Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The official Paper of the County,
ul .stand is the Past Office st Spring Place
St., a* fteond clast matter.
Subscription Rates:
One year, 91 St Sis months, SOeents;Tbree
months, 25oents. Payable in advance.
Address all communications to Thi Tihss,
Soring Pises, On.
I Will Not bk a Candidate.
After considering what will be
best for my future good, I have
decided not to ask tha good people
of Murray for re-election to the
Clerks office; and in giving up
the trust with which the people
tave so kindly favored me for
several years, I confess that I
havn't the words to express my
gratitude for their generous sup¬
port in the past. I have endeav¬
ored to do my whole duly and
if there has been any wrongs
imputed to me, I ask pardon, for
it was a mistake of the bead and
not of the heart. My lot will still
be cast with the people I love.
Your humble servant,
C. N. Kino.
Ovbey is leading iu clothing,
Court in Calhoun this week.
•Get your fall aud winter suits
at Ovbev's.
Notice the announcements in
this issue.
By George! that's a pretty suit
—Yes, got it at Ovbey's.
For tombstones and monumental
work call on 0 N King.
I propose to suit the old. young
and middle aged in shoes, Ovbey.
Dr. Gordon of Dalton, was
over to see Mrs. H. Heartsill
on Monday.
A number Irom town attend¬
ed the meeting of Dr. Culpep¬
per in Dalton Sunday.
Of (course I got my suit at Ov¬
bey's, no better goods can be had
in the market.
Mrs. Bessie !§hiitU of Cleve¬
land Tenii;, is visiting i elatives
and frieocis in the county.
Mrs. J. - B Johnson of Cal¬
houn, is visitiug at Judge Den¬
nis Johnson’s, at Dennis.
Any one wishing to buy a
good young mule call on Hill
Col. T Starr and family are
spending this^week in Calhoun.
Mr. Starr g esfto attend court
T. J. Gvb^y will sell ycu
clothing ns cheap as it can be
bought in Ga
l. ■
ed a position with Loveman
.and has moved bis family to
The announcement of C. L
"Teny as a candidate for Sher¬
iff will bo found in this issue.
Mr. Terry has acted ia the ca¬
pacity of aheiiff for four years
and asks the people to examine
his record and if his past acts
merit their support it will be
Married at the residence of the
bride's farther, on Pole Cat creek,
fin the 8th, Dist. G M, on the 24th
day ot August. 1690, Mr Thomas G
Pain to Mies Lucy A Casey by J
H Kuhn, i£sq.
Mrs. Harington of Macon,
is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Cox near Ft. Mountain, who is
dangerously ill tiom a fail she
received some time ago.
The announcement; of H, II.
Andevsou as a candidate for
Superior Court Clerk will be
found in this issue of the Times
Mr Anderson’s business quali¬
fications for this office can’t
be questioned aud if elected
will, no doubt, keep a neat set
Mr. LL Campbell ot Birm
ingbam Ala. has been in the
comity several days at the bed
side of Rev. M M Bates who
has been very ill.
I have enlarged my store loom
which enables me to carry a lar¬
ger line of general merchandise
than ever before. T J Ovboy.
1500 Dollars worth of Cloth
ing received and must be sola
by 1st. January. T. J. Ovbey.
Mr. M. II. Bramblette and
Hon. S. G. Treadwell repre¬
sented the county in the meet¬
ing of the State Alliance and
State Exchange which held
forth in Atlanta last week.
T A A S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line ©1' stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
W e have replenished our stock of
ladies hats trimmings &c in the
latest deaigues and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to call and examine for them¬
selves. Our prices are reasonable.
New York Store.
We call attention to the
advertisement of DeJournette
Co., in this issue, and it you
have‘got anything to sell, it
will be to your interest to call
to see them. They will treat
you light and give you the top
of the market, for anything in
Coui t adjoui ued on Satur¬
day at 10 o’clock a. in. Most
all the civil woi k on the dock¬
ets was disposed of. A good
deal ot criminal work yet un¬
disposed of.
We call attention to the
announcement of W, J. Groves
as a candidate for sheriff' in this
issue. Mr. Groves is a woithy
citizen and if elected will, no
doubt, make a faithful officer.
The announcement of Sheriff
McEntire, as a candidate for re
election appears in this issue.
Mr. McEntire says that if the
people will lend him their suf¬
frage this time that he will not
be in the field hereafter.
We ave bound to lead the
market on Clothingthis season.
We have received and are re¬
ceiving the largest line of
Clothing ever brought to
Spring Place, We have culled
the market for best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom pnees.
T. J. Ovbey
The announcement of Lura
Lovtgbvidge as a cand date for
T x Rec iver will be found in
this issue. Mr. Loughndge is
well known throughout the
county and more of him we
need not say, but if elected
will make the people a wor¬
thy officer.
I will buy any wiki land
that may be for sale in Mur¬
ray, and pay cash for same. I
want 10 or 12 lots.
H. H. Anderson.
I take this means of thank¬
ing the people for their exten¬
sive patronage on the shoe
trade last season, and by my
tremendous trade ia tbis line
ot goods, I have been stimulat¬
ed to lay in for the tall and
winter trade a larger and more
complete stock than ever be¬
fore aud only ask that I may
have (he same liberal patron¬
age as formerly. I will not be
beat on prices. Ovbey.
I am now receiving a complete
line of imported drees goods and
inxU'e the Judies examine, thorn
be ft re dealing eke'here O.-lxj.
We want to buy Ap
pies, Onions, I, Potatoes
Dried Fruits, Rye &G- &C
If you hav> any kind cf
produce to sell DON’T
fail to come and see us,
We pay spot cash and
highest market price
DeJc/umette & Co
A Sad Death.
