Newspaper Page Text
NortliGeorgia Times.
The Official Paper of the Couuty,
and entered in the Post Offioe at Spring Place
Ga., as seoeod class matter.__
Subseriptlou Rate*:
Oas yesr,$l 00 Six months, S0cents;Thr«s
months, 3C oents. Payabls in advance.
Address all communications to Tax Tihbb,
Soring Place, Oa.
Let us have peace.
J. P. Edmondson made a trip
to Ellijay this week.
Wheat threshing is now go¬
ing on in the country.
Seah Gsllman, we are glad
to learn, is still convalescing.
A little son of John S. Ad¬
dington, near town, is quite
John King is iu the county
looking up tomb stone and
monumental work.
A splendid lain fell last Sum
day evening, greatly to the ioy
of the farmers.
The DeKalb and Sp aulding
county alliances have decided
to take no part iu politics.
Miss Aggie Ramsey is spend¬
ing a few weeks with relatives
at Catoosa Springs.
Profs. Car lock and Cash
conducted a singing at iiipps’
Chapel on last Sunday.
Editor C. N. King, wife and
babv are expected to return
from South Carolina this week.
Justice court in the town
District last Monday was not
in session vno: e than five min¬
T A & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
jit>e of stoves. C all and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Capt, T. J. Peeples has made
some elegant impiovements on
his house at the Johnson place
near Dalton.
Clements and Everett, rival
candidates for congress aci
di eased a large crowd in Daiton
last Friday.''
-- — ■ — ■ — -
Mrs. Bookout an aged lady,
is critically ill at her home in
the 1 Ot Ip and her re¬
covery haft bt en despaired ot.
Next 'Tuesday week, July
29th. will be the last Superior
court return day tor the Au¬
gust term.
Dr. J S. Taukersly, of Elli¬
jay, passed through town this
week ou his way to Chattanoo
S a -
Two charming young ladies
called in to see us Tuesday to
see the press run, but she failed
to work. Call again, ladies.
John Edmondson was over
this week working up an ex¬
cursion to Texas, the last of
this month over the McKenzie
Mr. Buford Ileartsill, of
Cleveland Tenn., and Miss Dora
Farmer, of Arkansas, are visit¬
ing relatives in the village this
Mi a. Maggie Stewart, who
has been visiting relatives in
Texas, for some time, returned
to her home iu town on Mon¬
day evening.
Col. W. C. Martin of Dalton,
ami Mist L na Wofford, of
Spring Place, spent several
days ak Cohutta Sp ings last
week, the guests of Mr. aud
Mrs. Trammell Starr.
II. A. Wrench, Editor of
Dalton Argus, Joe McEutire
and George Keith of Daltou^ their
passed through town on
way to the mountains last
We are pleased to note the
continued improvement in the
healtu of Mrs. H. Ileartsill.
This good news will be hailed
with delight by her many
We have replenished our stock of
ladies hats trimmings &c in the
latest designes and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to call and examine for them¬
selves. Our prices are reasonable.
New York Store,
The Cohutta Cadets are re¬
quested to meet at the court
house on next Saturday even¬
ing at 4 o'clock. A full at¬
tendance is lequired. By order
J. J. Bates, Capt.
In addition to the pupils
from town mentioned in last
week's issue as attending Prof.
Trimmier's school at Mount
Zion, we should have men¬
tioned Claud Anderson and
B. T. Woods.
Gordon county will decide
on next Saturday the 19th.
who will be our next State
senator. As between Fain and
Harlan, Mu ray will cheerfully
support whichever one Gordon
may select. They are both cn
pahle of doing credit to the
We learn that Rev. S II.
lie my and Mrs. Sam Harris,
together with some others are
going to Texas on the Harvest
excursion to see relatives, and
fiiends—They have made ar¬
rangements tc go over the old
McKenzie route to avoid dust
and to make sure connections.
John L. Edmondson, passenger
Agt. for the \V. &. A. R. R.
will accompany the party as
far as Memphis.
Russell Miller died veiy
suddenly last Thursday night at
home near Woodlawn. lie ate
a hearty supper aud retired to
bed in apparently good health
and iu his usual cheerful mood.
On Friday morning when
his family went in to wake him
lor breakfast he was found to
be dead. An inquest was held
by justice Ileartsill on Satur¬
day and the. Jury leturned a
verdict of death by heart dis¬
Miss Cohutia Belle Smith
arrived at Rev. F. R. Smith's
at Cohutta Springs one day
last week anti will spend the
remainder of the summer at
that pleasaut resort. The par¬
son wears a pleasant smile over
the new member of his family.
The Coulederate Veterans
Association of Murray County,
meets in regular session at the
Court House in Spring Place
on Saturday the 26th. instant
at 10 o'clock a. m. A full at¬
tendance oi Confederates is
desired. J. A. McKamy,
July 16th. ’90. Secretary.
The Cchutta Cadets met on
the Bermuda lawn near Vance's
spring last Saturday and we e
drilled by Sargeant H. H. An¬
derson. The cadets are mak¬
ing fine pi ogress and with
punctual attendance will soon
drill in fine style. We are of
the opinion, however, that if
the high grade commissioned
officers would give them a little
more attention it would be of
mutual benefit to the cadets
and the officers aforesaid.
Mrs. John P. Gregory, the
estimable wife oi otir fellow
citizen John P. Gregory, died
at her home near Hassler Mills
on last Friday night the lltb.
instant. Mrs. Gregory was a
devoted Christian woman, a
loving wPe and mother, a kind,
generous neighbor and greatly
esteemed by all who knew
her. She was a gr^-at sufferer
during tie past few years of
her life, but she bore it all with
patience and Christian fortitude.
