Newspaper Page Text
Rogers s Mambright,
Auction Bargains In
Men's Clothing, Shoes and Hats, We will sell you Clothing, Hat
and Shoes Cheaper than auy Houso in Cleveland - Don't
fail to give u - i a call as it is a pleasure to show our goods.
Rogers & Hambright,
Cleveland, Tennessee.
R M Herron is pleased to
nonnee to his old customers, and
and to the new ones that he is sure
to have—that he has purchased
the largest and best selected stock
cf Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, for this fall and
winters trade, that has ever be' n
seen in Dalton - . He especially wish
es to call attention to his stock of
Dress goods and trimmings, which
is the finest, most stylish and taete
ful that could be found in the
Eastern market. He desires also
to call the attention of the Ladies
of Murray to the fact that he has
secured the services of Miss Nora
Love, as saleswoman. The expe¬
rience and taste of Miss Love is
well known to many in the sur¬
rounding country. She will be on
hand to aid the Ladies in selecting
dresses and trimmings to match, to
make combinations of goods and
colors to a charming effect &c &c.
Call and see for yourselves.
Dig your potatoes if you don't
want them trost bitten.
Get your tall aud winter suits
at Ovbev's.
Miss Minnie Daly is attending
the mathematical school at Sumach.
For tombstones and monumental
work call on C N King.
The top of the Cohutta present¬
ed an icy appearance Monday
Dont forget the Old Reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
T B Camp has moved to the res¬
idence recently vacated by Col H
Merchant Ovbey'and U S depu¬
ty marshal W W Manldin attended
the Exposition last week.
Bead the announcement, of
James L McEntire as a candidate
for Tax Collect r in this issue -
Dr Hill Harns left for Atlanta
this week where he will attend Den¬
tal college for two or three months.
Rev Sam Osborn, of Gilrapv
count.y, has been called to supply
Mt Pisgah church during the en¬
suing year.
Mr Cft'ter of the Times and his
little daughter, Minnie, attended
the Exposition last week and report
a pleasant visit.
- -
The Quarterly meeting of the M
E Church South, held forth m town
Saturday and Sunday. There
were several received into the
church on Sunday night. Mr Bass
accomnanied the presiding elder
from Dalton, and gave us an in¬
teresting talk ou Sunday.
Mr D M Durham, mail contract¬
or from Calhoun to Carters in this
county, was spending the night
tbe24thatMr J H Tankerslev's
and after eupoer, while picking
his teeth, got out of one of bis jaw
teeth a piece of a minuie bail the
size of a wheat grain - Mr Durham
received a wound in the battle
Atlanta, July 22nd 1P84 and the
piece of lead abovo mentioned
n part of the bullet which wounded
him. Mr Durham is a candidate
ior Tax collector in Gord n connfy.
B. F. C. Lougbridge of Mur
ray county has recently been
visitiag friend- in Eliijay.
Lougbridge we understand is
making the race for Tax oieceiv
6 - of Mur ay county and
he is a nice man and a
man well qualified for the
sition. We wish him success,
JKllijay Courier.
CJeorge T. Mall & Rro.
Whole Sale and Retail
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceries. Bacon, Flour, Sack
Salt <fcc.
^pField Seed of all kinds a Specialty.
Col. Trammell Starr, left
Monday morning for Maeorn
» here he will attend the anmi
ai meeting of the Geoigia
Lodge of F. & A. M. lie will
also have the pleasure of at¬
tending the State Fair, and At¬
lanta Exposition while away.
Herron carries the best stock
and caps in the market,
The test and cheapest jeans and
are to be found at Her
ron's, Dalton Go.
Mr. R. A. Vining and his
Miss Minnie, accom¬
panied the corpse of Mr. G,
W. Cleveland from Huntsville
Ala., to Spring Place on last
Saturday. They returned
home on Mon ilay.
— —— — ♦ - -»■
If you want reliable shoes, such
as Zeigler's, Bay State or Stiibley's,
go to Herron's, D ilton Ga.
Men and women who want
comfort in the way of good un¬
der-wear, can find the best
Q tocl^ at Herron’s, Dalton Ga.
Mr William Howard of "VAuell
Station, died on last Wednesday,
of dropsy, and was buiied at the
Spriug Place grave yard on Satui
day. Mr Howard was a citizen of
this county lor a number of years
previous to the time he moved lo
Whitfield. Ho had been afflicted
for several years, and bore his tut*
ferings with patience and before
bidding his loved ones a last fare¬
well, gave them testimonies of bis
acceptance with the Father, and
th-1 all wis well for the futuie.
