manner will always pay.
There was singing at Gum
Swamp Sunday evening.
Aliiancemen stand to the
principals of your order.
Cols. Starr and Bates attend
ed court at Wood lawn on Sat
A call meeting of the county
Alliance was held in town last
A call meet'ng of the county
Al'iance was held in town 1 -st
— — ■ »- ■ 4--■---
Ladies and Mens fine
Shoes at Henry Weath
erly' s Dalton.
Madam rumor is in town and
says that there will be a wed
ding in the near future.
Shoo ,*Sfcoes, Shoes, at
Henry Weal lie ly s, Dal
A lodge ol the K. P’s. will
likely be chartered at Spring
Place in rhe ir ar Hi lure
Rev. B F Foster filled his
usual appointment in towu
Saturday and Sunday.
The public schools of the
county will open on the first
and second Monday's in July.
Don’t fail to see GhTston &
Baily‘o line cf Dress Goods, Em
broidery Suit-’. We have every
thing in the line of Summer goods
Ladies Solid G-ove
Grain Button Shoe?, on
ly 85 cts, at Henry
Weatherly^ Dalton.
-Rev. M. W. Shield-’, the pe
destrian census < mini i ator was
con nting the people in town
last week.
Carry your Chickens
Butter &c. to
Henry Weatherly Dal
We have replenished our stock of
ladies hats trimming? &r in the
latest dfisignes and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to call and exe.mir.o for t.iiem
epjvcs. Our prices arc reasonable,
|7ew York Store-
T A & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Rats! Rats!! Rats!!!
Esq. B. F. C. Lougbridge
says that he and Ins boys killed
200 one day last week and that
they were well grown.
If those who are calculating
to run for the legislature are
waiting for their wives to first
solicit them, they will not be
in the race.
D n't you fret about the
Allia • *e, she is on a rock foun
dation and all other institutions
and organizations may beat
upon her but sue will not fall.
Mrs. Huffakt v and her little
daughter of Daisy Tenn., re
turned home oh last Friday
after a visit of several days
w ith her sister, Mrs. Daly in
-« ♦- •
The numerous chalybeate
springs of this county should
be improved. What say you
Capt. Tilton about improving
Aliiancemen should always
be found helping a brother in
ced. A little lrom all, will
greatly relieve one, in distress.
The tarme s have not been
considere a cog in the govern
mental wheel that runs this
union for the past century, but
you may now count Doogan in,
for the farmer is going to be
one of the principal factors in
this government by and by.
Weave requested to an
nounce that Miss Julia Pinker
ton <viil resume her school at
the Methodist church on Mon
day the Gtli day of July. Tu
ition f ee to all children of pub
lic school age.
Col II II Anderson deliver
ed an address to a Sunday
school picnic at Tilton on last
Saturday. We were denied
the pleasure of hearing it but
know he made a fine speech.
Cols. Moore and Sumate ot
Dalton, and others, also were
speakers on the occasion.
E. W. Bond Esq., was out
■on the oitch bank last week
driving up his young ducks,
when he discovered one of
•hem iii great trouble in the
branch. On investigation he
found (hat a turtle had one of
them by the foot and was en
deavoring to play “hide-and
seek’ with the little fellow. The
Squire is very fond of turtle
but grew too angry with this
one and cant it aside.
Millinery! Millinery!
We have just received
the handsomest line ever brought
to Dalton. Having secured the
services of Miss Woodward, of
Louisville Ky., a milliner of eleven
years experience, of the firm of P
G Goaker, We are now prepared
to olb r the Ladies of Mui ray, Hats
and Bonnets trimmed in elegant
taste. Give us a call when in Dal
ton and see for yourself.
Gbolston & Baily.
----^ —
L. M. Bucholz of Dalton,
who keeps the fanciest restau
rant in North Georgia, has just
furnished a Ladies Parlor Res
tart arit and sitting room over
head of his business room and
invites the hulks of Murray
when in Dalton, to make head*
quarters in this room, whether
they wish to trade with him cr
not. Remember, that when
you got tiled of walking over
the tity thu.e is a ’nice cool
place to I’ist at Buchotys.
There were heavy rains below
and above towu last week but
we failed to get, only enough to
lay the dust.
Died at the residence of her
eon Javan Campbell, Mrs. Is
abefla Campbell, aged one hun
dred and two years and stven
She was born in Abaville
district S. C. in the year 1787,
December 11th., and died June
8th. 1890. She was ail exem
plary member of the raethodist
for over sixty years and
to the day of her death.
Dr. John W Green of At
lanta, and Tom Treadwell of
the W & A R R came up this
and ' vil! P 1 H ' 1 " 1 !l f « w
' ia 3 s * Column Springs,
‘ 'S2555
W Ji Staples and O 0 Goins
have jrone to Rome as dele
gates from this county to the
Alliance convention that met
od yesterday, Wednesday.
John S. Tyler) Libel for Divorce in Murray
vs. J > Supr. Court Feb. Term 1890.
Nancy Tyler. It appearir g by the Sher
: ff‘s return that the de fen da it docs not reside
in said county of Murray, nor State of Ga.
It is ordered by the Court that service bo
poffected by publication in the North Ga.
Timfs in terms of the law. Tlio defendant
is hereby required to bo and appear at the
next term of court, to be held iN and for said
county to answer P a in till's libel for divorce.
Thos. W. Milner, J. S. 0, C.C*
I hereby certify that the above : s a true
copy from the minutes of ccur 1 . This Julie
16, 1890. C. N. Kino, C. S. C.