She leaves a husband and three
little children who have our
deepest sympathi* s.
Our neigliboiing .city, Dal¬
ton, does no + relish the “origi¬
nal package” business. A coup¬
le of adventurers put up a sa¬
loon there last week, and it is
said dealt out the meanest
whisky that ever struck tlie
town, uuder what they called
the ‘original package” law.
They had sold only about two
hours, when the sheriff had the
oiiginal packages in chaige and
the sellers in jail. A compro¬
mise, however, was agreed on
by which the whisky sellers
were turned loose, on condition
that they sell no more and
leave the town which they did
: in shoi t order,
J. J. Bates,
Spring Pi.aok, Gi'orou.
vThtm, attention given to collec¬
tions and criminal practice
Advice to Mothers*
Mrs.WrNSLow'a Sootuik o cutting S y uui* should teeth. olwayt
bo used when children are It n*
lioves tho little sufiererafc little cherub onoci it awakesas' produces natural, 'bright
quiet sleep, and the
ns a butt on.” It in very pleasant to taste. It.
soothes the child, softens the gums, allay sail remedy pain,
regulates tho bowels, and is the best known
for diarrhoea, whether Twenty-five arising lrom bottle* teething o»
uthercuiues. cents a
— ■H >
4 ■J ... EASIEST - 3 USE. *
;, mANLv 00., /
DALTON, eeoncm. I
$?va \_ W 1% ; w »1‘
“3&7 MENTION 1mg PAPER sunz. $
every description.
Write for
j h:l V//t840p^’
D. H. Harris Dentist’
is stopping at Spring Place, and
will chcerfull.'' wait on those want¬
ing Dental work done, and at pri¬
ces to suit the times.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
All the citizens of Murray coun¬
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta¬
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to fieir interset to write
to or call on Mr. John F Reynolds,
Agent of tho Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a now
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and Dalton in comfort in any kind
of weather* The hack leaves this
piace at 7 a. in. and Leaves Dalton
1 p. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that L Buckolz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square nical will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
John Evans, an old Murray boy,
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel¬
lers, and is keeping a first class
restaurant, and asks the Murray
boys to come around and eat with
him when in Dalton.
\\ ill also furnish lodging in con
nection with restaurant.
\Ye sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before putekasiug else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
'Qrug Store,-Dalton Ga.
F. Ii. Keith,
-j Dealer In J
Whiskies, Brandies, i nd
WINES, for Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Tenn.
When yon want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, I will guar¬
antee nay goods to be as represented.
My corn whiskey is the best
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or
der. 4 lS-ly
The Giant Norman
A 7 ill make a stand oil my prem¬
ises during the present season.
Will use all means to prevent
accidents but will take no re¬
sponsibility if any should oc
cu-. By the insurance'at $10.
Ross Bates Ji.
Stvtk of Georgia mur8xy coorty.
Will be sold before tlie Court House d'.or
in the town of Spring Place Ga. to the highest
bidder at public outcry between tho legal
hours of sate olt tho first Tuesday in Aug.
next the following p operty towit: The west
part of lot of land No' 302 in the 10th District
and 8rd section of said County supposed to be
90 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of
a tax fi fa issued out of tho Tax Collectors
office for tuxes due the State and County for
the years 1081, 388*, 1883, 1884, 188a, 188R
1887, 1888 find 1889. Levy inado and returned
to me by J L Robinson L. C. This Apr 8tb
1890 . J C McEntire,
ill x J o’ujvy) v;!:r.t you or?
h •,, ik. s von bualrp uutl acubOBif
’.an -ML’! 'b fi tio RffUO
, . la \ tom. 4 •- J -
— ' .
l.r.yiv- vlT.’.. y a nor.nct
.■: r; irs nriJ:
I ,o MM fi-, ! ,;i. fi. ,.tcr.'i ] • y mcvM
n f.ct o«'-v ~.“:i rt tore.
r, . ~y teePiw*toic*‘" , ”al >hsSJ'J 3 icuI
Uf e w York Store.
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladira of Murray county cal! and examine our uifiely selected Goods
Ilats, Bonnets, &e, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harr m* § & i> a v s,
WoOIlLAWN, OOiOO- Georgia
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Oooils,
.Inst Received at the Milluery Store ot
J. <fc J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goods, consisting of Straw
Bonnots and Ladies’ and Children's Hat? [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Tics, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Vclvots and Crapes, Flowers, Fuatb' rs,Ornaments Ac. Our good*
were bought of the largestand best importing Ilousesin Balti¬
more and New YorK, and will be sold at very low
prices lor cash.
1890 . 1890 .
To J. O Y B E T,
Spuing Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothign!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready¬
made clothiug, on the market.
UfAlso a lull stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries’tfcc., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Id 0 E. Hr own,
%jf x s
or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power, ao> _
CurateJy and skillfull corrected by G H Brandon the Optician at E K
Brown’s Jeweller, Dalton Ga, No charge lor testing the Eye.
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place Georgia,
—Dealer In—
....Dings, Medicme, Chemicals,....
Fancy aiul Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfumeiy Ac. Keeps also a full hoe
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes <fec.
A choice selection of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
H. H. Anderson
A ttorney at Law
SVRIXO Pt.ACI!, GnoRni*. atlcnlion yiven lo all le¬
gal business and tho collection of
Calhoun, Ga. Spring Place,<4*.<*
Attorneys at
-1 attention given to all lege