T A & S E Berry have on hand
and will keep in stock, a first class
lir e of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Of course I got my suit at Ov
bey's, no belter goods can be had
in the market
Mr. G. W. Cleveland is
Ou Friday of last week Mr.
G. W, Cleveland, b other of
Mrs, Monroe McGhee of our
town, died at his sister’s Mrs.
R. A. Vicing, at Huntsville
Alabama. Ills remains were
shipped to Spriug Place for
burial and were consigned to
their last resting place in Ma¬
sonic honors by the Spring
Place lodge, on Saturday after
noon. Mr. Cleveland had been
in Montana Territory, engaged
in mining tor over thirty years.
He came to visit his relatives
here and to benefit the condi¬
tion ofbi3 health, Lst winter.
He went from here to Hot
Springs, and intended to return
from there to Montana, but his
health growing worse, he re¬
turned to his sister’s at Hunts
j ville, and remained there tdl
his death. Mr. Cleveland had
a considerable estate in Mon
tana, consisting of mining lands
and mouey.
He professed religion at Pleas
& n t Valley church in this eoun
ty when a boy and joined the
church at Zion Hill immediate*
ly after. W hen asked of his
future prospects just before his
deaih, he answered “All is
well.” Which answer should
ke a consoling thought to his
rehqjvt ?.
Public Notice.
the •
All members ot
Executive Committee authorized
by the Rome convention that
iuated Dr- Felton lor
are requested to meet at Spring
Piaieou Saturday, November 1st.
\V. C, Tilton,
Chm. Ex. Com.
We are bound to lead the
market on Clothing this season.
We have received and are re¬
ceiving the largest line of
Clothing .ever brought to
Spriug Place. We have culled
the market ior best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
at Rock Bottom piices.
T. J. Ovbey
By George! 1 hat's a pretty suit
got it at 07beys.
When you are in Dalton dont
that L Bucholz keeps the
standard confectionaries and is
ready tc wait on the Murray
A good square meal will be
for only 25 cents. Re
Mr Buck, first door below
& Bryant’s drug si ore.
The continued rain last week
caused somewhat of an over¬
flow - on the low lauds ot (Jontia
sauga and Holly creek.
Do - ,on know - what is the
matter with the mail seiv'ce,
that a communication can’t
pass tiom Tilton to Spring
Rev J II Phillips is worse
again—confined to his room —
though he was able to sit up
iu bed early yesterday morning
long enough to officiate in a
marriage ceremony; the con¬
tracting parties aie: V. w.
Bright and Miss Josie Ellis
Hope the Times will extend
hea T fcy congratulations.
The funerals of Mr T. J.
Bnndleand infant child were
preached at New Prospect
v ester day by Rev B F Bright.
A large ?nd appreciative 1U1 —
dience attended th6 services.
Rev I E Wofford has been
re-elected to th-; pastorate at
New Prospect, which he has
accepted. North
Quite a cool, brisk
wind lias been sweeping this
way since early yeste'day
Rev B F Bright has been
called for the ensuing year to
the following churches: Pleas¬
ant Hill and Blue Springs,
Gordon County; New Hope,
Murray county, and Swamp
Creek of Whit field.
Will say just here that pas
torial duties at Blue Springs
forbade his being present at the
session of Murray County sing¬
ing cunvention at Casey Springs
and although that body by
resolutions^ sharply c - iticised
his absence, yet we do not
believe there is any one mo:e
in hearty sympathy with the
institution than he, Eff.
T. J. Ovbey will sell you
Clothing as cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
I am now receiving a
line of imported dress goods and
invite the ladies to examine
before dealing elsewhere Ovbey.
I have enlarged my store ioodi
which enables me to carry a
ger line of general
than ever before. T J Ovbey.
■ The great Texas State Fair is in
progress and will continue till Nov
2nd The N c & St L R’y will sell
tick ets np lo the 2 8 at one taie
;ronnd trip# Good t0 retnrn on or
befote N , >v 5 p 6r further infer
•mation address *Y T Rogers T P A
Chattanooga Tenn.
We sell the Spence; - Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Store, Dalton Ga.
We have replenished our stock o
ladies hats trimmings &c in the
latest designes and know no better
way of advertising than to ask the
to call am; examino for them
Our prices are reasonable
New York Store
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Murray ceunty Ga. will be sold,
on tile 1st Tuesday in December 1890 at the
Court House door lu said county, between
the legal hours of sale, one store house and
lot in the Town of Spring Place, lying west
of ths Court house square, and known as the
“Keister drug store property” sold as the
property of E. II. L. Keister, deo. Terms
cash. Oct. 29th 1890. M V lUts,
Ad .-x. E II L Koistor deed.
