Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
\ . ~ * • ' ’ — . ii- —
KINO AT CARTER - Publlwicrd.
We are teqnested to ann 'junee tho name
of M. M. WELCH as candidate £ov re-elec¬
tion to the office of Tax Coli.xcto* of Murray
County. Election 1st. Wednesday in January
July 14, *00.
Mrs T T Burks is quite sick.
Mr Tom Brindle grows worse.
Quite a crowd of gentlemen spent
part of last week fishing in Holly
This section was v ; sited by a ver
y heavy rain fall yesterday.
« Rev John Thurman. P E preached
at Gasoy'fl Spring jesterday even¬
Mr. Jab. M King opened school
here this morning with 32 pupils.
Farmers are 1 c-joiced on account
of yesterdays rain.
Alice Cordelia Ridley found 58
guinea eggs in one nest a few weeks
o go¬
Now is a good time to dig your
spring irieh potatoes and prepare
for plantmg your fall crop.
Mrs J H Fhil’iipps planted garden
beans today.
Rev W A Ellis enrolled 25 pupils
last week in his school at Touch
Joe Ellis. Sam Fox, Jim Busbey
and Willy Bright went seining in
Holly creek Saturday, and caught
a good mess or two each ol the
finny tribe.
May Hill Alliance met Friday
evening and the new officers elect
Wpro duly installed.
Thos. II. Hall and J. W. Couch
attended the reunion at Chatta¬
nooga and report a good time.
• Eff.
Timms Generally.
Generally speaking everything is
rather dull. The rain came and
lound all of Murray at home, a
mong her old rod hills, except
what blew away during the dry
What about that candidate for
the legislature? Iho friends of Bob
lloFten will have to “agg” him to
run, because if hedoos not run, the
legislature will have to run tor
somebody, anil might, run for the
wrong man. I move wo send Mr.
Rost ii. Wo want a man like him,
who can not bo “agged"’ beyond
certain point.
What about thoso fine
melons that will be ripe in a
days? Did you ever seo anything
that beat a Georgia melon? j
What about the Georgia
Georgia's girls can't be beat,
it be by Arkansas ^irls.
What about somebody going
Iho springs lo stay one day, and
slaying a week. I will not, tell you
who it was ran hia buggy over a
hog, ns lie was going heme
Being to see bis best girl-. Ho was
not n Murray boy.
Will some one explain why it, is
a certain young man in going to
and from Dalton always goes the
forry road?
Had you beard about that girl
being stuck on the “devil? ‘ I
mean the devil at. the Times office.
They say that “devil" is a wonder
fa I type setter. Look out for him,
lip is sure to catch somebody.
Judge, send us a piece of that
deer yon are going to kill next
weelj, , EU i'E31UNS.
Piscatorial Picnic.
Mess. Johnson, Fincher,Henry
Gai ter, Pates ami others with
their families had quite an on.
joyabie feast on Holly creek on
Tuesday last The party was
very limkey in the ’’ketch” of
fish, ami the good ladies cooked
the fish and served them to the
parlies in fine style uuder the
aliude of one of Holly creek’s
beautiful evergreens.
'This iH the season foi recre¬
ation and pleasure. Cant we
supplement this beginning with
Another pai t)?
II. t
A Farmer Arretted Because He Re¬
fused to Talk to the Enumerator.
The first case of a man being
arrested for. refusing to answer the
census qnesti one came up before
United Etatee -Commissioner
Haight. >■ '!
On the 13th of June Census Enu¬
merator J C Smith, who lives at
Salt Springs, sought to gain some
information lrom Mt Benjamin L.
Brooks, ? farmer living in the low¬
er edge of Douglas county. Mr
Brooks answered all the questions
except thoso refeiring to the prod
ucts of his farm. These li3 refused
to answer.
M r Smith, the enumerator, re¬
ported the sasu to Mr Thibadeau,
the supervisor. Ho 6ent Mr Smith
back t j see Mr Brooks. Mr Smith
arri ved at (he place on the 7th of
July. Mr Brooks still refused to
to answer tho questions and or¬
dered Mr Smith off the place.
W ien this was reported to Mr
Thibadeau he ordered a warrant
■> worn nut against Brooks for re¬
fusing to answer legal auestions.
The warrant was taken out be.
fore Commissioner Haight and
p'aced in the hands ot Deputy Mar¬
shal Abercrombie, of Douglasviile,
to be served.
Mr Brookp told some of his
neighbors what he had done and
they advised him to answer the
He became satisfied that he had
done wrong, so he went to Salt
Springs to see Mr Smith.
