Newspaper Page Text
NorthGeo-gia I’irnes.
Tti« Official I*aper »T the Count',
and e 8 ed iu the °ost Office at Spring Place
8a., as see md class matter.
Subscription Bates:
One year, $1 00 Six months, OPcentsjThree
months, 25 cents. Payable in advance.
Address all communications t:> Tna Tuffs,
Saring Place, Gs.
Speak a good word for yonr to an.
North Georgia is on a matrimo¬
nial boom.
We still have more room tor an¬
Get your fall and winter suits
at Ovbev‘s.
Prepare yonr winter’s wood
while the roads are good.
Will this county take stock in the
Rome Exposition?
Legal adds for next month must
appear in next issue.
By George! that‘s a pretty suit
—Yes, got it at Ovbey's.
The cotton crop is not so good
as was thought some time ago.
Go to J Trotter <fc Sons for
the latest 3fcyles in Dress goods
and trimmings.
Robert Anderson and wife of
Whitfield were visiting m town
last week.
Judge J P Freeman of Dalton,
was m attendance at the Associa¬
tion last week.
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
Dr J S Tankersley, of Sllijay
was over at the Association batur
day and Sunday.
For tombstones and monumental
work call on C N King.
Hid you thought that Spring
Place needs a good school?
Paint your house and fall in
line with these who have strated
the ball to rolling.
Hem y W eatherly has almost
any thing you want iu the way
of Shoes.
Mr. Carter of tht Timhb, spent
the latter part of last week in
Cleveland, Tenn„ on business.
Notice the cotton advertisement
of Cleveland Term, in this issue
Mr— Chandler and family, ot
Sugar Valiev, wore visiting at
James T McEntiro’s, on Rock
creek, last week.
We cali attention to the wsaon
and adveithemeul of John
■G Lea, Cleveland Term.
Mr. A E Knighton has beor; dan¬
gerously ill at Ids homo near town
for several days.
Everything fresh and new in this
department, all we ask is an ex¬
amination of goods and prices
Gholston & Bailey, Dalton.
„ ■ «>. «»■ " ■• « --- ---
You will notice the advertisment
of the Wholesale and Retail gro
eery house of Geo. T. Hall & Bro.,
Cleveland, Teen.
I will pay c sh for Chickens. Eggs
aud Turkeys, Green aud dry Hides
S Daly, Spring Place Ga.
Big stock Dry Goods
and clothing just receiv¬
ed at J Trotter & Sens.
Miss Florence McGhee of Wood
lawn, who has been sick with fe¬
ver for several weeks, we are glad
to announce is convalescing.
— ■—-*■—♦ •» ------ --
Of course I got my suit at Ov
bey's, no better goods can be had
in the market.
T A & S E Berry have on hand,
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
A red cow with small white
spots, with horns, also deep
red call, strayed from my prem¬
lses at Du Bn, P O. in the
month of April. Auy informa¬
tion received will be greatly
appreciated, W.L. Hill.
Mi J M Smith, the Photographer
ha? h.s teat stretched in the court
house yard and is ready <c give
vou a copy of yourself at any time.
It r . you —:—r want shoes of , any
kind at lowest prices go to
J. Trotter & Sous.
We regret to learn that
of the triplet baldes of Mr. and
Mrs. James Bryant died a few
days ago.
1500 Dollars worth of Cloth
ing received and must be sola
by 1st. January. T. J. Ovbey.
John It. Keith, of Dennis, has a
pumpkin that measnies 112 inches
in circumference. This should
have a place in the Piedmont.
Henry Weatherly now
f ills a long felt want,
2 Shoe siore In Dalton where
you C3n get what you want, cheap
If yon hear any body say
that he loves his neighbor as him¬
self, ask him if he has paid his
subscription to the Times for last
Don‘t. forget to call and see
Gholston & Bailey‘s line of Dress
Goods when in Dalton, We have
a most excelent line, and prices
lower than the lowest.
James P Edmondson has beer,
quite sick at Hon E W, Rembert’s
in town, for several days, but we
aie glad to state that he is improv¬
V- T e would like to suggest, to
our Hon. County Board, repair the
dwelling owned by the county, for
a summer boarding bouse. We
think it would pay a good rent
Our stock of dry goods is
now complete in all lines of fall
au/1 winte goods.
J Trotter & Sons.
Col. W II Tibbs says, that
Noith Georgia is bound to ex
penance a boom in a short time.
We are willing Col. let her
come, our doors are open.
The next annual meeting of the
North Georgia Baptist Association
will be held at Mill Creek church
eight miles west ot Dalton, on
Thursday before the 3rd Sunday
in September 1S91.
We are rtceiving daily the
largest line ol of Millinery we
have ever carried. Dont forget
to come and see Novelties in
this department.