Static of Georgia Mvrrat Count.
Will be sold before the court
house door in tho town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out ciy between tho legal hours
of sale on the 1st Tuesday in Nov.
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit;
East half of lot of land No 243, and 43
acres in the S E corner of lot No, 12(1, all in
the flth Dist, and 3rd Sect, o* Murray county,
being one hundred and twenty acres more or
less, Dv virtue of a fi fa from the Superior
court of said caunty, in favor of The Ameri¬
can Mortgage Company, ngninst C M An¬
derson, Property in posossion of defeudant.
Also at tho same time and place, 313
acres of land, more or less, in tho Ninth
District and 3rd Section of Murray ceunty
On, Being all of lots Nos, 261, 262 and
279, excepting fifty four acres of the north
part of lot 2CI, forty eight acres of the west
side of 279 and seventy one acres off the
East side of lot No 262, Levied on as tile
property of Mary J, C, Oatis by virtue of a
f i fa from Murray Superior Court iu favor of
E w Bemhor , T J Ovbey and A Bishop a
gainst said M J C Oatis. This Oct lat 1890
J C McEntire Sheriff
m r
h A
Commercial College KAWIKS??:
Cheapest & Best Business College in the World.
Bl ghwi n»K®Pj»nd Ba«U* M^Bduc.tloi!” Gold Medal To.OOoVr.duM*. overall other Colleges^**
e<menU lo
Buiinew. 100# Studente >hru»U/> 18 Teacher* employ¬
ed. tionerr, Coot and of Board, Foil BuHlneM about $00. Conr*©» Short-Hand, Type-Writ
In* *ad Tele*r»pby ■peolalttec. No Yoaotlon. inter now.
Graduates raoetaafal. Thta cltv la beautiful aud healthful.
For oironlara addreea Wilbur M. Smith. Lexington* Ky.
•tfaniien Mia paptr.
Blood Purifie:
Cures Beils, Old Sores. Scrofulous and Dicers, all
ulous Sores. Scrofulous Humor
diseases. Primary. Secondary Ulcerous and Sores, Tertiary
ta(;eous Blood Poison, Blotches, Pustules,
the Scalp, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mcf»
curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen¬
eral Debilitynndall diseases arising from impure
Blood or Hereditary Taint. Remedy Solifby retail drug
’“sts, $1 per bottle. Roy Co., Atlanta, Ga.
F. L. Keith,
i Dealer In )
Whiskies, Brandies^ f ad
WIITF1S, for Sacramental
103 East Elglitli Si Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
When yon want ^ure whiskies,
call or or send to mh, I will guar¬
antee i iy goods to be as represented.
My corn whiskey is the best
in this narket. I invite my old
Mnrraj county frieuds to call and
see mo Let c*8h accompany or
der, ' 4 15-ly
IV e w York
New Goods, Latest
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicel
Rats, Bonnets, &c. Dalton Ga.
Harris & R a
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery LATEST Just Received NOVELTIES at the Mlllnerj IN €*- FASHION Store © of o t
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,.!
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and olegantnasortmentof Milinery ami Straw Ooo^.flonsistlng of Straw
Bonnetsalid Ladies’ a-d Children’s Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Nook
and Saab Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins
Velvets and Crapea, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods
were bought of the largestand bestimporting Housesin Balti¬
more and New Torn, and will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
T. J. OT BE ^
Spring Peace, G
Clothing! Clothing! jCIothj
I have ou hand, and will keep the best’line ox
made clothing, on the market.
gWAlso a full stock of Dry goods, Hats, C»
ware, Groceries’efec., and will sell at low pi'icq
Spectacles For Sale ByA
Dr, John F.
Spring Place, Geo
—Dealer In—
. ...Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes,'Perfumeiy Keeps also a full line
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints,§Oils, Varnishes'<fec.
A choice^select ion of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coflee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
) ♦ i iy
--DEALER IN--- i
.Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-Ware
Wedding P.esents, Christmas Presents and
for the Old and the Young.
mm>\ Vvvi - ' P
Or any defect in vision that can be remedied by refiact
ive power, accurately and skillfully corrected. Call at
J . L . TAPP’S Jewelry Store, next door to Lovenr. ak
' mm
No charge for testing the eyes.