Mr Smith came to Atlanta on
the tram that Mr Brooks arrived
on in Salt Springs, Brooks waited
until Le returned only to find that
a warrant for him was at Doug
lasvillo in tho hands of Depuly
Marshal Abercrombie. No trains
were due in several figure, so
Brooks talked from Sait, Springs
to Douglasviile, and gnve himself
up to the marshal.
At the trial he waived examina¬
tion, and gave bond tf $100 lor
his appaarauce in court.—Atlanta
‘‘Gentlemen, you are at this mo¬
ment, standing on tho gateway
that loads to the South. Tho wealth
that is there, hidden no longer
from human eyes, flashes in your
very faces. You ean smell the
roses of new hope that fill tho air.
You can hear the heart-beats of
progress that come as upon the
wings of heaven. You can reach
forth your hand and almost clutch
the gold that tho bun rains down
with hia beams as lie takes his dai¬
ly journey between the cotton
field and the coal mino, Lira high¬
lands of wood and iron, of marble
and granite; tbe lowlands of tobac¬
co, sugar and rice, of corn and kino;
of wine, milk and honey.—-Walker
County Messenger.
Judge Brown has decided to
withdraw from the Corgreseional
contest in this district, and will
prej are a letter in a few days stat¬
ing his reasons for so doing. Since
politics in this district has become
so complicated and a disgracelu!
scramble would almost beneeessa
i.y to eirry certain counties, we
think Judge Brown lias done right
to withdraw, although it takes the
best and ablest man out of tbe race.
—Canton Advance.
Are Yen An Heir?
More than half a billion of dol¬
lars in unclaimod estates are await
ing the rightful heirs in England,
Scotland, Wales and I. eland.
Most, of these licit a are in the
Uniled States, and have been ad¬
vertised lor in English panels.
Thousands of heirs have never seen
these advcrlisentenls. If your an.
cosior on your father's or laoll ers
side'came from any of tho above
named countries do not. fail to send
the ancestral name to E Ross Eu¬
ropean Claims Agency, 227 Grand
St., New \ ork. and ascertain if you
are. a a heir. Your decoded an ces
tor 8 rights are yours by British
law. We have information of ©v~
ety estate ami decease*! person
whose heirs have boon advertised
tor ill 125 years. Send postal note
tor 2-> centH to insure ml’ormat on.
!• you are an lieit t\o will reeovi-r
tho estate for yen. No recovery.
no feij
Keeling LADIES
a lonie, or ehildn n that want buiMiag
up, Bliould taki
It la plcMtnia to take, cures Malaria, Indiges¬
tion, and Biliousness. All dealers keep It.
Wm -r£>^J^vC* mm r 4
Castersville‘8 population is put
down at 3150.
The Democrats of the Chattan¬
ooga district have nominated Hen¬
ry Clay Snodgrass to run against
Henry Clay Evans for Congress.
Hands are engaped now broad¬
ening the guago of the E. & W.
railroad between Cartersville and
A special to the Atlanta Journal
save that Dr. Feltotn lias been in¬
terviewed in regard to his con
gressioal aspirations and declines
to say that he will run, though it is
fcelievd he leans that way.
R G Collins, the man who is
charged with instigating the negro
Elam Curtis to kill his (Collins’)
wife has been captured and is now
in jail at Calhoun.
It is remarked by the LaGrange,
Ga, Graphic that the Troup Coun¬
ty Alliance is not in the business
of indorsing political candidates
just now.
Secretary B B Tatum, of the
Floyd Countv Alliance, late editor
of the Rome, Ga.. Alliance Herald
now has a position on tho Weekly
Tribune, of that city, and will
give special attention to Alliance
A Remonstrance.—Yuong Wife
—“But, Charles, you said before
we were married that my slightest
wish should be gratified."’ Young
husband—“Yes, Maria, but there's
nothing slight about a $40 bonnet ”
—The Bostonian.
F ine work in
branches of
Gallery two doors north ot
Dr. Main’s drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gum
pictures for 35 cents.
Be sure to bjing this card.
Ifuito & Dklany,
Dalton Ga.
™C 0 UGHS,Crl 0 Uf*
-- AND -
¥ II ¥ 185 ^
ftv* u
jrfjr hE ski
</'/ A- '■ //;■% ,s~ ■ '
V/ J
-sweet ay**
Tim pwcet gntn, a? (rnihoi-'Ml from a tror of iho
?aun‘ name, Kro'vinjr Hh»t*« t!* .: strennis* in
the Southern Stated, c".u *ii . :t i l.u "A \tv>; or.