Grolston&Bailey, Dalton.
Tho North Georfia Association,
of the Baptist church, that met at
Mt. Pisgah on last I hursday and
continued until Sunday, was hos¬
pitably entertained by the good
people of that section of all denom¬
Ladies should see Henry
Weatherly’s line of fine “patent
leather” tipped shoes.
We are making our millinery
line a specialty and keep iu
stock al 1 the latest styles in
Hats and Bonnets. It you are
going to buy a hat be sure and
see. our line. We can please
the most fastidious.
GhoistorufcBaily, Dalton.
The next meeting ot the
Spring Place Sub-Alliance will
be on Friday before the 1st
Saturday in October, on ac¬
count of the Alliance picnic at
Mt. Zion on the 1st Saturday.
We are bound to lead the
market on'Clothing this season.
We have received aud are re¬
ceiving the. largest line of
Clothing ever brought to
Spriug Place. We have culled
the market for best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom prices.
T. J. Ovbey
See and price Henry
Weatherly’s Shoes, th y
are cheap and good.
George WWW^I M ULt'&t k &t
Whole ?u ' ^ Sale aau • ii-ctui
„ Laeon, r „ ,, .
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceries. h low, >ack
^“Field Seed of all kinds a Specialty.
Show the appreciation ot your A-;
merman liberty by going out to*
the election on next Wednesday
Mr. J M Trotter, of the
ot J Trotter & Sons Dai too,
returned from New York,
where lie spent two weeks in
selecting the largest and pret¬
tiest stock of dry goods and no¬
tions he has ever carried.
Judging from what we saw of
his new goods they prove bis
good taste., ana long experience
in buying.
Editor Charles Langston oi
the Anderson Intelligence, An¬
derson S. C. has been spending
a few days with relatives in
this county. Mr. L. seems to
be seeking rest from a lengthy
seige of quill-driving—and per¬
haps, a Georgia girl.
mil 1111 ■ u iiiMiiiBiBinuiiniiin-ni-i i
I mn now receiving a complete
line of imported dress goods and
invite the ladies to examine them
before dealing elsewhere Ovbey.
Mr A II Vming and Miss Lily
Quillian. iwo of Dalton’s society
young people, were joined in mat¬
rimony on Iasi Sunday at the res¬
idence of the bride’s mrents, by
Rev. E M Stanton. Quite a num
ber of ladies and gentlemen of
both Whitfield and Miunay accom¬
panied the biide and groom to
Spring Place where they yettook
of a most elegant dinner prepared
at the Temple Hotel, especially
tor the occasion,
J Tro tev & Sens iiave
the largest a fid
stock of clothing in
Mr Thomas Bnbdle of the Eighth
district, alter a continued illness,
died on last Tuesday night.
I iiave enlarged iny store loom
which enables mo to cany a lar¬
ger line of general merchandise
than ever before. T J Ovbey.
Ool J J Bates and i' return
ed from a visit to the B, il Ground
in Cherokee, on Tuesday.
The Western A Atlantic
R. R. will sell round trip tick¬
ets from Dalton to all points
Texas and Ark., good for 30
days from date of issue for one
fare, with two dollais added,
on Oct. 14tb. Tickets will only
be on sale one day. For Vidor*
mation, call on or write J L
Edmondson, T P A Dalton,
Ga, Cilice in the W&A De¬
We want the Murry people
to know that we have the lar¬
gest line of Dry Goods it has
ever been our pleasure to show
and we are detei mined to (>ive
them prices that cant Vie belt;
Call and see for yourselves.
Gholston&Bailey, Dalton.
T. J. Ovbey will sell you
clothing as cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
Dont be deceived by other
dealers telling you thuy can fit
yoU| in spectacles and Eye
Glasses as well as I can. I am tho
only Optician in North Ga. who
owns one of Johnstons (Jos, Patent
Dioptric Eye Meters. I sell noth¬
ing but the finest ground lenses
and guaranteed, every pair I sell
to be perfectly adjusted to the
eyes. I sell th« m in gold, best tem¬
pered steel, nickle and by metalic
frames—No charges i or testing
your eyes. Come and see ma and
dont be deceived.
Yours to please,
J. L Tapp, Jeweler and Op¬
tician,! Daton Ga,
G u; Notice.
We are ginning at the same old
: and ask the patronage of the
W e 'keep a night-watch
so, when your cotton is with
you can feel that it is safe as
lire. T B Camp & Co
I have for ^collection the notes
and accounts ot the late Dr E II L
Keister. If you owed aim anything
corao to see me at once and save
suit and cost. This Sept. 23. 1S90.
