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North Georgia Times.
The Uftclal Paper of the Cavnty,
h 4 nnid is A* Port Otto. »t Spring Pino*
4%., u mu4 sUu Better.
ttakeerlptleu Retee:
Oae yow, $1 •• Six montki, SOoontt
14 o.nt*. Ptyo'ble in advnnon.
Adftrau all oemnanioatieai t) Tai Tims,
Sarin* PUm, On.
Court in Ball Pen last Saturday.
Sheriff MeEntirs has boon chill¬
ing of late.
Get yoor fall and winter suits
at Ovbev's.
To day (Wed ik lay) is election
day. / ?
Guess who got a potato rapped
in a dish rag.
All day singing At Casey Springs
nqxt Sunday.
By GeorgeJ that's a pretty suit
—Yes, got it at Ovbey's.
Go to J Trotter & Sons for
the latest styles in Dress goods
and trimmings.
O C Baley of the C 3 Railrcad is
home on a visit
Mrs. Mary Brown of Chicaman
ga is visiting in town.
Dont forget ths Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S K Ber
The congressional candidates are
warming up in this District.
Read the advertisement of the
Borne Exposition,
Mrs, N A Magee of Atlanta is
visiting relatives in town.
Far tombstones and’wonumental
Work cslt on C N King.
The equinoctial gale was a little
behind time this season.
Sheriff Sam Frarier of Whit¬
field was over this week.
Col. S.M Carter of Dalton, was
at the Quarter last week.
■■ Henry "Weatherly lias almost
any tiling you want tn the way
of Shoes.
Hies Mamie Starr of Cartersville
is visiting at Cel. T. Starr's in
Gathering of cotton has
greatly impeded by the 1 ecent
Notice the premium list of
Rome Exposition in the
ment in the Times.
Everything fresh and new m this
department, ail we ask is an ex¬
amination of goods and prices
Gbolston & Bailey, Dalton.
Mrs. T Starr and her little son
Linton, visited in Cartersvilie last
ltev. Zsck Clark, a Baptist min¬
ister of this county, has baptised
daring his ministry 1168 persons.
Mr. S L Anderson and his son.
Col. H H Anderson made a flying
visit to Chattooga county last week
] will pay cish for Chickens, Eggs
and Turkeys, Green and dry Hides*
S Daly, Spring Place Ga.
Prof. Stansberry has been visit¬
ing his' daughter, Mrs. W H Sta¬
ples, near town, for the past few
Mr. S, J. Boyles of Dalton was
married to Mies Mol he Quinn of
WoodlaWn this county on Tuesday
Hon. B W Everutte and Hon.
Warren Akin will ‘•peak at the A1
liance picnic at Mt. Zion next Sat¬
Big stock Dry Goods
and clothing just receiv¬
ed at J Trotter & Se na
Grandma Ramsey has been qnite
sick at her horns on Bock creek for
the past few days, but we are glad
to learn is better
Mies Josie Stansbery formerly
of Spring Place is in the High
School at Joan* borough Tenn. We
congratulate that community on
haring one ai well qualified to
teach, in the school.
Let our people call a meeting in
the interest of the Rome Exposi¬
tion. We will do a good thing for
our oonnty to take stock m this
The Manly Manufacturing Com¬
pany, of Dalton, has closed a con¬
tract to furnish 200,000 feet ot
Georgia pine to construct side
walks is Chicago.
Notice to Teachxbs.
All teachers of public schools in
this county will please meat me in
Spring Place on Saturday the 18th
of Oct, S H Henry, C S C,
Of course I got my Bait at Ov
bey's, no better goods can be had
in the market.
Mr. Joe Gipson of Chattanooga,
brother of Sam and Sol Gipson of
this county, was dangerously hurt
in a railroad wreck in Chattanooga
one day last week. His brothers
have gone to see him.
Hon. P. McGhee and family, of
Murray county, are again in our
city Mr. McGhee lives in our town
daring the sessions of the college,
to educate his children. We wish
we had more each men.—Dahlone*
ga Nug get.
We are receiving daily the
largest line ol of Millinery we
have ever carried. Dont forget
to come and see Novelties in
this department
Guolston&Bailey, Dalton.
At ths Methodist Church.
J L Tillman, the noted evange¬
list, and "Singing Chatlie” will
conduct a series of evangelistic ser¬
vices, commencing Sunday, Stb
Oct Let every tody eome.
F R Smi th, P O.
Don't forget to call »nd see
Gholston k Bailey's line of Dress
Goods when in Dalton, We have
a most excetent line, and prices
lower than the lowest.