ji ctoriint priiu-iplo Chat looMuna ?h<* ► pro*
diit iiDf tho curly iiKinini;'; «n«l t>tiii:ular.C3
t. child to tli row off iho luht iiiorntranc in nroui*
nnd vphoopinur»fon>rh. W]to.n com with iho
* ohMiik nnicilnttinoufi pylnclplo in tins inu.deir
Hunt of tho oM tlel* «, provontfi ! • TAYLou a
Cherokee Kkmdd»' '>i’S\vi.ET<:i M and mul¬
lein Nviiooplnjf-coi'ahiUid tho finest known romody for < oukUh- und Croup
pleas*- consumption; .1 tnko it. ^sk ?o your
taole. any child is to
ScientificAMericam v-V' eStabL i.s
Ir the oldest and most popular scientific nrd
mechanical circulation of palter published of it.s and has the the largest world.
nny paper class In
ings. Fully illustrated. Published weekly. Best class Send of Wood for specimen Engrav¬
copy. Price $3 a year. Four months’ trial. $1.
MUNN & CO., POBLISnims, SOI Broadway, N.Y.
n Edition of Scientific American.
lithographic A’kreat success. Each Ibruo contains colored
public plates buildintrs. of country Numerous ami city residen¬
ces *nd or full plans nnd specifications enaravinfzfi of
for the use
■ach ©ota. us contemplate MCNN building. A CO., Price Publisheiu. f2.50n vear,
a copy.
Sgl 110,000 Id years’ .-Applications ox;- ‘rienco nnd have made over V
fo;* American and r
*5“ ctgn patents. Send tor Handbook- Corrca
pon deuce strictly confidential.
in ca."5©your niav!t is not registered & in the Pat¬
ent Office, apply to AluN.v Co., and procure
iuuuediulu protection, bond for Handbook.
COPYItKSHTS for hooka, charts, maps,
ftc., JllilNN quickly procured. Address
A' CO.. Patent Solicitors.
T * .'^V
If you are going to the West,
Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond¬
son, Dalton, Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re
liaisle” W. & A. R. R. Spe¬
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel
Georgia, Murray County:
Will be let to tho lowest and best bidder
in the Town of Spring Plice on Wednesday
the 3d. day of September 1890 tbe erection of
Jail and Jailers residence in said Town, for
said County. Plans and specifications can
bo seen at office of Ordinary said cou ity.
Commissiono.-s reserving tbe right to rejectan
y and all bids, Bids received until 3 o'clock
p. m. By order Commissioners said County
July 2 1890. W. LUFFMAN,
W. U.Rahsky,
Georgia Murray County.
W. J Noely has applied for Exemption
of personalty, and I will pass upon tbe same
at 12 o'clock m. on tbe 30th. day July 1890
At my office. This July 9th. 1890.
W. II. Rasisky, Ordinary
Georgia Murray County,
Mrs. Margarot A. Keister widow of E. II.
L. Keister deed, having made application for
twelve months support for bersolf an I five
minor children from tbe Estate said deceased
and appraisers having filed their returns in
my office, I will pass upon the same 1st. Mon
day in August 1890. July 2 1890.
W. II. Ramsey,
Georgia Murray County.
M. V. Hale, having in proper form applied
tome na 'he largest creditor of E. II. L. Kei¬
ster deed, for permanent lotters of adminis¬
tration on the Estate of said deceased. This
is to cito nil and singular, tho creditors and
neirs of said deceased to be and appear at my
office at the August Term of the Couit of Or
dinary,s id County and show cause, if any
they can. why permanent letters of Adminis¬
tration should not he grail.ed to M. V. Halo
on E. ILL. Keister Estate. This .July 3d
1890. W. H. Ramsey, Ordinary.
State of Georgia Murray County
Will ho «old bo‘ore tho court house door in
the town of .Spring PiHce to the highest bid
dcr at public outcry between the legal hours
of saio on the first Tuesday in August
next, tho following described property to
Forty acres of land in tbe.South East oor
ner of lot No. fort* one in the 8th. D st. and
3rd. sect, of said Cmm *y. Levied on as the
property of J. IT. Reck and Nathan Robin¬
son by virtue of a li fj, from tho justice court
of the 129Ut. Diet. (J. M. in favor of B. H.
Fincher against J. II. Book and Nathan
Ilobinsnn. Levy made and murned to mo by
J. II. Kid ley L. C.
July 2, 1890 J. C. McEktirf, Sheriff.
County Dir cto y.
Superior Conrt meets 3rd Monday in Feby
n nd August*
Ilor.. T. W. Milner, Judge.
Hon. A. W. Fite, Solicitor General.
C. N. Iyin'O, Clerk Superior Court.
Court, of o r(1 »nary meets 1st Monday in
each month.
W. II. Rams y, Ordinary.
J. C. McKntikf, Sheriff.
M. II. Rramri.kttk, Tax Receiver,
Yi. M. Welch, Tax Collector.
S. M. Walls, Treasurer.
M. M. Leonard, Surveyor.
W, P. Goble, Coroner.