Trammell Starr. Atty,
When you ore in Dalton dont
iorget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Ik yant’s drug store.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses, They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
Wo have replenished our stock o
ladies hats trimmings Arc in the
latest designes and Know no bettor
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to cail and examine for them
selves. Our prices are reason able
New York Store
State of Gkorgia mubbay couhty*
Will be sold before tlio Court IIouso dcor
in the town of Spring Placo Ga. to the highest
bidder at public outcry between the legal
hours of s&le oU the first Tuesday in Octo¬
ber next tho following property to wit:
Forty acres of land iu tho South East cor
nerof lot No. forty one in the 8th. Hist, and
3rd. sect, of said county. Levied on as the
property of J. H. Beck anp Nathan Robin¬
son by virtue of a tl fa fro a the justtco court
of :.ho 1291st. Dist. O M in favor of 11
Finclier against J II Heck and Nathan
Robinson. Levy made and returned tc mo by
J H Ridley L C.
Also at tho same time and placo twenty
Acres of lot of land No 87 in the 9 h Bis;
and drd section of said co unty bounded ft3
follows: North by land of James Smith, Wost
by land of Frank Smith, South by land of
Rob Palmer, East by land of George Bond.
Levied on hs tho property of R A Lotspiceh
byvirtue'ofa fi fa from Murray Superior
court in favor of J R Peek against U A Lot
spieeh? J. C. McE.vtibe, Sheriff.
Georgia, Murray County:
M. V. Hale Adrux. of E. H. L. Keister dee.
lias in duo form applied to tho undersigned
for leave to sell tho lend belonging to the
Estate of said deceased, and said application
will be hoard on the first Monday in October
next. This Sopl. 3d. 1890.
\V, H. Rbvisky, Ordinary.
Gco:gin Murray Conn'.y
Margaret A Ke:s'.«r has ia uao furm ap
pliod to ni« for permanent letters of Rlmiu
istratiou on the estate of R B Keister, late
of said county deceased, and I will pass upoc
said application on the first Monday in Oct
next. This Sept 3d. 1899.
W. II. Ramsey, Ordinary.
Blood Purifier
Cure? Boils, Old Sores. Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof¬
ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all ecrofuiou3
diseases. Primary, Secondary aud Tertiary Con
tageous Blood Poison. Ulcerous Sores, diseases of
the Scalp, Salt Rheum. Blotches, Pustules, Pimp¬
les, Itch/Tetter, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Eczema,
Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer¬
curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen¬
eral Debility and all diseasesarising from impure
Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug
“sts. $1 per bottle. Roy Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga.
'i Dealer In y
Whiskies, Brandies,, t nd
WXNEfc, lor Sacramental
103 Hast Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Term.
When you want pure
call on or send to me, 1 will
antee my goods to be as represented.
My corn whiskey is the best
in this market. I iuvite my
Murray county friends to call
see me. Let cash accompany
der. 4 18-1 y
« w ¥ © a* k *<J tr I'
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery ar,d Fancy Good? Notions and Trimmimrs!
Ladise of Mur; ay county cult and tixaruia ■' our nicely sojc' ' •? • -uo Is
Hats, Bonnets, &e, Dalton (ia. 1-10' ly
II a r r £ m- VTih s- l b ■$Y\ .it- i / ft 5
WOODLAWN, ■OO.’OO----- (j SO Sir 1A
General Merchandise an-I Cm: at y -dev.
1 w *- iruakJi
M* 511 n er y Cr ® © ii 9 ,
Just Received at tli* Mil: ter} Wtorc of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and ole/rant assortment of Mi'inery a. d St;*,-, Uoo<*s,eottsS.--tinj' ofStraw
Esnnetsaud Ladies’ and Children's Hats [iritamcand untr .mmed] Kesk
and Sash Ribbons, Vi.ret Ribbons, Nock Tic.’, Bonnet Silks, Snth s,
Volret* and Crapes, Flower*, Feathers,Ornaments Sic. Oar .....eds
were bought of the largnstand bestimporuujr Houses in J' .Iti
rnore and New Yorx, and will haloid at very !i w
prices for cash.
1880. -1
JL if © © * © 1 T m m ¥,
Spring Place, Georg ia
Clothing!^ Clotliiug! ^Clotliignf!
I have on hand, and will keep the bestdioe of Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
fUfAlso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries"Ac., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Spectacles For bale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place Georgia.
—Dealer In—•
.... Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes,’Perfumery &c. Keeps also a lull line
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints,|Oils, Y.'.nusheskfec.
A choice^selection of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
0 0 9
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The beat East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash 01 barter,
J . I J • TAPP
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-ware 1
Wedding Pieseuts, Christmas Presents and Presents
for the Old aud the Young.
rife N
Or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refract¬
ive power, accurately and skillfully corrected. Call at
J . L . TAPP’S Jewelry Store, next door to Loveman’s
No charge for testing the eyes.