Camp & Co. have purchased the
engine boiler and planer that is lo¬
cated on the old factory stand in
town, and wilt put them in opera¬
tion on the opposite side of the
road. They will pot up • saw mill
after the ginning season is over.
--»♦ . --
Capt. A G Pitner, conductor on
the K T- V. and Ga, isiiroad is a
man of many friends, and will al¬
ways have them, tor cleverness,
kind treatment and a
feeling, form the grand
aronnd which friendship clings.
If you want to ride with a
tor that will treat you right try
A G Pilner.
T A k S E Berry have on band,
will keep in stock, a first class
line ®f stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Tax paying time is at hand.
Mrs C O Biggins has been right
sick at her home in town for the
past few dayB.
There is an unusual amount of
produce passing through to Dalton
Gilmer this season.
There is being a considerable a
monnt of bay being stored np for
the winter.
The ebestnnt crop is said to be
good in the mountains this season.
Capt W C Tilton continues to
market his talc.
We would like to see the work
began on ths new jail.
There is to be a Sunday Bchoo 1
picnic at central Academy three
miles west of 8pring Place on the
Dalton road on next Saturday.
The cabbage crop is unusually
large this season.
Mrs'Borders, her son and daugh¬
ter of Gordon county were visiting
at W J Johnson's last week.
Is it possible that our subscri¬
bers will pay thair subscription
this fall, without us dunning
throagh the papei? We would
like for this to be the case as it is
unpleasant to ns, as well as to yon.
A red cow with small white
spots, with horns, also deep
red call, strayed from my prem¬
ises at Dunn, P, O. in the
month of April. Any informa¬
tion received will' be greatly
appreciated, W. L. Hill.
George T. Ha} t TENNESSEE. Bro.
Whole Sale and Setail
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceries. Bacon, Flour, Sack
Salt <fec.
&-Field Seed of all kinds a Specialty.
We are bound to lead the
market on Clothing this^season.
We have received and are re¬
ceiving the largest line oi
Clothing ever brought to
Spring Place. We have culled
the market for best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom prices.
T. J. Ovbey
We are making our millinery
a • specialty and keep in
stock all the latest styles in
and Bonnets. If you are
to buy a hat be sure and
our line. We can please
most fastideous.
Ghoiston&Baily, Dalton.
Our stock ot dry goods is
complete in all lines of tall
white goods.
J Trotter & Sons.
See and price Henry
Weatherly’s Shoes, they
cheap and good.
Ladies should see Henry
Weatherly’s line of fine “patent
tipped shoes.
It you waut shoes ot any
kind at lowest prices go to
J. Trotter & Sons.
1500 Dollars worth of Cloth
ing received and must be sola
by 1st. January. T. J. Ovbey.
Henry Weatherly now
fills a long felt want, where
a Shoe store In Dalton
you can get what you want, che p
I am now receiving a complete
line of imported dress goods and
invite the ladies to examine them
before dealing elsewhere Ovbey.
JTro ter &Scns have
the largest and best
stock of clothing in Dal¬
I have enlarged iny store loom
which enables me to carry a lar¬
ger line of general merchandise
than ever before. T J Ovbey.
The Western & Atlantic
R. R. will sell round trip tick¬
ets from Dalton to all points
Texas and Ark., good for 30
days from date of issue tor one
fare, with two dollais added,
on Oct. 14tb. Tickets will only
be on sale one day. For inlor
mation, call on or write J L
Edmondson, T P A Daltcn,
Ga. Office in the W&A De¬
We want the Murray people
to know that we have the lar¬
gest line of Dry Goods it has
ever been our pleasure to show
and we are determined tu Gi yy
them prices that cant be beat;
Call and see for yourselves.
GhoktondsBailey, Dalton.
T. J. Ovbey will sell ycu
clothing as cheap as it can be
bought iu Ga.
Dont be deceived by other
dealers telling you they can fit
you iu spectacles and Eye
Glasses as well as I can. I am the
only Optician in North Gv who
owns one of Johnstone Oos, Patent
Dioptric Eye Meters. I sell noth¬
ing but the finest ground lenses
and guaranteed, every pair I sell
to be perfectly adjusted to
eyes. I sell tb« tn in gold, best tem
pered steel, nickfe and by
frames—No charges for
yonr eyes. Come and see me
dont be deceived.
Yours to please,
J. L Taw, Jeweler and
ficiau J-Patou- Ga-
Gin Notiob.