Mr. James Y. Hemphill, one
of Murray’s most highly
respected citizens, after a pain¬
ful illness of several months*
surrounded by a loving and
devoted and affectionate
family and a number of friends,
passed away from this vale of
sorrow and trouble at bis
home on Rock creek, on Sun¬
day the 17th.
Mr. Hemphill served his
country iaitlifully. He was
honest in ail the business nfiaira
ot life,‘faithful to his friends,
vigilant in doing right and
shunning wiong, always hav¬
ing the interest of his commu¬
nity and county at heart. The
loss sustained by Mr. Hem¬
phill’s death is irreparable, but
such is the will ot the Father
and we must submit.
Our deepest sympathies go
out to the bereaved family in
their trouble.
You will notice the an¬
nouncement of B. A. Gregory
as a candidate for tax collector
in this week’s paper. Mr.
Gregory is a man of good
business qualifications and if
lortunat*-January iu the elec¬
tion will make the peopie a cor¬
rect and faithful officer.
Samuel H. Fincher has an¬
nounced himself in this issue
of the Times as a candidate for
the Clerk’s office. Sam is one
of o,ur first young mm and if
elected to the office which he
ahpiies, will make an efficient
AuntPollv Add Jackson, need
87 or 89 nnd who was a good wo¬
man died at hor home in the
Noitiiern portion of (he county on
last Monday.
•-•►*•-4 ---
Alv Joe Sewell who was raised
at K Mountain, in this county,
was killed in Chattanooga on Jast
Monday, coupling cars Wo se¬
riously regret bis untimely end.
He leaves a small family.
4,6 1"”. “Hi
“4,44: ° § 5""
, 19° «’8' a “m,
,5. ”A333. “we”
Blood Purifier
Cure* Boll., Old Sorts, Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof¬
ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous
diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Con*
tageous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diseases ot
the Scalp, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Pustules, Pi tup¬
les,Itch, Tetter,Ring-worms,Scald-Head,Bciema, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer¬
Rheumatism, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen¬
curial andall dlseasesarislngfrom Impure
eral Wood Debility Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug
or Remedy Atlanta, Ga.
«*s. $1 per bottle. Roy Co.,
Sr .sKTESfia—
Biliousness . e ^ ^ jjiTTKR*-,
icl(!y. l aula by all d*d«» » ,
It r jU or
ifccdfiiitso'. tic. tite -samiipe.
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte A Bryant’s drug store.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
D. H. Harris Dentist’
is stopping at Spring Place, and
will oheerfnllv wait on those want¬
ing Dental work done, and at pri¬
ces to suit the times.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A A S E Ber
All tha citizens of Murray conn
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta¬
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to their interset to write
to or call on Mr. John F Reynolds,
Agent of the Western A Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton. Baggage
checked through to all points
pi#f * consump^
It has permanently cured thousands
of cases pronounced premonitory by doctors hope¬
less. If you have symp¬
toms, such as CouRh, Difficulty of
Breathing, Ac., don’t CONSUMPTION delay, but use
immediately. By Druggists. So cento.
F. L. Keith,
■{ Dealer In y
Whiskies, Brandies, t nd
WINES, for Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chiattanooga Tenn.
When yon want pur© whiskies,
call on or send to me, 1 will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
: My corn whiskey is the best
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4-18-ly
The Giant Norman
Vill make a stand on my prem¬
ises during the present season.
Will use all means to prevent
accidents but will take no re¬
sponsibility if any should oc
cur. By the insurance at $10.
Ross Bates Jr.
PV[ 1 Manly Manf g Co. s
5TEEL Cast Columns,
Lintels, Sills, eto.
TRADE m in
WRITE for Pietore* astf
Prioes or anything
yon need In
* METAL, we can tend it promptly.
•sours you mention this taper.
9 Hi Pompeyl what you ytm ett
What makes you shake and ehibberr
“ Law Chile! ise got de agu e
ffC&i derft know what you means:
T-.vo Ml3 a bottle, dcirt ray mere!
y •-? dem at ( ,n rV-.r-mnn-sr*ere.
y '.l! WT.r--SmeU|
•r .a--. 5.3 cents, \-r bau-i*
Jfew York S HB
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy^ Goods! Notions and Trim
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected C
Bats, Bonnets, Ac, Dalton Ga. 4-18-1
Harris & Davi
Woodlawn, oo:oo Geo
«( DEALERS *1N j
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Goods*
Just Received at the MU then Store el
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new end elegantaasortmontof MUinery and Strew Goods consistin'!; ofStraW
Bonnets and Ladies’ and Children'* Hate [trimmed and un trimmed] Nook
and Sash Ribbons, Vitrot Ribbons, Neck Ties, lfonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flower*, Feathers,Ornaments Arc. Our goods
were bought of the largestand best importing IIouBesin Balti¬
more and New Torn, and will be sold at very low
prieesfor cash.
1890 . 1890 .
T. J. © Y B E Y,
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothign!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best line of Gents re&i
made clothing, on the market. 1
£^“Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hai
ware, Groceries^&c., and will sell at low prices, for .cash. J
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee*
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a seleefi stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-ware
Wedding Presents, Christmas Presents and Presents
for the Old and the Young.
Or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refract
ive power, accurately and skillfully corrected. Call at
J. L. TAPP’S Jewelry Store, next door to Loveman’s
No charge for testing the eye?.
Spectacles For hale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place Georgia,
—Dealer In—
.... Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Broshes, Perfumery &c. Keeps also a full hoe
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.
A choice selection of family Groceries
cheap for cash.