1 !:> ... a THE CHEAPEST. K
n-.-- Tv
k¥, tS
Neuralgic Persons
And those troubled with nervousness resulting
from care or overwork will be relieved by taking
j Brown's Iron Hitters. Genuine
has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper.
Advloo to rJIoihern.
Mrs. WiKflLow’a Soothing S yuup should alw* ft
bo used when children are cutting teeth. Hr**
iieves the little Euffererat once* it produces natural,
quiet sleep, and the little cherub awakesaa “bright
as a button.” it is very pleasant to taste. Ifc
soothe - the chibi, softens the guns, allays all pain,
regular diarrhoea, a the boweis, and is the host known remedy
for whether o rising from teething 01
ttilxer causes. Twenty-live cents a bottle
o, Mpi
$5 r
Sc iV
Iu BP +
§ pW/l %
\ : u M
FOR TIIK IILOOD, Indigestion and
Weakness. Malaria,
Biliousness, take
It cures quickly. For sale by all dealers Id
medicine. Get the genuine.
53=] mi 1 B 1
la the oldest and most popular setontifle nrd
mechanical paper published and has Ihe hirae-t
circulation of any paper of its class in the world.
Fully illustrated. Best class of Wood Enxruv
Ines. Published weekly. Send \ fo for trial, specimen $1.
copy. Price $3 a year. Four r months’ N.Y.
MUNN & t;0., PunusHEHS , Sol Broad wuy,
M Edition cf Scientific American. V
A ereat success. Each Issue contnlns colored
llthopruphic plates of country and city residen
ces or public buildings. Numerous eneravinpa
and full plans and specifications lor the use ui
such as contemplate building. Price $12.50 a year,
Bots. a copy. ML'NNiCO., PUBi.iauxna.
piTEMTSUl 1 JSMtr^d
pondenoe strictly confidential.
In cas. your mark Is not registered tn the Pat
COPYRIOI1TS for books, charts, maps.
tic., quickly procured. Address
MUNN & CO.. Pit tent Solicitor*.
(ijCN'SiiAJ* omte; SCI Bhoadway %
* ft
Dont forget the Oh] l'eiiable
Hardware Store of T A & 8 E Ber
All the citizens of Murray coun
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to tneir interset to write
to or call on Mr. John F Reynolds,
Agent of Ihe Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and daltou in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
piaco at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
When yon are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when iu Daltou.
\\ ill also furnish lodging in con
nection with restaurant.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else
wlicit*. S. J. McKmghts New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
F. L. Keith,
J i Dealer In )
Whiskies, Brandies, i nd
WHSTD8, tor Sacramental
103 Hast Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Term.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, 1 will guar
antee my goods to be as represented.
My $2,00 corn whiskey is the best
in ibis market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see mo. Let cash accompany or
der. 4 18 ly
The Giant Norman
'•'Vill make a stand on my prem
ises during the present season.
Will use all means to prevent
accidents but will take no re
sponsibility if any should oc
cur. By the insurance at $10.
i’oss Bates Ji.
D. H. Harris Dentist’
is stopping at Spring Place, and
will cheerfully w.;it ou those want
ing Dental work done, and at pri
ces to suit tho times.
State op Gkoiioia sickbay counTY.
Will lie sold before tho Court House dior
in tho town of Spring Place Ga. to tho highest
bidder at publio outcry between the legal
hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Aug
next the following p nperty towit: Tho west
part o( lot of land No .102 in tho 10th District
imd 3rd section of said County supposed to be
90 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of
a tax fi fa issued out of the Tax Collectors
office for taxes due the State and County for
the years 1881, 1882, 1SS3, 1R84, 1885, 1888
1887, 1888 and 1889. Levy made and returned
to me by J L Robinson L. C. This Apr 8th
1890. J C McEntire,
Georgia Murray County
Whereas J A McKnmy Admr. of J R Miller
represents to the Court in his potition duly
filed and entered on Record that he has fully
administered J R Miller esiato. This is
therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said adniinis'mtor should not he
discharied from his administration, sud re
ceive letiers of dismission on the first .V on
day in July 1S90. W. II F*.m*ey,
iS e w Y ork Store.
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our ni.'ely selectadjloods
Hats, Bonnets, &c, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Mara* peso II a v i § 9
WctODLAWN, oo:oo Georgia.
«( DEALERS [in r
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Goods,
JJusI Received at the Milinerj Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of M i liner y and Straw G 00 ^ 3,000 sisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies' a"d Children’s IIats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Nock Tics, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flower*}, Feathers,Ornnmonts Ac. Our ^oods
were bought of the largest and best importing House s in Haiti*
more and Now YorK, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
1890 .
Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready
made clothing, on the market.
I^TAlso a lull stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard
ware, Groceriek&c., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
W. J. JOHN 9 >
* DEALER in }
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, "Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the'latest styles, all of which will be sold,
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Brown 9
OHMSrOf^ patent
>: A m
or any defect iu vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ac
curately and skillfull corrected by G H Brandon the Optician at E ifi
Brown’s Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge lor testing the Eye.
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place i Georgia.
—Dealkr In—
.... Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toijct Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfumeiy &c. Keeps also a full hue
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.
A choice selection of family Groceries >
cheap for cash.
H. H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
Place, Giukoia.
Prompt attention given to a!l le
business and tho collection of
Calhoun, Ga. Spring Place, Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt ittentior givee to ai: legalbuiipc*