We are ginning at the same old
stand and ask the patronage of the
people. W e keep a night-watch¬
man, so, when yonr cotton is with
us, yon can feel that it is safe as
against lire. T B Camp k Co
I have for !colleution the notes
and accounts ot the late Dr E H L
Keister. If you owed him anything
come to see me at once and save
suit and cost. This Sept. 23. 1S90.
Trammell Starr. Atty.
When yon are in Dalton dont
torget that L Bucliolz keeps the
ths standard confectionaries and is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 26 cents. Be
member Mr Buck, first door below
frevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
We have replenished our stock o
ladies hats trimmings &c in the
latest designee and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
lac|se to call and examine for them
selvtB. Our prices are reason able
New York Store
Statu or Qioeoia mubxat couutt.
Will ba sold bafora tba Court Houaa 'door
in the town of Spring Place Ga. to the highest
bidder at public outcry between the legal
honra of eale oil the first Tuesday in Octe
bernext the following pioperty towit:
Forty aorea of land iu the South Fail cor¬
ner of lot N o. forty one in the Sth. Diet, and
3rd. sect, of said county. Levied on aa the
property ofJ. H. Beck anp Nathan Robin¬
son by virtue of a A fa fro a the justico coart
of the 1291st. Diet. G M in favor oi B H
Fincher against J B Beck and Nathan
Robinron. Levy made and returned tc me by
J U Ridley L C.
Also at the same time and plaoe twenty
lores of lot of land No '97 in the 9h Diet
and 3rd section of said co nnty bounded ,s
follows: North by landof James Smith, West
by land of Frank Smith, South by land
Bob Palmer, East by land of George Bond.
Levied on he the property of R A Lotspieoh
by virtue of a ft fa from Murray Superior
court in favor of J R Peok against R A Lot
spieoh. J. C. McEictibb, Sheriff.
Georgia, Murray
M. V. Hale Admx. of E. H. L. Keister
has in due form applied to the undersigned
for leave to sell the l»nd belonging to the
Estate of said deceased, aud said application
will be heard on the first Monday in October
uext. This Sept. 3d. 1890.
W, H. Rkmbey, Ordinary.
Georgia Murray County
Margaret A Keister has in due form ap¬
plied to me for permanent letters of hlmin
istratiou on the estate ef R B Keister, late
of said county deoeased, and I will paae upon
said application on the first Monday in Oct*
next. Tbit Sept 3d. 1890.
W. U. Rahskt, Ordinary.
Blood Purifier
Cure* Boils, Old Sore*, Scrofulou«*Utc«r*, Seraf
utou. Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulona
diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary diseases Coo- or
tageous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, Pimp¬
the Scalp. r Salt Rheum, Blotches, Pustules,
les,Itch, etter,Ring-worms,Scald-Head,Bcsema, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer¬
Rheumatism, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen¬
curial DebMityandaU diseases arising from impure
eral Hereditary Taint. Sold by rstall <frug
Blood or Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga.
■tsta. $1 par bottle. Roy
F. L. Keith,
■{ Dealer In }■
Whiskies, Brandies, t nd
WINE&, for Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, I will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented.
My corn whiskey is the best
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der- 4-18-ly
New Y o rk Store.
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods
Hats, Bonnets, &o, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harris & Davis,
Woodlawn, -oo:o> Georg ia
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Goods.
Bust Receives at the Milluery Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A saw and elegant aeaortmeetof Mlliaery and Straw GooSi^ontlitiag of Straw
Bonnetiand Ladies’and Children * Hat* [trimmed and untriinmed] Neck
and Saab Ribboni, Vilvet Rlbbona, Neok Tiei, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathera,Ornaments Ae. Our goodi
were bought of thelargeetand bettlmporting Houtcrin Balti¬
more and Now Yon, and will ba (old at vary low
priotifor eaih.
1890 . 1890 .
T. J. ©THE Y,
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing!^ Clothing! £Clothign!!
I have on hand, and will keep the headline ot Gents jre&dy
made clothing, on the market.
13?"Also a full stock of Dry goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries'<fec., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place Georgia.
—Dealer In—
.... Di ugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes,’.Perfumery &c. Keeps also a lull line
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints,|Oils, Varnishes’Jcc.
A choice^select ion of family Groceries,
cheap for *cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Cofteq
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-ware f
Wedding Presents, Christmas Presents and Present* 1
for the Old and the Young.
Or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refract*
ive power, accurately and skillfully corrected. Call it
J . L. TAPP’S Jewelry Store, next door to Lovemao’s
No charge for testing the eyes.