Court of County Commissioners meets on
Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month.
W. LrNEMAN, Chairman—W. E. Coving¬
ton, S. A. Greogry, A. B. Weaver, Jas,
W. Mackey, Commissioners.
Town District 2nd Monday.
ISall (!round Biot. 3rd Satur lay.
Eighth 2nd
Do ilittlo 4th
Tenth 3rd
.Alaoufsa. 2nd
Sh ick I’on 2nd
Bull Pen 4 th
1013th 1st
County'School Board—S. II. Hexp.y, C S C.
J. E. A.McKamy, W. Rrkhkrt, T..T. Bryant,C. D Gii.nmtr!
A. B. Weaver.
/ POWDERn-CONDSTiOI‘J powcssz. *gj;
_: IPREVENT av. cums 2:30 CHOL.E!;?-‘L .33;
g:— 0 DESTROY& PREVENT 240-:
LA WE CAN L152 :2; WJRM S .
X 2;; [cums CHICKEN m—zc: mm a :mpas.
cum; SHEEP Rm: rgr-awomm ac. .
R ~ manumcrungo THEVETEQINARY
> av maamat“: 80-31?
" «am. 7 §?if’A/vAw‘393-‘aw‘ 23”,. 7-. A NAS.:~:‘/1L.LE, L" Tam. 4'»; x??? ' =77"
‘v‘jifipfi; _,<A:_._, =7; ?_‘.;-:—~——>~-‘:""“a;'-,.","..- ?’2“;:VV>L-.4Lv‘2— ' «"35 1i” ..f -; '13 L5?
j ;. 255;??? =
Boyd & Davis,
—Proprietors of—
Cleveland Marble s Granite Works,
American and It lian Marble Monuments,
Tombs and 'Headstones.
Foreign and Domestic Granite Monuments and Tablets fur¬
nished to order.
1890 1890
Robinson & Fincher 5
.... Dealers In. ...
Groceries, Provisions, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Moat, Lard Sugar Coffee
Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Tin ware; * Alta a select
Stock of NOTIONS.
....Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter,
peas and anything in the produce lino, “and corn, • • ••
pay the
Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce
or buy - onr groceries &c.
S. Mem street,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special 1 dices Given On Application
JOHN. II. KING, General Agent,
19 West Montgomery Ave.
“Ko, Boss—I’ll work no more, ’less
yon weigh your Cotton on aJONES
>m MA 5=Ton Cotton Seale
ig ¥ Wi / beam Box,
A Tare Beam,
i r v
Freight Paid.”
r r $'' \ For
i\\\W _ terms address,
Metropolitan Hotel.
A! lanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama & Pryor Streets.
- Rates Reasonable. -
R- P- KEITH, - - Proprietor,
| Late of Cannon House.]
E. T. V & G. It’Y, TIME CARD.
Corrected to May 11th, ’90.
Trains From Dalton
No. 1. 7:36 p. M., for Rome, Selma, Mo¬
bile, New Orleans' Jt xas and California
Nc. 3. 7:20 a. m., for same as above.
No. 11. 12:44 ni lit for Romo, AtlantV,
Macon, Savannah, Brunawi k nnd Jackson¬
No. 13. 8:02 a. m., for same as No. 11.
No. 2. 3:0o l*. m , for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
No. 4.4:02 a. m., for came points as
No. 2«
No. ]4. 3:30 r. m., for Chattanooga,
Memphis, Little Rock, Ft. Worth, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago.
No. 1234:32 a. m., For same points as
No 14.
Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincinnati and Mompbis.
B. IV. Wrknn, G. P & T. A. Kn..xvi!le,
Tonn. T. 0. Sutxu, T. P. A. Daiton,
If you are going \VeSfr or
Southwest and want. Cheaj)
Ticket's ami Quick Time, ad¬
dress or cal! on T. C. Sir.ilq
general emigrant ticket, agefit,
Dalton, Geoigia.
Anstin~& Longest,
Dalton Ca.
We deairo to call the attention of the pub.
lie and the people of Murray, especially,
that wo are now wide awake in the LIVERY
BU -INESS; having purobased the entire bus¬
iness of Mr, S. D, Poarch. Wagon yard in
connection with Stable.
Prince Albert & John
x’i ince Albert is a fine young
jack 4 years old, and will make
the present season at A. J.
.Toiin Boss,
is six years old, and will uaake
tbe present season at my sta
bles. All possible care wili
be taken to pievent accident,
but will not be responsible if
any should occur. A liberal
patronage solicited.
Will serve mares at $7„00
>>y the insurance.
Very respectfully,
Sam A. BrowD.
on real estate, in amounts not less
than $500, cheaper thajr can be got
at homo. Apply through
V, K Kind,